RNDr. Jaroslav Turánek, CSc. Toxicology of Nanoparticles - Nanotoxicology Veterinary Res. Inst., Brno „V neustálém cyklu proměn malé se stává velkým a velké nepatrným“ Lao‘c Formation Aggregation Growth Birth Termination Dissociation Decay Death “Nothing is more damaging to a new truth than an old error.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Log length scale showing size of nanomaterials compared to biological components and definition of “nano” and “micro” sizes . 10 nm Comparison of rat macrophage cells size to nanoparticles size Microparticles versus nanoparticles The ISO definition of nanoobjects. Included as nanoobjects are nanoparticles (nanoscale in all three dimensions), nanofibers (nanoscale in two dimensions), and nanoplates or nanolayers (nanoscale only in one dimension). * Nanoscale: a size of between 1 and 100 nm. Nanoobjects * Chemical composition, purity, impurities * Particle size and size distribution * Specific surface * Morphology (crystalline/amorphous, shape) * Surface chemistry, coating, functionalization * Degree of agglomeration/aggregation and particle size distribution under experimental conditions (for example, media with/without proteins) * Water solubility (differentiation between soluble, metastable, and biopersistent nanomaterials) * Surface reactivity and/or surface load (zeta potential). Main characteristics of Nanoparticles NANOPARTICLE CLASSIFICATION 1. Dimensionality 2. Morphology 3. Structure and composition Uniformity and agglomeration state Complexity array of issues sururrounding toxicity of nanoparticles Size: 20–50nm enters CNS <70 nm, able to escape defense system in vivo High surface to mass ratio High sharpness, surface charge, conductivity, solubility, durability and reactivity Catalytic promotion of reactions Ability to adsorb and carry other compounds Ability to escape defense system in vivo Ability to cross cellular and sub-cellular membranes Surface coating (e.g., lecithin, albumin) Enhance uptake by Type I/II pneumocytes Transcytosis across capillary Charged particle (higher inhaled deposition) Unique features of nanomaterials New in our present time is the variety of additional materials and compounds as well as the wide range of possible applications, which are expected to soon increase the loads on man, plants, animals, and environmental compartments and to raise issues of a risk R arising from exposure E to the new materials and of the biological effect or hazards H that may cause biological effects. The probability P of processes must also be considered, because a risk only occurs when there is a certain probability of the development of biological effects. Assesment of the risk of nanoparticle´s adverese effects R = Fp{E,H} SOURCES OF NANOPARTICLES AND THEIR HEALTH EFFECTS Natural sources of nanoparticles (90%) Nanoparticles are abundant in nature, as they are produced in many natural processes, including photochemical reactions, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, and simple erosion, and by plants and animals, e.g., shedding of skin and hair. Human activities (10%) —cars, industry and charcoal burning The most significant components of total global atmospheric aerosols are: Mineral aerosols primarily from soil deflation wind erosion with a minor component 1% from volcanoes 16.8 Mt Sea salt 3.6 Mt Natural and anthropogenic sulfates 3.3 Mt Products of biomass burning excluding soot 1.8 Mt, and of industrial sources including soot 1.4 Mt Natural and anthropogenic non-methane hydrocarbons 1.3 Mt Natural and anthropogenic nitrates 0.6 Mt, Biological debris 0.5 Mt Extraterrestrial dust Ten major sources of dust in the world Kdo umí kráčet, nezanechává stop Lao´c Sand storms visualized at macro and microscale Satellite image showing dust blowing off mainland China over the Sea of Japan and Pacific Ocean Forest fires and grass fires Volcanoes The quantity of particles released into the atmosphere is enormous; a single volcanic eruption can eject up to 30x106 tons of ash. Volcanic ash that reaches the upper troposphere and the stratosphere the two lowest layers of the atmosphere can spread worldwide and affect all areas of the Earth for years. Ocean and water evaporation Sea spray from ocean waves Nano-Organisms Many organisms are smaller than a few microns including viruses 10–400 nm and some bacteria 30 nm–700 m. Nanoorganisms or their components - bacteria, viruses, cells, and their organelles. Cells, bacteria, and viruses are self-organizing, selfreplicating, dissipative structures with a shorter-lived structure than inorganic solids. Nanoorganisms generally dissipate when their supply of energy is exhausted. In contrast, nanoparticles are typically inorganic solids that require no supply of energy to remain in a stable form. Nanorobots Organisms in the nanoscale range or producing solidstate nanoscale debris Anthropogenic nanomaterials Humans have created nanomaterials for millennia, as they are by-products of simple combustion with sizes down to several nanometers and food cooking, and more recently, chemical manufacturing, welding, ore refining and smelting, combustion in vehicle and airplane engines, combustion of treated pulverized sewage sludge, and combustion of coal and fuel oil for power generation. History of nanomaterials application History of nanomaterials application Indoor pollution Humans and their activities generate considerable amountsof particulate matter indoors. Nanoparticles are generated through common indoor activities, such as cooking, smoking, cleaning, and combustion (e.g. candles and fireplaces). Examples of indoor nanoparticles are textile fibers, skin particles, spores, dust mite droppings, chemicals, and smoke from candles, cooking, and cigarettes. Poorly ventilated stoves using biomass fuels wood, crop residue, dung, and coal are mainly responsible for the death of an estimated 1.6x106 people annually, from which more than a half are children under the age of 5. Indoor air can be ten times more polluted than outdoor air!!! 100 000 chemical components and compounds Tipical engine exhaust particles consisting of carbon aggregates around a larger mineral particle Nanotoxikology 2005-2012 502 301 publications in WOS 2005-2012 14 949 publications in WOS Statistics on scientific articles published on a) nanomaterials and b) their toxicity Nanotoxicology Nanoparticles arise from a wide variety of natural and man‐made sources and have a diverse array of biological, chemical, and physical properties. The toxicity of these particles can be roughly divided into two categories: 1) the enhanced delivery of toxic agents 2) toxicity induced the properties of the particle itself (e.g. size, shape, surface sharpness, solubility) Toxicity of nanoparticles In vitro tests Nanoparticle surface—increased reactivity Research has shown that it is not the nanomaterial itself but the “corona” that mainly defines the properties of the “particle-plus-corona” compound. This makes it necessary to understand not only the nanomaterial but also the nanoparticle environment when testing for nanotoxicity Formation of nanoparticle corona: a) “bare” particle, b) nanoparticle in contact with proteins, c) corona formation. The corona can consist of a “hard corona”, proteins firmly attached to the surface, or a “soft corona” of proteins which are only weakly bound to the nanoparticles and form an equilibrium layer with the surrounding matrix. In vitro testing Transport Rates for TiO2. ISDD calculated fraction of nano and micron scale TiO2 particles delivered to cells over the duration of a 24 hour in vitro study with a media height 3.1 mm. Different rates of particle transport result in different time-courses for delivery to cells, which is only complete for large particles by 24 hours. Artificial nanoparticles • Engineered nanoparticles represent a novel toxicological challenge. They are completely novel in evolutionary terms, the evidence shows that they gain can access to the body, particularly through inhalation, and then translocate within the body to distant sites at low doses. • A critical step in nanotoxicology is to characterise the nanomaterial under examination and this is much more difficult than is the case in classical toxicology because of the multitude of variables in the parameter space. These include: particle size, roughness, shape, charge, composition and surface coating. The latter can change depending upon the matrix into which it is introduced. • Estimation of nanoparticle “dose” is complex, requiring a number of direct and/or indirect technologies to determine how many particles are reaching defined targets. Testing nanoparticle toxicity based on estimates of realistic human exposure is required instead of testing unrealistically high nanoparticle doses with no relevance to real-world exposures. Dose and in vitro toxicology • Dose In Vitro is Misunderstood, Unmeasured or Misrepresented • Particles are not chemicals! They settle and diffuse at very different rates depending on the density, size and agglomeration status • Nominal media doses, the standard, (μg/ml, μg/plate surface) misrepresent dose by 1 to 6 orders of magnitude • Nominal media doses cannot be related to target tissue (e.g. lung, liver, gut) doses from in vitro studies. Membranes—interface between nanoparticles and cells • In a cellular context, membranes, which are phospho-lipid bilayers, partition different intracellular compartments which each have specific functions. Potential interactions between NPs and the dividing cel 3D reconstruction showing the interaction of the centrosome, the DNA, and the microtubules with SWCNTs The major potential pathways for inhaled NP transport into the brain NPs can be carried to the brain via the vasculature, neuronal transport from the olfactory neurons in the olfactory epithelium of the nose and then through the cribiform plate to the olfactory bulb, neuronal transport from sensory nerves of the nasal passageways to the trigeminal nerve, or neuronal transport from sensory nerves of the trachea and intrapulmonary airway to the vagus nerve Red rhodamine beads in a neuron cell body of the jugular ganglion demonstrate neuronal transport of particles from the trachea of a rat after intratracheal instillation of fluorescent beads Toxic Warnings 1997 - Titanium dioxide/zinc oxide nanoparticles from sunscreen are found to cause free radicals in skin cells, damaging DNA. (Oxford University and Montreal University) Dunford, Salinaro et al. March 2002 – … engineered nanoparticles accumulate in the organs of lab animals and are taken up by cells…“ Dr. Mark Wiesner March 2003 - ... studies on effects of nanotubes on the lungs of rats produced more toxic response than quartz dust.“ „Scientists from DuPont Haskell laboratory present varying but still worrying findings on nanotube toxicity. Nanotubes can be highly toxic." - Dr. Robert Hunter (NASA researcher) March 2003 - Dr. Howard: the smaller the particle, the higher its likely toxicity and that nanoparticles have various routes into the body and across membranes such as the blood brain barrier. ETC Group July 2003 - Nature reports on work by CBEN scientist Mason Tomson that shows buckyballs can travel unhindered through the soil. "Unpublished studies by the team show that the nanoparticles could easily be absorbed by earthworms, possibly allowing them to move up the food-chain and reach humans" - Dr. Vicki Colvin, the Center's director. Nanoparticles and the environment • Nanoparticles released into the environment interact with air, water and soil. This often changes the surface properties of the particles which can result in particle aggregation or changes in particle charge and other surface properties. These effects have been studied in water ecosystems and soil and show the importance of understanding nanoparticles and their environmental setting as a “complex” that needs to be looked at in its entirety in order to understand particle behaviour in the environment. A current debate addresses whether nanoparticles can cause toxicity as a contaminant in, for example, soil or water, via a “piggyback” mechanism on natural organic matter. Nanoparticles and cells—in-vitro nanotoxicology • Unicellular organisms, which ruled the Earth for approximately the first 3 billion years of life, exist by engulfing matter, usually particulate, from their immediate environment. • There are the two basic mechanisms, phagocytosis and endocytosis. The former is generally for large particles and requires a “recognition” step while the latter is for the transmembrane transport of liquids and molecules. • Only by understanding particle uptake dynamics and pathways in a quantitative way, can nanotoxicological conclusions be drawn. Mechanisms on the nano-bio interface • Mechanisms on the nano-bio interface can be either chemical or physical. • Chemical mechanisms include the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), dissolution and release of toxic ions, disturbance of the electron/ion cell membrane transport activity, oxidative damage through catalysis, lipid peroxidation or surfactant properties. ROS is considered as being the main underlying chemical process in nanotoxicology, leading to secondary processes that can ultimately cause cell damage and even cell death. • Moreover, ROS is one of the main factors involved in inflammatory processes Physical mechanisms at the nano-bio interface • Physical mechanisms at the nano-bio interface are mainly a result of particle size and surface properties. This includes disruption of: membranes, membrane activity, transport processes, protein conformation/folding and protein aggregation /fibrillation. Possible interactions of ENMs with the cell and subcellular structures. Schematic diagram of the mechanisms of “primary” and “secondary” genotoxicity in nanoparticle exposed cells It‘s only a matter of support: new directions for advanced intestinal cell models Microengineered organs-on-chips Effect of size Hollow fibre model The human-on-a-chip concept Nanoparticles pahtways within the body Schematics of human body with pathways of exposure to nanoparticles The Lung: The Main Portal of Entry for Nanoobjects Inhaled particles that are smaller than 2.5 mm (PM2.5) have access to the alveolar structures of the deep lung and may, in high doses, induce inflammation. A very small portion of the nanoparticles can cross the air–blood barrier and will be distributed via the bloodstream (red). Within the alveoli, most of the particles will be phagocytized by macrophages (purple) or dendritic cells (yellow) or may also be taken up by epithelial cells (blue). There are 300 million alveoli to facilitate this gas exchange via diffusion, encompassing a surface area of approximately 140 m2. Effect of the particle size on deposition in respiratory tract Deposition of NP in respiratory tract Three-dimensional reconstructed CT images of rat thoracic cavities (A) directly and (B) 2 hours after insufflation of nanocluster dry powder. Note that directly after insufflation, visualization of the respiratory bronchioles and some alveolar structures in the lung periphery is evident (A). After 2 hours the nanoclusters are cleared from the central airways, with contrast more localized to the trachea or lung periphery. Nanoclusters (green); soft tissue (pink). Toxic effect of asbestos Carbon nanotubes Scanning electron micrographs of particulates in tissue section. (A) Backscatter SEM image of lung section 10 days after silica inhalation. An alveolar macrophage loaded with fine-sized silica particles is identified by the arrow. Uptake of Nanoparticles via the Olfactory Nerve: Bypassing the Blood–Brain Barrier Another quite significant uptake pathway is available to nanoobjects owing to their small sizes. The particles can be incorporated via the nerve fibers in the area of the olfactory epithelium. Instillation/inhalation tests on rodents using different particles have demonstrated that nanoscale carbon particles, gold particles, manganese oxide particles, and others are conveyed by transsynaptic transport. Nanoparticles can reach the brain directly by passing the olfactory epithelium and the nervus olfactorius located in the roof of the nose. It is also conceivable that systemic uptakes take place via the nervus trigeminus und the sensoric nerve fibers in the tracheobronchial tract. The quantities reaching the brain via the olfactory nerve are very small; however, they bypass the blood–brain barrier. Blood-Brain Barrier Transport through Blood-Brain Barrier Tight junction Anatomy of Olfactory bulb Healthy Skin: An Effective Barrier Against Many Nanomaterials The corneal layer of stressed or diseased skin is not intact Stratum corneum Induction of autoimmune diseases and hypersensitivity Penetration of QDots through skin Confocal scanning microscopy of porcine skin treated with QD 565 for 8 h. (g-i) QDCOOH. Confocal-DIC overlay with the green QD fluorescence channel shows QD localization within the epidermis or dermis (arrows). Scale bars equal 50 µm. Very small particles (<10 nm) are capable of penetrating through to the epidermis or dermis. Particle surface coatings or functionalization, which are often used to prevent agglomeration, may strongly influence the penetration. Volcanoes and health effects Short-term effects of ash on health include respiratory effects nose and throat irritation, and bronchitic symptoms and eye and skin irritation Long-term exposure to volcanic particulate pollution - the barefoot agricultural populations living in parts of the world containing volcanic soils, such as Africa, Mediterranean, and Central America. A large percentage of this population is affected by diseases of lympho-endothelial origin (Podocoinosis, Kaposi´s sarkoma) (crosscomplication with AIDS) Liver and kidney fenestrations Application of nanoparticles in medicine Normal vs tumour blood vessels Nanodiamonds Images show animals injected with 18F-NDs dorsal (A) to ventral (B), with filtered 18F-NDs dorsal (C) to ventral (D), with 18F-NDs + Tween 80 dorsal (E) to ventral (F), and finally with 18FNDs + PEG8000 dorsal (G) to ventral (H). Organs that exhibited an elevated uptake of the radiolabeled compound are labeled with numbers for easy identification. Coronal sections of PET images acquired 120 min after injection of four different ND preparations L I P O S O M E S CLASSIFICATION VIEWED BY CRYOELECTRON MICROSCOPY Stealth liposomes Doxorubicin Penetration of Stealth liposomes into normal and tumour tissues Application of in vivo fluorescence microscopy Tumour tissue Normal tissue Tumour tissue 400nm 80nm 80nm 80nm Classes of liposomes based on their functionality • Conventional liposomes nonspecific interaction with melieu • Stealth liposomes sterically shielded , low non-specific interactions, long circulating • Targeted liposomes specific interaction via coupled ligand • Polymorphic-Cationic change their phase upon inter-action with specific agents, pH or temperature sensitive Liposomal antimicrobial drugs Amphotericin B Application of carbon nanotubes Quatnum Dots Nanofibres and nano textiles 50 nm C D E F G B Functionalised liposomes and nanofibre textile Visualizace liposom-DNA depotu fluorescenčním celotělním zobrazením Day 1 Day 28 Application of nanosilver Nano-scaled silver may: (1) release silver ions and generate ROS 2) interact with membrane proteins affecting their correct function 3) accumulate in the cell membrane affecting membrane permeability 4) enter into the cell where it can generate ROS, release silver ions, and affect DNA. Generated ROS may also affect DNA, cell membrane, and membrane proteins, and silver ion release will likely affect DNA and membrane proteins Ecology • In the development and commercialization of nanoscale particles also potential hazards for humans and the environment occurring during application and production have to be taken into account. • rainbow trout gill cells with internalized tungsten carbide Accummulation of NP in aquatic organisms Daphnia magna exposed to (a) 20 nm fluorescent carboxylated polystyrene beads (2.64 mg/l for 1 h), (b) 14 nm carbon black (1 mg/l for 48 h) or (c) 25 nm TiO2 particles (1 mg/l for 48 h). The life is just a dream and the only reality in it is LOVE František Bilek Thank you for your attention Methods for characterisation of nanoparticles Separation Techniques: GPC, FFF, Flow Cytometry Light scattering: SLS/MALS (Rg), DLS (Rh) Microscopic methods: TEM, SEM, AFM, Confocal microscopy Single particle tracikng analysis: NanoSight Conductivity: particle counters (iZON) Separační rozsah FFF – velikost analytu / Centrifugal FFF Fiel Flow Fractionation • Příčný tok pro separaci • Separace založena na velikosti/MW • Separační rozsah 103 – 1012 Da, 1 nm – 10 µm • Temperace kanálu Princip AF4 LogM Elution Volume Eluční pořadí obecně Eluční pořadí ve FFF 30.11.2014 134 Flow FFF: VE ~ 1/D ~ Rh 30.11.2014 www.postnova.com 135 Distribuce molekulové hmotnosti (AF4-MALS) Mp [kg/mol] Výrobce Mp [kg/mol] AF4 68 77 127 129 246 213 310 313 659 651 1040 907 1260 1321 2750 2691 5000 462310 5 10 6 0,0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1,0 DifferentialMassFraction Molar Mass [g/mol] PS-standardy v THF FFF Aplikace Figure 1. A sensitive signal detector monitors current flow across the nanopore. Figure 2. Signal Trace with enlarged Blockade Event. The qNano is a complete Laboratory of Bionanotechnology • Laboratory of Bionanotechnology Dynamic light scattering Benefits of sizing by DLS Pohyblivá zaostřovací čočka umožňuje snímání signálů z různé hloubky kyvety a tak eliminuje u koncentrovaných vzorků vícenásobný rozptyl (viz obr b) New dynamic light scattering technology for high sensitivity and measurement at high concentration (NIBS) (Non-Invasive Back-scatter) technology extends the range of sizes and concentrations of samples that can be measured. The sizing capability in the Zetasizer Nano S and Nano ZS instruments detect the scattering information at 173°. This is known as backscatter detection. In addition, the optics are not in contact with the sample and hence the detection optics are said to be non-invasive. Zetasizer Nano ZS, Malvern Principle Behind Dynamic Light Scattering Particles, emulsions and molecules in suspension undergo Brownian motion. This is the motion induced by the bombardment by solvent molecules that themselves are moving due to their thermal energy. If the particles or molecules are illuminated with a laser, the intensity of the scattered light fluctuates at a rate that is dependent upon the size of the particles as smaller particles are “kicked” further by the solvent molecules and move more rapidly. Analysis of these intensity fluctuations yields the velocity of the Brownian motion and hence the particle size using the Stokes-Einstein relationship. D kT Rh 6  Dynamic Light Scattering                Dq BeA tI tItI g 2 2 2 Autokorelačná funkcia (8 02.10.07) 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 0,1 10 1000 100000 10000000 100000000 0 čas (μs) korelačnýkoeficient autocorrelation function Distribution by DLS Advantages Dynamic Light Scattering technology Accurate, reliable and repeatable particle size analysis in one or two minutes Measurement in the native environment of the material Mean size only requires knowledge of the viscosity of the liquid Simple or no sample preparation, high concentration, turbid samples can be measured directly Simple set up and fully automated measurement Size measurement of sizes < 1nm Size measurement of molecules with MW < 1000Da Low volume requirement (as little as 12µL) What does Dynamic Light Scattering actually measure? The diameter that is measured in Dynamic Light Scattering is called the hydrodynamic diameter and refers to how a particle diffuses within a fluid. The diameter obtained by this technique is that of a sphere that has the same translational diffusion coefficient as the particle being measured. The translational diffusion coefficient will depend not only on the size of the particle “core”, but also on any surface structure, as well as the concentration and type of ions in the medium. This means that the size can be larger than measured by electron microscopy, for example, where the particle is removed from its native environment. Comparative protein Rh values Various expressinos and aproximation of protein shape Shape analysis: shape factor p = Rg/Rh Light scattering data