&tJ5QV£ SULLA/*? «*0 0=0 20 100 +00 1000 16Q ■ *. '. * jiö?vs,--'-jt I'M f Figure 8: Evolution of the initially cold stellar disk: Q = 0. Positions of zero-order resonances are indicated on the last snapshot: ILR is shown by the white circle, CR and OLR by the black ones. The number in the upper right corner gives the time in Myr. 4*4 Figure 9: Evolution of the initially worm stellar disk: Q = 1. -1-.-.—.—.—.— to = 2.5 0 I 1= ■ »• L 20 -10 3 10 -•0 0 '0 100 I I" ■ .10 a tj -io o 10 -tB o 10 -1« 0 10