Evaluating environmental influences of zoning in urban ecosystems with remote sensing Jeffrey S. Wilsona,*, Michaun Clayb,1 , Emily Martina,2 , Denise Stuckeyc,3 , Kim Vedder-Rischd,4 a Department of Geography, Indiana University-Purdue University, 425 University Boulevard, Indianapolis, IN 46202-5143, USA b City of Indianapolis, USA c The Schneider Corporation, USA d Indiana Department of Environmental Management, USA Received 26 March 2002; received in revised form 11 July 2002; accepted 2 March 2003 Abstract The influence of zoning on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and radiant surface temperature (Ts) measurements is investigated in the City of Indianapolis, IN, USA using data collected by the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) remote sensing system. Analysis of variance indicates statistically significant differences in mean Ts and NDVI values associated with different types of zoning. Multiple comparisons of mean Ts and NDVI values associated with specific pairings of individual zoning categories are also shown to be significantly different. An inverse relationship between Ts and NDVI was observed across the city as a whole and within all but one zoning category. A range of environmental influences on sensible heat flux and urban vegetation was detected both within and between individual zoning categories. Examples for implementing these findings in urban planning applications to find examples of high and low impact development are demonstrated. D 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Zoning; Urban ecosystems; Remote sensing 1. Introduction Zoning is one of several tools urban planners use to control physical characteristics of developing landscapes by imposing restrictions on variables such as maximum building height and density, extent of impervious surface and open space, and land use types and activities. These variables, in turn, influence environmental processes of atmosphere/surface energy exchange (Grimmond & Oke, 1995; Quattrochi & Ridd, 1994), surface and subsurface hydrologic systems (Grimmond & Oke, 1991; Hammer, 1972), and micro- to mesoscale weather and climate regimes (Changnon, 1992; Oke, 1987; Roth, Oke, & Emery, 1989). The intrinsic relationships between zoning and the physical structure of urban environments suggest that mechanisms should be in place through which planners can evaluate the environmental consequences of existing zoning ordinances and improve the scientific basis of future decision making in order to mitigate negative effects of development in urban ecosystems. Remote sensing science and technology offers the potential to contribute to this informed decision-making process by providing synoptic data collection capabilities and analysis techniques that generate pertinent information about environmental implications of planning decisions. The purpose of the research presented in this paper is to contribute to further validation of the applicability of relatively low cost, moderate spatial resolution satellite imagery in urban planning applications and provide some examples of how these data can be used by planners to aid in evaluating environmental impacts of zoning. First, the question of whether or not physical manifestations of 0034-4257/03/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0034-4257(03)00084-1 * Corresponding author. Fax: +1-317-274-2347. E-mail addresses: jeswilso@iupui.edu (J.S. Wilson), c1238@indygov.org (M. Clay), eskempf@iupui.edu (E. Martin), dstuckey@theschneidercorp.com (D. Stuckey), kvedder@dem.state.in.us (K. Vedder-Risch). 1 Fax: +1-317-327-3192. 2 Fax: +1-317-274-2347. 3 Fax: +1-317-826-7200. 4 Fax: +1-317-232-8714. www.elsevier.com/locate/rse Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 different types of zoning can be differentiated using two objective measurements collected by a satellite remote sensing system is examined. The two measurements examined are radiant surface temperature (Ts) and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Second, an analysis of relationships between Ts and NDVI for the entire city and within different zoning categories is presented. Finally, it is shown that zoning results in a range of environmental influences on sensible heat flux and urban vegetation (both within and between different zoning categories). Examples of how these results can be used by urban planners to find instances of high and low impact implementations of different types of zoning are then presented. In the current research, zoning instances with high environmental impact are assumed to be those with reduced vegetation biomass (low NDVI) and/or greater sensible heat flux (high Ts) as compared to other areas that fall within the same zoning category. It is important to point out that zoning ordinances, while regulatory in nature, are only a guide for development of a landscape. An individual zoning polygon, for example, may contain nonconforming land uses and variances from the characteristics prescribed by a specific zoning ordinance, if it has been developed at all. While there may be a strong correlation between zoning, land use, and land cover, that relationship is governed, in part, by the specific ordinances for that zoning category and how rigorously the ordinances are applied. The intention of this paper is not to reiterate the well-established fact that land use and land cover can have a significant impact on measurements collected by a satellite remote sensing system, but rather to show how remote sensing technology can be used by planners to obtain objective measurements of environmental consequences of existing zoning policies. By examining the spatial variation of Ts and NDVI as a function of zoning, this research demonstrates how planners can construct a comparative context in which to evaluate the implications of existing zoning policies and potentially shape future strategies that lessen the negative impacts of development. Consider, as a hypothetical example, two different portions of landscape that have both been developed as highdensity residential and assume that both of these areas conform to existing zoning ordinances. A planner concerned with environmental consequences of development might ask the questions, ‘‘does one of these areas have a less detrimental impact on the physical environment than the other?’’, ‘‘If so, what are the reasons for these differences and can we use this information to modify existing policies to decrease the environmental consequences of future development?’’. The research presented in this paper seeks to provide a quantitative basis for developing such a comparative context. The City of Indianapolis, IN, USA is used as a case study, but the data and techniques presented should be available and applicable in many moderate- to large-size cities in temperate and tropical climates. 2. Background Urban planning departments commonly use remote sensing imagery in the development of geographic information system (GIS) databases. For example, vector digitizing from aerial photography has become a common method used in the creation and updating of maps depicting the spatial distribution of basic planning variables such as transportation networks, cadastre, buildings and pavement, land use, and utility infrastructures. The current and coming generations of high spatial resolution earth observation satellites, such as IKONOS and QuickBird, offer the potential for application of spaceborne remote sensing data to some planning applications that were previously limited to aerial photography (Barr & Barnsley, 2000; Jensen & Cowen, 1999). However, while commonly used in certain capacities, the full potential of remote sensing data, particularly quantitative analysis of electromagnetic energy measurements, has not been widely exploited by the planning community (Nichol, 1996; Ryznar & Wagner, 2001) despite the fact that such applications have been suggested at least since the 1960s and 1970s (e.g., Carlson, Augustine, & Boland, 1977; Estes, 1966; Pease, Lewin, & Outcalt, 1976; Wellar & Estes, 1968) and have the potential to improve the quality of planning processes. As the world’s cities continue to grow in both population and physical size, greater consideration of the manner in which rural lands are developed for urban and suburban land use will become progressively more important (Vitousek, Mooney, Lubchenco, & Melillo, 1997). Planners are increasingly pressured with the challenge of balancing the demands for urban and suburban growth while mitigating the negative environmental impacts of development. Removal of rural land cover types such as soil, water, and vegetation and their replacement with common urban materials such as asphalt, concrete, and metal have significant environmental implications including reduction in evapotranspiration, promotion of more rapid surface runoff, increased storage and transfer of sensible heat, and reduction of air and water quality (Carlson, Dodd, Benjamin, & Cooper, 1981; Goward, 1981; Owen, Carlson, & Gillies, 1998). These changes, in turn, can have negative effects on landscape aesthetics, energy efficiency, human health, and quality of living in urban environments (McPherson et al., 1997; Rosenfeld et al., 1995). Among the most widely studied consequences of converting rural land cover to urban and suburban development is the urban heat island (UHI), which is manifested by higher surface and air temperatures within urban environments as compared to surrounding rural areas. Approaches to measuring the UHI include sampling of air and surface kinetic temperature at fixed locations, mobile sampling of kinetic temperature from ground and airborne vehicles, and remote measurement of radiant temperature from airborne and spaceborne platforms (Henry, Dicks, Wetterquist, & Roguski, 1989; Stone & Rodgers, 2001). Compromises are J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321304 associated with each of these methods, as they measure different aspects of the thermal characteristics of cities (Henry et al., 1989), but remote sensing offers the most synoptic capabilities, at least for measurement of radiant temperature, because of the ability to collect many samples over a broad area almost instantaneously (Saaroni, Ben-Dor, Bitan, & Potcher, 2000). While remote sensing is not a panacea for analysis of urban thermal environments since it only directly measures radiant temperature (Ts) from surfaces exposed to the sensors view (Voogt & Oke, 1997, 1998), it can still be a useful tool for gaining an overview of thermal variations within an urban ecosystem. Direct measurements of Ts can also be used in the derivation of hybrid variables such as fractional vegetation cover, impervious surface area, and kinetic surface temperature (Carlson & Arthur, 2000; Carlson, Gillies, & Perry, 1994; Henry et al., 1989; Ji & Jensen, 1999; Nemain, Pierce, Running, & Goward, 1993). Measurements of Ts from the Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) sensor onboard the recently launched (1999) Landsat 7 satellite are used in the current research because this instrument collects the highest spatial resolution thermal measurements currently available for virtually all of earth’s urban areas on a temporally consistent basis. Vegetation is another important component of the urban ecosystem that has been the subject of much basic and applied research. Urban vegetation influences the physical environment of cities through selective absorption and reflection of incident radiation and regulation of latent and sensible heat exchange (Carlson et al., 1994; Gillies, Cui, Carlson, Kustas, & Humes, 1997; Goward, Cruikhanks, & Hopes, 1985). Commonly cited benefits of urban vegetation include aesthetic enhancement, reduction of air and water pollution (Taha, 1997), increased latent heat exchange (Goward, 1981; Heisler, 1986), increased energy efficiency (Akbari & Taha, 1992; Huang, Akari, Taha, & Rosenfeld, 1987), and contribution to the psychological well-being of urban dwellers (Ulrich, 1986). As in the case of the urban heat island, remote sensing can be a useful tool for studying urban vegetation. In addition to providing measurements of radiant surface temperature, remote sensing instruments collect measurements of reflected energy in the red and near infrared (NIR) portions of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be used to quantify the extent and changing conditions of urban vegetation. 3. Data 3.1. Satellite imagery A Landsat 7 ETM+ image acquired on June 6, 2000 under relatively clear atmospheric conditions served as the primary data source for mapping of radiant surface temperature and vegetation in the Indianapolis urban ecosystem and as a basis for analysis of the relationship between these variables and zoning categories. The ETM+ sensor is an imaging radiometer that collects measurements of reflected and emitted energy from earth surface features in eight regions of the electromagnetic spectrum ranging from visible to thermal infrared at an 8-bit (0–255) level of quantization. The spatial and spectral characteristics of these eight channels or bands are summarized in Table 1. The Landsat 7 satellite orbits the earth at an altitude of approximately 700 km following a sun-synchronous, nearpolar path at an inclination of 98j from the equator. This orbital pattern provides opportunity to collect imagery of urban environments anywhere between 81j north and south latitudes. The temporal resolution of the sensor (the time it takes to acquire repeat imagery of the same region) is 16 days. On the descending (N to S) daytime portion of an orbit, the satellite crosses the equator at approximately 10:00 AM local solar time, with increasingly later local acquisition times north of the equator, and increasingly earlier local acquisition times south of the equator. The Indianapolis image used in this research (centered at about 39.75jN, 86.16jW) was acquired at approximately 11:15 AM local time (16:15 GMT). Since urban air temperatures usually reach their maximum sometime after solar noon and maximum thermal contrast in air temperatures between urban and rural air temperatures often occurs at night (Karl, Diaz, & Kukla, 1988; Oke, 1981), the acquisition time of ETM+ imagery may not be considered the most ideal for analysis of the UHI and related phenomena. However, if one takes the urban temperature anomaly as the difference between surface radiant temperatures in the city vs. that in the countryside, the daytime anomaly is typically greater, at least during the summer time. In the current research, it is demonstrated that measurements of both reflective shortwave radiation (in the form of NDVI) and emitted thermal radiation (Ts) collected by the ETM+ sensor provide sufficient contrast to differentiate between not only urban vs. rural, but between different zoning categories within the urban environment. Landsat images are spatially indexed by a system of paths and rows known as the World Referencing System (WRS). Path numbers refer to the ground track of the Table 1 Characteristics of Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) bands Band Spatial resolution (m) Lower limit (Am) Upper limit (Am) Bandwidth (nm) Bits per pixel 1 28.50 0.45 0.52 70 8 2 28.50 0.53 0.61 80 8 3 28.50 0.63 0.69 60 8 4 28.50 0.78 0.90 120 8 5 28.50 1.55 1.75 200 8 6 57.00 10.40 12.50 2100 8 7 28.50 2.09 2.35 260 8 8 14.25 0.52 0.90 380 8 J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 305 satellite along each orbit, and row numbers refer to the latitudinal center of an image along a given path. The WRS coordinate for the Indianapolis image used in this research is path 021, row 032. The 185-km-wide continuous strip of imagery collected along a given path is divided into 170-km segments prior to distribution, resulting in total areal coverage of approximately 31,500 km2 per scene. A GIS polygon was used to create a subset of the June 6, 2000 ETM+ image corresponding to the border of Marion County, IN, which shares a common boundary with the City of Indianapolis. The total area of the image analyzed in the research is approximately 1200 km2 . 3.2. Radiometric enhancement ETM+ imagery processed by the US Geological Survey’s Earth Resource Observation Systems (EROS) Data Center to correct for radiometric and geometric distortions are referred to as a Level 1G product. Digital numbers (DNs) in each band of the Level 1G ETM+ imagery used in this research were converted to physical measurements of at sensor radiance (LE) using a formula that accounts for the transformation function used to convert the analog signal received at the sensor to DNs stored in the resulting image pixels (Eq. (1)): LE ¼ gain  DN þ offset ð1Þ where LE = at sensor radiance, gain = slope of the radiance/ DN conversion function, DN = digital number of a given pixel, and offset = intercept of the radiance/DN conversion function (Landsat Project Science Office, 2002). Gain and offset values are supplied in metadata accompanying each ETM+ image, and the DN to radiance formula (as with all formulas presented in this paper) can easily be implemented using map algebra functions of a raster-based GIS if specialized image processing software was unavailable in an urban planning department. ERDAS Imagine 8.5k was used as the primary image processing and GIS tool in the current project. Radiance values were transformed to unitless planetary reflectance for the reflective ETM+ bands (channels 1–5 and 7) and radiant temperature for the thermal band (channel 6). The Landsat Project Science Office (2002) suggests that a reasonable transformation of radiance to reflectance can be achieved for images acquired under relatively clear atmospheric conditions by accounting for the combined reflectance of the surface and atmosphere (Eq. (2)): qp ¼ ðpLEd2 Þ=ðESUNEcoshsÞ ð2Þ where qp = unitless planetary reflectance, LE = spectral radiance at sensor aperture, d = earth–sun distance in astronomical units, ESUNE = mean solar exoatmospheric irradiance, and hs = solar zenith angle in degrees. Radiance values from the ETM+ thermal band were transformed to radiant surface temperature values using thermal calibration constants supplied by the Landsat Project Science Office (2002) (Eq. (3)): Ts ¼ K2=ðlnðK1=LE þ 1ÞÞ ð3Þ where Ts = radiant surface temperature (K), K2 = calibration constant 2 (1282.71), K1 = calibration constant 1 (666.09), and LE = spectral radiance of thermal band pixels. Reflectance values from the red (qred) and NIR (qnir) ETM+ channels were used to compute Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) values for the Indianapolis image subset using the formula NDVI=(qnir À qred)/ (qnir + qred). The NDVI is a quantitative index useful for monitoring spatial and temporal vegetation dynamics (e.g., Fung & Siu, 2000; Schmidt & Gitelson, 2000; Verstrate & Pinty, 1996). NDVI measures vegetation vigor as a function of spectral reflectance attributed to chloroplast and mesophyll cells in plants and has been shown to have significant relationships with a variety of biophysical properties of vegetation including leaf area index (LAI) (Qi, Moran, Cabot, & Dedieu, 1995), fraction of vegetation ground cover and green biomass (Gamon et al., 1995; Gamon, Field, Roberts, Ustin, & Valentini, 1993), and photosynthetic activity (Reed et al., 1994). 3.3. Geometric correction NDVI and Ts images of the Indianapolis study region were georeferenced to the Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate system, Zone 16 North in order to facilitate integration of these data with GIS data of the study region. Georeferencing was accomplished using 26 ground control points drawn from 1:24,000 topographic maps, a nearest neighbor resampling algorithm, with a maximum root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.5 pixels. Spatial resolution of the reflective bands was resampled to 30 m and spatial resolution of the thermal band to 60 m in the georeferencing process. Spatial transformations were implemented in such a way that extent of a pixel in the 60-m resolution thermal channel matched exactly the extent of four corresponding 30-m pixels in the reflective bands. This later point was important because subsequent analysis of relationships between Ts and NDVI was achieved by computing the mean NDVI of four pixels and pairing that measurement with the single spatially corresponding value of Ts. 3.4. Geographic information system data Additional spatial data sources used in the analysis of the Indianapolis urban ecosystem included a GIS polygon layer depicting the spatial distribution of zoning categories within the city, a polygon layer depicting the digitized footprints (plan view) of all structures greater than 10 m2 , and a polygon coverage which delineated the extent of roads. The building footprints and roads GIS layers were created by the City of Indianapolis using on-screen digitizing from J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321306 high-resolution ( < 0.5 m) aerial photography. These data are employed later in Section 4 of this paper to show how density of development can be integrated with Ts and NDVI to find comparative examples of high and low impact zoning. The zoning GIS layer was obtained from the Indianapolis Mapping and Geographic Information System (IMAGIS) database and reflected zoning ordinances in place at the time the ETM+ image was acquired. The zoning layer contained 6246 polygons categorized into 77 different zoning categories. Zoning categories were aggregated to two different levels of thematic detail: 13 general zoning categories and 16 detailed categories within the ‘‘dwellings’’ (residential) zoning category (Table 2a and b). The ‘‘Dwelling Agricultural’’ (DA) zoning category was not included in our analysis of the detailed dwellings categorizations because of the heterogeneity of land cover types that occurred within these comparatively large polygons; this category was instead treated as an individual class in the general zoning categorization. Spatial distributions of these zoning categories are depicted in Fig. 1a and b. Table 2 (a) Residential zoning categories Residential zoning Typical density (units/acre) Primary use Minimum open space Typical lot size Comprehensive plan classification Number of polygons % Total city area DA* >0.5 agriculture and single-family 85% 3 acres very low density 699 21.92 DP varies planned unit development varies varies varies 89 3.53 DS 0.5 suburban single-family 85% 1 acre very low density 67 2.22 D1 0.9 suburban single-family 80% 24,000 ft2 very low density 104 2.16 D2 1.9 suburban single-family 75% 15,000 ft2 very low density 226 7.16 D3 2.6 low or medium intensity single-family 70% 10,000 ft2 low density 296 8.53 D4 4.2 low or medium intensity single-family 65% 7200 ft2 low density 195 4.98 D5 4.5 medium intensity single-family 65% 5000 ft2 low and medium density 231 8.83 D5II 5.0 medium intensity single- or two-family 65% 3200 ft2 low and medium density 17 0.13 D6 6–9 low intensity multifamily (OSR) 3.85 varies medium density 81 0.83 D6II 9–12 medium intensity multifamily (OSR) 2.65 varies medium density 118 1.47 D7 12–15 medium intensity multifamily (OSR) 2.10 varies medium density 153 1.40 D8 5–26 urban multi-use residential (OSR) 2.65 varies high density 112 0.78 D9 12–120 suburban high-rise apartment (OSR) 0.29–1.45 varies high density 29 0.15 D10 20–140 central and inner-city high-rise apartment (OSR) 0.27–1.18 varies high density 9 0.02 D11 6.0 mobile dwellings varies varies medium density 23 0.42 D12 5.0 low-density two-family 65% 9000 ft2 low density 13 0.04 (b) General zoning categories General zoning Basic description Number of polygons % Total city area Airport public airports municipally owned or operated, including all necessary navigation and flight operation facilities, and accessory uses 3 1.39 CBD central business district—core activities of all types with a variety of related land uses 22 0.30 Commercial includes office-buffer, high-intensity office/apartment, neighborhood commercial, thoroughfare service, and corridor commercial districts 2013 8.14 Dwellings variety of residential categories summarized in table above (note: DA treated as separate general zoning class in subsequent analysis) 1763 64.57 Historic historic preservation district including a variety of land uses (mostly residential) 1 0.01 Hospital major hospital complexes and campuses 29 0.48 Industrial variety of industrial uses including urban and suburban and light, medium, and heavy industry 471 9.86 Interstate interstate highway 4 1.94 Park permits all sizes and ranges of public park land and facilities, includes park peripheral areas assuring compatibility of adjacent land use 164 4.76 Regional regional attractions close to CBD including museums, visitor centers, and Indianapolis Zoo 1 0.09 Special use wide variety of uses such as schools, utility infrastructure, cemeteries, libraries, community centers, charitable organizations, golf courses, and penal institutions 1065 8.12 University variety of land uses typical of higher education institutions including classroom, office, dormitory, facility maintenance, and parking structures 11 0.36 J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 307 Fig. 1. Map of (a) general zoning categories (b) and detailed residential zoning categories. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321308 4. Analysis 4.1. Visual interpretation of NDVI and Ts imagery Fig. 2a and b shows the transformed ETM+ data depicting the spatial distribution of NDVI and Ts in the study region. When printed at appropriate scales, such maps provide an informative visual depiction of the spatial distribution of radiant surface temperature and vegetation components within a city, potentially applicable in planning and public education contexts (Fig. 2). In the NDVI image of Indianapolis, the relatively large Eagle Creek and Geist Reservoirs, located in the northwestern and northeastern portion of the county, respectively, appear in dark tones due to the absence of vegetation. Conversely, forested areas around the reservoirs appear in bright tones as a function of relatively high levels of green biomass. The central business district (roughly in the center of image) appears in dark tones, as do some of the commercial and industrial features such as the Indianapolis International Airport (WSW of the CBD near the western edge of the county) and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (3 km WNW of CBD). Many of the agricultural fields in the study region were only recently plowed or planted by the June 6 image acquisition date so significant crop cover did not have time to develop. These agricultural areas appear in relatively dark gray tones with square or rectangular geometric shapes, particularly in the southeast and southwest corners of the study region. Among the most prominent features in the Ts image of Indianapolis are the bright tones (warmer radiant temperatures) associated with the central portion of the city, some of the major transportation arteries, and adjacent commercial and industrial areas. Cooler radiant surface temperatures (dark tones) are indicated for the reservoirs and surrounding forested areas as well as the White River and adjacent riparian vegetation, which run north to south through the central portion of the city near the center of the image. 4.2. Significance of differences in mean Ts and NDVI by zoning categories A zonal summary GIS operation was used to derive measurements of central tendency and dispersion of Ts and NDVI associated with different types of zoning at both the general and detailed residential levels of thematic detail. The purpose of creating these statistical summaries was to Fig. 2. (a) Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and (b) radiant surface temperature (Ts) images of study region. White line represents extent of Marion County/City of Indianapolis. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 309 provide a database that could be used to address the following research questions.  How do mean Ts and NDVI values vary between zoning categories and are these variations statistically signifi- cant?  What is the general relationship between NDVI and Ts values in the study region and how does this relationship change within and between different zoning categories?  How can mean Ts and NDVI values associated with zoning polygons be used by urban planners to evaluate environmental implications of past planning decisions and improve the basis of future decision making? Fig. 3a and b depicts mean Ts and NDVI values associated with general zoning categories with error bars representing F 1 standard deviation from the mean. As might be expected, the parks zoning category exhibited the highest mean NDVI value because of the predominance of trees and other vegetated land cover. Greater vegetation cover in the park zoning class suggests comparatively higher rates of evapotranspiration and favoring of latent over sensible heat exchange between surface and atmosphere as compared to more developed locations. This general observation is supported by comparing Fig. 3a and b, where the parks category displays the lowest mean Ts and highest mean NDVI values. The CBD zoning category mirrors the response of parks, having the lowest mean NDVI and highest mean Ts values of the general zoning categories. This observation is indicative of the lack of vegetation and greater sensible heat exchange in the CBD, which forms one of the bases of the UHI effect (Oke, 1982). Comparable graphs of mean Ts and NDVI values associated with detailed residential zoning categories are provided in Fig. 4a and b. Like the parks category in the general classification, the dwelling suburban (DS) residential zoning category exhibited the lowest mean Ts and highest mean NDVI. The DS category has the lowest housing unit density of the residential zoning categories exclusive to singlefamily dwellings, and is intended for use ‘‘in areas conducive to estate development. . . or where it is desirable to permit only low density development such as adjacent to flood plains, aquifers, and urban conservation areas’’ (Metropolitan Development Commission, 1998). Higher mean Ts values were associated with residential zoning categories situated close to the CBD such as the D8 and D5 categories, as well as the D7 category, which is closely associated with commercial shopping centers, industrial areas, and primary transportation arteries. Fig. 2 (continued). J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321310 The applicability of moderate spatial resolution measurements of Ts and NDVI in urban planning depends partly on the ability to use these measurements as a basis for differentiating among different types of land use and land cover of interest to planners. While the error bars presented in Figs. 3 and 4 indicate overlap which occurs between most of the zoning categories for both Ts and NDVI, we were interested in determining whether or not different zoning ordinances have, on average, a significantly different effect on these variables. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) Fig. 3. Mean values of (a) Ts and (b) NDVI associated with general zoning categories. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 311 tests were used to evaluate the statistical significance of differences in mean Ts and NDVI values associated with different zoning types at the two levels of thematic detail (general zoning and detailed residential zoning). Results of ANOVA tests in all four cases [(1) Ts of general zoning categories, (2) NDVI of general zoning categories, (3) Ts of residential zoning categories, and (4) NDVI of residential zoning categories] indicated that the between groups varFig. 4. Mean values of (a) Ts and (b) NDVI associated with residential zoning categories. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321312 iance component warranted a rejection of the null hypothesis that there is no significant difference between group means, and acceptance of the alternative hypothesis that mean radiant surface temperature and NDVI are significantly different. The implications of these results suggest that on average, the physical manifestations of different types of zoning have significantly different influences on radiant temperature and vegetation as measured by the ETM+ sensor. 4.3. Multiple comparisons of means While the ANOVA results indicate that at least some mean Ts and NDVI values are significantly different among the possible pairings of zoning categories, these results do not provide information on which specific pairing(s) differ. To gain further insight, a series of post-hoc multiple comparison tests using Tamhane’s T2 were conducted to evaluate the significance of differences in mean Ts and NDVI measurements associated with each possible pairing of zoning categories at both the general and detailed residential levels. Tamhane’s T2 post-hoc tests are similar to the Student’s t-test, but decrease the chance of Type I error for multiple tests by adjusting a as a function of sample size and the number of tests completed. These tests are appropriate in situations where the variance and/or sample size of groups is unequal (Hochberg & Tamhane, 1987). Table 3a and b shows results of post-hoc tests associated with bivariate combinations of general zoning categories for mean Ts and NDVI, respectively. Values in bold italic type indicate cases where the mean difference exceeded the critical value at a = 0.0001, indicating a statistically significant difference in mean values associated with a given pairing. Of the 78 possible combinations of general zoning categories, 66 pairings exhibited significantly different mean values of Ts. Seventy-three pairings were significantly different in terms of mean NDVI. For example, mean Ts of the agriculture zoning class was significantly different from all other general zoning classes, while pairings such as CBD and historic, and commercial and hospital were not significantly different. Similarly, mean NDVI associated with the historic zoning was not significantly different from industrial, regional, and interstate zoning, while agriculture, CBD, and dwelling categories were significantly different from all other general zoning categories. The same multiple comparison procedures were used to test for significant differences in mean Ts and NDVI values associated with detailed residential zoning categories (Table 4a and b). Of the 120 possible combinations of detailed residential zoning classes, 83 pairings displayed significantly different mean values of Ts. Table 3 Results of post-hoc tests to evaluate significance of differences in (a) mean Ts and (b) mean NDVI values associated with bivariate combinations of general zoning categories Agriculture Airport CBD Commercial Dwellings Historic Hospital Industrial Interstate Park Regional Special use (a) Tamhane’s T2 multiple comparison table of mean differences in Ts for general zoning categories Airport À 1.34 CBD À 6.48 À 5.14 Commercial À 3.00 À 1.66 3.48 Dwellings À 1.27 0.08 5.21 1.74 Historic À 6.12 À 4.78 0.36 À 3.12 À 4.86 Hospital À 3.00 À 1.66 3.48 0.01 À 1.73 3.13 Industrial À 1.81 À 0.47 4.67 1.19 À 0.54 4.31 1.19 Interstate À 1.40 À 0.06 5.08 1.60 À 0.13 4.72 1.60 0.41 Park 1.37 2.71 7.85 4.37 2.63 7.49 4.36 3.17 2.77 Regional À 1.95 À 0.61 4.53 1.05 À 0.69 4.17 1.05 À 0.14 À 0.55 À 3.32 Special use À 0.37 0.97 6.11 2.63 0.90 5.75 2.63 1.44 1.03 À 1.73 1.58 University À 1.80 À 0.45 4.68 1.21 À 0.53 4.33 1.20 0.01 À 0.40 À 3.16 0.16 À 1.43 (b) Tamhane’s T2 multiple comparison table of mean differences in NDVI for general zoning categories Airport 0.15 CBD 0.38 0.23 Commercial 0.18 0.03 À 0.20 Dwellings À 0.04 À 0.19 À 0.41 À 0.22 Historic 0.19 0.04 À 0.18 0.01 0.23 Hospital 0.08 À 0.07 À 0.30 À 0.10 0.12 À 0.11 Industrial 0.18 0.02 À 0.20 0.00 0.21 À 0.02 0.10 Interstate 0.16 0.01 À 0.22 À 0.02 0.20 À 0.03 0.08 À 0.01 Park À 0.09 À 0.24 À 0.46 À 0.27 À 0.05 À 0.28 À 0.17 À 0.26 À 0.25 Regional 0.24 0.08 À 0.14 0.05 0.27 0.04 0.16 0.06 0.07 0.32 Special use À 0.01 À 0.16 À 0.39 À 0.19 0.03 À 0.20 À 0.09 À 0.19 À 0.17 0.08 À 0.25 University 0.12 À 0.03 À 0.25 À 0.06 0.16 À 0.07 0.04 À 0.05 À 0.04 0.21 À 0.11 0.13 Values in bold italic-type indicate pairings where the mean difference exceeded critical value at a = 0.0001. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 313 Ninety-four pairings were significantly different in terms of mean NDVI measurements. Overall, multiple comparisons of means indicated that more zoning categories could be differentiated on the basis of NDVI as compared to Ts at both the general and detailed levels. 4.4. Relationships between Ts and NDVI A significant inverse relationship between Ts and NDVI has been well documented in the remote sensing literature for both urban and rural environments (e.g., Gallo & Tarpley, 1996; Goward, Xue, & Czajkowski, 2002). The basis of this relationship is that higher levels of latent heat exchange are more typical of areas characterized by significant vegetation cover as compared to areas with little or no vegetation cover and low surface moisture availability, such as densely developed urban areas, where sensible heat exchange is favored (Oke, 1982; Owen et al., 1998). Sobrino and Raissouni (2000), for example, used the inverse relationship between NDVI and radiant surface temperature measurements collected in multitemporal Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) imagery for characterizing land cover dynamics in Morocco. Lo, Quattrochi, and Luvall (1997) found significant inverse relationships between NDVI and radiant temperature associated with residential and agricultural land use in suburban areas of Huntsville, AL using high-resolution measurements captured by the airborne Advanced Thermal and Land Applications Sensor (ATLAS). Gallo and Owen (1998) used the inverse relationship between Ts and NDVI for categorizing urban and rural climate monitoring stations as a function of predominate surrounding land cover type. Carlson et al. (1994) and Gillies and Carlson (1995) expanded on the inverse relationship between Ts and NDVI to develop methods for quantifying additional biophysical variables including fractional vegetation cover and soil moisture availability. The inverse relationship between Ts and NDVI in the Indianapolis urban ecosystem is depicted in Fig. 5, a scatter plot in which the horizontal axis represents NDVI and the vertical axis represents Ts. Each point represents the mean Ts and NDVI value associated with one of the 6462 zoning polygons in the study region. The relationship between these variables was quantified for the entire city and within Table 4 Results of post-hoc tests to evaluate significance of differences in (a) mean Ts and (b) mean NDVI values associated with bivariate combinations of residential zoning categories DS DP D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D5II D6 D6II D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 (a) Tamhane’s T2 multiple comparison table of mean differences in Ts for residential zoning categories DP À 3.67 D1 À 1.57 2.09 D2 À 2.86 0.81 À 1.29 D3 À 3.88 À 0.21 À 2.30 À 1.02 D4 À 4.21 À 0.54 À 2.64 À 1.35 À 0.33 D5 À 4.92 À 1.26 À 3.35 À 2.06 À 1.04 À 0.71 D5II À 4.71 À 1.05 À 3.14 À 1.85 À 0.83 À 0.50 0.21 D6 À 4.56 À 0.89 À 2.99 À 1.70 À 0.68 À 0.35 0.36 0.15 D6II À 4.69 À 1.02 À 3.11 À 1.83 À 0.81 À 0.47 0.24 0.03 À 0.12 D7 À 5.30 À 1.64 À 3.73 À 2.44 À 1.43 À 1.09 À 0.38 À 0.59 À 0.74 À 0.62 D8 À 5.67 À 2.01 À 4.10 À 2.81 À 1.79 À 1.46 À 0.75 À 0.96 À 1.11 À 0.99 À 0.37 D9 À 4.19 À 0.52 À 2.62 À 1.33 À 0.31 0.02 0.73 0.52 0.37 0.50 1.11 1.48 D10 À 4.57 À 0.91 À 3.00 À 1.71 À 0.69 À 0.36 0.35 0.14 À 0.01 0.11 0.73 1.10 À 0.38 D11 À 4.03 À 0.36 À 2.45 À 1.17 À 0.15 0.18 0.90 0.69 0.53 0.66 1.28 1.65 0.16 0.55 D12 À 5.19 À 21.52 À 3.62 À 2.33 À 1.31 À 0.98 À 0.27 À 0.48 À 0.63 À 0.50 0.12 0.48 À 1.00 À 0.62 À 1.16 (b) Tamhane’s T2 multiple comparison table of mean differences in NDVI for residential zoning categories DP 0.27 D1 0.08 À 0.19 D2 0.13 À 0.14 0.06 D3 0.20 À 0.07 0.12 0.07 D4 0.23 À 0.04 0.15 0.10 0.03 D5 0.27 À 0.01 0.19 0.13 0.06 0.03 D5II 0.35 0.08 0.28 0.22 0.15 0.12 0.09 D6 0.28 0.01 0.20 0.15 0.08 0.05 0.01 À 0.07 D6II 0.29 0.02 0.21 0.15 0.09 0.06 0.02 À 0.07 0.01 D7 0.35 0.08 0.27 0.22 0.15 0.12 0.09 0.00 0.07 0.06 D8 0.33 0.06 0.25 0.20 0.13 0.10 0.07 À 0.02 0.05 0.04 À 0.02 D9 0.33 0.06 0.26 0.20 0.13 0.10 0.07 À 0.02 0.06 0.05 À 0.02 0.00 D10 0.27 0.00 0.19 0.13 0.07 0.04 0.00 À 0.09 À 0.01 À 0.02 À 0.08 À 0.06 À 0.07 D11 0.29 0.02 0.21 0.16 0.09 0.06 0.03 À 0.06 0.01 0.00 À 0.06 À 0.04 À 0.04 0.03 D12 0.26 À 0.01 0.18 0.13 0.06 0.03 À 0.01 À 0.09 À 0.02 À 0.03 À 0.09 À 0.07 À 0.07 À 0.01 À 0.03 Values in bold italic-type indicate pairings where the mean difference exceeded critical value at a = 0.0001. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321314 each of the general and detailed residential zoning categories by computing a series of Pearson Product Moment Correlation coefficients (Table 5). These tests were developed by analyzing the relationship between each pixel value from the Ts image and the mean of the four corresponding pixels from the NDVI image. Aside from the correlation computed for the entire city, each test included only the pixels delineated in the respective zoning categories as defined by the zoning GIS layer. Correlation results show that relationships between Ts and NDVI were significant for the city as a whole and within all individual zoning categories except for the regional category in the general zoning classification. At the time the June 6, 2000 ETM+ image was acquired, there was one polygon zoned as regional, which occurred just to the west of the CBD. This area of the city includes regional attractions such as a relatively new baseball stadium (Victory Field), the Indianapolis Zoo, the White River State Park Visitor’s Center, and proportionally, a relatively large segment of the White River (Fig. 6a). The low correlation coefficient between Ts and NDVI for this zoning polygon can be attributed to the large area that is occupied by water, which has very low NDVI and also low values of Ts. Similarly, the low but statistically significant relationship between Ts and NDVI for the parks zoning category is primarily a function of the inclusion of Eagle Creek Reservoir in the parks category (Fig. 6b). It has been well documented in the remote sensing literature that relationship between Ts and NDVI is strongly influenced by the presence of water, both in the form of moisture contained in soil and vegetation, as well as surface water features such as lakes, ponds, and rivers (e.g., Carlson et al., 1981; Gillies & Carlson, 1995). Excluding pixels that correspond to major surface water features from the analysis would undoubtedly increase the significance of the relationship between Ts and NDVI and tighten up the dispersion of points around the regression line depicted in Fig. 5. This would be a desirable modification to the methods presented here if the objective was to study only land surfaces. However, in the context of the current research, surface water pixels were not excluded for several reasons. First, the sighting of specific types of zoning around the surface water features such as lakes and rivers often represents a conscious decision on the part of planners. Since the intention of this research is to analyze individual zoning polygons as a unit of the urban landscape, excluding water pixels would preclude comparative analysis of specific instances of zoning within their respective environmental contexts. Secondly, surface water in the form of retention ponds located in many of the newer residential developments within the Indianapolis/Marion County study region is a direct result of planning policies to account for increased storm water runoff created by the addition of impervious surfaces and has been a point of debate among planners, developers, and residents. Exclusion of surface water pixels in this case would inhibit the ability of planners to evaluate the effects of different forms of Fig. 5. Scatter plot of mean NDVI (x-axis) and Ts ( y-axis) associated with each zoning polygon in the Indianapolis study region. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 315 accounting for increased impervious surface area on Ts and NDVI. An additional reason for not excluding pixels that correspond to surface water features relates to the spatial resolution of the imagery. While major surface water features in the study region, such as the larger streams and reservoirs, could be masked out of the 60-m resolution thermal imagery, smaller surface water features would still be included in the form of mixed pixels, in which a measurement for a pixel is a function of both water and land surface that occurs within a pixel instantaneous field of view. There are many mixed water/land surface pixels in the imagery of the Indianapolis study region that result from, for example, smaller retention ponds and streams that occur within developed areas, drainage ditches in agricultural areas, and the Whitewater Canal, which runs through the western portion of the Indianapolis CBD. Thus, at some point, the removal of large surface water features and the inclusion of smaller surface water features in the form of mixed pixels may ultimately bias the results. 4.5. Example applications of Ts and NDVI feature space in urban planning A potential application of the inverse relationship between Ts and NDVI in urban planning is to use this phenomenon as a comparative tool for finding examples of low and high impact implementations within a particular zoning category. Consider that all polygons making up a particular zoning category provide examples of a range of possible development options. By examining variations of mean Ts and NDVI within this group, planners can find examples of both high impact implementations, in which development has led to low levels of green biomass and/or high levels of radiant temperature (i.e., low NDVI and high Ts), and low impact implementations, where NDVI remains high and/or surface temperatures are relatively low. Below, we use the DP (planned unit development) residential zoning category to illustrate this concept. Fig. 7 shows a scatter plot of mean Ts and NDVI associated with the 89 DP zoning polygons that occur in the study region. High-resolution (5 m) near infrared aerial imagery is used to illustrate the nature of land use and land cover within selected polygons occurring in different locations of the Ts/NDVI feature space. Points occurring at the lower right of the scatter plot represent examples that could be categorized as low impact implementations, while those at the upper left represent high impact implementations. The image at upper right shows a relatively new and affluent single-family development zoned as DP, which might be categorized as a low impact implementation in terms of effect on Ts and NDVI. This subdivision occurs along the southern portion of Geist Reservoir, and a significant amount of tree cover was left intact during the development. Tree cover appears as middle gray tones located to the rear of individual houses, while grass appears in brighter tones, located primarily in the front of the houses. While the dark area around the development represents the surface water of the reservoir, the lake itself is not part of the same polygon, and thus has no direct effect on the location of this zoning unit in the Ts/NDVI feature space image. The image at upper left represents what might be categorized as a high impact example, displaying high mean Ts and low mean NDVI. This area consists of multifamily apartment buildings, with little vegetation left intact. Mean Ts remains high despite the retention ponds that are included in the center of the polygon, which have an effect of pulling the location of this zoning polygon towards the origin the graph. The image at lower left depicts what might be categorized as an outlier in the sense that while the mean NDVI value is relatively low, so is the mean Ts value. Like the regional and park examples shown in Fig. 6, this polygon exhibits low correlation between Ts and NDVI because of the relatively large proportion covered by water. This development occurs on the site of a former gravel quarry. Table 5 Pearson product moment correlation coefficients and coefficients of determination for the relationship between Ts and NDVI for (a) general zoning classes and (b) residential zoning classes r r2 sig. (a) General zoning Agriculture À 0.665 0.443 * Airport À 0.658 0.433 * CBD À 0.440 0.193 * Commercial À 0.632 0.400 * Dwellings À 0.661 0.436 * Historic À 0.677 0.459 * Hospital À 0.787 0.619 * Industrial À 0.484 0.234 * Interstate À 0.571 0.326 * Park À 0.268 0.072 * Regional À 0.009 0.000 Special use À 0.523 0.274 * University À 0.669 0.447 * Entire city À 0.563 0.316 * (b) Residential zoning DS À 0.616 0.380 * DP À 0.520 0.271 * D1 À 0.523 0.274 * D2 À 0.593 0.351 * D3 À 0.647 0.419 * D4 À 0.649 0.421 * D5 À 0.701 0.491 * D5II À 0.682 0.465 * D6 À 0.450 0.202 * D6II À 0.588 0.346 * D7 À 0.361 0.130 * D8 À 0.627 0.394 * D9 À 0.520 0.271 * D10 À 0.913 0.834 * D11 À 0.670 0.449 * D12 À 0.647 0.419 * Statistical significance at a = 0.01 for two-tailed test at corresponding df signified by *. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321316 4.6. Extending the Ts/NDVI feature space model A possible point of contention arising from the results presented thus far is that most of the low environmental impact (i.e., high NDVI and/or low Ts) examples of zoning ordinances observed in the study region are characterized by low-density development (e.g., the single family housing development shown in the upper right of Fig. 7 and the DS residential zoning category). These forms of development may be considered the least desirable to planners who cite low-density development as an undesirable trait in the context of urban sprawl. A more compliant application of the comparison of zoning in Ts/NDVI feature space from the perspective of mitigating urban sprawl would be the inclusion of third axis of development density—the idea being that the most ideal examples of development would exhibit some combination of low Ts, high NDVI, and high-density development. An example of extending the Ts/NDVI feature space by adding a third axis of development density is presented in Fig. 8a. The third axis represents the percent of the zoning polygon covered by developed land cover as defined by building footprint and edge of pavement GIS polygon data. The same DP zoning polygons used in the 2D example above are used here. A zoning polygon that occurs in the ‘‘low impact’’ corner of the 3D feature space is selected to Fig. 6. Examples of zoning polygons exhibiting low correlation between Ts and NDVI: (a) 5-m panchromatic aerial image of regional zoning polygon, (b) 30-m resolution near infrared ETM+ (Band 4) image of Eagle Creek Park Polygon. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 317 illustrate the relationship between what occurs on the ground and how this translates into the feature space graphic. This polygon exhibited a development density value of 37%, a mean NDVI of 0.3, and a mean Ts value of 297jK. This zoning polygon is symbolized by the cube within the 3D feature space graph and contains five multifamily housing structures. Although this zoning unit occurs close to a busy thoroughfare, a fair amount of tree cover has been retained as indicated by the medium gray tones that occur near the edges of the polygon. Instead of creating separate impervious areas to accommodate parking, the developers have included attached garages that also accommodate living space above. The only additional impervious surfaces, aside from the buildings, are the access roads. The remainder of the development is occupied by grass as indicated by the bright tones immediately surrounding the structures. While graphical comparison of individual zoning units within the 3D feature space provides a visual tool for comparing the impact of landscape units in terms of effect on Ts, NDVI, and development density, this can be extended to a more quantitative index by computing the Euclidean distance from a zoning units location in the 3D feature space to a benchmark location in the ‘‘low impact’’ corner of the graphic. Such an environmental impact index could be computed as (Eq. (4)): Index Value ¼ SQRTðXi À XjÞ2 þ ðYi À YjÞ2 þ ðZi À ZjÞ2 ð4Þ where Xi, Yi, and Zi = the respective values of Ts, NDVI, and development density for a particular zoning unit, and Xj, Yj, and Zj = the respective values of Ts, NDVI, and development density for the benchmark location in the low impact portion of feature space. The logic of applying this environmental impact index to the 89 DP zoning polygons in the study region is presented graphically in Fig. 8b. The lines associated with each point represent the Euclidean distance from each DP polygon location in the 3D feature space to the benchmark location. The DP zoning polygon with the lowest index value corresponds to the white cube depicted in Fig. 8a and b. The benchmark value from which Euclidean distance measurements are based in this example was set at Ts = 295, NDVI = 0.5, and development density = 65%. The general idea suggested by these examples is that the integration of city’s GIS data with remote sensing measurements of Ts and NDVI provides the opportunity to gain further insight into the environmental consequences of planning decisions. A range of possible development options can be represented in both spatial and quantitative forms, providing a comparative context that relates to the environmental effects imposed by development. This provides planners with the ability to evaluate the effects of existing development and, by exploring the specific reasons for the occurrence of low impact examples, to shape policies that may lessen the impact of future devel- opment. Fig. 7. Scatter plot of mean Ts and NDVI associated with the 89 DP (planned unit development) zoning polygons. Five-meter resolution panchromatic aerial images illustrate land use–land cover of different forms of development within DP ordinance corresponding to selected locations in Ts/NDVI feature space. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321318 Fig. 8. (a) 3D scatter plot of Ts, NDVI, and % development density associated with the 89 DP (planned unit development) zoning polygons; (b) conceptual diagram of environmental impact index using Ts, NDVI, and % development density. J.S. Wilson et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 86 (2003) 303–321 319 5. Summary and conclusions The results of this research indicate that different types of zoning have significantly different effects on radiant surface temperature and NDVI as measured by the ETM+ sensor within the Indianapolis urban ecosystem. Comparisons of mean Ts and NDVI values associated with individual pairings of zoning categories also suggest that the majority can be differentiated on the basis of both Ts and NDVI. A significant inverse relationship between Ts and NDVI was observed for the entire city of Indianapolis and within all but one of the individual zoning categories. Examples of how this relationship can be used by planners to find low and high impact examples within a particular zoning category are provided. An extension of this model that includes the additional variable of development density provides a quantitative index that should be useful to planners that seek examples of development that increase density in the context of slowing urban sprawl, while lessening the impacts of development on radiant temperatures and vege- tation. While zoning polygons were used as the primary unit of analysis in this research, the same methods and concepts could be extended to other forms of urban landscape delineation. Many of the specific decisions that influence radiant surface temperature and vegetation in an urban ecosystem, such as building materials, landscaping, and, to some extent, building form, are often implemented at the development, tract, or individual parcel level (Rosenfeld et al., 1995). This study has shown that moderate spatial resolution remote sensing data, such as that collected by the ETM+ sensor, are useful for regional scale analyses, and the methods presented should be applicable to other forms of urban landscape delineations such as individual developments and neighborhoods. A few examples of the application of higher spatial resolution (e.g., < 5 m) multispectral remote sensing imagery for analyzing the impacts of planning on the interactions between radiant temperature and vegetation within urban ecosystems are in development (e.g., Quattrochi et al., 2000; Stone & Rodgers, 2001), but are the exceptions. As higher resolution remote sensing imagery becomes more commonly available, the methods presented in this research could be extended to more specific urban design considerations that impact the thermal and vegetation components of urban ecosystems at finer spatial scales. 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