1 5. Metabolic Engineering II5. Metabolic Engineering II Bi7430 Molecular Biotechnology Dhamankar , H. (2011) Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 21:1 General workflow of ME project computational and experimental tools and Properties E x p e r i m e n t a l ( g e n e t i c ) t o o l s f o r M E M e t a b o l i c l o a d ( yi e l d v s . v i a b i l i t y o f h o s t ) M E o f b i o s yn t h e t i c ( a n a b o l i c ) p a t h w a ys - e x a m p l e s M E o f b i o d e g r a d a t i o n ( c a t a b o l i c ) p a t h w a ys - e x a m p l e s L i m i t a t i o n s a n d p e r s p e c t i v e s o f M E D i s c u s s i o n Outline EXPERIMENTAL TOOLS ARE APPLIED HAND IN HAND WITH THEORETICAL TOOLS experimentals tools = genetic tools (recombinant DNA technology) production of transgenic organisms engineering input on level of: gene expression (DNA/RNA): gene knockout, gene down/up-regulation, heterologous expression, codon optimization, chromosomal integration of gene(s) protein: protein engineering, proximity of enzymes (substrate channeling) small molecules: cofactor balancing Experimental tools for ME 2 Boyle, P.M. (2012) Metabolic Engineering, 14:223 “Parts and pipes” in ME optimization of gene(s) expressionoptimization of gene(s) expression Bacterial operone +1 P TRBS RBSRBS A B C mRNA ATG stop ATG stop ATG stop -35 -10 Gene knock-out gene(s) of interest is deleted from the chromosome – permanent state widely used technique based on phage λ Red recombinase (E. coli) analogous method used in yeast www.genebridges.com 3 Gene down/up regulation TRANSCRIPTIONAL AND POST-TRANSCRIPTIONAL LEVEL promoter engineering (lac, trc, T5, T7; inducible vs. constitutive) engineering of intergenic regions (mRNA stability, ribosome binding) Santos, C.N.S. (2008) Curr.Opin.Chem.Biol., 12:168 LEVEL of TRANSLATION RNA interference - homologous RNA sequences (gene knock-down) expression of one or more genes is reduced – transient state engineering of ribosome binding sites (RBS calculator1) Shine-Dalgarno sequence (consensus sequence AGGAGG) 1Salis, H.M. (2009) Nature Biotechnology, 27: 946 Gene down/up regulation Codon optimization SYNTHESIS OF GENES FOR HETEROLOGOUS EXPRESSION commercial gene synthesis (Invitrogen, GeneScript, DNA 2.0) 7.9 Kč/bp, up to 3.5 kbp codon optimization, GC content optimization subcloning in vector of choice before after Expression from plasmids HETEROLOGOUS GENE EXPRESSION FROM PLASMIDs important characteristics of each plasmid: copy number, origin of replication (ORI), promoter, selection marker, multi-cloning sites (MCS), tags or leading sequences commercial vectors (pBAD Invitrogen, pET Merck) DUET vectors (derivatives of pET) – suitable for heterologous expression of whole metabolic pathways. 4 DUET vector system (T7 promoter,variability in copy number) www.merckmillipore.cz Expression from plasmids gene 3 gene 2 gene 1 1:2(3):2(3) Gene order and configuration of genes in operone influence their expression.1 pseudo-operon monocistronic Xu, P. (2012) ACS Synthetic Biology, DOI: 10.1021/sb300016b operon promoter RBS terminator Expression from plasmids 1Lim, H.N. (2011) PNAS, 108:10626 HETEROLOGOUS GENE EXPRESSION FROM CHROMOSOME expression from chromosome is advantageous (higher stability, no antibiotic markers) methods for integration: homologous recombination (recA, λ Red), transposition (Tn5 and Tn7-based vectors) integration of single genes or whole synthetic operones subsequent duplication or multiplication of insertions Expression from chromosome 5 SYNTHETIC OPERON DESIGN (software GeneDesigner 2.0) +1 P TRBS RBSRBS dhaA hheC echA mRNA ATG stop ATG stop ATG stop Expression from chromosome INSERTION OF DESIRED GENE(S) BY TN-5 BASED TRANSPOSITION (non-specific). de Lorenzo, V. (1990) Journal of Bacteriology, 172: 6568 selection of positive clones on LB agar plates with respective antibiotic Expression from chromosome Balancing gene expression VI HETEROLOGOUS GENE EXPRESSION FROM CHROMOSOME multiplication of insertions: Chemically Inducible Chromosomal Evolution (CIChE)1 1Tyo, K.E.J. (2009) Nature Biotechnology, 27:760 protein levelprotein level 6 Substrate channelling Synthetic protein scaffolding made of bacterial dockerins and cohesins from cellulosome (Clostridium, Bacteroides). protein scaffolding used for increasing proximity of 3 glycolytic enzymes producing fructose-6-phosphate1 1You, C. (2012) Angewandte Chemie, 51:1 cohesins dockerins pathway enzymes substrate product small molecules levelsmall molecules level Cofactor balancing cofactors play a critical role especially in redox reactions (NAD(H), NADP(H)) natural pathways (e.g. glycolysis) often employ oxidoreductases cofactor recycling and balancing is essential solution: enzyme mediated cofactor recycling through overexpression of NAD+ kinase, transhydrogenases or dehydrogenases simultaneously with knock-outs of genes encoding enzymes from competing pathways NADP+ NADPH time for break 7 metabolic load1metabolic load1 1Glick, B.R. (1995) Biotechnology Advances, 13:247 YIELD VS. VIABILITY OF CELL 1) STATIC CONTROL: static balancing of production of pathway enzymes - levels of enzymes remain unchanged throughout the whole cultivation (most of the standard techniques mentioned above) 2) DYNAMIC CONTROL: engineering of a dynamic response of host organism on metabolic load and toxicity of pathway components – levels of enzymes fluctuate during cultivation (challenge for future applications of ME) Metabolic load Metabolic load overexpression of foreign proteins results in decrease of viability of host cell rich LB medium minimal medium Metabolic load induction overexpression of foreign proteins results in decrease of viability of host cell 45 % 8 Dynamic control engineering Dynamic Sensor-Regulator System (DSRS)1 Production of biodiesel from fatty acid ethyl ester in E. coli. 1Zhang, F. (2012) Nature Biotechnology, 30:354 ME of biosynthetic pathways ME APPLIED IN ORDER TO IMPROVE (ESTABLISH) PRODUCTION OF: biofuels (ethanol, butanol, H2, fatty acids derived esters) natural and non-natural alcohols natural and non-natural amino acids fatty acids peptides and proteins secondary metabolites: antibiotics, isoprenoids (artemisinin, taxol) oligo and polysacharides (biodegradable polymers) commodity chemicals (1,3-propanediol) and many others... ME of biosynthetic pathways Current limitations of biosynthesis using engineered organisms: missing standards low productivity (low activity of enzymes, side reactions, limits of host organisms) non-competitive economy of the biosynthetic proceses application of GMO (ethics) ME of biosynthetic pathways EXAMPLE No.1: Engineering of E. coli K12 towards production of 1,3-propanediol1 commodity chemical (solvents, adhesives, resins, detergent, textile) synthetic pathway 15 years, 575 scientists (DuPont+Genencor) 1,3-PD produced at rate 3.5 g/L-h, titer of 135 g/L 1) introduction of genes from 3 organisms: E.coli (yghD), S.cerevisiae (dar1, gpp2), K. pneumoniae (dhaB1-B3) 2) deletion of glycerol kinase (glpK), glycerol dehydrogenase (gldA) 3) change of uptake system (deletion of PEP-dependent system and introduction of ATP-coupled uptake) 1Nakamura, C.E. (2003) Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 14:454 glycolysis glpk + gldA S. cerevisiae K. pneumoniae 9 ME of biosynthetic pathways EXAMPLE No.2: Engineering of E. coli towards production of taxol precursor (isoprenoid) taxol – anticancer drug (Taxus brevifolia), precursor taxadiene complicated chemical synthesis (35 – 50 steps), low yield synthetic pathway consists of native upstream module (8 genes) and heterologous downstream module (2 genes from Taxus) combinatorial approach: multivariete-modular engineering – search for optimally balanced pathway in combinatorial space combination of 5 plasmids, 3 promoters and 2 pathway modules minimization of cumulation of toxic intermediate indol 15,000-fold improvement of taxadiene production, titer of 1 g/L 1Ajikumar, P.K. (2010) Science, 330:70 ME of biodegradation pathways ME of biodegradation pathways for biodegradation of toxic compounds in industry, biosensing and in situ bioremediation. host organisms: bacteria (mostly improvement of natural strains isolated from contaminated sites) and plants (phytobioremediation) phenomena of toxicity and adaptation of bacteria (enzymes) towards anthropogenic substrates paraoxone, toluene, DCE, TCP, lindane ME of biodegradation pathways Current limitations of biodegradation using engineered organisms: low competitivness of engineered strains (different conditions in lab and in the environment) decreased viability of host organisms due to metabolic load and high toxicity of substrates and pathway intermediates application of GMO (ethics) limited number of “successful stories” → ME of biodegradation pathways is challenging ME of biodegradation pathways EXAMPLE: Synthetic pathway for biodegradation of 1,2,3trichloropropane (TCP) TCP – anthropogenic compound, industrial use, emerging pollutant no natural strain capable of TCP utilization (lack of dehalogenating enzyme) 10 TCP pathway Project workflow: 1989 – description of pathway for utilization of halogenated alcohols from Agrobacterium radiobacter AD1 (HheC, EchA) 1997 – description of haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA (Rhodococcus sp.) 1999 – heterologous expression of dhaAwt in A.radiobacter AD11 2002 – heterologous expression of dhaAM2 in A.radiobacter AD12 ultimate goal: bacterium utilizing TCP as a single carbon source PROBLEMS: low viability of constructs (TCP toxicity, low expression of enzymes) cumulation of toxic pathway intermediates low conversion of TCP to glycerol (3.6 mM/10 days) 1,2Bosma ,T. (1999 and 2002) Applied Environmental Microbiology, 65:4575 and 68:3582 TCP pathway 2009 - construction of DhaA311 (32-times improved activity with TCP) rational design - computer modelling for selection of hot spots directed evolution - saturation mutagenesis in pre-defined positions 1Pavlová, M. (2009) Nature Chemical Biology, 5:727 2009 – now: applied principles of metabolic engineering: gene synthesis and codon optimization for E. coli cloning in pET and DUET vectors, overexpression detailed characterization of pathway enzymes (kinetic properties) characterization and quantification of metabolites (GC analysis) PROOF OF CONCEPT: reconstruction of pathway in vitro TCP pathway In vitro reconstruction of TCP pathway (soluble enzymes) TCP pathway DhaAwt, HheC, EchA mixed in ratio 1:1:1 DhaA31, HheC, EchA mixed in ratio 1:1:1 11 2009 – now: applied principles of metabolic engineering: kinetic model of the pathway reconstruction of pathway in vivo (E. coli) defined toxicity of TCP and pathway intermediates for cell modular engineering for balancing of gene expression (DUET vectors) combinatorial approach: construction of several variants of the pathway and selection of one with the most efficient conversion of TCP to glycerol TCP pathway In vivo reconstruction of TCP pathway (E. coli, DUET vectors) TCP pathway reaction course simulation DhaAwt, HheC, EchA in ratio 2.5 : 0.5 : 1 conversion of TCP by E. coli resting cells DhaA31, HheC, EchA in ratio 2.5 : 0.5 : 1 Current limitations of ME long way from lab scale (ml - L) to industry scale (103 - 105 L) costly processes (esp. product recovery and purification) low productivity of engineered pathways – requirement at least 100 g/L for commodity chemicals (1,3-propanediol 135 g/L) or 1 g/L for pharmaceuticals (taxadiene 1g/L) complexity of life Perspectives of ME c a t a l o g o f p o t e n t i a l l y u s e f u l p r o m i s c u o u s a c t i v i t i e s o f k n o w n e n z y m e s s c r e e n i n g o f n e w h o s t o r g a n i s m s , p a t h w a y s , e n z y m e s ( m e t a g e n o m e a p p r o a c h v s . s e q u e n c i n g a n d b i o i n f o r m a t i c s ) c o n s t r u c t i o n o f b a c t e r i a l c h a s s e s w i t h m i n i m a l g e n o m e s i n s i l i c o s c r e e n i n g d e n o v o d e s i g n o f n e w e n z y m e s ( i n s i l i c o ) a n d g e n e s y n t h e s i s e n g i n e e r i n g o f i n v i t r o s y s t e m s ( r e d u c t i o n o f c o m p l e x i t y ) f r o m t h e l a b t o t h e r e a l a p p l i c a t i o n s : d e c r e a s i n g t h e c o s t s o f t h e p r o c e s s e s ( f r o m g e n e s y n t h e s i s t o p r o d u c t p u r i f i c a t i o n )