Cell, Vol. 92, 291–294, February 6, 1998, Copyright ©1998 by Cell Press The Cell as a Collection Overview of Protein Machines: Preparing the Next Generation of Molecular Biologists with the macroscopic world, these protein assemblies contain highly coordinated moving parts. Within each protein assembly, intermolecular collisions are not only restricted to a small set of possibilities, but reaction C depends on reaction B, which in turn depends on reacBruce Alberts President, National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue NW Washington, D.C. 20418 Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics tion A—just as it would in a machine of our commonUniversity of California, San Francisco experience (Alberts, 1984).San Francisco, California 94143 Underlying this highly organized activity are ordered conformational changes in one or more proteins driven byIntroduction nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysis (or by other sources of energy, such as an ion gradient). Because the confor-We have always underestimated cells. Undoubtedly we mational changes driven in this way dissipate free en-still do today. But at least we are no longer as naive as ergy, they generally proceed only in one direction.we were when I was a graduate student in the 1960s. An earlier brief review emphasized how the direction-Then, most of us viewed cells as containing a giant ality imparted by nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysesset of second-order reactions: molecules A and B were allows allosteric proteins to function in three differentthought to diffuse freely, randomly colliding with each ways: as motor proteins that move in a polarized fashionother to produce molecule AB—and likewise for the along a filament or a nucleic acid strand;as proofreadingmany other molecules that interact with each other indevices or “clocks”that increase the fidelityof biologicalside a cell. This seemed reasonable because, as we had reactions by screening out poorly matched partners;learned from studying physical chemistry, motions at and as assembly factors that catalyze the formation ofthe scale of molecules are incredibly rapid. Consider an protein complexes and are then recycled. (See figure 1enzyme, for example. If its substrate molecule is present in Alberts and Miake-Lye, 1992.) at a concentration of 0.5mM, which is only one substrate Since the time of that review, the number of protein molecule for every 105 water molecules, the enzyme’s assemblies that are recognized to employ such devices active site will randomly collide with about 500,000 molhas substantially increased. In particular, the nearly ubiqecules of substrate per second. And a typical globular uitous use of energy-driven conformational changes protein will be spinning to and fro, turning about various to promote the local assembly of protein complexes, axes at rates corresponding to a million rotations per thereby creating a high degree of order in the cell, has second. become universally recognized. A simple generic diaBut, as it turns out, we can walk and we can talk gram of such a process is presented in Figure 1. because the chemistry that makes life possible is much We have also come to realize that protein assemmore elaborate and sophisticated than anything we stublies can be enormously complex. Consider for example dents had ever considered. Proteins make up most of the spliceosome. Composed of 5 small nuclear RNAs the dry mass of a cell. But instead of a cell dominated (snRNAs) and more than 50 proteins, this machine is by randomly colliding individual protein molecules, we thought to catalyze an ordered sequence of more than now know that nearly every major process in a cell is 10 RNA rearrangements as it removes an intron from an carried out by assemblies of 10 or more protein moleRNA transcript. As cogently described in this issue of cules. And, as it carries out its biological functions, each Cell by Staley and Guthrie (1998), these steps involve of these protein assemblies interacts with several other at least eight RNA-dependent ATPase proteins and one large complexes of proteins. Indeed, the entire cell can GTPase, each of which is presumed to drive an ordered be viewed as a factory that contains an elaborate net- conformational change in the spliceosome and/or in its work of interlocking assembly lines, each of which is bound RNA molecule. As the example of the spliceocomposed of a set of large protein machines. some should make clear, the cartoons thus far used to Consider, as an example, the cell cycle–dependent depict protein machines (e.g., Figure 1) vastly underestidegradation of specific proteins that helps to drive a mate the sophistication of many of these remarkable cell through mitosis. First a large complex of about 10 devices. proteins, the anaphase-promoting complex (APC), se- Given the ubiquity of protein machines in biology, we lects out a specific protein for polyubiquitination (King should be seriously attempting a comparative analysis et al., 1996; Zachariae et al., 1996); this protein is then of all of the known machines, with the aim of classifying targeted to the proteasome’s 19S cap complex formed them into types and deriving some general principles from about 20 different subunits; and the cap complex for future analyses. Some of the methodologies that then transfers the targeted protein into the barrel of the have been derived by the engineers who analyze the large 20S proteasome itself, where it is finally converted machines of our common experience are likely to be to small peptides (Baumeister et al., 1998 [this issue]). relevant. For example, modern machines comprised of subsystems from different “domains” (i.e., mechanical, Ordered Movements Drive Protein Machines electrical, fluid, thermal) are often analyzed by an enWhy do we call thelarge protein assemblies that underlie ergy-based approach. Here a mathematical description cell function protein machines? Precisely because, like of the machine is achieved by considering certain scalar functions that represent the system energy (i.e., kineticthe machines invented by humans to deal efficiently Cell 292 dissipate energy. Any particular part of a machine might be modeled as consisting of one or more of these basic constituent elements. It seems reasonable to expect that different, but analogous approaches could profitably be applied to the protein machines that underlie the workings of all living things. Should We Expect a Protein Machine to Be Well Engineered? It is not hard to see why protein machines are advantageous to cells. A mere glance at the collection of articles in this issue of Cell should suffice to prove the point. Compare for example the speed and elegance of the machine that simultaneously replicates both strands of the DNA double helix (Baker and Bell, 1998 [this issue]) with what could be achieved if each of the individual components (DNA polymerase, DNA helicase, DNA primase, sliding clamp) acted instead in an uncoordinated manner. But the devil is in the details. What, for example, has been the advantage to the higher eukaryotic cell of adding additional polypeptide chains to the DNA replication apparatus, while retaining the same basic functions as found in the bacterium E. coli and its viruses (Stillman, 1994)? And to what extent has the design of presentday protein machines been constrained by the long evolutionary pathway through which the function evolved, rather than being optimally engineered for the function at hand? At least for protein synthesis on the ribosome, the evolutionary history—dating back to an “RNA world”—is thought to have played a predominant role (Green and Noller, 1997; Wilson and Noller, 1998 [this issue]). And when one examines the other protein assemblies known to operate in cells—such as the various complexes of RNA polymerase and its sets of accessory factors that catalyze transcription in eukaryotes—one is sometimes reminded of the many irrational complexities of a Rube Figure 1. How the Energy Derived from Nucleoside Triphosphate Goldberg cartoon (Tjian, 1996; Greenblatt, 1997; KadoHydrolysis Makes Possible the Localized Assembly of Protein Comnaga, 1998 [this issue]). But perhaps this is only because plexes we still understand so little of what the cell needs to In this schematic, the protein serving as a catalytic assembly factor accomplish with each of its various protein assemblies. either exchanges GDP for GTP, or is phosphorylated by a protein About ten years ago, I was struck by the speed andkinase using ATP. In either case, the added phosphate (P) activates the elegance of the protein machine that replicates DNAthis protein (green) to bind the red protein, which induces a conformational change that causes the blue protein also to bind. As indi- (Alberts, 1987) in comparison to what I viewed then as a cated, this generates a very tight complex, in which each of the slow and ponderous ribosome. This led to a speculation: three proteins stabilizes the others in the complex. Loss of the those present-day reactions that evolved early in the indicated phosphate by hydrolysis then provides the energy needed history of life on the earth (like protein synthesis) should to release the green protein, allowing it to be reused repeatedly as have originated in a cell dominated by RNA catalysis;a local factor for assembling the other two proteins. these reactions might therefore remain relatively inefficient, due to constraints traceable to their evolutionary history. In contrast, those present-day reactions thatand potential energy) and the work done by external forces. The laws of nature are then enforced by applica- evolved later (like DNA replication), in a cell dominated by protein catalysis, could beexpected to be much moretion of first principles to arrive at the so-called equations of motion (Meirovitch, 1970; Ogata, 1992). efficient (Alberts, 1986). The complexity of the spliceosome might support this view, if one assumes that RNAAt the heart of such methods is the simplification and idealization of a real world machine as a composition splicing was a very early event that predated the existence of cells rich in proteins. However, the argumentof discrete elements. Engineersrecognize certainfundamental behaviors in nature and then create an idealized has certainly been weakened by the unexpected complexity of DNA transcription processes in eukaryotes,element to represent each of those behaviors. Most simply, they classify elements as those that store kinetic which I would have predicted to mimic DNA replication in their elegance and their simplicity.energy, those that store potential energy, and those that Overview: Protein Machines 293 Answers to puzzling questions like these will require by thermodynamic and kinetic factors, as well as an ability to use new developments in chemistry and phys-that we acquire a muchmore complete understandingof the manyprotein assemblies that carryout the important ics as appropriate tools, will often be vital for success. From my point of view, the education that we arefunctions of the cell. offering today to young biologists in our colleges and universities isseriously in needof a major rethinking. The How Should We Educate the Next Generation good news is that biology has become an increasingly of Molecular Biologists? popular major for our undergraduates, and there is no This brings me to the central point of this introduction. reason whywe cannot excite allof them about science— A careful reading of this volume should convince every- whether budding researchers, premedical students, or one of at least two things: first, that we have made those aiming for other professions. But the bad news incredible progress in deciphering what we know today is that far too many of our introductory courses are about protein assemblies; and second, that we still have tedious surveys of an entire field—as if, for example, an enormous amount more to learn. Thus, for example, one could hope to gain any real understanding of all of our current drawings of the structure of the nuclear pore biology in a single year. And in an era where there is a complex seem reminiscent of the sketches of houses uniform push for exposing K-12 students to “science as that are drawn by young children, and they probably inquiry,” as emphasized in the National Science Educabear a similar relation to the real thing. Determining the tion Standards (National Research Council, 1996, 1997), structure of this fascinating cellular component, approx- it remains hard to find any evidence of inquiry in most imately 25 times larger than a ribosome (Ohno et al., of our introductory college science laboratories. 1998 [this issue]), remains a daunting challenge that will Most important for the future of our field, the departprobably require methodologies not yet developed. And mental structures at most universities seem to have thus what new techniques will allow us to follow the kinetics far prevented any major rethinking of what preparation and structure of each of the intermediatesinvolved in the in mathematics, what preparation in physics, and what many fascinating transport reactions that occur deep preparation in chemistry is most appropriate for either within the lipid bilayer membrane? (See Matlack et al., the research biologists or the medical doctors who will 1998 [this issue]). be working 10 or 20 years from now. The result is a Even when we know the detailed structure of a protein major mismatch between what today’s students who assembly at an atomic level, as we do for the chaparonin are interested in biology should be learning and the GroEL-GroES, much will remain to be studied. As the actual course offerings that are available to them. It is article by Bukau and Horwich (1998) makes clear, any largely for this reason, I believe, that so many talented real understanding of the function of a protein machine young biologists feel that mathematics, chemistry, and will require not only its resting structure in atomic detail, physics are of minor importance to their careers. but also a knowledge of the kinetics and energetics of It is my hope that some of the young scientists who each of its reaction intermediates. New techniques will read this issue of Cell will come to the realization that need to be developed to facilitate such research. But, much of the great future in biology lies in gaining a as always in biology, it will be crucial to define the key detailed understanding of the inner workings of the cell’s parameters that need to be determined, since much many marvelous protein machines. With this perspecmore can be measured than should be measured. Out- tive, students may well be motivated to gain the backstanding prototype investigations that are clearly ex- ground in the quantitative sciences that they will need plained and reexplained in review articles and textbooks to explore this subject successfully. But they will need can help both to shape this exciting new field and to the faculty in our colleges and universities to lead them. recruit young scientists to it. Many of my generation fear that the molecular biology Acknowledgments revolution that we have just been through has made I am indebted to Jonathan Alberts for his explanations of how engi-biological research look deceptively easy. Perhaps as neers analyze machines, Mei Lie Wong for preparation of the figure, a result, we generally find that even our most talented and Teresa Donovan for manuscript preparation. graduate students lack the background in the physical sciences that they are likely to need to decipher the References detailed chemistry of protein machines. These individuAlberts, B.M. (1984). The DNA enzymology of protein machines.als have taken the standard undergraduate courses in Cold Spring Harb. Symp. Quant. Biol. 49, 1–12.physics and chemistry, but they have generally not seen Alberts, B.M. (1986). Thefunction of the hereditary materials: biologi-these subjects as central to carrying out research in cal catalyses reflect the cell’s evolutionary history. Amer. Zool. 26, molecular biology. True, in an era dominated by gene 781–796. cloning, many of today’s most distinguished scientists Alberts, B.M. (1987). Prokaryotic DNA replication mechanisms. Phil. have been enormously productive without any quantitaTrans. R. Soc. Lond. B 317, 395–420. tive skills. But the students of today will carry out most of Alberts, B., and Miake-Lye, R. (1992). Unscrambling the puzzle of their research in a post-genome-sequencing era, when biological machines: the importance of the details. Cell 68, 415–420. most of the advances in molecular biology will come Baumeister, W., Walz, J., Zu¨hl, F., and Seemu¨ ller, E. (1998). The from successfully dissecting complicated in vitro sys- proteasome: paradigm of a self-compartmentalizing protease. Cell, tems composed of pure components (e.g., proteins, nu- this issue, 92, 367–380. cleic acids, and/or membranes). Here a deep under- Baker, T.A., and Bell, S.P. (1998). Polymerases and the replisome: machines within machines. Cell, this issue, 92, 295–305.standing of the key constraints on the system posed Cell 294 Bukau, B., and Horwich, A.L. (1998). The Hsp70 and Hsp60 chaperone machines. Cell, this issue, 92, 351–366. Green, R., and Noller, H. (1997). Ribosomes and translation. Annu. Rev. Biochem. 66, 679–716. Greenblatt, J. (1997). RNA polymerase II holoenzyme and transcriptional regulation. Curr. Opin. Cell. Biol. 9, 310–319. Kadonaga, J.T. (1998). Eukaryotic transcription: an interlaced network of transcription factors and chromatin-modifying machines. Cell, this issue, 92, 307–313. King, R., Deshaies, R., Peters, J., and Kirschner, M. (1996). How proteolysis drives the cell cycle. Science 274, 1652–1659. Matlack, K.E.S., Mothes, W., and Rapoport, T.A. (1998). Protein translocation: tunnel vision. Cell, this issue, 92, 381–390. Meirovitch, L. (1970). Methods of Analytical Dynamics (New York: McGraw-Hill). National Research Council (1996). The National Science Education Standards (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press). Ͻwww. nap.edu/readingroom/books/nses/Ͼ National Research Council (1997). Science Teaching Reconsidered (Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press). Ͻwww.nap.edu/read ingroom/books/str/Ͼ Ogata, K. (1992). System Dynamics, 2nd Ed. (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall). Ohno, M., Fornerod, M., and Mattaj, I.W. (1998). Nucleocytoplasmic transport: the last 200 nanometers. Cell, this issue, 92, 327–336. Staley, J.P., and Guthrie, C. (1998). Mechanical devices of the spliceosome: motors, clocks, springs, and things. Cell, this issue, 92, 315–326. Stillman, B. (1994). Smart machines at the DNA replication fork. Cell 78, 725–728. Tjian, R. (1996). The biochemistry of transcription in eukaryotes: a paradigm for multisubunit regulatory complexes. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B 351, 491–499. Wilson, K.S., and Noller, H.F. (1998). Molecular movement inside the translational engine. Cell, this issue, 92, 337–349. Zachariae, W., Shin, T., Galova, M., Obermaier, B., and Nasmyth, K. (1996). Identification of subunits of the anaphase-promoting complex of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Science 274, 1201–1204.