C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -1C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing Petr Kulhánek, Jakub Štěpán kulhanek@chemi.muni.cz National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Faculty of Science Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, CZ-61137 Brno CZ.1.07/2.2.00/15.0233 Organization C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -2- Content  Course organization • Time schedule, teaching methods • Knowledge evaluation, final test  Cluster WOLF • Room 1.18, structure, rules, administrators  Prerequisities • Accounts, work groups C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -3Course organization  Time schedule  Block teaching  Knowledge evaluation, final test C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -4Time schedule Teaching period: 17. 9. 2012 - 21. 12. 2012 Vacations: 22. 12. 2012 - 1. 1. 2013 Examination period: 2. 1. 2013 - 13. 2. 2013 Extent: colloquium (2 credits) Total lecture time: 14 x 2 hours = 28 hours Total course time demands: 1 ECTS credit -> 26 hours of studies (see ECTS Label) 2 credits -> 2x 26 hours = 52 hours of studies C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -5Block teaching Monday – Wednesday: lectures start at 9:00, finish at 16:00 lunch and breaks according to lecture Thursday: MetaCentrum, CERIT-SC excursion (morning) lectures 13:00 – 16:00 Friday: lectures start at 9:00, finish at 10:00 final test: start at 10:00 Extent: - final test (1 hour, 50 questions) 50 points - summary report from exercises, all questions should be answered. ======================================================= Total: 50 points Success: >= 30 points C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -6Cluster WOLF  Room 1.18  Structure  Rules  Administrators C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -7Room 1.18 23 PC 3D visualization Computing cluster organization PC room is accessible to students of LCC group, and students of any course taught in same semester in room 1.18. Safety rules! C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -8WOLF cluster structure University network wolf.ncbr.muni.cz Local network wolf.wolf.inet wolf switch wolf03 wolf04 wolf05wolf02wolf01 wolf06 wolf07 wolf08 wolf23 server Work nodes (computational nodes) Private network: wolf.inet (not accessible directly) Operating system: Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise) LTS http://www.ubuntu.com/ C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -9- Rules WOLF cluster is strictly dedicated to teaching purposes or scientific work within National Centre for Biomolecular Research. Obligatory are rules of Masaryk University network: https://is.muni.cz/auth/do/rect/normy/smernicerektora/Smernice_MU_9-2013.pdf It is strictly forbidden to: download data with illegal contents (author protected work etc.) virus and spam distribution system hacking Removing or changes to unprotected content of other users Login name and password is user identity. Do never give it to any other person, send (e.g. by e-mail) or save unencrypted. C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -10Cluster administrators - problems Main WOLF cluster administrator: Jakub Štěpán Account management, hardware, system and software administrator Scientific applications (modules) administrator: Petr Kulhánek Before contacting administrators, consult your problem with colleagues, teacher or supervisor. If you do not solve problem, please report to administrators by e-mail. support@lcc.ncbr.muni.cz In message state:  Problem description, command name  User name, machine name  Copy error output from command line C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -11- Prerequisities  Accounts  Work groups C2115 Practical Introduction to Supercomputing 1st Lesson -12- Prerequisities  Access to building A4 and accross door to room 1.18 (ISIC)  Devision to groups (group A, B, C, D)  Study materials /home/kulhanek/Data/C2110 /home/kulhanek/Data/C2115  Account on cluster SOKAR $ ssh sokar.ncbr.muni.cz  Registration to MetaCentrum http://metavo.metacentrum.cz