SUSTAINABILITY IN PRACTICE: educational project, Czech Republic Alois Hynek Bretislav Svozil Jan Travnicek Jakub Trojan Tomas Vagai DEBLIN PRIMARY SCHOOL THESSALONIKI 2010 MAIN FEATURES OF THE PROJECT Name of the Project Sustainability in practice Category Multi-stakeholder involvement Theme Rural development, environment education, project training, sustainability and security Target Group School children, university students, rural community, general public, policy-makers, administrators, researchers Area of Implementation Rural area in Moravia/Czech Republic Deblin primary school Leading Organization(s) Masaryk University Brno, Deblin primary school 3 Project aims * The main goal is empowering the local community * Other goals: * social study of the town (talking to people, observing, participating, ethnography) * identification of community actors/actants, processes and desires * knowledge of social actions * problem solving issues (see further) the politics of practising sustainability „pupils/students and schools as mediators“ Případová studie Deblínsko; VŠOH, Brno 2010 4 Location the area Geometrically transformed picture from the satellite in natural colours (RGB 3 2 1), May 24th 2001 Z0131 Course : Sustainability Z0131:Urban and rural studies A. Hynek B. Svozil J. Trojan J. Trávníček Případová studie Deblínsko; VŠOH, Brno 2010 8 Composite landscape units of Deblín area (part 1) version for local atlas for pupils in primary school Případová studie Deblínsko; VŠOH, Brno 2010 9 Composite landscape units of Deblín area (part 2) 10 Introduction: local primary school as an equal partner for University? * For universities involved in research * Primary school as a key clue into local community and source of specific local knowledge * * For municipalities and public administration * Primary schools as valid partner for governance and decision making * * For local community * Primary school as important endogeneous actor and actant of local community life and development Skola_2.JPG deblin_centrum.JPG B. Bloom (1956), revised 2001 Levels of intelectual behaviour in learning – a taxonomy with overlapping domains: * Cognitive * Psychomotor * Affective Original Terms Cognitive Domain New Terms Evaluation Synthesis Analysis Application Comprehension Knowledge •Creating •Evaluating •Analysing •Applying •Understanding •Remembering (Based on Pohl, 2000, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 8) * Connected with key “sustainability” UN agenda + Millennium Ecosystem Assessment documents * Improvement and reorientation of educational curricula documents towards sustainable development * Cooperation of primary, tertirary education institutions with local community and government/authority * Analysis of environment, knowledge-power relations and various spatialities of the cultural landscape of the Deblin area * Evaluation the living conditions/livelihood in the Deblin area * Empowerment of local communities in good governance and opening debate on the state of the environment is a starting point in searching for sustainable development Project educational objectives InovaceUnivEnvi.tif * inter/transdisciplinary cooperation of geographical and non-geographical approaches * using both surface and deep data (Cloke, P. et al. 2004) * using triangulation (Denzin, N. 1994), multiple methods * Key-quality oriented ethnographical fieldwork/participatory approach: in the sense of „thick description“ (Geertz, C. 2000) ….do not study in villages, study villages 1) Roles change – foreigner/true observer x true participant (participation in the community life) 2) Insight into the role of power – permeanting power/resistance 3) Revealing the internal networks – actors in networking – formal and informal powers over a particular site Methodology Pip1.jpg Constructing data superficial and deep data/extensive-intensive/thin-thick description (Cloke, P., Cook, I., Crang, P., Goodwin, M., Painter, J., Philo, C., 2004 ) field survey participant observation multiple method Field survey Understanding interview Mental maps Focus groups Personal archives Talking to people/actors Official/non-official sources Imaginative sources Interpreting data (Cloke, P., Cook, I., Crang, P., Goodwin, M., Painter, J., Philo, C., 2004 ) * sifting and sorting * enumerating * explaining * understanding * the critic/artisan/ethnographer/ iconographer/conversationalist/therapist/ deconstructionist * representing 22 Methodological approaches to sustainability (Hynek A., Hynek N. 2007, MA 2002-2009) Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) * Ecosystem as capital * Knowledge synthesis * Impacts of ecosystems changes * Field+lab technologies (GIS) * Global/national/local * Endogenous / exogenous powers * asset, stock, yield, income > hynek02 kopie.jpg 23 Actors in contemporary cooperation * Interdisciplinary cooperation * Masaryk university, Brno * Technical university, Liberec * Palacký university, Olomouc * Primary school Deblín * The Deblín town municipality * The Tišnov town municipality * Local inhabitants Central position of local people Analysis of actors and actants Shareholders Local government, MÚ Tišnov, SDH Deblín, farmers, TJ Sokol Deblín, chronicler, director of primary school, private entrepreneurs, hunters Stakeholders local residents, firemen, football players, students, schools, farmers, tourists, hunters Decision-makers Local government,Microregion of Deblín, MÚ Tišnov (Especially the Department of Environment and Planning and Building Authority), Regional Office of JMK, representatives of the South Moravia Region, Director of Forests of the City of Brno, Head of School Experts outside Ass. Prof. Lacina Experts inside Witnesses / locals, Mr. Neshyba, Mrs. Antlová, Mr. Štěrba, Mr. Habart Actants objects collective farm granary, an amplifier (transmitter), bus stops, Municipal House, a supermarket, building schools, lake, church, cemetery, kindergarten, cycling ways Communities SDH Deblín, TJ Sokol Deblín, Sokol Deblín – football and tennis, section, farmers, the Christian community, association of Deblín Hunters, fishing club Source: Hynek a Svozil 2007 (pro potřeby předmětu Trvalá udržitelnost – Sustainability) * Mental mapping as unique personal interpretation/presentation of the reality, used on a daily basis for spatial mobility and orientation, evaluated and improved continually * Definition of the area linked to the results of mental mapping * Collecting available data and participative/understanding interviews with major actors * The profile of the Deblín area * List of major problem issues connected to SLE (significant landscape elements) * Students' and pupils' public meetings in the Deblín primary school premises and joint field work, empowering the people * Creating outputs and public presentation of the results * Joint field excursions/expeditions and identification of themes expected by the public/local community or government /authority – governance Development of project activities 26 Community learning as significant part of the case study project * identification of key actors/actants in community * community networks * power inside and outside of community * land use * owners, users, labourers, visitors……..percepts and affects * sustainability/security x priority for the community * debate with representatives of the local community and local authorities * main development problem areas and proposed solutions * analysis, interpretation, synthesis, evaluation, proposition (LANDEP) setkani_s_obcany2.JPG D:\geography\Lynch\LynchImage.jpg Mentální mapování žáků ZŠ Deblín Mental mapping – perspective from primary school pupils Primary school pupils Deblin x university students MU Brno detailed maps x using generalization real x mediated reality stereotypes x „objective“ perception not linked with greater area x patterns and connections Mental mapping – perspective from university students Deblin community „Deblin area becomes a popular location …“ Obr. 3: Nová a potenciální zástavba View of new residents Conservatives - Clean environment, - ´new peasants´, strong identity - Good location, X - city services, - Basic services, - building new houses in the family, - Good land parcel prices. - obsolote building Are there enought water for citizens?…“ Examples of primary school pupils work New and potential buildings Positive, neutral and negative places Delimitation of „new village center“ A.Hynek, Svozil, B., Trávníček, J., Trojan, J.: Trvalá udržitelnost ´Deblínska´, 2009 Land use parcels in Deblin cadastre Significant landscape elements (SLE) in the frame of territorial system of ecological stability (Buček,Lacina) * „Ecological, geomorphological or aesthetic value of landscape shaping its appearance and / or contributing to its stability“ (Act 114/1992) * Decision maker of SLE is legislatively ambivalent * Which gives the chance for creativity and participation * Potential/capital of SLE as actant (in the sense of Latour, 2005) * ecological stability, biodiversity, aesthetic value (the "biological" function) * reducing water and wind erosion (the "protective" function) * relicts of historical landscape structures (the "historical" function) * Creating the relationship between pupils and the town landscape * examination of the SLE (cognitive level) * management of the SLE (landscape and community actors/actants) * SLE usage (eg for sustainable tourism) exkurze_zs_vs2.JPG CURRENT RISKS IN RELATION TO SUSTAINABLE PERSPECTIVE ON WATER Data: HEIS VÚV TGM, ArcCR500 Data: HEIS VÚV TGM, ArcCR500 Případová studie Deblínsko; VŠOH, Brno 2010 37 SLE deployment in the land of Deblín, graphical solution suitable for popularization through lectures and instructional signs Financing the future * Activities supported through projects financed by structural funds (EU – Operational Programme Education for Competitiveness) * 2 key projects * Sustainability as part of school educational programme * Atlas and local geographical textbooks * Supports for students (ICT, e-learning) * Empowering language skills through environmental education * Other projects where Primary school Deblin plays the „partner role“ 39 The activity helped pupils to interest local residents about their neighborhood resident and encourages them to actively engage in the project. Results discussed with representatives of public administration and local authorities to take account of them in practice. SUMMARY of current results PUBLIC PRESENTATION OF RESULTS • Cooperation still continues... •Vohančice (water management issues) •SLE excursion •Grants and funds support •Informational boards in woods •SLE management in cooperation with Municipality of Tišnov •Implementation into curricular documents at Primary school Deblín •Best practice preparation with participation of Ch. Schrefel - 17&4 Organisationsberatung GmbH 2010: Actors meeting – local Agenda creation? OUTPUTS PRESENTATION –Evaluation and feedback –High participation COOPERATION CONTINUES... –Operational Programme –Vohančice –Excursion for pupils –Atlas of Deblín region –Actors meeting –Information tables –SLE management panorama_deblinsko.jpg Thank you for attention