Hydrogen bonding and other weak interactions in biopolymers Jiří Kozelka Université Paris Descartes Laboratoire de Chimie et Biochimie Pharmacologiques et Toxicologiques UMR CNRS 8601 45 rue des Saints-Pères 75270 Paris FRANCE and Masaryk University in Brno Institute of Condensed Matter Physics Kotlářská 2 61137 Brno, Czech Republic ‘‘a type of dipole–dipole interaction’’ (Brown et al.: Chemistry: The Central Science, 12th edn, Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ 2012) ‘‘a special type of dipole–dipole interaction’’ (Burdge: Chemistry, 2nd edn, McGraw-Hill: Boston, MA 2011) ‘‘particularly strong dipole–dipole forces’’ (Zumdahl and Zumdahl: Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach, Brooks Cole: Belmont, CA 2012) ‘‘an extreme form of dipole–dipole interaction’’ (Kotz et al.: Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, 7th edn, Brooks Cole: Belmont, CA 2009) ‘‘especially enhanced dipole–dipole forces’’ (Siska: University Chemistry, Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ 2005), ‘‘a special kind of dipole–dipole force’’ (Moore et al.: Chemistry: The Molecular Science, 4th edn, Brooks-Cole: Belmont, CA, 2010) ‘‘a sort of super dipole–dipole force’’ (Tro: Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, 2nd edn, Prentice-Hall: Boston, MA 2011) “no more than a particularly strong type of directional dipole-dipole interaction” (J. Israelachvili: Intermolecular and Surface Forces, 2nd ed., Academic Press, New York (1991) What is a hydrogen bond? Textbook definitions Wikipedia (2014): ‘‘The hydrogen bond is the electromagnetic attractive interaction between polar molecules. . . it is not a true bond but a particularly strong dipole– dipole attraction, and should not be confused with a covalent bond’’. Vodíková vazba (vodíkový můstek) má často silnou elektrostatickou složku: Xδ--Hδ+ .... :YδX --- elektronegativní prvek N,O,F,S,Cl : vazba X-H je polární, na H parciální kladný náboj Y --- nositel parciálního záporného náboje ve volném elektronovém páru v biologických makromolekulách hlavně O,N příklad: vodíkové můstky svazují páry bazí DNA: N N N N N H H N N O H O A T N N N N O N H H H N N O N H H G C Vodíkové můstky určují krystalovou strukturu ledu. Maximalizace počtu vodíkových můstků vede k poměrně malé hustotě  Led plave na vodě  Kanálky v mřížce ledu může difundovat kyslík  Vodíkové můstky mají zásadní význam pro život na Zemi. http://m.eb.com/ http://chem.ps.uci.edu/ liquid (water) solid (ice) Projevy přítomnosti vodíkové vazby v kapalinách - vzrůst bodu varu : relativní molekulová hmotnost Bod varu [K] Adaptace z http://www.natur.cuni.cz/anorchem/Lukes/k2.pps Show B-DNA pdb code 3BSE Highlight resid 13 and 26 The Base Pair Directory I. Tinoco, Jr. In Appendix 1 of:The RNA World , Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, 1993, pp. 603-607. Oblouky označují atomy nacházející se ve velkém žlábku kanonické B-DNA. Tmavá barva: pohled ze strany 5´ na nukleotid anti Světlá barva: pohled ze strany 3´ na nukleotid anti Červená:puriny Zelená: pyrimidiny paralelní řetězce nebo anti-syn konformace cukrů antiparalelní řetězce, anti-anti konformace cukrů purin se páruje atomy 6, 7 paralelní řetězce antiparalelní řetězce jako W-C jako Rev. W-C http://jenalib.fli-leibniz.de/ImgLibDoc/bp/pu_py.html Cvičení: vyzačte zóny velkého a malého žlábku a pomocí modelu B-DNA určete, zda na bázi nahlížíme ze strany 5´ nebo 3´. G G H H G-G Hoogsteen C-C+ pair (in i-motifs) pKa of N3 of cytosine is 4.7. Wikipedia DNA Molecular Motor Driven Micromechanical Cantilever Arrays http://www.chemguide.co.uk/organicprops/aminoacids/proteinstruct.html Classical hydrogen bonds stabilizing canonical protein structures N-HO=C a-helix b-sheet Geotrichum lipase (1THG) antiparallel b-sheet a-helix Myoglobin (1MBA) PNAS, 98, 2001, 9057 Crystal structure of uracil N-HO C-HO Extensive CHO hydrogen bonding in the DNA i-motif in an RNA G4 tetraplex Crystal structure of intercalated fourstranded d(C3T) at 1.4 A resolution A. Rich et al., PNAS 91, 1994, 11636 X-ray analysis of an RNA tetraplex (UGGGGU)4 at 0.6 A resolution M. Sundaralingam et al., PNAS 98, 2001, 13665 N-Hp hydrogen bonds in protein crystal structures Bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor Pdb code 5pti B28Asp insulin Pdb code 1zeg X-Hp hydrogen bonds International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Compendium of Chemical Terminology (1997): ‘‘. . . a form of association between an electronegative atom and a hydrogen atom attached to a second, relatively electronegative atom. It is best considered as an electrostatic interaction, heightened by the small size of hydrogen, which permits proximity of the interacting dipoles or charges.“ However,…. Dingley and Grzesiek observe J coupling between two 15N nuclei (2JNN) connected through an H bond, N–H-----N, in nucleic acid–base pairs  Evidence for orbital overlap and thus support for covalent component of H-bonding J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1998, 120, 8293.  8Hz Note: 2JPtH accross PtH hydrogen bonds were reported many years before, but the work of Dingley & Grzesiek is widely quoted as the 1st NMR evidence for H-bond covalency. Albinati A, Pregosin PS et al. Inorg Chem 26:503 (1987) Covalency of the Hydrogen Bond in Ice: A Direct X-Ray Measurement E. D. Isaacs, A. Shukla, P. M. Platzman, D. R. Hamann, B. Barbiellini, and C. A. Tulk, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 600 (1999) Periodic intensity variations in the measured Compton profile anisotropies of ordinary ice Ih correspond to distances of 1.72 and 2.85 Å, which are close to the hydrogen bond length and the nearest O-O distance, respectively. We interpret this as direct evidence for the substantial covalent nature of the hydrogen bond. Very good quantitative agreement between the data and a fully quantum mechanical bonding model, and the disagreement with a purely electrostatic (classical) bonding model support this interpretation. 25 structures studied by X-ray or neutron diffraction Effect of O-HO H-bond formation: d1 shortens d2 lengthens d3 shortens d4 lengthens ALL VERIFIED! O-HO H-bond has a covalent component! Real-Space Identification of Intermolecular Bondingwith Atomic Force Microscopy Jun Zhang, Pengcheng Chen, Bingkai Yuan, Wei Ji, Zhihai Cheng, Xiaohui Qiu, Science 342, 611 (2013) Hydroxychinolin na krystalech mědi B3LYP/aug-cc-pVTZ Weinhold & Klein, Mol. Phys. 110: 565 (2012) Korelace mezi celkovou energií H-můstků s jejich kovalentní složkou  Kovalentní složka je charakteristická vlastnost všech H-můstků vodíkový můstek • zvláštní interakce • důsledek struktury vodíkového atomu: neobsazuje p-orbitály, nemůže nést volný (nevazebný) elektronový pár, může se jiným atomům více přiblížit • Má několik složek: - kovalentní spojenou s přenosem náboje z volného el. páru akceptoru do antivazebného orbitálu donoru X-H - elektrostatickou, která u silných H-můstků převažuje - indukční (dipól X-H polarizuje A) - disperzní (všudypřítomná) - proti těmto složkám působí překryvová repulze X-H---A akceptor A má vždy volný elektronový pár atom X je většinou silně elektronegativní Cation-p interactions in protein-protein interfaces isoprenyl diphosphate synthase (1uby) Ran-importin beta (1ibr) (Ran is a GTPase that regulates diverse cellular processes, including nuclear transport and mitotic spindle assembly. Importin-β Is a GDP-to-GTP Exchange Factor of Ran.) X-ray structures (1.9-2.2 Å) of Engrailed homeodomain, Luisi et al.,1998-2003 Lp-p interaction responsible for fluorescence quenching of trp Experimental observations of « lone-pair-p interactions» X-ray structures (0.9-1.0 Å) of Z-DNA duplexes, Rich et al., reanalyzed by Egli & Gessner (Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 1995, 92, 180) Lp-p interaction responsible for stability of the left-handed helix Kozelka et al. (J.Inorg.Biochem. 2012, 108, 69): Re-analysis of the X-ray structure (1.63 Å) of a cisplatin-DNA interstrand crosslink Coste et al.(Nucleic Acids Res. 1999, 27, 1837). Lp-p interaction overcompensates O···O repulsion! J. K. Kochi et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2004, 43, 4650, CSD code LAGYIC Charge-transfer complexes between halides and p-receptors observed in solution and solid state Unconventional Interactions Between Water and Heterocyclic Nitrogens in Protein Structures B. F. Luisi et al., Proteins,: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 57:1–8 (2004) Engrailed homeodomain, WT, K52A, K52E pdb codes 1ENH, 1P7I, 1P7J) TCP-Br- interaction in solid state 3.2 Å Charge transfer involvedCharge transfer involved? Conclusion of the ab initio analyses TCB interacts with Cl-, forming a strong charge-transfer complex (DEint  -30 kcal/mol). The large charge-transfer stabilization energy arises from two properties of this interacting couple: - the small energy gap beween electron donor and acceptror orbitals - the large overlap between them In contrast, the interacting couple water-indole shows a large gap between the water lone-pair and the lowest p* orbital of indole, in addition, their overlap is small. As a result, the charge-transfer stabilization in this couple is 1-2 orders of magnitude smaller. In addition to the large CT component, the TCB - Cl- couple profits from a larger electrostatic component, arising from the interaction between the net charge of chloride with the electropositive region around the C-H bonds of TCB. Take-home message Structures of nucleic acids and proteins are stabilized by a number of weak interactions. These include: - Hydrogen bonds - Cation-p interactions - Lone-pair-p interactions Hydrogen bonds are not only electrostatic interacitons between dipoles. They contain also a covalent component, which is present in all hydrogen bonds. C-HO and X-Hp hydrogen bonds (X = N, O, C) are important interactions stabilizing biopolymers.