Outline Language recognition devices Eilenberg’s correspondence Decidable pseudovarieties Metrics associated with pseudovarieties Pro-V semigroups Reiterman’s Theorem Examples of relatively free profinite semigroups Pseudowords as operations Implicit signatures 70 / 113 N: finite nilpotent semigroups Recall that N = [[xω = 0]] = n≥1[[x1 · · · xn = 0]]. The proof depends on the following key result. Lemma 7.1 Let S be a finite semigroup with n elements. Then, for every choice of elements s1, . . . , sn ∈ S, there exist indices i, j such that 0 ≤ i < j ≤ n and the following equality holds for all k ≥ 1: s1 · · · sn = s1 · · · si (si+1 · · · sj )k sj+1 · · · sn. Proof. Consider the n products pr = s1 · · · sr (r = 1, . . . , n). If they are all distinct, then at least one of them, say pr , is idempotent and we may take i = 0, j = r. Otherwise, there are indices i, j such that 1 ≤ i < j ≤ n and pi = pj , in which case pi = pj = pi si+1 · · · sj = pi (si+1 · · · sj )k . 71 / 113 Let ϕ : A+ → S be a homomorphism into a semigroup S ∈ N, say satisfying x1 · · · xn = 0. Then, all words of length at least n belong to ϕ−1 (0) and for s ∈ S \ {0}, the words in the language L = ϕ−1 (s) have length less than n, and so L is a finite set. Thus, every N-recognizable language is either finite or cofinite. To show that these are precisely the N-recognizable languages, it suffices to show that every singleton language {w} ⊆ A+ is N-recognizable. Let n = |w| be the length of the word w. Consider the semigroup S consisting of the words of A+ of length at most n together with a zero element 0. The product of two words is the word resulting from their concatenation if that word has length at most n and is 0 otherwise.1 Then S satisfies the identity x1 · · · xn = 0, for the natural homomorphism ϕ : A+ → S, that sends each letter to itself, we have ϕ−1 (w) = {w}. 1 This amounts to“killing”the ideal of the semigroup A+ consisting of the words of length greater than n, identifying all the elements in the ideal to a zero. In semigroup theory, such a construction is called a Rees quotient. 72 / 113 Proposition 7.2 A language over a finite alphabet A is N-recognizable if and only if it is finite or its complement in A+ is finite. In view of Theorem 5.9, we deduce the following result: Proposition 7.3 Let V be a pseudovariety of semigroups containing N. Then the completion homomorphism ι : A+ → ΩAV is injective and A+ is a discrete subspace of ΩAV. In particular, a language L ⊆ A+ is V-recognizable if and only if its closure L in ΩAV is a clopen subset. 73 / 113 Proof. The injectivity of ι amounts to V satisfying no identity u = v with u, v ∈ A+ distinct words. Indeed, Synt({u}) is nilpotent, whence it belongs to V. Since 1u1 ∈ {u} while 1v1 /∈ {u}, we deduce that u and v are not σ{u}-equivalent and so Synt({u}) |= u = v. We may therefore identify each w ∈ A+ with ι(w) ∈ ΩAV. For w ∈ A+, we have {w} = {w}, because ΩAV is a metric space. Since {w} is V-recognizable, its closure {w} is an open subset of ΩAV by Theorem 5.9. Hence A+ is a discrete subset of ΩAV. 74 / 113 Proposition 7.4 The semigroup ΩAN is obtained by adding to A+ a zero element. The open sets containing zero consist of zero together with a cofinite subset of A+.2 Proof. It suffices to observe that a non-eventually constant sequence (wn)n of words of A+ is a Cauchy sequence with respect to the metric dN if and only if lim |wn| = ∞. In the affirmative case, for every homomorphism ϕ : A+ → S into S ∈ N, we have lim ϕ(wn) = 0. Thus, all non-eventually constant Cauchy sequences converge to the same point ot ΩAN, which is a zero. The open subsets of ΩAN containing 0 have complement which is a closed, whence compact, subset of A+. Since A+ is a discrete subset of ΩAN, that complement must be finite. The converse is clear. 2 This is known as the Alexandroff or one-point compactification, which in general is obtained by adding one point and declaring the open sets containing it to consist also of the complement of a compact subset of the original space. 75 / 113 K: finite semigroups satisfying es = e Recall that K = [[xω y = xω ]]. Note that K = n≥1 Kn where Kn = [[x1 · · · xny = x1 · · · xn]]. Let AN denote the set of all right infinite words over A, i.e., sequences of letters. Endow the set S = A+ ∪ AN with the operation u · v = uv if u ∈ A+ u otherwise and the function d : S × S → R≥0 defined by d(u, v) = 2−r(u,v) , where r(u, v) is the length of the longest common prefix of u and v. 76 / 113 Proposition 7.5 The set S is a pro-K semigroup for the above operation and distance function d. The unique continuous homomorphism ΩAK → S that sends each letter a ∈ A to itself is an isomorphism. Proof. It is easy to check that the multiplication defined on S is associative and that d is an totally bounded complete ultrametric. Consider the set Sn consisting of all words of A+ of length at most n, endowed with the operation u · v = uv if |uv| ≤ n in(u) otherwise where in(w) denotes the longest prefix of length at most n of the word w. This operation is associative and Sn ∈ Kn. Moreover, every n-generated semigroup from Kn is a homomorphic image of Sn. Hence Sn ΩAKn. Note also that the mapping ϕn : S → Sn which sends each w ∈ S to in(w) is a continuous homomorphism. Hence, given two distinct points u and v from S, for n = r(u, v) + 1, the mapping ϕn is a continuous homomorphism into a semigroup from K which distinguishes u from v. Thus, S is a pro-K semigroup. 77 / 113 (. . . ) Consider next the unique continuous homomorphism ψ : ΩAK → S which maps each letter a ∈ A to itself. Since K = n≥1 Kn, given distinct u, v ∈ ΩAK, there exists a continuous homomorphism θ : ΩAK → Sn such that θ(u) = θ(v). ΩAK ψ GG θ  S ϕn  Sn ΩAKn µ oo The fact that the above diagram can always be completed by a homomorphism µ shows that ψ(u) = ψ(v). Hence ψ is injective. 78 / 113 Outline Language recognition devices Eilenberg’s correspondence Decidable pseudovarieties Metrics associated with pseudovarieties Pro-V semigroups Reiterman’s Theorem Examples of relatively free profinite semigroups Pseudowords as operations Implicit signatures 79 / 113 Implicit operations Let n be a positive integer. An n-ary implicit operation on pro-V semigroups is a correspondence π associating to each pro-V semigroup S an n-ary operation πS : Sn → S such that , for every continuous homomorphism ϕ : S → T between pro-V semigroups, the following diagam commutes: Sn πS GG ϕn  S ϕ  Tn πT GG T, i.e., ϕ πS (s1, . . . , sn) = πT ϕ(s1), . . . , ϕ(sn) for all s1, . . . , s2 ∈ S. Examples: the binary multiplication (s1, s2) → s1s2 and the component projections (s1, . . . , sn) → si are implicit operations. Composing implicit operations we also obtain implicit operations. 80 / 113 If A and B are finite sets with the same cardinality n, then ΩAV ΩBV. We denote by ΩnV any of them. Usually, we identify ΩnV with ΩXn V, where Xn = {x1, . . . , xn} has cardinality n. To each w ∈ ΩnV, we may associate an n-ary implicit operation πw on pro-V semigroups as follows: for a pro-V semigroup S, given s1, . . . , sn ∈ S, let f : Xn → S be the function defined by f (xi ) = si (i = 1, . . . , n); let (πw )S (s1, . . . , sn) = ˆf (w) where ˆf completes the following diagram: Xn ι GG f 33 ΩnV ˆf  S. 81 / 113 Proposition 8.1 1. For each w ∈ ΩnV, πw is indeed an n-ary implicit operation on pro-V semigroups. 2. The correspondence w ∈ ΩnV → πw is injective and in fact πw is completely characterized by the operations (πw )S with S ∈ V. 82 / 113 Proof. 1. Let ϕ : S → T be a continuous homomorphism between two pro-V semigroups and let s1, . . . , sn be elements of S. Let f : Xn → S be defined by f (xi ) = si (i = 1, . . . , n). Then we have the following commutative diagram: Xn f  ϕ◦f ι  ΩnV ˆf }} ϕ◦f 33 S ϕ GG T which shows that ϕ (πw )S (f (s1), . . . , f (sn)) = ϕ ˆf (w) = ϕ ◦ f (w) = (πw )T ϕ(f (s1)), . . . , ϕ(f (sn)) . 83 / 113 (. . . ) 2. Let u, v ∈ ΩnV be two distinct elements. Then there exists a continuous homomorphism ϕ : ΩnV → S into a semigroup S ∈ V such that ϕ(u) = ϕ(v). Let si = ϕ(xi ) (i = 1, . . . , n). For w ∈ ΩnV, by definition of πw we have (πw )S (s1, . . . , sn) = ϕ(w). Since ϕ(u) = ϕ(v), we deduce that (πu)S (s1, . . . , sn) = (πv )S (s1, . . . , sn) and so, certainly πu = πv . We identify w with πw . Note that S ∈ V satisfies the V-pseudoidentity u = v if and only if uS = vS . We say that a pro-V semigroup S satisfies the V-pseudoidentity u = v if uS = vS . 84 / 113 Outline Language recognition devices Eilenberg’s correspondence Decidable pseudovarieties Metrics associated with pseudovarieties Pro-V semigroups Reiterman’s Theorem Examples of relatively free profinite semigroups Pseudowords as operations Implicit signatures 85 / 113 By an implicit signature we mean a set σ of implicit operations (on S) which includes the binary operation of multiplication. Example: κ = { · , ω−1}. Given an implicit signature σ, each profinite semigroup S becomes a natural σ-algebra in which each operation w ∈ σ is interpreted as wS . In particular, each ΩAV becomes a σ-algebra. The σ-subalgebra generated by ι(A) is denoted Ωσ AV. For the minimum implicit signature σ, consisting only of multiplication, we denote Ωσ AV simply by ΩAV.3 A formal term constructed from the letters a ∈ A using the operations from the implicit signature σ is called a σ-term over A. Such σ-term w determines an element wV of Ωσ AV by evaluating the operations within Ωσ AV. 3 The bar in the notation ΩAV comes from the fact ΩAV = ι(A+ ) is dense in ΩAV. This notation (without reference to V) was introduced by Reiterman [Rei82]. 86 / 113 The following result is an immediate consequence of Theorem 5.3. Proposition 9.1 The σ-algebra Ωσ AV is a V-free σ-algebra freely generated by A in the sense of the following universal property: for every mapping ϕ : A → S into a semigroup S ∈ V, there is a unique homomorphism ˆϕ of σ-algebras such that the following diagram commutes: A ι GG ϕ 33 Ωσ AV ˆϕ  S. 87 / 113 Examples: Ωκ AN = ΩAN; for |A| ≥ 2, since ΩAK is uncountable, we have Ωσ AK ΩAK for every countable implicit signature σ; Ωκ AJ = ΩAJ [Alm95, Section 8.1]; Ωκ AG is the free group freely generated by ι(A) = A; Ωκ ACR is the free completely regular (union of groups) semigroup freely generated by ι(A) = A. 88 / 113 A key problem for the applications is to be able to solve the word problem in the free σ-algebra Ωσ AV: to find an algorithm, if one exists, that given two σ-terms over A, determines whether uV = vV. If such algorithm exists, then we say that the word problem is decidable; otherwise, we say that it is undecidable. 89 / 113 Examples: The word problem for Ωκ AN: two κ-terms coincide in Ωσ AN if and only if they are equal or they both involve the operation ω−1 . The word problem for Ωκ AG is well known: the operation ω−1 is inversion in profinite groups, so all κ-terms can be effectively reduced (over G) to κ-terms in which that operation is only applied to letters; then use, in any order, the reduction rules aaω−1 → 1 and aω−1 a → 1 (a ∈ A) to obtain a canonical form for κ-terms over G; two κ-terms are equal over G if and only if they have the same canonical form. Word problem for ΩAK: exercise. The solution of the word problem for Ωκ AJ = ΩAJ gives the structure of ΩAJ [Alm95, Section 8.1]. The word problem for Ωκ ACR has been solved by Kad’ourek and Pol´ak [KP86]. The word problem for Ωκ AA has been solved by McCammond [McC01]. 90 / 113 Part II Separating words and regular languages 91 / 113 Outline σ-fullness pro-V-metrics 92 / 113 A separation problem Let V be a pseudovariety of semigroups. Suppose that a regular language L ⊆ A+ and a word w ∈ A+ are given. How do we find out whether a proof that w /∈ L exists using V-recognizable languages? More precisely, we wish to decide whether, given such L and w, there exists a V-recognizable language K ⊆ A+ such that L ⊆ K and w /∈ K. For instance, how do we determine whether there exists a finite permutation automaton such that no word from L ends in the same state as w does? Another example of the same type of problem: is there some integer n such that no word from L has the same subwords of length at most n as w does? 93 / 113 Our problem sounds like a topological separation problem, and indeed it admits such a formulation in the profinite world. Proposition 10.1 Let V be a pseudovariety of semigroups, L ⊆ A+ a regular language and w a word in A+. Then there is a V-recognizable language K ⊆ A+ such that L ⊆ K and w /∈ K if and only if ιV(w) does not belong to the closure of ιV(L) in ΩAV. Proof. By Proposition 5.4, the condition ιV(w) belongs to the closure ιV(L) in ΩAV holds if and only if every clopen subset of ΩAV which contains ιV(w) has nontrivial intersection with ιV(L). By Theorem 5.9, such clopen subsets are precisely the sets of the form ιV(K) where K is a V-recognizable subset of A+ . It remains to observe that, ιV(w) ∈ ιV(K) and ιV(K) ∩ ιV(L) = ∅ if and only if w ∈ K and K ∩ L = ∅, which follows from the facts that K = ι−1 V (ιV(K)) and L ⊆ ι−1 V (ιV(L)). 94 / 113 Note that, while ΩAV is in general uncountable, by Theorem 5.9 it has only countably many clopen subsets, since there are only that many V-recognizable subsets of A+ (for instance since they are all recognized by finite automata). An idea due to Pin and Reutenauer [PR91] in the case of the pseudovariety G of all finite groups is to somehow“compute” the closure of ιV(L) not in ΩAG but in the free group Ωκ AG, or even in A+. Under the assumption of a conjectured property for the pseudovariety G, they produced an algorithm for computing the required closure, which solves our problem for G. We proceed to introduce the required property in general, returning later to their algorithm. 95 / 113 σ-fullness For a subset L of A+, denote by clσ,V(L) and clV(L) respectively the closure of ιV(L) in Ωσ AV and in ΩAV. Note that clσ,V(L) = clV(L) ∩ Ωσ AV. Denote by pV the natural continuous homomorphism ΩAS → ΩAV. Since ΩAS is compact and pV is a onto continuous mapping, we always have the equality clV(L) = pV(clS(L)). In general, for a continuous function f : S → T, and a subset X of S, we have f (X) ⊆ f (X). The reverse inclusion also holds if f is onto and S is compact. We say that the pseudovariety V is σ-full if, for every regular language L ⊆ A+, the following equality holds: clσ,V(L) = pV(clσ,S(L)). In other words, membership of w ∈ Ωσ AV in clσ,V(L) is witnessed by some w ∈ clσ,S(L) such that pV(w ) = w. 96 / 113 Examples: The pseudovariety N is κ-full: for a regular language L ⊆ A+ and a κ-term w, wN ∈ clκ,N(L) if and only if w is a word from L or w involves the operation ω−1 and L is infinite; in the latter case, by compactness there is some κ-term v such that vS ∈ clκ,S(L) \ A+ and so wN = 0 = pN(vS). That the pseudovariety J is κ-full follows from the structure theorem for ΩAJ. The pseudovariety G is κ-full: the essential ingredient is a seminal theorem of Ash [Ash91]; the details follow from [AS00] and [Del01]. The pseudovariety Ab is κ-full [Del01]. 97 / 113 The pseudovariety Gp is not κ-full: this follows from a weak version of Ash’s theorem proved by Steinberg [Ste01] for Gp together with fact that the conjunction of this weaker property with κ-fullness implies that the pseudovariety is defined by pseudoidentities in which both sides are given by κ-terms [AS00]; however, such a definition does not exist since, by a theorem of Baumslag [Bau65], the free group is residually a finite p-group. That the pseudovarieties A and R are κ-full has been proved by JA-JCCosta-MZeitoun using the solution of the word problems for Ωκ AA [McC01]4 and Ωκ AR [AZ07]. 4 plus refinements from an alternative proof obtained by the same authors including the fact that Ωκ AA is closed for taking factors in ΩAA. 98 / 113 Outline σ-fullness pro-V-metrics 99 / 113 pro-V metrics The same way we defined a pseudo-ultrametric on the free semigroup A+ associated with a pseudovariety V, we may define a pseudo-ultrametric on an arbitrary semigroup S: let d(s1, s2) = 2−r(s1,s2) , where r(s1, s2) is the smallest cardinality of a semigroup T ∈ V for which there is a homomorphism ϕ : S → T such that ϕ(s1) = ϕ(s2). Similar arguments show that d is indeed a pseudo-ultrametric on S, with respect to which the multiplication in S is uniformly continuous. If S is finitely generated, then the completion ˆS is again a pro-V semigroup, but it may not be a free pro-V semigroup. The pseudo-ultrametric d is an ultrametric if and only if S is residually in V. Every homomorphism S → T into T ∈ V is uniformly continuous. 100 / 113 Pro-H metric on groups Traditionally, one denotes by H an arbitrary pseudovariety of groups. Because a group is highly symmetrical, the pro-H metric structure looks similar everywhere. Lemma 11.1 Let G be a group and consider the pro-H metric on G. Then, for every u, v, w ∈ G, the equalities d(uw, vw) = d(u, v) = d(wu, wv) hold. In particular, for > 0, we have Bε(u) = uBε(1) = Bε(1)u and a subset X is open (respectively closed) if and only if so is Xw. Moreover, for > 0, the ball B (1) is a clopen normal subgroup of G such that G/B (1) ∈ H. A subgroup H is open if and only if it contains some open ball B (1). Proof. This is a simple exercise. 101 / 113 For a subgroup H of a group G, denote by HG the largest normal subgroup of G which is contained in H. It is given by the formula HG = g∈G g−1 Hg. If we let G act on the set of right cosets of H in G by right translation, then we obtain a homomorphism ϕ : G → SG/H into the full symmetric group SG/H (of all permutations of the set G/H) such that ϕ−1(id) = HG . It follows that, if the index (G : H) of the subgroup H in G is finite, then so is (G : HG ) and (G : HG ) is a divisor of (G : H)!. 102 / 113 Lemma 11.2 A subgroup H of G is (cl)open in the pro-H metric if and only if G/HG ∈ H. Proof. Suppose first that H is open. By Lemma 11.1, H contains a normal subgroup K of G such that G/K ∈ H. Then K ⊆ HG and so G/HG (G/K)/(HG /K) belongs to H. Conversely, if G/HG ∈ H then HG is an open set, because the natural homomorphism G → G/HG is (uniformly) continuous. Since H contains HG , H is a union of cosets of HG , and so is its complement. Hence H is clopen. 103 / 113 Another natural question is whether, for a subgroup H of G, the intersection with H of an open subset of G in the pro-H metric of G is also open in the pro-H metric of H. In general, the answer is negative, but there are important situations in which it is affirmative. Example 11.3 Let G be the free group on two free generators a, b and consider the homomorphism ϕ : G → S3 defined by ϕ(a) = (12) and ϕ(b) = (13). Let K = ϕ−1(1) and let H = ϕ−1 (123) be the inverse image of the subgroup of index 2. Then H is clopen in the pro-Ab metric of G and K is clopen in the pro-Ab metric of H but K is not clopen in the pro-Ab metric of G. 104 / 113 Note that, for pseudovarieties of groups K and H, K ∗ H consists of all groups G which have a normal subgroup K such that both K ∈ K and G/K ∈ H.5 If H ∗ H = H, then we say that H is closed under extension. A condition for the answer to the above question to be affirmative is drawn from the following result. Lemma 11.4 Let H be a clopen subgroup of G in the pro-H metric of G and suppose that U is a normal subgroup of H such that H/U ∈ H. Then the normal subgroup UG of G is such that G/UG ∈ H ∗ H. 5 For those unfamiliar with semidirect products, take this as the definition of K ∗ H and show that it is a pseudovariety of groups. 105 / 113 Proof. Consider also the normal subgroup HG and let g ∈ G. By Lemma 11.2, G/HG belongs to H. For each x ∈ HG , the conjugate gxg−1 belongs to H and so the mapping ϕg : HG → H/U which sends x to gxg−1U is a group homomorphism. Moreover, for x ∈ HG , we have x ∈ UG ⇔ x ∈ g−1 Ug for all g ∈ G ⇔ gxg−1 ∈ U for all g ∈ G ⇔ ϕg (x) = 1 for all g ∈ G. It follows that HG /UG embeds in a finite power of H/U and so HG /UG ∈ H. The result now follows from the observation that G/HG (G/UG )/(HG /UG ). 106 / 113 A first application of the preceding lemma is the following answer to the above question. Proposition 11.5 Suppose that H is closed under extension. Let H be a clopen subgroup of G in the pro-H metric of G. Then a subset of H is open in the pro-H metric of H if and only if it is open in the pro-H metric of G. Proof. By Lemma 11.1, a subgroup L of H is open in the pro-H metric of H if and only if it contains a normal subgroup U of H such that H/U ∈ H. By Lemma 11.4, the normal subgroup UG of G is such that U/UG ∈ H ∗ H = H. Hence U is open in the pro-H metric of G by Lemma 11.2. Since L is a union of cosets of U, L is also open in the pro-H metric of G. 107 / 113 In terms of the pro-H metrics, we obtain the following more precise result. Proposition 11.6 Suppose that H is closed under extension and G is a group residually in H. Let H be a clopen subgroup of G in the pro-H metric of G. Then the pro-H metric dH of H and the restriction to H of the pro-H metric dG of G have the same Cauchy sequences. 108 / 113 Proof. Let d be the restriction of dG to H and let r be the corresponding partial function H × H → N. Denote by d the pseudo-metric dH and by r the corresponding partial function. We start by establishing the following function inequalities: r ≤ r ≤ (G : H) · r !. (1) The first inequality in (1) follows from the observation that, if a homomorphism from G into a member of H distinguishes two elements of H then its restriction to H also distinguishes them. Suppose next that u, v ∈ H and the homomorphism ϕ : H → K with K ∈ H are such that ϕ(u) = ϕ(v). Let U = ϕ−1 (1). Then H/U embeds in K and, therefore, it belongs to H. By Lemma 11.4, UG is a normal subgroup of G of finite index such that G/UG ∈ H ∗ H = H and, by an earlier observation, (G : UG ) divides (G : U)!. If we choose above K so that |K| is minimum, then (H : U) = r (u, v) and so, since uUG = vUG , r(u, v) ≤ (G : UG ) ≤ (G : U)! = (G : H) · (H : U) ! = (G : H) · r (u, v) ! which proves (1). 109 / 113 . . . From the first inequality in (1) we deduce that every Cauchy sequence with respect to d is also a Cauchy sequence with respect to d. For the converse, let f (n) = (G : H) · n !. Then f is an increasing sequence and a simple calculation shows that, for every ε > 0, d ≤ 2−f ( − log2 ε ) =⇒ d ≤ ε. This implies that Cauchy sequences for d are also Cauchy sequences for d . 110 / 113 Free products A free product in a variety V of semigroups is given by two homomorphisms ϕi : Si → F (i = 1, 2), with S1, S2, F ∈ V such that, given any other pair of homomorphisms ψi : Si → T, with T ∈ V, there exists a unique homomorphism θ : F → T such that the following diagram commutes: F θ 22 S1 ϕ1 oo ψ1  S2 ϕ2 yy ψ2 GG T By the usual argument, if the free product exists, then it is unique up to isomorphism. 111 / 113 Exercise 11.7 Show that, for every variety V and semigroups S1, S2 ∈ V, the free product of S1 and S2 in V exists. For semigroups S and T in a variety V, we say that S is a free factor of T if there exists U ∈ V such that T is a free product of S and U in V. Note that every semigroup is a free factor of itself. Exercise 11.8 Suppose that S is a free factor of T in the variety V generated by a pseudovariety V. Show that: 1. the pseudo-metric dS V and the restriction of the pseudo-metric dT V to S coincide; 2. the open sets in pro-V metric of S are the intersection with S of the open sets of T in the pro-V metric of T. 112 / 113 Section 12 References 113 / 113 [ABR92] D. Albert, R. Baldinger, and J. Rhodes, The identity problem for finite semigroups (the undecidability of), J. Symbolic Logic 57 (1992), 179–192. [AE03] J. Almeida and A. Escada, Semidirect products with the pseudovariety of all finite groups, Proceedings of the International Conference Words, Languages and Combinatorics (Kyoto, March, 2000) (Singapore) (M. Ito and T. Imaoka, eds.), World Scientific, 2003, pp. 1–21. [Alm95] J. Almeida, Finite semigroups and universal algebra, World Scientific, Singapore, 1995, English translation. [AS00] J. Almeida and B. 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