C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -1C2110 UNIX and programming Petr Kulhánek, Jakub Štěpán kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-61137 Brno CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0233 10th Lesson C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -2- Contents  In-semester test II  Running commands III • Variable PATH  Hybrid scripts • Redirection in scripts  Commands • type, hash, tr, memcoder, mplayer C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -3In-semester test II C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -4In-semester test II  Test is questionaire (ROPOT) in IS Student – ROPOT – e-learning – C2110 Length 20 minutes. Only one set of questions. Use ‘Save temporarily’ during work. Evaluation can be done only once. It is allowed and suggested to Test commands in terminal. Search manual pages, lecture notes and lecture presentations. Call teacher if you have problems. It is forbidden to Communicate with other person except teacher C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -5Running commands III  Variable PATH  Commands • tr, mplayer, mencoder C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -6Running commands and apps, III 1. Path to command is first looked up in recently used commands table: $ hash hits command 1 /bin/rm 3 /bin/ls 2. If no path is found, then directories given in variable PATH are searched. $ echo $PATH .../usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin 3. To find out that path exists use command type $ type ls /bin/ls Search order Table may be erased by command: $ hash -r Directories should be separated by : (colon) For shell to be able to run any command, it needs to have full path to file, which contains binary code of program or script. C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -7Adjusting variable PATH Manual change of value of variable PATH $ export PATH=/my/path/to/my/commands:$PATH separator Path to directory with, that are to be accessible without need to write full path. Path has to be in absolute form! (relative path is security risk). Previous value of PATH variable (necessary for system commands to be found) Automatic PATH value adjustment Automatic change of variable PATH value (and possibly other system variables) may be done by command module. $ module add vmd C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -8Commands for exercise Command tr is may be used to transform or delete symbols from standard input. Result is printed to standard output. Examples: $ cat soubor.txt | tr --delete "qwe" $ cat soubor.txt | tr --delete "[:space:]" $ echo $PATH | tr ":" "\n" From soubor.txt contents symbols "q", "w" and "e" are removed. From soubor.txt file contents all white spaces are removed. All symbols ":" echoed to standard input of tr will be replaced by new line symbol "\n" C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -9- Exercise 1. Print variable PATH contents. 2. Print directories from variable PATH, each to separate line. 3. What directory contains program kwrite? 4. Print contents of recently used commands table. 5. Find out how command module add vmd change variable PATH. 6. Find directory where is command vmd? C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -10- MPlayer MPlayer is useful command to play video. Short usage description is provided by submitting command with no argument. Example: $ mplayer movie.avi play video movie.avi Interesting options: -loop N play N loops -fs play video in full screen mode http://www.mplayerhq.hu C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -11- MEncoder MEncoder is command to code video. It may be used to convert video formats, codec change or creating video from picture frames. Creating video from picture frames: $ mencoder "mf://*.png" –mf fps=25 -ovc lavc -o output.avi Input data. Use all files with extension png. Pictures sequence is sorted according to file names. Output encoder. Output file name. Overview: http://mariovalle.name/mencoder/mencoder.html Frame rate per second (FPS – frames per second). C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -12- Alternatives FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It includes libavcodec - the leading audio/video codec library. GStreamer is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. The applications it supports range from simple Ogg/Vorbis playback, audio/video streaming to complex audio (mixing) and video (non-linear editing) processing. http://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/ http://ffmpeg.org/ C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -13- Exercise 1. Copy two files with avi extension from directory /home/kulhanek/Data/Video to subdirectory of your home my_video, which will be in your home directory. 2. Play both video files in program mplayer. Learn basic program functions: pause video, rewind video, switch to full screen. 3. Directory /home/kulhanek/Data/MovieImages contains pictures in png format. Create directory /scratch/your_login/images , copy images to that directory. 4. Find size (width, height and bit depth) does have image e_0010.png? 5. Create two videos with FPS=10 and FPS=50 from images. 6. Play created videos. C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -14Hybrid scripts  Redirection in scripts C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -15Redirection in script Redirection of standard input of program my_command from script file. ....... ./my_command << EOF First text line Second text line Third text line EOF ...... Input end mark (user choice) End of input, mark must not be surrounded by spaces text (input data) This redirection form is especially advantageous in scripts, it works in command line as well. Advantage is variables expansion in input text. C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -16- Showcase #!/bin/bash gnuplot << EOF plot sin(x) EOF #!/bin/bash for((I=1;$I<=10;I++)); do NAME=`printf "%02d.txt" $I` cat << EOF > $NAME This is file number: $I EOF done Highlighted text is sent to standard input of cat command, variables are expanded in advance, resulting text is saved to file $NAME. In this way gnuplot scripts may be automatically generated. Result of command in backward apostrophes `` is saved to variable NAME. C2110 UNIX and programming 10th lesson -17- Exercise 1. Write script, that creates ten files. Each file with name in format XX.txt, where XX is file number. For numbers les then 10 use leading zero to keep file name length. Each file will contain following text (X is file number): 2. Write script(s), that creates set of images showing moving waves (function sin, or cos in 2D or 3D, up to your choice). Create video from files using command mencoder. Play video by command mplayer. Automaticaly created text file File number is: X