OFICIÁLNÍ ORGÁN ČESKÉ SPOLEČNOSTI PRO ORTOPEDII A TRAUMATOLOGII A SLOVENSKEJ ORTOPEDICKEJ A TRAUMATOLOGICKEJ SPOLOČNOSTI OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CZECH SOCIETY FOR ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY AND THE SLOVAK SOCIETY FOR ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY Indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch® ) Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition Index Medicus and MEDLINE Excerpta Medica Scopus April 2013 VOLUME 80 Published since 1926 ISSN 0001-5415 www.achot.cz SURVIVAL ANALYSIS OF TOTAL HIP AND KNEE REPLACEMENT IN SLOVAKIA 2003–2011 L. NEČAS, S. KATINA, J. UHLÁROVÁ C. L. COLTON English language editor to SAR SUPPLEMENTUM ° ACTA CHIRURGIAE ORTHOPAEDICAE ET TRAUMATOLOGIAE CECHOSLOVACA ACTA CHIRURGIAE ORTHOPAEDICAE ET TRAUMATOLOGIAE ČECHOSLOVACA ISSN 0001-5415 2013 | ROČNÍK/VOLUME 80 | ČÍSLO/NUMBER 1 | ÚNOR/FEBRUARY 2013 Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch® ), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Index Medicus and MEDLINE, Excerpta Medica, Scopus Prof. MUDr. Martin Krbec, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Antonín Sosna, DrSc. Prof. MUDr. Milan Kokavec, Ph.D. Doc. MUDr. Richard Chaloupka, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Pavel Dungl, DrSc. Prof. MUDr. Pavel Haninec, Ph.D. Prof. MUDr. Petr Havránek, CSc. Prof.. MUDr. David Jahoda, Ph.D. Doc. MUDr. Karel Karpaš, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Karel Koudela, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Ivan Landor, Ph.D. Prim. MUDr. Peter Maresch, CSc. Doc. MUDr. Josef Masár, Ph.D. Doc. MUDr. Ivan Müller, CSc. Doc. MUDr.Aleš Podškubka, Ph.D. Doc. MUDr. Stanislav Popelka, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Jan Poul, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Peter Šimko, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Jan Štulík, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Peter Wendsche, CSc. Prof. Richard E. Buckley, M.D., Canada Prof. Maurice Hinsenkamp, M.D., Belgium Prof. Jesse B. Jupiter, M.D., USA Prof. Ivan Kempf, M.D., France Prof. Lars Lidgren, M.D., Ph.D., Sweden Prof. René Marti, M.D., Ph.D., Netherlands Prof.Augusto Sarmiento, M.D., USA Prof. Erich Schemitsch, M.D., Canada Prof. Knut Stromsoe, M.D., Norway Prof. Vilmos Vécsei, M.D.,Austria Prof. James P. Waddell, M.D., Canada 150 00 Praha 5 SV, spol. s r. o. 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov : OMIKRON Praha, spol. s. r. o. 150 00 Praha 5 Osveta Martin E-mail: husarova@vydosveta.sk Prof. MUDr. Martin Krbec, CSc. Šrobárova 50 Šrobárova 50 : Praha Acta Chir. orthop. Traum 80, 2013, Suppl. ISSN 0001-5415 Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Slovakian Arthroplasty Register Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 1 , S. KATINA2 , J. UHLÁROVÁ1 1 Slovakian Arthroplasty Register, University Hospital Martin, Slovakia 2 Institute of Normal and Pathological Physiology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia C. L. COLTON English language editor to SAR Professor emeritus, Orthopaedic and Accident Surgery, Nottingham University, England ACTA CHIRURGIAE ORTHOPAEDICAE ET TRAUMATOLOGIAE ČECHOSLOVACA ISSN 0001-5415 2013 | ROČNÍK/VOLUME 80 | SUPPLEMENTUM 1 | DUBEN/APRIL 2013 Indexed in: Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch® ), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Index Medicus and MEDLINE, Excerpta Medica, Scopus Prof. MUDr. Martin Krbec, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Antonín Sosna, DrSc. Prof. MUDr. Milan Kokavec, Ph.D. Doc. MUDr. Richard Chaloupka, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Pavel Dungl, DrSc. Prof. MUDr. Pavel Haninec, Ph.D. Prof. MUDr. Petr Havránek, CSc. Prof.. MUDr. David Jahoda, Ph.D. Doc. MUDr. Karel Karpaš, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Karel Koudela, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Ivan Landor, Ph.D. Prim. MUDr. Peter Maresch, CSc. Doc. MUDr. Josef Masár, Ph.D. Doc. MUDr. Ivan Müller, CSc. Doc. MUDr.Aleš Podškubka, Ph.D. Prof. MUDr. Stanislav Popelka, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Jan Poul, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Peter Šimko, CSc. Prof. MUDr. Jan Štulík, CSc. MUDr.Andrey Švec, Ph.D. Prof. MUDr. Peter Wendsche, CSc. Prof. Richard E. Buckley, M.D., Canada Prof. Maurice Hinsenkamp, M.D., Belgium Prof. Jesse B. Jupiter, M.D., USA Prof. Ivan Kempf, M.D., France Prof. Lars Lidgren, M.D., Ph.D., Sweden Prof. René Marti, M.D., Ph.D., Netherlands Prof.Augusto Sarmiento, M.D., USA Prof. Erich Schemitsch, M.D., Canada Prof. Knut Stromsoe, M.D., Norway Prof. Vilmos Vécsei, M.D.,Austria Prof. James P. Waddell, M.D., Canada 150 00 Praha 5 SV, spol. s r. o. 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov : OMIKRON Praha, spol. s. r. o. 150 00 Praha 5 Osveta Martin E-mail: husarova@vydosveta.sk Prof. MUDr. Martin Krbec, CSc. Šrobárova 50 Šrobárova 50 : Praha 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………. 4 Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Statistical methods …..……………………………………………………………………..…..…. 6 Basic survival/failure characteristics of primary implants and their components in the SAR database …………...…...…………………………………………………………… 7 Testing of hypotheses about differences in mean time of survival between groups of primary implants and their components in SAR database ..……………………………... 8 Results in 2011 ……………………………………………………………………………………... 9 Total Hip Arthroplasty ……………………………………………………………………………. 9 Total Knee Arthroplasty ………………………………………………………………………….. 9 Demographic situation in Slovakia 2011 ………………………………………………………. 9 Departments ………………………………………………………………………………….…... 13 Implant Tracking System ………………………………………………………………………... 18 Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty ………..…………...……………………………………………… 19 Age groups ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 21 Diagnoses ………………………………………………………………………………………… 26 Surgical approaches …………………………..………………………………………………… 27 Types of implants used …………………………………………………………………………. 28 Types of the fixation …..…………………………………………………………………………. 28 Bone cements and cementing techniques ………………………….…………………………. 31 Antibiotic prophylaxis in primary THA ………………………………………..………………... 33 Components and their combinations ……………………………………………………….….. 34 Acetabular components …………………………………………………………………………. 36 Femoral components ……………………………………………………………………………. 38 Component combinations ………………………………………………………………………. 42 Combinations of uncemented components …………………………..……………………… 42 Combinations of cemented components ……………………………………………………… 43 Hybrid components ………………………………………………………………………………. 44 Reverse hybrid components ……………………………………………………………………. 45 Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty ..……………………………….…………………………………. 46 Types of fixation of primary THA …………….………………………………………………… 46 Age groups ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 47 Reasons for the revision ………………………………………………………………………… 52 Revised components of implants ………………………………………………………………. 53 Revision implants and components ………………………………………………………….…. 53 Revision components and their combinations ………………………………………………….. 61 Antibiotic prophylaxis in revision THA ………….………………….………………………….. 67 Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty …………………..……………………………………………... 68 Age groups …………………………………………………………………………………......... 69 Diagnoses ………………………………………………………………………………………… 73 Surgical approaches …………………………………………………………………………….. 75 Types of implants used ……………………………………………………………………….…. 75 Types of the fixation ……………………………………………………………………………... 76 Brands of implants …………………………………………………………………………….…. 77 Antibiotic prophylaxis in primary TKA ………………………………………..………………... 79 Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty ……………………..…………………………………………. 80 Types of fixation of revised TKA …………………………………………………………..…… 80 Age groups ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 81 Reasons for the revision ………………………………………………………………………… 83 Revised components of implants ………………………………………………………………. 83 Antibiotic prophylaxis in revision TKA …………………………………………….…………… 83 Glossary …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 84 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 In 1979, when the Swedish arthroplastic hip registry was founded no one knew how important these registers would become. The basic objective of arthroplastic registry was and remains the improvement of the results of these types of surgery. In the short term it is possible to follow demographic data particularly. Longer term monitoring of patients after arthroplasty brings us valuable information about the results in terms of the method of implants fixation, the relative risk of surgery revisions according to the implants´ type, age group and many other important statistical data. The Slovakian arthroplastic registry was one of the first national registries in Europe which at the millennium break started to systematically collect data about arthoplastics. It is most appropriate to hereby sincerely thank the current Head of the dpt. of Orthopaedics and Traumatology at University Hospital in Martin PhD, who together, with his team launched and maintained this registry. Of course, thanks also needs to go to all departments´ head and physicians of all departments who understood the importance of the national registry and who are continuously involved in the systematic data collection. In 2009 we have noticed a significant progress in the process of sending and collecting data from individual departments by using of bar code system (Implant Tracking System). This enabled a speed up of data transfer, and made the system more precise and efficient. The outcomes from the registry over recent years show an increasing trend in the number of arthroplastic surgeries. Nowadays, in the time of economic restrictions and the perspective of new cheap implants registrations, especially from Asia, the registry helps us to answer the question whether the quality of the new implants is at the same level or behind those which we are using now. At the same time we can clarify the question whether a few hundred Euros saved on primary surgery doesn´t mean an overpayment of thousands Euros due to the necessity of early revision surgery. In conclusion, let me state, that it is a pleasure and honour for me to provide you with the 2011 annual report of Slovak arthroplastic registry. It seems that the quality of joint replacements treatment in Slovakia has an increasing trend. Registry data also enable us to compare our own results with results abroad. Current results show that the Slovak departments captured all the modern trends in joint replacements and easily can be compared with foreign workplaces. Andrey Švec Chief Expert for Orthopaedics, Ministry of Health The Slovakian Arthroplasty Register reached 46,062 records by 31. December 2011. In THA we have 35,290 and in TKA 10,772 records. The team of the SAR dedicated majority of the time in this year to the validization of all registry databases. We were focused on the implementation of Implant tracking system which has reached improvement in 5.33% compared to the previous year and reached 79.34% coverage. This summary of the SAR’s annual report for 2011 demonstrates the collaboration of Slovakian orthopaedic and traumatology society, Ministry of health and industry. In this report we have improved our statistical tools and this extract from annual report seeks to present the most important parameters. We have tried to reduced text and present the results in the graphics and tables. If we compare this report to previous one, it is clear that we have improved data mining. The team of SAR hopes that this report will help orthopaedic surgeons and medical authorities to improve their knowledge about arthroplasty and could also contribute to improvement in the results of arthroplasty in Slovakia. . Head of the SAR Ac 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 This survival analysis of Slovakian Arthroplasty Register (SAR) deals with all arthroplasty procedures performed in Slovakia from 1 January 2003 until 31 December 2011. Forty orthopaedic and traumatology departments performed 5,107 primary total hip arthroplasties (THA) and 433 revision total hip arthroplasties. In 2011, primary THA accounted for 92.18 % and revision THA for 7.82 % of all hip arthroplasties; the revision rate (RR) of all THAs reached 8.48 %, which represents a decrease of 0.73 % compared to 2010. The incidence of primary THA was 94.50 per 100,000 inhabitants and gender distribution was 59.19 % female and 40.81 % male. RR for the all arthroplasties performed after 1 January 2003 reached 2.27 %, with a mean survival time 8.75 years. Primary coxarthrosis was the reason for primary THA in 60.32 % of all cases. Femoral neck fracture accounted for 17.97 % and avascular necrosis of femoral head for 5.89 %. The most commonly used approach was anterolateral in 52.35 % of all cases, then the lateral approach in 30.82 %, and a posterior approach in 16.48 %. Total arthroplasty was used in 88.76 % and hemiarthroplasty in 10.45 % of all cases. 35.26 % of all implants were cemented, 51.16 % uncemented, and in 13.56 % a hybrid type of fixation was used. The four most commonly used brands of bone cement were distributed as follows: SmartSet HV – 33.45 %, Palacos R – 28.12 %, Palacos R Gentamycin – 14.03 %, and SmartSet GHV – 13.05 %. Third generation cementing techniques for femoral components was used in 38.69 % of all cemented implantations. In 2011, we have recorded 29 uncemented acetabular cups (UAC) and 12 cemented acetabular cups (CAC). The RR of UAC was 1.00 % and RR of CAC was 1.75 %. In femoral stems we recorded 41 uncemented femoral stems (UFS) and 28 cemented femoral stems (CFS). The RR of UFS was 0.95 % and RR of CFS was 1.75 %. In 2011 we recorded a decrease in revision THA by 25 cases compared to 2010. The revision database of SAR contains 3,195 protocols. We do not have detailed data about the primary THAs of 2,074 revisions. For deeper analysis we have used only 1,121 revision protocols. In 2011, 51.50 % of all revised implants were cemented, 30.48 % uncemented, and 18.01 % hybrids. After aseptic loosening of femoral and/or acetabular components, the third most commonly marked reason for revision is luxation of THA, with 149 cases. 30.42 % of all revisions were due to aseptic loosening of the femoral component, 24.19 % were due aseptic loosening of the acetabular component and 18.58 % due to luxation. In 2011, we registered 2,679 primary total knee arthroplasties (TKA) and 116 revision TKAs. The incidence of primary THA was 49.57 per 100,000 inhabitants. The RR of TKAs reached 4.33 %, which is in 0.13 % less than in 2010. The RR of TKAs performed after 2006 was 1.80 %. The gender ratio was 67.53 % female to 32.47 % male. The main diagnosis for primary TKA is primary bicondylar degenerative joint disease (DJD) of the knee, which accounted for 89.95 %. The second most common diagnoses, posttraumatic DJD, reached a share of 2.87 %. A medial parapatellar approach was used in 77.64 % of all cases and a mid-vastus approach in 20.86 %. In 98.54 % of all TKAs bone cement was used for fixation of both components. The revision database contains 411 protocols, but 141 of the primary TKAs were performed before 2006 and only 270 revision protocols were used for deeper statistical analyses. From all revised patients, 61.2 % were females and 38.8 % males. Cemented fixation was used in 72.01 % of all patients, uncemented fixation in 3.65 %, and hybrid fixation has 0.73 %. Explantation was performed in 3.65 %, revision without complete data in 4.62 %, and conversion to a spacer in 15.33 %. 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Descriptive statistics of SAR data, implants and their components, are derived on the basis of a year-by-year break-down of the THA and TKA database into the following four groups, using nine time intervals in total, from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2011: 1. alive and not revised, 2. alive and revised, 3. dead and not revised, and 4. dead and revised. Tab. 1 Primary THA database break-down Chart 1 Primary THA database break-down Survival analysis is used to describe the time to revision (failure), where the frequency of revisions increases with time. Tab. 2 Revision THA database break-down Chart 2 Revision THA database break-down Therefore, the break-down of the primary THA database into four groups – alive and not revised, alive and revised, dead and not revised, and dead and revised, is important (table 1, chart 1). Table 2 and chart 2 show the break-down of revision THA database. The same structure can also be seen for TKA (table 3, chart 3), where the differences between THA and TKA are due to the shorter TKA followup. Table 4 and chart 4 show results of the revision TKA database. We presume that both databases will follow the same trend in the next few years. Considering the very low numbers of all deceased patients, 4.50 % only, this part of the database will not be analysed further. Tab. 3 Primary TKA database break-down Chart 3 Primary TKA database break-down Year Aliv e not rev ised Aliv e rev ised Dead not rev ised Dead rev ised 1740 131 246 3 2532 118 432 4 2502 102 366 6 3107 94 390 3 3884 96 275 2 4205 88 117 1 4597 75 95 0 4846 58 66 2 5070 19 18 0 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Aliv e not rev ised Aliv e rev ised Dead not rev ised Dead rev ised 220 37 32 4 258 48 26 1 214 32 23 1 278 37 19 1 300 36 12 0 303 30 5 1 347 38 1 0 423 33 2 0 415 18 0 0 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year Aliv e not rev ised Aliv e rev ised Dead not rev ised Dead rev ised 816 41 35 0 1306 37 20 0 1560 40 11 0 1976 40 12 0 2176 20 3 0 2665 14 0 0 90% 95% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 7 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 4 Revision TKA database break-down Chart 4 Revision TKA database break-down The SAR database consists of the contributions of 40 departments – 12 performing THA and 31 both THA and TKA. The departments are characterised basically by the annual numbers of primary and revision THA and TKA performed. For any particular year (2003–2011), the frequencies of THA and TKA are recorded and compared with the databases of Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic and the databases of component/implant distributors Since 2009, an Implant Tracking System (ITS), based on Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) bar-codes and the Health Industry Business Communications Council (HIBCC) system, has been used to identify the implants. The database is divided into two subdatabases, THA and TKA, respectively, each of which is further divided into primary and revised sub-groups. Basic characteristics are summarized in frequency tables and bar plots as follows: implantation frequency, gender, age groups at five-year intervals (16 in total), diagnosis type of implant, surgical approach, antibiotic prophylaxis, type of fixation, brand of bone cement, and type of cementing technique. In addition, for revision operations: type of fixation of revised implant, reasons for revision, revised components, and type of revision component are recorded. Basic survival/failure characteristics of primary implants and their components in the SAR database Statistical analyses were performed with R software, as nine-year follow up from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2011, with censored date equal to 31 December 2011. The basic characteristics of Revision Rate (RR) and of Hazard Rate (HR) are used to describe the failure and survival of implants/components. Of the above-mentioned basic characteristics, only the frequencies of failed and survived implants/components are used, but not the time to failure or censorship, which are necessary to describe implant/component survival completely. Therefore, in addition to (1) to (2), 1. mean survival time (in years), 2. 95% confidence interval (CI) of mean survival time characterized by its lower and upper bounds (LB and UB, respec- tively) were also used. For the particular implant /component groups (primary and revision THA) and their combinations (primary THA), curves of cumulative risk with 95% confidence intervals derived from Kaplan-Meier survival curves (detailes is later) are used: for four most frequent acetabular compo- nents, for four most frequent femoral compo- nents, for four most frequent uncemented component combinations, for four most frequent cemented component combinations, and for four most frequent hybrid component combinations. Year Aliv e not rev ised Aliv e rev ised Dead not rev ised Dead rev ised 2006 15 3 2 0 2007 32 10 0 0 2008 39 12 0 0 2009 60 24 0 0 2010 81 17 0 0 2011 107 9 0 0 65% 70% 75% 80% 85% 90% 95% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 8 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Testing of hypotheses about differences in mean time of survival between groups of primary implants and their components in SAR database Testing of hypotheses about differences in mean time of survival between stratified components of primary and revision THA (1 to 5) and implants of primary and revision THA (6 to 16), primary TKA (6 to 12, 14 to 16), and revision TKA (6 to 9, 10, 11, and 16) is performed as follows: 1. component type – acetabular and femo- ral, 2. interaction of the first order – component type (acetabular and femoral) vs type of fixation (uncemented and cemented), 3. interaction of the second order – gender vs component type and type of fixation, 4. generation of cemented techniques (1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd ), 5. interaction of the first order – gender vs generation of cemented techniques 6. gender – females and males, 7. age groups – less than or equal to 55 years [min,55], from 55 to 65 years (55,65], from 65 to 75 years (65,75], and more than 75 years (75,max], 8. type of the implant fixation (for both primary and revision THA, primary and revision TKA – uncemented, cemented, hybrids; additionally, for primary THA – reverse hybrid, cemented and uncemented hemiartroplasty), 9. diagnosis (7 types for THA and 5 types for TKA), 10. interaction of the first order – gender vs age groups, 11. interaction of the first order – gender vs type of fixation, 12. interaction of the first order – gender vs diagnosis, 13. interaction of the first order – age groups vs type of fixation, 14. interaction of the first order – age groups vs diagnosis, 15. interaction of the first order – type of fixation vs diagnosis, and 16. reasons for revision (17 types for THA and 18 for TKA). The results are presented as 1) cumulative risk (CR) curves equivalent to Kaplan-Meier survival curves (S), where CR(t) equals to natural logarithm of S(t) multiplied by minus one at the time point t (the former represents component/implant failure and the latter component/implant survival); 2) p-values (to simplify the outputs, test statistics are omitted), using the following termi- nology A. significance, if p-value fails to the interval [0,0.05), B. marginal significance, if p-value fails to the interval [0.05,0.1). Since a revision procedure is defined as any operation replacing any component, the CR curve is used to calculate the time from primary insertion to the first revision. A failure time is characterized by implementing both failed and censored implants into the calculation. 9 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Results in 2011 By 31 December 2011 SAR had received in total 49,668 protocols, of which 38,485 were THA and 11,183 were TKA protocols. Total Hip Arthroplasty From 1 January 2011 till 31 December 2011 we had received 5,540 THA protocols, of which 5,107 were primary and 433 were revision procedures. The annual increase was 2.03 %. Table 5 and chart 5 show the annual increases in primary and revision THA. Tab. 5 Number of THA and annual growth (%) Chart 5 Number of primary and revision THA The increase of primary THA procedures is not linked to revision THA and there is a slight decrease in revision procedures from 458 in 2010 to 433 in 2011. Total Knee Arthroplasty From both table 6 and chart 6, it is clear that the annual growth in TKA in 2011 was 21.68 %, compared to 2010. The number of revision TKAs does not follow the trend of primary TKAs, as shown in chart 6 the increase in revision TKA was only 18.36 %. Tab. 6 Number of TKA and annual growth (%) Chart 6 Number of primary and revision TKA Demographic situation in Slovakia 2011 The number of inhabitants in Slovakia by 31 December, 2011 reached 5,404,322; according to chart 7 the population of the country has de- creased. Tab.7 Number of inhabitants in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 7 Number of inhabitants in Slovakia 2003–2011 Year Primary THA Annual growth Rev ision THA Annual growth 2003 2120 293 2004 3086 45.57% 333 13.65% 2005 2976 -3.56% 270 -18.92% 2006 3594 20.77% 335 24.07% 2007 4257 18.45% 348 3.88% 2008 4411 3.62% 339 -2.59% 2009 4767 8.07% 386 13.86% 2010 4972 4.30% 458 18.65% 2011 5107 2.72% 433 -5.46% Year Primary TKA Annual growth Rev ision TKA Annual growth 2006 892 20 2007 1363 52.80% 42 110.00% 2008 1611 18.20% 51 21.43% 2009 2028 25.88% 84 64.71% 2010 2199 8.43% 98 16.67% 2011 2679 21.83% 116 18.37% Year Male Female Total 2003 2611124 2768929 5380053 2004 2613490 2771332 5384822 2005 2615872 2773308 5389180 2006 2618284 2775353 5393637 2007 2623127 2777871 5400998 2008 2629804 2782450 5412254 2009 2636938 2787987 5424925 2010 2642240 2793033 5435273 2011 2631752 2772570 5404322 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 8 Ages of patients at the time of primary THA (interaction of gender and type of fixation; sd: standard deviation, Q1: first quartile, Q3: third quartile) Tab. 9 Ages of patients at the time of primary THA (interaction of gender and diagnosis; sd: standard deviation, Q1: first quartile, Q3: third quartile) Total number Mean 95% CI for mean SD Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Uncemented Cemented Hybrids Reverse hybrids Hemiarthropl. uncem. Hemiarthropl. cem. Uncemented Cemented Hybrids Reverse hybrids Hemiarthropl. uncem. Hemiarthropl. cem. Uncemented Cemented Hybrids Reverse hybrids Hemiarthropl. uncem. Hemiarthropl. cem. Whole database Females Males Whole database total Females total Males total Total number Mean 95% CI for mean SD Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Primary coxarthrosis Dysplastic coxarthrosis Posttraumatic coxarthrosis Avascular necrosis M. Perthes Rheumatoid arthritis Fracture of femoral neck Primary coxarthrosis Dysplastic coxarthrosis Posttraumatic coxarthrosis Avascular necrosis M. Perthes Rheumatoid arthritis Fracture of femoral neck Primary coxarthrosis Dysplastic coxarthrosis Posttraumatic coxarthrosis Avascular necrosis M. Perthes Rheumatoid arthritis Fracture of femoral neck Whole database Females Males Whole database total Females total Males total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Table 8 shows the mean age of patients at operation for primary THA, according to gender and type of fixation. From this table it is evident that the mean age of all groups is increasing slowly from 64.64 years in 2010 to 64.68 years in 2011. Table 9 shows the mean age of patients at operation according to diagnosis. For these descriptive statistics we were not able to use 1,453 protocols with the recorded diagnosis – “other causes”. The mean age for the diagnosis primary coxarhrosis was 64.66 years, for dysplastic coxarthrosis it was 52.65 years. We received 45 protocols with the diagnosis of Perthes’ disease and the mean age of these patients was 47.84 years. Tab. 10 Ages of the patients at the time of revision THA (interaction of gender and type of fixation; sd: standard deviation, Q1: first quartile, Q3: third quartile) Table 10 shows the same parameters for the patients with revision THA. The mean age is 66.41 years, which is 1.73 years older than in the patients with primary THA. Tab. 11 Ages of patients at the time of primary TKA (interaction of gender and type of fixation; sd: standard deviation, Q1: first quartile, Q3: third quartile) 50 59.46 58.34 to 60.58 16.21 14.00 57.00 64.00 68.00 81.00 7245 67.05 66.99 to 67.12 7.96 22.00 62.00 68.00 73.00 89.00 17 61.65 60.37 to 62.92 7.21 47.00 56.00 64.00 68.00 69.00 27 57.96 56.80 to 59.12 9.44 26.00 54.00 59.00 64.50 73.00 7339 66.95 66.89 to 67.02 8.09 14.00 62.00 68.00 73.00 89.00 50 55.48 54.47 to 56.49 13.25 18.00 51.00 57.50 60.75 80.00 3323 65.13 65.03 to 65.23 8.67 13.00 59.00 65.00 72.00 92.00 19 55.95 54.33 to 57.56 12.89 16.00 52.00 56.00 64.00 76.00 43 56.23 55.20 to 57.27 11.95 13.00 52.00 58.00 63.00 74.00 3435 64.83 64.73 to 64.93 8.97 13.00 59.00 65.00 71.00 92.00 100 57.47 56.71 to 58.23 14.87 14.00 52.00 60.00 67.00 81.00 10568 66.45 66.39 to 66.50 8.24 13.00 61.00 67.00 72.00 92.00 36 58.64 57.56 to 59.71 10.84 16.00 53.00 59.50 66.25 76.00 70 56.90 56.12 to 57.68 11.01 13.00 52.00 58.00 64.00 74.00 10774 66.28 66.22 to 66.33 8.44 13.00 61.00 67.00 72.00 92.00 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 12 Age of the patients at the time of primary TKA (interaction of gender and diagnosis; sd: standard deviation, Q1: first quartile, Q3: third quartile) Tab. 13 Ages of patients at the time of revision TKA (interaction of gender and type of fixation; sd: standard deviation, Q1: first quartile, Q3: third quartile) Tables 11 and 12 show the same parameters for the patients with primary TKA. The mean age of all primary TKA patients is 66.28 years and the mean age of all revision TKA patients is 65.51 years. Compared to the primary TKA patients, the mean age of revised TKA patients is slightly smaller (by 0.77 years). Table 13 shows the mean age of patients with revision TKA and interaction of gender and type of fixation. Total number Mean 95% CI for mean SD Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Primary monocondylar arthrosis 449 66.01 65.75 to 66.27 8.09 37.00 61.00 67.00 72.00 87.00 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 6463 67.33 67.26 to 67.40 7.64 23.00 62.00 68.00 73.00 89.00 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 197 63.84 63.41 to 64.27 9.58 37.00 58.00 65.00 71.00 88.00 Aseptic necrosis 24 70.42 69.33 to 71.50 7.38 56.00 65.75 71.50 76.25 84.00 Rheumatoid arthritis 161 60.39 59.83 to 60.94 12.87 22.00 54.00 62.00 70.00 84.00 7294 67.01 66.95 to 67.08 7.97 22.00 62.00 68.00 73.00 89.00 Primary monocondylar arthrosis 196 64.34 63.93 to 64.75 8.61 36.00 58.00 63.00 70.25 87.00 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 2903 65.52 65.41 to 65.62 8.33 34.00 59.00 66.00 72.00 92.00 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 224 60.47 60.06 to 60.88 9.69 32.00 54.00 59.00 67.25 84.00 Aseptic necrosis 11 66.82 64.82 to 68.82 11.48 39.00 66.00 72.00 73.00 78.00 Rheumatoid arthritis 45 59.62 58.61 to 60.64 12.05 30.00 55.00 62.00 65.00 83.00 3379 65.04 64.94 to 65.14 8.62 30.00 59.00 65.00 71.00 92.00 Primary monocondylar arthrosis 645 65.50 65.28 to 65.72 8.28 36.00 60.00 66.00 71.00 87.00 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 9366 66.77 66.71 to 66.83 7.91 23.00 62.00 67.00 73.00 92.00 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 421 62.05 61.75 to 62.34 9.77 32.00 56.00 62.00 69.00 88.00 Aseptic necrosis 35 69.29 68.30 to 70.27 8.86 39.00 66.00 72.00 74.00 84.00 Rheumatoid arthritis 206 60.22 59.73 to 60.70 12.67 22.00 54.00 62.00 69.75 84.00 10673 66.39 66.33 to 66.44 8.23 22.00 61.00 67.00 72.00 92.00Whole database total Females Females total Males Males total Whole database Total number Mean 95% CI for mean SD Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Uncemented 12 59.17 56.72 to 61.62 18.73 27.00 55.00 66.50 70.50 77.00 Cemented 173 66.76 66.32 to 67.19 8.55 37.00 61.00 67.00 72.00 85.00 Hybrids 3 70.67 66.77 to 74.56 11.85 57.00 67.00 77.00 77.50 78.00 252 66.33 65.96 to 66.71 9.29 27.00 61.00 67.00 72.00 85.00 Uncemented 3 61.33 55.53 to 67.13 26.27 31.00 53.50 76.00 76.50 77.00 Cemented 123 63.76 63.21 to 64.30 9.60 14.00 59.50 64.00 70.00 82.00 Hybrids NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 159 64.21 63.73 to 64.70 9.59 14.00 60.00 65.00 70.00 83.00 Uncemented 15 59.60 57.37 to 61.83 19.37 27.00 47.00 68.00 74.00 77.00 Cemented 296 65.51 65.17 to 65.85 9.11 14.00 61.00 66.00 71.00 85.00 Hybrids 3 70.67 66.77 to 74.56 11.85 57.00 67.00 77.00 77.50 78.00 411 65.51 65.22 to 65.81 9.45 14.00 61.00 67.00 72.00 85.00Whole database total Females Females total Males Males total Whole database © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 The following tables list the orthopaedic and trauma departments according to the number of Tab. 14 Departments according to the Nr. of performed THA arthroplasties performed per annum. Table 14 shows the ranking of departments according to the number of performed THA. Departments are divided into four groups. Table 15 shows the departments and number of TKAs performed. Compared to 2010, when only 8 departments performed more than 100 TKA, this year it was 12 departments. Tab. 15 Departments according to the Nr. of performed TKA Table 16 presents departments according to region, type of hospital and speciality of the departments. The last four columns show the percentage participation of each department in the total numbers of primary and revision THA and TKA. The number of departments remained the same as in 2010 – forty. Charts 8–9 show the ranking of departments according to the numbers of primary and revision THAs. This year only 13 departments performed more than 10 revisions. Charts 10–11 show this ranking for primary and revision TKAs. In this segment, only four departments performed more than 10 revisions. Department Primary THA Rev ision THA Total Bratislav a – I.Orth.-traum. 406 77 483 454 25 479 B. By strica – Orth. 292 53 345 Martin – Orth.-traum. 258 60 318 270 32 302 Bratislav a – II.Orth.-traum. 268 21 289 214 17 231 195 9 204 185 5 190 169 20 189 175 10 185 179 2 181 147 2 149 137 10 147 117 26 143 120 17 137 130 3 133 127 3 130 111 8 119 99 11 110 103 1 104 92 3 95 89 5 94 91 1 92 Bratislav a S & E – Orth. 86 0 86 80 4 84 80 4 84 64 0 64 63 0 63 57 0 57 55 0 55 43 3 46 P. By strica – Orth. 43 0 43 33 0 33 27 1 28 27 0 27 13 0 13 5 0 5 2 0 2 Bratislav a DFNsP - Orth. 1 0 1 Department Primary TKA Rev ision TKA Total 271 21 292 256 3 259 Bratislav a – I.Orth.-traum. 215 23 238 Martin – Orth.-traum. 213 14 227 B. By strica – Orth. 180 7 187 Bratislav a – II.Orth.-traum. 169 8 177 124 4 128 126 1 127 113 10 123 114 1 115 109 2 111 106 1 107 92 7 99 88 0 88 56 6 62 57 0 57 54 3 57 54 0 54 49 1 50 42 0 42 39 2 41 35 0 35 Bratislav a S & E – Orth. 32 0 32 29 1 30 15 0 15 15 0 15 13 0 13 6 0 6 3 0 3 Bratislav a DFNsP - Orth. 2 1 3 2 0 2 33 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 16 Departments according to region, specialty and volume of joint replacements Chart 8 Departments according the volume of primary THA Region Ty pe of hospital Hospital Department Primary THA (%) Rev ision THA (%) Primary TKA (%) Rev ision TKA (%) I.Orth.-traum. 7.95 17.78 8.03 19.83 II.Orth.-traum. 5.25 4.85 6.31 6.90 Traum. 1.94 2.54 1.46 1.72 Orth. 0.02 0.00 0.07 0.86 Orth. 1.68 0.00 1.19 0.00 Traum.-orth. 2.49 0.69 1.57 0.00 Orth. 1.25 0.00 2.02 0.00 Orth. 2.17 1.85 2.02 2.59 Traum.-orth. 2.02 0.23 0.07 0.00 Orth. 1.78 0.23 1.83 0.86 Orth. 2.29 6.00 2.09 5.17 Traum. 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 Orth. 0.84 0.00 0.00 0.00 Orth.-traum. 1.74 1.15 2.13 0.00 Traum. 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 Traum.-orth. 3.62 1.15 4.26 0.86 Orth. 3.50 0.46 3.96 0.86 Traum. 1.57 0.92 0.00 0.00 Orth. 2.55 0.69 4.70 0.86 Traum. 0.53 0.23 0.00 0.00 Orth.-traum. 5.05 13.86 7.95 12.07 Orth. 3.82 2.08 4.63 3.45 Traum. 1.08 0.00 0.22 0.00 Traum.-orth. 8.89 5.77 10.12 18.10 Orth.-traum. 1.57 0.92 1.31 0.00 Traum.-orth. 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 Traum. 0.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 Orth. 5.72 12.24 6.72 6.03 Traum. 1.80 0.69 0.11 0.00 Orth.-traum. 1.23 0.00 0.56 0.00 Orth. 5.29 7.39 9.56 2.59 Orth. 3.31 4.62 3.43 6.03 Orth. 2.88 0.46 3.28 0.00 Traum. 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 Orth.-traum. 4.19 3.93 4.22 8.62 Traum. 0.84 0.69 0.56 0.00 Orth. 2.68 2.31 1.08 0.86 Orth. 3.43 2.31 0.49 0.00 Traum. 0.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 Orth. 2.35 3.93 4.07 1.72 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 9 Departments according the volume of revision THA Chart 10 Departments according the volume of primary TKA Chart 11 Departments according the volume of revision TKA University and faculty departments have performed 66.43 % of all primary and 81.04 % of all revision total hip arthroplasties, as shown in table 17 and chart 12. For total knee arthroplasties the corresponding figures are 71.84 % of all primary and 87.06 % of all revisions – table 18 and chart 13. Tab. 17 Volume of primary and revision THA according to the type of department Ty pe of hospital Primary THA (%) Rev ision THA (%) Univ ersity 25.22 43.65 Faculty 41.21 37.39 Regional 29.55 15.00 Priv ate 4.03 3.93 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 12 Volume of primary and revision THA according to the type of department As it is clear from charts 14 and 15, majority of hip and knee revision arthroplasties were performed in university or faculty departments. Tab. 18 Volume of primary and revision TKA according to the type of department Chart 13 Volume of performed primary and revision THA according to the type of department In 2010 we introduced a very sensitive parameter for arthroplasty – volume of performed revisions per department. To evaluate this figure precisely we have to consider the provenance of patients requiring revision. According to this, each department has two groups of patients. The first group comprises the revisions of a primary implantation performed in the same department. The second group comprises those referred revision patients, whose primary implantations had been performed in other departments. Among the departments which have performed more than 10 revisions, two have more than 80 % of revisions which have originated in other department. How ever, these departments were created after 2003 and have no prior history of performing arthroplasties. Only three departments have performed more than 40 % of revisions, whose primary implantation had been performed in other depart- ments. Tab. 19 Departments according the origin of THA revision Chart 14 Departments according the origin of THA revision Ty pe of hospital Primary TKA (%) Rev ision TKA (%) Univ ersity 28.53 49.14 Faculty 43.31 37.92 Regional 22.92 11.20 Priv ate 5.26 1.72 Department Own rev ision Foreign rev ision Total 9 0 9 6 2 8 5 0 5 5 0 5 3 1 4 4 0 4 3 0 3 3 0 3 2 1 3 3 0 3 2 0 2 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Total 296 137 433 Register 2013 3 3 Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 3 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 For total knee arthroplasties the situation is different. TKA revisions were performed in fewer departments. Only four departments performed more than 10 revisions in the year. Table 20 and chart 15 show the figures for TKA. Tab. 20 Departments according the origin of TKA revision Chart 15 Departments according the origin of TKA revision In 2010 we introduced another parameter for the register follow-up based on the hypothesis that the period of the year in which the arthroplasty procedure was performed could influence the survival of the implants. From the first two years of observation it became clear that the volume of the primary operation is not even throughout the year, but the volume of revision procedures is almost constant. Chart 16 Volume of the performed THA during the year There are two dips in primary THAs – one in December and January and the other in July. This corresponds to the results from 2010. The biggest volume of revisions was performed in No- vember. Chart 17 Volume of the TKAs performed during the year Chart 17 shows the distribution of primary and revision TKAs for each month of the year. The shape of the plot is similar to that for THAs. Department Own rev ision Foreign rev ision Total Bratislav a – II.Orth.-traum. 2 6 8 B. By strica – Orth. 7 0 7 Poprad – Orth. 7 0 7 6 0 6 4 0 4 Prešov – Orth. 3 0 3 Skalica – Orth. 3 0 3 Bratislav a – Traum. 1 1 2 Košice – Šaca - Orth. 2 0 2 Bratislav a DFNsP – Orth. 1 0 1 D. Streda – Orth. 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 Nitra – Traum.-orth. 1 0 1 1 0 1 Total 98 18 116 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Our Implant Tracking System (ITS) started in 1 January 2010. By December 2012, 25.99 % of all components were recorded manually and 74.01 % with the use of bar-code scanners. The goal of this system was to improve recording of components. Table 21 shows this improvement, but some departments are still not using this system. We would like to achieve bar-code scanning of at least 95 % of all components within next two years. . Tab. 21 Bar-code scanning and ITS usage by department B. By strica – Orth. 151 28.38% 381 71.62% B. By strica – Traum. 98 100.00% 0 0.00% Bojnice – Orth.-traum. 8 5.30% 143 94.70% Bratislav a DFNsP - Orth. 0 0.00% 4 100.00% Bratislav a S & E – Orth. 1 0.85% 117 99.15% Bratislav a – I.Orth.-traum. 22 3.06% 697 96.94% Bratislav a – II.Orth.-traum. 213 45.61% 254 54.39% Bratislav a – Traum. 50 32.89% 102 67.11% D. Kubín – Orth.-traum. 91 76.47% 28 23.53% D. Streda – Orth. 140 98.59% 2 1.41% Galanta – Traum.-orth. 17 16.04% 89 83.96% Humenné – Orth. 0 0.00% 237 100.00% Košice – Orth.-traum. 151 42.66% 203 57.34% Košice – Traum. 7 11.48% 54 88.52% 4 2.25% 174 97.75% Košice – Šaca - Orth. 100 40.49% 147 59.51% L. Mikuláš – Traum.-orth. 0 0.00% 27 100.00% 16 20.51% 62 79.49% Martin – Orth.-traum. 17 3.12% 528 96.88% Michalov ce – Orth. 4 2.02% 194 97.98% Michalov ce – Traum. 0 0.00% 33 100.00% 65 22.57% 223 77.43% 10 11.90% 74 88.10% Nitra – Traum.-orth. 294 96.39% 11 3.61% P. By strica – Orth. 43 100.00% 0 0.00% Partizánske – Traum. 0 0.00% 2 100.00% 4 3.39% 114 96.61% Poprad – Orth. 19 6.60% 269 93.40% Prešov – Orth. 5 0.89% 556 99.11% 75 9.72% 697 90.28% Skalica – Orth. 1 0.57% 175 99.43% 30 11.54% 230 88.46% 3 10.71% 25 89.29% 16 7.80% 189 92.20% 12 21.05% 45 78.95% Trnav a – Traum.-orth. 25 14.53% 147 85.47% Trstená – Traum. 0 0.00% 13 100.00% 5 100.00% 0 0.00% 19 31.15% 42 68.85% 6 1.81% 325 98.19% Total 8335 1722 20.66% 6613 79.34% © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 In 2011, we received THA data from 40 departments. These 40 departments performed 5,107 primary and 433 revision implantations. Tab. 22 Number of primary and revision THAs In comparison with 2010, there was a 2.72 % increase in primary THAs. In 2011, primary THA accounted for 92.18 % and revision arthroplasty 7.82 % of all hip arthroplasties. Table 22 and chart 18 show the year-by-year evolution of these figures. Chart 18 Number of primary and revision THAs In 2011, the RR reached 8.48 %, which represents a decrease of 0.73 % compared to the previous year. Chart 20 Primary THA – incidence per 100,000 inhabitants In 2003, the incidence of primary THA was 39.40 per 100,000 inhabitants. In 2011, that value reached 94.50 per 100 000 inhabitants. The gender distribution in 2011 was 59.19 % female and 40.81 % male. The gender ratio is the same as in previous year. Table 23 and chart 21 show the numbers of primary THA according to gender. Tab. 23 Primary THA – gender distribution Chart 21 Primary THA – gender distribution Chart 19 Primary THA – revision rate Year Primary THA Annual growth Rev ision THA Annual growth 2120 293 3086 45.57% 333 13.65% 2976 -3.56% 270 -18.92% 3594 20.77% 335 24.07% 4257 18.45% 348 3.88% 4411 3.62% 339 -2.59% 4767 8.07% 386 13.86% 4972 4.30% 458 18.65% 5107 2.72% 433 -5.46% Year Female Male 1325 795 1885 1201 1808 1168 2213 1381 2631 1626 2730 1681 2892 1875 2985 1987 3023 2084 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 Arthroplasty 20 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 For the next observation, the whole database was divided according to the gender, age (4 groups) and type of implant fixation. Comparison of RR shows better results for the female gender. The lowest RR was observed in the age group over 75 years and in cemented hemiarthroplasty. The highest RR – 9.84, which is 4.33 times more than whole database, was observed in the group of reverse hybrids. Tab. 24 Characteristics of primary THA (gender, age groups and type of fixation) For the first time in this survival analysis we have introduced cumulative risk as a new figure. Chart 22 shows the cumulative risk by gender. After the fourth year, the RR for females increases rapidly. Chart 23 shows the same parameter by age groups with lowest risk being in the group over 75 years. Chart 24 represents the cumulative risk (CR) curves by the type of fixation. The risk of revision for the reverse hybrids is significantly higher than in the other groups in the entire time range (increasing over time) and has lowest mean survival time, which is 7.88 yrs. Chart 22 Cumulative risk of primary THA (gender) Chart 23 Cumulative risk of primary THA (age groups) Chart 24 Cumulative risk of primary THA (type of fixation) Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Females 21492 427 1.99 1.80 to 2.17 8.79 Males 13798 375 2.72 2.45 to 2.99 8.69 [min,55] yrs 8012 191 2.38 2.05 to 2.72 8.73 (55,65] yrs 9558 259 2.71 2.38 to 3.04 8.70 (65,75] yrs 10831 256 2.36 2.08 to 2.65 8.75 (75,max] yrs 6889 96 1.39 1.12 to 1.67 8.85 Uncemented 14274 250 1.75 1.54 to 1.97 8.76 Cemented 11022 302 2.74 2.44 to 3.04 8.74 Hybrids 4727 167 3.53 3.01 to 4.06 8.63 Reverse hybrids 193 19 9.84 5.64 to 14.05 7.88 Hemiarthropl. cem. 4816 61 1.27 0.95 to 1.58 8.84 Hemiarthropl. uncem. 258 3 1.16 0.00 to 2.47 8.60 35290 802 2.27 2.12 to 2.43 8.75 Gender Age groups Whole database total Type of fixation © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 21 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Interaction of gender and age groups is shown in table 25 and charts 25–26. RR for females is 1.99 compared to 2.72 RR for males. The lowest RR was in the male age group over 75 yrs. Tab. 25 Characteristics of primary THA (interaction of gender and age groups) Chart 25 Cumulative risk of primary THA (females, age groups) Chart 26 Cumulative risk of primary THA (males, age groups) Age groups Tab. 26 Primary THA – age groups Table 26 shows the population divided into fiveyear age groups. This analysis indicates the trend of shifting THA towards younger age group during last few years. In 2011 in the age groups less than 25 years, only 12 implantations were recorded. We have recorded only three decreases among these age groups 40–44, 50–54 and 80–84. For our following analysis, we are using the database divided into only four age groups giving us the opportunity of their statistical comparison. Table 27 and chart 27 show this development. When we compare distribution of the age groups in 2003 and 2011, there is a decrease 4.17 % in the age group less than or Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean [min,55] yrs 4376 83 1.90 1.49 to 2.30 8.79 (55,65] yrs 5126 131 2.56 2.12 to 2.99 8.72 (65,75] yrs 6910 139 2.01 1.68 to 2.34 8.79 (75,max] yrs 5080 74 1.46 1.13 to 1.79 8.85 21492 427 1.99 1.80 to 2.17 8.79 [min,55] yrs 3636 108 2.97 2.42 to 3.52 8.66 (55,65] yrs 4432 128 2.89 2.40 to 3.38 8.67 (65,75] yrs 3921 117 2.98 2.45 to 3.52 8.68 (75,max] yrs 1809 22 1.22 0.71 to 1.72 8.82 13798 375 2.72 2.45 to 2.99 8.69 35290 802 2.27 2.12 to 2.43 8.75Whole database total Females Males Females total Males total Year <15 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 >85 Not Ident. 2003 0 0 0 4 6 13 33 50 121 232 220 278 349 356 239 219 0 2004 0 1 2 6 15 24 56 98 208 364 390 403 468 484 294 273 0 2005 0 2 1 9 18 29 45 95 192 300 353 410 492 451 313 266 0 2006 0 2 3 7 16 50 72 155 272 413 450 553 569 490 303 238 1 2007 0 1 8 11 28 57 113 164 343 508 554 655 645 602 322 246 0 2008 0 7 7 17 30 68 100 222 397 547 620 713 650 547 291 195 0 2009 0 1 8 22 41 59 105 226 475 633 673 747 688 575 317 197 0 2010 1 4 11 19 41 71 146 227 485 707 705 779 709 570 333 163 1 2011 0 4 8 19 42 84 125 238 472 711 799 814 742 594 261 194 0 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013© Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 equal to 55 yrs but an increase of 5.13 % in group 55–65 yrs. There is a decrease of 2.24 % in the age group 65–75 and an increase of 1.87 % in the group over 75 yrs. Close inspection of chart 27 reveals two-year cycles with the dips in odd years for the age groups less than or equal to 55 yrs and 55–65 yrs. By contrast, in the age groups 65–75 and over 75 yrs, there are even year dips. Tab 27 Frequency of primary THA (age groups; in %) Chart 27 Frequency of primary THA (age groups; in %) Tab 28 Frequency of primary THA (females; age groups; in %) Chart 28 Frequency of primary THA (females; age groups; in %) Tab 29 Frequency of primary THA (males; age groups; in %) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 29 Frequency of primary THA (males; age groups; in %) Table 28 and chart 28 show the results of this analysis for females and table 29 and chart 29 for males. For females in the age group less than equal to 55 yrs, there is a decrease from 21.89 % in 2003 to 18.00 % in 2011, and for males in the age group less than 55 we have recorded decrease from 30.19 % in 2003 to 24.95 % in 2011. The next analyses are the failures of the implants according to age groups. Table 30 and chart 30 show the distribution of failed implants in percentages, according to the four age groups. Tab 30 Frequency of failure of primary THA in a particular year (age groups; in %) Chart 30 Frequency of failure of primary THA in a particular year (age groups; in %) Table 31 and chart 31 show these results for female patients and table 32 and chart 32 for male patients. From this chart, there are apparent differences in the percentages of failed THAs according to the four age groups. Due to the short observation period, the interpretation of these data is still difficult. For female patients in the age group less than or equal 55 yrs, we have found a clear decrease in failures from 2003 to 2009. In 2011 there was no record of revision in this age group. By contrast, the age group over 75 showed the significant increase in failures from 2009 to 2011. In 2011 we found 57.14 % of all revisions in this age group. Tab 31 Frequency of failure of primary THA in a particular year (females; age groups; in %) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 31 Frequency of failure of primary THA in a particular year (females; age groups; in %) Tab 32 Frequency of failure of primary THA in a particular year (males; age groups; in %) Chart 32 Frequency of failure of primary THA in a particular year (males; age groups; in %) The last new analysis presents the failure rate of primary THA according to age group, which is not cumulative. We have recorded all failures in one month, three months and each consecutive year. Table 33 and chart 33 show the results in percentage for the whole database. Tab 33 Probability of failure of primary THA until certain time point (age groups; not cumulative; in %) Chart 33 Probability of failure of primary THA until certain time point (age groups; not cumulative; in %) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Table 34 and chart 34 show the same results for females and table 35 and chart 35 show results for males. This analysis shows the increased probability of failure of the implants in the age group less or equal than 55 yrs and a decrease in failures in the age group over 75 yrs. In the ninth year we have recorded revisions in 60 % for the age group less than or equal 55 yrs, but no revision in the age group over 75. Tab 34 Probability of failure of primary THA until certain time point (females; age groups; not cumulative; in %) Chart 34 Probability of failure of primary THA until certain time point (females; age groups; not cumulative; in %) Tab 35 Probability of failure of primary THA until certain time point (males; age groups; not cumulative; in %) Chart 35 Probability of failure of primary THA until certain time point (males; age groups; not cumulative; in %) 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 26 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Diagnoses Tab. 36 Primary THA – diagnoses Tab. 37 Characteristics of primary THA (diagnoses) In 2011, primary coxarthrosis was still the main indication for THA. Compared to 2010, when primary coxarthrosis was the indication for THA in 57.70 % off all indications, in the current year it was 60.32 %. Between 2010 and 2011, a minor decrease, from 11.38 % to 10.20 %, for dysplastic coxarthrosis was recorded. For femoral neck fracture, the decrease was similar from 19.69 % to 17.97 %. Only one increase was recorded, namely avascular necrosis from 4.86 % in 2010 to 5.89 % in 2011. Tab. 38 Characteristics of primary THA (interaction of gender and diagnoses) Year Primary Coxarthrosis Dy splastic Coxarthrosis Posttraumatic Coxarthrosis Aseptic Necrosis M.Perthes Rheumatoid Arthritis Fracture of Femoral Neck Other Causes 2003 1135 209 274 134 1 25 28 291 2004 1600 359 498 201 3 40 15 352 2005 1487 298 557 207 6 32 46 322 2006 1969 432 169 241 1 31 680 54 2007 2396 490 183 221 5 38 874 35 2008 2364 557 224 259 11 56 881 43 2009 2736 552 176 223 6 39 970 56 2010 2871 566 178 242 4 40 979 92 2011 3081 521 154 301 8 35 918 89 Total numbers Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Primary coxarthr. 19639 373 1.90 1.71 to 2.09 8.79 8.77 to 8.81 Dysplastic coxarthr. 3984 71 1.78 1.37 to 2.19 8.79 8.75 to 8.84 Posttraum. coxarthr. 2413 50 2.07 1.50 to 2.64 8.80 8.74 to 8.85 Avascular necrosis 2029 43 2.12 1.49 to 2.75 8.76 8.70 to 8.83 M. Perthes 45 2 4.44 0.00 to 10.47 8.26 7.73 to 8.78 Rheumatoid arthritis 336 10 2.98 1.16 to 4.79 8.70 8.52 to 8.87 Fracture of fem. 5391 91 1.69 1.34 to 2.03 8.69 8.63 to 8.75 2.27 2.12 to 2.43 8.75 8.73 to 8.77 Diagnoses Whole database Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Primary coxarthr. 11046 172 1.56 1.33 to 1.79 8.83 8.81 to 8.86 Dysplastic coxarthr. 3217 55 1.71 1.26 to 2.16 8.81 8.76 to 8.86 Posttraum. coxarthr. 1398 19 1.36 0.75 to 1.97 8.87 8.81 to 8.93 Avascular necrosis 817 21 2.57 1.49 to 3.66 8.68 8.57 to 8.78 M. Perthes 19 0 0.00 NA 7.68 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 241 5 2.07 0.28 to 3.87 8.72 8.55 to 8.88 Fracture of fem. neck 3791 60 1.58 1.19 to 1.98 8.70 8.66 to 8.74 21492 427 1.99 1.80 to 2.17 8.79 8.77 to 8.81 Primary coxarthr. 8593 201 2.34 2.02 to 2.66 8.73 8.70 to 8.77 Dysplastic coxarthr. 767 16 2.09 1.07 to 3.10 8.64 8.50 to 8.77 Posttraum. coxarthr. 1015 31 3.05 2.00 to 4.11 8.69 8.59 to 8.79 Avascular necrosis 1212 22 1.82 1.06 to 2.57 8.79 8.71 to 8.87 M. Perthes 26 2 7.69 0.00 to 17.93 7.96 7.05 to 8.87 Rheumatoid arthritis 95 5 5.26 0.77 to 9.75 8.44 7.98 to 8.90 Fracture of fem. neck 1600 31 1.94 1.26 to 2.61 8.60 8.42 to 8.77 13798 375 2.72 2.45 to 2.99 8.69 8.66 to 8.72 35290 802 2.27 2.12 to 2.43 8.75 8.73 to 8.77 Females Males Whole database total Females total Males total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 27 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 From the table 38 it is clear that the RR of all diagnosis except Perthes’ disease was within interval 1.69–2.98. There were only 45 protocols with the diagnosis of Perthes’ disease with 2 revisions and the RR therefore reached 4.44. Tab 39 Characteristics of primary THA (interaction of age groups and diagnoses) Surgical approaches Tab. 40 Primary THA – surgical approaches Chart 36 Primary THA – surgical approaches Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Primary coxarthr. 3284 65 1.98 1.50 to 2.46 8.75 8.70 to 8.81 Dysplastic coxarthr. 2524 41 1.62 1.13 to 2.12 8.81 8.76 to 8.86 Posttraum. coxarthr. 520 14 2.69 1.30 to 4.08 8.70 8.58 to 8.83 Avascular necrosis 892 14 1.57 0.75 to 2.39 8.82 8.74 to 8.90 M. Perthes 35 1 2.86 0.00 to 8.38 8.40 7.92 to 8.87 Rheumatoid arthritis 152 4 2.63 0.09 to 5.18 8.65 8.41 to 8.90 Fracture of fem. neck 342 11 3.22 1.35 to 5.09 7.29 7.04 to 7.53 8012 191 2.38 2.05 to 2.72 8.73 8.70 to 8.77 Primary coxarthr. 6447 130 2.02 1.67 to 2.36 8.77 8.73 to 8.81 Dysplastic coxarthr. 1005 23 2.29 1.36 to 3.21 8.71 8.62 to 8.81 Posttraum. coxarthr. 472 21 4.45 2.59 to 6.31 8.59 8.42 to 8.76 Avascular necrosis 550 10 1.82 0.70 to 2.93 8.71 8.60 to 8.82 M. Perthes 8 1 12.50 0.00 to 35.42 6.74 5.06 to 8.43 Rheumatoid arthritis 98 4 4.08 0.16 to 8.00 8.50 8.14 to 8.87 Fracture of fem. neck 724 19 2.62 1.46 to 3.79 8.22 8.10 to 8.35 9558 259 2.71 2.38 to 3.04 8.70 8.66 to 8.74 Primary coxarthr. 7682 144 1.87 1.57 to 2.18 8.80 8.77 to 8.83 Dysplastic coxarthr. 378 7 1.85 0.49 to 3.21 8.76 8.61 to 8.91 Posttraum. coxarthr. 588 10 1.70 0.66 to 2.75 8.84 8.75 to 8.94 Avascular necrosis 426 15 3.52 1.77 to 5.27 8.61 8.43 to 8.78 M. Perthes 2 0 0.00 NA 3.27 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 72 2 2.78 0.00 to 6.57 8.74 8.42 to 9.07 Fracture of fem. neck 1296 25 1.93 1.18 to 2.68 8.47 8.39 to 8.55 10831 256 2.36 2.08 to 2.65 8.75 8.72 to 8.78 Primary coxarthr. 2226 34 1.53 1.02 to 2.04 8.83 8.77 to 8.89 Dysplastic coxarthr. 77 0 0.00 NA 7.03 NA Posttraum. coxarthr. 833 5 0.60 0.08 to 1.12 8.91 8.85 to 8.97 Avascular necrosis 161 4 2.48 0.08 to 4.89 8.63 8.40 to 8.86 M. Perthes NA NA NA NA NA NA Rheumatoid arthritis 14 0 0.00 NA 7.24 NA Fracture of fem. neck 3029 36 1.19 0.80 to 1.57 8.77 8.73 to 8.82 6889 96 1.39 1.12 to 1.67 8.85 8.82 to 8.88 35290 802 2.27 2.12 to 2.43 8.75 8.73 to 8.77Whole database total [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs [min,55] yrs total (55,65] yrs total (65,75] yrs total (75,max] yrs total Year Anterior Anterolat. Lateral Poster. T-tomy MIS Not Ident. 2003 2 821 942 337 0 0 18 2004 13 1297 1173 579 0 4 20 2005 20 1381 896 635 0 24 20 2006 8 1560 1315 679 4 9 19 2007 10 1856 1545 815 4 11 16 2008 5 2120 1436 829 3 2 16 2009 6 2151 1749 850 2 1 8 2010 5 2617 1433 910 5 2 0 2011 10 2674 1574 842 3 4 0 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 In 2011, the most commonly used approach was anterolateral, in 52.35 % of all cases, then the lateral approach in 30.82 % and the posterior approach in 16.48 %. Trochanterotomy with a minimally invasive approach was used only in 0.35 % of all cases. Table 40 and chart 36 shows the types of surgical approaches used. In the THA database, there are three basic groups of implants: total arthroplasty, bipolar hemiarthroplasty and hemiarthroplasty. In 2011, total arthroplasty was used in 88.76 %, which is an increase of 1.98 % compared to 2010. The frequency of bipolar hemiarthroplasty remained under 1 % and in 2011 a decrease in its use from 12.44 % in 2010 to 10.45 % was recorded. Tab. 41 Primary THA – types of implant Chart 37 Primary THA – types of implant For the anchoring of the implants, three types of fixation are distinguished: cemented, uncemented and hybrid fixations. In 2011, the distribution of fixation was as follows: 35.26 % cemented, 51.16 % uncemented, and 13.56 % hybrid fixation. Comparing 2011 to the previous year, only hybrid fixation increased in 2011 from 11.66 % to 13.56 %. Back in 2003 (comparing with 2011), the distribution was 63.99 % cemented, 23.07 % uncemented and 12.93 % hybrid fixation. Significant change has occurred only between cemented and uncemented groups. Table 42 and chart 38 show the records for the types of the fixation. Tab. 42 Primary THA – types of fixation Chart 38 Primary THA – types of fixation The next table shows the interaction of gender and type of fixation. For this observation, the hemiarthroplasty was selected to be compared to total arthroplasty. The RR for females with cemented hemiarthroplasty was only 0.57 %, and the mean survival time 8.67 years. Similar results were observed in the group of uncemented hemiarthroplasties where RR was 1.22 % and the mean survival time 8.85 years. The worst results were observed in the female group with reverse hybrids, in which the RR was 6.5 % and mean survival time 8.26 years. In males, reverse hy- Year Total arthroplasty Bipolar hemiarth. Hemiarth. 1786 4 330 2580 10 496 2425 14 537 3061 13 517 3641 20 596 3784 18 609 4089 22 656 4315 38 619 4533 40 534 Year Cement Uncement Hybrid 1373 472 275 1820 900 366 1625 826 525 1847 1163 584 1938 1639 680 1750 2002 659 1870 2339 558 1814 2578 580 1801 2613 693 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 brids suffered a RR of 15.71 % and survival time was 7.19 years, which is the worst in the whole database. In 2010, by comparison, the RR of males with reverse hybrids was 8.20 %. Chart 39 shows the cumulative risks of implants in interaction with type of fixation. Charts 40–41 show the cumulative risks of implants in interaction with gender and type of fixation. The results of reverse hybrids are inferior to the other groups of implants. The RR of reverse hybrids was 9.84 %, compared to 3.53 % of standard hybrids. Chart 39 Cumulative risk of primary THA (type of fixation) Tab. 43 Characteristics of primary THA (interaction of gender and type of fixation) Chart 40 Cumulative risk of primary THA (females, type of fixation) Chart 41 Cumulative risk of primary THA (males, type of fixation) Table 44 shows the interaction of type of fixation with diagnoses. For uncemented fixations, a RR of 3.03 % was recorded for posttraumatic coxarthrosis and 3.56 % for fractures of the femoral neck. The lowest RR in cemented fixations was recorded for a diagnosis of fracture of the femoral neck – 1.64 %. In total, reverse hybrids bore the worst RR – 9.84 %. The RR in cemented THA for posttraumatic coxarthrosis was 21.43 %. 7577 117 1.54 1.27 to 1.82 8.78 7283 169 2.32 1.97 to 2.67 8.78 2734 88 3.22 2.56 to 3.88 8.66 123 8 6.50 2.15 to 10.86 8.26 3600 44 1.22 0.86 to 1.58 8.85 175 1 0.57 0.00 to 1.69 8.67 21492 427 1.99 1.80 to 2.17 8.79 6697 133 1.99 1.65 to 2.32 8.72 3739 133 3.56 2.96 to 4.15 8.66 1993 79 3.96 3.11 to 4.82 8.58 70 11 15.71 7.19 to 24.24 7.19 1216 17 1.40 0.74 to 2.06 8.80 83 2 2.41 0.00 to 5.71 7.18 13798 375 2.72 2.45 to 2.99 8.69 35290 802 2.27 2.12 to 2.43 8.75 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 30 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab 44 Characteristics of primary THA (interaction of type of fixation and diagnosis) Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Primary coxarthr. 8312 105 1.26 1.02 to 1.50 8.79 8.76 to 8.83 Dysplastic coxarthr. 3145 46 1.46 1.04 to 1.88 8.80 8.75 to 8.85 Posttraum. coxarthr. 660 20 3.03 1.72 to 4.34 8.60 8.47 to 8.74 Avascular necrosis 1162 11 0.95 0.39 to 1.50 8.88 8.82 to 8.94 M. Perthes 35 1 2.86 0.00 to 8.38 7.63 7.20 to 8.06 Rheumatoid arthritis 184 4 2.17 0.07 to 4.28 8.64 8.41 to 8.88 Fracture of fem. neck 533 19 3.56 1.99 to 5.14 6.17 6.00 to 6.34 14274 250 1.75 1.54 to 1.97 8.76 8.73 to 8.79 Primary coxarthr. 8156 186 2.28 1.96 to 2.60 8.78 8.75 to 8.82 Dysplastic coxarthr. 383 10 2.61 1.01 to 4.21 8.73 8.59 to 8.88 Posttraum. coxarthr. 571 14 2.45 1.18 to 3.72 8.79 8.68 to 8.90 Avascular necrosis 557 20 3.59 2.05 to 5.14 8.65 8.52 to 8.78 M. Perthes 4 0 0.00 NA 8.64 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 104 3 2.88 0.00 to 6.10 8.73 8.46 to 9.01 Fracture of fem. neck 855 14 1.64 0.79 to 2.49 8.51 8.42 to 8.60 11022 302 2.74 2.44 to 3.04 8.74 8.71 to 8.77 Primary coxarthr. 3047 78 2.56 2.00 to 3.12 8.71 8.65 to 8.77 Dysplastic coxarthr. 416 13 3.12 1.45 to 4.80 8.73 8.59 to 8.86 Posttraum. coxarthr. 256 9 3.52 1.26 to 5.77 8.70 8.52 to 8.89 Avascular necrosis 286 11 3.85 1.62 to 6.07 8.53 8.34 to 8.73 M. Perthes 4 0 0.00 NA 7.68 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 44 3 6.82 0.00 to 14.27 7.73 7.11 to 8.35 Fracture of fem. neck 527 19 3.61 2.01 to 5.20 7.35 7.21 to 7.48 4727 167 3.53 3.01 to 4.06 8.63 8.58 to 8.69 Primary coxarthr. 92 4 4.35 0.18 to 8.51 8.42 7.95 to 8.89 Dysplastic coxarthr. 37 2 5.41 0.00 to 12.69 7.49 7.01 to 7.96 Posttraum. coxarthr. 14 3 21.43 0.00 to 42.92 6.20 4.70 to 7.69 Avascular necrosis 16 1 6.25 0.00 to 18.11 7.99 7.99 to 7.99 M. Perthes 2 1 50.00 0.00 to 119.30 4.25 1.18 to 7.33 Rheumatoid arthritis 1 0 0.00 NA 7.83 NA Fracture of fem. neck 12 1 8.33 0.00 to 23.97 5.18 3.66 to 6.70 193 19 9.84 5.64 to 14.05 7.88 7.44 to 8.32 Primary coxarthr. 24 0 0.00 NA 6.82 NA Dysplastic coxarthr. 3 0 0.00 NA 5.32 NA Posttraum. coxarthr. 884 4 0.45 0.01 to 0.89 8.93 8.88 to 8.98 Avascular necrosis 7 0 0.00 NA 8.60 NA M. Perthes NA NA NA NA NA NA Rheumatoid arthritis 2 0 0.00 NA 3.61 NA Fracture of fem. neck 3252 36 1.11 0.75 to 1.47 8.78 8.74 to 8.82 4816 61 1.27 0.95 to 1.58 8.84 8.81 to 8.88 Primary coxarthr. 8 0 0.00 0.00 to 0.00 4.80 4.80 to 4.80 Dysplastic coxarthr. NA NA NA NA NA NA Posttraum. coxarthr. 28 0 0.00 NA 8.54 NA Avascular necrosis 1 0 0.00 NA 0.80 NA M. Perthes NA NA NA NA NA NA Rheumatoid arthritis 1 0 0.00 NA 8.72 NA Fracture of fem. neck 212 2 0.94 0.00 to 2.24 5.03 4.96 to 5.09 258 3 1.16 0.00 to 2.47 8.60 8.46 to 8.74 35290 802 2.27 2.12 to 2.43 8.75 8.73 to 8.77Whole database total Uncemented Hemiarthropl. uncem. Hemiarthropl. cem. Reverse hybrids Hybrids Cemented Uncemented total Cemented total Hybrids total Reverse hybrids total Hemiarthropl. cem. total Hemiarthropl. uncem. total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 45 Primary THA – brands of bone cement As table 45 shows, in the 2011, 88.67 % of the brands used were shared as follows: SmartSet HV 33.45 %, Palacos R 28.12 %, Palacos R Gentamycin 14.03 %, and SmartSet GHV 13.05 %. The trend in cementing techniques remains. Increase in the 3 rd generation of cementing techniques was recorded. In 2010, we recorded 2,394 protocols and the ratio of cementing techniques used was as table 46, which shows: 21.30 % 1 st generation, 41.93 % 2 nd , and 35.25 % 3 rd generation cementing techniques. In 2011, we recorded 2,494 protocols and 3 rd generation cementing techniques increased to 38.69 %. Tab. 46 Primary THA – cementing techniques Chart 42 Cumulative risk of primary THA (cementing techniques of femoral components) Chart 43 Cumulative risk of primary THA (females; cementing techniques of femoral components) Chart 44 Cumulative risk of primary THA (males; cementing techniques of femoral components) Chart 42 shows the cumulative risks for revision of the femoral component in interaction with cementing techniques. The RR of 3 rd generation techniques is the lowest at 1.25 %in the whole database The RR for uncemented femoral components in 2011 was 0.95 %. Charts 43–44 show this analysis for female and male patients. Year BiometPlus CMW CMW-G Copal Hi-FatiqueG Osteobond PalacosLV genta PalacosR PalacosR genta Palamed Palamed-G Refobacin Plus Refobacin Revision Simplex SimplexABC SmartSetGHV SmartSetHV Synicem1 SynicemG 0 1633 162 1 0 79 1 527 44 215 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 1556 104 0 0 33 2 878 79 324 41 0 0 0 0 30 456 0 0 2 340 53 0 0 18 1 1112 147 95 119 0 0 0 0 198 1144 0 0 2 227 2 0 0 16 2 1619 96 115 65 0 0 0 0 289 1314 0 0 0 372 5 0 0 29 8 1587 133 144 37 0 0 0 0 239 1430 0 0 0 272 9 0 0 19 14 1326 245 128 11 5 0 0 0 411 1140 0 0 35 313 18 13 0 6 13 1127 482 0 0 112 3 0 30 428 1076 1 0 73 213 16 18 2 0 0 1042 686 0 0 41 1 2 118 324 1000 42 1 73 156 29 21 2 9 3 1056 527 0 0 48 0 12 35 490 1256 31 6 Year 1st gen. 2nd gen. 3rd gen. Not Ident. 1069 465 100 14 1114 904 146 22 820 1078 229 23 530 1360 517 24 662 1272 659 25 592 1175 625 17 594 1011 783 40 510 1004 844 36 526 982 965 21 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 47 Characteristics of primary THA (cementing techniques of femoral components) During the period 2003–2011 we recorded 20,560 cemented femoral components (CFS) and table 47 shows the generation of cementing techniques related to RR. The 3 rd generation has the lowest RR of 1.25 %. Table 48 shows the cumulative RR and number of failures for each generation of cementing technique. Table 49 shows these results for females and table 50 for males. Tab. 48 Cumulative characteristics of primary THA (cementing techniques of femoral components) Tab. 49 Cumulative characteristics of primary THA (females; cementing techniques of femoral components) Tab. 50 Cumulative characteristics of primary THA (males; cementing techniques of femoral components) Analyses were performed looking at cementing techniques and cumulative risk of revision of this component until certain time point. We have observed the components at one month, three months and every year after primary surgery. Table 51 shows these results for the whole database, table 52 shows these results for females and table 53 for males. © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 33 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 51 Characteristics of failure of primary THA until certain time point (cementing technique of femoral components) Tab. 52 Characteristics of failure of primary THA until certain time point (females; cementing technique of femoral components) Tab. 53 Characteristics of failure of primary THA until certain time point (males; cementing technique of femoral components) Antibiotic prophylaxis in primary THA Tab. 54 Primary THA – antibiotic prophylaxis in 2011 (brands, numbers) Table 54 presents antibiotic prophylaxis in 2011. The mostly used antibiotic was Vulmizolin with 2,875 records followed by Axetine and Bitamon. Compared to 2010, the only change is 3 rd place for Bitamon instead Unasyn. The antibiotic prophylaxis was not used only in 16 cases. 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1st generation Nr. of failures 8 7 14 22 14 11 15 12 7 8 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.127 0.243 0.495 0.941 1.264 1.574 2.059 2.528 2.892 3.484 NA 95% LB 0.038 0.118 0.308 0.667 0.931 1.188 1.587 1.975 2.261 2.675 NA 95% UB 0.217 0.367 0.681 1.215 1.596 1.960 2.531 3.082 3.523 4.294 NA 2nd generation Nr. of failures 11 9 22 36 23 21 16 11 9 4 1 Cumulative risk (%) 0.120 0.220 0.489 0.977 1.346 1.757 2.170 2.595 3.165 3.577 4.019 95% LB 0.048 0.122 0.336 0.745 1.063 1.408 1.747 2.074 2.461 2.742 2.816 95% UB 0.191 0.318 0.641 1.209 1.630 2.105 2.594 3.116 3.868 4.412 5.221 3rd generation Nr. of failures 4 2 11 16 11 3 6 4 3 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.082 0.125 0.389 0.845 1.292 1.446 1.925 2.616 3.593 4.532 4.532 95% LB 0.001 0.024 0.194 0.516 0.851 0.966 1.210 1.539 1.641 1.849 NA 95% UB 0.164 0.226 0.585 1.174 1.733 1.925 2.640 3.692 5.545 7.214 NA Cementing technique 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1st generation Nr. of failures 7 5 7 11 8 9 9 4 1 2 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.162 0.281 0.463 0.788 1.059 1.426 1.844 2.080 2.159 2.385 NA 95% LB 0.041 0.120 0.249 0.491 0.697 0.980 1.316 1.501 1.559 1.682 NA 95% UB 0.283 0.441 0.678 1.085 1.421 1.871 2.373 2.659 2.759 3.088 NA 2nd generation Nr. of failures 7 8 15 20 11 11 6 7 4 2 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.114 0.248 0.523 0.930 1.199 1.532 1.770 2.195 2.617 2.942 NA 95% LB 0.029 0.121 0.330 0.654 0.873 1.135 1.315 1.602 1.848 2.029 NA 95% UB 0.200 0.376 0.716 1.207 1.524 1.928 2.225 2.787 3.386 3.855 NA 3rd generation Nr. of failures 1 2 4 7 2 3 1 2 2 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.033 0.102 0.251 0.582 0.715 0.964 1.073 1.564 2.770 4.320 NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.051 0.235 0.318 0.464 0.529 0.648 0.403 0.468 NA 95% UB 0.098 0.219 0.452 0.929 1.112 1.464 1.618 2.481 5.137 8.172 NA Cementing technique 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1st generation Nr. of failures 1 2 7 11 6 2 6 8 6 6 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.051 0.158 0.565 1.282 1.721 1.908 2.527 3.475 4.414 5.793 NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.206 0.700 1.025 1.164 1.615 2.319 2.976 3.824 NA 95% UB 0.152 0.337 0.924 1.864 2.416 2.652 3.438 4.630 5.852 7.762 NA 2nd generation Nr. of failures 4 1 7 16 12 10 10 4 5 2 1 Cumulative risk (%) 0.130 0.163 0.420 1.065 1.629 2.184 2.918 3.342 4.168 4.749 5.947 95% LB 0.001 0.019 0.177 0.648 1.091 1.523 2.066 2.387 2.913 3.237 3.155 95% UB 0.259 0.308 0.664 1.482 2.167 2.845 3.771 4.297 5.424 6.261 8.739 3rd generation Nr. of failures 3 NA 7 9 9 NA 5 2 1 NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.163 NA 0.614 1.276 2.233 NA 3.305 4.327 4.946 NA NA 95% LB 0.000 NA 0.219 0.644 1.288 NA 1.743 2.798 2.479 NA NA 95% UB 0.349 NA 1.009 1.908 3.177 NA 4.866 7.093 7.413 NA NA Cementing technique Brand Vulmizolin Axetine Bitamon Climicin Kefzol Xorim Ciphin Lendacín Unasyn Zinacef Dalacin Abactal Cefuroxim Amoxiklav Augmentin Cefazolin Cefizox Vankomycin Cefotaxim Amoxycilin Ciprinol Claforan Edicin Gentamycin Zinat Ampicilin Clacid 2875 880 541 198 97 88 82 57 56 38 37 31 22 19 17 15 10 10 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 In comparison to 2010, there was no increase the number of different brands of acetabular components (AC) used. There were reductions of one uncemented and two cemented brands. Each of thirteen ACs accounted for less than 1 % and all 13 together represent only 3.72 % from all AC. Table 55 shows UACs. Tab. 55 Uncemented acetabular cups Tab. 56 Cemented acetabular cups Table 56 shows CACs. From all CACs, only two brands accounted for less than 1 %. Tab. 57 Uncemented femoral stems In femoral components (FC), we have recorded an increase in UFS from 37 brands in 2010 to 41 in 2011: CFS increased from 25 brands to 28. The 17 most popular UFSs represent a share of 92.07 % and the remaining 24 UFSs represent only 7.93 %. From CFS, nine brands each represent a share of under 1 % and all 9 together Name n % PINNACLE 815 25.27% DELTA - PF 455 14.11% DURALOC 360 11.16% SF 327 10.14% NOVAE EVOLUTION 262 8.12% PLASMACUP 257 7.97% SUNFIT TH 149 4.62% CLS SPOTORNO 147 4.56% M-H-shell 77 2.39% DELTA - FINS 58 1.80% TRILOGY 51 1.58% ZWEYMULLER-ALLOCLASSIC CSF 39 1.21% ANA.NOVA 38 1.18% TRIDENT HEMISPHERICAL SOLID 37 1.15% T.O.P. 33 1.02% BEZNOSKA (uncement) 29 0.90% NOVAE E TH 28 0.87% DELTA - TT 24 0.74% TRIDENT HEMISPHERICAL CLUSTER 10 0.31% DELTA - ONE - TT 8 0.25% DELTA - ST - C 5 0.16% COPTOS 3 0.09% PLASMACUP DC 3 0.09% RINGLOC - 10 st 3 0.09% RINGLOC - STANDARD 3 0.09% RINGLOC - HIGH WALL 1 0.03% TC - rev ision 1 0.03% TRILOGY IT 1 0.03% DURALOC OPTION 1 0.03% Acetabular uncemented 3225 100.00% Name n % O2 469 36.87% PE-CUP 214 16.82% BEZNOSKA (cement) 175 13.76% ELITE PLUS 108 8.49% TRILOC 91 7.15% MULLER 80 6.29% MUELLER 52 4.09% CHARNLEY 29 2.28% EXETER Contemporary Cup 27 2.12% ZCA 25 1.97% MARATHON 1 0.08% NOVAE STICK 1 0.08% Acetabular cemented 1272 100.00% Name n % CORAIL 779 29.85% FIT 262 10.04% SF 200 7.66% SAGITA EVOLUTION HA 200 7.66% BICONTACT 182 6.97% LOGICA (uncement) 149 5.71% CLS SPOTORNO 130 4.98% BIMETRIC (uncement) 93 3.56% PROXIMA 93 3.56% LIBRA HA 70 2.68% TRI-LOCK BPS 54 2.07% S-ROM 37 1.42% C.F.P. 35 1.34% ZWEYMULLER-ALLOCLASICS SL 35 1.34% ABGII V40 31 1.19% TRIO modular (uncement) 27 1.03% TRIO (necement) 26 1.00% AUSTIN-MOORE CCEP (uncement) 25 0.96% COLLO - MIS 24 0.92% VERSYS FMT 24 0.92% SAM - FIT 22 0.84% SOLITÄR 22 0.84% SL (uncement) 16 0.61% METHA 12 0.46% ANA.NOVA MII 11 0.42% MODULUS 11 0.42% C 2 6 0.23% ANA.NOVA MII double stem couted 5 0.19% BETA CONE 4 0.15% VERSYS FMMC 4 0.15% ZMR 4 0.15% H - MAX S 3 0.11% REVISION 3 0.11% AML 2 0.08% H - MAX M 2 0.08% SAGITTA EVL R 2 0.08% REEF 1 0.04% RMD rev ision 1 0.04% SF - rev ision 1 0.04% SL-PLUS 1 0.04% WM HA 1 0.04% Femoral uncemented 2610 100.00% © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 58 Cemented femoral stems represent only 3.16 %; remaining 19 brands are over 1 %, represents all together 96.84 %. Chart 45 Cumulative risk of primary THA (component type) Chart 45 shows the cumulative risks of acetabular and femoral components. Until the fourth year from the operation, there is no difference, but after this time point ACs with a RR of 1.28 % are performing better than FCs with a RR of 1.42 %. Chart 46 shows an analysis of the components according to the type of fixation and reveals that uncemented components are surviving better than cemented, with a RR of 1.00 % for the UACs and 0.95 % for the UFSs. Chart 46 Cumulative risk of primary THA (interaction of component type and fixation) Charts 47–48 show the results of components according to the type of fixation in interaction with the gender. Chart 47 Cumulative risk of primary THA (females; interaction of component type and fixation) According to chart 47, in females the type of fixation of the components does not affect the RR as much as in males. In males, uncemented components performed significantly better than cemented components. Chart 48 Cumulative risk of primary THA (males; interaction of component type and fixation) Name n % BEZNOSKA 519 21.02% BEZNOSKA hemiarthroplasty 391 15.84% CSC 225 9.11% SAGITA EVOLUTION 162 6.56% TRILLIANCE 128 5.18% CENTRAMENT 124 5.02% CHARNLEY 117 4.74% CORAIL (cement) 92 3.73% BIMETRIC (cement) 79 3.20% LOGICA (cement) 74 3.00% C-STEM AMT 67 2.71% AUTOBLOQAUATE 66 2.67% TRIO (cement) 64 2.59% CSC hemiarthroplasty 61 2.47% C-STEM 49 1.98% CPT 48 1.94% SL (cement) 46 1.86% EXETER V40 42 1.70% AUSTIN-MOORE hemiarthropl. (cement) 37 1.50% AAP 20 0.81% CL TRAUMA - hemiarthropl. 18 0.73% CHARNLEY MODULAR 13 0.53% LIBRA 13 0.53% Rev ision stem (cement) 4 0.16% MS-30 4 0.16% ELITE PLUS 3 0.12% BEZNOSKA - custom-made, tumor. 2 0.08% REVISION - LR 1 0.04% Femoral cemented 2469 100.00% © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 36 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Acetabular components During the observed period 2003–2011, we recorded a total number 18,999 ACs, of which only 47 were uncemented. Only 7 brands have each reached more than 1,000 applications. These 7 brands comprise the 75.84 % share of all ACs. In 16 brands we recorded less than 10 applications each during this observed period. Table 59 and 60 shows the results of UACs and CACs. Tab. 59 Characteristics of primary THA (acetabular, uncemented components) Component name Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean PINNACLE 3608 11 0.30 0.12 to 0.48 6.43 6.18 to 6.68 DURALOC 3293 28 0.85 0.54 to 1.16 8.89 8.87 to 8.92 NOVAE EVOLUTION 2796 19 0.68 0.38 to 0.98 8.92 8.88 to 8.95 SF 1266 8 0.63 0.20 to 1.07 8.76 8.70 to 8.82 PLASMACUP 1249 17 1.36 0.72 to 2.00 8.68 8.60 to 8.76 TRILOGY 1159 10 0.86 0.33 to 1.40 8.93 8.88 to 8.97 BEZNOSKA (uncem) 1039 27 2.60 1.63 to 3.57 8.69 8.61 to 8.77 DELTA - PF 791 3 0.38 0.00 to 0.81 2.79 2.77 to 2.80 CLS SPOTORNO 712 5 0.70 0.09 to 1.32 6.85 6.78 to 6.91 L-CUP 641 7 1.09 0.29 to 1.90 8.91 8.87 to 8.96 DELTA 585 3 0.51 0.00 to 1.09 3.88 3.86 to 3.89 M-H-shell 359 1 0.28 0.00 to 0.82 8.22 8.17 to 8.27 ZWEYMULLER-ALLOCLASSIC CSF 295 16 5.42 2.84 to 8.01 7.36 6.76 to 7.95 ANA.NOVA 184 0 0.00 NA 3.94 NA SUNFIT TH 149 0 0.00 NA 0.90 NA T.O.P. 117 1 0.85 0.00 to 2.52 6.10 5.97 to 6.22 DELTA - FINS 108 1 0.93 0.00 to 2.73 3.92 3.83 to 4.00 TRIDENT HEMISPHERICAL SOLID 74 0 0.00 NA 2.10 NA COPTOS 51 1 1.96 0.00 to 5.77 7.57 7.05 to 8.08 RINGLOC - HIGH WALL 45 0 0.00 NA 4.65 NA DELTA - TT 44 1 2.27 0.00 to 6.68 3.33 3.18 to 3.48 BICON-PLUS 43 1 2.33 0.00 to 6.83 8.81 9.00 to 9.04 Y-AXIS II 39 0 0.00 NA 8.94 NA TRIDENT HEMISPHERICAL CLUSTER 34 0 0.00 NA 1.87 NA NOVAE E TH 28 0 0.00 NA 0.65 NA DURALOC OPTION 26 1 3.85 0.00 to 11.24 8.23 7.66 to 8.79 OCTOPUS 23 5 21.74 4.88 to 38.60 6.85 5.45 to 8.24 ASR 20 1 5.00 0.00 to 14.55 6.37 5.79 to 6.96 DELTA - ST - C 14 0 0.00 NA 1.83 NA DELTA - ONE - TT 9 0 0.00 NA 2.60 NA ULTIMA UTC 7 0 0.00 NA 6.24 NA TC - rev ision 6 0 0.00 NA 2.56 NA TRILOGY AB - ceramic 6 0 0.00 NA 5.66 NA BS - rev ision 5 0 0.00 NA 6.95 NA WM ov al 5 0 0.00 NA 1.72 NA RINGLOC - 10 st 3 0 0.00 NA 0.90 NA RINGLOC - STANDARD 3 0 0.00 NA 0.52 NA PLASMACUP DC 3 0 0.00 NA 0.64 NA NNC - Titan 3 0 0.00 NA 5.55 NA ACETABULAR PLATES 2 0 0.00 NA 1.61 NA CENTRAMENT 2 1 50.00 0.00 to 119.30 3.00 0.00 to 7.04 CERAFIT Cup 1 0 0.00 NA 0.39 NA TRILOGY IT 1 0 0.00 NA 0.91 NA WM conical 1 1 100.00 NA 4.02 NA RSC - rev ision 1 0 0.00 NA 2.80 NA Acetabular uncemented 18999 190 1.00 0.86 to 1.14 8.88 8.86 to 8.90 All acetabular 30214 386 1.28 1.15 to 1.40 8.86 8.85 to 8.88 Whole database total 65499 886 1.35 1.26 to 1.44 8.85 8.84 to 8.86 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 60 Characteristics of primary THA (acetabular, cemented components) During the observed period, 18 brands of CAC were recorded. Four brands have more than 1,000 applications each, comprising together a share of 73.90 %. Regardless of the fixation type, charts 49 to 52 show the cumulative risks of revision of the most commonly used AC. Chart 49 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. BEZNOSKA (cement) Chart 50 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. PINNACLE Chart 51 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. DURALOC Chart 52 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. NOVAE EVOLUTION Component name Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean BEZNOSKA (cem) 3852 104 2.70 2.19 to 3.21 8.75 8.70 to 8.79 CHARNLEY 1886 22 1.17 0.68 to 1.65 8.91 8.87 to 8.95 PE-CUP 1545 29 1.88 1.20 to 2.55 8.80 8.74 to 8.87 O2 1006 3 0.30 0.00 to 0.64 4.92 4.88 to 4.97 MULLER 837 9 1.08 0.38 to 1.77 8.91 8.85 to 8.97 ELITE PLUS 661 3 0.45 0.00 to 0.97 8.90 8.85 to 8.95 ULTIMA MK2 351 7 1.99 0.53 to 3.46 8.81 8.69 to 8.93 ZCA 288 2 0.69 0.00 to 1.65 8.89 8.80 to 8.99 MUELLER 281 0 0.00 NA 3.75 NA EXETER Contemporary Cup 139 1 0.72 0.00 to 2.12 5.03 4.91 to 5.15 TRILOC 105 0 0.00 NA 1.97 NA EXETER Duration Cup 85 0 0.00 NA 3.21 NA LUBINUS CLASSIC PLUS 69 1 1.45 0.00 to 4.27 8.79 9.00 to 9.03 BURCH-SCHNEIDER CAGE 7 1 14.29 0.00 to 40.21 6.17 4.35 to 8.00 MULLER LOW PROFILE 5 2 40.00 0.00 to 82.94 6.60 9.00 to 9.05 MARATHON 4 0 0.00 NA 5.88 NA NOVAE STICK 2 0 0.00 NA 2.95 NA OSTEAL PE Cup 1 0 0.00 NA 0.45 NA Acetabular Cemented 11215 196 1.75 1.51 to 1.99 8.83 All acetabular 30214 386 1.28 1.15 to 1.40 8.86 Whole database total 65499 886 1.35 1.26 to 1.44 8.85 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 61 Characteristics of primary THA (femoral, uncemented components) Component name Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean CORAIL 3527 28 0.79 0.50 to 1.09 8.70 8.64 to 8.75 SAGITA EVOLUTION HA 2179 8 0.37 0.11 to 0.62 8.96 8.94 to 8.99 AML 1226 13 1.06 0.49 to 1.63 8.89 8.85 to 8.93 SF 1031 11 1.07 0.44 to 1.69 8.78 8.70 to 8.86 BIMETRIC (uncem) 834 6 0.72 0.15 to 1.29 8.91 8.86 to 8.97 BICONTACT 790 3 0.38 0.00 to 0.81 7.66 7.57 to 7.74 FIT 779 7 0.90 0.24 to 1.56 3.92 3.90 to 3.95 CLS SPOTORNO 572 1 0.17 0.00 to 0.52 4.60 4.58 to 4.62 LIBRA HA 513 4 0.78 0.02 to 1.54 5.84 4.79 to 6.88 VERSYS 512 4 0.78 0.02 to 1.54 8.84 8.77 to 8.91 PROXIMA 478 0 0.00 NA 5.89 NA LOGICA (uncem) 402 2 0.50 0.00 to 1.19 5.06 5.03 to 5.10 ZWEYMULLER-ALLOCLASICS SL 281 4 1.42 0.04 to 2.81 8.82 8.67 to 8.96 VERSYS FMT 208 6 2.88 0.61 to 5.16 6.15 5.97 to 6.32 AUSTIN-MOORE hemiarthropl. (uncem) 194 1 0.52 0.00 to 1.52 8.48 8.37 to 8.59 ANA.NOVA MII 149 0 0.00 NA 3.94 NA S-ROM 116 1 0.86 0.00 to 2.54 8.58 9.00 to 9.06 ABGII V40 77 1 1.30 0.00 to 3.83 2.07 2.02 to 2.12 TRI-LOCK BPS 72 0 0.00 NA 1.24 NA SL (uncem) 70 2 2.86 0.00 to 6.76 3.59 3.44 to 3.73 BETA CONE 67 2 2.99 0.00 to 7.06 5.41 5.22 to 5.60 C.F.P. 56 0 0.00 NA 6.16 NA SAM - FIT 55 0 0.00 NA 3.52 NA SL-PLUS 44 0 0.00 NA 8.93 NA COLLO - MIS 37 0 0.00 NA 1.53 NA TRIO (uncem) 32 1 3.12 0.00 to 9.15 3.50 NA METHA 32 0 0.00 NA 4.84 NA VERSYS FMMC 32 1 3.12 0.00 to 9.15 7.61 7.17 to 8.04 TRIO modular (uncem) 31 0 0.00 NA 1.11 NA X-AXIS 25 0 0.00 NA 8.81 NA SOLUTION 25 2 8.00 0.00 to 18.63 8.15 9.00 to 9.04 SOLITÄR 22 0 0.00 NA 0.54 NA MODULUS 19 0 0.00 NA 1.50 NA ANA.NOVA MII double stem couted 15 0 0.00 NA 2.14 NA ZMR 14 3 21.43 0.00 to 42.92 4.79 3.97 to 5.61 RMD rev ision 10 1 10.00 0.00 to 28.59 4.91 NA ASR 10 2 20.00 0.00 to 44.79 6.47 5.25 to 7.70 REVISION 8 0 0.00 NA 2.94 NA SF - rev ision 7 0 0.00 NA 5.81 NA H - MAX S 6 0 0.00 NA 1.62 NA C 2 6 0 0.00 NA 0.07 NA MP 6 2 33.33 0.00 to 71.05 6.68 9.00 to 9.03 H - MAX M 5 0 0.00 NA 1.83 NA SAGITTA EVL R 3 0 0.00 NA 1.12 NA ANTEGA 3 1 33.33 0.00 to 86.68 1.89 0.41 to 3.36 WM HA 3 0 0.00 NA 5.19 NA CERAFIT Standard 2 0 0.00 NA 0.39 NA SL-TWIN 2 0 0.00 NA 2.56 NA REEF 1 0 0.00 NA 0.93 NA ANA.NOVA NANOS 1 0 0.00 NA 2.39 NA Y-AXIS 1 0 0.00 NA 7.61 NA Femoral Uncemented 14725 140 0.95 0.79 to 1.11 8.88 All femoral 35285 500 1.42 1.29 to 1.54 8.84 Whole database total 65499 886 1.35 1.26 to 1.44 8.85 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 During the period 2003–2011, we recorded 14,725 UFS applications. Only four brands had each more than 1,000 applications with combined share of 54.07 %. Fourteen brands had less than 10 applications each. Table 61 shows the results of these components. Tab. 62 Characteristics of primary THA (femoral, cemented components) Table 62 shows the results for CFSs. In the observed period, we recorded 38 brands, with total number of 20,560 applications. Seven brands had more than 1,000 applications each, comprising a share of 79.71 % and only 6 brands of CFSs had less than 10 applications each. Charts 53 to 56 show the cumulative risks of revision of the four most commonly used femoral components, regardless of the fixation type. In terms of the number of applications, only one uncemented stem is in this group of charts. Cemented hemiarthroplasty reached a total number of 3,843 with a RR of 1.04 %. Component name Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean BEZNOSKA 5271 104 1.97 1.60 to 2.35 8.80 8.77 to 8.84 BEZNOSKA hemiarthropl. 3843 40 1.04 0.72 to 1.36 8.87 8.83 to 8.91 CHARNLEY 2183 47 2.15 1.54 to 2.76 8.84 8.79 to 8.88 CENTRAMENT 1700 24 1.41 0.85 to 1.97 8.74 8.69 to 8.79 CSC 1201 17 1.42 0.75 to 2.08 8.70 8.62 to 8.77 BIMETRIC (cem) 1184 23 1.94 1.16 to 2.73 8.84 8.78 to 8.91 C-STEM 1007 8 0.79 0.25 to 1.34 7.78 7.72 to 7.84 CPT 762 8 1.05 0.33 to 1.77 8.89 8.83 to 8.95 AUSTIN-MOORE hemiarthropl. 356 5 1.40 0.18 to 2.63 8.83 8.69 to 8.96 ELITE PLUS 355 33 9.30 6.28 to 12.32 8.39 8.20 to 8.59 SAGITA EVOLUTION 343 4 1.17 0.03 to 2.30 8.77 8.56 to 8.98 LOGICA (cem) 330 1 0.30 0.00 to 0.90 3.74 3.72 to 3.76 EXETER V40 273 2 0.73 0.00 to 1.74 8.58 8.36 to 8.79 CHARNLEY MODULAR 255 5 1.96 0.26 to 3.66 5.38 5.00 to 5.77 CSC hemiarthropl. 229 5 2.18 0.29 to 4.08 6.86 6.72 to 7.00 TRILLIANCE 217 1 0.46 0.00 to 1.36 3.24 3.19 to 3.29 SL (cem) 154 2 1.30 0.00 to 3.09 3.70 3.64 to 3.77 CORAIL (cem) 95 0 0.00 NA 1.23 NA LUBINUS CLASSIC PLUS 79 2 2.53 0.00 to 6.00 8.77 8.58 to 8.96 AUTOBLOQAUATE 77 0 0.00 NA 1.37 NA CL TRAUMA - hemiarthropl. 69 0 0.00 NA 3.56 NA ULTIMA-HOWSE II 69 8 11.59 4.04 to 19.15 7.16 6.66 to 7.66 C-STEM AMT 67 1 1.49 0.00 to 4.40 0.89 0.87 to 0.92 AUSTIN-MOORE hemiarthropl. (cem) 67 1 1.49 0.00 to 4.40 5.13 2.27 to 8.00 TRIO (cem) 66 0 0.00 NA 1.38 NA FJORD 56 0 0.00 NA 5.51 NA BEZNOSKA - custom-made, tumor. 50 2 4.00 0.00 to 9.43 8.09 7.41 to 8.77 AAP 45 1 2.22 0.00 to 6.53 3.62 3.17 to 4.07 MULLER GERADSCHAFT 21 3 14.29 0.00 to 29.25 6.00 5.27 to 6.72 LIBRA 19 0 0.00 NA 2.45 NA ASR 14 1 7.14 0.00 to 20.63 6.31 5.62 to 7.01 Z-AXIS 14 0 0.00 NA 8.94 NA MS-30 7 0 0.00 NA 5.49 NA REVISION STEM (cem) 6 0 0.00 NA 2.35 NA ULTIMA-STREIGHT STEM 6 2 33.33 0.00 to 71.05 6.48 9.00 to 9.08 FRIENDLY 4 0 0.00 NA 3.35 NA REVISION - LR 2 0 0.00 NA 1.12 NA OSTEAL Standard 1 0 0.00 NA 0.45 NA Femoral Cemented 20560 360 1.75 1.57 to 1.93 8.82 All femoral 35285 500 1.42 1.29 to 1.54 8.84 Whole database total 65499 886 1.35 1.26 to 1.44 8.85 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 53 Cumulative risk of primary THA, fem. comp. BEZNOSKA Chart 54 Cumulative risk of primary THA, fem. comp. BEZNOSKA hemiarthropl. Chart 55 Cumulative risk of primary THA, fem. comp. CORAIL Chart 56 Cumulative risk of primary THA, fem. comp. CHARNLEY Tab. 63 Characteristics of primary THA (acetabular and femoral components) Tab. 64 Cumulative characteristics of primary THA (acetabular and femoral components) Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Acetabular Uncemented Cemented Femoral Uncemented Cemented Component type Whole database total 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Acetabular Uncemented RR 0.14 0.15 0.46 0.66 0.86 0.93 1.00 1.07 1.00 Cemented RR 0.29 0.63 0.86 0.91 1.12 1.45 1.51 1.67 1.75 Femoral Uncemented RR 0.00 0.21 0.36 0.67 0.75 0.92 0.92 1.02 0.95 Cemented RR 0.18 0.47 0.83 0.95 1.18 1.36 1.52 1.76 1.75 Component type © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013© Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Table 63 shows an analysis of RR and mean survival time for acetabular and femoral components during the period 2003 to 2011, with 65,499 components. Table 64 shows the cumulative results of components year by year. Table 65 shows the cumulative risks of revision until certain time points for the whole database. Tab. 65 Characteristics of failure of primary THA until certain time point (acetabular and femoral components) 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr Acetabular Nr. of failures 32 30 67 74 56 43 22 27 19 16 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.106 0.209 0.457 0.770 1.070 1.363 1.563 1.914 2.280 2.907 NA 95% LB 0.069 0.156 0.374 0.655 0.924 1.186 1.360 1.654 1.949 2.313 NA 95% UB 0.144 0.261 0.539 0.886 1.216 1.541 1.765 2.174 2.612 3.502 NA Uncemented Nr. of failures 17 20 32 32 24 29 12 10 10 4 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.090 0.198 0.388 0.611 0.827 1.174 1.380 1.626 2.014 2.397 NA 95% LB 0.047 0.134 0.292 0.481 0.663 0.952 1.120 1.314 1.587 1.713 NA 95% UB 0.133 0.263 0.483 0.741 0.991 1.397 1.641 1.938 2.442 3.082 NA Cemented Nr. of failures 15 10 35 42 32 14 10 17 9 12 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.134 0.226 0.571 1.026 1.447 1.669 1.862 2.321 2.664 3.496 NA 95% LB 0.066 0.137 0.421 0.812 1.180 1.373 1.536 1.904 2.169 2.601 NA 95% UB 0.203 0.316 0.720 1.240 1.714 1.965 2.189 2.738 3.160 4.391 NA Femoral Nr. of failures 43 30 76 99 70 53 49 37 25 16 2 Cumulative risk (%) 0.123 0.211 0.457 0.829 1.157 1.479 1.872 2.311 2.759 3.275 3.472 95% LB 0.086 0.162 0.380 0.716 1.013 1.304 1.651 2.031 2.399 2.705 2.833 95% UB 0.160 0.260 0.534 0.942 1.300 1.654 2.093 2.592 3.118 3.844 4.110 Uncemented Nr. of failures 19 11 26 19 21 17 10 8 5 3 1 Cumulative risk (%) 0.130 0.207 0.406 0.581 0.837 1.128 1.372 1.675 1.943 2.422 2.850 95% LB 0.071 0.132 0.294 0.440 0.645 0.878 1.060 1.281 1.475 1.535 1.629 95% UB 0.189 0.282 0.518 0.723 1.028 1.379 1.683 2.070 2.411 3.309 4.071 Cemented Nr. of failures 24 19 50 80 49 36 39 29 20 13 1 Cumulative risk (%) 0.118 0.214 0.493 0.999 1.373 1.714 2.184 2.684 3.210 3.759 3.893 95% LB 0.070 0.149 0.389 0.837 1.173 1.477 1.887 2.314 2.740 3.142 3.223 95% UB 0.165 0.279 0.598 1.160 1.573 1.951 2.480 3.054 3.680 4.376 4.563 Component type © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 42 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Component combinations Due to the standardised diameters of the articulating heads, THA offers the possibility of combinations either with recommended components by the same manufacturer or with components from other manufacturers. These combinations are, from the legal point of view, off-label use of components and the surgeon is thereby creating completely new implant. The use of such a combination is not recommended by any manufacturer. These combinations are highlighted in blue in the following tables. Combinations of uncemented components Tab. 66 Characteristics of primary components combinations (uncemented THA) Chart 57 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Novae Evolution and fem. comp. Sagita Evolution HA Chart 58 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Pinnacle and fem. comp. Corail Acetabular Femoral Total number Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nov ae Ev olution Sagita Ev olution HA 2049 18 0.88 15 0.73 8 0.39 Pinnacle Corail 1988 12 0.60 6 0.30 11 0.55 Duraloc Corail 1355 19 1.40 10 0.74 14 1.03 Plasmacup Bicontact 769 10 1.30 8 1.04 3 0.39 Duraloc AML 759 14 1.84 9 1.19 9 1.19 SF SF 732 8 1.09 7 0.96 5 0.68 CLS Spotorno CLS Spotorno 539 1 0.19 0 0.00 1 0.19 Trilogy Versy s 491 3 0.61 1 0.20 3 0.61 Nov ae Ev olution Libra HA 480 4 0.83 2 0.42 3 0.62 Pinnacle Proxima 470 2 0.43 2 0.43 0 0.00 L-Cup Bimetric (uncem) 421 6 1.43 5 1.19 4 0.95 Pinnacle AML 415 4 0.96 2 0.48 3 0.72 Delta - PF Fit 365 6 1.64 0 0.00 6 1.64 Delta Fit 317 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 M-H-shell Bimetric (uncem) 278 2 0.72 1 0.36 1 0.36 Zwey muller Alloclassic CSF Zwey muller Alloclassic SL 259 12 4.63 12 4.63 3 1.16 Beznoska (uncem) SF 248 8 3.23 4 1.61 5 2.02 Delta - PF Logica (uncem) 235 1 0.43 0 0.00 1 0.43 Trilogy Versy s FMT 190 5 2.63 3 1.58 5 2.63 Ana.Nov a Ana.Nov a MII 141 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Delta Logica (uncem) 135 2 1.48 2 1.48 0 0.00 Pinnacle Tri-lock BPS 68 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Pinnacle S-ROM 68 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 67 2 2.99 2 2.99 0 0.00 Delta - Fins Fit 67 1 1.49 1 1.49 1 1.49 Sunf it TH Sagita Ev olution HA 66 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 T.O.P Beta Cone 63 2 3.17 1 1.59 2 3.17 Acetabular FemoralComponent name Implants © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013© Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 43 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 59 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Duraloc and fem. comp. Corail Chart 60 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Plasmacup and fem. comp. Bicontact Table 66 shows the combinations of uncemented components with one component from a different manufacturer. Charts 57 to 60 show the cumulative risk of revision for the commonest UAC/UFS combinations. Combinations of cemented components Tab. 67 Characteristics of primary components combinations (cemented THA) Table 67 shows the combination of cemented components, including two combinations not recommended by the manufacturer, with a higher RR in one CFS of 5.45 %. With RR of 4.94 %, this CFS failed also in another combination recommended by manufacturer. Charts 61 to 64 show the cumulative risks of revision of the commonest combination of CAC/CFS used. Table 65 shows hybrid combinations of UAC/CFS. All RRs equal to or higher than 5.00 % are in orange and RR equal to or higher than 10.00 % are in red. Charts 65 to 68 show cumulative risks of revision for these component combinations. Acetabular Femoral Total number Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Beznoska (cem) Beznoska 3196 111 3.47 91 2.85 74 2.32 Charnley Charnley 1857 43 2.32 18 0.97 39 2.10 Cup Centrament 1299 28 2.16 24 1.85 17 1.31 Muller Bimetric (cem) 694 15 2.16 8 1.15 11 1.59 O2 Beznoska 437 2 0.46 1 0.23 1 0.23 O2 CSC 432 3 0.69 1 0.23 3 0.69 Beznoska (cem) CSC 418 6 1.44 2 0.48 5 1.20 Elite Plus Charnley 274 1 0.36 0 0.00 1 0.36 ZCA CPT 273 2 0.73 2 0.73 1 0.37 Mueller Logica (cem) 225 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Elite Plus Charnley Modular 198 1 0.51 1 0.51 1 0.51 Ultima MK2 C-Stem 183 4 2.19 3 1.64 2 1.09 PE-Cup Trilliance 165 3 1.82 3 1.82 1 0.61 Exeter Contemporary Cup Exeter V40 139 2 1.44 1 0.72 2 1.44 90 1 1.11 1 1.11 1 1.11 Elite Plus Elite Plus 81 4 4.94 0 0.00 4 4.94 Exeter Duration Cup Exeter V40 76 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 71 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Triloc Autobloqauate 67 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Lubinus Classic Plus Lubinus Classic Plus 65 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O2 Trio (cem) 57 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Elite Plus C-Stem 55 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Ultima MK2 Elite Plus 55 3 5.45 2 3.64 2 3.64 Component name Implants Acetabular Femoral © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 44 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 61 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Beznoska (cem) and fem. comp. Beznoska Chart 62 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Charnley and fem. comp. Charnley Chart 63 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. PE-Cup and fem. comp. Centrament Chart 64 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Muller and fem. comp. Bimetric (cem) Hybrid components Tab. 68 Characteristics of primary components combinations (hybrids) Acetabular Femoral Total number Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Beznoska (uncem) Beznoska 459 18 3.92 15 3.27 6 1.31 Plasmacup Centrament 357 10 2.80 8 2.24 6 1.68 Duraloc C-Stem 353 5 1.42 1 0.28 5 1.42 Trilogy CPT 348 6 1.72 2 0.57 6 1.72 SF Beznoska 325 9 2.77 1 0.31 8 2.46 319 4 1.25 1 0.31 3 0.94 Pinnacle C-Stem 290 1 0.34 1 0.34 0 0.00 Nov ae Ev olution Sagita Ev olution 236 5 2.12 2 0.85 3 1.27 Duraloc Elite Plus 194 25 12.89 2 1.03 25 12.89 L-Cup Bimetric (cem) 177 4 2.26 1 0.56 4 2.26 Beznoska (uncem) CSC 152 6 3.95 3 1.97 5 3.29 132 3 2.27 3 2.27 1 0.76 SF CSC 120 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 M-H-shell Bimetric (cem) 74 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 66 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Sunf it TH Sagita Ev olution 66 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Pinnacle Corail (cem) 66 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Duraloc Ultima-Howse II 53 8 15.09 2 3.77 8 15.09 53 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Component name Implants Acetabular Femoral © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 45 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 During the observation period we have recorded 3,840 implants with hybrid type of fixation and only 73 implants with reverse hybrid type of fixation. Table 68 shows the results of UACs combined with CFSs. Charts 65–68 show CR of four mostly used hybrid combinations in the database. Table 69 presents results of implants with reverse type of fixation. Chart 65 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Beznoska (uncem) and fem. comp. Beznoska Chart 66 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Plasmacup and fem. comp. Centrament Chart 67 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Duraloc and fem. comp. C-Stem Chart 68 Cumulative risk of primary THA, acet. comp. Trilogy and fem. comp. CPT Reverse hybrid components Tab. 69 Characteristics of primary components combinations (reverse hybrids) Acetabular Femoral Total number Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Beznoska (cem) SF 20 1 5.00 1 5.00 0 0.00 Muller Bimetric (uncem) 19 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 PE-Cup Bicontact 12 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Elite Plus AML 12 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 1 10.00 0 0.00 1 10.00 Component name Implants Acetabular Femoral © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 46 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Revision Total Hip Arthroplasty In 2011 we recorded a decrease in revision THA by 25 cases. Chart 69 shows evolution of RR during the observed period 2003–2011. Chart 69 Revision THA – revision rate Tab. 70 Structure of revision database The revision database contains in total 3,195 protocols. The majority of them had the primary THA performed before the start of the register – prior to 1 January 2003. We do not have detailed data about the primary THAs of 2,074 revisions. We know only that 192 of these revisions failed. The rest of the database is divided according to the number of revisions performed, as table 70 shows. In this report we will analyse only first revisions. This part of database comprises 803 protocols. The gender ratio is shown in table 71 and chart 70. We have recorded a decrease in females from 58.73 % in 2010 to 56.35 % in 2011. Tab. 71 Revision THA – gender distribution Chart 70 Revision THA – gender distribution Types of fixation of primary THA From 2008, there was observed an increase in the numbers of revisions of primary uncemented implants and a decrease of the numbers of revisions of cemented implants. Table 72 and chart 71 show the evolution of revised primary implants according to the type of fixation. Tab. 72 Revision THA – types of fixation of primary implants Chart 71 Revision THA – types of primary fixation In 2011, 51.50 % of all revised implants were cemented, 30.48 % uncemented and 18.01 % hybrids; in 2010, 52.95 % of all revised implants were primarily cemented, 28.67 % uncemented, and 18.38 % were hybrids. Total Censored Failured 1st rev ision 803 720 83 2nd rev ision 276 241 35 3rd rev ision 35 31 4 4th rev ision 4 4 0 Missed primary operation 3 0 3 Primary THA bef ore 2003 2074 1882 192 Total 3195 2878 317 Year Female Male 2003 171 122 2004 189 144 2005 164 106 2006 198 137 2007 214 134 2008 208 131 2009 226 160 2010 269 189 2011 244 189 Year Cement Uncement Hy brid Not Ident. 2003 184 34 74 1 2004 204 47 78 4 2005 162 41 66 1 2006 196 73 66 0 2007 175 82 91 0 2008 199 63 77 0 2009 196 112 78 0 2010 243 130 85 0 2011 223 132 78 0 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 47 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Age groups In the age group less than 55 years, an increase of revision THAs from 12.6 % in 2010 to 15.11 % in 2011 was observed. Also in the age group 55– 65 years, a 26.32 % increase, compared to 23.64 % in 2010, was observed. 40.21 % of patients in the age group 65–75 years and 18.34 % in the age group over 75 were revised. Table 73 shows the age groups according the methodology of Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic. Table 74 shows the four age groups and the interaction of gender. The number of failures represents the number of re-revisions, which means that of 3,195 revision THAs 317 were revised again THAs. Table 75 shows the interaction of gender, age groups and type of fixation of revision THA. Tab. 73 Revision THA – age groups Tab. 74 Characteristics of revision THA (interaction of gender and age groups) Tab. 75 Characteristics of revision THA (interaction of gender, age groups and type of fixation) Year 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 >85 2003 0 0 0 3 2 0 6 8 17 25 53 63 60 42 14 2004 0 1 0 1 1 2 5 14 36 36 43 55 79 40 20 2005 0 0 1 2 1 1 5 11 20 32 33 51 75 27 11 2006 0 1 0 2 2 1 9 13 33 41 55 67 79 23 9 2007 1 0 0 3 4 5 11 23 33 45 57 69 64 28 5 2008 0 0 0 0 1 4 12 12 41 52 60 83 47 18 9 2009 0 0 0 0 5 5 12 33 58 48 76 58 64 19 8 2010 0 0 2 3 1 5 17 30 46 62 87 94 65 37 9 2011 0 0 1 4 3 9 8 27 54 69 53 101 67 29 8 Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean [min,55] yrs 277 37 13.36 9.35 to 17.36 7.79 (55,65] yrs 469 45 9.59 6.93 to 12.26 7.99 (65,75] yrs 756 60 7.94 6.01 to 9.86 8.21 (75,max] yrs 381 21 5.51 3.22 to 7.80 8.34 1883 163 8.66 7.39 to 9.93 8.13 [min,55] yrs 206 22 10.68 6.46 to 14.90 7.84 (55,65] yrs 372 42 11.29 8.07 to 14.51 7.81 (65,75] yrs 529 77 14.56 11.55 to 17.56 7.56 (75,max] yrs 205 13 6.34 3.01 to 9.68 8.26 1312 154 11.74 10.00 to 13.48 7.81 3195 317 9.92 8.89 to 10.96 8.00 Females Males Whole database total Females total Males total Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Females 1883 163 8.66 7.39 to 9.93 8.13 Males 1312 154 11.74 10.00 to 13.48 7.81 [min,55] yrs 483 59 12.22 9.29 to 15.14 7.82 (55,65] yrs 841 87 10.34 8.29 to 12.40 7.93 (65,75] yrs 1285 137 10.66 8.97 to 12.35 7.96 (75,max] yrs 586 34 5.80 3.91 to 7.69 8.36 Uncemented Cemented Hybrids 3195 317 9.92 8.89 to 10.96 8.00 Gender Age groups Type of fixation Whole database total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 72 Cumulative risk of revision THA (gender) Chart 74 Cumulative risk of revision THA (females, age group) Chart 73 Cumulative risk of revision THA (age groups) Chart 75 Cumulative risk of revision THA (males, age groups) Tab. 76 Frequency of revision THA (age groups; in %) Chart 76 Frequency of revision THA (age groups; in %) Tab. 77 Frequency of revision THA (females; age groups; in %) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 77 Frequency of revision THA (females; age groups; in %) Tab. 78 Frequency of revision THA (males; age groups; in %) Chart 78 Frequency of revision THA (males; age groups; in %) Charts 72–75 show the cumulative risk of rerevision according to the age group and gender. The higher risk of revision of revision THA is among males (chart 72) and the age group less than 55 years (chart 73). In females the highest risk was in the age group less than 55 years (chart 74) and in the male age group 65–75 years (chart 75). Table 76 and chart 76 show the percentage participation of age groups in the revision THA. There is a trend for increasing numbers of revision in the age group 65–75 years, from 41.46 % in 2003 to 61.11 % in 2011. The next two tables and charts show these results for females and for males. The following analysis is the percentage probability of failure of revision THA according to the age groups Table 79 and chart 79 show results for the whole database, tables 80–81 and charts 80–81 show these results for females and males. In 2011, the probability of failure of revision THA was highest in the age group 65–75 years, at 61.11 %. In males, the probability of failure was 87.50 %. There was no risk of failure in the age group less than 55 years. The final analysis (tables 82–84 and charts 82– 84) shows this probability until a certain time point with one, three month and every year. This analysis is not cumulative. Tab. 79 Probability of revision THA (age groups; in %) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 79 Probability of revision THA (age groups; in %) Tab. 80 Probability of revision THA (females; age groups; in %) Chart 80 Probability of revision THA (females; age groups; in %) Tab. 81 Probability of revision THA (males; age groups; in %) Chart 81 Probability of revision THA (males; age groups; in %) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 82 Probability of failure of revision THA until certain time point (age groups; not cumulative) Chart 82 Probability of failure of revision THA until certain time point (age groups; not cumulative) Tab. 83 Probability of failure of revision THA until certain time point (females; age groups; not cumulative) Chart 83 Probability of failure of revision THA until certain time point (females; age groups; not cumulative) Tab. 84 Probability of failure of revision THA until certain time point (males; age groups; not cumulative) Chart 84 Probability of failure of revision THA until certain time point (males; age groups; not cumulative) Age groups 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr [min,55] yrs 12.50 3.13 20.29 14.71 11.90 32.00 35.00 31.25 50.00 20.00 NA (55,65] yrs 12.50 15.63 28.99 33.82 28.57 36.00 20.00 31.25 25.00 60.00 NA (65,75] yrs 59.38 56.25 39.13 42.65 52.38 28.00 35.00 31.25 25.00 20.00 NA (75,max] yrs 15.63 25.00 11.59 8.82 7.14 4.00 10.00 6.25 0.00 0.00 NA 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr [min,55] yrs 16.67 7.69 18.42 22.22 12.00 42.86 50.00 36.36 50.00 0.00 NA (55,65] yrs 5.56 7.69 36.84 33.33 24.00 35.71 25.00 27.27 0.00 100.00 NA (65,75] yrs 55.56 46.15 26.32 37.04 56.00 14.29 25.00 36.36 50.00 0.00 NA (75,max] yrs 22.22 38.46 18.42 7.41 8.00 7.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 NA Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr [min,55] yrs 7.14 0.00 22.58 9.76 11.76 18.18 12.50 20.00 50.00 50.00 NA (55,65] yrs 21.43 21.05 19.35 34.15 35.29 36.36 12.50 40.00 33.33 0.00 NA (65,75] yrs 64.29 63.16 54.84 46.34 47.06 45.45 50.00 20.00 16.67 50.00 NA (75,max] yrs 7.14 15.79 3.23 9.76 5.88 0.00 25.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 NA Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 52 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Reasons for the revision Tab. 85 Revision THA – reasons for revision Table 85 shows all reasons for revision according to the protocol. Analyses of the reasons for revisions are complicated, with the multiple-choice in the revision protocol, which means that each revision THA could potentially have more than one reason for revision. Therefore, the total number of reasons for revision does not correspond to the total number of performed revision THAs. In the table are displayed all 3,195 revision THAs. For deeper analysis we can use only 1,121 revisions from the observed period 2003– 2011. Table 86 shows the frequency of these reasons. From this table is clear that after aseptic loosening of femoral and acetabular components, the third mostly marked reason for revision is luxation. 30.42 % of all revisions were due to aseptic loosening of the femoral component, 24.19 % were due to aseptic loosening of the acetabular component and 18.58 % due to luxation. Chronic infection was the reason for revision in 11.22 % and early infection in 2.87 % of 802 cases. Table 87 shows the same characteristics of re-revision THA. The frequency of septic loosening of the acetabular component was 22.71 %, aseptic loosening of femoral component was 21.77 %, chronic infection 18.30 % and luxation 17.98 %. Tab. 86 Characteristics of revision THA (reasons for revision) Year Paraarticular Osifications Luxation PolyethyleneWear EarlyInfection ChronicInfection AcetabularyProtrusis AsepticLoos.ofBoth Components AsepticLoos.ofAcet. Component AsepticLoos.ofFem. Component Osteolysisof Acetabulum OsteolysisofFemur BigBoneDefectof Acetabulum BigBoneDefectof Femur Periprosthesis Fracture FractureofImplant SpacertoTHA GirdlestonetoTHA Other 2003 5 14 8 6 16 28 6 175 136 39 45 14 5 20 39 0 1 15 2004 10 20 18 3 20 17 2 194 165 29 28 21 9 11 32 0 1 15 2005 4 19 12 1 12 17 6 124 126 31 28 14 5 13 16 0 1 22 2006 10 25 28 8 26 32 13 122 147 40 30 12 10 16 11 0 3 11 2007 12 28 14 6 34 20 40 113 105 13 22 6 6 24 18 0 1 5 2008 3 38 15 4 32 11 51 95 109 13 23 12 4 13 11 0 2 10 2009 4 38 28 3 30 22 52 108 133 13 14 13 5 12 19 0 1 13 2010 11 56 21 4 35 27 58 113 108 15 12 12 2 35 17 9 3 19 2011 10 46 29 8 47 19 51 100 108 15 14 19 7 32 15 11 5 7 Nr. of events RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Paraarticular osifications 16 2.00 1.03 to 2.96 8.08 Luxation 149 18.58 15.89 to 21.27 6.63 Polyethylene wear 25 3.12 1.91 to 4.32 7.80 Early infection 23 2.87 1.71 to 4.02 8.12 Chronic infection 90 11.22 9.04 to 13.41 6.84 Acetabulary protrusis 24 2.99 1.81 to 4.17 7.98 Asept. loosening of acet. comp. 194 24.19 21.23 to 27.15 5.52 Asept. loosening of fem. comp. 244 30.42 27.24 to 33.61 5.00 Osteolysis of acetabulum 24 2.99 1.81 to 4.17 8.05 Osteolysis of femur 27 3.37 2.12 to 4.61 7.94 Big bone defect of acet. 6 0.75 0.15 to 1.34 8.37 Big bone defect of femur 7 0.87 0.23 to 1.52 8.35 Periprosthesis fracture 55 6.86 5.11 to 8.61 7.50 Fracture of implant 17 2.12 1.12 to 3.12 8.18 Asept. loosening of both comp. 45 5.61 4.02 to 7.20 7.48 Spacer to THA 5 0.62 0.08 to 1.17 8.39 Girdlestone to THA 1 0.12 0.00 to 0.37 8.40 2.27 2.12 to 2.43 8.75 Reason for revision Whole database © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 53 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 87 Characteristics of re-revision THA (reasons for revision) Revised components of implants Tab. 88 Revision THA – revised components of implants The revision protocol has eleven options for revised components. Soft tissue revision was introduced for the first time in January 2011. In comparison to 2010, when the whole implant combination was revised in 35.86 %, during 2011 complete revision was performed in 32.71 %. The acetabular component was revised in 20.50 % and the femoral component in 23.73 %, compared to 26.95 % in 2010. We have observed an increased number of head revisions from 6.73 % in 2010 to 8.98 % in 2011 (table 88). Revision implants and components The revision database contains 3,195 records of revision THA implants. These are revision implants used after 1 January 2003 and we have complete data from the primary protocols about these revision procedures. 32.45 % of these revision implants were cemented, 30.98 % were uncemented, 13.58 % were hybrids and 12.26 % were reverse hybrids. Table 89 shows the characteristics of the revision THAs – interaction of gender and type of fixation of revision implants. Nr. of events RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Paraarticular osifications 7 2.21 0.59 to 3.83 7.34 Luxation 57 17.98 13.75 to 22.21 5.99 Polyethylene wear 9 2.84 1.01 to 4.67 7.13 Early infection 6 1.89 0.39 to 3.39 7.54 Chronic infection 58 18.30 14.04 to 22.55 5.63 Acetabulary protrusis 12 3.79 1.68 to 5.89 6.87 Asept. loosening of acet. comp. 72 22.71 18.10 to 27.33 4.99 Asept. loosening of fem. comp. 69 21.77 17.22 to 26.31 4.96 Osteolysis of acetabulum 12 3.79 1.68 to 5.89 7.17 Osteolysis of femur 13 4.10 1.92 to 6.28 7.10 Big bone defect of acet. 9 2.84 1.01 to 4.67 7.24 Big bone defect of femur 5 1.58 0.21 to 2.95 7.55 Periprosthesis fracture 15 4.73 2.39 to 7.07 7.11 Fracture of implant 11 3.47 1.46 to 5.48 6.97 Asept. loosening of both comp. 23 7.26 4.40 to 10.11 6.43 Spacer to THA 13 4.10 1.92 to 6.28 7.31 Girdlestone to THA 12 3.79 1.68 to 5.89 7.29 9.92 8.89 to 10.96 8.00 Reason for revision Whole database Year SoftTissue Revision WholeSystem Acetabular Component Femoral Component Head Inlay TotalReplacement ofBipolar Hemiarthropl. Osteosynthesis Girdlestone Spacer Other 2003 0 130 93 69 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 2004 0 141 93 77 8 2 1 0 12 0 0 2005 0 91 76 89 7 1 1 0 10 0 0 2006 0 135 80 92 14 7 0 0 16 0 0 2007 0 131 95 96 8 1 1 0 16 0 0 2008 0 120 86 102 7 0 1 1 21 0 1 2009 0 149 77 111 17 3 1 1 19 5 3 2010 0 165 94 124 31 4 1 1 23 17 0 2011 16 142 89 103 39 3 0 3 22 16 1 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 89 Characteristics of revision THA (interaction of gender and type of fixation) Table 90 presents the mean age of patients at the time of revision operation and the type of revision implant fixation. Uncemented fixation was used for the youngest group of patients with a mean age 60.97 years. The cemented type of fixation was used in patients with a mean age 70.95 years. The mean age of patients who had hybrid or reverse hybrid fixation was 67.55 years, and 67.22 years respectively. Chart 85 shows the cumulative risk of revision THA for whole revision database, according to the type of fixation. The lowest risk represents the group of reverse hybrids with RR 4.59 %. The next two charts show the cumulative risk of revision in females and in males. Chart 85 Cumulative risk of revision THA (type of fixation) Chart 86 Cumulative risk of revision THA (females, type of fixation) Chart 87 Cumulative risk of revision THA (males, type of fixation) 1883 163 8.66 7.39 to 9.93 8.13 1312 154 11.74 10.00 to 13.48 7.81 3195 317 9.92 8.89 to 10.96 8.00 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 90 Ages of the patients at the time of revision THA (interaction of gender and type of fixation; sd: standard deviation, Q1: first quartile, Q3: third quartile) Tab. 91 Characteristics of revision THA (acetabular and femoral components) Table 91 presents re-revision of components in 291 failures from 5,239 revision components. Revision of cemented femoral components has the highest RR at 7.03 %, in contrast to uncemented revision femoral components with the lowest RR – 4.40 %. Chart 88 shows the cumulative risks of failure and compares acetabular and femoral components. Chart 89 presents the cumulative risks of revision according to the component and the type of fixation. Charts 90–91 show cumulative risks of component in interaction with gender. Chart 88 Cumulative risk of revision THA (component type) Chart 89 Cumulative risk of revision THA (interaction of component type and fixation) Total number Mean 95% CI for mean SD Min Q1 Median Q3 Max Uncemented Cemented Hybrids Reverse hybrids Uncemented Cemented Hybrids Reverse hybrids Uncemented Cemented Hybrids Reverse hybrids Whole database total Whole database Females Males Females total Males total Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Acetabular total Uncemented Cemented Femoral total Uncemented Cemented Component type Whole database total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 90 Cumulative risk of revision THA (females; interaction of component type and fixation) Chart 91 Cumulative risk of revision THA (males; interaction of component type and fixation) Table 91 presents the cumulative RR of revision THA according to the component type and fixation method. Table 92 and 93 show these characteristics for females and males. The highest cumulative RR was observed in the male database for cemented femoral components – 10.15 % and the lowest was observed in female database for uncemented femoral stems with 3.84 %. Tab. 92 Cumulative characteristics of revision THA (acetabular and femoral components) Tab. 93 Cumulative characteristics of revision THA (females; acetabular and femoral components) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Acetabular Uncemented RR 0.00 0.74 2.32 3.18 4.83 5.42 5.42 5.16 4.98 Cemented RR 0.62 2.12 2.81 3.39 3.63 3.52 4.14 5.60 5.87 Femoral Uncemented RR 0.00 0.80 1.38 2.06 4.43 4.42 4.39 4.58 4.38 Cemented RR 1.13 2.27 3.61 3.81 4.07 4.66 6.05 6.94 7.01 Component type 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Acetabular Uncemented RR 0.00 0.74 3.06 3.27 5.35 5.69 5.88 5.30 5.32 Cemented RR 0.00 0.95 1.67 2.23 2.38 2.28 2.61 4.51 4.97 Femoral Uncemented RR 0.00 0.78 1.57 1.98 4.58 4.56 4.25 3.83 3.84 Cemented RR 0.00 0.45 1.60 1.61 1.85 2.48 3.78 4.88 5.25 Component type © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 94 Cumulative characteristics of revision THA (males; acetabular and femoral components) Table 95 show cumulative risk of re-revision THA in one month, three month and yearly intervals and table 96–97 present these characteristics for females and males. Tab. 95 Characteristics of failure of revision THA until certain time point (acetabular and femoral components) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Acetabular Uncemented Total number 64 134 192 259 330 391 471 560 656 Nr. of f ailures 0 1 3 8 14 20 23 28 30 RR 0.00 0.75 1.56 3.09 4.24 5.12 4.88 5.00 4.57 Cemented Total number 56 119 163 216 267 323 383 443 505 Nr. of f ailures 1 5 8 12 16 19 27 34 38 RR 1.79 4.20 4.91 5.56 5.99 5.88 7.05 7.67 7.52 Femoral Uncemented Total number 59 122 172 233 306 375 462 547 638 Nr. of f ailures 0 1 2 5 13 16 21 30 32 RR 0.00 0.82 1.16 2.15 4.25 4.27 4.55 5.48 5.02 Cemented Total number 62 133 186 247 296 344 399 465 532 Nr. of f ailures 2 7 13 19 24 30 41 50 54 RR 3.23 5.26 6.99 7.69 8.11 8.72 10.28 10.75 10.15 Component type 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr Acetabular Nr. of failures 9 5 23 36 26 14 7 9 6 4 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.346 0.543 1.515 3.231 4.772 5.783 6.432 7.563 8.544 9.683 NA 95% LB 0.118 0.255 1.004 2.412 3.720 4.572 5.114 5.990 6.731 7.416 NA 95% UB 0.574 0.831 2.025 4.050 5.825 6.995 7.750 9.136 10.357 11.949 NA Uncemented Nr. of failures 6 3 10 17 12 7 3 3 3 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.464 0.704 1.572 3.229 4.745 5.829 6.416 7.227 8.281 9.008 NA 95% LB 0.089 0.238 0.835 2.087 3.266 4.106 4.551 5.086 5.752 6.105 NA 95% UB 0.839 1.170 2.308 4.371 6.224 7.552 8.281 9.369 10.809 11.911 NA Cemented Nr. of failures 3 2 13 19 14 7 4 6 3 3 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.229 0.384 1.457 3.224 4.790 5.733 6.440 7.859 8.769 10.268 NA 95% LB 0.000 0.046 0.753 2.087 3.355 4.100 4.646 5.638 6.254 7.088 NA 95% UB 0.489 0.723 2.160 4.361 6.224 7.365 8.234 10.079 11.284 13.447 NA Femoral Nr. of failures 11 5 19 42 22 21 15 9 5 3 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.420 0.615 1.416 3.416 4.705 6.209 7.591 8.720 9.536 10.441 NA 95% LB 0.170 0.310 0.929 2.574 3.671 4.942 6.093 7.000 7.629 8.195 NA 95% UB 0.670 0.920 1.902 4.258 5.738 7.475 9.088 10.441 11.443 12.686 NA Uncemented Nr. of failures 2 2 9 16 7 8 5 3 2 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.160 0.324 1.129 2.751 3.651 4.973 6.029 6.912 7.682 8.472 NA 95% LB 0.000 0.006 0.490 1.645 2.319 3.296 4.057 4.655 5.142 5.497 NA 95% UB 0.383 0.642 1.767 3.857 4.984 6.651 8.002 9.169 10.221 11.447 NA Cemented Nr. of failures 9 3 10 26 15 13 10 6 3 2 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.655 0.879 1.676 4.007 5.627 7.291 8.911 10.225 11.074 12.067 NA 95% LB 0.223 0.376 0.953 2.769 4.094 5.455 6.755 7.754 8.365 8.971 NA 95% UB 1.087 1.382 2.400 5.246 7.161 9.128 11.067 12.695 13.783 15.162 NA Component type © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 96 Characteristics of failure of revision THA until certain time point (females; acetabular and femoral components) Tab. 97 Characteristics of failure of revision THA until certain time point (males; acetabular and femoral components) 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr Acetabular Nr. of failures 5 4 11 19 17 9 4 7 2 3 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.321 0.583 1.351 2.829 4.485 5.532 6.140 7.580 8.125 9.445 NA 95% LB 0.038 0.198 0.737 1.878 3.200 4.045 4.524 5.536 5.913 6.653 NA 95% UB 0.604 0.969 1.966 3.780 5.770 7.019 7.757 9.624 10.338 12.236 NA Uncemented Nr. of failures 5 2 3 12 7 4 2 2 NA NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.715 1.011 1.485 3.619 5.279 6.433 7.173 8.267 NA NA NA 95% LB 0.080 0.251 0.540 1.990 3.190 4.024 4.531 5.135 NA NA NA 95% UB 1.349 1.770 2.431 5.248 7.367 8.841 9.816 11.398 NA NA NA Cemented Nr. of failures 0 2 8 7 10 5 2 5 2 3 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.000 0.236 1.234 2.203 3.856 4.828 5.347 7.030 7.927 NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.437 1.098 2.313 3.016 3.384 4.414 4.966 6.003 NA 95% UB 0.000 0.566 2.030 3.307 5.400 6.640 7.311 9.646 10.887 14.242 NA Femoral Nr. of failures 6 2 8 17 14 11 10 4 2 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.382 0.513 1.066 2.375 3.703 4.964 6.438 7.273 7.811 8.300 NA 95% LB 0.074 0.154 0.527 1.509 2.547 3.549 4.672 5.287 5.656 5.941 NA 95% UB 0.690 0.871 1.605 3.241 4.859 6.379 8.205 9.258 9.966 10.659 NA Uncemented Nr. of failures 2 1 2 9 6 5 3 NA NA NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.291 0.439 0.767 2.399 3.789 5.296 6.415 NA NA NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.085 1.066 1.966 2.996 3.701 NA NA NA NA 95% UB 0.695 0.935 1.448 3.731 5.611 7.596 9.129 NA NA NA NA Cemented Nr. of failures 4 1 6 8 8 6 7 4 2 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.453 0.570 1.295 2.365 3.652 4.764 6.436 7.762 8.628 9.419 NA 95% LB 0.006 0.068 0.515 1.247 2.173 2.998 4.182 5.075 5.624 6.038 NA 95% UB 0.900 1.073 2.075 3.483 5.130 6.530 8.689 10.448 11.633 12.800 NA Component type 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr Acetabular Nr. of failures 4 1 12 17 9 5 3 2 4 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.384 0.482 1.765 3.858 5.213 6.167 6.883 7.530 9.175 10.072 NA 95% LB 0.005 0.057 0.877 2.413 3.449 4.172 4.722 5.163 6.166 6.587 NA 95% UB 0.762 0.907 2.653 5.304 6.977 8.162 9.044 9.897 12.185 13.557 NA Uncemented Nr. of failures 1 1 7 5 5 3 1 1 3 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.168 0.342 1.674 2.762 4.101 5.111 5.522 6.050 8.203 9.730 NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.520 1.212 2.059 2.714 2.993 3.317 4.312 4.821 NA 95% UB 0.499 0.816 2.829 4.313 6.144 7.509 8.051 8.782 12.095 14.640 NA Cemented Nr. of failures 3 3 5 12 4 2 2 1 1 NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.666 0.666 1.881 5.281 6.656 7.544 8.671 9.501 10.431 NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.317 2.554 3.559 4.183 4.951 5.441 5.981 NA NA 95% UB 1.423 1.736 3.445 8.007 9.753 10.906 12.391 13.561 14.882 NA NA Femoral Nr. of failures 5 3 11 25 8 10 5 5 3 2 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.476 0.768 1.952 5.050 6.276 8.185 9.421 11.029 12.287 13.881 NA 95% LB 0.057 0.234 1.038 3.385 4.355 5.847 6.807 7.965 8.828 9.545 NA 95% UB 0.895 1.302 2.866 6.714 8.197 10.523 12.036 14.092 15.745 18.217 NA Uncemented Nr. of failures 0 1 7 7 1 3 2 3 2 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.000 0.183 1.578 3.191 3.482 4.580 5.556 7.490 9.198 10.938 NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.419 1.423 1.624 2.264 2.835 3.851 4.731 5.319 NA 95% UB 0.000 0.541 2.737 4.958 5.339 6.896 8.277 11.129 13.665 16.557 NA Cemented Nr. of failures 5 2 4 18 7 7 3 2 1 1 NA Cumulative risk (%) 1.019 1.436 2.381 7.214 9.524 12.355 13.872 15.165 15.962 17.380 NA 95% LB 0.119 0.364 0.941 4.236 5.974 8.108 9.274 10.135 10.695 11.425 NA 95% UB 1.920 2.508 3.820 10.193 13.074 16.602 18.471 20.195 21.229 23.336 NA Component type © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 98 Characteristics of revision THA (cementing techniques of femoral components) Table 98 presents the results of 1,380 cemented revision femoral components in interaction with type of cementing techniques used. The best results with RR of 3.94 % were achieved with 3 rd generation cementing techniques. RR of 1 st and 2 nd generation techniques are similar – 8.67 % and 7.68 % respectively. Charts 92–94 show the results of cemented revision femoral components in total, for females and males. Chart 92 Cumulative risk of revision THA (cementing techniques of femoral components) Chart 93 Cumulative risk of revision THA (females; cementing techniques of femoral components) Chart 94 Cumulative risk of revision THA (males; cementing techniques of femoral components) Tab. 99 Cumulative characteristics of revision THA (cementing techniques of femoral components) Cumulative RR of cemented revision stems are shown in table 99. The third generation cementing techniques compare favourably with 2 nd and 1 st generations. Tables 100–101 present these characteristics for females and males. Tables 102–104 show the cumulative risks of re-revision THA until certain time points. © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 100 Cumulative characteristics of revision THA (females; cementing techniques of femoral components) Tab. 101 Cumulative characteristics of revision THA (males; cementing techniques of femoral components) Tab. 102 Characteristics of failure of revision THA until certain time point (cementing technique of femoral components) Tab. 103 Characteristics of failure of revision THA until certain time point (females; cementing technique of femoral compo- nents) 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1st generation Total number 46 84 97 125 150 172 195 214 226 Nr. of f ailures 0 1 2 2 2 4 7 11 12 RR 0.00 1.19 2.06 1.60 1.33 2.33 3.59 5.14 5.31 2nd generation Total number 11 32 68 124 172 229 258 307 341 Nr. of f ailures 0 0 2 3 5 8 11 17 21 RR 0.00 0.00 2.94 2.42 2.91 3.49 4.26 5.54 6.16 3rd generation Total number 1 5 15 33 44 57 82 110 126 Nr. of f ailures 0 0 0 1 2 2 5 5 6 RR 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.03 4.55 3.51 6.10 4.55 4.76 Cementing technique 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1st generation Total number 33 51 63 70 80 84 97 107 116 Nr. of f ailures 1 2 3 6 8 10 12 15 17 RR 3.03 3.92 4.76 8.57 10.00 11.90 12.37 14.02 14.66 2nd generation Total number 11 34 53 87 108 127 145 173 199 Nr. of f ailures 0 3 5 7 9 11 15 20 21 RR 0.00 8.82 9.43 8.05 8.33 8.66 10.34 11.56 10.55 3rd generation Total number 0 4 13 30 40 51 67 86 100 Nr. of f ailures 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3 RR NA 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.50 3.92 4.48 3.49 3.00 Cementing technique 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1st generation Nr. of failures 1 1 3 7 5 7 1 3 1 NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.310 0.310 1.290 3.772 5.829 9.121 9.694 11.906 12.736 NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.323 2.691 5.020 5.442 6.855 7.430 NA NA 95% UB 0.918 1.170 2.707 6.222 8.967 13.221 13.945 16.957 18.042 NA NA 2nd generation Nr. of failures 7 2 4 9 6 4 5 5 1 NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 1.388 1.799 2.687 4.921 6.770 8.351 10.847 10.847 11.952 NA NA 95% LB 0.346 0.609 1.194 2.703 4.041 5.156 6.801 6.100 6.734 NA NA 95% UB 2.430 2.990 4.180 7.139 9.499 11.545 14.894 15.595 17.171 NA NA 3rd generation Nr. of failures 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 NA NA NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.494 0.494 1.548 2.881 4.488 4.488 6.323 NA NA NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.805 0.150 0.688 NA NA NA NA 95% UB 1.462 1.863 3.589 5.766 8.172 8.826 11.958 NA NA NA NA Cementing technique 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1st generation Nr. of failures 0 0 3 3 2 3 3 1 NA NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.000 0.000 1.446 2.986 4.170 6.184 6.184 7.367 NA NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.538 1.212 2.375 1.682 2.303 NA NA NA 95% UB 0.000 0.000 3.114 5.434 7.127 9.992 10.685 12.431 NA NA NA 2nd generation Nr. of failures 3 1 2 3 5 1 4 4 1 NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.931 1.253 1.913 3.018 5.329 5.930 8.919 8.919 10.788 NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.017 0.374 0.981 2.357 2.733 4.245 3.134 3.941 NA NA 95% UB 1.994 2.489 3.453 5.055 8.301 9.127 13.592 14.704 17.635 NA NA 3rd generation Nr. of failures 1 1 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.897 0.897 1.902 2.995 4.434 NA NA NA NA NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA NA NA NA NA NA 95% UB 2.655 3.383 5.074 6.822 9.188 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cementing technique © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 104 Characteristics of failure of revision THA until certain time point (males; cementing technique of femoral components) Tab. 105 Characteristics of revision THA (acetabular, uncemented components) 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 7 yr 8 yr 9 yr 1st generation Nr. of failures 1 1 1 4 3 4 1 2 1 NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.957 0.957 0.957 5.474 9.505 15.712 17.581 22.096 24.565 NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.755 5.573 6.800 9.370 10.950 NA NA 95% UB 2.833 3.609 4.206 11.303 17.254 25.850 28.361 34.822 38.180 NA NA 2nd generation Nr. of failures 4 1 2 6 1 3 1 NA NA NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 2.198 2.771 4.109 8.661 9.550 13.037 14.541 NA NA NA NA 95% LB 0.008 0.310 1.016 3.405 4.013 6.076 6.982 NA NA NA NA 95% UB 4.388 5.232 7.202 13.918 15.088 19.998 22.100 NA NA NA NA 3nd generation Nr. of failures 0 0 1 1 1 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cumulative risk (%) 0.000 0.000 1.130 2.756 4.591 NA NA NA NA NA NA 95% LB 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 NA NA NA NA NA NA 95% UB 0.000 0.000 3.345 6.637 9.882 NA NA NA NA NA NA Cementing technique Component name Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean DURALOC 289 15 5.19 2.63 to 7.75 8.54 8.32 to 8.75 OCTOPUS 104 7 6.73 1.92 to 11.55 8.43 8.07 to 8.80 PINNACLE 92 2 2.17 0.00 to 5.15 5.20 5.03 to 5.37 CLS SPOTORNO 83 3 3.61 0.00 to 7.63 5.34 5.09 to 5.59 NOVAE EVOLUTION 72 3 4.17 0.00 to 8.78 7.80 7.44 to 8.17 TRILOGY 63 4 6.35 0.33 to 12.37 8.36 7.90 to 8.82 DELTA - TT 52 0 0.00 NA 1.91 NA ZWEYMULLER-ALLOCLASSIC CSF 51 4 7.84 0.46 to 15.22 5.90 5.48 to 6.32 COPTOS 48 0 0.00 NA 6.88 NA BEZNOSKA (uncem) 46 5 10.87 1.87 to 19.86 7.39 6.40 to 8.39 SF 37 0 0.00 NA 5.59 NA L-CUP 29 0 0.00 NA 8.93 NA PLASMACUP 28 0 0.00 NA 7.68 NA WM ov al 26 0 0.00 NA 4.61 NA DELTA - PF 14 1 7.14 0.00 to 20.63 1.58 1.46 to 1.71 M-H-shell 14 0 0.00 NA 5.69 NA TC - rev ision 13 0 0.00 NA 4.35 NA DELTA 10 0 0.00 NA 3.16 NA DELTA - FINS 7 0 0.00 NA 2.76 NA BS - rev ision 7 0 0.00 NA 6.95 NA WM conical 6 2 33.33 0.00 to 71.05 5.85 9.00 to 9.20 BICON-PLUS 6 1 16.67 0.00 to 46.49 8.02 9.00 to 9.61 RSC - rev ision 5 0 0.00 NA 3.75 NA ULTIMA UTC 5 0 0.00 NA 5.28 NA RINGLOC - HIGH WALL 3 0 0.00 NA 4.71 NA T.O.P. 3 0 0.00 NA 2.13 NA ASR 3 0 0.00 NA 5.68 NA ACETABULAR PLATES 2 0 0.00 NA 1.10 NA ANA.NOVA 2 0 0.00 NA 2.04 NA COPTOS TH 1 0 0.00 NA 0.16 NA TRIDENT HEMISPHERICAL SOLID 1 0 0.00 NA 0.08 NA WM sf erical 1 0 0.00 NA 1.90 NA BEZNOSKA rev ision 1 0 0.00 NA 4.82 NA CENTRAMENT 1 0 0.00 NA 7.47 NA Y-AXIS II 1 0 0.00 NA 8.54 NA DURALOC OPTION 1 0 0.00 NA 5.64 NA Uncemented 1298 65 5.01 3.82 to 6.19 8.48 All acetabular 2610 139 5.33 4.46 to 6.19 8.46 Whole database total 5239 291 5.55 4.93 to 6.17 8.44 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 During the observed period 2003–2011 we have registered 1,298 UACs used in revision. DURALOC acetabular component was used in 22.26 % of all uncemented revision cases, with RR of 5.19 % and mean survival time 8.54 years. Table 105 shows the results of UACs. . Tab. 106 Characteristics of revision THA (acetabular, cemented components) Chart 95 Cumulative risk of revision THA, acetabular component BEZNOSKA (cem) Chart 96 Cumulative risk of revision THA, acetabular component DURALOC Chart 97 Cumulative risk of revision THA, acetabular component O2 Chart 98 Cumulative risk of revision THA, acetabular component CHARNLEY Component name Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean BEZNOSKA (cem) 714 60 8.40 6.37 to 10.44 8.20 8.02 to 8.38 O2 123 3 2.44 0.00 to 5.17 3.98 3.81 to 4.14 CHARNLEY 110 8 7.27 2.42 to 12.13 8.14 7.72 to 8.56 MULLER 110 1 0.91 0.00 to 2.68 8.86 9.00 to 9.01 ULTIMA MK2 90 0 0.00 NA 8.97 NA PE-CUP 68 0 0.00 NA 8.56 NA ELITE PLUS 58 3 5.17 0.00 to 10.87 8.40 7.89 to 8.92 LUBINUS CLASSIC PLUS 39 4 10.26 0.73 to 19.78 8.08 7.33 to 8.84 BURCH-SCHNEIDER CAGE 16 0 0.00 NA 5.69 NA EXETER Contemporary Cup 13 0 0.00 NA 3.88 NA MUELLER 12 0 0.00 NA 2.70 NA MULLER LOW PROFILE 9 0 0.00 NA 6.60 NA ZCA 6 0 0.00 NA 8.53 NA ZWEYM LLER-ALLOCLASSIC 5 0 0.00 NA 7.30 NA TRILOC 1 0 0.00 NA 0.08 NA EXETER Duration Cup 1 0 0.00 NA 1.26 NA SF/A 1 0 0.00 NA 5.53 NA Cemented 1312 74 5.64 4.39 to 6.89 8.45 All acetabular 2610 139 5.33 4.46 to 6.19 8.46 Whole database total 5239 291 5.55 4.93 to 6.17 8.44 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 63 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Table 106 shows 17 CACs used in revisions. The most-used cemented cup was BEZNOSKA (cem) with 54.42 % of all applications and with RR of 8.40 %. Charts 95–98 show cumulative risks of revision of the four most-used ACs in revision surgery, regardless of the type of fixation. Tab. 107 Characteristics of revision THA (femoral, uncemented components) Table 107 show 33 UFSs used in revision surgery. We have records of 1,249 such stems. Five of them have reached more than 100 applications, with a 56.36 % share. Seventeen of them have less than ten implantations during the observed period. Table 108 shows results of 27 CFSs Only the BEZNOSKA cemented stem has reached more than 100 implantations and has 60.50 % share, with a RR of 7.90 %. Fourteen stems were implanted less than ten each, with a total 3.55 % share. The RR of this whole database reached 5.55 %. Charts 99–102 show cumulative risks of revision of the four most-used stems, regardless of the type of fixation. SOLUTION 230 9 3.91 1.41 to 6.42 8.59 8.36 to 8.81 ZMR 135 4 2.96 0.10 to 5.82 8.52 8.23 to 8.82 S-ROM 132 1 0.76 0.00 to 2.24 8.78 8.65 to 8.91 MP 106 7 6.60 1.88 to 11.33 8.47 8.11 to 8.83 REVISION 101 1 0.99 0.00 to 2.92 3.45 3.37 to 3.53 AML 92 4 4.35 0.18 to 8.51 8.58 8.23 to 8.93 RMD rev ision 87 1 1.15 0.00 to 3.39 5.46 5.31 to 5.62 SAGITA EVOLUTION HA 58 2 3.45 0.00 to 8.14 7.57 7.13 to 8.01 SF 49 1 2.04 0.00 to 6.00 8.7 9.00 to 9.04 ZWEYMULLER-ALLOCLASICS SL 43 2 4.65 0.00 to 10.95 6.48 6.00 to 6.96 BICONTACT 38 0 0.00 NA 6.61 NA CORAIL 33 2 6.06 0.00 to 14.20 5.95 5.44 to 6.47 BIMETRIC (uncem) 28 1 3.57 0.00 to 10.45 8.53 9.00 to 9.07 WM HA 22 1 4.55 0.00 to 13.25 8.26 7.54 to 8.98 SF - rev izny 20 0 0.00 NA 5.32 NA VERSYS 15 1 6.67 0.00 to 19.29 7.37 6.50 to 8.24 CLS SPOTORNO 9 0 0.00 NA 4.34 NA VERSYS FMMC 9 1 11.11 0.00 to 31.64 4.04 3.70 to 4.37 SL-PLUS 9 1 11.11 0.00 to 31.64 7.87 9.00 to 9.61 LIBRA HA 7 1 14.29 0.00 to 40.21 2.55 1.68 to 3.42 LOGICA (uncem) 6 0 0.00 NA 2.85 NA VERSYS FMT 5 1 20.00 0.00 to 55.06 3.97 3.76 to 4.17 REEF 3 0 0.00 NA 0.66 NA SAM - FIT 3 0 0.00 NA 1.03 NA PROXIMA 3 0 0.00 NA 2.14 NA ASR 2 0 0.00 NA 5.64 NA SAGITTA EVL R 1 0 0.00 NA 5.08 NA TRI-LOCK BPS 1 0 0.00 NA 0.51 NA TRIO modular (uncem) 1 0 0.00 NA 0.55 NA TRIO (uncem) 1 0 0.00 NA 0.18 NA MODULUS 1 0 0.00 NA 1.32 NA SL (uncem) 1 0 0.00 NA 2.14 NA C.F.P. 1 0 0.00 NA 6.93 NA Uncemented 1249 55 4.40 3.27 to 5.54 8.53 8.42 to 8.64 All femoral 2629 152 5.78 4.89 to 6.67 8.42 8.34 to 8.50 Whole database total 5239 291 5.55 4.93 to 6.17 8.44 8.38 to 8.50 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 108 Characteristics of revision THA (femoral, cemented components) Chart 99 Cumulative risk of revision THA, femoral component BEZNOSKA Chart 100 Cumulative risk of revision THA, femoral component SOLUTION Chart 101 Cumulative risk of revision THA, femoral component ZMR Chart 102 Cumulative risk of revision THA, femoral component MP Component name Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean BEZNOSKA 835 66 7.90 6.07 to 9.73 8.27 8.11 to 8.43 CHARNLEY 80 7 8.75 2.56 to 14.94 8.07 7.58 to 8.55 ELITE PLUS 78 6 7.69 1.78 to 13.61 8.22 7.71 to 8.73 BIMETRIC (cem) 72 2 2.78 0.00 to 6.57 8.41 8.08 to 8.75 CSC 59 2 3.39 0.00 to 8.01 6.41 6.06 to 6.76 CENTRAMENT 52 1 1.92 0.00 to 5.66 7.26 7.01 to 7.51 SAGITA EVOLUTION 52 0 0.00 NA 8.14 NA EXETER V40 24 0 0.00 NA 7.98 NA BEZNOSKA - custom-made, tumor. 24 2 8.33 0.00 to 19.39 6.86 5.96 to 7.76 C-STEM 20 1 5.00 0.00 to 14.55 5.67 5.16 to 6.18 LUBINUS CLASSIC PLUS 17 6 35.29 12.58 to 58.01 6.89 5.50 to 8.29 CPT 14 0 0.00 NA 6.95 NA BEZNOSKA hemiarthropl. 13 0 0.00 NA 6.97 NA LOGICA (cem) 8 0 0.00 NA 2.85 NA TRILLIANCE 7 0 0.00 NA 1.99 NA MULLER GERADSCHAFT 5 2 40.00 0.00 to 82.94 5.15 4.10 to 6.20 CHARNLEY MODULAR 5 1 20.00 0.00 to 55.06 2.73 0.88 to 4.57 ULTIMA-STREIGHT STEM 5 0 0.00 NA 8.46 NA SL (cem) 4 0 0.00 NA 2.17 NA C-STEM AMT 3 0 0.00 NA 0.62 NA ULTIMA-HOWSE II 3 1 33.33 0.00 to 86.68 6.50 4.79 to 8.21 CORAIL (cem) 2 0 0.00 NA 0.81 NA FJORD 2 0 0.00 NA 1.88 NA CSC hemiarthropl. 2 0 0.00 NA 3.70 NA LIBRA 1 0 0.00 NA 0.63 NA ENDO-MODELL saddle 1 0 0.00 NA 5.07 NA AUSTIN-MOORE hemiarthropl. 1 0 0.00 NA 6.85 NA Cemented 1380 97 7.03 5.68 to 8.38 8.32 All femoral 2629 152 5.78 4.89 to 6.67 8.42 Whole database total 5239 291 5.55 4.93 to 6.17 8.44 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013© Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 65 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tables 109–112 show the results of component combinations. Table 109 shows 38 combinations of uncemented components. Only the combination DURALOC/SOLUTION reached more than 50 implantations during observed time period, with a 13.43 % share. Table 110 shows 20 combinations of cemented components. BEZNOSKA (cem)/BEZNOSKA reached 467 implantations, with a 53.0 % share. Table 111 shows 15 hybrid combinations and table 112 shows 20 reverse hybrid combinations. . Tab. 109 Characteristics of revision THA – component combinations (uncemented) Acetabular Femoral Total number Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Duraloc Solution 68 2 2.94 0 0.00 2 2.94 Octopus Solution 34 2 5.88 2 5.88 2 5.88 Duraloc MP 31 5 16.13 1 3.23 4 12.90 Duraloc AML 29 2 6.90 0 0.00 2 6.90 Coptos Sagita Ev olution HA 25 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Nov ae Ev olution Sagita Ev olution HA 23 1 4.35 1 4.35 1 4.35 Delta - TT Rev ision 20 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Trilogy ZMR 19 1 5.26 1 5.26 1 5.26 Pinnacle Solution 17 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Duraloc S-ROM 16 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Pinnacle S-ROM 16 1 6.25 1 6.25 0 0.00 Zwey muller Alloclassic CSF Zwey muller Alloclassic SL 15 1 6.67 1 6.67 1 6.67 Duraloc ZMR 14 1 7.14 1 7.14 1 7.14 SF SF 11 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Pinnacle RMD revision 10 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Pinnacle AML 10 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Zwey muller Alloclassic CSF ZMR 9 1 11.11 1 11.11 0 0.00 Duraloc Corail 9 1 11.11 0 0.00 1 11.11 SF RMD rev ision 8 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 WM oval RMD revision 8 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Pinnacle Corail 8 1 12.50 1 12.50 1 12.50 CLS Spotorno CLS Spotorno 8 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Zweymuller Alloclassic CSF Solution 8 1 12.50 1 12.50 0 0.00 Duraloc Revision 8 1 12.50 1 12.50 1 12.50 CLS Spotorno ZMR 7 1 14.29 1 14.29 1 14.29 Octopus S-ROM 7 2 28.57 2 28.57 1 14.29 Octopus AML 7 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Nov ae Ev olution Libra HA 7 1 14.29 1 14.29 1 14.29 Plasmacup Bicontact 6 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 L-Cup S-ROM 6 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Duraloc RMD revision 6 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Delta Rev ision 6 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 CLS Spotorno AML 5 1 20.00 1 20.00 0 0.00 CLS Spotorno Solution 5 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 WM oval Solution 5 1 20.00 0 0.00 1 20.00 Beznoska (uncem) SF 5 1 20.00 1 20.00 0 0.00 Trilogy Versy s 5 1 20.00 0 0.00 1 20.00 PF Rev ision 5 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Component name Implants Acetabular Femoral © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 66 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 110 Characteristics of revision THA – components combinations (cemented) Tab. 111 Characteristics of revision THA – components combinations (hybrids) Acetabular Femoral Total number Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Beznoska (cem) Beznoska 467 70 14.99 52 11.13 50 10.71 Charnley Charnley 57 5 8.77 3 5.26 4 7.02 Ultima MK2 Beznoska 55 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O2 Beznoska 39 2 5.13 2 5.13 1 2.56 Muller Bimetric (cem) 39 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Muller Beznoska 34 1 2.94 1 2.94 1 2.94 Beznoska (cem) Rev ision stem (cem) 22 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) CSC 21 1 4.76 1 4.76 1 4.76 O2 CSC 21 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 PE-Cup Beznoska 21 1 4.76 0 0.00 1 4.76 PE-Cup Centrament 20 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Elite Plus Elite Plus 17 2 11.76 0 0.00 2 11.76 Beznoska (cem) Beznoska - custom-made, tumor. 13 2 15.38 2 15.38 0 0.00 Lubinus Classic Plus Lubinus Classic Plus 11 3 27.27 2 18.18 3 27.27 Exeter Contemporary Cup Exeter V40 11 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Elite Plus Beznoska 9 3 33.33 3 33.33 3 33.33 Beznoska (cem) Bimetric (cem) 8 1 12.50 1 12.50 1 12.50 Beznoska (cem) Centrament 6 1 16.67 1 16.67 0 0.00 Ultima MK2 C-Stem 5 1 20.00 0 0.00 1 20.00 Elite Plus Charnley 5 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Component name Implants Acetabular Femoral Acetabular Femoral Total number Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nov ae Ev olution Sagita Ev olution 31 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Duraloc Beznoska 27 6 22.22 5 18.52 3 11.11 CLS Spotorno Beznoska 25 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Octopus Beznoska 23 1 4.35 1 4.35 1 4.35 Beznoska (uncem) Beznoska 20 5 25.00 4 20.00 3 15.00 Zweymuller Alloclassic CSF Beznoska 14 1 7.14 1 7.14 1 7.14 Coptos Sagita Ev olution 13 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Duraloc Charnley 12 3 25.00 1 8.33 3 25.00 SF Beznoska 10 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 WM oval Beznoska 8 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Pinnacle Beznoska 8 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Plasmacup Centrament 7 1 14.29 0 0.00 1 14.29 Duraloc Elite Plus 7 2 28.57 1 14.29 2 28.57 Trilogy Beznoska 6 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Plasmacup Beznoska 5 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Component name Implants Acetabular Femoral © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 67 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 112 Characteristics of revision THA – components combinations (reverse hybrids) Antibiotic prophylaxis in revision THA Tab. 113 Revision THA – antibiotic prophylaxis in 2011 (brands, numbers) In 2011, antibiotic prophylaxis was used in 98.61 % of all revision THAs. Table 113 shows the brands and the number of cases when antibiotic prophylaxis was used. Vulmizolin was the most-used brand, administered in 51.75 % of all revision THAs. . . Acetabular Femoral Total number Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Nr. of failures RR Lubinus Classic Plus MP 23 1 4.35 1 4.35 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) ZMR 21 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) Solution 20 1 5.00 1 5.00 1 5.00 Muller MP 13 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) S-ROM 11 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) SF 10 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) RMD rev ision 10 1 10.00 1 10.00 0 0.00 Charnley S-ROM 10 2 20.00 2 20.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) AML 9 1 11.11 1 11.11 0 0.00 Charnley Solution 9 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) Zweymuller Alloclassic SL 9 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Charnley RMD revision 9 1 11.11 1 11.11 1 11.11 PE-Cup Bicontact 7 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O2 RMD rev ision 7 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Muller Bimetric (uncem) 7 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Charnley Revision 7 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) WM HA 6 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O2 Bicontact 6 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Beznoska (cem) SF rev ision 5 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 O2 Revision 5 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 Component name Implants Acetabular Femoral Brand Vulmizolin Edicin Axetine Bitamon Climicin Ciphin Unasyn Cefotaxim Dalacin Abactal Fortun Oxacilín Vankomycin Amoxiklav Cefobid Ciprinol Gentamycin Kefzol Xorim Zinacef 221 56 54 28 21 16 7 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 68 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty The TKA register was officially launched on the 1 January 2006. In 2011 we received TKA data from 31 departments. These 31 departments performed 2,679 primary TKAs and 116 revision TKAs. During the observation period 2006–2011 we have received a total of 10,772 primary and 411 revision TKA protocols. Tab. 114 Number of primary and revision TKAs We are using the same statistical methods as for the THA. Table 114 and chart 103 show development of the data for primary and revision TKAs. In 2011 three times more primary TKAs were performed than in 2006 and 5.8 times more revisions than in 2006. Chart 103 Number of primary and revision TKAs In 2011 the RR reached 4.33 %, which is 0.13 % less than in 2010, but the tendency for RR is growing. Chart 104 Primary TKA – revision rate For this analysis, all failed TKAs were used, but our statistical methodology does not permit the inclusion of revisions before the start of TKA registry and therefore the RR in the chapter on revision TKA, which uses the whole database for deeper statistical analysis, is 1.80 %. Chart 105 shows the evolution of TKA incidence from 2006 to 2011. For primary TKA the growth of incidence reached 49.57 per 100.000 inhabitants in 2011, which is almost three times that in 2006, when it was 16.54. Table 115 and chart 106 show gender distribution of patients with primary TKA. There is no significant alteration in the gender ratio and in 2011 it was 67.53 % females to 32.47 % males for primary TKA. In 2006 the gender ratio was 70.29 % females to 29.70 % males. Chart 105 Primary TKA – incidence per 100,000 inhabitants Tab. 115 Primary TKA – gender distribution Chart 106 Primary TKA – gender distribution Year Primary Rev ision 2006 892 20 2007 1363 42 2008 1611 51 2009 2028 84 2010 2199 98 2011 2679 116 Year Female Male 2006 627 265 2007 921 442 2008 1107 504 2009 1393 635 2010 1481 718 2011 1809 870 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 69 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Age groups Table 116 show the interaction of gender and age groups. In females only 8.20 % of patients were in the age group less than 55 years, in males it was 13.82 %. The age group 65–75 years represents 46.69 % in females and 36.71 % in males. The highest RR was recorded in males in the age group less than 55 years and reached 2.74 %. In females in the same age group the RR was 2.66 %. Tab.116 Characteristics of primary TKA (interaction of gender and age groups) Chart 107 Cumulative risk of prim. TKA (gender) Chart 108 Cumulative risk of prim. TKA (age groups) Chart 109 Cumulative risk of prim. TKA (females, age groups) Chart 110 Cumulative risk of prim. TKA (males, age groups) Table 117 shows the age groups of patients with primary TKA according to the methodology of the national Statistical Office. In this year, for the first time in the history of the SAR we have recorded at least one TKA in every age group. For the age group less than 55 years we have recorded a decrease from 9.11 % in 2010 to 7.87 % in 2011. For the age group 55–65 years the share only decreased from 32.66 % in 2010 to 32.58 % in 2011. Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Females Females total Males Males total Whole database total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013© Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 117 Primary TKA – age groups The age group 65–75 years rose from 42.58 % in 2010 to 44.60 % in 2011. The most significant decrease compared to 2006 was observed in the age group more than 75 years, from 24.66 % to 14.93 %. Table 118 and chart 111 show probabilities of primary TKA in the different age groups. Tab. 118 Frequency of primary TKA (age groups; in %) Chart 111 Frequency of primary TKA (age groups; in %) Table 119 and chart 112 show these analyses for females. The probability of primary TKA in the age group less than 55 years has a tendency to decrease. Table 120 and chart 113 show this analysis for males. Tab. 119 Frequency of primary TKA (females; age groups; in %) Chart 112 Frequency of primary TKA (females; age groups; in %) Year <15 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 >85 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 11 24 93 152 207 184 167 46 7 0 1 0 0 2 7 10 8 65 128 212 305 333 211 70 11 1 1 1 2 5 5 7 23 74 179 297 391 339 228 52 6 0 0 3 1 2 4 11 29 124 272 357 539 359 273 43 11 1 2 0 5 0 9 7 38 139 281 437 511 426 282 55 6 1 1 1 3 3 4 10 41 147 344 529 624 571 334 59 7 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs 10.99 11.59 9.99 9.62 10.14 9.03 (55,65] yrs 34.75 30.37 33.19 32.69 33.79 33.45 (65,75] yrs 43.61 46.00 44.79 42.95 41.84 43.75 (75,max] yrs 10.65 12.03 12.03 14.74 14.23 13.77 Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs 8.93 9.23 8.03 8.33 8.37 7.30 (55,65] yrs 33.49 29.64 31.59 30.94 30.86 30.24 (65,75] yrs 46.89 48.43 48.38 46.09 44.97 47.37 (75,max] yrs 10.69 12.70 12.00 14.64 15.80 15.09 Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 120 Frequency of primary TKA (males; age groups; in %) Chart 113 Frequency of primary TKA (males; age groups; in %) The next analysis reported is the probability of failure of primary TKA for the whole database – table 121 and chart 114, for females – table 122 and chart 115 and for males – table 123 and chart 116. Tab. 121 Frequency of failure of primary TKA in a particular year (age groups; in %) Chart 114 Frequency of failure of primary TKA in a particular year (age groups; in %) Tab. 122 Frequency of failure of primary TKA in a particular year (females; age groups; in %) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs 15.85 16.52 14.29 12.44 13.79 12.64 (55,65] yrs 37.74 31.90 36.71 36.54 39.83 40.11 (65,75] yrs 35.85 40.95 36.90 36.06 35.38 36.21 (75,max] yrs 10.57 10.63 12.10 14.96 11.00 11.03 Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 115 Frequency of failure of primary TKA in a particular year (females; age groups; in %) Tab. 123 Frequency of failure of primary TKA in a particular year (males; age groups; in %) Chart 116 Frequency of failure of primary TKA in a particular year (males; age groups; in %) The last new analysis is the failure rate in primary TKA according to the age groups, which is not cumulative. We have recorded all failures at one month, three month and twelve months for each year. Table 124 and chart 117 shows the results in percentages for the whole database, table 125 and chart 118 for females and table 126 and chart 119 for males. Tab. 124 Probability of failure of primary TKA until certain time point (age groups; not cumulative; in %) Chart 117 Probability of failure of primary TKA until certain time point (age groups; not cumulative; in %) 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr [min,55] yrs (55,65] yrs (65,75] yrs (75,max] yrs Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 125 Probability of failure of primary TKA until certain time point (females; age groups; not cumulative; in %) Chart 118 Probability of failure of primary TKA until certain time point (females; age groups; not cumulative; in %) Tab. 126 Probability of failure of primary TKA until certain time point (males; age groups; not cumulative; in %) Chart 119 Probability of failure of primary TKA until certain time point (males; age groups; not cumulative; in %) Tab. 127 Primary TKA – indicative diagnoses Chart. 120 Primary TKA – indicative diagnoses 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr [min,55] yrs 0.00 10.98 9.60 12.06 7.76 8.88 11.11 8.43 (55,65] yrs 18.75 26.83 34.34 29.96 28.77 33.73 30.07 38.55 (65,75] yrs 75.00 51.22 39.39 40.08 50.23 44.38 46.41 39.76 (75,max] yrs 6.25 10.98 16.67 17.90 13.24 13.02 12.42 13.25 Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr [min,55] yrs 5.88 8.62 7.20 3.05 9.40 11.21 15.46 7.58 (55,65] yrs 23.53 24.14 36.80 43.29 32.21 34.48 20.62 31.82 (65,75] yrs 58.82 58.62 36.80 43.90 42.28 45.69 51.55 48.48 (75,max] yrs 11.76 8.62 19.20 9.76 16.11 8.62 12.37 12.12 Age groups 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1 m 3 m 1 yr 2 yr 3 yr 4 yr 5 yr 6 yr Year Primary Monocondylar Arthrosis Primary Bicondylar Arthrosis Posttraumatic Arthrosis Aseptic Necrosis Rheumatoid Arthritis Other 52 762 29 5 26 3 76 1 152 80 7 30 12 77 1 374 91 8 49 9 116 1 788 71 7 33 8 190 1 880 73 4 31 20 133 2410 77 4 37 18 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 The main diagnosis recorded as the reason for primary TKA in 2011 was still primary bicondylar DJD of the knee. The primary bicondylar DJD accounted for a share of 89.95 % in 2011. In comparison to the 2010, there was a significant shift, this diagnosis accounting for 93.62 % in 2010. The second most common diagnosis, posttraumatic DJD, reached a share of 2.87 %. Table 128 shows the distribution of diagnoses in the whole database. . Tab. 128 Characteristics of primary TKA (diagnoses) Table 129 shows the interaction between age groups and diagnoses. The highest RR was recorded in the age group less than 55 years – 2.69 %. The RR is decreasing with the age of the patients. The lowest RR of 0.56 % was recorded in the age group over 75 years. The RR of whole database is 1.80 %. Tab. 129 Characteristics of primary TKA (interaction of age groups and diagnosis) Table 130 shows these data for females and for males. The RR for primary monocondylar arthrosis in females is 4.23 %, which is 2.3 times more than the mean RR of whole database! Primary monocond. arthrosis 645 20 3.10 1.76 to 4.44 5.74 5.65 to 5.83 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 9366 127 1.36 1.12 to 1.59 5.88 5.87 to 5.90 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 421 12 2.85 1.26 to 4.44 5.66 5.57 to 5.76 Aseptic necrosis 35 0 0.00 NA 5.89 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 206 3 1.46 0.00 to 3.09 5.80 5.69 to 5.90 1.80 1.55 to 2.05 5.85 5.84 to 5.87 Primary monocond. arthrosis 73 2 2.74 0.00 to 6.48 5.53 5.30 to 5.77 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 800 17 2.12 1.13 to 3.12 5.80 5.73 to 5.86 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 102 5 4.90 0.71 to 9.09 5.44 5.20 to 5.68 Aseptic necrosis 2 0 0.00 NA 5.89 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 61 0 0.00 NA 5.78 NA 1077 29 2.69 1.73 to 3.66 5.76 5.70 to 5.83 Primary monocond. arthrosis 243 10 4.12 1.62 to 6.61 5.67 5.50 to 5.84 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 3054 47 1.54 1.10 to 1.98 5.87 5.84 to 5.90 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 156 4 2.56 0.08 to 5.04 5.68 5.53 to 5.83 Aseptic necrosis 6 0 0.00 NA 5.57 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 70 1 1.43 0.00 to 4.21 5.74 5.46 to 6.02 3561 77 2.16 1.68 to 2.64 5.82 5.79 to 5.86 Primary monocond. arthrosis 242 7 2.89 0.78 to 5.00 5.67 5.52 to 5.81 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 4226 56 1.33 0.98 to 1.67 5.88 5.86 to 5.91 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 131 3 2.29 0.00 to 4.85 5.30 5.17 to 5.43 Aseptic necrosis 19 0 0.00 NA 5.88 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 56 2 3.57 0.00 to 8.43 5.69 5.42 to 5.95 4702 80 1.70 1.33 to 2.07 5.86 5.83 to 5.88 Primary monocond. arthrosis 87 1 1.15 0.00 to 3.39 5.88 5.74 to 6.03 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 1286 7 0.54 0.14 to 0.95 5.94 5.91 to 5.97 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 32 0 0.00 NA 5.63 NA Aseptic necrosis 8 0 0.00 NA 4.17 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 19 0 0.00 NA 5.78 NA 1434 8 0.56 0.17 to 0.94 5.94 5.91 to 5.96 10774 194 1.80 1.55 to 2.05 5.85 5.84 to 5.87 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 130 Characteristics of primary TKA (interaction of gender and diagnoses) Tab. 131 Primary TKA – surgical approaches Chart 121 Primary TKA – surgical approaches Two approaches, medial parapatellar and midvastus, were predominant in 2011. Medial parapatellar increased from 74.26 % in 2010 to 77.64 % in 2011, in contrast to the mid-vastus approach, which decreased from 23.69 % to 20.86 %. The lateral parapatellar approach was used in only 22 cases (0.82 %). The two mostly used approaches reached a combined share of 98.5 %. Table 131 and chart 121 present all approaches used for primary TKA. Tab. 132 Primary TKA – types of implants used Table 132 and chart 122 shows the types of implants used. The commonest were bicondylar implants, used in 2011 in 98.91 % of cases, compared to 97.27 % of cases in 2010. Hemiarthroplasty was used in 29 cases – 1.08 %. Chart 122 Primary TKA – types of implants used Primary monocond. arthrosis 449 19 4.23 2.37 to 6.09 5.67 5.54 to 5.79 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 6463 78 1.21 0.94 to 1.47 5.90 5.88 to 5.91 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 197 6 3.05 0.65 to 5.45 5.66 5.52 to 5.80 Aseptic necrosis 24 0 0.00 NA 5.57 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 161 3 1.86 0.00 to 3.95 5.77 5.64 to 5.91 7339 124 1.69 1.39 to 1.98 5.86 5.84 to 5.88 Primary monocond. arthrosis 196 1 0.51 0.00 to 1.51 5.83 5.77 to 5.89 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 2903 49 1.69 1.22 to 2.16 5.85 5.82 to 5.89 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 224 6 2.68 0.56 to 4.79 5.45 5.33 to 5.58 Aseptic necrosis 11 0 0.00 NA 5.89 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 45 0 0.00 NA 5.70 NA 3435 70 2.04 1.57 to 2.51 5.83 5.80 to 5.86 10774 194 1.80 1.55 to 2.05 5.85 5.84 to 5.87 Year Mid-vastus Medial Parapatellar Lateral Parapatellar Subvastus Tubercle Osteotomy Other Not.Ident. 195 668 4 9 1 0 15 364 964 18 7 3 1 6 444 1105 30 25 0 4 3 492 1489 19 12 0 11 5 521 1633 28 14 1 1 1 559 2080 22 14 2 2 0 Year Unicondy lar Bicondy lar 29 863 59 1304 41 1570 35 1993 60 2139 29 2650 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 76 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Types of the fixation Tab. 133 Primary TKA – types of the fixation In 98.54 % of all TKAs, bone cement was used for fixation of both components. This represents a slight increase compared with 2010 when cement fixation was used in 97.04 %. Chart 123 Primary TKA – types of the fixation There has been a small decrease in uncemented fixations from 1.36 % in 2010 to 1.19 % in 2011. There was a significant decrease in hybrid fixations from 1.59 % to 0.26 %. Tab. 134 Characteristics of primary TKA (interaction of gender and type of fixation) Table 134 shows the interaction between gender and type of fixation. In females uncemented TKAs have a significantly higher RR than all other types of fixation. With a RR of 6.0 %, this group is 3.3 times higher than the whole database. Table 135 shows the interaction between gender, age groups and types of fixation. The highest RR of 4.0 % was in uncemented TKAs. Tab. 135 Characteristics of primary TKA(gender, age groups and type of fixation) Year Cement Uncement Hy brid 2006 888 4 0 2007 1351 10 2 2008 1573 6 32 2009 1980 18 30 2010 2134 30 35 2011 2640 32 7 Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Uncemented 50 3 6.00 0.00 to 12.58 5.25 4.68 to 5.83 Cemented 7245 121 1.67 1.38 to 1.97 5.86 5.84 to 5.88 Hybrids 17 0 0.00 NA 3.84 NA Reverse hybrids 27 0 0.00 NA 4.60 NA 7339 124 1.69 1.39 to 1.98 5.86 5.84 to 5.88 Uncemented 50 1 2.00 0.00 to 5.88 5.66 5.39 to 5.93 Cemented 3323 68 2.05 1.56 to 2.53 5.83 5.80 to 5.86 Hybrids 19 0 0.00 NA 3.85 NA Reverse hybrids 43 1 2.33 0.00 to 6.83 4.13 3.96 to 4.30 3435 70 2.04 1.57 to 2.51 5.83 5.80 to 5.86 10774 194 1.80 1.55 to 2.05 5.85 5.84 to 5.87 Females Females total Males Males total Whole database total Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Females 7339 124 1.69 1.39 to 1.98 5.86 5.84 to 5.88 Males 3435 70 2.04 1.57 to 2.51 5.83 5.80 to 5.86 [min,55] yrs 1077 29 2.69 1.73 to 3.66 5.76 5.70 to 5.83 (55,65] yrs 3561 77 2.16 1.68 to 2.64 5.82 5.79 to 5.86 (65,75] yrs 4702 80 1.70 1.33 to 2.07 5.86 5.83 to 5.88 (75,max] yrs 1434 8 0.56 0.17 to 0.94 5.94 5.91 to 5.96 Uncemented 100 4 4.00 0.16 to 7.84 5.46 5.14 to 5.78 Cemented 10568 189 1.79 1.54 to 2.04 5.85 5.84 to 5.87 Hybrids 36 0 0.00 NA 3.85 NA Reverse hybrids 70 1 1.43 0.00 to 4.21 4.54 4.43 to 4.65 10774 194 1.80 1.55 to 2.05 5.85 5.84 to 5.87 Gender Age groups Type of fixation Whole database total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 136 Characteristics of primary TKA (interaction of type of fixation and diagnosis) In the primary TKA database the major problem of implant identification is the name of implant. Knee implants cannot be in mixed combinations as can hip joint implants. Under the same implant name you can find cruciate retaining (CR), posterior stabilised (PS) and sometimes even condylar constrained (CCK) variants of the same implant. To increase the complexity, the tibial component could be fixed or mobile. With the SAR inventory of the knee implants, which was completed during 2010, we have tried to sort all TKAs brands with possible different designs and types of tibial components. In table 137 we present all knee implants sorted according to manufacturer, brand, design and type of fixation. In the table 138 all implants are ranked according to the number of components used in 2011. Some manufacturers introduced implant systems with many different design variants, but almost identical brand names. Therefore, table 139 shows these systems and shares of these systems. From 2006, the PFC Sigma (DePuy) dominated the Slovakian market and in 2011 this implant accounted for 33.33 % of all TKAs used. As table 139 shows, the share of the PFC Sigma system was 34.9 %. From these figures, it is clear that the SAR inventory does not solve the problem of precise implant identification. The problem of PFC Sigma was poor identification of CR and PS design. By contrast, Nex-Gen and Multigen Plus systems have good design identification. The only solution is bar-code identification and ITS. In 2011 nineteen brands each have more than ten implantations accounting for 96.94 % of all implants used and sixteen brands with a total of only 82 applications accounted for only 3.06 %. Knee systems represented 67 % of all used TKAs. Due to short observation period and poor implant identification before the introduction of ITS, we must wait at least four more years to perform deeper statistical analyses of TKAs. Primary monocond. arthrosis 3 0 0.00 NA 2.77 NA Primary bicondylar arthrosis 66 3 4.55 0.00 to 9.57 5.45 5.08 to 5.83 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 16 0 0.00 NA 3.76 NA Aseptic necrosis 1 0 0.00 NA 2.60 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 1 0 0.00 NA 1.35 NA 100 4 4.00 0.16 to 7.84 5.46 5.14 to 5.78 Primary monocond. arthrosis 639 20 3.13 1.78 to 4.48 5.74 5.65 to 5.83 Primary bicondylar arthrosis 9218 123 1.33 1.10 to 1.57 5.89 5.87 to 5.90 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 392 12 3.06 1.36 to 4.77 5.66 5.56 to 5.76 Aseptic necrosis 34 0 0.00 NA 5.89 NA Rheumatoid arthritis 202 3 1.49 0.00 to 3.15 5.80 5.69 to 5.90 10568 189 1.79 1.54 to 2.04 5.85 5.84 to 5.87 Primary monocond. arthrosis 2 0 0.00 NA 1.89 NA Primary bicondylar arthrosis 30 0 0.00 NA 3.85 NA Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 2 0 0.00 NA 2.06 NA Aseptic necrosis NA NA NA NA NA NA Rheumatoid arthritis 1 0 0.00 NA 1.91 NA 36 0 0.00 0.00 to 0.00 3.85 3.85 to 3.85 Primary monocond. arthrosis 1 0 0.00 NA 1.26 NA Primary bicondylar arthrosis 52 1 1.92 0.00 to 5.66 4.52 4.37 to 4.67 Posttraumatic coxarthrosis 11 0 0.00 NA 3.60 NA Aseptic necrosis NA NA NA NA NA NA Rheumatoid arthritis 2 0 0.00 NA 3.29 NA 70 1 1.43 0.00 to 4.21 4.54 4.43 to 4.65 10774 194 1.80 1.55 to 2.05 5.85 5.84 to 5.87 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 78 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 137 Primary TKA – implants according to the manufacturers, brand, design and type of fixation Implantat Cemented Hy brid Uncemented Rev ision Other Lima Multigen Plus Biolox Delta Multigen Plus - CR-Fix Multigen Plus - CR-Rot Multigen Plus - PS-Fix Multigen Plus - PS-Rot Multigen Plus - CCK Multigen Plus - H CR PS CR-ROT PS-ROT CR PS CR-ROT PS-ROT CR PS CR-ROT PS-ROT CCK Hinged Ceramic-CR, ALL-Poly Zimmer Nex-Gen CR Nex-Gen PS Nex-Gen LCCK Nex Gen RHK Nex Gen Segmental CR PS PS-ROT CR PS PS-ROT CCK Hinged Segmental Gender CR Gender PS High Flex CR High Flex PS DePuy AMK PFC Sigma PFC Sigma RP PFC Sigma ALL Poly PFC Sigma Rev ision MBT/C3 Sigma Rev ision Stab. Plus Preserv ation-Uni LCS S-ROM Noil Hinged Knee CR PS PS-ROT PS-High Flex CR PS PS-ROT PS-High Flex CR PS PS-ROT PS-High Flex CCK Hinged All-poly tibia High Flex Biomet AGC TMK - rot. Uni Oxf ord ROCC Vanguard - min. inv asiv e surgery Dual articular 2000 - rev ision CR PS ROT CR Serf Rotasurf C2F Implants Lexa - rekonstruction MC3 - rev ision CR-ROT CR-ROT CR-ROT Hinged Beznoska SVL SVL/RP SVS SVR - rev ision CMS UKR CR PS CR-ROT PS-ROT CCK Hinged Indiv idual-R Indiv idual-Tumor Aesculap Search Ev olution Columbus E-Motion EnDuro Mebio CR PS CR-ROT PS-ROT CR PS CR-ROT PS-ROT CR PS CR-ROT PS-ROT CCK Hinged W-Link Endo-Modell Sled Prosthesis Gemini CR PS CR-ROT CR PS CR-ROT CR PS CR-ROT CCK Hinged Indiv idual-R Indiv idual-Tumor W-M - Medin WM Univ ersal WM modular Medin Ortopaedic CR,PS Stryker Scorpio NRG Scorpio TS Endoplant EPP Piv ot Solution EPP CR PS CR-ROT PS-ROT Ceraver PS PS-ROT Mathys Balansy s CR © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 79 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 138 Primary TKA – ranking of the implants Tab. 139 Primary TKA – implant systems Antibiotic prophylaxis in primary TKA Table 140 shows antibiotic prophylaxis. In 2011, antibiotic prophylaxis was used in 99.85 % of primary TKAs. Vulmizolin was the most-used brand of antibiotic and was used in 57.86 % of all cases. Tab. 140 Primary TKA - antibiotic prophylaxis in 2011 (brands, numbers) Name n % PFC SIGMA 893 33.33% COLUMBUS 381 14.22% NEX-GEN CR 215 8.03% NEX-GEN LPS 194 7.24% MULTIGEN PLUS - CR - f ix. 178 6.64% MC2 155 5.79% AGC - univ ersal knee 135 5.04% SVL 105 3.92% SCORPIO NRG 53 1.98% SVL/RP 50 1.87% NEX-GEN LPS FLEX 43 1.61% E-MOTION 37 1.38% MULTIGEN PLUS - PS - f ix. 34 1.27% LSC 32 1.19% SOLUTION EPP 27 1.01% PFC SIGMA RP 21 0.78% UNI Oxf ord-hemiarthroplasty 17 0.63% NEX-GEN LCCK 16 0.60% SLED PROSTHESIS 11 0.41% PFC SIGMA ALL POLY 9 0.34% PFC SIGMA REVISION STAB PLUS 8 0.30% MULTIGEN PLUS - CR - rot. 7 0.26% GEMINI 5 0.19% MULTIGEN PLUS BIOLOX DELTA 5 0.19% ENDO-MODELL 6 0.22% PFC SIGMA REVISION MBT/TC3 4 0.15% CMS - hinge 3 0.11% ROCC 3 0.11% AMK 2 0.07% SVS 2 0.07% S-ROM NOIL HINGE KNEE 2 0.07% MULTIGEN PLUS - CCK 1 0.04% SVR - rev ision 1 0.04% ROTASURF 1 0.04% Others 23 0.86% Total 2679 100.00% System n % PFC Sigma System PFC SIGMA 893 33.33% PFC SIGMA RP 21 0.78% PFC SIGMA ALL POLY 9 0.34% PFC SIGMA REVISION STAB PLUS 8 0.30% PFC SIGMA REVISION MBT/TC3 4 0.15% PFC Sigma System total 935 34.90% Nex-Gen System NEX-GEN CR 215 8.03% NEX-GEN LPS 194 7.24% NEX-GEN LPS FLEX 43 1.61% NEX-GEN LCCK 16 0.60% Nex-Gen System total 468 17.47% Multigen Plus System MULTIGEN PLUS - CR - f ix. 178 6.64% MULTIGEN PLUS - PS - f ix. 34 1.27% MULTIGEN PLUS - CR - rot. 7 0.26% MULTIGEN PLUS BIOLOX DELTA 5 0.19% MULTIGEN PLUS - CCK 1 0.04% Multigen Plus System total 225 8.40% SVL System SVL 105 3.92% SVL/RP 50 1.87% SVS 2 0.07% SVR - rev ision 1 0.04% SVL System total 158 5.90% Others 892 33.30% Total 2679 100.00% Brand Vulmizolin Axetine Bitamon Climicin Xorim Unasyn Zinacef Dalacin Abactal Ciphin Lendacín Amoxiklav Cefuroxim Augmentin Cefazolin Edicin Kefzol Vankomycin Amoxycilin Cefotaxim Ciprinol Oxacilín 1548 522 325 93 47 22 21 18 17 15 12 10 9 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 80 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty In 2011, of the 31 Slovakian units performing primary TKA, only 20 units performed at least one revision TKA, and only four units performed more than 10 revision TKAs. These four units performed 57.75 % of all TKA revisions. The RR of all primary TKAs (all TKAs before and after 2006 included) reached a 2011 value 4.33 %. Chart 124 shows the evolution of the RR. Chart 124 Revision TKA – revision rate Tab. 141 Structure of revision database Table 141 shows the structure of the TKA revision database, with the numbers of revisions and of failures. In this chapter we shall deal only with first revisions. RR of revision TKAs in the observed period, from 1 January 2006 until 31 December 2011, reached 18.25 %. The gender distribution of revised TKA patients is different from that for THA. In 2011, females accounted for 61.2 % of all revised TKA patients. Males accounted 38.8 %. Table 142 and chart 125 show the gender distribution. During the whole period of observation 61.31 % of all revised patients were female and 38.60 % were male. Tab. 142 Revision TKA – gender distribution Chart 125 Revision TKA – gender distribution Types of fixation of revised TKA Tab. 143 Revision TKA – structure of the database according to gender and type of fixation Revision database contained 411 records. Table 143 shows the structure of this database according to gender and type of fixation. Explantation of implants, conversion to spacer and revisions without complete data are excluded from deeper analyses. Explantation accounted for 3.65 %, a spacer 15.33 % and revision without complete data 4.62 %. Cemented fixation for revision TKAs was used in 72.01 % of all patients, uncemented fixation was used in 3.65 %, and hybrid type of fixation in 0.73 %. Tab. 144 Revision TKA – types of fixation of primary TKAs Total Censored Failured 1st rev ision 195 138 57 2nd rev ision 68 61 7 3rd rev ision 7 7 0 Primary TKA bef ore 2006 141 130 11 Total 411 336 75 Year Female Male 2006 14 6 2007 18 24 2008 29 22 2009 51 33 2010 69 29 2011 71 45 Total Female Male Uncemented 15 12 3 Cemented 296 173 123 Hy brids 3 3 0 Explantation 15 10 5 Spacer 63 46 17 No data 19 8 11 Total 411 252 159 Year Cement Uncement Hy brid 2006 20 0 0 2007 39 2 1 2008 49 2 0 2009 82 2 0 2010 90 6 2 2011 110 6 0 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 81 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Chart 126 Revision TKA – types of fixation of primary TKAs 94.83 % of all revisions were performed on cemented primary TKAs and 5.17 % on uncemented TKAs in 2011. No hybrid type of fixation was revised during this year. Table 144 and chart 126 show types of fixation of revised primary TKAs. Table 145 shows interaction of gender and type of fixation of revision implants. Tab. 145 Characteristics of revision TKA (interaction of gender and type of fixation) Age groups In 2011, the age group less than 55 years constituted 11.2 % of all revised TKA patients. The age group 55–64 years represented 29.31 %, the age group 65–75 years 43.96 %, and over 75 years accounted for 15.51 % of all revised patients. The situation for the whole database is as follows: the age group less than 55 years – 9.97 %, the age group 55–65 years accounted for 36.73 %, the age group 65–75 years for 39.9 %, and the age group over 75 years accounted for 13.38 %. Table 147 presents the age group distribution. Tab. 146 Characteristics of revision TKA (interaction of gender and age groups) Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Uncemented 12 0 0.00 NA 0.98 NA Cemented 173 13 7.51 3.59 to 11.44 5.41 5.13 to 5.69 Hybrids 3 0 0.00 NA 1.78 NA Explantation 10 NA NA NA NA NA Spacer 46 NA NA NA NA NA No data 8 NA NA NA NA NA 252 45 17.86 13.13 to 22.59 4.69 4.37 to 5.02 Uncemented 3 0 0.00 NA 0.86 NA Cemented 123 16 13.01 7.06 to 18.95 5.06 4.65 to 5.47 Hybrids 0 0 NA NA NA NA Explantation 5 NA NA NA NA NA Spacer 17 NA NA NA NA NA No data 11 NA NA NA NA NA 159 30 18.87 12.79 to 24.95 4.65 4.23 to 5.06 411 75 18.25 14.51 to 21.98 4.68 4.42 to 4.94 Females Females total Males Males total Whole database total Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean [min,55] yrs 22 4 18.18 2.06 to 34.30 4.29 3.20 to 5.38 (55,65] yrs 81 14 17.28 9.05 to 25.52 4.71 4.17 to 5.26 (65,75] yrs 113 24 21.24 13.70 to 28.78 4.46 3.95 to 4.97 (75,max] yrs 36 3 8.33 0.00 to 17.36 5.13 4.55 to 5.71 252 45 17.86 13.13 to 22.59 4.69 4.37 to 5.02 [min,55] yrs 19 3 15.79 0.00 to 32.19 4.95 3.98 to 5.92 (55,65] yrs 70 14 20.00 10.63 to 29.37 4.65 4.08 to 5.22 (65,75] yrs 51 11 21.57 10.28 to 32.86 3.74 3.12 to 4.37 (75,max] yrs 19 2 10.53 0.00 to 24.33 4.24 3.41 to 5.08 159 30 18.87 12.79 to 24.95 4.65 4.23 to 5.06 411 75 18.25 14.51 to 21.98 4.68 4.42 to 4.94 Females Females total Males Males total Whole database total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 82 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Tab. 147 Revision TKA – age groups Table 148 shows the interaction of gender, age groups and type of fixation of revision TKA implants. The highest RR of 21.34 %.was recorded in the age group 65–75 years. Tab. 148 Characteristics of revision TKA (gender, age groups and type of fixation) Chart 127 Cumulative risk of rev. TKA (gender) Chart 128 Cumulative risk of rev. TKA (age groups) Chart 129 Cumulative risk of rev. TKA (females, age groups) Chart 130 Cumulative risk of rev. TKA (males, age groups) Year <15 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 2006 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 3 9 2 1 3 0 2007 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 14 10 8 4 0 2008 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 9 5 12 12 9 2 2009 0 0 0 1 0 3 4 10 20 18 16 11 1 2010 0 0 1 0 0 3 2 12 24 28 11 13 4 2011 1 3 1 0 1 1 6 7 27 29 22 12 6 Total number Nr. of failures RR 95% CI for RR Mean survival 95% CI for mean Females 252 45 17.86 13.13 to 22.59 4.69 4.37 to 5.02 Males 159 30 18.87 12.79 to 24.95 4.65 4.23 to 5.06 [min,55] yrs 41 7 17.07 5.56 to 28.59 4.71 3.91 to 5.51 (55,65] yrs 151 28 18.54 12.34 to 24.74 4.68 4.28 to 5.07 (65,75] yrs 164 35 21.34 15.07 to 27.61 4.44 4.01 to 4.87 (75,max] yrs 55 5 9.09 1.49 to 16.69 5.05 4.55 to 5.56 Uncemented 15 0 0.00 NA 0.96 NA Cemented 296 29 9.80 6.41 to 13.18 5.26 5.02 to 5.51 Hybrids 3 0 0.00 NA 1.78 NA Explantation 15 NA NA NA NA NA Spacer 63 NA NA NA NA NA No data 19 NA NA NA NA NA 411 75 18.25 14.51 to 21.98 4.68 4.42 to 4.94 Gender Age groups Type of fixation Whole database total © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 83 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Males reached a RR of 18.87 %, females 17.86 %, and the mean RR for both genders was 18.25 % with mean survival of 4.68 %. Chart 127 shows the cumulative risk of revision according to the gender, with no difference between genders until the first year of survival. Chart 128 presents cumulative risk of revision according to age groups: charts 129–130 present this analysis for gender and age groups. The highest RR of 21.34 % was recorded in the age group 65–75 years and the lowest one of 9.09 % in the age group over 75 years. . Reasons for the revision The most common reason for revision in 2011 was chronic infection, constituting 22.22 % of all diagnoses. Acute infection was the reason for revision in 7.63 % and knee pain without loosening was the reason for revision in 6.94 % of all cases. Aseptic tibial loosening at 14.58 % and aseptic femoral loosening at 12.50 % are the second and third most common reasons for revision. Table 149 shows all the reasons for revision and comparison with previous years. . Tab. 149 Revision TKA – reasons for revision Revised components of implants Tab. 150 Revision TKA – revised components of implants In 2011, the revision protocol had nine options. The whole system was revised in 48.27 % of all revisions. In 12.06 % of all cases only the soft tissues were revised, spacer was used in 17.24 % and the inlay was revised in 8.62 % of all cases. Table 150 compares revised components year by year. In 2011 we observed an increased number of revisions due to soft-tissue problems. During the time period 2006–2010, we recorded only eight revisions, in 2011 it was 14 revisions. . . Antibiotic prophylaxis in revision TKA Tab. 151 Revision TKA – antibiotic prophylaxis in 2011 (brands, numbers) In 2011, antibiotic prophylaxis was used in 96.55 % of revision TKAs. Vulmizolin was the most-commonly used brand of antibiotic and was administered in 33.62 % of all revision TKAs. Table 151 shows antibiotic prophylaxis in 2011 according to the brands and the numbers of cases in which they were used. Year EarlyInfection ChronicInfection AsepticLooseningof FemoralComponent AsepticLooseningof TibialComponent AsepticLooseningof PatellarComponent PatellarLuxation PatellarPain Periprosthesis Fracture ColateralLigaments Instability InstabilityofPCL Luxation PolyethyleneWear FractureofImplant Stifness Malposition KneePainWithout Loosening SpacertoTKA Other 2006 4 3 3 10 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2007 4 12 10 12 1 0 2 1 7 1 1 2 0 2 1 3 1 3 2008 6 17 11 19 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 5 2009 7 28 22 30 1 0 0 0 3 2 1 3 4 1 1 2 2 4 2010 3 34 20 26 0 0 4 1 2 1 0 3 5 1 1 3 21 4 2011 11 32 18 21 0 2 3 3 5 1 3 4 1 6 5 10 15 4 Year SoftTissue Revision WholeSystem Femoral Component Tibial Component Patella Inlay Explantation Spacer Other 2006 1 14 0 1 0 1 2 1 0 2007 2 24 1 2 0 5 4 2 2 2008 3 33 0 4 1 1 5 4 0 2009 0 51 1 5 0 4 2 19 0 2010 2 65 2 4 1 6 0 17 1 2011 14 56 6 4 3 10 2 20 1 Brand Vulmizolin Edicin Bitamon Climicin Axetine Cefotaxim Ciphin Augmentin Ciprinol Lendacín Vankomycin Xorim Zinacef Zinat 39 19 18 15 10 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 © Slovakian Arthroplasty Register 2013 84 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Glossary AC – acetabular component Arthroplasty – surgical exchange of all, or part, of any joint of the human body with an artificial joint replacement Bipolar hemiarthroplasty – partial hip joint replacement, with head-neck articulation CAC – cemented acetabular cup CCK (condylar constrained knee) – total knee joint replacement with range of motion con- strained Censoring time – time point when the follow-up is terminated (here 31 December 2011); implant/component would be censored if it did not fail by this time point CFS – cemented femoral stem CI – confidence interval with lower bound (LB) and upper bound (UB) Cohort – group having one, or more, similar attributes, and monitored during the study period Component – part of a multipart implant CR – cumulative risk CR implant (cruciate-retaining) – total knee joint replacement allowing retention of the posterior cruciate ligament Crude (specific) incidence (implant-time, or component-time incidence) – the ratio of the number of new revisions divided by total time-atrisk (sum of all component-years/implant-years) throughout the follow-up period Cumulative revision rate (CRR) – rate of revised implants/components divided by total number of implants/components × 100 Demographic analysis – methods of observing and interpreting the state and movement of a population Demographic characteristics – numerical characteristics of the state and movement of a popu- lation DJD – degenerative joint disease Empirical survival function – rate of surviving implants/components and total number of implants/components, where censored observations are calculated as failures Expected value (mean) – weighted arithmetic average of all possible values of a random variable; its estimate is called the arithmetic average and is calculated from a random sample F – female FC – femoral component Hazard Rate (HR) – of the revision rate (RR) of any component, component combination, or group of components and RR of a reference group, where the reference group is always the group hierarchically superior to it, e.g. for acetabular and femoral components, the whole data- base Hemiartroplasty – partial joint replacement Hinge implant – total knee joint replacement with a constrained hinge articulation Implant – any surgically implanted device Implant-year, or component-year – time interval when implant/component had been at risk (of revision); it is the number of days from primary operation to the first revision, death, or termination of the study, divided by 365.25 Incidence THA/TKA – the frequency of primary THA/TKA per 100,000 inhabitants, in which new revisions appear within a particular time period Kaplan-Meier survival curve – non-increasing step function of probability of survival, with jumps in observed event times; its length is positively correlated with the length of time-intervals to failure, or censorship M – male Median survival – the time at which half of the implants/components fail Mean age – weighted arithmetic average of number of years that a random sample survived up to a time point 85 / 80, 2013 Supplementum Survival analysis of total hip and knee replacement in Slovakia 2003–2011 Mean survival – generalised mean for censored data; the volume under the K-M survival curve (q.v.) calculated using survived, censored and failed observations Monocondylar knee replacement – hemiarthroplasty of the knee joint. Null hypothesis – the statement in the form of a hypothesis about the equality of an unknown parameter and some constant, the validity of which is tested statistically; in this study, the parameter is the difference between the expected (mean) survival times of two groups, and the constant is zero; we are testing if the difference of expected survival times is equal to zero P-value – minimal significance level at which the null hypothesis can be rejected; if p-value is smaller than the significance level, then the null hypothesis is rejected; a smaller p-value refers to a greater evidence about null hypothesis rejec- tion Population – is a set of organisms in which any pair of members can breed together. This implies that all members belong to the same species. Population prognosis – a scientific calculation of how many people, in which age and gender structure, will be living in a country, or in a town, at some point in the future Probability of survival – empirical probability of survival at time t, adjusted for censoring; ratio of survived implants/components at time t and the number of implants/components at risk in an infinitely small time period before time t, where the number of survived implants/components at time t is equal to the difference between the number of implants/components at risk within an infinitely small time period before time t and the number of failed implants/components in an infinitely small time period before time t Prevalence – see Revision Rate Primary implantation – first surgical procedure when a total or partial artroplasty is implanted PS implant (posterior stabilised) – total knee joint replacement with sacrifice of the posterior cruciate ligament PCL Q1 – first quartile Q3 – third quartile Rate – is a ratio that compares two quantities of different units within a time period. Revision Rate (RR) – rate of revision surgery within a defined follow-up period – number of revisions divided by total number of primary arthroplasties included in the evaluation sample × 100 Revision surgery of soft tissue – any surgery after the primary implantation where only soft tissues are revised SD – standard deviation SAR – Slovakian Arthroplasty Register Significance level – the probability, fixed ahead of testing of statistical hypotheses; upper boundary of null hypothesis rejection (e.g., equal to 0.05, or 0.1) SOTS – Slovakian Orthopaedic and Traumatology Society Standardisation – technique of adjustment for confounding variables, e.g., age, gender, etc. Testing of statistical hypotheses – testing of the validity of a null hypothesis, whether this hypothesis is rejected, or not. If the null hypothesis is not rejected, there is not enough statistical evidence in the data for rejection THA – total hip arthroplasty TKA – total knee arthroplasty Total implant-time, or component-time – sum of all implant-times, or component-times (implantyears, or component-years) characterising total follow-up time; the number of implants /components with a follow-up time equal to one year (the unit of implant-years, or component- years) UAC – uncemented acetabular cup UFS – uncemented femoral stem 95% CI for mean survival time – expected value of mean survival time of implant/component group falling within this interval with 95% confi- dence 95% CI for K-M survival curve – expected K-M curve of implant/component group fails to this interval with 95% confidence „zdie¾anie znalostí on-line“ www.do-surgery.com pozrite si videá zobrazujúce k¾úèové operaèné postupy a techniky vzdelávajte sa z animovaných operaèných postupov pre lepšie porozumenie inštrumentov a techník prezrite si odborné materiály pred a po absolvovaní kurzu preštudujte si prípadové štúdie zdie¾ané vašími kolegami z celého sveta, vyh¾adajte názor na danú problematiku, alebo navštívte náš webinar a diskutujte svoje otázky s našim predsedníctvom získavajte CME body za absolvovanie odborného testu ZAREGISTRUJTE SA TERAZ