C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -1C2110 UNIX and programming Petr Kulhánek, Jakub Štěpán kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-61137 Brno CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0233 2nd lesson C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -2- Contents  Unix in cube • File system, paths • Submitting commands • Basic commands • File system browsing • Copying, moving, deleting  Remote login • ssh • Encryption • Recursive login C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -3Unix in cube  File system, paths  Submitting commands  Basic commands  File system browsing  Copying, moving, deleting C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -4File system structure UNIX uses hierarchical directory file system consisting of directories and files. All directories and files are located in the only root rirectory (/). / home bin ivo root directory filetest.txt directory Subdirectory of directory home Home directory: ● User data and settings. ● Common path: /home/user_name C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -5Comparison with MS Windows fs Property Linux (ext2/ext3/ext4) MS Windows (FAT32,NTFS) Disk partitions Hidden Disk partitions are connected as directories. C:, D:, etc. Optionally connectable as directory (ntfs). Names Case sensitive. Case insensitive. Name separator Slash Back slash Access permissions Yes POSIX Yes (only NTFS) ACL Devices (hardware) As special files. No. C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -6PATH File and directory identifier / home bin user test.txt absolute path to file /home/user/test.txt Path to directory or file can be defined as absolut or relative. File and directory names are separated by slash /. relative path to file user/test.txt C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -7Path types Absolute path has to be specified to root or home directory. Thus it starts either by slash / or tilde ~. Relative path is specified to current / work directory. (Absolute path of current directory can be obtained by command pwd.) /home/kulhanek/Documents/home_work.txt ../alois/Documents Use of tilda: ~ home directory of current user ~user_name home directory of user with name user_name Special directory names: . (dot) current / work directory .. (two dots) parent (higher) directory C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -8Path examples Absolute paths: /home/kulhanek/Documents /home/kulhanek/Documents/domaci_ukol.txt ~/Documents → /home/kulhanek/Documents ~alois/Documents → /home/alois/Documents Relative paths: Documents/domaci_ukol.txt ../alois/Documents ./muj_script C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -9WOLF cluster file system wolf01 /scratch wolf02 /scratch wolf03 /scratch wolf04 /scratch /home ........ Shared contents on all WOLF cluster nodes. Data has backup. Capacity is restricted by quota per-user to maximum 1,5GB. Different contents on all nodes. Data on volume /scratch has no backup and can be deleted anytime. Per-user capacity is not restricted. C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -10Command line [kulhanek@wolf ~]$ User name Machine name Current directory (~ is home directory /home/login) Prompt – user type ($ regular user, # super user, other prompts %, >) commands Command is given by key Enter. Text copy: Do not use Ctrl+C! Mouse text select automatically adds text to clipboard, press mouse wheel to paste on cursor place. Auto complete: Tab key makes command line interpreter to try complete started word. Completed can be command names, paths, file names (if one click does not complete word, there is more possibilities to complete, another click shows list of them). History: by arrow keys (up, down) list of recently used commands can be searched. Any command can be re-used or edited and used. Full list of recorded commands can be printed by command history. C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -11Commands help, cmd searching Manual pages (When I do not know what to do?): man prints manual page of command $ man [section_number] topic Sections:  Section 1 user commands  Section 2 system calls  Section 3 library functions  Section 4 special files  Section 5 file formats Name of command, function, theme, chapter Section name is needed if there is same name in multiple sections.  Section 6 games  Section 7 conventions and miscellany  Section 8 administration and privileged commands  Section L math library functions  Section N tcl functions $ man 1 printf $ man 3 printf Manual page of command printf Manual page of C language function printf() C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -12Commands help, cmd searching Browsing in manual pages text: ● Movement in text by lines (up, down arrows, keys j and k) ● Movement in text by pages (PgDn and PgUp or keys f and b) ● Searching ( /search_pattern , key n for next occurrence, N for previous) ● Manual pages close (key q) On-line manual pages in HTML: http://linux.die.net/man/ Useful commands: whatis prints short command description (manual page header) apropos search for commands containing pattern in manual page info command info pages (similar to manual pages) C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -13Running commands, applications Commands and system applications User scripts and commands $ ls -l $ cp file.txt file1.txt $ ./muj_script $ ~/bin/my_application Running application on background $ gimp & Redirect standard output $ kwrite &> /dev/null Command name or application name Command or script name with full path (absolute or relative) Behind command, arguments and redirections by & (ampersand) command is run on background. command Command arguments (modifies command behavior, input information for processing) Redirection of standard output is done behind command, arguments. C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -14Basic commands File system: • pwd prints path to current / working directory • cd change current / working directory • ls prints list of contents of current / working directory • mkdir create directory • cp copy directory or file • mv move directory or file • rm remove directory or file Investicative commands: • hostname prints machine name • whoami prints name of logged user • id prints ID info of user • w prints who is logged and his running command • ps prints running processes C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -15Create directory • Create directory $ mkdir dir_name • Create directory substructure $ mkdir -p dir_name1/dir_name2/dir_name3 C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -16- Copy • To copy files and directories use command cp $ cp file1 file2 Creates copy of file vytvoří kopii file "file1" s názvem "file2" $ cp file1 file2 file3 directory1/ Copy files “file1 ", “file2", “file3" to directory “directory1" $ cp -r directory1 directory2 Creates copy of directory “directory1" with new name “directory2"; if directory “directory2" already exists, creates copy of directory “directory1" as subdirectory of directory “directory2" $ cp -r file1 directory2 file3 directory1/ Copy files “file1", “file3" and directory “directory2" to directory “directory1" C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -17- Move • To move files and directories use command mv $ mv file1 file2 Rename file "file1" to "file2" $ mv file1 file2 file3 directory1/ Move files "file1", "file2", "file3" to directory "directory1" $ mv directory1 directory2 Rename directory "directory1" to "directory2"; if directory "directory2" exists, then move directory "directory1" to directory "directory2" $ mv file1 directory2 file3 directory1/ Move files "file1", "file3" and directory "directory2" to directory "directory1" C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -18- Mazání • K mazání slouží příkaz rm $ rm file1 Removes file "file1" $ rm -r directory1 Removes directory "directory1" C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -19- Exercise Try to use shortcuts: • Auto complete (key TAB) • Text copy (select by mouse / insert by wheel) • history 1. Download study materials from IS to directory ~/Downloads. 2. Create subdirectory pokus in directory /scratch/your_login . 3. Create directory studmat in your home directory. 4. To directory studmat copy study materials from directory ~/Downloads . 5. Open presentation (Lesson 02) in okular software, run okular so that it does not print any standard output information on terminal. 6. Copy presentation to directory /scratch/your_login/pokus . 7. Rename presentation to new name pokus.pdf in directory /scratch/your_login/pokus . 8. Open presentation pokus.pdf in okular software, run program on background. 9. Remove presentation in directory ~/Downloads . C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -20Remote login  ssh  Encryption  Recursive login C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -21Remote login There is number of protocols / commands for remote login (rsh, XDMCP, etc.), most used and most secure is protocol / command ssh (secure shell). $ ssh [user@]hostname [command] Syntax: User name; If name is not given, curent user name is used Machine name [] - optional Logout: Remote interactive login is closed by command exit. Examples: $ ssh wolf.wolf.inet $ ssh wolf01.wolf.inet w Command to be submitted to remote machine, if omitted command line on remote machine is activated C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -22First remote login [kulhanek@wolf01 ~]$ ssh wolf02 The authenticity of host 'wolf02 (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is 1f:9d:f3:d3:1d:24:28:12:56:30:99:ef:2d:68:d2:cf. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'wolf02,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. [kulhanek@wolf02 ~]$ On first remote login user has to confirm authenticity of remote machine. In secure network remote machine fingerprint can be accepted without verification. In the Internet it is better to verify fingerprint by independent way (receive fingerprint from remote machine admin by mail). C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -23Asymmetric encryption key I key IIPair of encryption keys Message Encrypted message Decryption to original message by key used for encryption is not feasible. Message Encrypted message Message Encrypted message C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -24Asymmetric encryption, use I Public key Private key Sender Receiver Secure message transfer: 1. Obtain receiver public key. 2. Encrypt message with receiver public key. 3. Message transfer over unsecure network. 4. Receiver decrypts original message by his private key. Unsecure network Anybody who knows receiver private key can decrypt original message! Pair of encryption keys Message Encrypted message C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -25Asymmetric encryption, use II Public key Private key Sender Receiver Authentication of public message sender: 1. Encryption of message by sender private key 2. Receiver obtains encrypted message and sender public key. 3. Receiver decrypts message by sender public key. Unsecure network Public message Encrypted message Pair of encryption keys Anybody who steels sender private key, can pretend to his identity! C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -26- Exercise 1. Log on to remote machine wolf01.wolf.inet 2. Print all connected users by command w. 3. Logout from machine wolf01.wolf.inet. 4. Print all users logged on wolf01.wolf.inet without interactive login to node. C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -27Remote login wolf wolf03 wolf04 wolf05wolf02wolf01 wolf06 wolf07 wolf08 wolf23 Command ssh can be used for recursive remote login. ssh wolf06ssh wolf ssh wolf02 Each new remote login level increases overhead costs, thus we use the most direct possible remote login ssh wolf02 C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -28Remote login University network wolf.ncbr.muni.cz Local network wolf.wolf.inet wolf wolf03 wolf04 wolf05wolf02wolf01 wolf06 wolf07 wolf08 wolf23 Domain not accessible directly wolf.inet skirit.ics.muni.cz Recursive remote login is necessary for access of computers in private networks. ssh wolf08.wolf.inet ssh wolf.ncbr.muni.cz ssh wolf07 C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -29Remote login University network wolf.ncbr.muni.cz Local network wolf.wolf.inet wolf wolf03 wolf04 wolf05wolf02wolf01 wolf06 wolf07 wolf08 wolf23 Domain not accessible directly wolf.inet skirit.ics.muni.cz ssh skirit.ics.muni.cz Remote login from local private networks to machines located in public network can be done directly. C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -30Remote login without password wolf wolf03 wolf04 wolf05wolf02wolf01 wolf06 wolf07 wolf08 wolf23 First login with password Login to other WOLF cluster nodes without password Using authorized public key. There are also different techniques with similar extent: system Kerberos (http://web.mit.edu/Kerberos/) C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -31Remote login without password [kulhanek@wolf01 ~]$ cd .ssh [kulhanek@wolf01 .ssh]$ ssh-keygen Generating public/private rsa key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/home/kulhanek/.ssh/id_rsa): Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Enter same passphrase again: Your identification has been saved in /home/kulhanek/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /home/kulhanek/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. The key fingerprint is: e9:07:0b:fc:17:23:b3:c5:1a:8a:0c:1a:98:8f:fe:28 kulhanek@wolf01.wolf.inet No input! 2. Paste your public key to list of authorized keys: [kulhanek@wolf01 .ssh]$ cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys Advantages:  No need to input password each time  More secure usage of ssh and scp commands in scripts.  Faster work Disadvantages:  In case of loosing one account, all nodes with authorized keys can be accesed. Description: man ssh 1. Create private and public key pair: C2110 UNIX and programming 2nd lesson -32- Exercise 1. Activate remote login without password in WOLF cluster. 2. Verify that remote connection works. Connetc to node wolf01. 3. Try recursive remote login within WOLF cluster. 4. Monitor who is logged on your machine.