Macromolecular crystallography Pavel Plevka • Importance of crystallography • Development of crystallography • Waves, radiation, and diffraction • Phase problem • Macromolecular structures X-ray crystallography • First method to determine structure of molecules with atomic resolution • As of September 17, 2013 there were more than 70,000 structures determined by protein crystallography in Protein Data Bank • Macromolecular structures are crucial for our understanding of life at the molecular level • 28 Nobel prizes WILHELM CONRAD RÖNTGEN (1845-1923) • 1901 Nobel Laureate in Physics in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him. MAX VON LAUE (1879-1960) • 1914 Nobel Laureate in Physics for his discovery of the diffraction of Xrays by crystals Wavelength and diffraction Wavelength comparison of X-rays and visible light 38 SIR WILLIAM HENRY BRAGG (1862-1942) SIR WILLIAM LAWRENCE BRAGG (1890-1971) • 1915 Nobel Laureates in Physics for their services in the analysis of crystal structure by means of X-rays. n = 2d sin James Batcheller Sumner (1879-1960) • 1946 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry for his discovery that enzymes can be crystallized FRANCIS HARRY COMPTON CRICK (1916~2004) JAMES DEWEY WATSON (1928~) MAURICE HUGH FREDERICK WILKINS (1916~2004) • 1962 Nobel Laureates in Physiology and Medicine for their discoveries concerning the molecular structure of nuclear acids and its significance for information transfer in living material. Rosalind FranklinMaurice Wilkins James Watson and Francis Crick Max Ferdinand Perutz (1914 – 2002) John Cowdery Kendrew (1917 – 1997) • 1962 Nobel Laureate in Physics for their studies of the structures of globular proteins Information from X-ray diffraction experiment Representative electron density for amino acid side chains Electron density maps calculated at 1.5 Angstrom resolution. Johann Deisenhofer (1943) Robert Huber (1937) Hartmut Michel (1948) • 1988 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of a photosynthetic reaction centre Venkatraman Ramakrishnan (1952) Thomas A. Steitz (1940) Ada E. Yonath (1939) • 2009 Nobel Laureates in Chemistry or studies of the structure and function of the ribosome Comparison of microscope and diffraction Waves and Radiation Description of lectromagnetic waves • E- electric field strength • A- amplitude - wavelenght A E z A E Z z E = A cos 2 z/ E = A cos ( + z/ ) • z - position along beam path - phase Coherent beam Addition of waves Wave as a vector F=Acos +iAsin F=exp(i ) A Real axis Imaginaryaxis A- wave amplitude - wave phase A E Z z F A X-rays scatter from electrons in all directions Primary beam Secondary beams X-ray scattering from several electrons Primary beam A E Z z When do electrons scatter “in phase” – waves add constructively? • Scattering from a single molecule is weak • If molecules are all oriented in the same way, the scattering from individual molecules will add in certain directions –Which directions? There is no path and PHASE DIFFERENCE when rays reflect from a plane A E Z z n = 2d sin Bragg’s law: There is NO PHASE DIFFERENCE if the path differences are equal to prime number multiplies of wavelength ( ) w sin w/d 2w = n n = 2d sin Bragg’s law: sin w/d 2w = n There is NO PHASE DIFFERENCE if the path differences are equal to prime number multiplies of wavelength ( ) w 14 Bravais Lattices (h, k, l) Diffraction pattern from a protein crystal Diffraction pattern from a protein crystal n = 2d sin Electron density equation • only the intensities of reflections can be measured • phase information is lost • we must obtain phase information in some other way Phase problem αα α Molecular replacement • source of initial phases is structure of similar molecule (model) • the model is repositioned (replaced) to obtain the best agreement with the x-ray data • phases are calculated from the model (using the structure factor equation) • calculated phases are combined with the experimental data Solving the phase problem Multiple/Single Isomorphous Replacement (MIR/SIR) • source of phases – intensity differences between data from native and derivative (heavy atom containing) crystals • Positions of heavy atoms identified from isomorphous difference Patterson maps Solving the phase problem 2 Observed amplitudes Unknown structure Known structure Calculated amplitudes and phases Phases unknown! Fourier cat Cat Manx cat Fourier Manx cat FFT FFT Observed amplitudes (tailed cat), calculated phases (Manx cat) The tail becomes visible! FFT Duck amplitudes + cat phases Duck Fourier duck Looks like a cat!! Model Bias Model building • Fitting of protein sequence in the electron density • Easy in molecular replacement • More difficult if no initial model is available • Unambiquous if resolution is high enough (better than 3.0 Å) • Can be automated, if resolution is close to 2Å or better What does resolution mean in practice? 6.0 Å 4.5 Å 3.0 Å 1.6 Å Refinement • Automated improvement of the model, so it explains the observed data better • The phases get improved as well, so the electron density maps get better Validation • Assesment of the final(?) model quality • How the geometry of amino acids look like? (Ramachandran plot) • Are non-covalently atoms far enough from each other? (no atom bumps) • Are residues “happy” in their environment? (hydrophobic in core, polar on surface) • Are the hydrogen donors/acceptors satisfied? Depositing • Depositing structure and diffraction data in PDB is required for the paper to be accepted in most journals Summary: 1. Our goal is to obtain three dimensional electron density distribution, because it shows the shape of a molecule 2. X-rays have suitable wavelength for study of molecular structures 3. Crystals allow measurement of diffraction data because they diffract strongly in certain directions 4. Diffraction experiments provide only amplitudes of structure factors => Phase problem 5. Solution of the phase problem: Molecular replacement Isomorphous replacement 6. Model building, refinement, deposition 1. Virus purification 2. Crystallization 3. Diffraction data 4. Solve structure 1. Virus purification 3. cryo-EM 4. Reconstruction 2. Grid preparation Rhinoviruses – 40% of common cold cases – economic losses $16bn/year in USA McMinn et al. Clin Infect Dis 2001. Image by Heng Soy, KI Media 2012. Structural studies of human picornaviruses Enteroviruses (EV71) – hand-foot-and-mouth- disease – encephalitis Picornavirus replication cycle Honeybee viruses cutaneous leishmaniasis metastasis to nasopharyngeal tissues Ives et al. Science, 2011 Olivier. Nature, 2011 Free Dictionary Leishmania RNA virus 1