Počet účastníků ZD 2002-2015 482 registrovaných účastníků (z toho 257 studentů) České Budějovice Praha Olomouc Ostrava Počty prezentací ZD 2002-2015 164 posterů, 162 přednášek Studentská soutěž – 57 přednášek a 83 posterů •3 nejlepší přednášky a 3 nejlepší postery •předplatné časopisu Živa •poukázka na knihy z nakladatelství Academia (v brněnském knihkupectví) •finanční odměna • ZOOLOGICKÉ DNY 2016 ... • http://zoo.ivb.cz/doc/zoo_cb/zd9.jpg 2008 • http://zoo.ivb.cz/doc/zoo_cb/zd10.jpg 2008 • http://zoo.ivb.cz/doc/zoo_cb/zd90.jpg 2008 • http://zoo.ivb.cz/doc/zoo_cb/zd124.jpg 2008 ZOOLOGICKÉ DNY 2016 ... ČESKÉ BUDĚJOVICE! Únor 2016 prof. Ottar Bjornstad (Penn State University, U.S.A.): population ecology and population dynamics with particular emphasis on mathematical and computational aspects Dr. Gerald Heckel (University of Bern, Switzerland): evolutionary biology from speciation and reproductive isolation, over colonisation and invasion processes, host-pathogen co-evolution, the molecular ecology of mating systems to the evolution of behaviorally-active genes prof. Nancy Solomon (Miami University, U.S.A.): ecology, reproduction and behaviour of small mammals Dr. Stuart J. E. Baird (IVB ASCR, Czech Republic): evolutionary biology, spatial genetics, population genetics, bioinformatics, hybrid zones Plenary speakers: http://www.stayovernight.eu/user-files/pozadi/7.jpg Ecology of soil Microorganisms 2015 Microbes as Important Drivers of Soil Processes •Decomposition and Carbon Cycling •Soil Biogeochemistry and Nutrient Cycling •Biodiversity and Functioning of Agricultural Soils •Biodiversity and Functioning of Forest Soils •Interactions among Micro- and Macroorganisms •Microbes in the Changing Environment •Microbial Life in Contaminated and Anthropogenic Soils •Archaeomicrobiology, Paleomicrobiology and Microbial Forensics • • • • • • http://www.biologicals.cz/conferences/index.php?template=conferences&page=conference_login&conferen ce_id=22#bm186 29.11. - 3.12. 2015, Prague, Czech Republic International Conference on Agriculture, Biological & Environmental Sciences(ICABE- 2015) December 12-13, 2015, Phuket, Thailand Paper Submission Deadline: 20 November 2015 Registration Deadline: 30 November 2015 http://www.icabe2015.org/ The sessions are organized in a theme-based manner, with related topics discussed from the perspective of diverse viruses, ranging from bacteriophage, plant, and insect viruses to animal viruses. Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 October, 2015 http://sciforum.net/conference/viruses-2016 The aim objective of ICBCB 2016 is to present the latest research and results of scientists (preferred students, PhD Students, and post-doc scientist) related to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology topics. Paper Submission (Full Paper) Deadline: October 10, 2015 http://www.icbcb.org/ EMBO conference Next gen immunology, From Host Genome to the Microbiome: Immunity in the Genomic Era February 14-16, 2016, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Scholarships for outstanding PhD students and Postdocs, based on competitive track record in the fields of systems biology, microbiome, immunology, genomics, computer science, and physics. Interdisciplinary research integrating these fields is a plus. Deadline for submission of scholarships: October 15, 2015 Deadline for submission of abstracts: December 1, 2015 http://www.weizmann.ac.il/conferences/NGI2016/welcome Student Conference on Conservation Science 2016 Most delegates are Masters or PhD students, or are working at a similar level in a conservation organisation. The conference is extremely international with over 60 countries represented each year. Deadline for applications: 23 October, 2015 22-24 March 2016, Cambridge, UK http://www.sccs-cam.org/overview.htm ICCB 2016 : 18th International Conference on Conservation Biology https://www.waset.org/conference/2016/04/london/ICCB April 22 - 23, 2016, London, UK …interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns, practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Conservation Biology. Paper submission deadline: October 22, 2015 EMBO/EMBL SYMPOSIUM New Model Systems for Linking Evolution and Ecology http://www.embo-embl-symposia.org/symposia/2016/EES16-03/index.html 8 May - 11 May 2016, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany …focuses on the interface of ecology and evolutionary genetics, with special emphasis placed on the interaction between organisms as a basis for understanding ecological adaptation. New sequencing-based methods are bridging the gap between modern genetics and systems-level ecological studies… •Genotype-phenotype map •Interorganismal interactions •Ecological genomics •Evolutionary genetics •Landscape genomics 25-27 May 2016, Dublin, Ireland An interdisciplinary event for scientists and practitioners concerned with the study of human or animal behavior. This unique conference focuses on methods, techniques and tools in behavioral research in the widest sense… Deadline submission abstracts of oral papers and posters: 27 January 2016 Deadline early bird and presenters’ registration: 23 March 2016 http://www.measuringbehavior.org/mb2016/home http://www.txstate.edu/continuinged/Events/ICBF.html June 12-16, 2016, San Marcos, Texas USA Continuing Education 4th International Conference on Integrative Biology (Integrative Biology-2016) http://integrativebiology.conferenceseries.com/call-for-abstracts.php June 13-15, 2016, Berlin, Germany …will be organized around the theme “Insight, Innovation and Integration of Future Science” Genomics and Bioinformatics Drug Discovery and Integrative Biology Cell and Molecular Biology Tissue Biology Developmental Biology Bio-Engineering Systems Toxicology Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour Systems Biology Bioimaging Evolution 2016 http://www.evolutionmeetings.org/evolution-2016---austin-texas.html June 17-21 2016, Austin, TX, USA …a joint conference of the American Society of Naturalists, the Society for the Study of Evolution, and the Society of Systematic Biologists Registration will open in early 2016 GGBN Second International Conference on Biodiversity Biobanking http://ggbn.org/ggbnConference16.html June 21-24 2016, Berlin, Germany 2016 International Statistical Ecology Conference http://depts.washington.edu/uwconf/wordpress/isec2016/ 28 June – 1 July 2016, Seattle, Washington, USA Pre-Conference Workshops 26-27 June Abstracts accepted starting: 9 October 2015 Conference Registration Opens: 8 December 2015 Abstract submission deadline: 10 January 2016 http://www.ecbb2016-vienna.com/home/ The conference will have a similar format to former ECBB conferences which will include plenary talks, participant proposed symposia as well as oral and poster presentations. Abstract Submission/Registration Open: January 2016 Abstract Submission Deadline: March 2016 http://www.genetics2016.org/mouse/ EuroScience Open Forum http://www.esof.eu/ 22-27 July 2016, Manchester, UK EUROPE’S LARGEST interdisciplinary science meeting. It brings together over 4,500 leading thinkers, innovators, policy makers, journalists and educators from more than 90 countries… The overarching theme of the 2016 Forum is ‘Science as Revolution’, encouraging debate and exploration of how science and technology transform our lives… The 16th Congress of the International Society for Behavioral Ecology http://www.isbe2016.com/ 28 July – 3 August 2016, University of Exeter, UK …on the 30th anniversary of its founding. We look forward to five days of presentations spanning the full spectrum of current research effort in behavioural ecology, and a chance to forge new relationships and catch up with friends… http://www.eurobats.org/bat_news/17th_international_bat_research_conference_2016 Paper Submission Deadline: 15 May 2016 Early Registration: 1 March 2015 - 31 March 2016 http://www.wch2016hangzhou.com/ http://www.izw-berlin.de/ewda-conference-2016-european-wildlife-disease-association-kopie.html 2016 XXV International Congress of Entomology September 25-30 2016, Orlando, Florida, USA International Graduate Student Showcase The IGSS will showcase cutting-edge research conducted by talented graduate students of entomology from around the world, by providing a high-profile forum for select students to present completed or nearly completed thesis projects to future employers, graduate degree/post-doc supervisors and the entomological community at large. Outstanding applicants may be given the opportunity to present their project in an extended (30 minute) format. IGSS Showcase Submission Deadline: October 31, 2015 Paper and Poster Submission Deadline: February 1, 2016 Early-bird Registration Deadline: March 25, 2016 http://ice2016orlando.org/submit-to-ice-2016/ 22nd International Congress of Zoology (ICZ) http://www.zoology.or.jp/2016-jointmeeting/ 15 - 19 November 2016, Okinawa, Japan The registration will start in early 2016 ICMEEGID 2016 : 18th International Conference on Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases https://www.waset.org/conference/2016/12/bangkok/ICMEEGID December 12 – 13 2016, Bangkok, Thailand Paper submission deadline: June 12, 2016 •Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics of Infectious Diseases •Genetics, genomics, proteomics, population biology, mathematical modeling and bioinformatics (..can deal with the host, the pathogen, or the vector in case of vector-borne diseases) •Host + pathogen or pathogen + vector (co-evolution) •All infectious models, including those of veterinary or agronomical relevance •Cancer and infectious diseases AKTUÁLNÍ INFO A DALŠÍ KONFERENCE: http://www.provaz.ivb.cz/