Česká společnost chemická, pobočka Brno Vás zve na přednášku, která se koná v místnosti 132, 1.NP, budova A11, Kamenice 5, Přírodovědecká fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, Brno ve čtvrtek 6. října 2011 ve 14:00 hod. PROF. DANIEL FALVEY UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK, MD, USA Mechanistic Design of High-Wavelength Photoreleasable Protecting Groups and Applications to Photorheology. Recent investigations have focused on the mechanistic design, synthesis and study of photoreleasable protecting groups. The overall goal is to create a suite of protecting groups whose release can be triggered using inexpensive visible light sources. One specific strategy has been to photoinduced electron transfer from visible-light absorbing dyes to a protecting group that can be activated through photoinduced single electron transfer. Specifically the release of carboxylic acids phenacyl and 4-N-alkylpicolinium esters have been examined. An example of one such reaction is shown below. N O O R hν/Ru(bpy)3 ascrobic acid H2-O N HO O R These reactions have recently been applied to the development of phototriggering reagents that can rapidly and reversibly alter the viscosities of bulk liquids by catalyzing self-assembly processes. For example, visible light triggered photorelease of cinnamate ions in the presence of CTAB micelles has been shown to convert the latter from spherical structures into elongated worm-like structures. This in turn causes the solution to convert from a free flowing fluid to a gel-like state. Ultraviolet light can reverse this process through trans-cis photoisomerization of the released cinnamate ions. ================================================================== doc. Ing. Vladimír Šindelář, Ph.D. jednatel pobočky prof. RNDr. Jiří Pinkas, Ph.D. předseda pobočky