1 1. Organization of the course1. Organization of the course Bi7430 Molecular Biotechnology In t r o d u c t i o n o f l e c t u r e r s In t r o d u c t i o n o f c o u r s e C o u r s e c o n t e n t In s t r u c t i o n s L e c t u r i n g s ys t e m E v a l u a t i o n R e c o m m e n d e d l i t e r a t u r e Outline Introduction of Lecturers Doc. RNDr. Zbyněk Prokop, Ph.D. (UČO 23696) Loschmidt Laborator ies, leader of research team co-founder and CEO of Enantis – 1s t biotech spin-off at MU protein engineer ing for biotechnolog ic al applicat ion s zbynek@chemi.muni.cz, (A13, office 232) Mgr. Pavel Dvořák (UČO 151419) Loschmidt Laborator ies, research special ist metabolic and protein engineer ing paveld@chemi.muni.cz, (A13, office 309) 2 Introduction of Course EXT ENSIVE MULT IDISCI PLI NARIT Y PREREQUISI TES: basic knowledge of microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, immunology and genetics COURSE FOCUSE: the specif ic aspect s of modern biotechnology examples of up to date application s in industry, agriculture, pharmacy, biomedicine nad env ironment al protection the role of modern biotechnology in sustainabl e living Course content 2. Introducti on to Molecular Biotechnology 3. Protein Engineering 4. Metabolic Engineeri ng I. 5. Metabolic Engineeri ng II. 6. Molecular Biotechnology in Indust ry 7. Molecular Biotechnology in Medicine I. 8. Molecular Biotechnology in Medicine II. 9. Molecular Biotechnology in Agriculture 10. Molecular Biotechnology in Env ironmental Protection METHODOLOGICAL LECTURES TECHNOLOGICAL LECTURES Instructions bring printed copy of the slides as handouts f or notes 3 Instructions bring printed copy of the slides as handouts f or notes f ind all materials including printed v ersion of the slides at http://is.mun i. cz/ be on time, come at least 5 min bef ore the lecture opening attendance is mandato ry if any problems with the lecture, please, contact lecturers be active and participat e in discussio n s Lecturing system powerpoint slides as well as recommended literature in English lecturing, discussions and examination in Czech 2 hrs per week lecture part I. (40 min) -> BREAK (10 min) -> lecture part II. (40 min) essential knowledge indicated by exclamation (appears in the tests) Evaluation f our progress written tests during the lecturing period at the beginning of lecture 4., 6., 8. and 10. (duration 10 min) 10 question s from previous topics (cummulat ive) one final written test during the examination period 60 question s from entire content of the course duration one hour OVERALL EVALUAT IO N comprises result s of the progress test s (40%) and result of the f inal written test (60%) 4 Recommended literature M. W ink (Ed.) 2011: An Introduction to Molecular Biotechnology: Fundamentals, Methods and Applicat ion s, 2n d Edition, W illey-B lackw el l B. R. Glick, J. J. Pastern ak, C. L. Patten 2011: Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and Applicat ions of Recombinant DNA, 4t h Edition , ASM Press J. M. W alker, R. Rapley 2009: Molecular biology and biotechnology, 5t h Edition , RSC Publish ing