Giving presentations Answer the following questions and then discuss them in small groups: 1) When did you give a presentation in English last time? If you have not given any presentation in English, describe the one in Czech. 2) How long did you speak? 3) How many slides did you use? 4) How much text was in your slides? 5) Did you introduce yourself? 6) Did you provide an outline of the main body of your presentation? 7) How did you finish your performance? 8) How large was your audience? How did you feel? - proud, zealous, just fine - indifferent - excited, nervous, confused, miserable, embarrassed 9) If you did not feel well, what do you think the reason was? 10) Did anybody give you a feedback? If so, did you like it? a) Do you think it can motivate you to work more on your performance? b) Do your prefer feedback from your teacher or from your classmates? 11) Do you like sharing/ to share your travel experiences? Note the different meaning of experience x experiences: At least 5 years´ experience (= practice) required. I speak from my own experience. I have extensive experience in … I have not had much experience of them. (= zkušeností s nimi) It was quite an experience for me. ( = velká událost) This experience was the high point of our holidays. It´s good to gain experience by travelling. (It can bring you closer together.) Experience / Experiences(= zážitky) may be: amazing /unforgettable /enriching culinary x traumatic /horrifying /nasty / mystical / out of body 12) Which country /region /place would you like to talk about? a) b) c) 13) How many slides do you think you can show within 10 minute talk to keep your classmates being interested to follow you?