Double-strand breaks (DSBs), their repair and misrepair How double-strand breaks are generated DSBs are caused by several factors: • arrest of replication and restart of DNA synthesis (replication forks tend to stall in regions of repeat elements - e.g. tRNA genes, retroposons, and telomeres); major source of DSBs! • transposon excision • during meiotic recombination (needed for recombination) • mechanical pulling (e.g. in dicentric chromosomes) • experimentally (radiation by X-rays, DSBs inducing chemicals, rare cutting restriction endonucleases, DNA transposons)  in vegetative (mitosis) and generative cells (meiosis)  DSBs have to be repaired before genomes are replicated (S phase)  in plants, errors in DSB repair (DSBs misrepair) can have the evolutionary significance because changes in meristematic cells can be transferred to the offspring >>> chromosome rearrangements DSBs in meiosis  necessary for homologous recombination (cross-overs)  induced by the Spo11 topoisomerase DSBs in in somatic plant cells and their repair homologous recombination (HR) • uses sister chromatids as a template to rejoin DSBs (most frequently) • minor pathway • error-free repair • in late S-G2 phase non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) • also known as homology-independent recombination or “illegitimate recombination” • main mode of DSB repair in higher eukaryotes (somatic plant cells) • the broken ends are re-ligated directly • often an error-prone process • throughout the cell cycle (mainly G1 phase) DSBs repair complementary nucleotides The two main pathways of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) in plant cells DNA lost but some DNA can be inserted (filler DNA) NHEJ in plant somatic cells • NHEJ seems to be the main mode of DSB repair in higher eukaryotes • NHEJ might lead, in some cases, to genomic changes (deletions, insertions or various kinds of genomic rearrangements) • genomic alterations in meristematic cells can be transferred to the offspring • alternative NHEJ can mediate genome size loss Arabidopsis vs. tobacco (genome size larger in tobacco) - tobacco: almost every second deletion event is accompanied by the insertion of filler sequence - Arabidopsis: no insertions - overall length of the deletions is about one-third shorter in tobacco than in Arabidopsis >>> inverse correlation between genome size and the medium length of deletions >>> ??? species-specific differences in DSB repair pathways can contribute to the evolution of eukaryotic genome size ??? - A. thaliana (157 Mb) has lost 6x more introns than Arabidopsis lyrata (210 Mb) since the divergence of the two species but gained very few introns 1C = 4.5 Gb 1C = 157 Mb deletion inversion reciprocal translocation multiple translocations NHEJ-mediated rearrangements Homologous recombination The two main pathways of homologous recombination in somatic plant cells single-strand annealing synthesis-dependent strand annealing all sequence information between the repeats is lost in the rejoined molecule a restored dsDNA molecule without loss of genetic information DNA loss (evidence: solo long terminal repeats of LTR retrotransposons) genome size decrease (template needed) Templates for homologous recombination (HR) via SDSA (needs a template) sister chromatid (S and G2 phase) homologous chromosome (allelic sequence) ectopic sequences (heterologous chromosomes) Intra- chromosomal homology repair using a sister chromatid or homologue repair using a sister chromatid or homologue AND ectopic recombination (generating chromosome abberations) ectopic DSB repair competes with repair using the sister chromatid or homologue DSB repair and misrepair can lead to chromosome rearrangements Argueso et al. (2008) PNAS 105 • in somatic plant cells, DSBs are mainly repaired by NHEJ • the NHEJ repair can be associated with deletions, but also insertions due to copying genomic sequences from elsewhere into the break; chr. rearrangements can be generated • inverse correlation of deletion size to genome size (Arabidopsis vs. tobacco) >>> NHEJ might contribute significantly to evolution of genome size • DSB repair by HR might also influence genome organization • intra-chromosomal HR is frequent (sequences in close proximity to the break), interchromosomal HR (allelic and ectopic) is hardly used for repair • a ‘single-strand annealing’ (SSA) mechanism of HR that leads to sequence deletions between direct repeats is particularly efficient >> might explain the accumulation of single LTRs of retroelements in some plant genomes (?evolution of genome size?) NHEJ vs. HR (short summary)