A.Hynek, Dept. of Geography Faculty of Science Masaryk University Brno žto understand the basic interaction between humans and nature žto learn the cultural landscape ecosystems spatial pattern and processes žto analyze the impact of human activities upon physical landscapes/environment žto elaborate the reasons why and how the concepts of sustainability and security are important in regional studies žto delineate the major differences between landscape and regional management žto understand and analyze the changing faces of glocality and community resistance ž žOctober 4th ¡Introduction – ¡Brief notice on dissertation ¡Sustainability/security dimension presentation ¡Paper on regional development žNovember 2nd ¡14 presentations žNovember 30th ¡13 presentations žDept. Of Geography, Kotlářská 2, Brno ž9-12 a.m. ž žRequired presentation: 10-16 slides ¡Sustainability and security in your dissertation ¡2.11. Machalová- Zuskáčová ¡30.11. Biolek - Kuchyňka ¡You can make an exchange in both terms (1:1) žRequired paper ¡Regional dimension in your dissertation ¡Deadline: January 31th, 2013 ¡At least 10 pages in English ¡At least 15 English references ¡ ¡ žMillennium Ecosystem Assessment žEU Sustainable Development Strategy žEuropean Cohesion Policy žEcological Economics žSustainable development in the European Union, 2011 edition, 2011 monitoring report of the EU sustainable development strategy žAfter Lisbon, the role of regional and local authorities in a new strategy for sustainable growth and better jobs