Alice Navratilová PriF %A6%E5%99e%F0%F9%BCw%FFS%01%FA%8D%D5%DE%FF%B8b%06y%B0r5%21o%FDZCm%D1%B0%D6J%B7%E8%9E%C9%8E%40%C9%CA %B4%01%8F%8A%81%23%28q%86Co%D7%AF8%1C-%8C%26K%92J%BC%14%E9%AE%EA%D3k%D4X%ED%E9%23f%C5%DFUP%C1%E2WG% 3Fk%D2%F6 OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Geographies of Development – the structure of the course —1) Measurements of inequalities and —patterns of development —A) historical dimension of uneven development —B) the nature of inequalities and legitimization of inequalities Multi-disciplinary approach (besides geography) —Development economics: patterns of uneven development —History of social thought – projects of colonization, modernity, development and globlalization —Development studies – different development paradigms —Antropology: antropology of development —Sociology, political science: civil society, global civil society —Public administration: achieving MDGs and case studies on health policies. — Geographies of Development – the structure of the course I —2 Conceptualising development a)Questioning development b)Understanding colonialism c)Theories and strategies of development d)Globalization, development and underdevelopment OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Geographies of Development – the structure of the course II —2) Development in practice —A) methodologies of development – project cycle management —Logical framework analysis —B) participatory development —C) institutions of development — OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Geographies of Development – the structure of the course III —3) Spaces of development —A) Local social movements and development —B) Global civil society and development —C) Urban spaces —D) Rural spaces OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 World inequalities – development economics —Does world inequality rise or fall? —What is the development over the last two decades? —Why inequality matters? —Are world markets equitable? —Why power matters? World inequality —Rising inequality at odds with conventional economic wisdom about how income differentials between countries change over time —80s and 90s – giving more space to the global market – would lead to closing of the income gap —However income convergence took place only for a samll number of countries —More successful countries tended to be cautious in pursuing trade and financial reforms. — Why inequality matters —Inequality matters especially within developing countries – injustice, but also unequal opportunities – economic potential stays unutilized —Better education and wealth – allows to take fuller advantage of economic opportunities —Inequality breeds more inequality —Trade-off - equity vs motivation World inequality —Better endowments enjoyed by rich countries – give them preferential access to capital markets and makes them less vulnerable (Ocampo, Vos, 2008:2) —Markets are not equitable – inverstors prefer less risky countries, —Economy of poorer countries less diversified —Patent protection – intellectual property rights (WTO) – increase costs incurred by poor countries in securing innovation, medicines World inequality —Economic and political power tend to be reinforcing —The rules governing global markets are likely to be less advantageous for developing countries —Monterrey Consensus mandate to the international community to improve participation of developing countries in international decision-making —Widening global assymetries harm growth and prevent poor countries for reaping the full gains of global development (Ocampo, Vos, 2008:3) — — World inequalities – development economics —World inequality is high and rising —The distribution of income across the world´s nations is extraordinarily skewed (Ray, 2007:10). —How to measure inequalities? —GDP – advantages and disadvantages? (to facilitate comparison – local currency into US dollars, problems: a)fluctuating exchange rate; b) intra-state inequalities) — — World inequalities —GDP – 1993 – yeardstick, world production 24trillion US$: —20% of production coming from low and middle income countries; —Switzerland enjoyed a per capita income close to 400 times of Tanzania — World inequalities —GNP – ibid. —PPP – purchasing power parity —HDI —CDI —Disparities are enormous, no amout of fine-tuning in measurement methods can get rid of the stark inequalities (Ray, 2007:11). — World inequalities —Average Ethiopian 35times poorer than European or American —Income level (PPP) in 1950 1/16 of American —Now average US citizen 27 times of average Nepalete, up from 19 in 1950 —OCAMPO, J.A.; VOS,R.(2006):Uneven Economic Development, London: Zed Books. —(Ocampo, Vos, 2006:1) — Growth of Inequalities Positive economics Normative economics Weaknesses in data available (Ray, 2007:11). —Underreporting of income is not uncommon in developing countries; tax systéms not as efficient as in developed economies - greater incentive to underreport income or output for tax purposes. —National accounts may not be comprehensive as well —The proportion of income that is actually generated fro self-consumption is relatively high in developing countries. — Weaknesses in data available (Ray, 2007:12). —Prices for many goods are not appropriately reflected in exchange rates —Exchange rates are just prices, and the levels of these prices depends only on dommodities (including capital) that cross international borders; —thus goods and services that arenot internationally traded reflected innappropriately —Prices of nontraded goods (infrastructure and many services do not affect exchange rate. —Relatively low prices for nontraded goods – conversion to US dollars underestimates the real incomes of poorer countries. —Attempt at correction – PPP: Heston-Summers data set. PPP – purchasing power parity —UN International Comparison Program (ICP) —ICP collects data on prices of 400-700 items in ieach of a set of benchmark countries. —150 expenditure categories —PPP for any coutnry is the ratio of its domenstic currency expenditures to the international price value of its output. —International prices are constructed for an enormous basket of goods and services by averaging the prices (expresses in dollars)for each such good and service over all different coutnreis. PPP, WB indicators —PPP of per capita income go some way toward reducing the astonishing disparities in the world distribution of income (Ray, 2007:15) —World Development Indicators, 2011 — — — — — — — QUESTIONING DEVELOPMENT —Overviews of different ways of defining development —Quantitative vs. qualitative conceptions of development —Focus on socio-economic improvements since 70s, but net increase in inequalities —In the industrialized world the income level has steadily grown for the past five decades —It failed to do so in many developing countries (Ocampo, Vos, 2006:1) — The nature of development Thomas (2001) —Different usages of ´development´ —1) development as fundamental or structural change —Development as intervention and action aimed at improvement —Development as the platform for improvement encompassing changes that will facilitate development in the future — The ´essence´ of development —Different views of development —A) what constitutes development? —B) who participates in development? —C) which institutions promote development? — OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Positive interpretation of development —SUPPORTERS OF DEVELOPMENT: —Development brings about economic growth —national progress —modernisation along Western lines OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Positive connotation wt development —Improves the provision of basic needs —Can help create sustainable growth —Improves governance —(Potter et al., 2008:5) — Alternative interpretations of development —Critiques of development : —Development is a dependent and subordinate process —Development creates and deepens spatial inequalities — OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Alternative interpretations of development §D. undermines local cultures and values §D. perpetuates poverty and poor working and living conditions ž Critiques of development §D. is environmentally unsustainable §D. infringes human rights and undermines democracy (Potter et al., 2008:5) ž Amartya Sen —Development as Freedom (2000) —Themes – poverty, famine, capabilities, inequality, democracy —Development consists of the removal of various types of unfreedoms that leave people with littel choice and little opportunity for exersicing their reasoned agency — Development as freedom žHuman freedom tends to promote freedoms of other kinds: many different interconnections between distinct instrumental freedoms žEconomic and political freedoms help to reinforce one another ž(Although some argue the opposite) Development as Freedom —Social opportunites in the fields of heath care and education – which require public action – complement individual opporutinites for economic and political participation. —Thus – intrinsic importance of human freedoms Classification of Development Theory —1) Modernisation School —2) Dependency School —3) Neo-liberalism and current New Institutional Economics —4) human development (basic needs approach, rigths-based approach, development as freedom, MDGs) — Classification of Development Theory ž5) alternative development žAlternative to mainstream development žGlobal civil society žFluid category – what was in 70s alternative – currently mainstream (sustainable development, WED) ž6) Post-development žSaid, Escobar, Sachs, post-structuralist discoursive analysis of development Euro-centricity of development – basic criticism —Ideological biases —Lack of sensitivity to cultural variation —Setting of ethical norms — — OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Euro-centricity of development – basic criticism §Stereotyping of other people §Tendency towards deterministic formulations §Dominance of ´male´ narratives – vs. subaltern voices §(Potter et al., 2008:5) ž Euro-centricity of development – basic criticism —Tendency towards reductionism —Tendency towards the building of grand theories —underlying tones of racial superiority —Unilinearity —Universalism OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Mainstream economics —western economics – logically closed system —Assumptions are substituted for reality —Mainstream economics is neither values-free nor tolerant of non-Western cultures- — OPVK Inovace výuky geografických studijních oborů, CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0222 Peet, R.; Hhartwick, H.: Theories of Development , New York: Hulford Press. — —Modernity - philosophies that characterize the modern Western world —Positivist through to modernization theorists of teh 20th century —Human reason and rational behavior as the mainspring of social progress —Ideas are strenuously empirically based but also thought to be logical productively between human being and the rest of the natural world . —Reasoned thinking produces science and technology as new Different histories, diverse narratives, autochton chronologies —China and Japan - over thousand years of self-governance —Thought of themselves as unified people Commitment fo Development Index (CDI) —Center for Global Development —Ranks OECD DAC countries (22 in total) according to their dedication to policies that help the ´majority´ of the world (5 billion people in poorer countries) —Index looks beyond the standard comparisons of foreign aid flows —Measurement of ´development friendliness´ of 22 countries Commitment fo Development Index (CDI) —7 dimensions : aid, trade, investment, migration, environment, security, and technology —Operationalization of MDGs no 8, effort to measure not only quantity but also quality of aid. —The Index penalizes countries that give with one hand, for instance through aid or investment, but take away with the other, through trade barriers or pollution. —Closer look at the structure of development aid – tied aid. — CDI —Center for Global Development (CGD) - a non-profit think-tank based in Washington, on the initiative of David Roodman —In 2003 CGD first published the Index in Foreign Policy magazine – to provoke discussion, highlight gaps in current knowledge, and encourage policy reform —The Index was published annually in conjunction with Foreign Policy through 2006, and since published by CGD alone. Classifications of countries Patterns of develpment —PERKINS, D.H., RADELET, S.; LINDAUER, D.L. (1996): Economics of Development, New York: Norton and Company. On-line data bases and resources —World Bank; International Monetary Fund —The United Nations development organizations:;, —(cf Perkins et al. 2006:xxiii) On-line data bases and resources —Independent Research Organizations : Center for Global Development —The Cener for International Development at Harvard University —The Earth Institute at Columbia University ( —(cf Perkins et al. 2006:xxiv) — — On-line data bases and resources —The Overseas Development Institute ( —The World Institute for Development Economics Research ( —The World Resources Institute —(cf Perkins et al. 2006:xxiv) — Information Gateways —The Development Gateway —ELDIS: The Electronic Development and Environment Information Systém —The International Development Research Centre — — — Data resourses —The Development Assistance Committe of teh OECD ( —The World Factbook ( — — NGOs and Advocacy networks —Action Aid ( —Debt, AIDS, Trade in Africa (DATA, —The ONE Campaign ( —OXFAM ( — —