Problems for the Course F5170 Introduction to Plasma Physics Jiří Šperka, Jan Voráč, Lenka Zajíčková Department of Physical Electronics Faculty of Science Masaryk University 2014 Contents 1 Introduction 5 1.1 Theory............................... 5 1.2 Problems ............................. 6 1.2.1 Derivation of the plasma frequency........... 6 1.2.2 Plasma frequency and Debye length.......... 7 1.2.3 Debye-Hiickel potential ................. 8 2 Motion of particles in electromagnetic fields 9 2.1 Theory............................... 9 2.2 Problems ............................. 10 2.2.1 Magnetic mirror ..................... 10 2.2.2 Magnetic mirror of a different construction...... 10 2.2.3 Electron in vacuum - three parts............ 11 2.2.4 E x B drift........................ 11 2.2.5 Relativistic cyclotron frequency............. 12 2.2.6 Relativistic particle in an uniform magnetic field ... 12 2.2.7 Law of conservation of electric charge......... 12 2.2.8 Magnetostatic field.................... 12 2.2.9 Cyclotron frequency of electron............. 12 2.2.10 Cyclotron frequency of ionized hydrogen atom .... 13 2.2.11 Magnetic moment .................... 13 2.2.12 Magnetic moment 2................... 13 2.2.13 Lorentz force....................... 13 3 Elements of plasma kinetic theory 14 3.1 Theory............................... 14 3.2 Problems ............................. 15 3.2.1 Uniform distribution function.............. 15 3.2.2 Linear distribution function............... 15 3.2.3 Quadratic distribution function............. 15 3.2.4 Sinusoidal distribution function............. 15 3.2.5 Boltzmann kinetic equation............... 15 1 CONTENTS 2 4 Average values and macroscopic variables 16 4.1 Theory............................... 16 4.2 Problems ............................. 17 4.2.1 RMS speed........................ 17 4.2.2 Mean speed of sinusoidal distribution ......... 17 4.2.3 Mean speed of quadratic distribution.......... 17 4.2.4 The equilibrium temperature.............. 17 4.2.5 Particle density...................... 17 4.2.6 Most probable speed of linear distribution....... 17 4.2.7 Most probable speed of sinusoidal distribution .... 17 5 The equilibrium state 20 5.1 Theory............................... 20 5.2 Problems ............................. 21 5.2.1 Gamma function..................... 21 5.2.2 ID Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function..... 21 5.2.3 Two-dimensional Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function ............................ 22 5.2.4 Three-dimensional Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function ............................ 23 5.2.5 Exotic one-dimensional distribution function ..... 23 6 Particle interactions in plasmas 24 6.1 Theory............................... 24 6.2 Problems ............................. 25 6.2.1 Mean free path of Xe ions................ 25 6.2.2 Hard sphere model.................... 26 6.2.3 Total scattering cross section.............. 26 7 Macroscopic transport equations 27 7.1 Theory............................... 27 7.2 Problems ............................. 28 7.2.1 Afterglow......................... 28 7.2.2 Macroscopic collision term - momentum equation . . 28 7.2.3 Macroscopic collision - momentum equation II ... . 29 7.2.4 Simplified heat flow equation.............. 30 8 Macroscopic equations for a conducting fluid 31 8.1 Theory............................... 31 8.2 Problems ............................. 31 8.2.1 Electric current density................. 31 8.2.2 Fully ionised plasma................... 32 8.2.3 Diffusion across the magnetic field........... 32 CONTENTS 3 9 Plasma conductivity and diffusion 34 9.1 Theory............................... 34 9.2 Problems ............................. 35 9.2.1 DC plasma conductivity................. 35 9.2.2 Mobility tensor for magnetised plasma......... 36 9.2.3 Ohm's law with magnetic field ............. 36 9.2.4 Diffusion equation.................... 37 10 Some basic plasma phenomena 38 10.1 Theory............................... 38 10.2 Problems ............................. 39 10.2.1 Waves in non-magnetized plasma............ 39 10.2.2 Floating potential .................... 39 10.2.3 Böhm velocity ...................... 39 10.2.4 Plasma frequency..................... 39 11 Boltzmann and Fokker-Planck collision terms 41 11.1 Theory............................... 41 11.2 Problems ............................. 42 11.2.1 Collisions for Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function 42 11.2.2 Collisions for different distributions........... 43 11.2.3 Collisions for Druyvesteyn distribution......... 43 List of Figures 1.1 Illustration of the problem no. 1.2.1............... 7 2.1 Sketch of the problem 2.2.3.................... 11 4.1 Diagram to the problem of the highest equilibrium temperature 4.2.4.............................. 18 4.2 Diagram to the problem of the highest particle density 4.2.5. 18 4 Preface This document contains exercise problems for the course F5170 - Introduction to plasma physics. This work was supported by the Ministry of Research and Education of the Czech Republic, project no. FRVS 12/2013/G6. The most valuable source of information for this document was the book Fundamentals of Plasma Physics by J. A. Bittencourt [4]. The authors would be grateful for any notification about eventual errors. The complete and up-to-date version of this document can be found at Contacts Jiří Sperka Jan Voráč Lenka Zajíčková Physical constants Proton rest mass mp 1,67- 1(T 27 kg Electron rest mass me 9.109 • 10 -31kg Elementary charge e 1.602 • 10 -19 C Boltzmann's constant k 1.38 • io- 23 J K-1 Vacuum permittivity 8.854 • 10 -12A2 s^g-im-3 Used symbols Vector quantities are typed in bold face (v), scalar quantities, including magnitudes of vectors are in italic (v). Tensors are usually in upper-case calligraphic typeface (V). 5 Operators scalar product a • b vector product a x b ith derivative with respect to x ^ partial derivative 7^- 1 ox nabla operator V = (^, j|, ) Laplace operator A = V2 total time derivative ^ = + u • V Physical quantities electron concentration ne electron temperature Te electron plasma frequency upe Debye length Ad Larmor radius rc Larmor frequency 0,c magnetic moment m force F electric field intensity E magnetic field induction B arb. quantity for one type of particles Xa distribution function f(Xa) mean velocity u charge denisty p mass density pm collision frequency v source term due to collisions Sa scalar pressure p tensor of kinetic pressure V mobility of particles Ma 6 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Theory Electron plasma frequency = const y/n^. (1.1) describes the typical electrostatic collective electron oscillations due to little separation of electric charge. Plasma frequencies of other particles can be defined in a similar way. However, the electron plasma frequency is the most important because of high mobility of electrons (the proton/electron mass ratio mp/me is 1.8 x 103). Note that plasma oscillations will only be observed if the plasma system is studied over time periods longer than the plasma period u~1 and if external actions change the system at a rate no faster than up. Observations over length-scales shorter than the distance traveled by a typical plasma particle during a plasma period will also not detect plasma behaviour. This distance, which is the spatial equivalent to the plasma period , is called the Debye length, and takes the form The Debye length is independent of mass and is therefore comparable for different species. 7 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 8 ne [cm 3] Tel eV] tlak [Pa] Ref. Plasma Displays (2.5-3.7) xlO11 max 3 xlO12 0.8- -1.8 (20-50) xlO3 (40-67) xlO3 [8] [22] (0.2-3) xlO13 1.6- -3.4 [19] Earth's ionosphere max 106 max 0.26 [6] 10~5 [2] RF Magnetrons 0.5-10 [15] 1-8 xlO9 2-9 0.3-2.6 [20] DC Magnetrons 1018 1-5 0.5-2.5 [23] RF Atmospheric 1013-1014 105 [10] plasma 0.2- -6 105 [12] MW Atmospheric 1.2- -1.9 105 [14] plasma 3 x 1014 [11] Welding arc 1.5 x 1017 1.5 105 105 [3] [21] 1.6 x 1017 1.3 105 [18] Low-pressure CCP 6 x 108 6-7 [24] (0.5-4.5) xlO10 1.4- -1.6 4.7 [5] Fluorescent lamps 10lu-10n 1 8 x 103 [7] Table 1.1: An overview of typical values of the most important parameters for various plasmas. 1.2 Problems 1.2.1 Derivation of the plasma frequency Consider a steady initial state with a uniform number density of electrons and an equal number of ions such that the total electrical charge is neutral. Neglect the thermal motion of the particles and assume that the ions are stationary. Show that a small displacement of a group of electrons leads to oscillations with the plasma frequency according to the equation (1.1). Solution The situation is sketched in the figure 1.1. Assume that the electric field in the plane perpendicular to the x-axis is zero (just like in the case of an infinitely large charged plane or capacitor). Let us apply the Gauss's law to a closed cylindrical surface (only contour of which is sketched in the figure): E.dS=Q = (S^e)X} (L3) S e0 V eo CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 9 - elektron + kladný ion X Ac +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-1 +"+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+"+" +■ +" +- +- +- +■ +- +- +- +- +- +■ +- +■ +" +" +" +" +" +" +" +" +" +" +" +" í +++++++++++++++++++++++ Figure 1.1: Illustration of the problem no. 1.2.1. where S is the area of the base of the cylinder. The resulting electric field is EX = (^) x. (1.4) Inserting this electric field into the equation of motion of a single electron yields i2 / 2 ax I riQe ,.2+ — )x = 0, (1.5) dt2 \mee0' Which is an equation of a harmonic oscillator with the frequency 2 \ 1/2 mee0 ;i.6) 1.2.2 Plasma frequency and Debye length Compute the plasma frequency and the Debye length for the following plasmas (a) Earth's ionosphere with electron concentration ne = 106 cm~3 and electron temperature kTe = 0.2eV. [ujp = 5, 6 x 107 rad • s"1 = 3, 5 x 108 Hz, AD = 3, 3 mm] (b) A cell of a typical plasma display with electron concentration of 1013 cm~3 and electron temperature of 1 eV. The cell dimension is about 100 /tm. Is the condition that the system dimension should be much greater than the Debye length fulfilled? pe 2, 3 x 1013 rad • s"1 =3,6 THz, AD = 21 nm] (c) A welding arc with electron concentration ofl,6xl017 cm 3 and electron temperature of 1, 3eV [tope = 2, 3 x 1013 rad • s"1 =3,6 THz, AD = 21 nm] (d) A fluorescent lamp with electron concentration of 1010 cm~3 and electron temperature of 1 eV [wpe = 5, 6 x 109 rad • s"1 = 0, 90 GHz, AD = 74 /mi] CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION 10 1.2.3 Debye-Hiickel potential Show that Debye-Hiickel potential e exP V Ar
E~k = m^c — mc = — = — mc (2.10)
V 1 — w2/c2
2.2.7 Law of conservation of electric charge
Derive continuity equation from Maxwell's Equations.
"§? + v-j = o"
2.2.8 Magnetostatic field
Proof, that in presence of magnetostatic field total kinetic energy of charged particle remains constant.
2.2.9 Cyclotron frequency of electron
What is a cyclotron frequency (in Hz) of electron in homogenous magnetostatic field:
a) \B\ = 0.01 T
b) \B\ = 0.1 T
c) \B\ = IT
d) \B\ = 5T
[a) 0.28 GHz ; b) 2.8 GHz; c) 28 GHz d) 140 GHz]
2.2.10 Cyclotron frequency of ionized hydrogen atom
What is a cyclotron frequency (in Hz) of ionized hydrogen atom in homogenous magnetostatic field:
a) \B\ = 0.01 T
b) \B\ = 0.1 T
c) \B\ = IT
d) \B\ = 5T
[a) 0.15 MHz ; b) 1.5 MHz; c) 15 MHz d) 76 MHz]
2.2.11 Magnetic moment
Suppose a planar closed circular current loop has area |5| = 10~3m2 and carries an electric current:
a) I = 1A
b) I = 2 A
c) J = 8A
Calculate the magnitude of its magnetic moment \m\.
[a) \m\ = 10~3Am2; b) \m\ = 2 x 10~3Am2; c)\m\ = 8 x 10~3 Am2 ]
2.2.12 Magnetic moment 2
How can be written the magnitude of the magnetic moment \rh\, which is associated with the circulating current of charged particle (charge q, angular frequency 0,c, mass m) in uniform magnetostatic field Bl
2.2.13 Lorentz force
Suppose a magnetostatic field B = (1, 2, 0) T. The velocity of an electron is v = (0, 2,1) ms_1. Calculate Lorentz force. [F = -e-(-2,l,-2)N]
Chapter 3
Elements of plasma kinetic theory
3.1 Theory
• Phase space is defined by six coordinations (x,y, z,vx,vy,vz).
• The dynamical state of each particle is appropriately represented by a single point in this phase space.
• The distribution function in phase space, fa(f,v,t), is defined as the density of representative points of the particles a in phase space:
• The number density, na(f, t), can be obtained by integrating /a(r, v, t) over all of velocity space:
• The differential kinetic equation that is satisfied by the distribution function, is generally known as the Boltzmann kinetic equation:
fa(r,v,t) =N^(r,v,t)/(d3rd3v).
dfg(f,v, t)
+ v-Vfffa(f,v,t)+a- V^/a(r,v,t)
dfa(r,v, t) dt
3.2 Problems
3.2.1 Uniform distribution function
Suppose we have system of particles uniformly distributed in space with constant particle number density n, which is characterised by one dimensional distribution function of speeds F(v):
F(v) = C for v < vq F(v) = 0 otherwise,
where C is positive non-zero constant. Express C using n and vq. [Solution: By integration n = C J dv we will get the solution C = ^.]
3.2.2 Linear distribution function
What is the normalizing constant C of the following distribution function of speeds?
F{v) = C v for v £ (0,1) and F(v) = 0 otherwise. [C = 2n (n denotes the particle density)]
3.2.3 Quadratic distribution function
What is normalizing constant C of following distribution function of speeds? F(v) = C v2 for v £ (0, 3) and F(v) = 0 otherwise. [C = n/9 (n denotes the particle density)]
3.2.4 Sinusoidal distribution function
What is the normalizing constant C of the following distribution function of speeds?
F{v) = C sin(u) for v 6 (0, tt) and F(v) = 0 otherwise. [C = n/2 {n denotes the particle density)]
3.2.5 Boltzmann kinetic equation
Consider the motion of charged particles, in one dimension only, in the presence of an electric potential ip(x). Show, by direct substitution, that a function of the form
is a solution of the Boltzmann equation under steady state conditions.
Chapter 4
Average values and macroscopic variables
4.1 Theory
• The macroscopic variables, such as number density, flow velocity, kinetic pressure or thermal energy flux can be considered as average values of physical quantities, involving the collective behaviour of a large number of particles. These macroscopic variables are related to the various moments of the distribution function.
• With each particle in the plasma, we can associate some molecular property Xair, v, t). This property may be, for example, the mass, the velocity, the momentum, or the energy of the particle.
• The average value of the property Xair, v, t) for the particles of type a is defined by
• For example, the average velocity (or flow velocity) ua(f,t) for the particles of type a is defined by
4.2 Problems 4.2.1 RMS speed
What is the rms speed of the following three electrons (\vi\ = 1, l^l = 2
and |«31 = 5)?
4.2.2 Mean speed of sinusoidal distribution
What is the mean speed of the following distribution function of speeds? f(v) = s'm(v) for v 6 (0, tt) and f(v) = 0 otherwise, n denotes the particle density. [1]
4.2.3 Mean speed of quadratic distribution
What is the mean speed of the following distribution function of speeds? f{v) = 3nv2 for v £ (0,1) and f(v) = 0 otherwise n denotes the particle density. [3/4]
4.2.4 The equilibrium temperature
Consider Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions in Fig. 4.1. Which one has the
highest equilibrium temperature?
4.2.5 Particle density
Consider Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions in Fig. 4.2. Which one has the
highest particle density?
4.2.6 Most probable speed of linear distribution
Consider the following distribution function of speeds f{v) = nv for v 6 (0,1) and f(v) = 0 otherwise.
What is the most probable speed of this distribution? [1]
4.2.7 Most probable speed of sinusoidal distribution
Consider the following distribution function of speeds f(v) = ^ sin(u) for v £ (0,7r) and f(v) = 0 otherwise.
= 0.001
-1 -1 I-1- a) -b)
0 1e+06 2e+06 3e+06 4e+06 5e+06
v [m/s]
Figure 4.1: Diagram to the problem of the highest equilibrium temperature 4.2.4.
= 0.001
-1 -1 -1 1-1- a) -b)
0 1e+06 2e+06 3e+06 4e+06 5e+06
v [m/s]
Figure 4.2: Diagram to the problem of the highest particle density 4.2.5.
CHAPTER 4. AVERAGE VALUES AND MACROSCOPIC VARIABLES21 What is the most probable speed of this distribution?
Chapter 5
The equilibrium state
5.1 Theory
• The equilibrium distribution function fa (r, v, t) is the time-independent solution of the Boltzmann equation in the absence of external forces.
• In the equilibrium state the particle interactions do not cause any changes in faq(r, v, t) with time and there are no spatial gradients in the particle number density.
• fa (r, v, t) is known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution or Maxwell distribution (see problems 5.2.2-5.2.4).
Math useful for calculations
The "Gaussian integral" is the integral of the Gaussian function e~x over the entire real line. It is named after the German mathematician and physicist Carl Friedrich Gauss. The integral is (a, b denotes a constant):
/+oo poo r~T
e-x2dx = V^; / e-a<-x+V2dx= J-. (5.1) -oo J—oo V a
The gamma function T(n) is an extension of the factorial function, with its argument shifted down by 1, to real and complex numbers. That is, if n is a positive integer:
T(n) = (n-1)1 (5.2)
Other important formulas:
poo TV (n+l) \ / -, \
/ xne-* dx = ^-f; r(- =V£. (5.3)
5.2 Problems
5.2.1 Gamma function
Starting from the definition of a Gamma function show that, if n is a positive integer, then
T(n + 1) = nl
Recipe: First, using integration by parts of r(n + l) = xne~x dx demonstrate that
r(a + 1) = aT{a). Next, it remains to show, that r(l) = 1.
5.2.2 ID Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function
Gas composing of particles of one kind moving in only one dimension x is characterised by the following homogeneous isotropic one-dimensional Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function:
f{vx) = C ■ exp
m v% ' 2kT
(a) Calculate the constant C.
(b) Derive the ID Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function of speeds.
(c) Calculate the most probable speed.
(d) Calculate the mean speed.
(e) Derive the relation for the number of particles passing through a unit of length in a unit of time from one side (the flux of particles from one side).
(a) Integrate the distribution function over the whole velocity space. The condition that the integral equals the concentration of particles n yields
n = C / exp
m v% ' 2kT
Avx = C\l2—. (5.5)
(b) Distribution of particle speeds F(v) from the summation over the both possible directions is
F(v) = 2n
m v ' 2kT
(c) From the condition that the derivation of the distribution F(v) must equal zero
0 = v exp
we will get that the most probable speed is zero.
(v) = J v F(v) dv o
vx f(vx)dvx = n
5.2.3 Two-dimensional Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function
Solve the tasks of the preceding problem with two-dimensional Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function
f{vx,vy) = C ■ exp
m(vl +vy)
(a) C
(b) F(v) =2irv f(v) = ffv exp
m v ' 2kT
(c) Most probable speed v = \j — ■
(d) Mean speed (v) = J^.
5.2.4 Three-dimensional Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function
Solve the tasks of the preceding problem with three-dimensional Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution function
Results: (a) C = n
f(vx,vy,vz) = C -exp
m {vl + v% + vp 2kT
m v ' 2kT
(b) F(«)=47rn(^)3/Vexp
(c) Most probable speed v
(d) Mean speed (v) =
(e) r = nJ^g
5.2.5 Exotic one-dimensional distribution function
Solve the tasks of the preceding problem with the following function (Cauchy/Lorentz distribution):
f(v) = -T^Pr • (5-13)
V2 + ML-
(a) C = n
(b) F(v)=2nyJ-
kT 1
rmr2 v2 + —
(c) Most probable v = 0 speed.
(d) Mean speed v is not defined, [1] see Cauchy distribution.
(e) Not defined.
Chapter 6
Particle interactions in plasmas
6.1 Theory
Collisional phenomena can be divided into two categories:
• elastic - conservation of mass, momentum and energy is valid in such a way that there are no changes in the internal states of the particles involved and there is neither creation nor annihilation of particles.
• inelastic - the internal states of some or all of the particles involved are changed and particles may be created as well as destroyed. A charged particle may recombine with another to form a neutral particle or it can attach itself to a neutral particle to form a heavier charged particle. The energy state of an electron in an atom may be raised and electrons can be removed from their atoms resulting in ionization.
The total scattering cross section can be obtained by integrating a{x,z)d£l over the entire solid angle:
In the special case, when the interaction potential is isotropic (e.g. Coulomb potential), we can get the total scattering cross section using the formula
For the same case, when the interaction potential is isotropic, we can get the momentum transfer cross section using the formula:
crm = 2?r j (1 - cosx)cr(x)sinxdx. (6-3) 0
6.2 Problems
6.2.1 Mean free path of Xe ions
Scattering cross section a for elastic collisions of Xe+ ions with Xe atoms is approximately independent on their energy with cross section value of a = l(T14cm2.
A) Calculate mean free path I of Xe+ ions for elastic collisions in a weakly ionized plasma in xenon atmosphere at room temperature (20 °C) at the pressure:
a) 1000 Pa
b) 10 Pa
c) 0.1 Pa
B) How long is the time period between two subsequent collisions, if the mean temperature of Xe ions is T = 1000 K?
A) The mean free path is defined as
x = ±.
n a
Density of particles can be calculated from the equation of state p = nkT, so
p a
So the final results for given pressures are: a) 4 • 10~6m b) 4 • 10~4m c) 4 • 10~2m.
B) The thermal velocity of ions is v = \/^jr-- Mass of Xe ion is approx-
imately 131 amu (1 amu = 1.66 • 10 kg). The time period between two subsequent collisions equals to the fraction of mean free path and thermal
t = X
So the results are: a) 17 • 1(T9 s b) 17 • l(T7s c) 17 -l(r5s.
6.2.2 Hard sphere model
What is the total scattering cross section for the hard sphere model (two
elastic spheres, radius R\ and -R2)?
6.2.3 Total scattering cross section
Differential cross section is given by