Photosynthetic characteristics of lichens of genus Umbilicaria from SW Greenland (Nuuk area) in reponse to thallus dehydration Barták, M.1, Hansen, E.S.2, Hazdrová, J.1 , Skácelová, K. 1, Trnková, K.1, Prošek, P.3 1 Department of Experimental Biology, Laboratory of Photosynthetic Processes, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kamenice 5, Brno, Czech Republic 2 Natural History Museum of Denmark, Gothersgade 130, 1123 København, Denmark 3Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlářská 2, Brno, Czech Republic Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the CzechPolar infrastructure for providing laboratory facilities Introduction It is well etablished that lichens, typical poikilohydric organisms, are capable to perform photosynthesis under a wide range of water loss from their thalli. However, species-specific response of their photosynthesis, particular processes in photosystem II (PS II) of symbiotic algae, to dehydration is not fully understood. In our study, we used three different approaches to assess photosynthetic process in Antarctic lichens Umbilicaria arctica and Umbilicaria hyperborea to evaluate desiccation-induced changes to structure and function of photosynthetic apparatus. (1) Evaluation of effective quantum yield of photosynthetic processes in PS II in response to decreasing water potential (2) Assesment of spectral reflectance indices PRI, NDVI (3) Analysis of fast induction kinetics of chlorophyll fluorescence (OJIP) U. hyperborea A Spectral indices NDVI, PRI During gradual dehydration of lichen thalli, two commonly used indices, NDVI and PRI, were measured at each WP. Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) was measured by PlantPen NDVI 300 (Photon System Instruments, Czech Republic), while photosyntetic reflectance index (PRI) was measured by PlantPen PRI 200 (Photon System Instruments, Czech Republic). Both instruments use particular spectral reflectances (at below-specified wavelengths) for calculation of the indices using the below equations. NDVI = (R740 – R660)/(R740 + R660) PRI = (R570-R531)/(R570+R531) Material and Methods Sample collection Thalli of foliose epilithic lichens Umbilicaria arctica and U.hyperborea were collected on the rocks at several locations in the neighbourhood of Nuuk, and transported to the Czech Republic where kept in dry state in dark at 5 oC before experiments. After 48 h rehydration, simultaneous measurements of Photosynthetic parameters Effective quantum yield Lichen thalli were let to follow natural desiccation. The water potential (WP) was measured simultaneously with several photosynthetic characteristics (see below). During gradual dehydration, changes in WP were measured each 30 min, by a dew point water potential meter (WP4T; Decagon Devices, USA), together with effective quantum yield of photosynthetic processes in PSII (a fluorometer, PAM 2000, Germany) using saturation pulse method. Fast fluorescence kinetics (OJIP) were measured by a FluorPen FP 100 (Photon System Instruments, Czech Republic). This method measures and records a polyphasic rise of fluorescence during the first 3 s after (of sample exposition to continuous light. On the curve resulting from such measurement (OJIP), four typical chlorophyll fluorescence levels can be distinguished. They represent points O, J, I and P, numeric value of which reflects processes of light absorption and efficiency of energy flow through photosystem II and plastoquinone pool Conclusions •In our study, U.arctica showed higher YieldPSII and less sensitivity to dehydration than U.hyperborea in the WP range of -5 to -20 MPa. • •PRI in U.arctica and U.hyperborea exhibited curvi- linear increase with dehydration. The relation of PRI to WP was,however, species-specific. • •NDVI, a vigor indicator, decreased with dehydration in both species, however, due to generally black color of U. hyperborea, the NDVI values were lower throughout all range of dehydrationin the species. • •OJIPs recorded in fully hydrated thalli showed typical polyphasic curves with peak chlorophyll fluorescence level "P„ found at 150-300 ms followed by a dip "D„. With more pronounced dehydration, OJIPs exhibited a decrease in chlorophyll fluorescence signal and photosynthetic parameters derived from OJIPS. • •The results presented in this study indicated a high degreeof tolerance of the two Umbilicaria species to partial dehydration stress. However, interspecific differences in photosynthetic parameters were apparent in response to thalli dehydration. Fig. 4 Viability od Trebouxia cells (microscopic study) img08 razitko_01_scan SV103968 SV103978 Sample3_073925 greenland_map znak200_mu-1 Nuuk Umbilicaria hyperborea Umbilicaria arctica NDVI spectrometer PRI spectrometer OJIP fluorometer Results . Umbilicaria hyperborea Umbilicaria arctica NDVI in response to dehydration Umbilicaria hyperborea Umbilicaria arctica in response to dehydration Effective quantum yield D P I J O Control Control After photoinhibition (60 min, 2000 micromol m-2 s-1) After photoinhibition (60 min, 3000 micromol m-2 s-1) After 60 min recovery After 60 min recovery Strong photoinhibition OJIPs Extremely strong photoinhibition OJIPs