RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno, CR; Ivan Holoubek C6890 Technologie ochrany prostředí 2. Vývoj přístupů k technologii OŽP Sylabus přednášky Č Název přednášky Obsah přednášky 1 Historie ochrany životního prostředí Vývoj ochrany ŽP od dávnověku do současnosti. Vývoj prevenčního přístupu, USV ZH 11.10. 2 Vývoj přístupů k technologii OŽP Technologie čistění spalin I. Srovnání vývoje, BAT, BREF Hlavní technologie znečisťující ovzduší (tabulkový přehled), legislativa IH 27.9. 3 Technologie čistění spalin II. Technologie čistění spalin – odsiřování, denitrifikace, odlučování tuhých částic, úprava paliv. Moderní trendy. IH 25.10. Sylabus přednášky Č Název přednášky Obsah přednášky 4 Úprava a čistění vod Odpadové hospodářství Hlavní technologie znečisťující vody (tabulkový přehled), legislativa Hlavní technologie produkující odpady (tabulkový přehled), legislativa IH 27.9. 5 Úprava a čistění vod z měst a obcí Úprava vody pro pitné účely, ČOV pro velké aglomerace (mechanický, chemický, biologický stupeň), malé ČOV, kalové hospodářství ZH 22.11. 6 Úprava a čistění vod pro průmyslové a speciální účely Dialýza, reverzní osmóza, membránová filtrace, iontoměničové postupy. Moderní trendy. ZH 22.11. Sylabus přednášky Č Název přednášky Obsah přednášky 7 Exkurze do úpravny vody a ČOV v Brně ZH 13.12. 8 Tok odpadů Původci odpadů, flow stream, sběr a svoz odpadů, předúprava odpadů ZH 11.10. 9 Technologie odpadového hospodářství Skládkování, spalování, stabilizace, technologie pro BRO, linky pro kapalné odpady ZH 8.11. 10 Nespalovací technologie pro likvidaci nebezpečných odpadů Chemické a fyzikálně-chemické nespalovací technologie pro likvidaci persistentních, nebezpečných látek a odpadů s těmito látkami, srovnání se spalovacími technologiemi IH 25.10. Sylabus přednášky Č Název přednášky Obsah přednášky 11 Speciální techniky v odpadovém hospodářství Sanace, havarijní připravenost, recyklace a využití odpadů, řešení speciálních druhů odpadů ZH 8.11. 12 Moderní trendy v odpadovém hospodářství Očekávaný vývoj v oblasti odpadového hospodářství, materiálové a energetické využití odpadů ZH 6.12. 13 Exkurze do logistického centra a kompostárny v Brně ZH 13.12. 6Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Sylabus přednášky Č Název přednášky Obsah přednášky 1 Vývoj přístupů k technologii OŽP Srovnání vývoje, BAT, BREF Hlavní technologie znečisťující ovzduší (tabulkový přehled), legislativa Hlavní technologie znečisťující vody (tabulkový přehled), legislativa Hlavní technologie produkující odpady (tabulkový přehled), legislativa 7Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Globální důsledky znečištění prostředí 8Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Globální produkce 9Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Globální důsledky 10Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Globální antropogenní cyklus 11Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Hodnocení dopadu antropogenních činností 12Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Hodnocení dopadu antropogenních činností 13Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Sound management of POPs by-products Sound management of POPs by-products = sound management of their release sources PROCESS SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT Basic possible approaches:  Alternatives (alternatives with similar usefulness but avoiding POPs releases)  Primary measures (targeted onto the process-BAT, BEP, cleaner technologies)  Secondary measures (end-of-pipe- BAC  Management of releases targeted to a particular pollutant will influence releases of other pollutants 14Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment BAT/BEP- available guidance  In the Stockholm Convention  Annex C: General guidance on prevention and release reduction measures  Guidelines on BAT/BEP: Draft guidelines available at  UNEP Toolkit (overview of technologies from obsolete to BAT)  In the UNECE CLRTAP POPs Protocol  Annex V: BAT to control emissions of POPs from major stationary sources  EU/ BAT Reference Documents (BREF) 15Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment BAT/BEP - Definitions Best available techniques (BAT) means the most effective and advanced stage in the development of activities and their methods of operation which indicate the practical suitability of particular techniques for providing in principle the basis for release limitations designed to prevent and, where that is not practicable, generally to reduce releases of chemicals listed in Part I of Annex C and their impact on the environment as a whole. In this regard: 16Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment  Techniques includes both the technology used and the way in which the installation is designed, built, maintained, operated and decommissioned;  Available techniques means those techniques that are accessible to the operator and that are developed on a scale that allows implementation in the relevant industrial sector, under economically and technically viable conditions, taking into consideration the costs and advantages; and  Best means most effective in achieving a high general level of protection of the environment as a whole; BAT/BEP - Definitions 17Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Best environmental practices (BEP) means the application of the most appropriate combination of environmental control measures and strategies The concept of best available techniques is not aimed at the prescription of any specific technique or technology, but at taking into account the technical characteristics of the installation concerned, its geographical location and the local environmental conditions Stockholm Convention, Article 5 paragraph (f) Stockholm Convention, Annex C, Part V, section B. BAT/BEP - Definitions 18Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Economic and social implications  Economic and social conditions in a country will determine what are “best” available techniques and “best” environmental practices  Large scale processes (cement kilns, sinter plants, power plants…) BAT/BEP will be similar world-wide  Small scale processes (crematoria, home heating/cooking, motor vehicles, waste burning…) technologies vary from country to country  Determining what is “BAT/BEP” needs to include analysis of economic feasibility “Best” = best option that is economically feasible under the socio-economic conditions present 19Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Timetable for POPs by-products  Establish an action plan within 2 years after entry into force of the Convention for the Party;  A review of the strategies in the action plan to achieve the goals every 5 years;  Phase in the requirements of BAT identified for new sources as soon as possible but not later than 4 years after entry into force  These dates are part of the Convention and not negotiable  Linkage to Article 7 on National Implementation Plans 20Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Environmental management - general principles  Sustainable development  Sustainable consumption  Development and implementation of environmental management systems  Precautionary approach  Internalizing environmental costs and polluter pays  Pollution prevention  Integrated pollution prevention and control  Co-benefits of controlling other pollutants  Cleaner production  Life cycle analysis and management 21Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Proposed requirements for sound disposal of POPs Destruction and/or irreversible transformation of POPs wastes must achieve a destruction efficiency (DE)/ destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of 99.9999% 22Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment POPs formation mechanisms Understanding the POPs formation mechanisms is a key to sound unintended POPs by-product management:  Gas phase formation from precursors at T= 300 – 800 °C (rearrangement, de-chlorination, free-radical condensation...)  Solid-phase de-novo synthesis at T=200 – 500 °C (residual carbon, HCl, O2, H2O, metals)  Undestroyed “pass through” POPs originally in the raw material (due to inefficient combustion) Management of releases targeted to reduction of CO and particulate matter releases will reduce also POPs releases 23Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Key considerations to manage POPs by-products  Good burning conditions ( 3t-temperature, time, turbulence; oxygen …) result in minimum PIC, hence low CO and POPs releases  improve burning conditions  Preventing of de-novo synthesis  avoid reformation window 200 - 500 °C  POPs do adsorb in the flue gas on the surface of solid particles with preference of the smallest fraction  dust removal  POPs are micro-contaminants; reducing macrocontaminants usually takes care also for POPs reduction  synergic effect of measures to control other pollutants 24Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment BAT/BEP Guidance GUIDELINES ON BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES AND PROVISIONAL GUIDANCE ON BEST ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES RELEVANT TO ARTICLE 5 AND ANNEX C OF THE STOCKHOLM CONVENTION ON PERSISTENT ORGANIC POLLUTANTS, DECEMBER 2006 HTTP://CHM.POPS.INT/PROGRAMMES/BAT/BEP/GUIDELINES /TABID/187/LANGUAGE/EN-US/DEFAULT.ASPX 25Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I: INTRODUCTION I.A PURPOSE I.B STRUCTURE OF DOCUMENT AND USING GUIDELINES AND GUIDANCE I.C CHEMICALS LISTED IN ANNEX C: DEFINITIONS, RISKS, TOXICITY I.D ARTICLE 5 AND ANNEX C OF THE CONVENTION I.E RELATIONSHIP TO THE CONVENTION I.F RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNS SECTION II: CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES IN THE APPLICATION OF BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES II.A CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES IN THE CONVENTION II.B THE CONVENTION AND NEW SOURCES II.C AN APPROACH TO CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATIVES II. D OTHER CONSIDERATIONS OF THE CONVENTION SECTION III: BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES AND BEST ENVIRONMENTAL PRACTICES: GUIDANCE, PRINCIPLES AND CROSS-CUTTING CONSIDERATIONS III. A GUIDANCE III. B GENERAL PRINCIPLES AND APPROACHES III. C CROSS-CUTTING CONSIDERATIONS: (I) CHEMICALS LISTED IN ANNEX C: FORMATION MECHANISMS (II) WASTE MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS (III) CO-BENEFITS OF BEST AVAILABLE TECHNIQUES FOR CHEMICALS LISTED IN ANNEX C (IV) MANAGEMENT OF FLUE GAS AND OTHER RESIDUES (V) TRAINING OF DECISION MAKERS AND TECHNICAL PERSONNEL (VI) TESTING, MONITORING AND REPORTING SECTION IV: COMPILATION OF SUMMARIES FROM THE SOURCE CATEGORIES INCLUDED IN SECTIONS V AND VI SUMMARIES OF SECTION V: SOURCE CATEGORIES INCLUDED IN PART II OF ANNEX C SUMMARIES OF SECTION VI: SOURCE CATEGORIES INCLUDED IN PART III OF ANNEX C BAT/BEP Guidance 26Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment SECTION V: GUIDANCE/GUIDELINES BY SOURCE CATEGORIES: SOURCE CATEGORIES IN PART II OF ANNEX C V.A WASTE INCINERATORS (I) MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE, HAZARDOUS WASTE AND SEWAGE SLUDGE (II) MEDICAL WASTE V.B CEMENT KILNS FIRING HAZARDOUS WASTE V.C PRODUCTION OF PULP USING ELEMENTAL CHLORINE OR CHEMICALS GENERATING ELEMENTAL CHLORINE V.D THERMAL PROCESSES IN THE METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY (I) SECONDARY COPPER PRODUCTION (II) SINTER PLANTS IN THE IRON AND STEEL INDUSTRY (III) SECONDARY ALUMINIUM PRODUCTION (IV) SECONDARY ZINC PRODUCTION SECTION VI: GUIDANCE/GUIDELINES BY SOURCE CATEGORIES: SOURCE CATEGORIES IN PART III OF ANNEX C VI.A OPEN BURNING OF WASTE, INCLUDING BURNING OF LANDFILL SITES VI.B THERMAL PROCESSES IN THE METALLURGICAL INDUSTRY NOT MENTIONED IN ANNEX C PART II (I) SECONDARY LEAD PRODUCTION (II) PRIMARY ALUMINIUM PRODUCTION (III) MAGNESIUM PRODUCTION (IV) SECONDARY STEEL PRODUCTION (V) PRIMARY BASE METALS SMELTING VI.C RESIDENTIAL COMBUSTION SOURCES VI.D FOSSIL FUEL-FIRED UTILITY AND INDUSTRIAL BOILERS VI.E FIRING INSTALLATIONS FOR WOOD AND OTHER BIOMASS FUELS VI.F SPECIFIC CHEMICAL PRODUCTION PROCESSES RELEASING CHEMICALS LISTED IN ANNEX C VI.G CREMATORIA VI.H MOTOR VEHICLES, PARTICULARLY THOSE BURNING LEADED GASOLINE VI.I DESTRUCTION OF ANIMAL CARCASSES VI.J TEXTILE AND LEATHER DYEING (WITH CHLORANIL) AND FINISHING (WITH ALKALINE EXTRACTION) VI.K SHREDDER PLANTS FOR THE TREATMENT OF END-OF-LIFE VEHICLES VI.L SMOULDERING OF COPPER CABLES VI.M WASTE OIL REFINERIES BAT/BEP Guidance 27Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Waste incineration Municipal, hazardous solid waste and sewage sludge:  Alternatives: waste minimization including recovery, reuse, recycling, waste separation and cleaner technologies  Purpose of waste incineration: volume reduction, energy recovery, destruction and minimization of hazardous constituents, disinfection, reuse of some residues  BAT/BEP/BACT: prevent or minimize POPs releases, proper waste handling, ensure good combustion, avoid formation conditions, capturing POPs that are formed and handling residues appropriately  Achievable performance levels: 0.1-0.1 ng TEQ.Nm-3 28Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Hazardous waste incineration plant 29Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Liquid Waste Tank Farm Solid and Sludge Waste Bunker Rotary Kiln and Afterburning Chamber Heat Recovery Steam Boiler Spray Dryer for Wastewater Evaporation Electrostatic Precipitator for Fly Ash Removal Wet Scrubbers for Acid Gas Removal Baghouse Adsorber for POPs Removal Recuperative Heat Exchanger for Flue Gas Reheat SCR System for NOx and POPs Removal Solid Hazardous Waste Delivery (Bulk and Drums) Rotary kiln: T ≥ 1 000 °C Afterburner: T ≥ 1 200 °C O2 ≥ 6 % obj. (typical ~ 10 %vol.) Multistage APCS including efficient POPs removal Hazardous waste incineration plant 30Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Example of flue gas cleaning technology 31Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Examples of APCD’s relevant to the prevention or reduction of unintentional POPs releases  Cyclones and multi-cyclones  Electrostatic precipitators – wet, dry or condensation  Fabric filters – including catalytic bag filters  Static bed filters  Scrubbing systems - wet, spray dry, or ionization  Selective catalytic reduction (SCR)  Rapid quenching systems  Carbon adsorption 32Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Dust removal  Mechanic separation wet/dry (300 - 150 mg.m-3)  Electrostatic precipitation dry/wet (5 - 25 mg.m-3)  Textile filters mechanic/catalytic (less than 5 mg.m-3) 33Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Unintentional POPs formation can occur within the ESP at temperatures in the range of 200 ºC to about 450 ºC. Operating the ESP within this temperature range can lead to the formation of unintentional POPs in the combustion gases released from the stack. Electrostatic precipitator principle 34Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Best Environmental Practices for Waste Incineration Well-maintained facilities, well-trained operators, a well-informed public, and constant attention to the process are all important factors in minimizing the formation and release of the unintentional POPs from the incineration of waste. In addition, effective waste management strategies (e.g., waste minimization, source separation, and recycling), by altering the volume and character of the incoming waste, can also significantly impact releases. 35Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Waste Inspection and Characterization 36Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Proper Handling, Storage, and Pre-Treatment Storage areas must be properly sealed with controlled drainage and weatherproofing. Fire detection and control systems for these areas should be considered. Storage and handling areas should be designed to prevent contamination of environmental media and to facilitate clean up in the event of spills or leakage. Odors can be minimized by using bunker air for the combustion process. 37Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Proper Handling, Storage, and Pre-Treatment 38Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Minimizing Storage Times Minimizing the storage period will help prevent putrefaction and unwanted reactions, as well as the deterioration of containers and labeling. Managing deliveries and communicating with suppliers will help ensure that reasonable storage times are not exceeded. 39Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Establishing Quality Requirements for Waste Fed Facilities must be able to accurately predict the heating value and other attributes of the waste being combusted in order to ensure that the design parameters of the incinerator are being met. 40Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Monitoring In addition to carbon monoxide, oxygen and NOx in the flue gas, air flows and temperatures, pressure drops, and pH in the flue gas can be routinely monitored at reasonable cost. While these measurements in some instances can represent reasonably good surrogates for the potential for unintentional POPs formation and release, periodic measurement of PCDDs/Fs in the flue gas will aid in ensuring that releases are minimized and the incinerator is operating properly. 41Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Rotary kiln incinerator 42Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Operator training Regular training of personnel is essential for proper operation of waste incinerators 43Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Circulating fluidised bed 44Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Maintaining Public Awareness and Communication Successful incineration projects have been characterized by:  holding regular meetings with concerned citizens;  providing days for public visitation;  posting release and operational data to the Internet; and  displaying real time data on operations and releases at the facility site. 45Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Bubbling fluidised bed 46Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment BAT - General Combustion Techniques  Ensure design of furnace is appropriately matched to characteristics of the waste to be processed.  Maintain temperatures in the gas phase combustion zones in the optimal range for completing oxidation of the waste.  Provide for sufficient residence time (e.g. 2 seconds) and turbulent mixing in the combustion chamber(s) to complete incineration.  Pre-heat primary and secondary air to assist combustion.  Use continuous rather than batch processing wherever possible to minimize start-up and shut-down releases. 47Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment  Establish systems to monitor critical combustion parameters including grate speed and temperature, pressure drop, and levels of CO, CO2, O2.  Provide for control interventions to adjust waste feed, grate speed, and temperature, volume, and distribution of primary and secondary air.  Install automatic auxiliary burners to maintain optimal temperatures in the combustion chamber(s). BAT - General Combustion Techniques 48Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment  Rotary kilns are well demonstrated for the incineration of hazardous waste and can accept liquids and pastes as well as solids.  Water-cooled kilns can be operated at higher temperatures and allow acceptance of wastes with higher energy values.  Waste consistency (and combustion) can be improved by shredding drums and other packaged hazardous wastes.  A feed equalization system e.g., screw conveyors that can crush and provide a constant amount of solid hazardous waste to the furnace, will ensure smooth feeding. BAT – Hazardous Waste Combustion Techniques 49Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Condensation electrostatic precipitator 50Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment BAT – Flue Gas Treatment The type and order of treatment processes applied to the flue gases once they leave the incineration chamber is important, both for optimal operation of the devices as well as for the overall cost effectiveness of the installation. Waste incineration parameters that affect the selection of techniques include:  waste type - composition and variability;  type of combustion process;  flue gas flow and temperature;  and the need for, and availability of, wastewater treatment. 51Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Fabric filters are also referred to as baghouses or dust filters. These particulate matter control devices can effectively remove unintentional POPs that may be associated with particles and any vapors that adsorb to the particles in the exhaust gas stream. Filters are usually 16 to 20 cm diameter bags, 10 m long, made from woven fiberglass material, and arranged in series. Fabric filters are sensitive to acids; therefore, they are usually operated in combination with spray dryer adsorption systems for upstream removal of acid gases. Fabric filters 52Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Combined dust removal 53Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Desulphurization process 54Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment De-NOx 55Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment De-SOx & De-NOx 56Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Spray dry slurry  Semi-wet scrubbing with injection of atomized hydrated lime slurry  Removal of acid gases, dust and prevention of de-novo synthesis of dioxins and furans by rapid quenching  No waste water 57Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Wet scrubbers  Acid gas and dust removal  Rapid quenching  Two stage (water + lime)  Catalytic oxidation in packed tower scrubbers (polypropylene embedded with carbon)  Fine dust absorbers for specific dioxin separation 58Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Dust from the coke production or activated carbon dust Sorption processes Fixed bed filters Flow injection processes Entrained flow reactor High specific surface 59Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment POPs adsorption – injection of dry adsorbent Fabric filter Clean gas to stack or next gas cleaning step Fly ash, reaction products, used adsorbent Crude gas Adsorbent (e.g. HOC) Air Adsorbent reservoir 60Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Catalytic oxidation  Pre-cleaned gas  May be combined with DeNox  Catalytic bag filters  Easy operation and no residues C12H4Cl4O2 → 12 CO2 + 4 HCl 61Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Flue gas residue treatment  Recycling  Disposal to landfill  Direct land filling  Solidification (cement stabilization)  Vitrification, melting and sintering  Extraction and separation  Chemical stabilization  Incorporation into road making materials  Valorization in salt or coal mines 62Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment BAT - Residue Management Techniques  Unlike bottom ash, APCD residuals including fly ash and scrubber sludges may contain relatively high concentrations of heavy metals, organic pollutants (including PCDDs/Fs), chlorides and sulfides.  Mixing fly ash and FGT residues with bottom ash should be avoided since this will limit the subsequent use and disposal options for the bottom ash.  Treatment techniques for these residues include:  Cement solidification. Residues are mixed with mineral and hydraulic binders and additives to reduce leaching potential. Product is landfilled.  Vitrification. Residues are heated in electrical melting or blast furnaces to immobilize pollutants of concern. Organics, including PCDD/F are typically destroyed in the process.  Catalytic treatment of fabric filter dusts under conditions of low temperatures and lack of oxygen;  The application of plasma or similar high temperature technologies.  Fly ash and scrubber sludges are normally disposed of in landfills set aside for this purpose. Some countries include ash content limits for PCDD/F in their incinerator standards. If the content exceeds the limit, the ash must be re- incinerated. 63Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Residue treatment 64Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Flue gas residue treatment 65Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Combination flue gas treatment 66Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Sound practices MODERN WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS  Resource use reduction  Reuse  Recovery/recycling  Composting  Environmentally sound landfiling  Incineration using BAT 67Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Barriers to use alternatives  Lack of education  Lack of government will to reduce dependence upon open burning to accomplish goals  Open burning is an integral part of local agriculture  Lack of alternative machinery or process or necessary infrastructure  Cost of alternatives  Economic instruments  Demonstration projects 68Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Residential combustion sources  Purpose: Small scale energy conversion for household heating and cooking  BAT / BEP: High quality efficient combustion (combustion chamber temperature, turbulence of the burning gases, residence time, excess oxygen and fuel type); use of more efficient improved stoves (improving also indoor air quality); no use of household waste as fuel  Performance: < 0.1 ng TEQ.Nm-3 69Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment  PCDD/PCDF formation: wood< coke< coal < biomass << co-combustion of wastes  Incomplete combustion  Central heating or individual stoves  No possibility for emission control  Developing countries:  Very simple stoves  No chimney/ventilation, resulting in indoor pollution  Significant health effects on women and children  Global Partnership for Clean Indoor Air (2003) and Residential combustion 70Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment BAT/BEP BAT:  Good mixing of gas and air (high turbulence)  Sufficient residence time in the hot zone  Minimal disturbance of the glow bed and homogenous distribution of the primary air  Minimal residence time in the temperature range between 180 – 500 °C and minimal dust deposition ability  Stack kept clean and free of soot by ensuring complete combustion and regular cleaning 71Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Great attention should be paid to regular maintenance of the appliances in order to prevent/discover and repair potential problems, such as:  Cracked heat exchanger  Not enough air to burn fuel properly  Defective/blocked flue  Maladjusted burner  Defective grate  Green or treated wood  Inappropriate fuel (other than required by the constructor; residential waste BAT/BEP 72Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment  Ventilation to reduce indoor pollution and ensure propper combustion  Hood fan over the stove  Ensure sufficient air flow into the house  The vent is connected and unblocked without cracks or holes  Ad more air (opening the stoker door)  Smoke and soot indoors are signs of that the stove is releasing pollutants into the indoor air  Inspection and maintenance at regular intervals BAT/BEP 73Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Correct use of appliances and fuel  Understand and follow the operating instructions and to use the recommended kind of fuel  Burn hardwood rather than softwood (hotter/less creosote)  Avoid green wood and wet wood  Never burn any kind of waste, treated wood Education awareness and training programmes  Programmes for sellers and buyers of the stoves  Proper information on potential hazards to human health  Education and awareness on the appropriate use of fuels and general BEP issues BAT/BEP 74Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Biomass/wood stoves  Replacing poorly designed stoves with improved stoves that burn fuel more efficiently can be an effective strategy for reducing hazardous POPs releases and improving indoor air quality. In addition 50-80% of fuel may be saved  Options for effective use of improved stoves:  Stow design should match the specific available fuel  Raising of public awareness about improved stoves  Training on appropriate use of stoves  Implement training programs for stove maintenance and repair  Cost-effectiveness of the new stoves  Raising of awareness about indoor air pollution and adverse health effects 75Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Crematoria  Purpose: religiously and culturally accepted practice of dealing with the dead of human being; alternative to burial  BAT / BEP/ BECT: Avoidance of chlorinated materials, maintenance of efficient combustion conditions (T over 850 °C), residence time 2 seconds, sufficient air (> 6% O2), APC for sulphur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, CO, VOCs, dust and POPs (lime and activated carbon injection followed by a bag filter)  Performance: dioxin/furan concentration < 0.1 ng TEQ.Nm-3 76Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Typical cremation process 77Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Motor vehicles burning leaded gasoline  Purpose: Transportation by using gasoline and diesel as fuel; particularly leaded gasoline, where chlorinated and brominated scavengers are used  Alternatives: use of other fuels, such as unleaded gasoline, diesel, LPG, CNG, propane-butane, bio-fuels and alcohol/oil mixtures  BAT/BACT: banning of halogenated scavengers, fitting the vehicle with and oxidation catalyst or particulate filter 78Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Smoldering of copper cables  Purpose: Recovering of scrap copper  BAT/BACT: mechanical cable chopping, stripping or high temperature incineration (> 850 °C ), residence time, excess oxygen, with APC  “Open burning is not an environmentally acceptable solution for any kind of waste” (UNEP 2001)  Oxygen starved conditions  Low temperatures 250-700 °C  Cu is catalyzing PCDD/PCDF formation 79Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Alternatives  Cable chopping  Requires pre-sorting  Granulation (filtering is necessary)  Density/electrostatic separation (metal looses may occur)  Cable stripping  Cheaper than chopping/lower throughput/lower cost  Presorting of the cables  Complete recovery  Rates: 60 m/min; 1.1 kg.min-1; cable diameter 1.6 mm-150 mm  High temperature incineration  To treat cables unsuitable for stripping or chopping 80Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment PCDDs/Fs – requirement for continuing minimization and, where feasible, ultimate elimination, by  Establishing an action plan (within 2 years);  Establishing and maintaining release inventories;  Promote/require use of substitute or modified materials, products and processes to prevent the formation and release of unintentional POPs;  Application of best available techniques (BAT) and best environmental practices (BEP);  For new priority sources: as soon as possible but not later than 4 years after entry-into-force. 81Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment The worst case of POPs wastes management – disposal on dumping sites 82Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Hazardous waste site - emission pathways 83Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Groundwater protection - hazardous waste site 84Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Hazardous waste site 85Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Best environmental practise – best storage practise 86Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment  Solution of POPs waste problems to the moment when we will have generally acceptable technics for destruction  Economically more acceptable in present time than any development and construction of new facility (combustion/non-combustion) Best environmental practise – best storage practise 87Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Underground landfills  Underground landfills in for example in Germany are former salt mines or separated parts of still existing mines.  They are situated several 100 m under the earth’s surface and isolated from ground water and the biosphere by natural sealants, e.g. clay layers.  They are organized like warehouses with separated areas for, e.g., mercury containing wastes, arsenic containing wastes and PCBcontaining wastes.  Within a limited period of time the wastes deposited in an underground landfill may be moved back if necessary.  After a longer time (several hundred years) the salt flows around the wastes, wrapping them – for eternity. 88Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment  Underground landfilling/underground waste stowing as a non-destructive method of treating wastes containing POPs is now a highly recognized form of treatment, especially for wastes which are not thermally treated due to economical and ecological reasons, for example filter dust from waste incineration plants.  This method of disposal as lain out in the Stockholm Convention should therefore be allowed use in the future.  The amounts disposed of in Germany are from domestic as well as foreign origin.  Dioxin contaminated filter dust, especially from waste incineration but also from metallurgic processing, make up the greater part of the wastes.  Whilst the PCDD/F concentrations in filter dust from waste incineration amount to less than 10 000, filter dust from metallurgic processing in some cases significantly exceed this amount (rising up to 100 000 1). Underground landfills 89Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Biological treatment  The biological treatment, however, is a slow process and not well suited for the detoxification of wastes containing PCBs.  Biological methods are under development and applied in the remediation of contaminated areas, especially in cases when an off-site treatment is not possible. 90Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment UNEP Resources 91Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment UNEP Resources 92Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment UNEP Resources 93Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment The United Nations Environment Programme UNEP Standardized Toolkit for Identification and Quantification of Dioxin and Furan Releases is designed to cover all source categories and processes that are listed in Annex C, Parts II and III of the Stockholm Convention. The Toolkit can be used where there are no measured data available and provides default emission factors for all source categories. Dioxin Toolkit 94Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment Inovace tohoto předmětu je spolufinancována Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky