UV-Vis spectra 1. Basic principles 2. QM of interaction between light and molecules 3. Absorption spectroscopy of electronic states 4. Instrumentation - spectrophotometry 5. Spectroscopic analysis of biopolymers 6. Effect of conformation on absorption „ Student není pohár, který můžeme naplnit, student je pochodeň, kterou můžeme zapálit.“ Biofyzikální chemie II What is light? According to Maxwell, light is an electromagnetic field characterized by a frequency v, velocity c, and wavelength λ. Light obeys the relationships:  c v  h…….Planck constant 6.63 .10-34 J.s  c hvhE  ED  HB    1 v~ c.vv ~ 112 0 108598   Fm.. 17 0 104   Hm. c  00 1 Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck (1858-1947) James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879) http://www.edumedia-sciences.com/en/a185-transverse-electromagnetic-wave Maxwell equations Maxwell's equations describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated and altered by each other and by charges and currents. They are the foundation of classical electrodynamics, classical optics, and electric circuits. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4t7gTmBK3g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfXzwh3KadE The electromagnetic spectrum Relative brightness sensitivity of the human visual system as a function of wavelength Biologically useful spectroscopic regions in UV-Vis-IR Wavelength (cm-1) Energy (aprox.) (J/mol) Spectroscopic region Techniques /Applications ~ 10-5 1250 vacuum UV electronic spectra 3.10-5 420 near UV electronic spectra carbon-carbon bond energy 6.10-5 200 visible electronic spectra ~ 10-3 15 IR vibrational spectra RT at ambient temperature 10-2 1.5 Far IR vibrational spectra There is no simple way to explain the interaction of light with matter. Why? Light is rapidly oscillating electromagnetic field. Molecules contain distribution of charges and spin that have electrical and magnetic properties and these distributions are altered when a molecule is exposed to light. Explanation: 1. The rate at which the molecule responds to this perturbation 2. Why only certain wavelength cause changes in the state of the molecule 3. How the molecule alters the radiation Transmission and color The human eye sees the complementary color to that which is absorbed Oswald circle Type of transition (1) , , and n electrons (2) d and f electrons (3) charge transfer electrons Calculation of properties of molecules by QM 1. The state of a system is described by a wavefunction 2. An observable quantity (E, µ, the location in space) is governed by a mathematical device known as an operator 3. The result of a measurement on a state can be computed by taking the average value of operator on that state 4. A transition between two state can be induced by a perturbation which is measured by an operator (deform the initial state - resembling final state) 5. The ability of light to induce transitions in molecules can be calculated according to its ability to induce µ(s) that oscillate with the light. 6. The preferred directions for inducing dipole moments µ(s) are fixed with respect to the geometry of the molecule. INTERACTION BETWEEN LIGHT AND MOLECULES Ad 1. The state of a system is described by a wavefunction (ψ) is not a directly measurable quantity and it is often referred to as a probability amplitude  *P bia  bia*  22 baP    1d*dP  Dirac notation  ba , normalized functions for two states 1aa  1bb  the maximum value 1ba  the minimum value 0ba  the functions are ortogonal bbaa CC   )s()r()s,r(   )R()R,r( Ne   e electron, N nucleus Born-Opperheimer approximation )r()r( 2211  the state of two electrons without the interaction   OˆdOˆ*OOˆ  is a pure number, the eigenvalue  Hˆdt/di The Schrödinger equation time-independent (stationery state) Hˆ Hamiltonian operator EHˆ  VˆTˆHˆ  the kinetic energy operator the potential energy operator   i i i ii i m p vm 22 1 2 222 2 2   i i i i pˆwhere m pˆ Tˆ systemtheondepends 222  ip  EHˆ time-dependent /iEt e)()t(   0 22 00 )(ee)()t()t(*P /iEt/iEt    22 11 E.......... E..........   2211  CC   i iiC perturbation as a potential Vˆ statefinal............ stateoriginal..........a    i aiia VˆCVˆ  Interaction of light with molecules (chromophores) Chromophore ~10 Ǻ Wavelenght of light ~ 3 000 Ǻ 2) … the spacial variation of the electric field of the light within the molecule 1) … the magnetic vector, only the electric vector For simplicity: I. What can be ignored? The electric field felt by a molecule: ti eE)t(E   0 ) c v(   22 3) …. the effect of time? statefinal............ stateoriginal..........a   What we need to compute?.... the rate at which light causes transitions between anda  For simplicity: II. What can be ignored? …. other states statefinal............stateoriginal.......... ba  Is the interaction (light – molecule) dependent on time?.... )t(VˆHˆHˆ ,   /tiE bb /tiE aa ba e)t(Ce)t(C)t(   Interaction of light with molecules  /tiE bb /tiE aa ba e)t(Ce)t(C)t(    )t(Ce)t(Ce)t(Vˆ)dt/dCedt/dCe)t((i b /tiE ba /tiE ab /tiE ba /tiE a baba     Ca and Cb calculation: some approaches 1) … to expand the charge distribution in a multipole series the electric dipole i i i rˆeˆ ie the electronic charge at the position irˆ Born-Oppenheimer approximation ti 0eEˆ)t(Vˆ  The interaction energy: ˆ the dipole operator abba ˆˆ   the spatial part from–x to + x, from–y to + y, from –z to + z Eo is constant ab EEhv   spectral bands - light absorption or light-induced transition only at certain narrow wavelength (or frequency) interval Interaction of light with molecules   2 02 2 2 1 Eˆdv)t(C dt d dt dP abb b  not only for a – b transition but also b – a transition !!! the rate at which molecules in stage a are transformed to state b by light = the rate of change of 2 b )t(C !!! the rate at which energy is taken up from the incident light beam )v(IB dt dP ab b  abB is the transition rate per unit energy density of the radiation )v(I is the energy density incident on the sample at frequency v 4 E )v(I 2 0  2 ab 2 ab ˆ)/)(3/2(B   !!! the rate at which energy is removed from the light depends on the number of a-b absorption transitions stimulated by light )v(I)BNBN(hv dt )v(dI bababa  Einstein´s coefficients for stimulated absorption and emissioncasessimpleBB baab  Interaction of light with molecules transition dipoles Bab - the transition probability 2 ab 2 ab ˆ)/)(3/2(B   the ability of light to distort a molecule Eˆind  the transition dipole moment - vector MATRIX 2 ab ˆ )v(Ifrom intensity electronic distribution within the molecule 0E.ˆ ab )v(I = f (the relative orientation of the molecule with ) ab ˆ  light-induced dipole not preferred direction, only a preferred orientation excitation in phase or out of phase e.g. exempli gratia In phase Out of phase by 1800 Time = t Time = t+1/2 v Induced neighboring chromophores – the interactions can be attractive or repulsive Regions of Electromagnetic Spectrum Electronic structures of simple molecule S0 S1 T1 Bond length D ground state Singlet excited state Singlet excited state Triplet Energy Dissociated states Vibrationstates ABSORPTION SPECTROSCOPY OF ELECTRONIC STATES (molecular geometry) Transitions corresponding to: e – electronic v – vibrational r – rotational Energy S1- S0 ~ 80kcal/mol 335 kJ/mol Energy v ~ 10kcal/mol 42 kJ/mol Energy r ~ 1 kcal/mol 4.2 kJ/mol Interaction between photon and molecule S0 S1 T1 D S0 S1 T1 S0 S1 transition A F IR UV-vis P Absorption Fluorescence Phosphorescence Interaction between photon and molecule Jablonski diagram Kasha's rule is a principle in the photochemistry of electronically excited molecules. The rule states that photon emission (fluorescence or phosphorescence) occurs in appreciable yield only from the lowest excited state of a given multiplicity. Kasha's rule Electronic absorption spectra of small molecules line spectrum atom H band spectrum molecule I2 Band broadening: enviromental heterogeneity, Doppler shifts and other effects 01 Sˆrot,vibS  magnitudes of transition dipoles absorption spectra of benzene showing solvent-induced broadening (gas, in solution, benzen in C6H14). model benzene modeled as a single electronic band Franck-Condon (FC) Principle • The FC principle states that during an electronic transition, a change from one vibrational energy level to another will be more likely to happen if the two vibrational wave functions overlap more significantly. • Classically, the FC principle is the approximation that an electronic transition is most likely to occur without changes in the positions of the nuclei in the molecular entity and its environment. The resulting state is called a FC state, and the transition involved, a vertical transition. • The quantum mechanical formulation of this principle is that the intensity of a vibrational transition is proportional to the square of the overlap integral between the vibrational wave functions of the two states that are involved in the transition. James Franck (1882-1964) Edward Uhler Condon 1902-1974 lazy nuclei Since electronic transitions are very fast compared with nuclear motions, vibrational levels are favored when they correspond to a minimal change in the nuclear coordinates. The potential wells are shown favoring transitions between v = 0 and v = 2. Absorbing species 1. excitation M + h M* The lifetime of the excited species: 10-8 - 10-9 s 2. relaxation (conversion of the excitation energy to heat) M* M + heat The absorption of ultraviolet or visible radiation generally results from excitation of bonding electrons. The electrons that contribute to absorption by a molecule are: (1) those that participate directly in bond formation between atoms (2) nonbonding or unshared outer electrons that are largely localized about such atoms as oxygen, the halogens, sulfur, and nitrogen. The molecular orbitals associated with single bonds are designated as sigma () orbitals, and the corresponding electrons are  electrons. Energy  *, n *, n *, and  * Methan 125 nm; 150-250nm ; most applications; most applications; 200-700nm; 200-700nm unshared electrons Bonding Bonding Nonbonding Antibonding Antibonding Energy σ π n σ*  * n * n *  * *π* Chromophores Compound sample Transition Chromophores Effect of Conjugation of Chromophores 1,3-butadiene, CH2=CHCH=CH2: a strong absorption band that is displaced to a longer wavelength by 20 nm compared with the corresponding peak for an unconjugated diene Chromophores and conjugated double bonds  Not only the kind of chromophore is important; the benzene-rings are chromophores with π–π* transitions but conjugated double bonds have the spectral effect. The environment of the chromophores or the combination with other chromophores also have a strong influence on the position and values of absorbance bands  From naphthalene to anthracene there is an increasing conjugation of the π bonds. The spectral region of absorbance changes as well as the intensity of absorbance and the form of the absorbance bands  Anthracene and phenanthrene have the same chemical formula but their spectra are different because their structure and hence the electronic environment of the π bonds are different. Energies of Light at the Absorbance Maxima  c hvhE  h…….Planck constant 6.63 .10-34 J.s c…….299 792 458 m.s-1 solvation influences the distribution of energy levels of the base and the excited state (effect of surface active substance) There is a relationship between the wavelengths of the absorbance maxima and the polarity of the solvent used (permitivity) similar effect of pH: protonation-deprotonation batochrom shift Solvation effect Tyrosine d and f electronsconjugation of chromophores >C=C< -N=N- >C=O- -N=O -C≡N Lanthanide and Actinide Ions Charge-Transfer Absorption Donor-acceptor Donor-acceptor Donor-acceptor Light the extinction coefficient Beer–Lambert–Bouguer law dlC I dI   the molar extinction coefficient = f (λ or ω)   lI I dlC I dI 00 lC I I ln 0 l)(C I I log)(A  0 3022./ - low concentrations ˂ 10-2 M - monochromatic light - stabillity of sample Absorbance A Transmittance T 0I I )(T  l)( eII   0 l)(.l)(.elogl)(elog eI I log I I log)(A l)( l)(    1886043430 0 00 the most accurate measurements of A biopolymers SS AIlogIlog  0 Reference: Sample: RR AIlogIlog  0 RS S R AA I I log  Double beam spectrophotometer Differential spectrophotometry  l)CCC()CC(AA I I log ESESSSEESSEE  221 1 2 411 10  ]cmmol[max DNA bases biopolymers problems with ε: high and non-correct due to not known molecular weight …………the average ε per residue, for ODN = phosphate residues ε molar and residue extinction is often implicit the extinction coefficient and cross sections ( molecular size) A …surface of solution slab (cm2) dl… thickness of solution slab (cm) C …molar concentration of solute (M) r…the radius of the solute molecule   00010001 0 2 0 2 ,/CNrAdl/,/CANrf dlmax  the number of solute molecules in the slab the number of solute molecules per cm2 maxf the fraction of the cross-sectional area of the slab occupied by solute molecules P… the probability that light impinging on a molecule is absorbed Pfmax the fraction of incident light absorbed 2 rP moleculetheoftionseccrossthe...  dl,/CN I dI 00010 dlC I dI  lC I I ln 0 l)(C I I log)(A  0 00010 ,/N  dl,/CNdlC 00010 3022./ 2 rP 30320 2 ,/NrP o A1ringaromatic...  the extinction coefficient in calculating molecular properties )v(I)BNBN(hv dt )v(dI bababa  the number of excited molecules (Nb) is negligible )v(I),/BNhv( dt )v(dI ab 00010 the rate of energy uptake for a one-molar solution Avogadro´s number dl)v(I c, BhvN dl dt )v(dI c )v(dI ab                    0001 1 0 dlC I dI  hvN/c,Bab 00001  for both states, integration over a band frequencies dv vhN c, Bab    0 00012 ab 2 ab ˆ)/)(3/2(B   3022./ 2 2 009180 )debye(dv v .ˆD abab    Dipole strength Spectral properties of a simple molecule Formaldehyde (H2CO) H………..1s C………..1s2 2s2 2py 2px hybridization…. 1s2 (2sp2)3 2pz O………..1s2 2s2 2py 2 2px 2pz )O(p)C(p zz 22  )O(p)C(p zz* 22 The absorption intensity the transition dipole moment fˆi initial final *ˆ  *ˆn  The π-π* transition is called an allowed transition The n-π* transition is called a symmetry – forbidden transition  Spectrophotometer  Single and double beam instruments Components of optical instruments 1. Sources 2. Wavelength selectors (filters, monochromators) 3. Sample containers 4. Detectors 5. Readout devices  Applications of Spectrophotometry Spectrophotometry is more suited for quantitative analysis rather than qualitative one 36 Instrumentation - spectrophotometry 37 Instrumentation (Spectrophotometers) A single beam spectrophotometer Wavelength selector The above essential features of a spectrophotometer shows that polychromatic light from a source separated into narrow band of wavelength (nearly monochromatic light) by a wavelength selector, passed through the sample compartment and the transmitted intensity, P, after the sample is measured by a detector In a single beam instrument, the light beam follows a single path from the source, to the monochromator, to the sample cell and finally to the detector 38 Light source Grating Rotating the grating changes the wavelength going through the sample slits slits Sample Phototube The components of a single beam spectrophotometer When blank is the sample Po is determined, otherwise P is measured Separates white light into various colors detects light & measures intensity - white light of constant intensity Single beam spectrophotometer Double Beam Spectrophotometer Range: 200 – 1100 nm Occuracy: 2 nm Absorption of air ˂200 nm Transmittance Transmittance Absorbance Absorbance quartz glass glass quartz glass 40 Double Beam Spectrophotometer Slit (štěrbina) Beam Chopper (vrtulník) Reference (Blank) Mirror Mirror Semi-transparent Mirror Tungsten Lamp (wolframová lampa) Grating (mřížka) Photo- multiplier Quartz Cuvette Sample Mirror Single Beam vs. Double Beam (a) single-beam design (b) dual channel design with beams separated in space but simultaneous in time (c) double-beam design in which beams alternate between two channels." 42 Sources used in UV-Vis Spectrophotometers are continuous sources. • Continuous sources emit radiation of all wavelengths within the spectral region for which they are to be used. • Sources of radiation should also be stable and of high intensity. Continuous Sources Visible and near IR radiation Tungsten Lamp 320-2500 nm Ultraviolet radiation Deuterium Lamp 200-400 nm Light sources Light sources What is the important properties of a source? Brightness Line width Background Stability Lifetime Black-body radiation for Vis and IR but not UV - a tungsten lamp is an excellent source of black-body radiation - operates at 3000 K - produces  from 320 to 2500 nm For UV: - a common lamp is a deuterium arc lamp - electric discharge causes D2 to dissociate and emit UV radiation (160 – 325 nm) - other good sources are: Xe (250 – 1000 nm) or Hg (280 – 1400 nm) 44 Wavelength Selectors Ideally the output of a wavelength selector would be a radiation of a single wavelength. No real wavelength selector is ideal, usually a band of radiation is obtained. The narrower this bandwidth is , the better performance of the instrument. Wavelength selectors Filters Monochromators 45 • Filters permit certain bands of wavelength (bandwidth of ~ 50 nm) to pass through. • The simplest kind of filter is absorption filters , the most common of this type of filters is colored glass filters. • They are used in the visible region. • The colored glass absorbs a broad portion of the spectrum (complementary color) and transmits other portions (its color). Disadvantage • They are not very good wavelength selectors and can’t be used in instruments utilized in research. • This is because they allow the passage of a broad bandwidth which gives a chance for deviations from Beer’s law. • They absorb a significant fraction of the desired radiation. i- Filters Monochromators Early spectrophotometers used prisms - quartz for UV - glass for vis and IR These are now superseded by: Diffraction gratings: - made by drawing lines on a glass with a diamond stylus ca. 20 grooves mm-1 for far IR ca. 6000 mm-1 for UV/vis - can use plastic replicas in less expensive instruments Think of diffraction on a CD 10m x 10m What is the purpose of concave mirrors? Polychromatic radiation enters 2. concave mirror focuses each wavelength at different point of focal plane Orientation of the reflection grating directs only one narrow band to exit slit The light is collimated the first concave mirror Reflection grating diffracts different wavelengths at different angles 47 • n  = d (sin i + sin r) where n = 1, 2, 3,…. • Since incident angle i = constant; therefore   r Reflection Grating Note: For more detail see Skoog text book p. 159-160 For each reflection angle r , a certain wavelength is observed i r d Echellette Grating equation Monochromators: reflection grating  Each wavelength is diffracted off the grating at a different angle  Angle of deviation of diffracted beam is λ dependent  diffraction grating separates the incident beam into its constituent wavelengths components  Groove dimensions and spacings are on the order of the wavelength in question ii- Monochromators They are used for spectral scanning (varying the wavelength of radiation over a considerable range ). They can be used for UV/Vis region. All monochromators are similar in mechanical construction. All monochromators employ slits, mirrors, lenses, gratings or prisms. 49 Reflection grating Grating monochromators  Polychromatic radiation from the entrance slit is collimated (made into beam of parallel rays) by a concave mirrors  These rays fall on a reflection grating, whereupon different wavelengths are reflected at different angles.  The orientation of the reflection grating directs only one narrow band wavelengths, 2, to the exit slit of the mono- chromator  Rotation of the grating allows different wavelengths, 1, to pass through the exit slit The reflection grating monochromator Device consists of entrance and exit slits, mirrors, and a grating to disperse the light 50 51 1. The reflection grating is ruled with a series of closely spaced, parallel grooves with repeated distance d. 2. The grating is covered with Al to make it reflective. 3. When polychromatic light is reflected from the grating, each groove behaves as a new point source of radiation. 4. When adjacent light rays are in phase, they reinforce one another (constructive interference). 5. When adjacent light rays are not in phase, they partially or completely canceled one another (destructive interference). Reflection followed by either constructive or destructive interferences Echellette Reflection Grating 1 2 52 Prism monochromators  Dispersion by prism depends on refraction of light which is wavelength dependent  Violet color with higher energy (shorter wavelength) are diffracted or bent most  While red light with lower energy (longer wavelength are diffracted or bent least As a result, the polychromatic white light is dispersed to its individual colors. 53 Bandwidth Choice The size of the monochromator exit slit determines the width of radiation (bandwidth) emitted from the monochromator. A wider slit width gives higher sensitivity because higher radiation intensity passes to the sample but on the other hand, narrow slit width gives better resolution for the spectrum. In general, the choice of slit width to use in an experiment must be made by compromising these factors. Still, we can overcome the problem of low sensitivity of the small slit by increasing the sensitivity of the detector. What are the advantages and disadvantages of decreasing monochromator slit width? 54 Selection of wavelength Absorbance measurements are always carried out at fixed wavelength (using monochromatic light). When a wavelength is chosen for quantitative analysis, three factors should be considered 1. Wavelength should be chosen to give the highest possible sensitivity. This can be achieved by selecting max or in general the wavelengths at which the absorptivity is relatively high. λmax λmax - wavelength where maximum absorbance occurs 55 By performing the analysis at such wavelengths, it will be sure that the lowest sample concentration can be measured with fair accuracy. For example, the lowest sample concentration (10-5 M) can be measured with good accuracy at max, while at other wavelength (1), it may not be detected at all. Absorbance max 1 wavelength 10-2 M 10-3 M 10-4 M 10-5 M 5x10-5 M 56 shoulder Broad horizontal bands  m Absorbance A  A wavelength Band A Band B 2. It is preferable to choose the wavelength at which the absorbance will not significantly change if the wavelength is slightly changed, i.e., A /  is minimum. At a wavelength corresponding to broad horizontal band on the spectrum (band A), the radiation is mainly absorbed to the same extent (A /  zero). However on a steep portion of the spectrum (band B), the absorbance will change greatly if the wavelength is changed (A /  is large) . Thus on repeating the absorbance measurements, you might get different readings and the precision of the measurements will be poor. 3- If the solution contains more than absorbing species, the wavelength should be chosen, whenever possible, in region at which the other species does not absorb radiation or its absorbance is minimum. By this way, the second species does not interfere in the determination. wavelength Absorbance sample m Interfering species 57 58 Sample compartment (cells)  For Visible and UV spectroscopy, a liquid sample is usually contained in a cell called a cuvette.  Glass is suitable for visible but not for UV spectroscopy because it absorbs UV radiation. Quartz can be used in UV as well as in visible spectroscopy 1 cm 1 cm Opaque Face Transparent Face Long pathlength Short pathlength (b) 1 cm pathlength cuvet 59 Detectors  The detectors are devices that convert radiant energy into electrical signal.  A Detector should be sensitive, and has a fast response over a considerable range of wavelengths.  In addition, the electrical signal produced by the detector must be directly proportional to the transmitted intensity (linear response). h e- -V Photosensitive cathode amplifier i- Phototube anode Phototube emits electrons from a photosensitive, negatively charged cathode when struck by visible or UV radiation The electrons flow through vacuum to an anode to produce current which is proportional to radiation intensity. 60 Photomultiplier tube  It is a very sensitive device in which electrons emitted from the photosensitive cathode strike a second surface called dynode which is positive with respect to the original cathode.  Electrons are thus accelerated and can knock out more than one electrons from the dynode.  If the above process is repeated several times, so more than 106 electrons are finally collected for each photon striking the first cathode. photochathode anode high voltage voltage divider network dynodeslight electrons e- 61 Double Beam Spectrophotometer Signal Time B S BB S S BB S 100 B S T%  represents P represents P0 62 Schematic diagram of a double beam scanning spectrophotometer  In double beam arrangement, the light alternately passes through the sample and reference (blank), directed by rotating half-sector mirror (chopper) into and out of the light path.  When light passes through the sample, the detector measures the P. When the chopper diverts the beam through the blank solution, the detector measures P0.  The beam is chopped several times per second and the electronic circuit automatically compares P and P0 to calculate absorbance and Transmittance. 63 Advantages of double beam instruments over single beam instruments Single beam spectrophotometer is inconvenient because 1. The sample and blank must be placed alternately in the light path. 2. For measurements at multiple wavelengths, the blank must be run at each wavelength. In double beam instruments 1. The absorption in the sample is automatically corrected for the absorption occurring in the blank, since the readout of the instrument is log the difference between the sample beam and the blank beam. 2. Automatic correction for changes of the source intensity and changes in the detector response with time or wavelength because the two beams are compared and measured at the same time. 3. Automatic scanning and continuous recording of spectrum (absorbance versus wavelength). 64 Applications of Ultraviolet/Visible Molecular Absorption Spectrophotometry  Molecular spectroscopy based upon UV-Vis radiation is used for identification and estimation of inorganic, organic and biomedical species.  Molecular UV-Vis absorption spectrophotometry is employed primarily for quantitative analysis.  UV/Vis spectrophotometry is probably more widely used in chemical and clinical laboratories throughout the world than any other single method.  The important characteristics of Spectrophotometric methods 1. Wide applicability to both organic and inorganic systems 2. High sensitivity of 10-6-10-4 M 3. Moderate to high selectivity. 4. Good accuracy the relative error encountered in concentration lie in the range from 1% to 3% 5. Ease and convenience of data acquisition 65 66 Resources and references Textbook: Principles of instrumental analysis, Skoog et al., 5th edition, chapter 7, 13. Quantitative chemical analysis, Daniel C. Harris, 6th edition , chapter 20. Lecture slides partially adopted from Dr. Raafat Aly slides. Useful links http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxC6F7bK8CU&feature=player_detailpage http://bio-animations.blogspot.com/2008/04/double-beam-uvvis- spectrophotometer.html Spectral properties of biological molecules  Much more complex than FA  Major constrains – solvents and solvation  In water experiments at λ ˃ 170nm, water is strongly polar, electronic absorption bands are broader than in most other solvents (at various orientations and distances), problem of temperature (1 – 1000C) Protein chromophores peptide bond itself aminoacid side chains any prosthetic groups model formamide N-methylacetamide π electrones are delocalized over C,O,N n-π* transition – the lowest energy of electronic transition is symmetry – forbidden 210-220 nm, εmax ~ 100 UV spectra of poly-L-lysine in aqueous solutions UV spectra of aromatic amino acid AA – in the same spectral region – the strong peptide absorption (π-π*) AAA – in pH 7 (π-π*) symmetry Tryptophane Tyrosine Phenylalanine Tyrosine pH effect When a DNA helix is denatured to become single strands, e.g. by heating, the absorbance is increased about 30 percent. This increase, called the hyperchromic effect, reveals the interaction between the electronic dipoles in the stacked bases of the native helix. UV spectra of DNA and its bases A pure DNA solution appears transparent to the eye, and absorption doesn't become measurable until 320 nm. Moving further into the u.v. region, there is a peak at about 260 nm, followed by a dip between 220 and 230, and then the solution becomes essentially opaque in the far u.v. hyperchromic hypochromic (π-π*) (π-π*) (n-π*) Electronic state of nucleobases is more complex than chromophores of peptides low symmetry many nonbonded electrons several different transition (π-π*) (n-π*) Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics The UV absorption of nucleobases: semi-classical ab initio spectra simulations Absorption spectra of chlorophylls Effect prosthetic groups Polypeptide chain – prosthetic group (apoprotein) local environment oxidation-reduction 200 – 300 nm • Prosthetic group must have a high enough molar extinction coefficient to be detectable at typical protein concentrations • To avoid the formation of intermolecular aggregates Snímek polární záře na Jupiteru, jak ji v ultrafialovém oboru spektra zaznamenal Hubbleův vesmírný dalekohled Podle moderních modelů evoluce je vznik a evoluce prvotních proteinů a enzymů schopných reprodukce připisován právě existenci ultrafialového záření.