Exercises for Chapters 6,7,8 & 9 The more difficult and challenging problems are marked with an asterisk, Chapter 6: Product operators E6-1 Using the standard rotations from section 6.1.4, express the following rotations in terms of sines and cosines: exp(-i0/x)/y exp(i0/x) exp(-i0/J(-/y)exp(i0/J - exp(-i0/y)/,exp(i0/y) exp(-/^/y)/xexp(/^/y) exp(-i0/x)/xexp(i0/x) exp(i0/x)(-/jexp(-i0/x) Express all of the above transformations in the shorthand notation of section 6.1.5. E6-2. Repeat the calculation in section 6.1.6 for a spin echo with the 180° pulse about the j-axis. You should find that the magnetization refocuses onto the -y axis. E6-3. Assuming that magnetization along the y-axis gives rise to an absorption mode lineshape, draw sketches of the spectra which arise from the following operators /, /, 2L L 2L L ly lx ly lz, lz, lx E6-4. Describe the following terms in words: Ily I2z 2IlyI2z 2IlxI2x E6-5. Give the outcome of the following rotations lx (n/2)(lly+l2y) _i; ; 2g/|2tfu/2l Describe the outcome in words in each case. E6-6. Consider the spin echo sequence — T— 180°(x, to spin 1 and spin 2) — T — applied to a two-spin system. Starting with magnetization along y, represented by Ily, show that overall effect of the sequence is 1 hy Spi"eCh° > - cos(2^/12T)/ly + sin(2^/12T)2/lx/2z You should ignore the effect of offsets, which are refocused, are just consider evolution due to coupling. Is your result consistent with the idea that this echo sequence is equivalent to - 2t- 180°(x, to spin 1 and spin 2) [This calculation is rather more complex than that in section 6.4.1. You will need the identities cos20 = cos2 0 - sin2 0 and sin20 = 2cos0sin0 ] E6-7. For a two-spin system, what delay, T, in a spin echo sequence would you use to achieve the following overall transformations (do not worry about signs)? [cos 7T/4 = sin 7T/4 = 1/V2] I2y->2IlzI2x Ax—+ Ax->-Ax E6-8. Confirm by a calculation that spin echo sequence c shown on page 6-11 does not refocus the evolution of the offset of spin 1. [Start with a state Ilx or Ily; you may ignore the evolution due to coupling]. *E6-9. Express 2IlxI2y in terms of raising and lowering operators: see section 6.5.2. Take the zero-quantum part of your expression and then re-write this in terms of Cartesian operators using the procedure shown in section 6.5.2. E6-10. Consider three coupled spins in which J23 > Jl2. Following section 6.6, draw a sketch of the doublet and doublets expected for the multiplet on spin 2 and label each line with the spin states of the coupled spins, 1 and 3. Lable the splittings, too. Assuming that magnetization along x gives an absorption mode lineshape, sketch the spectra from the following operators: Ax 2IuI2x 2I2yI3z 4IlzI2xI3z E6-11. Complete the following rotations. 2 J n\tlU > ^hz > a3'hz > T (^/2)(/|y+/2y+/3y) Zl\yl2z * ->T T T {*n){hy+hy+hy) Ll\xl2zliz f 2IlzI2x 2^"^ ) 2/u/2j 2g/^^ > AT T T 2lLlntl2zl3z J llc,Yl'hzhz y 2mJ\3>\zhz y Chapter 7: Two-dimensional NMR E7-1. Sketch the COSY spectra you would expect from the following arrangements of spins. In the diagrams, a line represents a coupling. Assume that the spins have well separated shifts; do not concern yourself with the details of the multiplet structures of the cross- and diagonal-peaks. A-B-C A-B-C A-B C E7-2. Sketch labelled two-dimensional spectra which have peaks arising from the following transfer processes frequencies in Fl I Hz frequencies in F21 Hz a 30 Transferred to 30 b 30 and 60 transferred to 30 c 60 transferred to 30 and 60 d 30 transferred to 20, 30 and 60 e 30 and 60 transferred to 30 and 60 E7-3. What would the diagonal-peak multiplet of a COSY spectrum of two spins look like if we assigned the absorption mode lineshape in F2 to magnetization along x and the absorption mode lineshape in Fl to sine modulated data in tl ? What would the cross-peak multiplet look like with these assignments? E7-4. The smallest coupling that will gives rise to a discernible cross-peak in a COSY spectra depends on both the linewidth and the signal-to-noise ratio of the spectrum. Explain this observation. 3 *E7-5. Complete the analysis of the DQF COSY spectrum by showing in detail that both the cross and diagonal-peak multiplets have the same lineshape and are in anti-phase in both dimensions. Start from the expression in the middle of page 7-10, section 7.4.21. [You will need the identity cosAsinB = j[sin(£ + A) + sin(S - A)]]. *E7-6. Consider the COSY spectrum for a three-spin system. Start with magnetization just on spin 1. The effect of the first pulse is j (*/2)(/ij+/2j+/3j) j Then, only the offset of spin 1 has an effect -hy fl'"7" > -cosQtihy + sin Only the term in Ilx leads to cross- and diagonal peaks, so consider this term only from now on. First allow it to evolve under the coupling to spin 2 and then the coupling to spin sin QjJ^ 2g/|2'|/|A ) 2g/|3t|/|A ) Then, consider the effect of a 90°(x) pulse applied to all three spins. After this pulse, you should find one term which represents a diagonal-peak multiplet, one which represents a cross-peak multiplet between spin 1 and spin 2, and one which represents a cross-peak multiplet between spin 1 and spin 3. What does the fourth term represent? [More difficult] Determine the form of the cross-peak multiplets, using the approach adopted in section 6.4.1. Sketch the multiplets for the case Jl2 ~ J23 > Jl3. [You will need the identity sin A sin B = j[cos(A + B) - cos(A - B)] ] *E7-7. The pulse sequence for two-dimensional TOCSY (total correlation spectroscopy) is shown below 1 isotropic mixing The mixing time, of length T, is a period of isotropic mixing. This is a multiple-pulse sequence which results in the transfer of in-phase magnetization from one spin to another. In a two spin system the mixing goes as follows: 7 isotropic mixing for time T o _t— r . •? _t — r Ilx-v--g--> cos2 itJxlx Ilx + sin2 nJl2T I2x We can assume that all terms other than Ilx do not survive the isotropic mixing sequence, and so can be ignored. Predict the form of the two-dimensional TOCSY spectrum for a two-spin system. What is the value of x which gives the strongest cross peaks? For this optimum value of T, what happens to the diagonal peaks? Can you think of any 4 advantages that TOCSY might have over COSY? E7-8. Repeat the analysis for the HMQC experiment , section, with the phase of the first spin-2 (carbon-13) pulse set to -x rather than +x. Confirm that the observable signals present at the end of the sequence do indeed change sign. E7-9. Why must the phase of the second spin-1 (proton) 90° pulse in the HSQC sequence, section, be y rather than x? E7-10. Below is shown the pulse sequence for the HETCOR (heteronuclear correlation) experiment 1 fNHN n i i w ^2 A B '■' C This sequence is closely related to HSQC, but differs in that the signal is observed on carbon-13, rather than being transferred back to proton for observation. Like HSQC and HMQC the resulting spectrum shows cross peaks whose co-ordinates are the shifts of directly attached carbon-13 proton pairs. However, in contrast to these sequences, in HETCOR the proton shift is in Fj and the carbon-13 shift is in F2. In the early days of two-dimensional NMR this was a popular sequence for shift correlation as it is less demanding of the spectrometer; there are no strong signals from protons not coupled to carbon-13 to suppress. We shall assume that spin 1 is proton, and spin 2 is carbon-13. During period A, tv the offset of spin 1 evolves but the coupling between spins 1 and 2 is refocused by the centrally placed 180° pulse. During period B the coupling evolves, but the offset is refocused. The optimum value for the time A is l/(2/12), as this leads to complete conversion into anti-phase. The two 90° pulses transfer the anti-phase magnetization to spin 2. During period C the anti-phase magnetization rephases (the offset is refocused) and if A is l/(2/12) the signal is purely in-phase at the start of t2. Make an informal analysis of this sequence, along the lines of that given in section, and hence predict the form of the spectrum. In the first instance assume that A is set to its optimum value. Then, make the analysis slightly more complex and show that for an arbitrary value of A the signal intensity goes as sm27tJl2A. Does altering the phase of the second spin-1 (proton) 90° pulse from x to y make any difference to the spectrum? [Harder] What happens to carbon-13 magnetization, I2z, present at the beginning of the sequence? How could the contribution from this be removed? 5 Chapter 8: Relaxation E8-1. In an inversion-recovery experiment the following peak heights (S, arbitrary units) were measured as a function of the delay, t, in the sequence: t/s 0.1 0.5 0.9 1.3 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.9 S -98.8 -3.4 52.2 82.5 102.7 115.2 120.7 125.1 The peak height after a single 90° pulse was measured as 130.0 Use a graphical method to analyse these data and hence determine a value for the longitudinal relaxation rate constant and the corresponding value of the relaxation time, Tl. E8-2. In an experiment to estimate Tl using the sequence [180° — T — 90°] acquire three peaks in the spectrum were observed to go through a null at 0.5, 0.6 and 0.8 s respectively. Estimate Tx for each of these resonances. A solvent resonance was still inverted after a delay of 1.5 s; what does this tell you about the relaxation time of the solvent? *E8-3. Using the diagram at the top of page 8-5, write down expressions for AnJAt, dn2/dt etc. in terms of the rate constants W and the populations nt. [Do this without looking at the expressions given on page 8-6 and then check carefully to see that you have the correct expressions]. *E8-4. Imagine a modified experiment, designed to record a transient NOE enhancement, in which rather than spin S being inverted at the beginning of the experiment, it is saturated. The initial conditions are thus Iz(0) = I°z Sz(0) = 0 Using these starting conditions rather than those of Eq. [16] on page 8-10, show that in the initial rate limit the NOE enhancement builds up at a rate proportional to aIS rather than 2 1 and p = 1 -> -1 (e) p = 0 -> 1 Comment on the way in which case (e) differs from all the others. E9-13. Consider a gradient selected N-type DQF COSY 111 G1 G2 G3 We use three gradients; Gl in tx so as to select p = +1 during ^; G2 to select double quantum during the filter delay and G3 to refocus prior to acquisition. (a) Show that the pathway shown, which can de denoted 0—»1 —»2—»-1, is 11 selected by gradients in the ratio Gl:G2:G3 = 1:1:3. (b) Show that this set of gradients also selects the pathway 0—»-1—»4—»-1. What kind of spectrum does such a pathway give rise to? (c) Consider gradients in the ratios Gl.G2.G3 (i) 1:^:2 and (ii) l:^-:f. Show that these combination select the DQ filtered pathway desired. In each case, give another possible pathway which has p = ±1 during tl and p = -1 during t2 that these gradient combinations select. (d) In the light of (b) and (c), consider the utility of the gradient ratio 1.0 : 0.8 : 2.6 *E9-14. Devise a gradient selected version of the triple-quantum filtered COSY experiment, whose basic pulse sequence and CTP was given in E9-7. Your sequence should include recommendations for the relative size of the gradients used. The resulting spectrum must have pure phase (i.e. p = ±1 must be preserved in tx) and phase errors due to the evolution of offsets during the gradients must be removed. How would you expect the sensitivity of your sequence to compare with its phase-cycled counterpart? *E9-1. A possible sequence for PIN selected HMQC is a 1' \ 1 ■I t| a p~ř2 1 1 b \ i rin G1 G2 P'_?^_/ \_ Psi-(...........................L)- The intention is to recombine P- and Af-type spectra so as to obtain absorption mode spectra. (a) Draw CTPs for the P-type and Af-type versions of this experiment [refer to section for some hints]. (b) What is the purpose of the two 180° pulses a and b, and why are such pulses needed for both proton and carbon-13? (c) Given that yH/yc = 4, what ratios of gradients are needed for the P-type and the Af-type spectra? (d) Compare this sequence with that given in section, pointing out any advantages and disadvantages that each has. 12