Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie Lekce 5 Oddělení cytokinetiky Biofyzikální ústav AVČR, v.v.i. Královopolská 135 612 65 Brno e-mail: tel.: 541 517 166 Karel Souček, Ph.D. K. Souček Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie Fluorescenční proteiny nbioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) –Aequorea victoria - medúza žijící ve vodách na pobřeží Severní Ameriky. –je schopna modře světélkovat (bioluminescence). Ca2+ interaguje s fotoproteinem aequorinem. –modré světlo excituje green fluorescent protein. –Renilla reniformis – korál žijící ve vodách na severním pobřeží Floridy. –luminescence vzniká degradací coelenterazinu za katalytického působení luciferázy. –modré světlo excituje green fluorescent protein. – – Renilla reniformis "Sea Pansy" Aequorea victoria “Crystal jelly “ Fluorescenční proteiny Fucci (fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell cycle indicator) cells Nature Methods - 5, 283 (2008) Ubiquitin E3 ligase complexes G1 - APCCdh1 S, G2, M- SCFSkp2 Fucci n Detekce reaktivních kyslíkových skupin nReaktivní kyslíkové skupiny hrají klíčovou roli v celé řadě biologických procesů –posttranslační modifikace proteinů –regulace transkripce –regulace struktury chromatinu –přenos signálu –funkce imunitního systému –fyzický a metabolický stres –neurodegenerace, stárnutí n n O2• – O2 H2O2 • OH H2O 4 e– reduction to water e– e– e– e– Not so terribly reactive with most biomolecules Maintained at very low concentration Catalases, peroxidases, GSH, etc… Actually a chemical reductant Not so terribly reactive with most biomolecules Mitochondrial superoxide the major source of active oxygen Maintained at very low concentration Superoxide dismutases Reacts with virtually any molecule at diffusion-limited rates The molecule that makes ionizing radiation toxic Unreactive at STP, but a great electron acceptor Biological activation via radicals, transition metals Generally, radical intermediates are enzyme-bound © Simon Melov Potential sites of intervention Oxidative Stress Neurodegeneration Cancer Vascular Tone Cardiac Output Sensory Acuity Skin Thickness Bone Density Endocrine Function Immune Function DNA Damage Oncogenesis Mitochondrial Damage Energy Crisis Cell Death © Simon Melov Hydroethidine HE EB N CH2CH3 NH2 H2N H Br- N CH2CH3 NH2 H2N + O2- Phagocytic Vacuole SOD H2O2 NADPH NADP O2 NADPH Oxidase OH- O2- DCF HE O2- H2O2 DCF Example: Neutrophil Oxidative Burst © J. P. Robinson, Purdue University DCFH-DA DCFH DCF COOH H Cl O O-C-CH3 O CH3-C-O Cl O COOH H Cl OH HO Cl O COOH H Cl O HO Cl O Fluorescent Hydrolysis Oxidation 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescin 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescin diacetate 2’,7’-dichlorofluorescein Cellular Esterases H2O2 DCFH-DA DCFH-DA DCFH DCF H O 2 2 Lymphocytes Monocytes Neutrophils log FITC Fluorescence .1 1000 100 10 1 0 20 40 60 PMA-stimulated PMN Control 80 © J. P. Robinson, Purdue University - DCFH-DA - DHR-123 - HE Oxidative Burst K. Souček Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie Fluorescent sensors for detection of H2O2 Variants & fusions npHyPer-cyto vector npHyPer-dMito vector –Duplicated mitochondrial targeting sequence (MTS) is fused to the HyPer N-terminus. MTS was derived from the subunit VIII of human cytochrome C oxidase [Rizzuto et al., 1989; Rizzuto et al., 1995]. npHyPer-nuc vector –Three copies of the nuclear localization signal (NLS) fused to the HyPer C-terminus provide for efficient translocation of HyPer to the nuclei of mammalian cells [Fischer-Fantuzzi and Vesco, 1988] n n n biarsenical–tetracysteine system nNefluorescenční, membránově permeabilní biarsénová značka vytváří kovalentní fluorescenční komplex s jakýmkoliv intracelulárním proteinem obsahujícím krátký tetracysteinový motiv (CCPGCC) biarsenical–tetracysteine system Click azide/alkyne reaction ta_diagram/750_wide.Par.94243.Image.-1.-1.1.gif Invitrogen Aplikace Click-IT (Invitrogen) Multiplex imaging with Click-iT® RNA assays. NIH3T3 cells were incubated with 1 mM EU, formaldehyde-fixed, and permeabilized with Triton® X-100. EU incorporated into newly synthesized RNA (red) in some cells was detectied using the Click-iT® RNA Alexa Fluor® 594 Imaging Kit. Tubulin (green) was detected with anti-tubulin mouse IgG9 and visualized with Alexa Fluor® 488 goat anti-mouse IgG. Nuclei (blue) were stained with Hoechst 33342. Aplikace Click-IT (Invitrogen) analýza syntézy DNA (proliferace) 02ClickiTAnim01 Tritiated (3H) thymidine 3H-thymidine 02ClickiTAnim01 • Original method for measuring cell proliferation • Radioactive • Not compatible for multiplexed analyses 3H-thymidine 02ClickiTAnim01 BrdU03 BrdU (5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine) BrdU Br Br Br Br 02ClickiTAnim01 Br Br Br Br BrdU 02ClickiTAnim01missing 02ClickiTAnim01 Br Br Br Br BrdU 02ClickiTAnim01missing Br Br Br Br BrdU 02ClickiTAnim01missing Br Br Br Br BrdU • Non-radioactive • Multiplex compatible but, strand separation requirement for anti-BrdU access, can affect: • Ability for other antibodies to bind • Morphology • Ability for dyes that require dsDNA to bind efficiently, i.e., cell cycle dyes EduBlack01 02ClickiTAnim01 EdU (5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine) Click-iT™ EdU 02ClickiTAnim01 Click-iT™ EdU FluorBefore01 FluorAfter01 FluorBefore01 FluorAfter01 FluorBefore01 FluorAfter01 FluorBefore01 FluorAfter01 02ClickiTAnim01 Click-iT™ Edu FluorAfter01 FluorAfter01 FluorAfter01 FluorAfter01 • Non-radioactive • No DNA denaturation required • Simplified protocol • Small molecule detection • Multiplex compatible, including • Other antibodies • Dyes for cell cycle analysis Flow cytometry most common application Viability assays (propidium iodid, CalceinAM, …) Proliferation (BrdU, EdU, mitosis - pH3) DNA damage ( yH2AX,…) Cell Death analysis (AnnexinV, Cleaved Caspase3, …) Cell Cylcle (DNA content, Cell cycle modulation after treatment) Immunophenotype characterisation of the cells (CSCs markers, differentiation, …) nNot possible to use fluorochromes prior to click-iT reaction, e.g. PE, Qdots,… Incompatibility of Fluorochrome with Click-iT reaction procedure Live cells Fixed cells Permeabilized cells Click-iT •Several antibodies are not compatible with the procedure Example of final set-up Parametr Marker Fluorochrome Cell Surface Marker CD44 APC/Cy7 Cell Surface Marker Trop-2 AF488 Viability LIVE/DEAD kit Yellow DNA synthesis Click-iT EdU AF647 Cell Cycle DNA content PO-PRO-1 DNA damage yH2AX PE Apoptosis Cleaved Caspase 3 AF494 Example of final results (DU-145) Viability and Immunophenotype Cell cycle and Proliferation Example of final results DNA damage and Apoptosis „High Throughput Flow Cytometry“ nautomatizace + robotizace = urychlení a efektivita sběru dat (měření desítky vzorků za hodinu s minimálním zásahem operátora ) nvyužití principu vícebarevné analýzy K. Souček Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie Automatizované systémy měření vzorků Automatický karusel (autosampler) Adaptér pro nasávání vzorků z mikrotitrační desky logo_becton%20dickinson Automatizovaný „microsampler“ systém cytek K. Souček Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie Universal Loader - Lab Image IZvRtvw The steps in a high-throughput fluorescence-microscopy experiment. Analysis [USEMAP] Garry Nolan Peter Krutzik „Fluorescent cell barcoding“ Fig 1 full size Krutzik PO, Nolan Fluorescent cell barcoding in flow cytometry allows high-throughput drug screening and signaling profiling. Nat Methods. 2006 May;3(5):361-8. K. Souček Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie > Fig 3 full size Krutzik PO, Nolan Fluorescent cell barcoding in flow cytometry allows high-throughput drug screening and signaling profiling. Nat Methods. 2006 May;3(5):361-8. K. Souček Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie Aim: To identify new surface molecules associated with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition -many intracellular markers known, but no reliable surface antigen enabling tracking of EMT available - - Aim: To identify new surface molecules associated with epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition • -many intracellular markers known, but no reliable surface antigen enabling tracking of EMT available - •WHY TO HAVE SUCH SURFACE ANTIGEN? -vital cell characterisation and further compatibility with downstream applications (e.g. cell sorting, cultivation, in vivo studies…) -this approach is applicable to any field in cell biology • - Model cell lines HUMAN PANEL HMLE HMLE-EMT MCF10A MCF10A KRasV12 BPH-1 CAFTD03 MOUSE PANEL MMC Her2 ANV2 Her2 cE2 Pten -/- E2 Pten -/- RM1 Myc/Ras UGSM Ink4-/- Get the best out of your model FACS-based surface screen: •validated antibodies in 96w plates •several comercially available possibilities, we have gone for… - LEGENDScreen HUMAN 332 PE conjugated antibodies + ISOs - LEGENDScreen MOUSE 252 PE conjugated antibodies + ISOs • • -there are XY vials in LN -price of kit ≈ 1000 € (27k Kc) How to get the best of it all? Fluorescent barcode possibility 1 – fluorescent proteins - which, how many, isn’t it too laborous w/out lentiviral TXF? - possibility 2 – amino-reactive probes, lipophilic dyes… - how to choose the right one? Final workflow The optimal concentation issue •HOW TO TEST IT: •10x serial dilution • • •REQUIREMENTS: • •optimal resolution •compatibility w/ PE • • Sample results I •EpCAM •- marker of epithelial cells •- commonly lost during EMT Sample result II Cytometric bead array (CBA) nMultiplexed Bead-Based Immunoassays nflow cytometry application that allows users to quantify multiple proteins simultaneously Multiplex microsphere‐based flow cytometric platforms for protein analysis and their application in clinical proteomics – from assays to results ELECTROPHORESIS Volume 30, Issue 23, pages 4008-4019, 3 DEC 2009 DOI: 10.1002/elps.200900211 Microspheres can be immobilized with capture molecules and immunoassays can be performed. (A) Coupling reactions for microspheres: Microspheres with functional groups (carboxyl‐, thiol‐) can be used for immobilizing peptides, proteins, or amino group‐functionalized molecules; alternatively, streptavidin‐functionalized microspheres can be applied for biotin‐labeled capture molecules. (B) Standard capture sandwich assay: An individual assay involving an optically encoded microsphere immobilized with a specific capture molecule (antibody) is being carried out on the particle. After sample incubation, another analyte‐specific antibody (a so‐called detection antibody, which is biotinylated and usually recognizes epitopes that are different from that of the capture antibodies) is then applied to the reaction. The presence and quantity of the reporter tag (e.g. strepavidin‐phycoerythrin) allows the precise quantification of the reactions that occur. © This slide is made available for non-commercial use only. Please note that permission may be required for re-use of images in which the copyright is owned by a third party. CBA CBA nmultiplexing capabilities nspeed nincorporation of multiple assay formats nrapid assay development and reasonable cost nautomation Biologické aplikace průtokové cytometrie nCytogenetika –analýza chromozómů •karyotyp •sortrování –chromozómové DNA knihovny –FISH značení (chromosome painting) • K. Souček Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie Analýza a sortrování chromozómů Analýza a sortrování chromozómů nsynchronizace buněk – zisk metafázních chromozómů (colcemid, hydroxyurea) nizolace chromozómů nznačení DAPI nebo Hoechst vs. chromomycin A3 (CA3) nebo mithramycin n= celková DNA vs. G/C-bohaté oblasti n NCBI PubChem logo Analýza a sortrování chromozómů e-bang „Flow karyotype“ ♂ ♀ Karcinom močového měchýře Sortrování chromozómů Pisum sativum Sortrování chromozómů Vicia faba Aplikace průtokové cytometrie v mikrobiologii nekologie npotravinářství Aplikace průtokové cytometrie v mikrobiologii Aplikace průtokové cytometrie v mikrobiologii nviabilita nmetabolické funkce nsortrování nanalýza aerosolů (Fluorescence Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (Flaps)) n Aplikace průtokové cytometrie v mikrobiologii nSortrování –EPICS + Autoclone® modul n Fluorescence Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (Flaps) Průtoková cytometrie kvasinek nbuněčné dělení nviabilita nmembránový potenciál nrespirace nprodukce H2O2 ncitlivost k antibiotikům nseparace n Saccharomyces cerevisiae Průtoková cytometrie kvasinek Průtoková cytometrie v hydrobiologii nstudium pico- a nano-fytoplanktonu (< 20 mM) nanalýza metabolických funkcí planktonu nstudium pigmentace (analýza chlorofylu a fykoeritrinu) Průtoková cytometrie v hydrobiologii Průtoková cytometrie v hydrobiologii nanalýza DNA [USEMAP] Průtoková cytometrie v hydrobiologii Absorption Spectrum Emission Spectrum Průtoková cytometrie bezobratlých nlze aplikovat běžné metodické přístupy a fluorescenční značky n nPříklady aplikací: –buněčný cyklus –cytotoxicita –apoptóza Long Tongue Tachinid Fly 240px-Miesmuscheln_Mytilus_2 Invertebrate Survival Journal [USEMAP] nFigure 5. Representative flow-cytometry scatter plot of hemocytes from 25 oysters. Rebelo MdF, Figueiredo EdS, Mariante RM, Nóbrega A, et al. (2013) New Insights from the Oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae on Bivalve Circulating Hemocytes. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57384. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057384 nFigure 6. Proposed model for hemocyte maturation, as seen by flow cytometry. Rebelo MdF, Figueiredo EdS, Mariante RM, Nóbrega A, et al. (2013) New Insights from the Oyster Crassostrea rhizophorae on Bivalve Circulating Hemocytes. PLoS ONE 8(2): e57384. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057384 Shrnutí přednášky n„High-throughput“ průtoková cytometrie … n … a uplatnění vícebarevné detekce a beads array n sortrování chromozómů n aplikace v mikrobiologii, hydrobiologii a studiu bezobratlých Na konci dnešní přednášky byste měli: 1. 1.vědět co je to „high-throughput„ průtoká cytometrie …a jak se v ní může uplatnit princip vícebarevného značení. 2.znát základní principy měření a sortrování chromozómů pomocí průtokového cytometru; 3.mít představu o možných aplikacích průtokové cytometrie v mikrobiologii, hydrobiologii a studiu bezobratlých K. Souček Bi9393 Analytická cytometrie