Do you pronounce these words correctly? (JA002) Stress (přízvuk) designated as ´ before the stressed syllable, e.g. su´ply (2^nd), coe´fficient (3^rd) [æ] valley, mass, lack, gas, mantle, annual, access [eə] various, variable, bearing [ə] focus, su´pply, su´fficient, a´drenaline, e´quivocal, thoroughly, illustrated, Edinburgh [bərə] [ə:] occur, urban,purple, pearly [əu] (al)though (=ačkoliv) [o] swamp, swan, copper, cough, quarry,trough [o:] salt, called, quartz, war, course, pour, thought, sought, caught, cause, fault [u:] through (=skrz), wounded, tomb, include, unique [au] drought, drown [a] tough, rough, fund, pump, sum; sub-, subduction, duct, ductility, conduct, product, dug, sulfur, cultural, current, o´ccurrence; structure, fluctuate, e´rupt, a´bundant, blood, flood, compass [ai] finally, tiny, titan , climate, lie - lying, minor, height, hydrosphere, isolated; s přízvukem na 2. slabice ▫ ▪ di’lute, dy’namic, di’versity, hy’drology, hy’drolysis, i’dentic Alpine, crystalline, saline, syncline, anticline, civilization; archives, isthmi, radii ; ▫ ▪ de´cline, com´bine (sloveso); twice: di´oxide, i´dentify , titanite, microcline [aiə] giant lion, ion, anion, cation, iodine, variety, fiery, higher [ei] failed, raised, saline (=salty) [i] lithosphere, risen, wind (vítr=),myth; determine, examine, adrenaline, tourmaline, granite, rugged, in´equity [i:] iodine, bromine, olivine, tourmaline; marine, region, scheme, thesis/theses, hy’potheses, a’nalyses, species shield; key, peat, heat, release, increase [e] lead (=olovo), readily, spreading, sweating, cleanliness, buried, represent [g] angle (úhel), angler fish, rugged, designated [dž ] angel (anděl), Aegean, vegetation; gemstone, generate; genetics, ge’ography, Pan’gea, ge’ology; ginger, region, margin, di’verging; major [š] partial, special, e´fficient, coe´fficient, Cretaceous, Tertiary, species + also [s] [č] bachelor, arch [k] chemical, chemistry, characterize, scheme, architect, archeology, archives, chaotic, chasm [s] ceramics, (species) [θ] lithosphere, asthenosphere, thermometer, geothermal, therapy theme, thesis, synthesis, hypothesis, anthracite, ethnic, thoroughly [t] Anthony, Thames, Thailand, thyme - Have you found any more? Nevyslovovaná písmena: gneiss, knock, psychologist, island, salmon, isthmus, design, climb, comb, highest, vehicle Correct stress (přízvuk) will lead you to pronounce correctly -ology, -alogy, -ography, -a’bility / -i´bility – tyto přípony berou na sebe přízvuk: arche‘ology, bi´ology, clima´tology, e‘cology, ge‘ology, hy‘drology, mine‘ralogy, paleon‘tology, pe‘trology; ge‘ography; ocean´ography; accessi´bility, proba´bility, usa´bility,varia’bility Stress on the 2^nd syllable: ▫ ▪ , designated as ´before the stressed syllable, e.g. e´vent. a´bundance, a´bundant ac´cessible, ac´cessive a´drenaline a´ffect, a´ffected a´nalysis/ a´nalyses a´nion an´tarctic a´ppropriate as´thenosphere au´tonomous a´vailable be´haviour ca´pacity cha´otic con´sistent co´lonial con´vergence, con´vergent de´cline de´posit de´rived dis´tributed di´vergence, di´vergent di´versity dy´namic e´quivocal e´ration e´vent ge´odesist ho´tel hy´drolysis hy´pothesis/ hy´potheses i´dentified in´equity in´volved ma´rine ob´tained o´ccur, o‘ccurrence par´ticipant per´cent phe´nomenon,phe´nomena pro´cedure ra´vine re´cord re´striction, -ed sa´linity sig´nificant spe´cific su´fficient su‘pply sur´vey (verb) se´lection ther‘mometer trans´parency, trans´parent va´riety u´ranium u´nique Note the movement of the stress: ´chaos x cha´otic Pronunciation can be changed! ´access [æ] x [ə] ac´cessible, ac´cessive ´saline [ei] x [ə] sa´linity A noun on the 1^st x verb on the 2^nd combine, survey, record Sometimes there are 2 posssible ways of the same meaning: ´subsidence [i] x [ai] sub´sidence (propadání půdy, zmírnění) Sometimes there are 2 posssible ways of the same spelling, but the meaning is different: lead(er) [i:] x [e] = olovo row [əu] = řada, veslovat x [au]= hádka, argument