Digital Photo-rammetric Workstations This product overview on Digital Photogrammetric Workstations (DPW) provides an update on that published exactly two years ago, in December 2007. N. Today DPWs are software systems that run on off-the-|/ shelf consumer PCs to which may be attached a special mouse, stereo-viewing hardware, and sometimes other devices supporting specialised (mapping) tasks. All systems listed are based on Microsoft operating systems. All manufacturers provide training, varying from one day to one week or longer in duration. The best choice of a DPW depends on end-user scope and application, the main considerations being functionality and value for money. For example, CartoData's AU4 has been developed for bulk mapping purposes and automatic creation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM), and derived products such as contour maps. The images are supposed to be aerotriangulated in a previous step. Similarly, Summit Evolution from Datem has been developed for 3D feature collection for direct input into GIS systems, particularly AutoCAD, MicroStation or ArcGIS. The system does not include, but can interact with, aerotriangulation software. The type of imagery which can be processed by the system, e.g. aerial, very high-resolution satellite or radar imagery is also an important selection criterion. Other important matters include whether or not integration with airborne Lidar points should be possible, e.g. to automatically create (true) orthoimages; and which method of stereoviewing is used, because operators should feel comfortable with the 'glasses' through which they look all day long. For the first time, Erdas is listed. Established in 1978 as remote-sensing image processing developer, the company was taken over by Leica in 2001, which in turn was acquired by Hexagon in 2005. In April 2008 Leica Geosystems Geospatial Imaging was rebranded Erdas, because it was felt it needed to be dissociated from software solutions and linked instead with opto-mechanical photogrammetric systems. Basically, the DPW listed is the Leica Photogrammetry Suite (LPS). Most manufactures deliver scalable solutions by offering separate modules, each focused on a different photogrammetric task, varying from aero-triangulation to automatic DEM creation, orthophoto production and mosaicking, (stereoscopic) 3D mapping to processing of georeferenced airborne Lidar data. The DPW can thus be personalised according to needs. N/A = Not Applicable □ = No information received Supplier Cardinal Systems, LLC Brand/Mods] Vr Mapping Date oi Introduction 2000 ■ System includes Hardware (Y/N) Optiona - CPU (min./pref.) Core2Duo. QuadCore - RAM memory IMbl (min./pref.l 4GB/4GB - Mass storage capacity (min./pref.l 320GB /1TB ■ Graphic Card IMbl (min./pref.l 128Mb /512Mb - Supported special hardware! 11 Stereo display hardware • User definable operations and eitensions[21 Python programming, macros, function keys - Display memory IMbl (min./pref.l 128MB/512Mb - Size/resolution of screens I inches/pixels] 23inch / 1680x1050 LCD - Method ol stereo image separation Quad-buffered active/passive stereo -Supported ImageTypesI31 Panchromatic; colour; frame-, ADS40; scanned aerial -Input image formatsUl TIFF, JPEG, ECW, MrSid,ADS40 - Export data formats DXF, Microstation, ArcView, DSFL, CAICE - Compression techniques (Y (Type)/N) Y (JPLG) - Backup facilities included (Y/NI Y - Spatial Convolution 1V (specifyll 5 ]/N) N ■ Resampling (Y(specify)[6l/N) Y([b],tc]) - Radiometric corrections|7) N ■ Automatic aerotriangulation (Y/N) N (semi-automatic) ■ Automated blunder detection (Y/N) Y -Self-calibration (Y/N) Y - Automatic Matching (Y (specifyl81)/M) Y (area based) - Automatic breakline extraction (Y/N) N - Interactive mosaicking of orthoimages (Y/N) Y - True Orthoimage Generation (Y/N) N - Integration with other datasets (Y (specifyl 911/N) Y (vector data, TIN, DEM, scanned maps, 3D point -clouds, cell libraries) - Semi-automatic corner point extraction (Y/N) N - Semi-automatic line feature extraction (Y (specifyll 101/N) N - Semi-automatic building extraction (Y/N) N - Major applications (max. 5) □ - Major advantages of this system, compared to other systems (max. 20 words) Pragmatic; 190 targeted mapping applications; developed by mapping professionals 32 I G1MINTERNATIONAL I DECEMBER 2009 BY MATHIAS LEMMENS, SENIOR EDITOR, GIM INTERNATIONAL PRODUCT OVERVIEW Si CartoData AÜ4 12/15/2008 Summit Evolution™ April, 2001 LPS 1999 as OrthoBase ESPA Systems Lid ESPA Systems software 19% N Optional (Dell Precision Workstation T74 0 0) Hardware available separately N Dual core 2.3GHz processor Dual 2.5Ghi Quad Core or better Intel Pentium 4 or higher/dual processors PC-workstation 2Gb 2GB+ 2GB/4GB 1024Mb/4096 Mb 20Mb/200Mb 20OGB+ 10GB/1TB As required Video Card 256Mb stereo ready NVIDIA Quadro FX4600 NVIDIA Quadro FX 345073500/4000/4500 (pref.)/4600 (pref); 30labs Wildcat 4 7110/1116110/5110 OpenGL All pointing devices; handwheels 3D cursors: tactile interface devices; handwheels/ footdisk; pedals 3D cursors and mouse: hand wheels; photogrammetric scanners: digitisers; stereo glasses Stereoscopic display Y CAPTURE™ API; scripting by underlying CAD/GIS is supported; Map/Editor™; Landscape™ EML, batch process with scripting EspaGateAPI library 128Mb/ 256Mb (Recommended; Planar StereoMirror) 768Mb 256MB (min.) 256MB / 1024MB 1280X1024 pixels 17-, 22-, 26-inch 80 (min.) 24inch/1920x1200 Quad-buffered stereo Dual displays + mirrored beamsplitter; passive polarised glasses Anaglyph; polarised glasses Several alternatives Panchromatic; colour Panchromatic; true & false colour; multispectral (unlimited bands); Lidar: radar; any image in epipolar form. Methods available to orient satellite, digital camera, oblique imagery to epipoiar form. Panchromatic-, multispectral (bands unlimited), radar; push/whislrbroom; radar satellite, aerial, and terrestrial sensors Digital frame cameras; scanned aerial photographs TIFF, JPG, DXF, DWG Virtually all Virtually all TIFF, BigTIFF, JPEG, Shape, LAS DXF and DWG .tif; .shp; .dgn: .dwg; underlying CAD/GIS formats. Virtually all TIFF, BigTIFF, JPEG, Shape, LAS Y (Pyramids) V (JPEG, MrSid.ECW) Y (JPEG, LZW, Packbits, RLE, JPEG2000, MrSID, ECW) Y(JPEG,GZIP) Y N N N N Y (sharpening, smoothing) Y (smoothing, sharpening, user definable) Y(sharpening) N Y((b],[c]) Y(tbl,[cJ) Y ([b]) N Y (earth curvature; atmospheric refraction) Y Y [Atmospheric, sensor specific) I^^I^^^HH^^^^^^^^H^^^^H N Y(withlnphoMatcfi-AT) Y N N Y (with Inpho Match-AT) Y N N Y Y Y Y (cross correlation) N Y [area-based, least-squares, cross-correlation, hierarchical) Y (cross correlation) Y N N N N Y Y Y 1 Y N N . . _.............______■_____:_____:_ Y (scanned maps, 3D point-clouds, vector data) Y [with data of underlying CAD/GIS) Y (Shapefile, DGN, TIN, DEM DTM, Geodatabase, LAS, all LPS/IMAGINE supported formats) Y (vector data, DEM, 3D point clouds) N Y N N Y (road centerline) N Y (roads, edges, snakes) N N N N 1 Large mapping projects Civil engineering; topographic analysis: natural resource inventory; urban planning; aviation Triangulation and ortho-mosaic production-, mapping (broad area, engineering); transportation planning; close-range. Mapping: automatic terrain modelling; processing of 3D poinf-clouds; orthophoto production and mosaicking Price; project management: rigorous QA/QC Direct and complete interface to the underlying CAD/ GiS; easy and logical to use; top technical support and documentation Ease of use; breadth of functionality: scalability: global support; competitive pricing Scalable photogrammetric package that ties together stereoscopic mapping, point-cloud data processing and spatial data maintenance in GIS DECEMBER 2009 GIM INTERNATIONAL I 33 N/A = Not Applicable □ = No information received Brand/Model ImageStation KLT ATLAS EnsoMOSAIC. EnsoMOSAIC UAV, EnsoMOSAIC 3D Date of Introduction 1995 1994 1995 - System includes Hardware (Y/N) Optional Optional N - CPU (min./pref.) Dual quad-core 1GHz/3GHz 2.8GHz 8MB L3 Cache lGHz/3GHz - RAM memory 1 Mb 1 (min./pref.) 1GB/4GB 2Gb+ 1Gb/4Gb - Mass storage capacity (min./pref) 250GB/500GB 750GB 5Gb/100Gb - Graphic Card [Mb] (min./pref .1 128MB/768MB Nvidia FX Quadra series 4500 (pref. 512] 4Mb/16Mb, 256Mb/512Mb (3D) - Supported special hardwarelll □ Digitisers; touch screens; keypads Stereoscopic display - User definable operations and eitensionsl 21 □ Fully integrated macro language ESPAGate API library - Display memory 1 Mb] (min./pref.) 128MB/ 768MB 256Mb (min.) 256MB/512Mb (3D) - Size/resolution of screens [inches/pixels] 1280x1024 pixels Any 19 to 24inch, flat panel 24inch/ 1920 «1200 - Method of stereo image separation Active or passim polarised glasses: stereomirtot: LCD monitor Planar (hardware); frame sequential; redgreen & redblus anaglyph; split screen All relevant methods ■Supported ImageTypesl31 Ali types LiDAR stereo; panchromatic; colour; multi/ttyper spectral: radar scanned aerial photographs; ground-based stations; pushbroom Pancromatic; multi/hyperspectral digital frame cameras: scanned aerial photos -Input image formats 14] Virtually all GIF. TIFF. JPEG Vector, sensor specific [e.g. SPOT, Ikonos) TIFF, JPG, ERS, BIL, RAW - Export data formats Virtually all GIF, TIFF, JPEG. Vector TIF, JPG. ERS, KML, Shape, LAS - Compression techniques [T1 Type]/N) Y (JPEG, JPEG2000, RLE, Adaptive RLE, LZ77) Y YUPEG, GZIP) - Backup facilities included (Y/N} N Y N ------------------------------------ - Spatial Convolution (Y(speci(y)[5]/N) Y (5x5 convolution (MTFC)) Y (smoothing, sharpening, user definable) Y (smoothing) - Resampling (Y [specilyjrBVN) Y ([bj, [c], exponential and epipolar resam pi ing on-the-fly) Y([P]. Ml Y!lb|] - Radiometric corrections!?] Y, all Y (atmospheric, sun angle, sensor specific models) Y(sun angle, sensor specific) yiBlffitfui'iTOMffM - Automatic aerotriangulation (Y/N) Y Y Y - Automated blunder detection (Y/N) Y Y Y -Sell-calibration (Y/N) Y Y N - Automatic Matching (Y(specify[B])/N) Y (feature-based and least-squares based) Y (feature-based, area-based, hierarchical) Y (feature-based, cross-correlation, hierarchical) - Automatic breaklioe extraction (Y/N) N Y N - interactive mosaicking of orthoimages (Y/N) Y Y Y (automatic) - True Orthoimage Generation (Y/N) Y Y Y m - Integration with other datasets (Ylspecify[9])/N) - Semi-automatic corner point extraction (Y/N) - Semi-automatic line feature extraction (Y(specify)llD]/N) -Semi-automatic building extraction (V/N) Y (many including those listed in footnote [9]) Y (vector data, TiNs, DEMs, quadtrees, scanned maps) Y (vector data, DEM, LiDAR) Extra information -MajorapplicationsImax.5) ■ , , _ • □ - Major advantages of this system, compared to other systems (max. 20 words) rj-to-end workflow from image acquisition, through feature and DTM collection and editing, to orthnphoto production and QC Full integration of applications and data formats into a user-friendly environment, addressing all photo-gram metric, cartographic, and orthometric requirements UAV surveys; mapping [corridor, cadastral, natural resource); DEM processing All processing steps in one integrated package, tailored for medium and small-format imagery, UAV survey compatible 34 I GIM INTERNATIONAL I DECEMBER 2009 PRODUCT OVERVIEW Trimble GeoSpatial PHOTOMOD uSMARTSoftcopy System INPHO System 1994 2000 2000 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ N Options Y Intel Core 2 Quad @ 3GHior similar 1300/4200 2Ghz/3GHz 2GB for Win32; 4GB for Win64 1GB/4GB lGB/4or8Gb 1000G8 Project dependent Project dependent Based on NVIDIA Quadra FX 570 Stereo option dependent 512MB /512MB Stereomonitors; stereoglasses; special 3D-manipu-lators Joysticks; 3D mouse; hand/foot wheels; Z Screen; Planar, DTI, etc Not needed □ Scripts, macros, C, C++, etc Integration with any CAD or GIS 256MB (mm.) □ > 1024 x 768; colour depth; 24 or 32 bit/pixel 17,19,21 i nch, etc / 1024 x 768 upwards 20inch / 1600x1200; 22incii / 1680x1050; 24incti / 1920x1200 Anaglyph; interlaced; page-flipping Anaglyph; split screen; page flipped stereo (passive/ Passive polarised glasses; shutter glasses active); auto-stereo, line/column interleaved TIFF, JPEG BMP, SPOT 1-5, Terra/ASTER, IRS-1C.1D/ PAN, IRSP5, IRS P6, IKONOS, QuickBird. EROS, Landsat-7/ETM+, OrbView-3, FORM0SAT-2, GeoEye-] Virtually all T(JPEG) Panchromatic; colour, multi/hyperspectral [256 bands); Imagery tram any digital frame or line camera; radar; scanned aerial photographs; ground-based scanned images; panchromatic; hypersprectal; radar stations; pushbroom U TIFF, TIFF/JPEG, JPEG 2000, GeoTIFF. ECW, MrSID, BIP, BIL, BSP, ADS40, IKONOS. QuickBird, OrbView, SPOT, Landsat, IRS DGN. DXF, DWG, ASCII, LAS and many others Y (smoothing, sharpening, max. kernel size: 21x21) Y [Detlate, PackBits, CCITT3, CCITT4. RLE. JPEG, ECW, JPEG 2000 etc)_ y ¥ (smoothing, sharpening) Y (TIFF/JPEG, ECW) On request Y (smoothing, sharpening and user definable) , [c], spline) Y (atmospheric, sensor specific) Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y __________________________________________ ___________ Y [area-based, herarchical) Y (area based with least squares) Y(area-based.feature-based) N N N Y Y Y (automatic and interactive) Y Y Y Y (TINs, point-clouds) Y (DGN, DXF, DWG, Native mass data handling, LAS, 30 point-clouds etc.) Y (DEM, vector data) N N N K N N N N Y Mapping (topographic, cadastral, large-scale, disaster); orthophotomap production; measurement of relief and buildings; environmental monitoring [e] Aerotriangulation; DTM/DSM generation; ortiiophoto production; feature extraction; DIM management Price; flexible modular configuration: buy only what you need; full line of output products, wide range of supported sensors Price; fully configurable; mass data module allowing fast creation, manipulation, display of billions of elements (points, lines, topology etc) Highly productive by unsurpassed degree of automation; developed and supported by pbotogram-metric experts; numerous users Footnotes [J] Priotogrammetric scanners, digitisers, etc. 12] Scripts, macros, programmingfacilities, graphical programming, etc. [3] Panchromatic, colour, multi spectral, hyper-spectral (# of bands), radar, scanned aerial photographs, ground-based stations, push-broom scanners 141GIF, TIFF, JPEG.....Vector (coverages, CAD), sensor specific (e.g. SPOT, Ikonos), etc. 151 Smoothing, sharpening, user definable (man. kernel size) [G] Nearest neighbour, bilinear, cubic IJI E.g. atmospheric, sun angle, sensor specific models [8]Feature-based, area-based (least squares, cross correlation), hierarchical, etc. [9] E..g. vector data.TINs. OEMs, quadtrees, scanned maps, 3D point clouds [1G] Ohjects: e.g. roads, canals, Method: snakes, least squares,etc. I a 1 All DPW systems listed support manual and automatic contrast manipulation facilities and radiometric adjustment for moasai cki rig, except Carto Data's AU4. Ibl nearest neighbour and bilinear. [t] cubic convolution. [d]TIFF, TIFF/JPEG, ECW, GEOTIFF, DWG, DGN. DXF, DXF-TIN, ArcGIS [SHP, SHP-TIN, BID, INPHD project, Summit Evolution, Image Station, SocetSet, LPS, Aviosoft, PATB, Bingo, Bluil, PHDREX. ABC-PC, AP32, SCOP DTM, LAS, ASCII XYZ, VRML, VRML-TIN I e] fully integrated Lidar in stereo photogrammetry; automatic massive orthophoto production; fast image and point-cloud processing including close range; powerful mapping capabilities [Fj All DPW systems listed support automatic interior orientation and (semiautomatic relative orientation, except CartoJJata's AU4. [g] OEM generation: all DPW systems listed provide DEN checking and editing tools, and tools lor automatic contour generation. ihl All DPW systems listed include mapping facilities except MosaicMill's EnsoMosaic. DECEMBER 2009 1 GIM INTERNATIONAL I 35