. .  , 2003, . 24, . 3, 583–594 Use of normalized difference built-up index in automatically mapping urban areas from TM imagery Y. ZHA College of Geographical Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China; e-mail: yzha@njnu.edu.cn J. GAO* School of Geography and Environmental Science, University of Auckland, Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand; e-mail: jg.gao@auckland.ac.nz and S. NI College of Geographical Sciences, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097 (Received 23 January 2001; in final form 3 October 2001) Abstract. Remotely sensed imagery is ideally used to monitor and detect land cover changes that occur frequently in urban and peri-urban areas as a consequence of incessant urbanization. It is a lengthy process to convert satellite imagery into land cover map using the existing methods of manual interpretation and parametric image classification digitally. In this paper we propose a new method based on Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) to automate the process of mapping built-up areas. It takes advantage of the unique spectral response of built-up areas and other land covers. Built-up areas are effectively mapped through arithmetic manipulation of re-coded Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and NDBI images derived from TM imagery. The devised NDBI method was applied to map urban land in the city of Nanjing, eastern China. The mapped results at an accuracy of 92.6% indicate that it can be used to fulfil the mapping objective reliably. Compared with the maximum likelihood classification method, the proposed NDBI is able to serve as a worthwhile alternative for quickly and objectively mapping built-up areas. 1. Introduction Land covers in urban areas tend to change more drastically over a short period of time than elsewhere because of incessant urbanization. Urbanization has led land covers to change especially frequently in peri-urban areas in China as a result of rapid economic development. These changes are ideally monitored and detected from remotely sensed images as they are relatively up-to-date and give a panoramic view. Remote sensing materials in the form of aerial photographs and satellite images are usually converted into useful information such as land cover maps using two *Corresponding author. International Journal of Remote Sensing ISSN 0143-1161 print/ISSN 1366-5901 online © 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals DOI: 10.1080/01431160210144570 Y. Zha et al.584 conventional methods: manual interpretation and computer-assisted digital processing. During manual interpretation analogue photographs or satellite images are visually interpreted and the results delineated directly on the photographs or images or on tracing paper placed over them. Manual interpretation of Landsat 70 mm film images could produce small-scale (e.g. 1:250 000) maps with an acceptable semantic accuracy (89%), especially if a high level of generalization was intended (Lo 1981). Visual interpretation of space shuttle Large Format Camera (LFC) photographs and National High Altitude Photographs (NHAP) of Boston resulted in urban land use and land cover types mapping 65% and 70%, respectively, from LFC and NHAP photographs correctly at level III of the US Geological Survey (USGS) classification scheme (Lo and Noble 1990). Remotely sensed data have become increasingly available in a digital form, allowing for their computer-assisted interpretation and processing. Irrespective of the specific form of the remote sensing materials, manual interpretation is tedious, time-consuming, and the interpreted results highly subjective to the image analyst. By comparison, supervised classification is much faster and requires far less human intervention. Lo (1981) found that a computer-assisted method of analysis of Landsat data permits more detailed urban land use information to be extracted, but at an accuracy of only 69%. A critical limitation with this method is that only the spectral information of image pixels is taken advantage of for the classification. Therefore, other image elements such as location, shape, shadow are ignored. Understandably, the classification accuracy is rather low. As a matter of fact, automatic classification of satellite images for urban areas is a difficult task to achieve at a high accuracy level due to the diverse range of covers. Gao and Skillcorn (1998) achieved an overall accuracy of 76.2% and 81.4% from winter and summer Syste`me Probatoire de l’Observation de la Terre (SPOT) sensor data, respectively, in generating detailed land cover maps at the urban–rural fringe of Auckland, New Zealand, at level II of the Anderson scheme. Treitz et al. (1992) achieved an overall Kappa coefficient of 82.2% for training area data and 70.3% for the entire SPOT High Resolution Visible (HRV) data of the rural–urban fringe of Toronto, Canada. In order to improve the accuracy, Stuckens et al. (2000) used a hybrid segmentation procedure to integrate contextual information. Overall accuracy of the optimal classification technique was 91.4% for a level II classification (10 classes) with a K(e) of 90.5%. The results automatically classified from satellite data, to some extent, are still subject to the characteristics of the selected training samples. Their location, size and representativeness all directly govern the reliability of the subsequently classified results. The classification is slowed down by the requirement of selecting training samples for all those covers to be mapped. Therefore, conventional methods of parametric classification tend to be slow as a result of the need to select quality training samples. Considerable efforts have gone into simplifying the process of automatically mapping land covers, such as using indices. One of the commonly used indices is the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). This index takes advantage of the unique shape of the reflectance curve of vegetation, and has been widely used for mapping vegetation on the global scale from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) data. For example, Achard and Estreguil (1995) used multitemporal AVHRR mosaics for tropical forest discrimination and mapping. Other applications of NDVI include mapping of the surfaces affected by large forest fires (Fernandez et al. 1997), assessment of the status of agricultural lands (Lenney Mapping urban areas using NDBI 585 et al. 1996), derivation of snow cover products (Slater et al. 1999), discrimination of areas affected by volcanic eruption (Kerdiles and Diaz 1996) and so on. Multitemporal NDVI data were also classified to characterize phenological responses on a spatially dissected landscape (Fleischmann and Walsh 1991) and to monitor dynamic parameters of vegetation (Azzali and Menenti 2000). In addition to NDVI, Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) has been devised from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) bands 2 and 5 to map glaciers (Sidjak and Wheate 1999). This index is based on the difference between strong reflection of visible radiation and near total absorption of middle infrared wavelengths by snow (Hall et al. 1995). It is effective in distinguishing snow from similarly bright soil, vegetation and rock, as well as from clouds (Dozier 1989). Unlike NDSI, Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) has been developed to delineate open water features and enhance their presence in remotely sensed imagery based on reflected near-infrared radiation and visible green light. NDWI may allow turbidity of waterbodies to be estimated from remotely sensed data (McFeeters 1996). NDWI is sensitive to changes in liquid water content of vegetation canopies. It is complementary to, but not a substitute for NDVI (Gao 1996). In this study we propose a new and simple method for the rapid and accurate mapping of urban areas. This method is based on the combinational use of NDBI and NDVI. The mapping is accomplished through arithmetic manipulations and recoding of NDBI and NDVI images derived from a 1997 TM image. This method does not involve any subjective human intervention in the mapping process. The effectiveness of this method was tested through the mapping of urban areas in the Chinese City of Nanjing. Comparison of the results obtained using this method with the manually interpreted ones demonstrates that it is highly reliable. This method also produces very accurate results more efficiently than the supervised classification method. 2. Study area The study area is largely the urban area of Nanjing City, East China, located at 118° 47∞ E and 32° 04∞ N in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River (figure 1). Most of the urban areas lie to the south of the river. Situated in the Yangtze River delta, the city has a mostly gentle topography with little relief. Hilly areas are found in the outskirts. The tallest mountain of Zijin is 448 m above sea level. Thus, little topographic shadow is present on the satellite imagery. Apart from the Yangtze River, another major waterbody is a recreational lake next to the mountain. As the capital of Jiangsu province, Nanjing has a total area of 976 km2. Land covers present in this area are mainly urban residential, commercial and industrial. Woodland is found in the adjacent mountainous areas. Natural vegetation occurs in the form of mixed coniferous trees. Artificially planted trees are mostly deciduous. In addition, there is farmland in the surrounding rural areas. Rice, wheat, vegetable oil seed, as well as vegetables are cultivated throughout the year. Some crop fields at the early stage of their growth may appear as barren on the TM image. Due to rapid economic development, farmland adjacent to the urban periphery has been converted to urban uses over the last two decades. Therefore, it is necessary from time to time to monitor these changes from satellite imagery. 3. Data and processing Landsat TM imagery was used in this study because of its finer spectral resolution than other commonly used images such as SPOT and Multi-Spectral Scanner (MSS). Y. Zha et al.586 Figure 1. Location of the study area. A full-scene TM imagery (5728 rows by 6920 columns) of 18 October 1997 was acquired with all seven bands. The image quality was rather good with no cloud cover over the study area. A topographic map of 1:50 000 was also acquired; published in 1970, it has the Gausse-Kru¨gel coordinate system with ground coordinates indicated by 1 km grids. All image processing and analyses were carried out in ER MapperB in the Windows NT (version 6.0) environment. A sub-area of 1401 rows by 1408 columns was initially subset from the raw image. False colour composites were formed using various band combinations and displayed on the screen to differentiate diverse types of land covers. In the end the standard composite of bands 2, 3 and 4 (figure 2) was selected. The subset image was geometrically rectified using eight ground control points. They were intersections of river channels, turns and intersections of roads with themselves and with river channels. Their ground coordinates in the Gausse-Kru¨gel coordinate system were read from the topographic map. The residuals at these control points ranged from 0.15–1.75 pixels. Once this accuracy was considered accurate, the original image was projected linearly to the new system. During projection transformation the image was resampled to the same spatial resolution using the nearest neighbour method. Afterwards, the image, which did not conform to any regular orientation, was subset once more to 800 rows by 800 columns (figure 2). 4. NDBI Figure 2 is the standard false colour composite (TM4—red, TM3—green, TM2— blue) on which various surface covers (e.g. built-up, woodland, farmland, barren and water) are clearly distinguishable. Through repeatedly clicking on the representative Mapping urban areas using NDBI 587 Figure 2. False colour composite of TM bands 4 (red), 3 (green) and 2 (blue). Typical land covers are urban (bluish yellow), woodland (dark red), barren (yellow), river (green), lakes (dark), and farmland (orange). Image size: 800 by 800 pixels. pixels of each of these covers, their values in all seven bands are averaged and displayed graphically in figure 3. This profile illustrates that their spectral disparity is the largest in bands 3, 4 and 5. An examination of the minimum, maximum and standard deviation of each of the covers in the seven TM bands (table 1) confirms the same conclusion. Namely, these values are most distinctive from one another for each cover in bands 3, 4 and 5. Therefore, they are the most useful bands from which some of the land covers may be potentially differentiated spectrally. Rivers and lakes have a similar shape of profile. Their Digital Number (DN) value is markedly lower in the fourth and fifth bands. They experience a sharp rise in reflectance in band 6, but a low reflectance in band 7. The curve for rivers lies above that for lakes because they are laden with more silt. A close scrutiny of figure 3 reveals that except for barren, vegetation (woodland and farmland) has a higher reflectance on band 4 than other covers. Moreover, its value on band 4 still exceeds those on band 3. By comparison, all the non-vegetative categories have a smaller DN on band 4 than 3. Therefore, the subtraction of band 3 from band 4 will result in positive DNs for vegetation pixels only. The aforementioned relationships exist for the minimum and maximum DNs as well (table 1). This outcome allows broad vegetative covers to be distinguished easily. This processing is commonly referred to as NDVI (equation 1). NDVI=(Band 4−band 3)/(band 4+band 3) (1) In order to facilitate the subsequent processing, the derived NDVI image was recoded with 254 for all pixels having positive indices (vegetation) and 0 for all remaining pixels of negative indices (table 2). Y. Zha et al.588 Figure 3. Spectral profiles of six typical land covers in the study area. Table 1. Minimum, maximum and standard deviation of DNs of the six covers in the seven spectral TM bands. TM spectral band 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Built-up Minimum 79 33 35 25 29 125 15 Maximum 96 49 61 51 82 134 53 Standard deviation 4.1 2.9 4.7 4.4 9 1.6 6.6 Barren Minimum 82 46 70 66 103 132 65 Maximum 94 51 98 79 154 143 101 Standard deviation 4.3 1.8 11.8 5.6 22.9 4.4 15.7 Farmland Minimum 76 33 34 41 55 128 20 Maximum 91 43 56 79 103 131 57 Standard deviation 2.4 2.1 3.5 8.2 9.5 0.9 6 Woodland Minimum 67 26 25 38 41 124 13 Maximum 76 35 39 59 70 130 34 Standard deviation 1.7 1.4 2.1 3.5 6 1.2 3.4 River Minimum 85 42 54 28 8 119 2 Maximum 91 47 63 35 18 123 9 Standard deviation 1.4 1.1 1.6 1.5 1.6 0.6 1.4 Lake Minimum 71 29 27 17 9 118 2 Maximum 78 33 32 20 13 121 8 Standard deviation 1.6 0.8 1.1 0.8 1.2 0.8 1.3 Built-up areas and barren land experience a drastic increment in their reflectance from band 4 to band 5 while vegetation has a slightly larger or smaller DN value on band 5 than on band 4 (figure 3). This pace of increment greatly exceeds that of any other covers. The minimum and maximum DNs in band 4 are much smaller than those in band 5 for the same cover. The standardized differentiation of these Mapping urban areas using NDBI 589 Table 2. Pixel values of representative land covers after differencing and binary recoding. Built-up Barren Woodland Farmland Rivers Lakes NDVI 0 0 254 254 0 0 NDBI 254 254 254 or 0 254 or 0 0 0 NDBI-NDVI 254 254 0 or −254 0 or −254 0 0 two bands (equation 2) will result in close to 0 for woodland and farmland pixels, negative for waterbodies, but positive values for built-up pixels, enabling the latter to be separated from the remaining covers. NDBI=(TM5−TM4)/(TM5+TM4) (2) The derived NDBI image was then recoded to create a binary image. The resultant ratio was assigned a new value of 0 if the input pixel had a negative index or 254 if its input index was larger than 0 (table 2). The spectral profiles in figure 3 suggest that the ratio for vegetative covers can be larger or smaller than 0, depending upon pixels in the surrounding environs. While many vegetative pixels may have been coded 0 correctly in the output binary image, this handling cannot effectively ensure that all vegetative pixels will receive the new value of 0. In order to avoid mistakenly grouping those vegetative pixels into the built-up category, a further step of processing is imperative. According to the results in table 2, subtraction of the recoded NDVI image from the recoded NDBI image will lead to only built-up and barren pixels having positive values while all other covers have a value of 0 or −254, thus allowing built-up areas to be mapped automatically. Through three arithmetic manipulations of TM bands 3, 4 and 5 followed by recoding, it is thus possible to differentiate urban areas (including barren land). In order to enhance the appearance of the final difference image, the derived urban built-up image was spatially filtered using the median filter with a window of 5 pixels by 5 pixels (figure 4). The filtered image was vectorized and later overlaid with the original colour composite to check for its spatial accuracy. 5. Results 5.1. NDBI-derived result and its accuracy Since this study concentrates on the mapping of built-up areas, all the mapped land covers are categorized into only two groups, built-up and all others. There are 166 180 built-up pixels in the study area, or an area of 15 403.148 ha (each pixel is 30.445 m by 30.445 m in dimension). Built-up areas account for nearly 26% of the entire study area. As implied previously, no further attempt was made to differentiate the specific uses of these areas. The accuracy of the mapped built-up areas was assessed both spatially and aspatially. The spatial discrepancy between the mapped and actual boundaries of built-up areas is illustrated graphically in figure 5. It shows that the vectorized boundary of the mapped built-up areas matches closely with the actual border of built-up areas in this part of the image. In order to provide a quantitative assessment of the accuracy for the entire urban area, 68 pixels were randomly selected from the mapped results (figure 4). Their genuine identity on the ground was verified under the guidance of a global positioning system (GPS) receiver in the field according to their coordinates. It was found that of these checkpoints, 63 were correctly mapped Y. Zha et al.590 Figure 4. Results of automatically mapped urban land use after spatial filtering with a window size of 5 pixels by 5 pixels. as urban areas, resulting in an accuracy of 92.6%. Of the five misclassified pixels, three were fallow land, one denudated rock and one sandy beach. Aspatially, the area of 15 403.148 ha derived from the proposed NDBI method closely resembles the area of 14 300 ha that was obtained from manual measurement of a 1995 topographic map at a scale of 1:10 000. These two figures differ from each other by only 1103 ha, or less than 8% in relative terms. The apparent factor that may explain the discrepancy is rapid urbanization. Since the photographs used to generate the topographic map were taken, the urban area in Nanjing has expanded, resulting in a larger built-up area on the 1997 satellite image. In this sense, the mapped result is more current than the map-derived one. The built-up areas have also been measured manually from the false colour composite. The manual result of 15 061.958 ha is highly similar to the NDBI-derived 15 403.148 ha. The two sets of result have a discrepancy of 341 ha or 2%. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that barren land is not included in the manual result. Barren land in the form of beaches, mudflats, rocks (both denudated and quarries), fallow land and transitional areas were not mapped as separate covers in the NDBI method. Due to their spectral proximity to built-up areas, they have been lumped together with built-up areas in this study. Since these covers make up a tiny portion of the study area, such a handling will not degrade the mapping accuracy of built-up areas considerably. 5.2. Comparison with maximum likelihood method In order to assess the performance of the proposed NDBI method, the original TM imagery with all seven bands was classified using the conventional parametric Mapping urban areas using NDBI 591 Figure 5. The agreement between built-up areas and the vectorized boundaries of filtered built-up areas on the false colour composite (an enlargement). Refer to figure 2 for the colour codes. classification method (maximum likelihood) in which five classes of land covers (woodland, built-up areas, lakes, rivers and farmland) were mapped. Since barren land in the form of beaches, mudflats, rocks (both denudated and quarry) and fallow land is so subordinate within the study area, it has been ignored in the mapping. In total, the image was classified seven times. During each trial both the size of training samples and their location were varied. The results (table 3) indicate that the builtup areas mapped with the maximum likelihood method vary enormously from 10 to 319 320 pixels. The area of other covers fluctuates with each trial, as well. There is no definite relationship between the size of training samples and the classified area for a given cover category. The worst trial appears to be number 6 in which only 13 built-up pixels are classified, much less than the number of input pixel (112). No pixels in the other three categories are classified at all. Such an utterly unrealistic result is due probably to the poor quality of the training samples. These figures at least confirm that the results derived from supervised classification are not quite objective. The classified built-up areas closest to their manually derived counterpart are at 195 519 pixels, or 18 123 ha. This result deviates from the manual one by 3061 ha. In other trials the supervised method consistently overestimates built-up areas. Therefore, the proposed NDBI method is superior to supervised classification. It may be argued that the inferior performance of the maximum likelihood method is partially contributed by the fact that built-up areas were classified into one single category. Other non-urban areas that share a similar spectral response with built-up areas, such as Y. Zha et al.592 Table 3. Results of maximum likelihood classification using various training sample sizes. Samples were selected from the standard colour composite. Classification was carried out using all seven bands. Farmland Lakes Rivers Built-up Woodland First trial Sample size 640 400 560 576 576 No. of pixels 284 659 3834 42 560 280 447 28 500 Hectare 26 385 355 3945 25 995 2642 Second trial Sample size 368 304 400 336 336 No. of pixels 267 574 2885 42 231 314 727 12 583 Hectare 24 801 267 3914 29 172 1166 Third trial Sample size 176 192 256 160 256 No. of pixels 262 276 3014 38 832 319 320 16 558 Hectare 24 310 279 3599 29 598 1535 Fourth trial Sample size 112 96 144 96 128 No. of pixels 0 7 86 708 10 553 275 Hectare 0 1 8037 1 51 282 Fifth trial Sample size 128 96 128 144 128 No. of pixels 63 604 7 14 384 195 519 366 486 Hectare 5895 1 1333 18 123 33 969 Sixth trial Sample size 80 112 80 112 128 No. of pixels 0 0 0 13 639 987 Hectare 0 0 0 1 59 320 Seventh trial Sample size 48 64 64 64 80 No. of pixels 283 296 4287 43 417 260 271 48 729 Hectare 26 259 397 4024 24 124 4517 Note: training samples are also varied in their locations. transitional areas and beaches, were not classified as separate groups. Certainly, the accuracy would be much higher had built-up areas first classified as subgroups that were merged in a post-classification session. This, undoubtedly, will prolong the already time-consuming process of supervised classification. 6. Conclusions and discussion This proposed NDBI method is able to map built-up areas at an accuracy level of 92.6%. The results mapped using NDBI are highly comparable to those from manual interpretation in quantity. The two sets of results differ from each other by 2% and closely match each other spatially, as well. In comparison with supervised classification, NDBI enables built-up areas to be mapped at a higher degree of accuracy and objectivity. The absence of training samples from the mapping makes subjective intervention from the human analyst redundant. This means that the same results can be derived regardless of the analyst or how many times the mapping is repeated. The redundancy also considerably expedites the mapping process that can be accomplished by direct subtractions of original spectral bands. Through arithmetic manipulation of TM bands and simple recoding of the intermediate images, NDBI does not require complex mathematical computation. It is concluded that the proposed NDBI is much more effective and advantageous in mapping general built-up areas than the maximum likelihood method. It can serve as a worthwhile alternative for quickly mapping urban land. The assumption underlying the NDBI method is the spectral reflectance of urban areas in TM5 exceeding that in TM4. This method will generate valid results so Mapping urban areas using NDBI 593 long as this assumption is not violated. Because the reflectance of urban areas exhibits little seasonality, this method is not prone to its impact. However, its performance may be adversely affected indirectly by the presence of other covers whose reflectance is seasonal, such as forest. This problem may be overcome with the selection of images recorded when defoliation is minimal or non-existent. The mixture of built-up areas with barren farmland may be overcome with the use of an image taken when vegetative cover is at its maximum. Nevertheless, this proposed method does have a number of limitations. First of all, it can map only broad urban land covers. For instance, urban industrial, commercial and residential areas are impossible to be separated. This, however, may not prove to be a liability in most Chinese cities where they are highly intermixed spatially. They are difficult to be satisfactorily mapped even using the conventional supervised classification method anyway. Secondly, the NDBI method is unable to separate urban areas from barren (e.g. sandy beaches) because both of them have a similar spectral response in all TM bands. This limitation may be overcome with the use of spatial knowledge, as the latter is located next to water. Another remedial method is to select an image recorded in a season when the water level is so high that sand beaches are submerged under water. By comparison, the effect of drought on the performance of the NDBI method is more difficult to counteract. The loss of moisture from soil and disappearance of vegetation as a result of drought will assimilate the spectral characteristics of both urban and agricultural areas, debilitating the validity of the proposed method. Predictably, the reliability of this method is lowered in mapping peripheral urban areas where barren or fallow land is widespread. Thirdly, the universality of this proposed method needs to be tested in other geographic areas. The success of the proposed method lies in the NDVI value of vegetation being larger than 0. However, the spectral response of vegetation varies from location to location due to different kinds of species and nature of underlying soil and moisture conditions. Besides, the response pattern for vegetation varies with its density. Under these circumstances it is uncertain whether vegetative NDVI value still exceeds 0. It is speculated that the specific reflectance values may vary with these conditions, but the general pattern of the spectral response of vegetation in all seven TM bands will remain identical, ensuring a positive NDVI value and thus maintaining the validity of the method. Acknowledgments The comments made by two anonymous referees helped to improve the quality of the manuscript considerably. References A, F., and E, C., 1995, Forest classification of Southeast Asia using NOAA AVHRR data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 54, 198–208. A, S., and M, M., 2000, Mapping vegetation–soil–climate complexes in southern Africa using temporal Fourier analysis of NOAA AVHRR NDVI data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, 973–996. 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