Dear students,
Welcome to the course English for Geologists. My name is Věra Hranáčová and I love teaching geologists because both my husband and one of my brothers are geologists. You can read about my studies of English and other languages.
Course Objectives
In this course you will start building your specific vocabulary for geology in reading and listening activities. The topics are useful for your exams JA001 and JA002. Face-to-face lessons should also be devoted to speaking in discussions and presentations. Revision of grammar and specific features of academic English are also involved.
Course Pre-requisites - Entrance level B1
Use a diagnostic test (JTest). With lower level, I am afraid, you may find it too difficult to participate and work reasonably well.
Credit Requirements
- Attendance is compulsory - you can be absent twice.
- Homework - completion of quizzes and exercises before and after sessions, both handouts and electronic form - ´odpovědníky´ in IS MU. (In case of technical problems with ROPOT contact etech@fi.muni.cz. Remember to write the subject and the name of the ROPOT.)
- short presentation on one of the topics of this term
- One credit test in Week 13.
Contact: hranacova@rect.muni.cz
- No need to send an apology for your absence, unless you have a credit task.
- Write your letters in English, please. Subject: JAG01 + the day (and time) of your seminar group (e.g. Mon 10) + your problem.
- I will appreciate your corrections of misprints in my texts, dead links and I will be grateful for all good suggestions.
- In case of technical problems with ROPOTS contact etech@fi.muni.cz