1 Metabolic Engineering IIMetabolic Engineering II Bi7430 Molecular Biotechnology Dhamankar , H. (2011) Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 21:1 General workflow of ME project computational and experimental tools and Properties Dhamankar , H. (2011) Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 21:1 General workflow of ME project computational and experimental tools and Properties 2 Dhamankar , H. (2011) Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 21:1 General workflow of ME project computational and experimental tools and Properties Dhamankar , H. (2011) Curr.Opin.Struct.Biol., 21:1 General workflow of ME project computational and experimental tools and Properties E x p e r i m e n t a l ( g e n e t i c ) t o o l s f o r ME Me t a b o l i c l o a d ( yi e l d v s . v i a b i l i t y o f h o s t ) ME o f b i o s yn t h e t i c ( a n a b o l i c ) p a t h wa ys - e x a m p l e s ME o f b i o d e g r a d a t i o n ( c a t a b o l i c ) p a t h wa ys - e x a m p l e s L i m i t a t i o n s a n d p e r s p e c t i v e s o f ME D i s c u s s i o n Outline 3 EXPERIMENTAL TOOLS ARE APPLIED HAND IN HAND WIT H T HEORET ICAL TOOLS experimen tals tools = genetic tools (recombinant DNA technology) production of transgenic organisms engineering input on level of: gene expression (DNA/RNA): gene knockout , gene down/ up-regul ati on, heterologous expression, codon optimization, chromosomal integration of gene(s) protein: protein engineeri ng, proximity of enzymes (substrat e channeling) small molecules: cof actor balancing Experimental tools for ME Boyle, P.M. (2012) Metabolic Engineering, 14:223 “Parts and pipes” in ME optimization of gene(s) expressionoptimization of gene(s) expression 4 Bacterial operone +1 P TRBS RBSRBS A B C mRNA ATG stop ATG stop ATG stop -35 -10 Gene knock-out gene(s) of interest is deleted f rom the chromosom e – permanen t state widely used technique based on phage λ Red recombinase (E. coli) analogous method used in yeast www.genebridges.com Gene down/up regulation T RANSCRIPT IO NAL AND POST-T RANSCRIPT IO NAL LEVEL promoter engineering (lac, trc, T5, T7; inducible vs. constitutiv e) engineeri ng of intergenic regions (mRNA stability, ribosome binding) Santos, C.N.S. (2008) Curr.Opin.Chem.Biol., 12:168 5 LEVEL of T RANSLAT IO N RNA interferen ce - homologous RNA sequences (gene knock-down) expression of one or more genes is reduced – transien t state engineering of ribosome binding sites (RBS calculator1 ) Shine-Dalgarno sequence (consensus sequence AGGAGG) 1Salis, H.M. (2009) Nature Biotechnology, 27: 946 Gene down/up regulation Codon optimization SYNT HESIS OF GENES FOR HET EROLOGOUS EXPRESSION commercial gene synthesi s (Inv itrogen, GeneScript , DNA 2.0) 7.9 Kč/bp, up to 3.5 kbp codon optimization, GC content optimization subcloning in v ector of choice before after Expression from plasmids HET EROLOGOUS GENE EXPRESSION FROM PLASMIDs important characteri stics of each plasmid: copy number, origin of replication (ORI), promoter, selection marker, multi-cloning sites (MCS), tags or leading sequences commerci al vectors (pBAD Inv itrogen, pET Merck) DUET vectors (deriv ativ es of pET) – suitable f or heterologous expression of whole metabolic pathways. 6 DUET vector system (T 7 promoter, variabili ty in copy number) www.merckmillipore.cz Expression from plasmids gene 3 gene 2 gene 1 1:2(3):2(3) Gene order and configuration of genes in operone influence their expression.1 pseudo-operon monocistron ic Xu, P. (2012) ACS Synthetic Biology, DOI: 10.1021/sb300016b operon promoter RBS terminator Expression from plasmids 1Lim, H.N. (2011) PNAS, 108:10626 7 HET EROLOGOUS GENE EXPRESSION FROM CHROMOSO ME expression f rom chromosome is advantageo us (higher stability, no antibiotic markers) methods for integration: homologous recombination (recA, λ Red), transpositi on (Tn5 and Tn7-based v ectors) integration of single genes or whole synthetic operones subsequent duplication or multiplicati on of insertions Expression from chromosome SYNT HET IC OPERON DESIGN (sof tware GeneDesigner 2.0) +1 P TRBS RBSRBS dhaA hheC echA mRNA ATG stop ATG stop ATG stop Expression from chromosome INSERT ION OF DESIRED GENE(S) BY T N-5 BASED T RANSPOSIT IO N (non-specifi c). de Lorenzo, V. (1990) Journal of Bacteriology, 172: 6568 selection of positive clones on LB agar plates with respective antibiotic Expression from chromosome 8 Balancing gene expression VI HET EROLOGOUS GENE EXPRESSION FROM CHROMOSO ME multiplication of insertions: Chemicall y Inducible Chromoso mal Evolution (CIChE)1 1Tyo, K.E.J. (2009) Nature Biotechnology, 27:760 protein levelprotein level Substrate channelling Synthetic protein scaffolding made of bacterial dockerins and cohesins from cellulosome (Clostridiu m, Bacteroid es). protein scaff olding used f or increasing proximity of 3 glycolytic enzymes producing f ructose-6-phosphat e1 1You, C. (2012) Angewandte Chemie, 51:1 cohesins dockerins pathway enzymes substrate product 9 small molecules levelsmall molecules level Cofactor balancing cof actors play a critical role especially in redox reactions (NAD(H), NADP(H)) natural pathways (e.g. glycolysis) of ten employ oxidoreductases cof actor recycling and balancing is essential solution: enzyme mediated cofactor recycling through ov erexpression of NAD+ kinase, transhydrogenases or dehydrogenases simultaneously with knock-out s of genes encoding enzymes f rom competing pathways NADP+ NADPH metabolic load1metabolic load1 1Glick, B.R. (1995) Biotechnology Advances, 13:247 10 Metabolic load overexp ressio n of foreign proteins results in decrease of viability of host cell rich LB medium minimal medium Metabolic load induction overexp ressio n of foreign proteins results in decrease of viability of host cell 45 % YIELD VS. VIABILIT Y OF CELL 1) STAT IC CONT ROL: static balancing of production of pathway enzymes - lev els of enzymes remain unchanged throughout the whole cultiv ation (most of the standard techniques mentioned abov e) 2) DYNAMI C CONT ROL: engineering of a dynamic response of host organism on metabolic load and toxicity of pathway component s – lev els of enzymes f luctuate during cultiv ation (challenge f or f uture applications of ME) Metabolic load 11 Dynamic control engineering Dynamic Sensor-Regul ato r System (DSRS)1 Production of biodiesel f rom f atty acid ethyl ester in E. coli. 1Zhang, F. (2012) Nature Biotechnology, 30:354 ME of biosynthetic pathways ME APPLIED IN ORDER TO IMPROVE (ESTABLISH) PRODUCT ION OF: biof uels (ethanol, butanol, H2 , f atty acids deriv ed esters) natural and non-nat ural alcohols natural and non-nat ural amino acids f atty acids peptides and proteins secondary metabolites: antibiotics, isoprenoi ds (artemisinin, taxol) oligo and polysacharides (biodegradabl e polymers) commodity chemicals (1,3-propanedi ol) and many others.. . ME of biosynthetic pathways Current limitations of biosynthesi s using engineered organisms: missing standards low productiv ity (low activ ity of enzymes, side reactions, limits of host organism s) non-competitiv e economy of the biosynt hetic proceses application of GMO (ethics) low stability of GM construct s (ev olution) 12 ME of biosynthetic pathways EXAMPLE No.1: Engineering of E. coli K12 towards production of 1,3-propan edio l1 commodity chemical (solv ents, adhesiv es, resins, detergent, textile) synthetic pathway 15 years, 575 scientists (DuPont+G enencor) 1,3-PD produced at rate 3.5 g/L-h, titer of 135 g/L 1) introduction of genes f rom 3 organism s: E.coli (yghD), S.cerevisiae (dar1, gpp2), K. pneumoniae (dhaB1-B3) 2) deletion of glycerol kinase (glpK), glycerol dehydrogenase (gldA) 3) change of uptake system (deletion of PEP-dependent system and introduction of ATP-coupled uptake) 1Nakamura, C.E. (2003) Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 14:454 glycolysis glpk + gldA S. cerevisiae K. pneumoniae ME of biosynthetic pathways EXAMPLE No.2: Engineering of E. coli towards production of taxol precurso r (isoprenoid) taxol – anticancer drug (Taxus brevifolia), precursor taxadiene complicated chemical synthesi s (35 – 50 steps), low yield synthetic pathway consist s of nativ e upstream module (8 genes) and heterologous downstream module (2 genes f rom Taxus) combinatori al approach: multivari ete-modu lar engineering – search f or optimally balanced pathway in combinatori al space combination of 5 plasmids, 3 promoters and 2 pathway modules minimization of cumulation of toxic intermediate indol 15,000-fold improvement of taxadiene production, titer of 1 g/L 1Ajikumar, P.K. (2010) Science, 330:70 ME of biodegradation pathways ME of biodegradation pathways f or biodegradation of toxic compounds in industry, biosensing and in situ bioremedi ation. host organism s: bacteria (mostly improv ement of natural strains isolated f rom contaminat ed sites) and plants (phytobioremedi ation) phenomena of toxicity and adaptation of bacteria (enzymes) towards anthropogeni c substrat es paraoxone, toluene, DCE, TCP, lindane 13 ME of biodegradation pathways Current limitations of biodegradati on using engineered organisms: low competiti vn ess of engineered strains (diff erent conditions in lab and in the env ironment) decreased viability of host organism s due to metabolic load and high toxicity of subst rat es and pathway intermediates application of GMO (ethics) limited number of “successf ul stories” → ME of biodegradation pathways is challenging low stability of GM construct s ME of biodegradation pathways EXAMPLE: Synthetic pathway for biodegradation of 1,2,3trichloropro pane (T CP) TCP – anthropogeni c compound, industrial use, emerging pollutant no natural strain capable of TCP utilization (lack of dehalogenati ng enzyme) TCP pathway Project workflow: 1989 – description of pathway f or utilization of halogenat ed alcohols f rom Agrobact erium radiobact er AD1 (HheC, EchA) 1997 – description of haloalkane dehalogenase DhaA (Rhodococcus sp.) 1999 – heterologous expressi on of dhaAwt in A.radiobact er AD11 2002 – heterologous expressi on of dhaAM2 in A.radiobact er AD12 ultimate goal: bacteriu m utilizing T CP as a single carbon source PROBLEMS: low v iability of construct s (TCP toxicity, low expression of enzymes) cumulation of toxic pathway intermediates low conv ersion of TCP to glycerol (3.6 mM/10 days) 1,2Bosma ,T. (1999 and 2002) Applied Environmental Microbiology, 65:4575 and 68:3582 14 TCP pathway 2009 - construction of DhaA311 (32-times improved activity with T CP) rational design - computer modelling f or selection of hot spots directed ev olution - saturation mutagenesi s in pre-def ined positions 1Pavlová, M. (2009) Nature Chemical Biology, 5:727 2009 – now: applied principles of metabolic engineering : gene synthesi s and codon optimization f or E. coli cloning in pET and DUET v ectors, overexp ressi on detailed characterization of pathway enzymes (kinetic properties) characterization and quantif ication of metabolites (GC analysis) PROOF OF CONCEPT: reconst ructi on of pathway in vitro TCP pathway In vitro reconstru ction of T CP pathway (soluble enzymes) TCP pathway DhaAwt, HheC, EchA mixed in ratio 1:1:1 DhaA31, HheC, EchA mixed in ratio 1:1:1 15 2009 – now: applied principles of metabolic engineering : kinetic model of the pathway reconst ruction of pathway in vivo (E. coli) def ined toxicity of TCP and pathway intermediat es f or cell modular engineering f or balancing of gene expressi on (DUET v ectors) combinatori al approach: construction of sev eral v ariants of the pathway and selection of one with the most eff icient conv ersion of TCP to glycerol TCP pathway In vivo reconstru ction of T CP pathway (E. coli, DUET vectors) TCP pathway reaction course simulation DhaAwt, HheC, EchA in ratio 2.5 : 0.5 : 1 conversion of TCP by E. coli resting cells DhaA31, HheC, EchA in ratio 2.5 : 0.5 : 1 Kurumbang ,N.P. et al.(2013) submitted to ACS Synthetic Biology Current limitations of ME long way f rom lab scale (ml - L) to industry scale (103 - 105 L) costly processes (esp. product recov ery and purif ication) low productiv ity of engineered pathways – requirement at least 100 g/L f or commodity chemicals (1,3-propanedi ol 135 g/L) or 1 g/L f or pharmaceutical s (taxadiene 1g/L) complexity of lif e - ev olution 16 Perspectives of ME c a t a l o g o f p o t e n t i a l l y u s e f u l p r o m i s c u o u s a c t i v i t i e s o f k n o w n e n z y m e s s c r e e n i n g o f n e w h o s t o r g a n i s m s , p a t h w a y s , e n z y m e s ( m e t a g e n o m e a p p r o a c h v s . s e q u e n c i n g a n d b i o i n f o r m a t i c s ) c o n s t r u c t i o n o f b a c t e r i a l c h a s s e s w i t h m i n i m a l g e n o m e s i n s i l i c o s c r e e n i n g d e n o v o d e s i g n o f n e w e n z y m e s ( i n s i l i c o ) a n d g e n e s y n t h e s i s e n g i n e e r i n g o f i n v i t r o s y s t e m s ( r e d u c t i o n o f c o m p l e x i t y ) f r o m t h e l a b t o t h e r e a l a p p l i c a t i o n s : d e c r e a s i n g t h e c o s t s o f t h e p r o c e s s e s ( f r o m g e n e s y n t h e s i s t o p r o d u c t p u r i f i c a t i o n ) Discussion Yadav, V.G. (2012) Metabolic Engineering, 14:233 17 Substrate channelling Synthetic protein scaffolding made of eukaryoti c binding domains. protein scaff olding used f or tuning of stoichiomet ry of enzymes in metabolic pathway (AtoB, HMGS, HMGR) f or producti on of mev alonate1 1Dueber, J.E. (2009) Nature Biotechnology, 27:753 Genome-scale ME Multiplex Automated Genome Engineering (MAGE)1 Simultaneous mutagenesi s of multiple genes in vivo using the pool of syntheti c oligonucleoti des. 1Wang, H.H. (2009) Nature, 460:894 A B C D E F G 1 2 3 4 5 6 18 Gene knock-out gene(s) of interest is deleted f rom the chromosom e – permanen t state widely used technique based on phage λ Red recombinase (E. coli) analogous method used in yeast www.genebridges.com Datsenko, K.A. (2000) PNAS, 97:6640 ME of biosynthetic pathways EXAMPLE No.3: Engineering of E. coli towards production of levopiramad iene (secondary metabolite, diterpenoid)1 lev oporamidiene – pharmaceutically important compound plant-deriv ed pathway: Gingko biloba (lps), Taxus chinensis (ggpps) + nativ e terpenoid pathway f rom E. coli (4 genes) combination of protein and metabolic engineering ov erexpressi on of pathway enzymes, codon optimization, protein engineeri ng of lev opiramadiene synthase (LPS) and geranylgeranyl diphosphat e synthase (GGPPS) towards increased specif icity and activ ity (5x) – E. coli directly used as a in vivo screening system 2,600-fold improvemen t of production, titer of 0.7 g/L (in 168 hrs) 1Leonard E. (2010) PNAS, 107:13654 glycerol