consume small amount of many different plant species consume a lot during life to obtain sufficient amount of N grazers, granivores, frugivores, herbivores plants are not killed only reduced in biomass top-down control – herbivore abundance is regulated by enemies bottom-up – herbivore abundance is regulated by quantity and quality of plants hfNT fNV K V r t V + −⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎜ ⎝ ⎛ −= 1 1 d d V .. plant biomass N.. herbivore density r.. intrinsic rate of increase K.. carrying capacity f .. efficiency of removal Th.. handling time Herbivory-regrowth model Turchin (2003) assumptions - continuous herbivory - herbivore is polyphagous - plant biomass is homogenous - functional response Type II - herbivore density is constant - only small quantity of biomass is removed hyperbolic biomass growth time V 0 Leishmania microparasites: viruses, bacteria, protozoans - reproduce rapidly in host - level of infection depends not on the number of agents but on the host response macroparasites - helminths - reproduce in a vector - level of infection depends on the number incidence .. number of new infections per until time prevalence .. proportion of population infected =1/N swine flu virus cercaria nematode E. coli (EHEC) predicts rates of disease spread predicts occurrence of epidemics predicts expected level of infection number of deaths caused by disease exceeds that of all wars affect also animals - rinderpest introduced by Zebu cattle to South Africa in 1890 - 90% buffalo population was wiped out biological control - Cydia pomonella granulosis virus Type I Type II Type III periodic eruptions regular pattern iregular pattern time N epidemics occur in cycles follows 4 stages: - establishment - pathogen increases after invasion - persistence - pathogen persists within host population - spread - spreads to other non-infected regions, reaches peak - epidemics terminates rabies in Europe spread from Poland 1939 - hosts: foxes, badgers, roe-deer spread rate of 30-60 km/year Spread of rabies (Bacon 1985) virus used to simulate spread of a disease in the human population or in the biological control models: - Kermack & McKendrick (1927) - later developed by Anderson & May (1980, 1981) 3 components: - S .. susceptible - I .. infected - R .. resistant/recovered and immune + dead individuals - can not transmit disease - latent population - infected but not infectious - vectors (V) and pathogens (P) - malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes, hosts become infected only when they have contact with the vector - the number of vectors carrying the pathogens is important - such system is further composed of uninfected and infected vectors β .. transmission rate - number of new infections per untit time βSI.. density-dependent transmission function (proportional to the number of contacts) - mass action - analogous to search efficiency in predator-prey model 1/β .. average time for encountering infected individual γ.. recovery rate of infected hosts (either die or become immune) γ = 1/duration of disease Assumptions: - S0 >> I0 - ignores population change (increase of S) - incubation period is negligible SI t S β−= d d ISI t I γβ −= d d SI model outbreak (epidemics) will occur if - i.e. when density of S is high making the population size small will halt the spread: vaccination of S, culling or isolation of I will stop disease spread β γ <0S β γ >0S Outbreaks Assumptions: - host population is dynamic - newborns are susceptible - b .. host birth rate =1/host life-span, given exponential growth and constant population size - m .. host mortality due to other causes Susceptible S Infected I Resistant R death death death m mm β γ birth b b recoverytransmission b mSSIRISb t S −−++= β)( d d mIISI t I −−= γβ d d mRI t R −= γ d d SIR model RISN ++=N .. total population of hosts per area: R0 .. basic reproductive rate of the disease - number of secondary cases that primary infection produces - if R0 > 1 .. outbreak is plausible mb N R ++ = γ β 0 fast biocontrol effect is achieved only with viruses with high β low host population is achieved with pathogens with lower β 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 1949 1951 1953 1955 1957 1959 1961 1963 1965 mothdensity 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 %infected moth infected Population dynamic of a moth and the associated granulosis virus Biological control