Introduction to Computational Quantum Chemistry Lesson 9: Response properties: NMR Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 1 / 14 NMR Widely used structure determination method Uses very high magnetic fields to probe magnetically active nuclei Each type of nucleus gives specific signal in spectrum Position and shape of the signal is given by electronic and nuclear structure of the surroundings of the nucleus Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 2 / 14 What can be obtained Izotropic chemical shifts Chemical shift tensors J-coupling g-tensor (EPR) Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 3 / 14 Properties NMR properties are very sensitive to: Chosen geometry Wavefunction (tighten convergence criteria, if possible) Solvent effects/crystal effects (especially exchangeable moieties) Dynamic effects Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 4 / 14 Energy levels Difference between states is ∆E = γhB0 Where: γ is the magnetogyric ratio of a nucleus h is Planck’s constant B0 is the external magnetic field Small energies for excitations - perturbation to the wavefunction Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 5 / 14 Chemical shielding (σ) Difference in frequency of bare nucleus and nucleus under investigation σ(ppm) = 106 ∗ (νNUC − νCOM )/νNUC Magnetic field felt by the nucleus is (1 − σ) ∗ B0 Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 6 / 14 Chemical shielding tensor IUPAC convention: σ11 ≥ σ22 ≥ σ33 (1) σ11: direction of least shielding σ33: direction of highest shielding Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 7 / 14 Chemical shift (δ) Difference between the shielding of nucleus under investigation and nucleus in reference compound: δ(ppm) = 106 ∗ (σCOM − σSTD)/(1 − σSTD) Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 8 / 14 Isotropic tumbling In solution the dipolar couplings caused by CSA vanish In solid state the dipolar couplings are reduced by magic angle spinning (MAS) Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 9 / 14 Methods For DFT improved results with climbing Jacob’s ladder Always try to use as high basis set as possible Make sure you wavefunction is well converged Increase the convergence criteria Calculate the chemical shifts against well-behaving reference Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 10 / 14 Practical task Calculate the NMR properties of acetic acid Consider Equilibrium geometry Dimer Microsolvated acetic acid with 2 water molecules Use the preoptimized geometries distributed in IS Calculate the spin-spin J-couplings as well Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 11 / 14 Input In your inputfiles include: b3lyp 6-311++g(d,p) method Very tight linear equations for SCF D3 dispersion correction Ultrafine integration grid PCM water solvation model Calculation of only J-couplings for nonoxygen atoms of acetic acid (see documentation of NMR in Gaussian, do NOT calculate for dimer) Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 12 / 14 Reference compound Good reference from computational point of view: Small and symmetric Rigid molecule (elimination of dynamic effects) Only electrostatic interactions with surroundings (elimination of charge transfer effects) Benzene in benzene Use the very same setup as for acetic acid (except PCM), use “tight” convergence for optimization δ13C = 127.83, δ1H = 7.15 δCOM (ppm) = σSTD − σCOM + δSTD Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 13 / 14 Results Compare the experimental values with predicted ones: 1H: 2.08 and 11.7 ppm 13C: 20.0 and 180.0 ppm Why some geometries give better results? Martin Novák (NCBR) Response properties: NMR 18. listopadu 2014 14 / 14