Atoms, Elements, and Minerals - basic vocabulary acid [æsid] kyselina amount množství arranged [ə’reindž] uspořádaný arrangement uspořádání axis, pl axes [æksis, æksi:z] osa - osy compound [kəm’paund] sloučenina conchoidal lasturnatý crystalline solid [kristəlain] krystalicky pevný depth [depθ] hloubka designated [dezigneitid] označený differ from lišit se dilute [dai’lju:t] ředit, zředěný distinguish (A from B) [dis’tiŋgwiš] odlišovat (A od B) dull matný edges [edžiz] hrany element prvek flake [fleik] šupinka, odštěpek fracture [frækčə] lom ( fyzikální vlastnost minerálu) grain [grein] zrno grow-grew-grown [grəu, gru:, grəun] růst – narostlý hard – hardness [ha:dnis] tvrdý – tvrdost heft [heft] specifická hmotnost, váha height [hait] výška impurities [im’pju:riti:z] příměsi, nečistoty inorganic [ino:’gænik] anorganický ion [aiən] iont join [džoin] spojovat key elements [ki:] základní prvky luster, Br.lustre [lastə] lesk magnifying glass [mægnifaiiŋ] lupa mass [mæs] hmotnost matter [mætə] hmota mistaken for mylně považovaný za mixture [miksčə] směs natural [næčrəl] přírodní observe [ob’zə:v] pozorovat occur [o’kə:] vyskytovat se pale bledý, světlý periodic table periodická tabulka physical property (-ies) fyzikální vlastnost (-i) proportion [prə’po:šn] poměr rare(ly) vzácný, vzácně release [ri’li:s] uvolnit resemble [ri'zembl] podobat se sample [sa:mpl] vzorek scratch poškrábat silicate minerals [silikeit] silikáty silky hedvábný smooth hladký specimen [spesimen] vzorek (ukázka) streak [stri:k] vryp substance [sabstəns] látka surface [sə:fis] povrch tetrahedron [tetrə‘hi:drən], pl -s, tetrahedra, čtyřstěn, tetraedr thickness [θiknis] síla, tloušťka, mocnost trace elements stopové prvky traces of stopové (nepatrné) množství tiny [taini] drobný, nepatrný uneven nestejný, nerovný (lom) width [widθ] šířka Minerals agate [ ægit] achát biotite mica [baiətait maikə] biotit calcite [kælsait] kalcit emerald [emərəld] smaragd feldspar [feldspa:] živec fluorite [fluərait] fluorit galena [gə’li:nə] galenit garnet [ga:nit] granát graphite [græfait] grafit, tuha gypsum [džipsəm] sádrovec halite [hælait] kamenná sůl magnetite [mægnitait] magnetit microcline [maikrəklain] mikroklin (modifikace živce draselného) muscovite [maskəvait] muskovit olivine [olivi:n] olivín opal [əupl ] opál orthoclase feldspar [o:θəkleis] ortoklas (modifikace živce draselného) pyrite [pairait], chalcopyrite [kælkə'pairait] pyrit, chalkopyrit quartz [kwo:ts], smoky quartz, rose quartz křemen, záhněda, růženín turquoise [tə:kwoiz] tyrkys Linking (al)though [ðəu] , however- ačkoliv (přípustka) either - or buď - nebo despite / in spite of - navzdory apart from - kromě A i další položky while, whereas - zatímco (kontrastní spojky) except - kromě = vyjma A whether [weðə] - zdali, jestli regardless - nehledě Adverbs likely pravděpodobně unlikely nepravděpodobně rarely [reəli] zřídka, vzácně have st in common mít něco společného Atoms, Elements, and Minerals Anything that occupies space and has mass is matter. The smallest complete part of an element with all the properties of that element is an atom. A substance that contains only one kind of atom is an element. Each element has its own symbol and is designated by its atomic number, which tells its place on the periodic table. Elements are arranged according to their atomic masses. The element having the smallest atomic mass is hydrogen. The natural element having the greatest atomic mass is uranium. Learn the correct pronunciation of these elements: Al aluminum [ə’luminəm] (Us) aluminium [ælju‘miniəm] (Br) hliník Ca calcium [kælsiəm] - vápník C carbon [ka:bən] uhlík Cu copper [kopə] měď F fluorine [fluəri:n] fluor Au gold [gəuld] zlato H hydrogen [haidrədžən] vodík Cl chlorine [klo:ri:n] chlór Cr chromium [krəumiəm] chrom I iodine [aiədi:n] jód Fe iron [aiən] železo Pb lead [led] olovo M magnesium [mæg’ni:ziəm] hořčík Mn manganese [mæŋgə’ni:z] mangan Hg mercury [mə:kjuri] rtuť Ni nickel [nikl] nikl N nitrogen [naitrədžən] dusík O oxygen [oksidžən] kyslík P phosphorus [fosfərəs] fosfor Pt platinum [plætinəm] platina K potassium [pə’tæsiəm] draslík Rn radon [reidən] radon S sulfur, [salfə] síra sulphur (Br) Sn tin [tin] cín U uranium [ju‘reiniəm] uran Zn zinc [ziŋk] zinek Elements, in different combinations, make up all the substances on earth. Eight of these elements make up over 98% of the earth's outer layer, a crust. The three most abundant elements are oxygen (46.5%), silicon (27.8%), and aluminum (8.1%), and so about 75% of the Earth´s crust is made up of these three elements. The relative amounts of the other elements are much smaller - 5.1%- iron, 3.6% - calcium, 2.5% - sodium and also potassium, and 2.1% - magnesium. A substance made up of two or more elements joined together in fixed proportions is a compound. These compounds, when found as natural solids within the earth´s crust, are called minerals. A crystalline substance is considered a mineral (in geologic terms) if it is naturally occurring and inorganic and has a definite chemical composition. Despite the great number of minerals and despite the many differences among them, all minerals have four things in common: all minerals are made up of key elements, they are natural, inorganic and crystalline solids. Key elements. Quartz , for example, is made up of the elements silicon and oxygen. There are a few minerals that are made up of only one element - diamond, graphite, crystalline gold, and crystalline sulfur. Natural. Minerals are found in nature, although people have learned how to make a synthetic mineral like quartz, rubies and diamonds to use them in industry. Inorganic. Most minerals form from a combination of atoms without the help of plants and animals. Coal is not a mineral because it is made from organic plant remains. Most compounds made by living things are organic. Bones, teeth and shells are the only common parts of living things that are made of minerals. Crystalline solid. A crystalline solid is a solid substance whose atoms are locked together into fixed patterns that repeat in height, width, and depth or thickness. Mineral grains form by atoms attaching themselves in a three -dimensional pattern, which is related to one of the six systems. Each system is distinguished by a set of imaginary internal lines called axes. When the mineral grains have complete freedom to form in any direction, the atoms of the mineral produce a certain shape by lining up along these axes. This solid shape is called a crystal. Arrangement of various faces on a crystal in a definite geometric relationship to one another is a crystal form. In many mineral samples that you will look at, you will see no crystals at all. Rarely are minerals found as separate crystals large enough to be seen with a naked eye. Minerals may not form crystals at all. However, mineral grains are still crystalline solids and can be studied with a microscope. Classification of minerals Minerals can be classified according to key elements. The silicate minerals form the most common class. They all contain silicon and oxygen. The basic building block made up of one silicon atom and four oxygen atoms is called a silica tetrahedron (pl tetrahedrons, tetrahedra; from Greek - tetra means four, hedra means sides). The quartz, feldspar, and mica are common silicate minerals. They can look very different from each other because they contain different key elements. Quartz contains oxygen and silicon. Feldspar contains oxygen, silicon, aluminum, and sodium, potassium, or calcium. Biotite mica contains oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, potassium and magnesium. Silicate minerals can also look different from each other because of the way their silica tetrahedra are arranged - in some kinds, e.g. garnet, as separate units, in other kinds they are joined together in pairs, chains, sheets, or even complete box shaped networks, e.g. quartz. Garnet forms according to the isometric or cubic system. Quartz belongs to the hexagonal system. Look at the table of crystal names and some examples of mineral crystals. Learn their pronunciation with correct stresses. Galena belongs to isometric/cubic system. All three axes are of equal length and at right angles. Which system does olivine belong to? Which system does chalcopyrite form according to? Ask these questions about gypsum and microcline. Write the question if it sounds new to you. ……. Now ask which minerals belong to various systems. Note the different grammar (without do/does), because now we ask about the subject: Which minerals belong to cubic/isometric system? Which mineral forms according to tetragonal system? Ask about other crystal systems: All minerals can also look different from each other because of impurities - atoms of elements other than the key elements of a mineral. They can be expected in any mineral and they cause the different colors found among samples of the same mineral, e.g. in the diamond they can cause it to be pale yellow, blue, red, or even black. Regardless of color, all are the same mineral - diamond. Nonsilicate minerals Calcite, which is calcium carbohydrate, is a carbonate mineral. Galena, lead sulfide, is a sulfide mineral. Magnetite, iron oxide, is an oxide mineral. Fluorite, calcium fluoride, is a halide mineral with fluorine as a key element, but halide minerals can contain any one of several other key elements - chlorine, bromine, and iodine are the most common. All sulfates contain sulfur and oxygen as their key elements. Gypsum is calcium sulfate and water. Do you know any other classes of minerals? Physical properties of minerals For an exact study of minerals, a laboratory and special equipment like a microscope or an electron micro probe is used. In many cases, however, geologists can see enough with no more than a magnifying glass to identify a hand-size mineral sample. Minerals are usually identified by their physical properties. Cleavage is perhaps the most useful physical property for identification purposes. Other important physical properties are external crystal form, fracture, hardness, luster, color, streak, and specific gravity / heft. Cleavage is the ability of a mineral to break into smooth, parallel surfaces (along preferred planes). A mineral may have none, one, two, or more sets of flat breaks, each set in a different direction. Each of these flat breaks represents a direction of weakness. Cleavage may be determined as none - poor / indistinct - imperfect - good / distinct - very good - perfect. Mica breaks along one cleavage direction. Calcite, on the other hand, has three cleavage directions. Smooth crystal faces can be mistaken for cleavage surfaces, but they differ because they appear only on the surface of crystals, while cleavage goes all the way through the crystal. This difference can be seen on broken edges of the mineral. Sometimes the crystal faces and cleavages are in the same direction, e.g. in common table salt. Fracture is the way in which a mineral breaks where not controlled by cleavage. Certain minerals can be distinguished by their type of fracture, but also none fracture or irregular/uneven/hackly fracture may be observed. Quartz, for example, breaks along smoothly curving surfaces - it has conchoidal fracture. Pyrite and magnetite have irregular fracture. Other fractures: micaceous, fibrous, splintery, step-like. Hardness is the ability of a mineral to scratch another mineral. (Also: The relative ease or difficulty with which a smooth surface of a mineral can be scratched). It is commonly measured by Mohs' Scale of Hardness. A German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs chose a series of minerals as a scale for hardness in 1822. As you can see, talc is the softest, while diamond is the hardest mineral. Apatite is harder than calcite, but gypsum is softer. 1 Talc [tælk] 2 Gypsum [džipsəm] 3 Calcite [kælsait] 4 Fluorite [fluərait] 5 Apatite [æpətait 6 Orthoclase feldspar [o:θəukleis] 7 Quartz [kwo:ts] 8 Topaz [təu’pæz] 9 Corundum (ruby [ru:bi] and sapphire [sæfaiə]) 10 Diamond [daimənd] Several other standards can also be used to test for hardness: a person´s fingernail = about 2 ½ an iron nail = 5 to 5 ½ 10 crowns coin = ? Find out. Luster is the quality and intensity of light reflected from the surface of a mineral. Reflection like metal is called metallic. Nonmetallic lusters include glassy/ vitreous, pearly, silky, waxy, greasy (=mastný), resinous [rezinəs] - pryskyřičný, adamantine [ædə’mæntain ]=diamantový. If no shine is observed, the mineral is dull. Silver tarnishes, or loses its shine, if not polished. Quartz, calcite, and fluorite are likely to have a glassy luster; gypsum may look silky or pearly. Galena has a metallic luster. Streak is the color of a pulverized substance of a mineralagainst a white background. This is tested by rubbing the sample on a piece of unglazed porcelain and noting the color of the powder left on the porcelain. Streak is a useful property for mineral identification. Note that if the mineral sample is harder than the porcelain (7), the powder will be not from the mineral but from the porcelain. Pyrite leaves a black streak. Which other mineral has a dark streak? Find out in the table below. Specific gravity / density of a mineral, given in grams per cubic centimeter, is the ratio of the mass of a substance to the mass of an equal volume of water, determined at a specified temperature. Heft is a rough-estimate weight test for minerals. When you pick up a mineral sample in your hand and its weight is about the same as an equal piece of quartz, the heft is average. Using this heft test, gypsum will appear light to average, orthoclase average, and galena heavy. Color is likely to be the first physical property you notice about a mineral sample, but it may not help that much to identify a mineral. Many minerals can be the same color, but because of trace elements, different samples of the same mineral often have different colors. Physical properties of nine minerals are given in the table. Note how inconclusive (=irrelevant) color is as a distinguishing physical property of many minerals. Describe physical properties of some sample minerals. Remember to use other useful verbs, not only “have”,e.g. Biotite mica breaks along one cleavage direction, it is quite a soft mineral, it can be dark brown to dark black, it has a light tan streak, glassy luster and average heft. It belongs to monoclinic system. It forms flakes and sheets. Exercises 1) Do you remember the correct pronunciation of these elements? Bromine, fluorine, chlorine, iodine, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, copper, manganese, radon, lead, uranium, sulfur / sulphur. 2) Fill in the gaps with the most suitable expression: against although account designated despite key per resembles unlike whereas Each element is ________________ by its atomic number. Oxygen and silicon _______________ for almost seventy-five percent of elements in the earth’s crust. Magnesium ________________ aluminum in many ways. Iron is _______________ aluminum. Iron is heavy, ______________ aluminum is light. _______________ copper and aluminum are both good conductors, aluminum is used in aviation because it is far lighter. _________________ the great number of minerals and many differences among minerals, all minerals have four things in common. Each mineral is a mixture or a combination of certain __________ elements. Specific gravity of a mineral is given in grams _______ cubic centimeter. Streak is the color of a colored powder ___________ a white background. Explain the words in bold type: Conductors = , in common = 3a) Make these negative by adding a suitable prefix (předponu): ____organic, ____regular, ___likely, _____metallic, _____even, _____silicate, ___pure 3b) Make these negative by adding a suitable suffix (příponu):color___ , breath_____, count_____ 4) Compare these adjectives: e.g. big - bigger - the biggest Heavy - , dense - , abundant - , hard - , Light - , dark - , rare - , soft - , natural 5) Form the plurals of these words: axis - , tetrahedron - , analysis - , hypothesis - 6) Explain the difference between the prepositions apart from x except. Use them in sentences. Homework: Prepare your oral credit task Describe two minerals of your own choice, then compare their physical properties and prepare 3 slides for your presentation. What are the two minerals similar in? How do they differ? Use the proper vocabulary and sentence structures from Comparing and Contrasting. Adapted from Fariel, R. - Hinds, R. - Berey,D.: Earth Science, Addison-Wesley 1987 All the tasks - Věra Hranáčová 2013