GEO INFO STRATEGY IN BIG DATA ERA Milan Konecny Masaryk University, Brno, Henan University, Kaifeng???? Czech Republic Henan University, Kaifeng. December 1st. 2013 p-009412-00-2h Main catchment areas of the Czech Republic: Labe (Elbe) - Vltava (Moldau) - Morava - Odra (Oder) crnove1 Czech Rep. Praha – Vltava river mosty2 f04_mosty4 PRAHA – capital of Czech Rep. 57 districts •Area 496 km2 •Amount of Inhabitants 1,16 mil . CONTENT 1. Big Data: USA and EU 2. What is it Geo Info Strategy and why we need it? 3. Where we are now? 4. Spatial Data Infrastructure Concepts 5. Spatially-Enabled Society 6. GeoInfoStrategy - Integral Component of Czech eGovernment 7. Conclusions 1. 1. Big Data: USA and EU Obama Administration Releases Historic Open Data Rules to Enhance Government Efficiency and Fuel Economic Growth - groundbreaking new steps to make information generated and stored by the Federal Government more open and accessible to innovators and the public, to fuel entrepreneurship and economic growth while increasing government transparency and efficiency. President Obama said: “One of the things we’re doing to fuel more private sector innovation and discovery is to make vast amounts of America’s data open and easy to access for the first time in history. And talented entrepreneurs are doing some pretty amazing things with it.” “Starting today, we’re making even more government data available online, which will help launch even more new startups. And we’re making it easier for people to find the data and use it, so that entrepreneurs can build products and services we haven’t even imagined yet.” European Union Big Data is an emerging field where innovative technology offers alternatives to resolve the inherent problems that appear when working with huge amounts of data, providing new ways to reuse and extract value from information. Three main dimensions characterize Big Data: huge variety of data format, often time-sensitive and large. Big Data offers tremendous untapped potential value for many sectors but no specific intelligent-large-data-handling/brokering industrial sector exists. 2. What is it Geo Info Strategy and why we need it? GeoInfoStrategy: Complex system ensuring management of spatial (geographic) data and information and, contemporary defining the position, tasks, methods of realization and specifications of geospatial community in the very wide ICT stream (visualization, standardisation, georeferencicing, object classifications,….) Geo Info strategy of Czech Rep. should be based on 4 principles (Konečný, 2009) Management: Design of management structure necessary for optimization of the benefits of geospatial resources paid by the government. Data: to collect, maintain and protect fundamental (priority) geospatial datasets and create directives for non-fundamental (other) geospatial data. Access: ensure that geospatial information and services paid by the state were easily available , accesible, and evaluable; Interoperabilita: Ministry of Interior should ensure continuity of Geospatial Strategy for the development of strategic plans in information, knowledge - based society. Creating a panel led by non-political expert. Ensure the sustainability of the processes in the GI regardless of political changes. 3. Where we are now? •Global Mapping •GMES and INSPIRE: step ahead than GOOGLE, offering data (not only showing) •GEO, GEOSS •Digital Earth (Annoni and JRC) •Concepts and strategies (Spatial-Enabled Society, e-Government, ….) •But also privacy data problems maparelie parqnaturales reginaturale zoniifclimatica politico Understanding Digital Earth cloud89a elnin89a Cloud El Nino sst89a Sea water temperature botto89a Earth Surface quake89a Earthquake volca89a Volcano ndvi89a Vegetation plate89a Plate Boundary ( Tools & Technology Tools & Technology Enabling Citizens and Communities Enabling Citizens and Communities Interoperability Interoperability Collecting Data Collecting Data EARTH EARTH Digital Resources Digital Resources Understanding Digital Earth (White paper by NASA Digital Earth office, 2000) 4. Spatial Data Infrastructure Concepts users institutional agreements policy & standards sources technology network Spatial Data Infrastructures I databases metadata The term Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) is used to encapsulate the technologies, policies, institutional arrangements, financial and human resources that facilitate the availability, access and effective usage of geographic data. The SDI provides the means for discovery, access and application of spatial data for policy-makers, planners and managers, citizens and their organizations. SDI technologies consist of a set of data services that provide geographic data and their attributes. Services and data are documented with meta-data which that subsequently offer the means to discover, visualise and evaluate the data through the Web. Additionally, methods are provided to access the data. Applications are built to solve specific needs on the data service layer. (INSPIRE/ESDI) Global Monitoring for Environment and Security Overall GMES objectives EARTH OBSERVING SYSTEMS (space, airborne, in-situ) PUBLIC POLICIES (Environment & Security) Information Needs (policy driven) Space Agencies In-situ Observing systems Scientific Community EO Value Adding Industry National Governments and Agencies European Union Institutions Inter-Governmental Organisations (IGOs) Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to provide information services to policy-makers and other users Virginia PUZZOLO, EC DG Enterprise-GMES Burreau, Prague Symposium, 2009 Space Infrastructure In Situ Infrastructure CORE SERVICES DOWNSTREAM SERVICES Overall architecture Four main types of products: MapAction Pakistan For headquarters, decision-makers and in-field operatives In Europe and worldwide untitled Reference maps Assessment maps Thematic maps p6686_334033635430b2060b8c132492bab46eSERTIT_c203_P02_myanmar_yangon_flood_rsat2_100k_lowres inventory_Arno Early warning 250807_09h45utc_Papagou • Rapid mapping on demand in case of humanitarian crises, natural disasters, and man-made emergency situations within & outside Europe • – • • • • • • • • ERCS 1st priority ØReference maps available within 6 hours over crisis area ØDamage assessment maps available within 24 hours & daily updated ØSituation maps and forecasts of evolution of situations within the few days-weeks after crisis Photo_city emergency pict3 Relationship between the first and second generations of SDIs. (by Williamson Rajabifard, Binns, 2007, reprinted from Rajabifard at al.2006 with permission of the International Journal of GIS) pict1 Roles of national governments, subnational governments and the private sector in SDI development over the part decade.(by Williamson Rajabifard, Binns, 2007 reprinted from Rajabifard at al.2006 with permission of the International Journal of GIS) pict2 Current roles of national governments, subnational governments, and the private sector in SDI development (by Williamson Rajabifard, Binns, 2007, reprinted from Rajabifard at al.2006 with permission of the International Journal of GIS). マッピング空間EC 5. Spatially-Enabled Society Australian Government, Ministerial Online and Communications Council 8 September, 2006 • “…spatially-enabled government is an exciting area for government. Spatially-enabled government uses place or location to manage and integrate government services and enhance business opportunities.” • • The Hon Gary Nairn MP, Special Minister for State, Australian Government • The answer: Provide the systems and people use them!!! Three visions to support spatially enabled government as part of e-government •A land management vision: incorporating spatially enabled land administration •A spatial data infrastructure (SDI) vision: SDI as an enabling platform •A vision for a spatially enabled society • But first understand three fundamental concepts •Land in society •Spatial information in society •Importance of integration of natural and built environment in delivering sustainable development Land in Society Land policy Land management Land administration system Cadastre Land parcel Spatial Information in Society Spatial enablement of society and government Spatial information policy as part of e-government SDI Spatial Data layers Objects The challenge is the relationship between Built (cadastral) and Natural (topographic) Environmental Datasets Built Dataset Sustainable Development Natural Dataset Vision of spatially enabled government •Location is used to organise their information •and •Location and spatial information are common goods available to citizens and businesses to encourage creativity and product development. Governments are spatially enabled when - Challenges and Issues for spatially enabled society •SDI to facilitate spatially enabled government as part of an e-government strategy •SDI to facilitate integration of natural and built environment datasets •Development of SDI vision, mission and road map – where are we heading? •Role of government, private and academic sectors •Capacity building • Conclusion •SDI is a new and evolving concept •SDI development is multi-disciplinary with policy, legal, institutional and technical dimensions •SDI will be a virtual environment supported by an enabling platform - spatially enabling society and government within an e-government environment •Innovations in use of information will involve private and government sectors. •Research is central to SDI development 5. GeoInfoStrategy- - Integral Component of Czech eGovernment Eva Kubatova, M. Rada, M. Konecny Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic Content •Czech MoI Role in ICT •Czech eGovernment •System of PA Basic Registers - RUIAN •Czech NSDI •Towards Geoinformation Strategy •Key PA Authorities Agreement •GeoInfoStrategy •Project of GeoInfoStrategy •Conclusion • • 44 Czech MoI Role in ICT •since 2007 –central state administration body in charge of public administration information systems –coordination body for information and communication technologies •fundamental objectives –modernization of public administration –reaching an efficient public administration by use of ICT üeGovernment 45 Czech eGovernment −smart public administration –better laws –functional authorities –professional public servants –effective information technologies •„the document has to circulate instead of the citizen“ •four measures 1.Czech Point 2.Public Administration Communication Infrastructure 3.eGovernment Act (2008) 4.Public Administration Basic Registers (2012) 46 PA Basic Registers CzechPoint PA Communication Infrastructure eGov Act Czech eGovernment Strategies •Smart Administration (2007 – 2013) –definition of the process of Czech PA modernization and improving •by effective use of ICT •via provision of high-quality public services •eGov 2014+ (2014 – 2020) –strategic framework for the development of public administration and eGovernment 2014+ •modern PA is designed as transparent and efficient „service to the citizen“ •the main principle is „sharing“ data and services – – 47 iop_logo.bmp −Act No. 111/2009 Coll., on basic registers −4 basic registers of public administration –Register of Inhabitants (MoI) –Register of Corporations (Czech Statistical Office) –Register of Rights and Obligations (MoI) –Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates (Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre) •Basic Registers Information System (MoI) •ORG (The Office for Personal Data Protection) •fully operational in July 2012 PA Basic Registers System 48 iop_logo.bmp RUIAN −Basic Register of Territorial Identification, Addresses and Real Estates (RUIAN) −content of RUIAN –administration units (country, regions, …cadastral units, parcels, buildings) –entities of land administration (municipality districts, streets, …) –addresses –location data (centroids of parcels, buildings, …) –other data (building features, …) •no personal data •the crucial pillar of the Czech NSDI •administrated by Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadaster (COSMC) •edited by Municipal and Building Authorities, Czech Statistical Office (CSO) and Local Cadastral Authorities 49 C:\Documents and Settings\Standard\Dokumenty\Moje dokumenty\MOJE\Loga_oficiální_různá\eGON\eGON a Mapy\eGON_pravy_Mapy_Animace\zdroj\egon_mapy_anim.gif iop_logo.bmp The Czech NSDI •(reference) spatial data on territory (COSMC) –RUIAN –cadastral maps, state maps, Fundamental Base of Geographic Data, … •thematic spatial data (both public and private) •national INSPIRE infrastructure (MoE) •statistical spatial data (CSO) •spatial data on technical infrastructures •… •systematic, transparent and formal determination of the Czech NSDI is missing up to now •lack of –coordination of PA authorities activities –legislation –coherent concept of spatial data handling –spatial data and services standards – – • • 50 National Geoinformation Strategy Towards Geoinformation Strategy 51 •first analysis of NSDI in 2001 (Nemoforum) •then the Ministry of Informatics tried hard to go on but with no success •first turning point was 2007 •INSPIRE adoption •MoI assumed the responsibility for ICT •INSPIRE transpozition in the course of 2007 and 2009 • 130618_poster.JPG logo INSPIRE.jpg Conference INSPIRE 2011, Edinburgh logo_MŽP.gif INSPIRE •INSPIRE transposition and implementation is in responsibility of Ministry of the Environment (MoE) –transposition was executed by updating of Act No. 123/1998 Coll., on right of environmental information – –INSPIRE coordination body (KOVIN) •INSPIRE becomes real MoI inspiration in the way towards national geoinformation strategy • 52 logo INSPIRE.jpg MCj04325450000[1] 53 Key PA Authorities Agreement -after election in 2010 unstable political situation -second key point in mid-2012 -agreement on cooperation in the process of national geoinformation strategy drawing up •under MoI coordination •without any public money -Minister of the Interior submitted the joint proposal for Czech Government´s approval in October 2012 Logo-CUZK.jpg logo_MŽP.gif 130523_logo_mmr.BMP logo_cs.png MV_logo.JPG GeoInfoStrategy −Czech Government –approved the proposal of working out of the „Strategy of spatial information infrastructure development in the Czech Republic up to 2020“ (GeoInfoStrategy) by Resolution No. 837 on the 14th November 2012 –ordered to submit the GeoInfoStrategy draft for approval to the end of February 2014 –ordered to cooperate to all central state administration bodies –recommend to cooperate to regions and cities – – – – – − 54 GeoInfoStrategy Main Goals 55 •to set up effective coordination and integration of public bodies and commercial sector activities in the field of spatial data •to help to set up conditions for –major improvement of eGovernment services regarding spatial data –reduction of costs of public administration –enhancing of the overall competitiveness of the Czech economy • GeoInfoStrategy Inspiration •European –INSPIRE –existing geoinformation strategies (Wales, Netherland, Sweden, Nothern Ireland…) •National –development eGovernment strategy –INPIRE Implementation Strategy –existing departmental development strategies –points of view of •relevant PA bodies •professional associations •… – – – – – – – − 56 GeoInfoStrategy Content •description of NSDI current state, list of key problems and analysis of their causes •setting up target state that contains clear priorities and measurable goals (SMART) •proposal of concrete arrangements and tasks to reaching target state •Legislative and organization arrangements •Arrangement administrators •Time schedule of future tasks performance •Costs and Benefits of the arrangement realization •specification of roles of relevant PA bodies and user groups •institutional designation of suitable coordination structure 57 Implemetation Plan Project of GeoInfoStrategy •project GeoInfoStrategy has been set up –Administrator is MoI –Managing Committee (COSMD, MoE, MoLD, MoD, MoT) –Processing Team (experts from PA and academic sphere) –Consulting Team (PA bodies, professional associations (Nemoforum, CAGI, …, universities) –Working Groups • • – – • – – – − 58 Project Rough Time Framework Period Phase 01 – 02 / 2013 Project Setting up 03 – 05 / 2013 Analytic and Prognostic Phase 06 / 2013 Vision, Global Goal and Strategic Goals Proposal 07 – 11/2013 Start of working on GeoInfoStrategy Draft 12 / 2013 Proposal of Implementation Plan 01 – 02 / 2014 Consulting of the GeoInfoStrategy Draft 59 GeoInfoStrategy – Where we are -Working and Organisational Plan is approved by Managing Committee -work in compliance with Cooperation and Communication Plan (workshops, presentations, articles in specialized magazins, …) -collection of •information for analysis •impulses for proposal -worked out •document structure •vision and global goal •strategic nd specific goals - - 60 6. Conclusion -important is •intention to work out the national geoinformation strategy (GeoInfoStrategy) has governmental support oGovernmental Resolution No. 837/2012 •future GeoInfoStrategie is seen as the eGov 2014 + subsequent strategy oGeoInfoStrategy is going to be an integral component of Czech eGovernment •Czech Republic makes efforts to ocoordinate national geoactivites oactivate huge spatial data economic potencial o • - - - 61 62 Thanks for your attention! PRAHA BRNO1 Snímek 287 Xie, Xie!!!!! Bardzo Dziekuje Chvala THANK YOU Muchas Gracias Terima KasimO Brigada Kammsa Hamida Aligator SHUKRAN BLAGODARJA DĚKUJI ( in Czech)