ANGLIČTINA PRO CHEMIKY 3, podzim 2011 § KONTAKT: Andrea Rozkošná, e-mail:, konz.hodiny: St 16-16:45 Kampus Bohunice, pavion A-15, kancelář č.119 § OBSAH KURZU: odborná angličtina (práce s odborným textem, poslech, slovní zásoba), akademická angličtina (mluvení o studiu, prezentace, diskuse), konverzace a gramatika - 4 semestry (JAC01 – JAC04) - kurzy volně navazují, je vhodné absolvovat je po sobě - nepovinné, ovšem doporučené jako příprava na povinné zkoušky z odborné angličtiny: - kurzy 01 a 02 slouží jako příprava na zkoušku JA001 (úroveň B1, bakalářské studium), - kurzy 03 a 04 slouží jako příprava na zkoušku JA002 (úroveň B2, magisterské studium). Pokud jste na požadované úrovni, můžete složit zkoušku JA002 už v bakalářském studiu. V tom případě nemusíte skládat zkoušku JA001. § možnost přihlásit se navíc do online kurzů PdF MU bez prezenční výuky: Angličtina Online (kód ONLINE_A) nebo Cvičení z gramatiky on-line - AJ (kód ZS1BK_AC2A) § STUDIJNÍ MATERIÁLY uloženy v ISu v INTERAKTIVNÍ OSNOVĚ: VE KTERÉ SE NACHÁZÍ - kopie všech lekcí v elektronické podobě+klíč, složka pro odevzdávání úkolů - užitečné odkazy (informace o zkouškách z odborné aj, jazyková studovna, studium v zahraničí, online slovníky, vyhledávače, enCyklopedie, gramatika, odborné články…) § STUDIJNÍ MATERIÁLY PŘEDMĚTU SI PROSÍM VYTISKNĚTE SAMI. - na vyučovací hodinu si vždy přineste první dokument uložený v aktuální lekci (např. soubor Week 2 – Studying Chemistry) vytištěný ve formátu A4 - pokud jste na hodině chyběli, je třeba přinést do příští hodiny vyplněný domácí úkol § POŽADAVKY NA ZÁPOČET: - aktivní účast – max. 2 absence za semestr, není třeba posílat omluvenku - zápočtový test – píše se v zápočtovém týdnu, z probraného učiva; případně další úkoly § DOPORUČENÁ LITERATURA: § Chemická a vědecká angličtina: Oreská, Alžbeta. English for chemists + Activity book. Bratislava: STU, 2006. Weisse, Gunter et al. Angličtina pro chemiky. Praha: SNTL, 1988. Dastych, Milan et al. English for Laboratory Technicians + Key. Brno: MU, 2007. Science. Edited by Keith Kelly. Oxford: Macmillan, 2008. § Akademická angličtina, gramatika: Academic vocabulary in use. Ed. by Michael McCarthy - Felicity O'Dell. Cambridge: CUP, 2008. Douglas Bell: Passport to Academic Presentations. Reading: Garnet, 2008. Murphy, Raymond. English grammar in use : a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students. 2nd ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995.. § Slovníky: Bláha, Karel. Česko-anglický / Anglicko-český chemický slovník, Praha: SNTL 1989. Dictionary of chemistry. Edited by John Daintith. 5th ed. Oxford : OUP, 2004. Lingea Lexicon 5. Anglický technický slovník (elektronický slovník na CD). 1. AT A UNIVERSITY II 1. Work in pairs. Do you know the highlighted words? Can you explain what they mean? Ask and answer questions about your studies. (Student A/B) Take notes. Student A What is your name and field of study? Can you describe it? Where are you staying? Do you share a private flat or are you staying at the halls of residence? Who was your favourite teacher at high school? Can you describe him / her? Why did you choose to study chemistry? Did you like chemistry at high school? What part of chemistry would you like to specialize in? Why? (e.g. organic/inorganic/analytical/physical chemistry/biochemistry…) Do you enjoy studying science? Why? / Why not? Which subjects are you good at? What do you like most about your studies? Are you conducting any research? In what field? Are you writing a bachelor´s thesis? What was the most difficult exam you have had so far? What do you want to do after you finish school? Would you like to study for a PhD.? Student B What´s your name and where are you from? What high school did you graduate from? Were the school-leaving exams difficult to pass? Why did you choose to study at Masaryk University? Was it difficult to get admitted? What other universities did you apply for? Did you have to sit for any entrance exams? In which year of your university course are you right now? What classes do you like most? What do you think of the campus? Who is your favoruite teacher? Why? What course does he or she teach? Do you have any part-time job? Would you like to carry out research in the future? Which one? Would you like to study at a foreign university? Where? How do you imagine your future job in chemistry? 2. Now report this information to another student. Speak from you notes. Example: Hanka is studying biochemistry. She is in the second year of her studies. … 3. Look at each group of words. Which one does not belong there? Cross it out. × a) consist of contain comprise continue b) include be composed of be made be made up of 4. a) Work in small groups. Each group will get cards describing structure of Masaryk University (e.g. Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry). Sort out the cards. Then check with the right version. b) Find partners from another group. Describe Masaryk University structure, using the typical vocabulary. (e.g. Masaryk University consists of nine faculties, which include …) 5. Try to fill in the missing words: 1. How is the academic year organized? 2. What kind of students are there? Paprskový diagram Paprskový diagram Elipsa: ………... 3. What kind of lessons do you have? 4. How do you study? Paprskový diagram Paprskový diagram 5. How are you asessed (tested)? 6. What degrees can you get? Paprskový diagram Paprskový diagram 6. Admission to universities in Britain.^1 Listen to the recording and then decide which of the statements are true and which are false (T/F). Compare it with the Czech system. 1. Each university has a separate entrance exam. T/F 2. National school – leaving exams are called A levels in Britain. T/F 3. The students choose the universities and the courses they are interested in by looking at prospectuses. T/F 4. The prospectuses are available only in the school careers offices. T/F 5. UCCA stands for Universities Central Council on Admissions. T/F 6. The students apply directly to the universities themselves. T/F 7. You can apply for admission to more than 5 universities. T/F 8. The academic year starts in September. T/F 7. Speaking – Roleplay. Work in pairs. One of you is a Czech student, the other is a British student. Talk about your university studies, using information below. Ask your partner about: a) the age people go to university b) the admission to a university (entrance exams?) c) the degrees you can obtain, the length of courses d) the course fee, scholarships e) the beginning and organization of an academic year f) the kind of lessons you have g) testing h) accommodation A) Czech student: a) 19 b) apply directly to universities, requirements: must pass school-leaving exams, entrance exams c) study for Bachelor´s degree, Master´s degree, 3 / 5 years d) state universities, you don´t have to pay for your studies e) lasts from late Sept. to June, 2 semesters, 2 exam periods f) lectures, seminars, lab practicals, consultations g) tests, oral+written exams h) halls of residence or sharing a private flat B) British student: a) 18 b) apply through 1 central body – the UCCA, no entrance exams, requirements: 3 A levels c) study for Bachelor´s degree, Master´s degree, 3 / 5 years d) you have to pay a course fee, can get a grant or a scholarship e) late September – July, 3 terms, at some universities 2 semesters f) lectures, seminars, practicals, tutorials (individual lessons with a tutor) g) mostly by writing essays h) share aflat / house, halls of residence 8. HOMEWORK. Search the internet to find a university of your choice. Then try to answer the following questions. Be ready to present the university to your colleagues. § What is the name and location of the University? § Who is the head of the University? § What is the structure of the University? (faculties, colleges, schools) § What degrees does the University offer? § What and why would you like to study there? § How much will you have to pay as an overseas (“international”) student? § How, when and where will you apply for admission? § Are there terms or semesters? When do they start? Sources: ^1 Adapted from: T.Lynch and K.Anderson: Study Speaking, CUP1992. Lesson adapted from Hana Němcová and Milada Pavlovová.