LESSON 5 KEY 8. a-2, b-2, c-1, d-2, e-1, f-1, g-1, h-2 9. chromium – platinum- copper-gold-zinc-sodium-mercury Grammar revision a) 2. It takes longer to travel by train than by car. 3. I ran more kilometres than Dave. 4. Joe did worse in the exam than Chris b) ugly-uglier-the ugliest destructive- more destructive- the most destructive unpleasant- more unpleasant- the most unpleasant far- farther/further- the farthest/furthest c) 2. I need something much bigger. 3. I’m afraid the problem is much more complicated than it seems. 4. You looked depressed this morning but you look a bit happier now. 5. It was far more interesting than I expected. d) 2. My salary isn’t as high as yours. 3. You don’t know as much about cars as I do. 4. It isn’t as cold today as it was yesterday. e) 2. Your hair is the same colour as mine. 3. I arrived at the same time as you. 4. My birthday is the same day as yours. f) 2. I know more than him. 3. Most people work as hard as me. 4. Nobody was more surprised than us. 5. I’m a better player than her.