WORK GETTING A JOB a Read the text. Number the pictures A-i below in order 1-9. What do the words/phrases in bold mean? Underline the stress. Michael was unemployed and was looking for a job. He saw an advertisement for a job as a computer programmer. He decided to apply /s'plai/ for it, and sent his CV and an application form. A week later he had an interview and a few days later the boss phoned to say that he had got the job. He went to sign the contract, and the next day he started work. He had to work very hard and do overtime, but he was happy because he earned a good salary. At first everything went well, and after six months he got promoted. But unfortunately a few months later he had an argument with the boss and was sacked. Michael was unemployed again. b Cover the text. Look at the pictures and tell the story. PEOPLE AND WHAT THEY DO Match the words and definitions. Underline the stresss. retire/n'tais/ company manager employee /empbi'i:/ resign/n'zain/ employer trade union (go on) strike 1 _ someone who pays other people to do work 2 _ someone who is paid to work 3 _ an organization or group of people who work together in business 4 _ leave your job (because you want to go) 5 _ leave your job (because you are old, e.g. 65) 6 _ stop work because you want better working conditions 7 _ group of people who represent workers 8 _ someone who controls an organization Cover the words. Read the definitions and try to remember the words. JOBS/ PROFESSIONS Complete the text. Underline the stress. conditions hours part time temporary experience job qualifications work Nowadays in many countries, there is not enough i_for everybody, and many people are looking for a £__. If they are lucky enough to find one, it is often !__, (only a few hours a day) not full time, or it is a *_ job (only for a few months), not a permanent one. Many jobs involve working long s_ . and often the working t_ (e.g. salary, holidays) are not good. To get a good job, it's important to have I_(e-g. a university degree) and some s Add more jobs. Underline the stress. -er -or -ist -ian others lawyer inspector scientist librarian accountant cook / work for the government I used to work as a lawyer 3c I've got a degree in law. Work Jobs, career and work a fulfilling job a h;gh_ to carry out work a demanding job- to supervise work to offer someone a job owered job -ro apply for a job a permanent job to complete, work -WORK" -to work closely with. available to start work to take on work to wreck/ruin someone's to embark career Note we say have a job, NOT have a work. 1 an important job 2 to start a career 3 a career starts to become very successful at the height/peak of your career her career lasted ... to climb the career ladder on a career to have a career in (medicine) a brilliant career a career apromismg ^ q({, career Job adverts Do you have a good knowledge of the fashion industry? Do you have experience in sales? Are you a good team player'? Are you looking for a stimulating working environment? Would you like to be an integral part of a close team? We can offer you job satisfaction and generous benefits2. Vacancy must be filled3 within three weeks. For further details, phone 08965 439820. 1 a person who co-operates well with other people 2 good rewards for work - not just salary but also perhaps a company car, good holiday entitlement, etc. 3 the job must be offered to someone and accepted Exercises 30.1 Complete the sentences with work, job or career. 1 I took on too much......... ..........last month and couldn't finish it all. 2 At the peak of her.................................she was managing a sales force of 200 people. 3 Daniel Robertson' education lasted almost four decades. 4 I have a very demanding................................., but I enjoy it, nonetheless. 5 At the moment we are carrying out.................................on the design of the new stadium. 6 The scandal ruined his................................and he never worked in the stock market again. 7 I'm going to apply for a supermarket. 8 She had a long and show business. At 20, she got her first stea a small regional theatre, but it was in 1968 that her.................................really took off when she was offered a part in a TV series. Reasons for working A] There are some reasons for working. Label them 1-5 according to their importance. 1 - not important at all 2 - not very important 3 - quite important 4 - important 5 - very important Add other reasons of your own. 1 to get money 2 to help other people 3 to learn new skills 4 to do something useful 5 to have power 6 to meet new people 7 to travel 8 to keep fit 9 to be part of a team 10 to help save the planet Reasons for not working B) List some reasons for not working and label them as well. 1..................................... 10.. 2.................................... 11.. 3.................................... 12 . 4.................................... 13. 5..................................... 14 . 6..................................... 15. 7...................................... 8...................................... 9.................................... 11 12 13 14 15