SEA ACTION (VPSG) Accretion a layer of a substance that gradually forms on a rock or area of land, making it bigger. Blowhole a hole at the inland end of a sea cave through which waves funnel up and out. Bluff a steep cliff by the sea or by a river. Breeze a light wind. (gentle/light/slight x fresh/stiff/strong) Corrasion the eroding of a surface by pieces of rock carried by water, wind, or ice. Crag a very steep rough part of a cliff or mountain. Headland a narrow piece of land that sticks out into the sea. Hillock a small hill. Lash to hit something with a very strong force. (The waves lashed the shore.) Longshore drift a process in which loose stones, sand, dirt etc are moved along the coast by the action of the waves. Offshore bar a long raised area of sand below the surface of the sea near the land and parallel to it. Onshore 1 moving towards land from the sea. 2 on land rather than on the sea. Pounding the sound of repeated hard hits or loud noise. Promontory a narrow piece of land that sticks out into the sea. Sand bar a raised area of sand in a river or sea that is just below the surface of the water or that sticks out above it. Sea bed the ground at the bottom of the sea. Sea stump a small rock left after a stack collapses or is eroded. Shingle small stones on a beach. Spit a long narrow area of land that sticks out into the sea or a lake. Stack a tall steep piece of rock that rises out of the sea. It is formed as a result of being separated from a cliff by waves eroding the rock in between. Strait a narrow area of water that joins two larger areas of water. (the Straits of Gibraltar) Swash the water that goes onto the shore after a wave has reached its highest point and started to fall. Tidemark a mark left on land by the sea that shows the highest point that the sea has reached. Tombolo a narrow strip of sand or small stones that links one island to another, or to the mainland. Trade wind a wind that blows continuously towards the equator (=the imaginary line round the middle of the Earth). Undercut an undercut cliff has been eroded at the bottom but not at the top. Wave-built terrace a narrow flat area built from loose stones, sand etc that have been carried by waves. Wave-cut platform the narrow flat area often seen at the base of a sea cliff caused by the action of the waves. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Breakwater a strong wall that protects a beach from the force of the waves. Dyke 1 a wall that prevents a river, lake, or sea from flooding the land. 2 a narrow passage in flat land that water can pass through to prevent the land from flooding. Groyne a wall built out into the sea to protect the beach from being destroyed by the water. Jetty a long narrow structure that goes from the land out into a lake, sea, or river to provide a place for boats to stop at. Reclaim(ation) to improve(ment) an area of land so that it can be used. Trawler a boat used for fishing by pulling a large net through the water. Wildlife 1 animals, birds, and plants that live in natural conditions. 2 a wildlife conservation organization