GENERALIZATION ALGORITHMS Karel STANĚK, Ph.D. Simplification  Oldest task, Perkal '58  Three basic types  Weeder  Smoother  Unrestricted  According scope  Local  Global Simplification  Approaches  Random  N-th point  Level of change  McMaster VectGen, Jenks  Fixing extremes  Lang, DP  Eliminate unimportant  Visvalingam  Fractal  Walking divider,  Li-Openshaw  Perkalist  Whirlpool,EdgeBuff Simplification  Complications  Self-intersection  Spikes  Topological inconsistency  Unwanted exaggeration  Smoothing eliminate some complications  Unrestricted algorithms are usually time consuming  Extended data models for prevention Buildings simplification  Special case, rectangular shapes  Lichtner '76  Various approaches tested, include typification short edge short edge Collaps  Feature to point  Area to line  Skeleton based methods  Various centroid based methods Aggregation and amalgamation  Dissolve  Convex Hull  Mathematical morphology  Dilation: thicken with disc, Minkowski sum  Erosion: make thinner by thickening outside with a disc, Minkowski subtraction  Opening: first erosion, then dilation (same radius circle  Closure: first dilation, then erosion Mathematical morphology Displacement  Incremental  Feature per feature  Hierarchy is needed  Diameter-centroid displacement, Focus Line displacement  Global  Voronoi diagram declustering  Risk of spatial pastern destruction  Time consuming VD declustering  Set P of points:  Compute VD of P  Move each point to the center of gravity of its Voronoi cel  Iterate (recompute VD)