Stano Pekár“Populační ekologie živočichů“ dN = Nr dt aim: to simulate (predict) what can happen model is tested by comparison with observed data realistic models - complex (many parameters), realistic, used to simulate real situations strategic models - simple (few parameters), unrealistic, used for understanding the model behaviour a model should be: 1. a satisfactory description of diverse systems 2. an aid to enlighten aspects of population dynamics 3. a system that can be incorporated into more complex models deterministic models - everything is predictable stochastic models - including random events discrete models: - time is composed of discrete intervals or measured in generations - used for populations with synchronised reproduction (annual species) - modelled by difference equations continuous models: - time is continual (very short intervals) thus change is instantaneous - used for populations with asynchronous and continuous overlapping reproduction - modelled by differential equations STABILITY how population changes in time stable equilibrium is a state (population density) to which a population will move after a perturbation stable equilibrium unstable equilibrium focus on rates of population processes number of cockroaches in a living room increases: - influx of cockroaches from adjoining rooms → immigration [I] - cockroaches were born → birth [B] number of cockroaches declines: - dispersal of cockroaches → emigration [E] - cockroaches died → death [D] population increases if I + B > E + D rate of increase is a summary of all events (I + B - E - D) growth models are based on B and D spatial models are based on I and E Blatta orientalisEDBINN tt −−++=+1 Population processes are independent of its density Assumptions: immigration and emigration are none or ignored all individuals are identical natality and mortality are constant all individuals are genetically similar reproduction is asexual population structure is ignored resources are infinite population change is instant, no lags Used only for relative short time periods closed and homogeneous environments (experimental chambers) for population with discrete generations (annual reproduction), no generation overlap time (t) is discrete, equivalent to generation exponential (geometric) growth Malthus (1834) realised that any species can potentially increase in numbers according to a geometric series N0 .. initial density b .. birth rate (per capita) Discrete (difference) model 11 −− −=∆ tt dNbNN 11 )( −− −=− ttt NdbNN 1)1( −−+= tt NdbN N B b = N D d = d .. death rate (per capita) λ=−+ db1 Rdb =− R+=1λ R .. demographic growth rate - shows proportional change (in percentage) λ .. finite growth rate, per capita rate of growth λ = 1.23 then R = 0.23 .. 23% increase number of individuals is multiplied each time - the larger the population the larger the increase time0 Ntt t tt i i 1 21 1 1 )...( λλλλλ =      = ∏= λ < 1 λ > 1 λ = 1 Average of finite growth rates - estimated as geometric mean λ1−= tt NN t t NN λ0= λλλ 012 NNN == if λ is constant, population number in generations t is equal to Comparison of discrete and continuous generations populations that are continuously reproducing, with overlapping generations when change in population number is permanent derived from the discrete model Nt time Continuous (differential) model t t NN λ0= )ln()ln()ln( 0 λtNNt += )ln()ln()ln( 0 λtNNt =− )ln( 1 d d λ= Nt N )ln( d d λN t N = Solution of the differential equation: - analytical or numerical at each point it is possible to determine the rate of change by differentiation (slope of the tangent) when t is large it is approximated by the exponential function time N r .. intrinsic rate of natural increase, instantaneous per capita growth rate r < 0 r > 0 r = 0 Nr t N = d d )ln(λ=rif Nr t N = d d r Nt N = 1 d d ∫∫ = TT trN N 00 dd 1 )0()ln()ln( 0 −=− TrNNT rT N NT =        0 ln rt t eNN 0= rTT e N N = 0 t t NN λ0= rt t eNN 0= rtt e=λ )ln(λ=r r versus λ r is symmetric around 0, λ is not r = 0.5 ... λ = 1.65 r = -0.5 ... λ = 0.61 doubling time: time required for a population to double r t )2ln( = Demography - study of organisms with special attention to stage or age structure processes are associated to age, stage or size x .. age/stage/size category px .. age/stage/size specific survival mx .. reproductive rate (expected average number of offspring per female) x x x S S p 1+ = main focus on births and deaths immigration & emigration is ignored no adult survive one (not overlapping) generation per year egg pods over-winter despite high fecundity they just replace themselves Chorthippus Richards & Waloff (1954) Annual speciesAnnual species breed at discrete periods no overlapping generations BBiennaliennal speciesspecies breed at discrete periods adult generation may overlap adults adults 0 birth t0 t1 adults pre-adults 0 birth t0 t1 adults t2 p pre-adults birth t0 t1adults t2 0 pre-adults p breed at discrete periods breeding adults consist of individuals of various ages (1-5 years) adults of different generations are equivalent overlapping generations PerennialPerennial speciesspecies Parus major Perins (1965) age/stage classification is based on developmental time size may be more appropriate than age (fish, sedentary animals) Hughes (1984) used combination of age/stage and size for the description of coral growth AgeAge--sizesize--stage lifestage life--tabletable Agaricia agaricites show organisms‘ mortality and reproduction as a function of age examination of a population during one segment (time interval) - segment = group of individuals of different cohorts - designed for long-lived organisms ASSUMPTIONS: - Birth rate and survival are constant over time - population does not grow DRAWBACKS: confuses age-specific changes in e.g. mortality with temporal variation Static (vertical) life-tables Cervus elaphus Sx .. number of survivors Dx .. number of dead individuals lx .. standardised number of survivors qx .. age-specific mortality px .. age-specific survival Lowe (1969) 0S S l x x = x x x S D q = x Sx Dx lx px qx mx 1 129 15 1.000 0.884 0.116 0.000 2 114 1 0.884 0.991 0.009 0.000 3 113 32 0.876 0.717 0.283 0.310 4 81 3 0.628 0.963 0.037 0.280 5 78 19 0.605 0.756 0.244 0.300 6 59 -6 0.457 1.102 -0.102 0.400 7 65 10 0.504 0.846 0.154 0.480 8 55 30 0.426 0.455 0.545 0.360 9 25 16 0.194 0.360 0.640 0.450 10 9 1 0.070 0.889 0.111 0.290 11 8 1 0.062 0.875 0.125 0.280 12 7 5 0.054 0.286 0.714 0.290 13 2 1 0.016 0.500 0.500 0.280 14 1 -3 0.008 4.000 -3.000 0.280 15 4 2 0.031 0.500 0.500 0.290 16 2 2 0.016 0.000 1.000 0.280 1+−= xxx SSD x x x l l p 1+ = examination of a population in a cohort = a group of individuals born at the same period followed from birth to death provide reliable information designed for short-lived organisms only females are included Cohort (horizontal) life-table Vulpes vulpes x Sx Dx lx px qx mx 0 250 50 1.000 0.800 0.200 0.000 1 200 120 0.800 0.400 0.600 0.000 2 80 50 0.320 0.375 0.625 2.000 3 30 15 0.120 0.500 0.500 2.100 4 15 9 0.060 0.400 0.600 2.300 5 6 6 0.024 0.000 1.000 2.400 6 0 0 0.000 survival and reproduction depend on stage / size rather than age age-distribution is of no interest used for invertebrates (insects, invertebrates) time spent in a stage / size can differ Lymantria dispar Campbell (1981) x Sx Dx lx px qx mx Egg 450 68 1.000 0.849 0.151 0 Larva I 382 67 0.849 0.825 0.175 0 Larva II 315 158 0.700 0.498 0.502 0 Larva III 157 118 0.349 0.248 0.752 0 Larva IV 39 7 0.087 0.821 0.179 0 Larva V 32 9 0.071 0.719 0.281 0 Larva VI 23 1 0.051 0.957 0.043 0 Pre-pupa 22 4 0.049 0.818 0.182 0 Pupa 18 2 0.040 0.889 0.111 0 Adult 16 16 0.036 0.000 1.000 185 display change in survival by plotting log(lx) against age (x) sheep mortality increases with age survivorship of lapwing (Vanellus) is independent of age but survival of sheep is age-dependent Pearls (1928) classified hypothetical age-specific mortality: Type I .. mortality is concentrated at the end of life span (humans) Type II .. mortality is constant over age (seeds, birds) Type III .. mortality is highest in the beginning of life (invertebrates, fish, reptiles) ln(Survivorship) 0 Type I Type II Type III 1 Time fecundity - potential number of offspring fertility - real number of offspring semelparous .. reproducing once a life iteroparous .. reproducing several times during life birth pulse .. discrete reproduction (seasonal reproduction) birth flow .. continuous reproduction Numberofoffsprings 0 Time reproductivepre-reproductive post-reproductive 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Time [Days] Fecundity Triaeris stenapsis Geospiza scandens number.ofbirths/individual 0 0.4 age 16 Cervus elaphus Odocoileus numberofbirths/individual 0 6age 0.8 k-value - killing power - another measure of mortality k-values are additive unlike q Key-factor analysis - a method to identify the most important factors that regulates population dynamics k-values are estimated for a number of years important factors are identified by regressing kx on log(N) )log(pk −= x kK ∑= over-wintering adults emerge in June → eggs are laid in clusters on the lower side of leafs → larvae pass through 4 instars → form pupal cells in the soil → summer adults emerge in August → begin to hibernate in September mortality factors overlap Leptinotarsa decemlineata Harcourt (1971) highest k-value indicates the role of a factor in each generation profile of a factor parallel with the K profile reveals the key factor emigration is the key-factor Summary over 10 years model of Leslie (1945) uses parameters (survival and fecundity) from life-tables where populations are composed of individuals of different age, stage or size with specific natality and mortality generations are not overlapping reproduction is asexual used for modelling of density-independent processes (exponential growth) Nx,t .. no. of organisms in age x and time t Gx .. probability of persistence in the same size/stage Fx .. age/stage specific fertility (average no. of offspring per female) px .. age/stage specific survival class 0 is omitted number of individuals in the first age class number of individuals in the remaining age class ∑= + ++== n x ttxtxt FNFNFNN 1 2,21,1,1,1 ... xtxtx pNN ,1,1 =++ N1 N2 N3 N4 Age-structured p12 p23 p34 F4 F3 F2 F1               =               ×             + + + + 1,4 1,3 1,2 1,1 ,4 ,3 ,2 ,1 34 23 12 4321 000 000 000 t t t t t t t t N N N N N N N N p p p FFFF each column in A specifies fate of an organism in a specific age: 3rd column: organism in age 2 produces F2 offspring and goes to age 3 with probability p23 A is always a square matrix Nt is always one column matrix = a vector transition matrix A age distribution vectors Nt 1+= tt NAN fertilities/fecundities (F) and survivals (p) depend on census and reproduction - populations with discrete pulses post-reproductive census - populations with discrete pulses pre-reproductive census - for pre-reproductive census 0 age is omitted - for populations with continuous reproduction x x x l l p 1+ =         + + = − + xx xx x ll ll p 1 1 ( ) 2 11 ++ = xxx x mpml F 1+= xxx mpF x x x l l p 1+ = 10 += xx mpF includes p of reproductive stages includes p of the youngest stage Egg Larva Pupa Imago Stage-structured p2 p3p1 F4             000 000 000 000 3 2 1 4 p p p F only imagoes reproduce thus F1,2,3 = 0 no imago survives to another reproduction period: p4 = 0 Size-structured Tiny Small Medium Large p1 p2 p3 F4 F3 G11 G22 G33 G44             443 332 221 43211 00 00 00 Gp Gp Gp FFFG model of Lefkovitch (1965) uses 3 parameters (mortality, fecundity and persistence) F1 = 0 F2 multiplication by a vector by a scalar Matrix operations determinant eigenvalue (λ) λ1 = 2.41 λ2 = -0.41a acbb 2 42 2,1 −±− =λ       =×      2115 96 3 75 32       =      ×+× ×+× =      ×      55 23 5745 5342 5 4 75 32 23472 74 32 =×−×=      012)425.0()0()2( 025.0 42 2 =−−=×−−×−=      − − λλλλ λ λ 0)det( =− IA λuAu λ=       025.0 42 0 t t NAN = 12 ANN = 23 ANN = ttt NAAANN 2 2 ==+ parameters are constant over time and independent of population density follows constant exponential growth after initial damped oscillations