1055 Moon Hoax http://www.elllo.org/english/1051/1055-JM-Hoax1.htm Jonathan talks about how some people think NASA never went to the moon and his thoughts on the matter. Before you listen to the tape try to guess what these words mean. hoax conspiracy refute footage limp blast ridiculous crater 1) He says some Americans believe in the moon hoax because_. r 2) He says the flag is waving because_. r 3) He says the shadows__. r 4) He says the blast crater_. r 5) Who destroyed the conspiracy argument? r PROGRESS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY "1 Look at the pictures on the right. Can you recognize the people and inventions in them? 2 Match the names in the first column with the inventions or events in the second and dates in the third. Then discuss the questions below. Neil Armstrong propeller water turbine 1969 Alfred Bernhard Nobel soft contact lenses 1913 Alexander Graham Bell Victor Kaplan first man to set foot on the moon telephone 1876 1961 Otto Wichterle dynamite 1867 Thomas Alva Edison electric light bulb 1961 Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin Microsoft 1879 Bill Gates and Paul Allen first manned space flight 1975 How would the world be different if these events hadn't happened? Looking at the box above, think of some more significant events or inventions that have not been included in the table. In your view, which is the most useful invention in the last 100 years for all mankind? Try to support your choice with some facts. Which invention is the most useful for you personally? Give reasons. 3 In groups of three, make a list of negative aspects associated with some technical and scientific inventions. In what way can they be abused? Be prepared to discuss your list with the class. Invention and its use Negative aspects tjßaöer - peratiori6) painfeü driltö ß>r dentiötö deadly weapon. 202 * Topic-based Vocabulary • 5 JS/iw^rm/ic^5 15 FUNCTIONS V, Asking questions Match the questions and statements (1-6) with the answers (a-f). 1 What I don't understand is how nanotechnology works. 0 2 Could you explain what an android is? \Z\ 3 I don't really understand what black holes □ 4 So does that mean that we can see black holes? □ 5 I'm not sure how radioactivity works. O 6 Could you explain why the human genome is so important? □ a) Don't worry! Scientists don't really understand much about them either. They are 'objects' in space which have collapsed so much that no light or any kind of energy can escape from them. b) Well, it involves the emission of particles by the nucleus of an atom. You see, the particles come from special elements, like radium. Is that dear? c) Right. It is a kind of robot which looks Like a human being. There are plenty of robots, like those in factories, that don't look like us at all. However, scientists have produced human-looking robots and, of course, science fiction is full of them. d) Well, it contains a code with all the information about our genetic make-up. e) You see, it works just like any other kind of electronic technology. The difference is merely in terms of scale. It works at a microscopic level and because of this it can't use the same materials as conventional technology. f) Yes, but they are extremely difficult to detect. They are usually located near places where there have been explosions of large stars or supernovas. Which of the explanations above do you find the clearest? ly Clarifying Complete the clarifying expressions in the speech with these words and phrases. other wolds, that means, getting at, means, that, mean, trying, clear, another way, which Today, I am going to talk about 'bluetooth' technology. Bluetooth ia a chip developed by the Swedish telecoms company, Ericsson. It was named after a 10th century Danish king with bad teeth! The chip is a radio transmitter, in (1) P.^f^.f^f^f, it is a chip that can send signals to other machines. This means that in the future machines will be able to 'talk' to each other. What (2)........................is that they will be able to communicate electronically and control one another. | There are many practical applications for the bluetooth. What I am (3)........................to say is that the new chip will be extremely useful and will greatly influence our lives. For example, we won't need front door keys any wore. We will have an opening device that confirms each person's identity. To put it (4)....................., a chip will recognise your fingerprint before opening the door automatically. In fact, the bluetooth will bring in the era of the 'intelligent home'. What I'm (5)........................is that we won't need cables any more and will be able to work all the domestic appliances in our house from one console - (6)........................is a screen and a keyboard (7)........................is the size of a laptop computer. It will be located on the fridge and we will be able to use it to program the heating or the washing machine. The console will also have a permanent Internet connection. That (&)........................your fridge will be online 24 hours a day. It will be able to order the shopping or write e-mails. Your fridge will be essential, I (9)........................you won't be able to live without it! When you are away you will be able to control your house through the internet, for example video your favourite programme or cook the dinner. So, to sum up, bluetooth technology will bring about a revolution in our lifestyle. Is that (10) 5 TtfetsfimfrexS FOCUS ON WRITING Linking Complete the text with these words. in order, so as" not to, fon incase, so that, a.result, so as to, caused by, because (x2), due, order that ; The Apollo 13 mission was launched in April 1970 (1) border, to continue the manned exploration of the moon. It had nearly reached the moon when the crew heard a loud explosion. An oxygen tank had exploded (2).....................to the failure of a thermostat, as (3).....................of this another oxygen tank also failed. The crew were 200,000 miles from Earth in a spaceship which (4).....................of the explosion had lost most of its power] The crew moved to another part of the spaceship and used the booster engines in (5).....................they might set themselves on course for Earth. The journey back was terrible. There were a iot of problems (6).....................the lack of power. The crew members drank one fifth of their norma! water intake (7).....................use up valuable water. They had to move air filters to a different part of the ship (&).....................avoid a build-up of carbon dioxide. When they approached Earth, they got rid of the damaged part of the ship (9).....................it exploded on entry. When the crew finally landed, they were greeted as heroee (10).....................they had shown great courage. The disaster helped NASA to develop procedures (11).....................rescuing space crews and double-checking spaceships (12)..................... similar accidents would not happen again.