RESEARCH ON INFLUENZA KEY Listening: Flu Vaccine^2 2. Match the expressions with their synonyms or descriptions. Ailment illness Assume believe, accept without proof Authorities official departments that make decisions Chills sudden feelings of coldness Contract catch Contagious infectious Fluids liquids Malnutrition weakness from not eating enough good food Pneumonia disease which affects lungs Prevalent widespread, common Respiratory related to breathing Strain type with special characteristics 3. Listen to the recording and answer the questions. 1. What is influenza ? contagious respiratory disease 2. What are the symptoms ? fever, chills, cough, fatigue, lost appetite 3. What is recommended ? bed rest, fluids 4. Who is at greater risk of complications ? the elderly, people with medical problems 5. How many flu-cused deaths are shown by official reports ? a few hundred 6. What other causes of death are compared with flu ? asthma, malnutrition 7. What are the forms of flu vaccines in the US ? injections, nasal spray 8. Why do authorities travel to Asia ? to determine which strains are currently active 9. What are vaccine manufacturers instructed to do ? include these strains in new vaccine Reading^3 ^ 1. Scanning. Read the text quickly and answer this question: What is the flu´s secret ingredient? an additional eleventh protein 2. Multiple choice - Choose the right option: 1. The researchers made the discovery c) while studying the body´s immune system 2. The additional protein b) remained hidden to researchers for nearly 20 years 3. The discovery b) will inspire future research 3. Comprehension: Say whether these statmements are true or false. If they are false, say what is true. a) The flu virus produces 11 proteins. T ………………………………………………………………………………………………. b) The newly discovered protein goes to ribozomes. F ……………………………………………to mitochondria……………………… c) This protein can determine the virulence of the flu virus. T ……………………………………………………………………………………………..... d) Research has shown its presence in some other animals, too. F ……research about this is likely………………………………………………… 4. Read the text again and try to translate the following expressions: 1. make a chance discovery učinit náhodný objev 2. be good at attacking humans snadno napadá člověka 3. identify an additional protein rozpoznat další protein 4. determine how virulent a particular strain of the flu virus is určit jak nakažlivý daný kmen chřipky je 5. consider the resulting peptides as waste products považovat výsledné peptidy za odpadní produkty 6. accelerate the ability to harm cells zrychlit schopnost poškozovat buňky 7. it remains to be seen zůstává otázkou 8. further research is likely je pravděpodobné, že bude probíhat další výzkum 5. Here are some verbs and adjectives from the text. Use suffixes to change them into nouns. Vaccinate vaccination Infect infection Replicate replication Consider consideration Determine determination Involve involvement Virulent virulence Occur occurrence Present presence explain explanation discover discovery strong strength Homework: Complete the missing singular or plural forms. 1. mitochondrion mitochondria 6. radius radii 2. criterion criteria 7. nucleus nuclei 3. phenomenon phenomena 8. focus foci 4. formula formulae 9. fungus fungi 5. thesis theses 10. analysis analyses