Stano Pekár“Populační ekologie živočichů“ dN = Nr dt includes all mechanisms of population growth that change with density - population structure is ignored - extrinsic effects are negligible - response of λ and r to N is immediate λ and r decrease with population density either because natality decreases or mortality increases or both - negative feedback of the 1st order K .. carrying capacity - upper limit of population growth where λ = 1 or r = 0 - is constant if then 0 1 KNt Nt/Nt+1 1/λ y = a + x b Discrete (difference) model K N N N t t t )1( 1 1 − + =+ λ λ t t t aN N N + =+ 1 1 λ K a 1− = λ λtt NN =+1 λ 1 1 = +t t N N ( ) K N N N t t t λ λ 111 1 − += + - there is linear dependence of λ on N time0 K Nt when Nt → 0 then • no competition • exponential growth when Nt → K then • density-dependent control • S-shaped (sigmoid) growth when Nt > K then • population returns to K 1 1 < + taN λ 1 1 ≈ + taN λ λ λ ≈ + taN1 - when N → K then r → 0 N K dN/dt*1/N r 0 logistic growth first used by Verhulst (1838) to describe growth of human population → Solution of the differential equation Continuous (differential) model       −= K N Nr dt dN 1 Nr dt dN = r Ndt dN = 1 K r Nr Ndt dN −= 1 00 0 )( NeNK KN N rtt +− = − - there is linear dependence of r on N Monotonous increase (r = 0.5) Damping oscillations (r = 1.9) Limit cycle (r = 2.3) Chaos (r = 3.0) 1. N = 0 .. unstable equilibrium 2. N = K .. stable equilibrium .. if 0 < r < 2 “Monotonous increase” and “Damping oscillations” has a stable equilibrium “Limit cycle” and “Chaos” has no equilibrium r < 2 .. stable equilibrium r = 2 .. 2-point limit cycle r = 2.5 .. 4-point limit cycle r = 2.692 .. chaos chaos can be produced by deterministic process density-dependence is stabilising only when r is rather low Model equilibria N r a) yeast (logistic curve) b) sheep (logistic curve with oscillations) c) Callosobruchus (damping oscillations) d) Parus (chaos) e) Daphnia of 28 insect species in one species chaos was identified, one other showed limit cycles, all other were in stable equilibrium in case of density-independence λ is constant – independent of N in case of DD λ is changing with N: plot ln(λ) against Nt estimate λ and K 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Nt ln(lambda) ( ) tbNa −=λln a e=maxλ b a K −= 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time N t t NN λ0= t t t aN N N + =+ 1 1 λ Hassell (1975) proposed general model for DD - r is not linearly dependent on N where θ.. the strength of competition θ >> 1 .. scramble competition (over-compensation), strong DD, leads to fluctuations around K θ = 1 .. contest competition (exact compensation), stable density θ < 1 .. under-compensation - weak DD, population will return to K ( )θ λ t t t aN N N + =+ 1 1 N K r 0 θ = 1 θ = 3 θ = 0.2               −= θ K N rN t N 1 d d species response to resource change is not immediate but delayed due to maternal effect, seasonal effect, predator pressure appropriate for species with long generation time where reproductive rate is dependent on density of a previous generation time lag (d or τ) .. negative feedback of the 2nd order discrete model continuous model many populations of mammals cycle with 3-4 year periods time-lag provokes fluctuations of certain amplitude at certain periods period of the cycle in continuous model is always 4ττττ dt t t aN N N − + + = 1 1 λ       −= − K N rN dt dN t t τ 1 r τ < 1 → monotonous increase r τ < 3 → damping fluctuations r τ < 4 → limit cycle fluctuations r τ > 5 → extinction Solution of the continuous model: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time Density tau=2 tau=6 tau=8 tau=11 K = 500 r = 0.5       − + − = K N r tt t eNN τ 1 1 Maximum Sustainable Harvest (MSH) - to harvest as much as possible with the least negative effect on N - ignore population structure - ignore stochasticity 01 d d =      −= K N Nr t N 4 MSH rK = N0 K/2 dN/dt 2 * K N =local maximum: Amount of MSH (Vmax): - replace N* by K/2       − = 2 MSY KK a λ Surplus production (catch-effort) models - when r, λ and K are not known - effort and catch over several years is known - Schaefer quadratic model - local maximum of the function identifies optimal effort (OE) Robinson & Redford (1991) - Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY) where a = 0.6 for longevity < 5 a = 0.4 for longevity = (5,10) a = 0.2 for longevity > 10 OE 2 EEcatch γβα ++= individuals in a population may cooperate in hunting, breeding – positive effect on population increase Allee (1931) – discovered inverse DD - genetic inbreeding – decrease in fertility - demographic stochasticity – biased sex ratio - small groups – cooperation in foraging, defence, mating, thermoregulation K2 .. extinction threshold, - unstable equilibrium population increase is slow at low density but fast at higher density       −      −= 11 21 K N K N Nr dt dN N K2 K1 r increase decrease 0