WATER - Introduction Brainstorming How many percent of the earth’s surface is covered by water? What happens when water freezes? What happens when water condenses? What happens when water evaporates? Task: Describe the distribution of Earth´s water. Use emphasizers only, not more than /almost all, most. Give contrasts by using while, whereas etc. As green plants make food, they give off water vapor to the atmosphere through pores in their leaves in a process called transpiration. Water also evaporates from the surface of a human skin when our body gets rid of its moisture. How do we call that process? During all the years between the formation of the earth and now, water has been moving continuously into and out of the atmosphere in a process called water or hydrologic cycle. Task: Describe the process in pairs. Key words: cool, cause (as a verb), enter, fall (back), return, soak into, stay on the surface, run off, precipitation, evapotranspiration, (under) ground water supply Grammar revision: 1.vyjádření stejné míry 2.vyjádření přímé úměry Why is this process, on a worldwide basis, a balanced system? Conversation Topic Describe a stream near your home. Where does it start? Try to give the exact location. What larger body of water does it flow into? Is it clean or polluted? What causes the pollution? Is there a hope for improvement ( sewage water treatment plant / reduction of pollution)? Does it provide a habitat for many plants and animals? Key words: spring, start, source, rise, head (pramen, pramenit), origin (pramen), thermal spring / well head (zřídlo/vřídlo), outflow / karst spring (“vyvěračka”), sinking / foundering (propadání, ponor), stream (potok, pramínek, říčka), streamlet (potůček, strouha, pramének), brook, creek (potok), the upper reaches of a river (horní tok); river bed (řečiště), bank (břeh), watercourse (tok), confluence (soutok), waterway (splavný tok), channel (průliv), canal / industrial watercourse (průplav), well (studna), dam (hráz), reservoir / lake (přehradní nádrž) Warning: water bed =vrstva hrubého štěrku na bázi jílu! stem=pramenit z čeho (jen přeneseně) microbiological analysis of drinking water (pitné vody), liquid wastes, sewage = odpadní vody What is a structure like bridge that takes water across a valley? More vocabulary in Lingea - Rivers and Lakes or Rivers- Unit 3 in our Syllabus. Task 1: Find the synonyms in the text Water and Ancient Civilizations to fit the following meanings: Belonging to times long past = need (par.1) = Cultivate by growing (2) = proof (3) = began/developed/originated (4) = supplying dry land with water by means of ditches etc. (4) = Task 2: Find the opposites in the text to fit the following meanings: Interrupted (1) - , set free into nature (3) - came to an end (4) - fall (5) - , decreased (5) - Task: Read the text. (text from Fariel, R. - Hinds, R. - Berey,D.: Earth Science, Addison-Wesley 1987 ) Tasks - Věra Hranáčová, English for Earth Science Homework: Gap-fill test “Water collects on the ground”