1 Micro(fluidic) mass spectrometry František Foret, Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Brno, Czech Republic Introduction – history Instrumentation, ESI tip preparation Applications Miniaturized MS Terry, S.C., Jerman, J.H., Angell, J.B. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 1979, 26, 1880-86. A Gas Chromatographic Air Analyzer Fabricated on a Silicon Wafer Microfabrication at subdifraction-limit resolution 780 nm, 150 fsec, Ti-saphire laser. Raster scanning with two photon absorbtion polymerization of SCR500 resin. Spatial resolution 120 nm. Kawata, S., Sun, H.-B., Tanaka, T. & Takada, K. Finer features for functional microdevices. Nature 412, 697 - 698 (2001). 2 mm 2 mm Steven A. Soper, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill Steven A. Soper, Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill Adam T. Woolley And Richard A. Mathies Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, vol. 91, pp. 11348-11352, 1994 Ultra-high-speed DNA fragment separations using microfabricated capillary array electrophoresis chips Yining Shi, Peter C. Simpson, James R. Scherer, David Wexler, Christine Skibola, Martyn T. Smith, and Richard A. Mathies. Anal. Chem. 1999, 71, 5354-5361 Radial Capillary Array Electrophoresis Microplate and Scanner for High-Performance Nucleic Acid Analysis. Karger, B.L., Foret, F., Qifeng, X., Dunayevski, Y., Zavracki, P., McGruer, N. U.S. Patent # 5,872,010, 1999. What is claimed is: 1. A liquid handling system, comprising a microscale liquid handling substrate having one or more channels integrally formed therein, for conducting a liquid sample in said substrate, said one or more channels terminating in one or more exit ports in an outer surface of said substrate for transfer of a microscale quantity of a liquid sample off said substrate by droplet, spray or stream; Microscale Fluid Handling System 2 Xue, Q., Foret, F., Dunayevskiy, Y.M., Zavracky, P.M., McGruer, N.E., Karger, B.L. Anal.Chem., 69, 1997, 426-430. Multichannel Microchip Electrospray Mass Spectrometry J. M. Ramsey, R. Ramsey Anal. Chem., 1997, 69, 1174-1178. Generating Electrospray from Microchip Devices Using Electroosmotic Pumping Etching, pulling, … Grinding Original capillary ESI tip (micro)fabrication ? Electrospray tip preparation • grinding • pulling • etching Ryan T. Kelly , Jason S. 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BSA digest separated with a 30min gradient on a 2 column segmented chip, packed with 3.5μm particles Segmented column HPLC/chip www.agilent.com TRIZAIC nanoTile - Waters Enolase digest 70 fmol, 2 mm particles nanoACQUITY TRIZAIC nanoTile Green tape Al2O3–MgO–SiO2 glass particles mixed with organic binders and solvents to form glass ceramic Product Description 951 Green Tape is a low-temperature cofired ceramic tape. The 951 system comprises a complete cofireable family of Au and Ag metallizations, buried passives, and encapsulants. 951 is available in multiple thicknesses for use as an insulating layer in: •Multichip modules •Single chip packages •Ceramic printed wiring boards •RF modules http://www.dupont.com/mcm Cut Ceramic Material Fired Wafer Ceramic Microfluidic Fabrication Final Diced Part Channel Geometries and Packing 1.7mm particles 8 Channel shape effect connections Packed glass LC chip Eksigent, part of AB SCIEX, www.eksigent.com Miniaturized (microfabricated) mass spectrometers? Miniaturized (microfabricated) mass spectrometers Miniature Mass Spectrometers Ouyang Z., Cooks, G.R., Annu.Rev.Anal.Chem. 2009, 2, 187-214. Ouyang Z., Cooks, G.R., Annual Rev.Anal.Chem. 2009, 2, 187-214. Miniature Mass Spectrometer Systems based on a Microengineered Quadrupole Filter A. Malcolm, S.Wright, R. R. A. Syms, N. Dash, M.-A. Schwab, A. Finlay Anal. Chem. 2010, 82, 1751–1758 A miniature mass spectrometer for liquid chromatography applications Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Volume 25, Issue 21, pages 3281-3288, 3 OCT 2011 DOI: 10.1002/rcm.5230 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/rcm.5230/full#rcm5230-fig-0002 9 Mass Analyzer ionchip® quadrupole mass spectrometer Mass Range m/z 50-800 with ionchip®150 Mass Accuracy ± m/z 0.3 in full scan Mass Resolution m/z 0.7±0.1 FWHM Sensitivity 10pg of reserpine in SIM mode S/N ratio of 10:1 (RMS) www.microsaic.com Advion expression Compact Mass Spectrometer www.advion.com www.ce-ce.org * No registration fee. * Free coffee breaks, lunches and conference dinner for registered participants. * One day Student/Young Scientist Sessions * Poster sessions * Extended Abstracts indexed in WOS CECE 2014 Including CECE Junior October 20 – 22, Brno, Czech Republic HPLC 2017 Prague 18. – 23. 6. 2017,Czech Republic www.hplc2017.org