8 Population Word abandon accommodate ya'koma.deit/ administrative /äd'ministrstiv/ adult fsöM afford /a£>:{r)d/ aged /etcfed/ agency amenity /a'miinsti/ antibiotic /.sntibai'Dtik/ assimilate /Vsimr.leit/ availability /s,vei]3'b[[3ti/ available /aVeifcb(a)l/ average balanced bask billion flaljan/ birth t*K(i)9/ birth rate forfi^rert/ blight /blait/ born •"eastfeed 'brest.fiid/ Ut'llllllHUI to leave a place, especially because it is difficult or dangerous to stay there, verb (transitive] to provide a place or room for someone to stay in. verb [transitive] relating to the management of a company, organization, or institution, adjective someone who is no longer a child and is legally responsible for their actions, noun [count] if you can afford something, you have enough money to be able to pay for it. This word usually follows 'can', 'could', or 'be able to', verb [transitive] someone who is aged 18, 35, 70 etc is 18, 35, 70 etc years old. adjective [never before noun] an organization that deals with social problems, noun [count] something that makes it comfortable or enjoyable to live or work somewhere, noun [count] [usually plural] a drug that cures illnesses and infections caused by bacteria. Doctors often give people a course of antibiotics, when they have to take a fixed amount of medicine each day for several days, noun [count] to feel that you belong to the new community that you have started to live in, or to make someone feel like this, verb [intransitive/transitive] 1 the state of being able to be obtained or used, noun [count] 2 the state of not being too busy to do something, noun [uncountl able to be obtained, taken, or used, adjective [not usually before noun| the amount, level, standard etc that is typical of a group of people or things, noun [count/uncount] with all parts combining well together or existing in the correct amounts, adjective basic products and services are ones that everyone needs such as food, medicine, and fuel, adjective the number 1,000,000,000. number the occasion of a baby being born, noun [count/uncount] the official number of births in a particular year or place, noun Icount] 1 a serious disease affecting plants and crops, noun [singular/uncount] 2 something that damages or spoils something else, noun [singular/uncount] when a baby is born, it comes out of its mother's body and starts its life. The time when you are born is your birth, and a mother gives birth to a baby, adjective [never before noun] to feed a baby with milk from your breasts rather than bottle-feeding it. verb [intransitive/transitive] Most of the villagers have abandoned their homes and fled. I1 dllMcUIUII The cowpany simply cannot afford to pay overtime. parks, shops, and other local amenities Whether I take the job depends on the availability of child care. There is no money available for this project. Her performance in the test was way below average. children who have medical complications at birth The threat of war cast a blight on their happiness. I was bom in Tokvo. Word Definition Example Translation breed 1 if animals breed, they become the parents of young /bri:d/ animals, verb [intransitive] 2 to produce new plants or animals from existing ones, especially in order to produce plants or animals with particular characteristics, verb [transitive] built-up a built-up area has a lot of buildings in It. adjective /,bilt 'Ap/ bulldoze to clear an area by removing earth, stones etc with a /■bul.dsuz/ bulldozer (=a heavy vehicle with a large curved open container at the front), verb [intransitivertransitivej bustee another spelling of basti, a slum, noun [count] /'bASti/ bustee-dweller someone who lives in a bustee. noun [count] /'bASti ,dwete/ calculate to discover a number or amount using mathematics or with He calculates that the proposal would /'kffilkju.lert/ a piece of equipment such as a calculator, verb [transitive] cost £4 million a year. capital (city) capital or capital city the city where a country or region Tallahassee is the state capital of /'kspit(a)l/ has its government, noun [count] Florida. census an occasion when government officials count all the people /'sensas/ in a country and record information about them, noun (count] century 1 a period of 100 years, usually counted from a year ending /'sent/ari/ in -00. For example, the 20th century is the period from 1900 to 1999. noun [count] 2 any period of 100 years, noun [count] childbearing the process of being pregnant and giving birth to children. She was just a girl, hardly of /'tjaild.besrirj/ noun [uncount] childbearing age. childhood 1 the time of your life when you are a child. I had a woriderfid childhood. /'t[aild,hud/ noun [count/uncount] ta connected with childhood, adjective [only before a noun] childhood diseases cholera a serious disease affecting your stomach and intestines (=the /'kolars/ long tube that carries waste out of your body) that often causes death. It is caused by drinking water or eating food infected with bacteria, noun [uncount] citizen someone who has the right to live permanently in a She married an American and became /'sitiz(a)n/ particular country, noun [count] a US citizen. citizenship the legal right to be a citizen of a particular country. I'm applying for Canadian citizenship. /'sitiz(a)nfip/ noun [uncount] civilian someone who docs not belong to the armed forces or the Over 700 civilians died as a direct /sa'vilian/ police, noun [count] result of the bombings. civil liberties the basic freedom that all citizens have to do or say what /,siv(a)l 'libstis/ they want, noun [plural) civil rights the basic rights that all people in a society have, for example /,srv(a)l 'raits/ the right to be treated fairly by the law. noun |plural| class one of the groups into which people in a society are divided lower/middle/upper class. /klcus/ according to education, income etc. noun [count/uncount] classify to put people or things into particular groups according to Jrr the study families are classified /'ktaesf,fai/ the features that they have, verb (transitive] according to their incomes. classless 1 not divided into social classes adjective /'k!a:slas/ 2 not belonging to a particular social class, adjective colonize to take control of another country by going to live there or /'kola.naiz/ by sending people to live there, verb [transitive] colony a country that is controlled by another country, noun [count] /'kolani/ commute to travel regularly to and from work, verb [intransitive] She commutes into London every day. /ka'mjuit/ concentration a large number of people or things in one area or a large This part of the city has a large /J(Dns(3)ntrei/(3)n/ amount of a particular thing, noun [count/uricount] concentration of immigrants. conquer to take control of land or people using soldiers. /'konka(r)/ verb [intransitive/transitive] Word contagion /kan'teidjas/ core /fc>:(rV couple crowded ykraodid/ curable /■JyujroboM/ cure /kjiwlr)/ death /dee/ death rate /■deG ,reit/ debt /det/ decline /di'klam/ decolonization /.dtkolanai'zci/Oin/ decrease /di:'kri:s/ define /di'fam/ demand /di'mn:nd./ demographic /.derao'giiTlik/ demographic transition /,dema'cjrpju'leiJO)ii/ descendant /di'sendjnt/ developing /diVelopin/ development /diVelspm.mt/ Definition a contagious disease spreads from one person to another through touch or through the air. adjective Example Translation the part inside an object that is nearest its centre. nDun [count] These six countries are the geographical core of Western Europe. two people who are married or involved in a romantic relationship with each other, noun [count] containing a lot of people, especially too many, adjective The beaches are always crowded in summer. possible to cure, adjective a medicine or treatment that makes someone who is ill become healthy, noun [count] There's no cure for diabetes but the symptoms can be managed. 1 the state of being dead, noun [uncount] 2 an occasion when someone dies, noun [countj These people will starve to death unless they receive help soon. The programme is aimed at reducing the number of deaths from cancer. the number of deaths in a particular area in one year, noun [singular] 1 an amount of money that you owe. noun Icount] 2 the total amount of money that the government of a country owes to banks and to other countries that it has borrowed from, noun [uncount] She had run up debts of nearly £10,000. to become less or worse, verb [intransitive] Share prices declined sharply last week. the process by which a colony becomes independent from the country that used to control it. noun [uncount] to become less, verb [intransitive] 1 to describe clearly and exactly what something is. verb [transitive] 2 to be a feature or quality that shows exactly what someone or something is like, verb [transitive] the amount of a product or service that people want, or the Demand for organic food is increasing. fact that they want it. noun [uncount] 1 relating to populations, adjective 2 demographics: the particular features of a population, for example people's age or race, noun (plural) the process of the shift from high birth rates and high death rates to low birth rates and low death rates as part of the economic development of a country, noun luncount] containing a lot of things or people close together, adjective the amount of something in a place, noun [uncount] a country that is controlled by another country, noun [count] a situation in which a lot of people leave a place in order to the depopulation of the countryside live somewhere else, leaving far fewer people in the original place, noun [uncount] a relative of a person who lived in the past, noun [countj 1 a developing country is poor and does not have many industries, adjective la the developing world (=poor countries): agriculture in the developing world, adjective the process of improving the economy of a country or region by increasing the amount of business activity, noun [uncount] There has been massive economic development here over the past decade. Word Definition Example Translation diarrhoea /,daia'ri;a/ diet /'daiat/ an illness in which you pass solid waste from your body too often and in a liquid form, noun [uncount] the food that a person or animal usually eats, noun Icount/uncount] Many people there have a poor diet. dirty not clean, adjective disaster something very bad that happens and causes a lot of /di'za:sta(r)/ damage or kills a lot of people, noun [count/uncount] distribution the way in which something is spread over an area. /,distn'bju:J'{3)n/ noun Icount/uncount] district 1 an area of a town or country, noun [count] /'distnkt/ 2 one of the areas into which a town or country is divided for official purposes, noun (count] Protect your property from natural disasters such as flooding. diversity the fact that very different people or things exist within a /daiV3i(r)s3ti/ group or place, noun [singular] [uncount] ethnic and cultural diversity dominate 1 to control something or someone, often in a negative way, Atomi.nert/ because you have more power ot influence, verb [transitive] 2 to be the most important issue, activity, problem etc in a particular situation, verb [transitive] He always dominates our meetings. The earthquake once again dominated the news. dysentery a serious disease that affects your bowels and makes you /'dis(o)ntri/ go to the toilet very frequently and become very weak, noun [uncount] elderly, the old people. Many people now think that this expression is /'eld3(r)li/ offensive, noun emigrant someone who leaves their country in order to live /'emigrant/ permanently in another country, noun [count] emigrate to leave a country in order to live permanently in another /'emigreit/ country, verb [intransitive] I'm planning to emigrate to Australia, equality between husband and wife. equality the state of being equal, especially in having the same /fkwolati/ rights, status, and opportunities, noun [uncount] expand if a business, organization, or activity expands, it grows by /ik'spsend/ including more people, moving into new areas, selling more products etc. verb [intransitive] explosion a very large increase in the size, amount, or importance of a wage explosion /ik'splau3pju'terr(3)n/ peer group /'pia ,