Dr. Kumud B. Mishra Global Change Research Centre ASCR, vvi, Bělidla 986/4a, 603 00 Brno Email: mishra.k@czechglobe.cz Optical properties of leaves and its implication in understanding plants functional properties and primary production ProdukProdukččnníí biologie Bi8030biologie Bi8030 podzimnpodzimníí semestr 2014semestr 2014 Stomata: 10-5 m Leaf: 0.01-0.1 m Plant: 1-10 m Canopy: 100-1000 m Landscape: 1-100 km Continent: 1000 km (106 m) Globe: 10,000 km (107 m) Bacteria/Chloroplast: 10-6 m Spatial Scales of Inquiry: Span 13-14 orders of Magnitude Spatial Scales of Inquiry: Span 13-14 orders of Magnitude mm - cm cm - m m - km /spatial resolution/ AISA Eagle Fs & QY NDVI PRI Multi-scale monitoring Photon-leaf interactions Plant leaves and its function •Producing food and oxygen through photosynthesis •Balancing water loss •Regulating gas exchange •Transporting products of photosynthesis Plant leaves and its function •Producing food and oxygen through photosynthesis •Balancing water loss •Regulating gas exchange •Transporting products of photosynthesis Diagram of the internal structure of a leaf Photon-leaf interactions Cross section of leaves Cuticle: Upper epidermis: Preventing water loss, providing an extra layer between the outside and inside of the leaf. Mesophyll. -palisade layer Chloroplast; photosynthesis, food & O2 -spongy layer vascular bundles: xylem and phloem Lower Epidermis Stomata Upper cuticle palisade Spongy Photon-leaf interactions Leaves: Cuticle & Epidermis Waxy layer: (hydrophobic) -prevent water loss, -first defense against pests and pathogen -reflect UV light -self cleaning (Lotus)Deposition of pathogens Sunlight blocking particles Heredia-Guerrero et al.(2014) Waxy layer: (hydrophobic) -prevent water loss, -first defense against pests and pathogen -reflect UV light -self cleaning (Lotus)Deposition of pathogens Sunlight blocking particles Waxy layer: (hydrophobic) -prevent water loss, -first defense against pests and pathogen -reflect UV light -self cleaning (Lotus)Deposition of pathogens Sunlight blocking particles Waxy layer: (hydrophobic) -prevent water loss, -first defense against pests and pathogen -reflect UV light -self cleaning (Lotus)Deposition of pathogens Sunlight blocking particles Waxy layer: (hydrophobic) -prevent water loss, -first defense against pests and pathogen -reflect UV light -self cleaning (Lotus)Deposition of pathogens Sunlight blocking particles Waxy layer: (hydrophobic) -prevent water loss, -first defense against pests and pathogen -reflect UV light -self cleaning (Lotus)Deposition of pathogens Sunlight blocking particles Waxy layer: (hydrophobic) -prevent water loss, -first defense against pests and pathogen -reflect UV light -self cleaning (Lotus)Deposition of pathogens Sunlight blocking particles Waxy layer: (hydrophobic) -prevent water loss, -first defense against pests and pathogen -reflect UV light -self cleaning (Lotus)Deposition of pathogens Sunlight blocking particles Phenolics: -UV screening, -Antioxidant, -changes with environment, stresses Photon-leaf interactionsLocalization of different subgroups of phenolics at tissues and cellular level Karabourniotis et al. (2014) Plant Science 227:21-27 Photon-leaf interactionsSpectral regions of absorption maxima of compounds in leaves epidermis Cerovic et al.(2002) Plant Cell and Environment, 25: 1663-1676 Photon-leaf interactions Cerovic et al.(2002) Plant Cell and Environment, 25: 1663-1676 Spectral regions of absorption maxima of compounds in leaves epidermis Photon-leaf interactionsHow to measure compounds in the Leaf epidermis? Cerovic et al.(2002) Plant Cell and Environment, 25: 1663-1676 -Extraction of leaf cuticle and measurements of absorbance and transmittance Krauss et al. (1997) Plant, Cell, and Environment 1997 Problems in measuring epidermis contents by leaf extraction: leaf structures on UV absorption, and the local distribution of phenylpropanoids in leaves are lost by the extraction procedures. ChlF excitation ratio (FER) = ChlF yields [UV / blue-green excitations] Log(FER)= absorbance of leaf epidermal Photon-leaf interactionsHow to measure compounds in the cuticle? Cerovic et al.(2002) Plant Cell and Environment, 25: 1663-1676 ChlF excitation ratio (FER) = ChlF yields [UV / blue-green excitations] Log(FER)= absorbance of leaf epidermal Photon-leaf interactionsFER can measure absorbance of leaf epidermis Cerovic et al.(2002) Plant Cell and Environment, 25: 1663-1676 Photon-leaf interactions Leaves: Mesophyll & Lower Epidermis palisade layer -cells are tall, -closely packed to absorb maximum light. -many chloroplasts. -most photosynthesis takes place in the palisade cells. -photosynthesis, - food -O2 spongy layer vascular bundles: - xylem & phloem Lower Epidermis Stomata Biochemical leaf composition A typical cell of green fresh leaf contains: -Water (vacuole) 90-95% -dry matter : 5-10 % • Cellulose 15-10 % •Hemicellulose 10-30% •Proteins 10-20%] •Lignin 5-15% •Starch 0.2-2.7% •Sugar •Chloroplasts (Chlorophyll a, b) •Other pigments (Carotenoids, anthocynin, brown pigments,Flavons, etc.) Photon-leaf interactions Photosynthesis Reflectance Transmitted light Heat Blue-green Fluorescence Absorption Chlorophyll fluorescence Energy conservation: R(l) + T(l) + A(l) = 1 Schematic diagram representing interaction of plant’s leaf with light Light Schematic diagram representing interaction of plant’s leaf with light Reflectance and fluorescence signals Water absorption Govindjee (2004) Reflectance is being measured at various level and many vegetation indexes has been derived. Steady state Fluorescence at Fraunhofer lines will be measured in proposed FLEX mission Water Chlorophyll fluorescence competes with photosynthesis for excitation energy ChlF can be used as a non –invasive reporter to study photosynthetic yield S0 S1 S2 Chla hννννblue photosynthesis Fluorescence hννννNIR Heat S0 S1 S2 Chla hννννblue photosynthesisphotosynthesis Fluorescence hννννNIR Heat Fluorescence hννννNIR Heat Chlorophyll fluorescence competes with photosynthesis for excitation energy Photon-leaf interactions Integrating sphere for accurately measurements of reflectance Propagation of photons in leaf Spectral properties: effect of leaf pigments Spectral properties: effect of leaf internal structure VEGETATION INDEX: Two wavelength dependent Indexes 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 400 430 459 488 517 547 576 605 634 663 692 721 749 778 807 835 864 892 Wavelength (nm) Reflectance 531 nm 570 nm PRI = (R531-R570)/( R531+R570) R531 is sensitive to change in Xanth’s Cycle Epoxidation state R570 is a reference, unaffected by Xanth’s Cycle Epoxidation state. Quite high variability in day, hours, minutes and even second. Seasonal variability is also seen NDVI = (Rfar-red-Rred)/( Rfar-red+Rred) PRI - a way of dissipating excess light to protect the photosynthetic apparatus (Gamon et al. 1990). conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin through xanthophyll cycle. Low Light High Lght Change in De-epoxidation state of Xanthophylls cycle could be detected by measuring PRI Photochemical reflectance index (PRI) Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI) VEGETATION INDEX: Three wavelength dependent Indexes a = Sum of the Absorption coefficients for the pigments of interest ap and other pigments a0 bb = Backscattering coefficient 1 1 1 2 3[ ( ) ( ) ] ( ) pR R R aλ λ λ− − − × ∝ R(λ)1 = Reflectance maximally sensitive to the absorption of particular pigments ap R(λ)2 = Reflectance where the absorption is much lower than R(λ)1 R(λ)3 = Reflectance where backscattering controls the reflectance 1 / bR R a b− ∞∝ = Gitelson et al (2006) Three wavelength dependent indices proved to be very useful for tracking of particular pigments. Table: Spectral bands for retrieving pigment content from leaf reflectance Water SurfaceConductance Transpiration/ Evaporation Available Energy Photosynthesis/ Respiration LAI Carbon Nutrients Litter Soil Moisture PBL ht Sensible Heat System Complexity: Interconnection of Key Ecosystem Processes Remote sensing of vegetation products scaling of biophysical processes : A challenge Leaf area index (LAI) = Leaf area per unit ground surface area = leaf area / ground area, m2 / m2) ~ projected leaf area m2 Fraction of absorbed photosynthetic active radiation (fPAR) = radiation absorbed by vegetation for photosynthesis / total incoming PAR between 400–720 nm • Primary productivity of photosynthesis • evapotranspiration • reference tool for crop growth How to measure LAI? Direct Methods -Area harvest (grasslands, agriculture) -application of allometric equations to stand diameter data, -leaf litterfall collect leaves during leaf fall in traps and compare to area measurements. Leaf are is measured using a scanner and image processing software collect leaves from the canopy and conduct measurements. Is destructive, especially with evergreens due to the difficulties and destructiveness of direct methods for determining LAI, they are mostly used as a reference for indirect methods that are easier and faster to apply. disadvantages include: Destructive; time consuming; expensive, especially if the study are is large Indirect Methods indirect contact LAI measurements (very subjective and labor intensive) plumb lines inclined point quadrates indirect non-contact measurements (typically preferred) hemispherical photography: estimate LAI from analyzing upward looking fisheye photographs taken beneath the plant canopy How to measure LAI? Beer’s Law predicts light transmission through a turbid medium, in terms of the relative light transmission (I/Io), as an exponential function of leaf area index (L) and a proportionality constant (k); k reflects the geometric influence associated with the angle between leaves and the sun: I/I0=exp(-kL) How to measure LAI? Remote sensing of vegetation products scaling of biophysical processes : A challenge Leaf area index (LAI) = Leaf area per unit ground surface area = leaf area / ground area, m2 / m2) LAI ranges from zero (bare ground) to over 10 (dense conifer forests Remote sensing of vegetation products scaling of biophysical processes : A challenge Leaf area index (LAI) = Leaf area per unit ground surface area = leaf area / ground area, m2 / m2) LAI How to measure LAI? tropical rain forest LAI= 6-10 pines trees LAI = 2 - 4) temperate deciduous forest LAI = 3 - 5 fAPAR= a*NDVItoc + b APAR = fAPAR*PAR GPP = ε n(a*NDVI+b)PAR∑ NPP= GPP- R ( autotropic) Net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (g C m-2 time-1) NEE= GPP- R total R total is the sum of all autotrophic and hetrotrophic respiration over some time period (Hunt et al. 2002) GPP can be calculated from remotely sensed NDVI Direct and indirect methods for estimation of LAI, fAPAR, and modeling NPP of different types of terrestrial ecosystems Gower et al. (1999) • NDVI has been applied in innumerable studies for estimation of vegetation biomass, greenness, primary production, dominant species, leaf are index (LAI), fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR) The TERRA, EOS-AM platform was launched on December 19, 1999 and started to provide global primary production (namely, MOD17) on the 8-day interval with nominal 1-km resolution beginning on Feb 24, 2000 (Zhao et al. 2005). Turner et al. (2006) tested the performance of NPP and GPP on nine sites varying widely in biome types and land use, and concluded an over estimation at low productivity sites and underestimation at higher productivity site of these parameters while comparing satellite and eddy co-variance technique. Productivity Estimation