Copyrighted Material 12 Conservation of Small Populations: Effective Population Sizes, Inbreeding, and the 50/500 Rule Luke J. Harmon and Stanton Braude Introduction and Background Population size is extremely important in evaluating conservation priorities for a species. Small populations are at risk of going extinct because of demographic stochasticity and genetic drift. In this exercise, you will learn about three of the meanings of “effective popu- lation size” and how to estimate two of them. You will then learn how to apply these tech- niques to specific conservation situations, using the concepts of inbreeding, the minimum viable population size, and the 50/500 rule. Effective Population Size Population size has a major impact on the dynamics of a population. For example, in chap- ter 11 you used simulations to see that genetic drift reduces allelic diversity much faster in small populations of woggles than in large ones. Population size also influences the chances of extinction through demographic stochasticity, the random change in population size over time due to random variation in individual survival and reproductive success. Such events have a proportionally large effect in small populations. For example, in a popula- tion of 10 individuals, one accidental death would reduce the population size by 10%. In contrast, if the population were made up of 1000 individuals, one accidental death would reduce the population size by only 0.1%. Thus, small populations are much more likely to go extinct due to demographic stochasticity than are large populations. Effective population size (Ne) helps us quantify how a particular population will be af- fected by drift or inbreeding. Effective size takes into account not only the current census size of a population, but also the history of the population. Effective population size is the size of an “ideal population” of organisms (ideal refers to a hypothetical population in the Hardy Weinberg sense with a constant population size, equal sex ratio, and no im- migration, emigration, mutation, or selection) that would experience the effects of drift or inbreeding to the same degree as the population we are studying. For example, if our actual population of 50 animals experiences the effects of drift at the same rate as an ideal popula- tion of 20 animals, the population has a drift effective size of 20. There is no such thing as “the effective size” of a population. Different effective popula- tion sizes help us estimate the impact of different forces. The effective size you estimate will depend on the scientific question you are trying to address (box 12.1). Estimating the ap- propriate effective population size is crucial in conservation biology; in most (but not all) Copyrighted Material 126 • chapter 12 Box 12.1 Different Ways to Measure Effective Population Size There are a variety of population effective sizes that have different mathematical and biological meanings. The terms are sometimes confused or misunderstood as synonymous. Such confusion can have serious implications for understanding and managing popula- tions of endangered or threatened species, as we see below. Inbreeding effective size, Nef , refers to the size of an ideal population that would allow the same accumulation of pedigree inbreeding as the actual population of interest. Pedigree inbreeding occurs when an offspring inherits two copies of a gene from its parents which are identical by descent—that is, they are both directly descended from a single allele pres- ent in one of the founders of that population (perhaps the parents are cousins and each inherited the particular allele from the same grandfather). Nef is the measure of effective population size that emphasizes the effect that small population size has on the chances of relatives mating with each other. Such matings lead to a loss of heterozygosity in the popu- lation. Thus, this effective size gives you an indication of the likely loss of heterozygosity across all alleles in your population. Calculation of Nef ideally requires pedigree data. However, you can estimate the in- breeding effective population size (Nef) by calculating the harmonic mean of the population size over time from the founding generation to the penultimate generation. The symbol t represents the number of generations for which we have population size data. N(0) is the size of the founding population, N(1) is the size of the population after one generation etc. and, N(t − 1) is the size of the population one generation ago. t (a) Nef = 1 1 1 + . . . + N(0) + N(1) N(t − 1) Variance effective size, Nev, refers to the size of an ideal population that would accumu- late the same amount of variance in allele frequencies as the population of interest; thus, this effective population size indicates how rapidly allele frequencies are likely to change. This is important because it also affects how rapidly isolated populations diverge from one another under genetic drift. Again, the symbol t represents the number of generations for which we have population size data. N(1) is the size of the population after one generation, etc., and N(t) is the size of the current population. t (b) Nev = 1 1 1 + . . . + N(1) + N(2) N(t) In addition, the following correction can be used at each generation if operational sex ratios are not 1:1. This corrected population size reflects the increased effects of both inbreeding and drift when the sexes are not contributing equally to the allele pool. 4Nm Nf (c) Ns = Nm + Nf (continued on following page) Copyrighted Material population effective sizes • 127 Notice the difference between formula (a) and formula (b). While the inbreeding effective size is more sensitive to the number of original founders [N(0)], the variance effective size is more sensitive to the number of offspring in the current generation [N(t)]. This is because, as stated above, Nef focuses on the loss of heterozygosity due to pedigree inbreed- ing in the population; with a small initial founding population, close relatives are likely to mate with each other. In contrast, Nev gives an indication of the increase in variance of allele frequencies between subpopulations due to drift, and depends on the number of offspring produced by those founders and by each subsequent generation, up to the present-day N(t). These differences can lead to large discrepancies between these two different effective population sizes in real populations. For example, increasing populations generally have a larger Nev than Nef , while declining populations will generally have larger Nef than Nev. Hence, a population coming through a bottleneck may have a low inbreeding effective size, but it can have a larger variance effective size if the population bounces back rapidly (as is the case with the Southern white rhinoceros population, which you will work on in class). There are other measures of effective population size that focus on different population genetic parameters. For example, eigenvalue effective size, Neλ, focuses on the rate at which unique alleles are lost from a population. For this exercise, we will examine only the two effective population size estimates discussed above. cases, effective population size will be smaller than the actual number of organisms in the population. Think for a moment about why this is so. A conservative rule of thumb used by some biologists is that Ne is usually about one-fifth of the total population size (Mace and Lande, 1991). Using such a rough estimate is risky because Ne can be larger than the census size of the population, depending on the history of the population and the particular Ne under consideration. Demographic stochasticity, genetic drift, and environmental variation can interact to doom a small population to extinction. This is called an extinction vortex, and it is due to a positive feedback loop (figure 12.1): the negative consequences of lower effective population size make the population smaller, causing stronger negative effects, leading to an even smaller population size (Gilpin and Soule, 1986). For example, a random envi- ronmental change might lower population size, leading to a higher chance of population reduction due to demographic stochasticity. This could lower inbreeding effective popu- lation size even more, leading to severe inbreeding depression and reduced fertility. This further reduces the population size. Chains of events such as these mean that the extinc- tion probability for a small population can be extremely high. For example, Pimm et al. (1988) showed that the extinction risk for birds on small islands off the coast of Britain rises with decreasing numbers of nesting pairs. Conservation biologists realize that an extinction vortex can begin when humans cause major reductions in the population size of a species. Calculating Effective Population Sizes Consider the data in table 12.1 for a population of Eastern fence lizards, Sceloporus undula­ tus, at Tyson Research Center in eastern Missouri: You can estimate the inbreeding effective Copyrighted Material 128 • chapter 12 More genetic drift; less ability to adapt More inbreeding; depression Population more subdivided by fragmentation More demographic variation • Habitat destruction • Environmental degradation • Habitat fragmentation • Overharvesting • Effects of invasive species • Environmental variation • Catastrophic events • Global climate change Lower effective population size (Ne) EXTINCTION FIgure 12.1. Extinction vortex. Population size decreases in a positive feedback loop, eventually resulting in the extinction of the population (from Primack, 2000). size for this population using formula (a) from box 12.1. In this case, t=4 generations; we calculate the inbreeding effective population size as: Nef ≈ t 1 1 1 1 + + + N(0) N(1) N(2) N(3) (12.1) 4 4 = = = 68.9 ≈ 69 1 1 1 1 0.058 + + + 140 250 110 26 Try this calculation yourself—it can get confusing taking all of these reciprocals! This estimated effective population size (69) means that, in terms of genetic inbreeding, this population (with a mean census size of 148 lizards over 5 years) will accumulate the Table 12.1. Sceloporus population at Tyson from 1996 to 2000. Year Population count 1996 140 1997 250 1998 110 1999 26 2000 180 Copyrighted Material population effective sizes • 129 effects of inbreeding at the same rate as a population that had a constant size of only 69 individuals. In contrast, the variance effective size, estimated with formula (b) in box 12.1, is Nev ≈ t 1 1 1 1 + + + N(1) N(2) N(3) N(4) (12.2) 4 4 = = = 70.73 ≈ 71. 1 1 1 1 0.05655 + + + 250 110 26 180 This effective population size (71) means that, in terms of genetic drift, this population (with a mean size of 148 over 5 years) will accumulate the effects of drift at the same rate as a population that had a constant size of 71 individuals. Note that, in this example, the mean size of the population over time reflects neither how it will accumulate inbreeding nor how it will experience drift. Although the difference between variance effective size and inbreeding effective size appears small in this example, the point is that these are not two ways of estimating the effective size; these are two different effective population sizes. In the examples you work with in this exercise, you will see how one population can have very different effective sizes that inform us about very distinct risks for the population. Effective Population Size, Inbreeding, and Extinction Just as there are a number of different meanings of effective population size, there are a number of different meanings of inbreeding. Because breeding with close relatives typically reduces the pool of genes contributing to the next generation, one measure of inbreeding is F, inbreeding as a measure of drift. In addition to increasing the impact of drift, inbreeding can increase the proportion of deleterious homozygous gene combinations in a population, which leads to lower survival of young and thus lower reproductive output; this is called inbreeding depression. To begin to evaluate the potential impacts of small population size on inbreeding, we can use the following estimation (from Soule, 1980): 1 ΔF = 1− 1 − t. (12.3) 2Nef In this equation, ΔF is the increase in the inbreeding coefficient over time; Nef is the in- breeding effective population size; and t is the number of generations. We can use this equation to predict how much the inbreeding coefficient in a small population will increase over time. If ΔF is 0.6 or higher, the fecundity of individuals in the population may be reduced, and the population could be at higher risk for extinction. For example, we can calculate the increase in the inbreeding coefficient after 100 generations for the population described above. For the fence lizards, Nef was 69. This means that ΔF =1 − (1 − 1/138)100 = 0.52. We would conclude that after 100 generations the fence lizards are experiencing some inbreeding; however, because ΔF < 0.60 it may not threaten the population. Of course, the inbreeding coefficient will continue to increase over time, possibly to dangerous levels, if the population remains small and isolated. Note that the estimate of ΔF ignores gene flow— and even moderate gene flow can greatly reduce the effect of genetic drift, slowing the rate of increase in the inbreeding coefficient over time. So even moderate gene flow can help maintain genetic diversity. This is one reason why many conservation biologists advocate the maintenance of corridors connecting small, isolated populations of a species. Copyrighted Material 130 • chapter 12 Minimum Viable Populations and the 50/500 Rule You know that demographic stochasticity and genetic drift can negatively affect small pop- ulations. Demographic stochasticity leads to the random extinction of small populations, while genetic drift can cause a reduction of genetic diversity within a population. These factors can interact in an extinction vortex (figure 12.1 discussed above) that can eventually lead to the extinction of a population. To decide when these factors might be important for a population of an endangered species, Shaffer (1981) proposed the concept of the minimum viable population (MVP). He defined the MVP as the smallest isolated population (of a given species in a given habi- tat) having a 99% chance of remaining in existence for 1,000 years, despite the foreseeable effects of demographic stochasticity, genetic drift, environmental stochasticity (random changes in the environment), and natural catastrophes (Shaffer, 1981). Shaffer chose the percentage and time scale to represent what most scientists consider a good chance for survival of a species. Quantitative objectives like the MVP provide specific guidelines for gauging the success of conservation programs (Foose et al. 1995). Populations smaller than the MVP are considered to be at significant risk of entering into the extinction vortex and becoming extinct, so a conservation program can be considered successful only if it raises the effective population size above the MVP. A related concept is the 50/500 rule, proposed by Franklin (1980). The “50” part of the 50/500 rule states that populations with an inbreeding effective population size (Nef) under 50 are at immediate risk of extinction. This is because, in such small populations, inbreed- ing and demographic stochasticity can quickly push the population into an extinction vor- tex. The “500” part of the rule means that populations with a variance effective size (Nev) of less than 500 are at long-term risk of extinction. In these populations, genetic drift may be a strong force, leading to eventual loss of genetic variation (Franklin, 1980). After varia- tion is lost, the population will no longer be able to respond to environmental changes, and may be reduced in size or go extinct if any such changes occur. Even when properly understood, Franklin’s rule is quite controversial. Some authors question its generality, and others suggest that the numbers are too small. For example, Lande (1995) suggested that any population with Nev less than 5,000 will be subject to strong genetic drift, which will deplete the genetic variation in a population and cause long-term extinction risk. Recent experimental tests of the rule in captive housefly populations also suggest that populations must be higher than implied by the 50/500 rule in order to survive and maintain genetic diversity (Reed and Bryant, 2000). As a conservation biologist, you may not use the 50/500 rule, but it is essential that you understand where the 50 and 500 come from. Homework for this exercise takes approximately 45 minutes. Case Studies and Data European Adders The European adder (Vipera berus) is a small, venomous snake (figure 12.2) distributed throughout Europe (Arnold and Burton, 1978). This snake occupies a wide geographic range, but within that range snakes are often found in small, isolated populations sepa- rated from each other by hundreds to thousands of meters. Under natural conditions, gene flow between these subpopulations is high, because the male snakes disperse widely when Copyrighted Material population effective sizes • 131 FIgure 12.2. European adder Vipera berus. searching for females during the spring (Madsen et al., 1993). However, in certain regions humans have disturbed adder habitat through agriculture and urban encroachment. Now we see extremely isolated small populations of adders, surrounded by large areas of unsuit- able habitat (Madsen et al., 1996). Consider the isolated population of adders at Smygehuk, on the south coast of Sweden. These adders are separated from the nearest population by 20 km of farmland, which is unsuitable habitat for adders (Madsen et al., 1996). Use the data in tables 12.2 and 12.3 (Madsen et al., 1996) to answer the following questions. Questions to Work on Individually Outside of Class 1. Table 12.2 gives data on the population size of the adders for each year from 1984 to 1990. (a) Plot the total number of adult adders (y) over time (x). (b) Use these data to calculate the inbreeding effective size and the variance effective size of this population of adders. (c) Explain why the inbreeding effective size and the variance effective size of this popu- lation differ. (d) Recalculate the variance effective size of this population with the new information on the sex ratios of snakes in the population (table 12.3). (e) Dr. Fern Skipe has argued that there is no such thing as the “real” effective population size. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Use the results above in your argument. (f) Based on these data and your calculations, make a recommendation to the Swedish government concerning this population of vipers. Copyrighted Material 132 • chapter 12 Table 12.2. Total number of adult adders at Smygehuk Year Total number of adults 1984 138 1985 40 1986 34 1987 42 1988 37 1989 41 1990 34 Table 12.3. Adult male and female adders in each year Year No. of adult females No. of adult males Corrected population size 1984 98 40 1985 29 11 1986 24 10 1987 32 10 1988 27 10 1989 29 12 1990 27 7 Small-group/In-Class exercise Please bring graph paper and a calculator to class to complete the next part of this exercise. First, read the following background information on African rhino conservation. African Rhino Conservation Background The rhinoceros is an example of a “charismatic megavertebrate” that has played a central role in promoting worldwide conservation efforts. The five extant species of rhino are the last representatives of a large group of species that reached a peak in diver- sity between 25 and 5 million years ago (Estes, 1991). Two of the five extant species occur in Africa: the white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) and the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). Despite their names, both species are a dull gray color, and can be distinguished by the shape of their mouthparts (figure 12.3). The black rhino has a hook-shaped triangu- lar upper lip that allows it to obtain its food by browsing leguminous herbs and shrubs. The white rhino, on the other hand, has a very wide, square mouth, and is specialized in grazing areas of dense grasses. All rhinos have poor eyesight and relatively small brains, but ex- Copyrighted Material population effective sizes • 133 FIgure 12.3. Black (left) and white (right) rhinoceri. tremely sensitive hearing and smell (Estes, 1991). Both African species of rhino show geo- graphic variation. The black rhino has been divided into four subspecies, western (Diceros bicornis longipes), eastern (D. b. michaeli), southwestern (D. b. bicornis), and south central (D. b. minor). The western subspecies is the rarest and most isolated, with only a few indi- viduals living in western Africa. The white rhino has been divided into two subspecies, the northern (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) and southern (C. s. simum). These two subspecies occupy separate ranges and are more distinct, both morphologically and genetically, than the subspecies of black rhinos (Emslie and Brooks, 1999). Both species of rhino have undergone major reductions in their ranges in the past sev- eral hundred years. Early colonial explorers reported that black rhinos were widespread in distribution and fairly common, while white rhinos were more restricted in range. After European colonization, southern white rhinos were very quickly reduced to near- extinction, reaching a low of just 20 individuals in 1895. Since then, numbers of the south- ern white rhino have steadily increased; there are over 8,000 alive today. The northern white rhino, on the other hand, has shown a dramatic decrease in recent years, declining from over 2,000 in 1960 to only 25 individuals in 1998. Numbers of black rhinos have also declined since colonial times. Declines were especially severe between 1970 and 1992, when black rhinos declined 96%. The species has recently shown some potential for recovery (Emslie and Brooks, 1999). The main reason for the decline of all rhinos is hunting by humans. European colonists killed hundreds of thousands of rhinos during the nineteenth century. More recently, rhinos have been killed by poachers supplying markets in Asia and the Middle East with rhinoceros horns. In Asia, rhino horns are used in traditional Chinese medicine, whose practitioners believe that the horns lower fevers, increase male potency, and can cure a host of diseases. In the Middle East, they are used as handles for ornamental daggers called jambiyas (Emslie and Brooks, 1999). Although rhino horns have been used for these purposes for hundreds of years, recent increases in demand put serious pressure on wild rhinos, and poaching for horns is the major threat to African rhino populations today (Emslie and Brooks, 1999). Black Rhinoceros Diceros bicornis Black rhinos were formerly the most widespread and abundant species of rhino (Estes, 1991), but are now listed in the IUCN Red Book as critically endangered. Direct counts of black rhinos have shown declines of over 80% in Copyrighted Material 134 • chapter 12 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Year FIgure 12.4. The black rhinoceros has been in severe decline in recent years and is entering a popu- lation bottleneck (data from Emslie and Brooks, 1999). the last 50 years (Emslie and Brooks, 1999). The total population size of black rhinos in 1970 was estimated at 65,000. Historically, black rhinos occupied a large range throughout Africa. Today, black rhino populations are fragmented, and the species is rapidly declining in numbers (figure 12.4). The species has been divided into four subspecies, each occupy- ing a separate geographic range: the western, eastern, southwestern, and south-central black rhinos. The ranges of each subspecies have different climates and habitats. They can sometimes be distinguished by characters such as skin texture and horn length and shape. There may also be genetic and behavioral differences across these subspecies. The western black rhinoceros is the most range-restricted and endangered of all the subspecies of black rhinos: the entire subspecies is represented by only a few scattered individuals in Cameroon. This subspecies, separated from the rest of the black rhinos by hundreds of miles, may represent a genetically distinct lineage, but is threatened with extinction in the immediate future. The largest population of black rhinos is in Kenya, while the main population of southwestern black rhinos is in Namibia. The south-central black rhino is the most common subspecies, with large numbers in South Africa and Zimbabwe, and smaller populations in southern Tanzania and Mozambique. The goal of your group is to establish a conservation plan for black rhinos as a whole. You need to decide how much money needs to be allocated to each of the four subspecies, and which populations will have the highest conservation priority. White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum White rhinos have always been less com- mon and more limited in distribution than black rhinos (Emslie and Brooks, 1999). This is probably a function of their specialized grazing diet. This feeding strategy makes the white rhino unique, as it is quite different from that of black rhinos and, in fact, from all other rhinos in the world (Estes, 1991). The white rhino is one of the largest purely grazing herbi- vores that has ever lived. Southern white rhinos are separated from northern white rhinos by 2,000 km, and no white rhino has ever been recorded in the intervening area. These two Population(intenthousands) 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 Copyrighted Material population effective sizes • 135 subspecies are genetically distinct, with more genetic variation between these two subspe- cies than among the four subspecies of black rhino (Smith et al., 1995). Southern White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum simum Southern white rhinos were on the brink of extinction in 1895, when overhunting had reduced them to just 20 individuals in one population in South Africa. Their numbers have since recovered sub- stantially (figure 12.5). The recovery of the southern white rhino is one of the major success stories in modern conservation biology. Before their decline in the ninteenth century, their range included much of southern Africa. After initial recovery of the source population, many translocations were carried out; these have successfully reintroduced rhinos into ar- eas where they had been wiped out. Southern white rhinos are now the most numerous subspecies of rhino; populations can be found in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Swazi- land, and Zimbabwe. They have also been introduced into Kenya, Ivory Coast, and Zambia, all outside their native range. The rhinos have functioned as a major source of funding in South Africa, where national parks have sold excess rhinos to private game parks for as much as U.S.$25,000 apiece. 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Year FIgure 12.5. The southern white rhinoceros has recovered from near extinction at the turn of the last century and the current growing population is descended from a bottleneck population of only 20 animals (data from Emslie and Brooks, 1999). Northern White Rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum cottoni Northern white rhinos have shown a striking decline in recent years, and are now perilously close to extinction. Table 12.4 gives data on northern white rhinoceros populations by country from 1960 to 1998 (Emslie and Brooks, 1999). Although the range of northern white rhinos once in- cluded parts of Uganda, Chad, Sudan, the Central African Republic, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, they are now restricted to a small area in the northeast of the Demo- cratic Republic of Congo (Emslie and Brooks, 1999). This population numbered only 25 individuals in 1998, and DRC has been suffering from tremendous political instability over the past 20 years. Conservation biologists have not lost hope of preserving the subspecies, Population(inthousands) 1890 1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 Copyrighted Material 136 • chapter 12 Table 12.4. Northern white rhinos by country, 1960–1998. 1960 1971 1976 1981 1983 1984 1991 1995 1998 Central African Few Few Few Few Few 0? — — — Republic Chad Few Few ? ? 0? 0? — — — Democratic Republic 1,150 250 490 <50 13–20 15 30 31 25 of the Congo Sudan 1,000 400 ? <300 <50 0? 0? 0? 0? Uganda 80 Few Few Few 2–4 0? — — — Total 2,230 650 500+ <350 <70 15 30 31 25 however, and cite the recovery of the southern white rhino, which has grown from a total population of around 20 individuals in 1895 to over 8000 today. The northern white rhinos currently surviving in the Democratic Republic of Congo represent the last survivors of a unique lineage of rhinos; their extinction would be a great and irreversible tragedy. Your Job: Help Create Species Survival Plans for African Rhinos (Questions 2–6) Species Survival Plans (SSPs) coordinate the management of rare and endangered species to maintain healthy breeding populations, retain genetic variation, and minimize “inbreeding.” SSPs often have the conflicting goals of preserving species in a captive environment while at the same time minimizing evolutionary change in the species and minimizing loss of genetic diversity from inbreeding or drift (Templeton, 1991). These can be significant forces affect- ing wild (in situ) and captive populations that are entering or emerging from population bot- tlenecks. Your job will be to use real data to help the IUCN Rhino-Rescue Team generate an SSP for the two species of African rhinos. After you answer questions 2–5, the entire class will meet as a committee of the whole to allocate funds for the conservation of African rhinos. 2. Your instructor will assign you to one of the three rhino species or subspecies on which we have data. First, you need to assess the current genetic situation for black rhinos, or southern or northern white rhinos. This assessment should include the inbreeding and variance effective sizes for the wild populations. You should be able to project accumula- tion of inbreeding in wild populations if they are maintained at current levels. (Assume equal sex ratios and a generation time of 8 years. For black rhinos and southern white rhi- nos you will need to estimate census sizes from figures 12.4 and 12.5) Your instructor will copy table 12.5 on the board and you can share your results with the other groups. 3. For your species or subspecies, discuss the long-range plan for maintaining the genetic health of the population. Address the recommendations and the theoretical framework of Franklin’s 50/500 rule in your plan. 4. You should also discuss the situation for your species in the wild and decide whether you want to use the wild population to supplement the captive zoo population or vice versa. 5. Finally, your plan must include priorities for both species and for different popula- tions within each species. The reality is that there are limited funds available for rhino con- servation, and you must generate guidelines about where resources should be spent. Copyrighted Material population effective sizes • 137 Table 12.5. Population census and effective sizes of African rhinos. Census size, Inbreeding effective Variance effective 1997 size (Nef) size (Nev) Black rhinoceros Diceros bicornis N = 2,600 Southern white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum simum N = 8,440 Northern white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum cottoni N = 23 6. Each group will have a few minutes to describe the situation for their rhinos and pro- pose an allocation of the $500,000 which African Rhino Rescue has raised. Once each group has made their brief presentation you will have a chance to convince each other (and your instructor) to take your recommendation. references Arnold, E. N., and J. A. Burton. 1978. A Field Guide to the Reptiles and Amphibians of Britain and Europe. London: Collins. Foose, T. J., L. de Boer, U. S. Seal, and R. Lande. 1995. Conservation management strategies based on viable populations. Pages 273–294 in: J. D. Ballou, M. E. Gilpin, and T. J. Foose (eds.), Population Management for Survival and Recovery: Analytical Methods and Strategies in Small Population Conservation. New York: Columbia University Press. Franklin, I. R. 1980. Evolutionary change in small populations. Pages 135 – 140 in: M. E. Soule and B. A. Wilcox (eds.), Conservation Biology: An Evolutionary­Ecological Perspective. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates. Gilpin, M. E., and M. E. Soule. 1986. Minimum viable populations: processes of species extinc- tion. Pages 19–34 in M. E. Soule (ed.), Conservation Biology: The Science of Scarcity and Diversity. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates. Hendrik, P. W. 2000. Genetics of Populations. 2nd ed., Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Lande, R. 1995. Mutation and conservation. Conservation Biology 9: 782–791. Madsen, T., R. Shine, J. Lomanmm, and T. Håkansson. 1993. Determinants of mating success in male adders, Vipera berus. Animal Behavior 45: 491–499. Madsen, T., B. Stille, and R. Shine. 1996. Inbreeding depression in an isolated population of adders Vipera berus. Biological Conservation 75: 113–118. Mace, G. M., and R. Lande. 1991. Assessing extinction threats: Towards a reevaluation of IUCN threatened species categories. Conservation Biology 5:148–157. Pimm, S. L., H. L. Jones., and J. Diamond. 1988. On the risk of extinction. American Naturalist 132: 757–785. Primack, R. B. 2000. A Primer of Conservation Biology. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates. Reed, D. H., and E. H. Bryant. 2000. Experimental tests of minimum viable population size. Animal Conservation 3: 7–14. Shaffer, M. L. 1981. Minimum population sizes for species conservation. Bioscience 31: 131–134. Copyrighted Material 138 • chapter 12 Soule, M. E. 1980. Thresholds for survival: maintaining fitness and evolutionary potential. Pages 151–169 in M. E. Soule and B. A. Wilcox (eds.) Conservation Biology: An Evolutionary­Ecological Perspective. Sunderland, Mass.: Sinauer Associates. Walpole, M., M. Morgan-Davies, S. Milledge, P. Bett, and N. Leader-Williams. 2001. Population dynamics and future conservation of a free-ranging black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) popula- tion in Kenya. Biological Conservation 99: 237–243.