Electromagnetic Waves
llnoK» Prom
Iii: 1.1. 'I'l.l.ll'IKlNi: I.aiioratorii'.s
). By
IllVlNO B. CrANDALL, Late Member of the Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
CONTEMPORARY PHYSICS. By Karl K. Darrow, Member of the Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories. Second Edition.
SPEECH AND HEARING. By Harvey Fletcher, Acoustical Research Director, Bell Telephone Laboratories. With an Introduction by H. D. Arnold, Director of Research, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
PROBABILITY AND ITS ENGINEERING USES. By Thornton C. Fry, Member of the Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
A FUGUE IN CYCLES AND BELS. By John Mills, Director of Publication, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
TRANSMISSION NETWORKS AND WAVE FILTERS. By T. E. Shea, Special Products Engineer, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
ECONOMIC CONTROL OF QUALITY OF MANUFACTURED PRODUCT. By W. A. Shewhart, Member of Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
RHOMBIC ANTENNA DESIGN. By A. E. Harper, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
POISSON'S EXPONENTIAL BINOMIAL LIMIT. By E. C. Molina, Switching Theory Engineer, Bell Telephone Laboratories.
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. By S. A. Sciielkunoff, Member of the Technical Staff, Bell Telephone laboratories.
FUNDAMENTAL THEORY OF SERVO-MECHANISMS. By LeRoy A. MacColl, Member if the Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
QUARTZ CRYSTALS FOR ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS. By Raymond A. Heisino, Radio RtUarch Engineer, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.
I'll IILINllttl) by
D, Van Nosthand company, Inc.
Member of the Technical Staff Bell Telephone Laboratories, Ihc,
This book, or any parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the author and publisher.
First Published, April 1943
Reprinted July 1943, May 1944, October 1945
In the- summer of 1942 it was my pleasure to give a course on Electro-iii i 'in.-tic Waves at Brown University in connection with its Program of
.....11 Instruction and Research in Mechanics. There I not only enjoyed
I hr opportunity to test this book in manuscript but, through generous
.......gemer.ts made by the University, I was enabled to put it in final shape
l"i |it11>lii ation. To the Officers of Brown University, and particularly to \i i .. I). Richardson, Dean of the Graduate School, I am grateful for their lilt rest in the book and for the facilities which they put at my disposal.
is ft whole, the book is an outgrowth of my research and consulting in 11vitics in Bell Telephone Laboratories. Its first draft was prepared in connection with courses of lectures in the Laboratories' " Out-of-Hour "
I.......am. Courses were given in 1933-34 and 1934-35, for which the lectures
mimeographed under the title "Electromagnetic Theory and Its Applications." A third course was given in 1941-42, when the notes were ii \ i id under the present title " Electromagnetic Waves."
11' this book proves to be a " practical theory " of electromagnetic waves it will be largely due to my close association with experimentalists in the Hi II 1 .aboratories. Some credit for its final issuance is due to Dr. H. T. Friis who for years urged me to publish my notes. To Dr. M. J. Kelly and I )i. Thornton C. Fry I am grateful for arranging a leave of absence for my Work at Brown University.
I am particularly indebted to Miss Marion C. Gray for her invaluable USlStancc throughout the entire preparation of this book.
S. A. S.
N..w York, N; Y. January, 1943
Produced by
Since 1929 the opportunities for practical applications of electromagnetic theory have increased so spectacularly that a new approach has become ilniuit a necessity. The old practice of working out each boundary value pinlilcm as if it were a new problem is being abandoned as repetitious and 1111' i < momical because it fails to coordinate the various results. In the interest Bi unity, simplicity, compactness and physical interpretation, the con-. 1'iitids of one-dimensional wave theory are being extended to waves in i luxe dimensions and field theory is no longer considered as something apart
I Him circuit and transmission line theories.
All physical fields are three dimensional; but in some circumstances i iiIht two or all three dimensions arc unimportant; then they may be " integrated out" and thus "concealed"; in the first case the problem In lungs to "transmission line theory" and in the second to "network theory." This suppression of some or all physical dimensions is analogous Id (he method of " ignoration of coordinates " in mechanics; and it may or nuy not involve approximations. It is a mistake to say that the circuit and 11in- theories are approximate while only the field theory is exact. In fact in many important cases a three-dimensional problem is rigorously re-duclble to a set of one-dimensional problems. Once the one-dimensional problem has been solved in sufficiently general terms, the results can be used repeatedly in the solution of more general problems.
This point of view leads to a better understanding of wave phenomena; il: saves time and labor; and it benefits the mathematician by suggesting to him more direct methods of attacking new problems. Once these ideas mi- more generally disseminated, large sections of electromagnetic theory can be explained in terms intelligible to persons with elementary engineering education.
The classical physicist, being concerned largely with isolated transmission systems, has emphasized only one wave concept, that of the velocity of propagation or more generally of the propagation constant. But the communication engineer who is interested in " chains " of such systems from the very start is forced to adopt a more general attitude and introduce the second important wave concept, that of the impedance. The physicist
II mcentrates his attention on one particular wave: a wave of force, or a w:ive of velocity or a wave of displacement. His original differential equations may be of the first order and may involve both force and velocity; but
TO rill''. KKADI-.lt
by tradition he eliminates one of these variables, obtains a second order differentia] equation in the other and calls it the " wave equation." Thus he loses sight of the interdependence of force and velocity waves and he does not stress the difference which may exist between waves in different media even though the velocity of wave propagation is the same. The engineer, on the other hand, thinks in terms of the original " pair of wave equations " and keeps constantly in mind this interdependence between force and velocity waves. In this book I have injected the communication engineer's attitude into an orderly development of " field theory."
If the modern theory of electromagnetism were to be presented in four ideal volumes, then the first volume would treat the subject broadly rather than thoroughly, with emphasis on more elementary topics. The second volume would be devoted to electromagnetic waves in passive media free from space charge; in this volume electric generators would appear merely as given data, either as electric intensities tangential to the boundaries of the " generator regions " or as given currents inside these regions. Another volume, on " electromechanical transducers," would deal with interaction between mechanical and electrical forces and the final volume on " space charge waves " would be devoted to phenomena in vacuum tubes. The present book is confined to the material which would properly belong to the second of these volumes.
It is intended as a textbook and for reference. In it a practicing engineer will find basic theoretical information on radiation, wave propagation, wave guides and resonators. Those engaged in theoretical research will find a stock of equations which may serve as a starting point for further investigations.
Chapters 1 and 3, dealing with vector analysis and special functions, such as Bessel functions and Legendre functions, are intended for ready reference. These chapters are brief because it is only necessary for thi reader to be familiar with the language of vectors and, in most cases, only elementary properties of the special functions are needed. Chapter 2 deals with applications of complex variables to the theory of oscillations and waves and Chapter 4 reviews the fundamental conceptions and equations. Elements of circuit theory are presented in Chapter 5; there the three-dimensional character of electromagnetic fields is suppressed and the discussion is conducted in terms of resistance, inductance and capacitance. Chapter 6 is concerned with some general aspects of waves in free space, on wires, and in wave guides. Its last few sections cover electrostatics and magnetostatics to the extent needed in wave theory. The one-dimensional wave theory is presented in great detail in Chapter 7. The following chapter treats the simplest types of waves in free space and in wave guides. Chapter 10 contains a more general, systematic treatment of such waves. Chapter 9 is
devoted to radiation from known current distributions and to the directive properties of antennas, antenna arrays and electric horns. Chapter 11 presents a recent antenna theory and, finally, Chapter 12 deals with certain impedance discontinuities in wave guides.
There is enough material for an intensive six-hour course; the particular order adopted is best suited to students of communication engineering and microwave transmission. In the case of radio engineers, the first four sections of Chapter 8 may be followed by Chapter 9; and in the case of students of physics or applied mathematics these four sections may be followed directly by Chapter 10. For a shorter course the instructor will find it easy to select the material best suited to the needs of his students.
Vectors...................................................... }
Functions of position.......................................... 3
Line integral, circulation, curl....................
Coordinate systems..............................
Differential expressions for gradient, divergence, curl.
Differential invariants and Green's theorems........
Miscellaneous equations..........................
2.1 Complex variables............................................. 14
2.2 Exponential functions......................................... l|
2.3 Exponential and harmonic oscillations........................... 19
2.4 Waves....................................................... 22
2.5 Nepers, bels, decibels.......................................... 25
2.6 Stationary waves.............................................. 26
2.7 Impedance concept............................................ 26
2.8 Average power and complex power.............................. 3|
2.9 Step and impulse functions..................................... 31
2.10 Natural and forced waves...................................... 38
III. BESSEL AND LEGENDRE FUNCTIONS............................ 44
3.1 Reduction of partial differential equations to ordinary differential
equations.................................................. 44
3.2 Boundary conditions.......................................... 46
3.3 Bessel functions............................................... 47
3.4 Modified Bessel functions...................................... 50
3.5 Bessel functions of order n + j and related functions ............. 51
3.6 Spherical harmonics and Lcgcndre functions...................... 53
3.7 Miscellaneous formulae........................................ 55
4.1 Fundamental equations in the MKS system of units............... 60
4.2 Impressed forces.............................................. 2§
4.3 Currents across a closed surface................................. '2
4.4 Differential equations of electromagnetic induction and boundary con-
ditions..................................................... 73
4.5 Conditions in the vicinity of a current sheet...................... 74
4.6 Conditions in the vicinity of linear current filaments............... 75
4.7 Moving surface discontinuities.................................. /_■>
4.8 Energy theorems.............................................. 77
4.9 Secondary electromagnetic constants............................ g!
4.10 Waves in dielectrics and conductors............................. 86
4.11 Polarization.................................................. 90
4.12 Special forms of Maxwell's equations in source-free regions......... 94
ciiArn it PAtii:
V. JMI'KDORS, TRANSDUCERS, NETWORKS........................ 97
5.1 Impcdors and networks........................................ 97
5.2 Transducers.................................................. 104
5.3 Iterated structures............................................ 108
5.4 Chains of symmetric T-networks............................... 110
5.5 Chains of symmetric 11-networks.................... ........... Ill
5.6 Continuous transmission lines.................................. 112
5.7 Filters......................................................... 112
5.8 Forced oscillations in a simple series circuit....................... 115
5.9 Natural oscillations in a simple series circuit...................... IIS
5.10 Forced oscillations in a simple parallel circuit..................... 119
5.11 F,xpansion of the input impedance function....................... 121
VI. ABOUT WAVES IN GENERAL..................................... 126
6.0 Introduction................................................. 126
6.1 The field produced by a given distribution of currents in an infinite
homogeneous medium........................................ 126
6.2 The field of an electric current clement.......................... 129
6.3 Radiation from an electric current element....................... 133
6.4 The mutual impedance between two current elements and the mutual
radiated power.............................................. 134
6.5 Impressed currents varying arbitrarily with rime.................. 138
6.6 Potential distribution on perfectly conducting straight wires........ 140
6.7 Current and charge distribution on infinitely thin perfectly conducting
wires........■............................................... 142
6.8 Radiation from a wire energized at the center.................... 144
6.9 The mutual impedance between two current loops; the impedance of
a loop...................................................... 144
6.10 Radiation from a small plane loop carrying uniform current........ 147
6.11 Transmission lines and wave guides............................. 148
6.12 Reflection.................................................... 156
6.13 The induction theorem........................................ 158
6.14 The equivalence theorem....................................... 158
6.15 Stationary fields.............................................. 159
6.16 Conditions in the vicinities of simple and double layers of charge. . . . 160
6.17 Equivalence of an electric current loop and a magnetic double layer. 162
6.18 Induction and equivalence theorems for stationary fields........... 164
6.19 Potential and capacitance coefficients of a system of conductors..... 165
6.20 Representation of a system ol conductors by an equivalent network
of capacitors................................................ 166
6.21 Energy theorems for stationary fields............................ 168
6.22 The method of images......................................... 169
6.23 Two-dimensional stationary fields............................... 173
6.24 The inductance of a system of parallel currents................... 176
6.25 Functions of complex variables and stationary fields............... 179
VII. TRANSMISSION THEORY.......................................... 188
7.0 Introduction................................................. 188
7.1 Impressed forces and currents.....................;............ 189
7.2 Point sources....................................'............. 189
7.3 The energy theorem........................................... 191
7.4 Fundamental sets of wave functions for uniform lines.............. 192
7.5 Characteristic constants of uniform transmission lines............. 195
7.6 The input impedance.......................................... 197
7.7 Transmission lines as transducers............................... 201
7.8 Waves produced by point sources............................... 201
7.9 Waves produced by arbitrary distributions of sources.............. 204
7.10 Nonuniform transmission lines.................................. 205
7.11 Calculation of nonuniform wave function.! by successive approxima-
tions...................................................... 207
Slightly nonuniform transmission lines........................... 209
Reflection in uniform lines..................................... 210
Kcllcction coefficients as functions of the impedance ratio.......... 212
Induction anil equivalence theorems for transmission lines.........1 217
Conditions for maximum delivery of power to an impedance........ 218
Transformation and matching of impedances . . . .................. 219
Tapered transmission lines and impedance matching............... 222
Transmission across a section of a uniform line................... 223
Reflection in nonuniform lines.................................. 226
Formation of wave functions with the aid of reflection coefficients. . . 227
Natural oscillations in uniform transmission lines................. 229
Conditions for impedance matching and natural oscillations in terms
of the reflection coefficient................................... 232
Expansions in partial fractions.................................. 232
Multiple transmission lines..................................... 235
Iterative structures............................................ 236
Resonance in slightly nonuniform transmission lines............... 237
VIII. WAVES, WAVE GUIDES AND RESONATORS —1.................. 242
8.0 Introduction................................................
8.1 Uniform plane waves.........................................
8.2 Elliptic-ally polarized plane waves..............................
8.3 Wave impedances at a point...................................
8.4 Reflection of uniform plane waves at oblique incidence............
8.5 Uniform cylindrical waves.....................................
8.6 Cylindrical cavity resonators.............•.....................
8.7 Solenoids and wedge transmission lines.........................
8.8 Wave propagation along coaxial cylinders.......................
8.9 Transverse electromagnetic plane waves.........................
8.10 Transverse electromagnetic waves on parallel wires...............
8.11 Transverse electromagnetic spherical waves.....................
8.12 Transverse electromagnetic waves on coaxial cones...............
8.13 Transverse electromagnetic waves on a cylindrical wire...........
8.14 Waves on inclined wires......................................
8.15 Circular magnetic waves in ide a hollow metal sphere.............
8.16 Circular electric waves inside a hollow sphere....................
8.17 Two-dimensional fields........................................
8.18 Shielding theory.............................................
8.19 Theory of laminated shields...................................
8.20 A diffraction problem.........................................
8.21 Dominant waves in wave guides of rectangular cross-section (TEi,
8.22 Dominant waves in circular wave guides (TEi.i-mode) ...........
8.23 The effect of curvature on wave propagation....................
242 242
249 251 260 267 273 275 281 283
286 290 292 294
299 303, 312
316 322 324
L RADIATION AND DIFFRACTION.................................. 331
9.0 Introduction...............................................'.. 331
9.1 The distant field.................,............................. 331
9.2 A general radiation formula.......................'............. 333
9.3 On calculation of radiation vectors.............................. 334
9.4 Directivity................................................... 335
9.5 Directive properties of an electric current clement................. 336
9.6 Directive properties of a small electric current loop................ 338
9.7 Directive properties of a vertical antenna........................ 339
9.8 The effect of the radius of the wire on the radiated power.......... 341
9.9 Linear arrays with uniform amplitude distribution................ 342
9.10 The gain o(* end-fire arrays of current elements.................... 345
9.11 The gain of broadside arrays of current elements.................. 348
9.12 Radiation from progressive waves on a wire............... 348
9.13 Arrays with nonuniform amplitude distribution...................
7.1-1 The solid angle of the major radiation IuIjl-, the form factor, and the
9.15 Broadside arrays of highly directive elements.....................
9.16 Ground effect.................................................
9.17 Rectangular arrays............................................
9.18 Radiation from plane electric and magnetic current sheets..........
9.19 Transmission through a rectangular aperture in an absorbing screen.
9.20 Transmission through a circular aperture and reflection from a circu-
lar plate...................................................
9.21 Transmission through a rectangular aperture: oblique incidence.....
9.22 Radiation from an open end of a rectangular wave guide...........
9.23 Electric horns................................................
9.24 Fresnd diffraction.............................................
9.25 The field of sinusoidally distributed currents......................
9.26 The mutual power radiated by two parallel wires.................
9.27 Power radiated by a straight antenna energized at the center.......
9.28 Power radiated by a pair of parallel wires....................■ ■ - ■
360 365 369
373 373
X. WAVES, WAVE GUIDES, AND RESONATORS — 2.................. 375
30.1 Transverse magnetic plane waves................,.............. 375
10.2 Transverse electric plane waves........, , . ...................... 3SO
10.3 Genera! expressions for electromagnetic fields in terms of two scalar
wave functions............................................. 382
10.4 Natural waves in cylindrical wave guides........................ 383
10.5 Natural waves in rectangular wave guides........................ 387
10.6 Natural waves in circular wave guides........................... 389
10.7 Natural waves between coaxial cylinders........................- 390
10.8 Wave guides of miscellaneous cross-sections...................... 392
10.9 Slightly noncircular wave guides................................ 397
10.10 Transverse magnetic spherical waves............................ 399
10.11 Transverse electric spherical waves.............................. 403
10.12 Wave guides of variable cross-section............................ 405
10.13 Cylindrical waves............................................. 406
10.14 Circulating waves............................................. 409
10.15 Relations between plane, cylindrical, and spherical waves.......... 410
10.16 Waves on an infinitely long wire...............................- 417
10.17 Waves on coaxial conductors................................... 418
10.18 Waves on parallel wires........................................ 421
10.19 Forced waves in metal tubes................................... 423
10.20 Waves in dielectric wires....................................... 425
10.21 Waves over a dielectric plate................................... 428
10.22 Waves over a plane earth...................................... 431
10.23 Wave propagation between concentric spheres.................... 435
10.24 Natural oscillations in cylindrical cavity resonators................ 437
XI. ANTENNA THEORY................................................ 441
11.1 Biconical antenna...........................................■■ 411
11.2 General considerations concerning the input impedance and admit-
tance of a conical antenna.................................... 449
11.3 Current distribution in the antenna and the terminal impedance. . . . 450
11.4 Calculation of the inverse of the terminal impedance.............. 452
11.5 The input impedance and admittance of a conical antenna......... 454
11.6 The input impedance of antennas of arbitrary shape and end effects. 459
11.7 Current distribution in antennas................................ 466
11.8 Inclined wires and wires energized un symmetric ally............... 469
11.9 Spherical antennas............................................ 471
11.10 The reciprocity theorem....................................... 476
11.11 Receiving antennas............................................ 478
(MAPTI " pAriK Ml. 1111': IMITOANCT CONCT.iT...................................... 480
12.1 In retrospect................................................. 480
12.2 Wave propagation between two impedance sheets................. 484
I:\J ()n impedance and reflection of waves at certain irregularities in wave
_ guides..................................................... 490
12,4 TJlO impedance seen by a transverse wire in a rectangular wave guide 494
PROBLEMS................................................................ 497
QUESTIONS AND EXERCISES............................................ 510
IIIIII.IOGUAITIICAL NOTE.................................................513
SYMBOLS USED IN TEXT................................................ 515
INDEX.................................................................... si7
In the manufacture of this book, the publishers have observed the recommendations of the War Production Board and any variation from previous printings of tho same book is the result of this effort to conserve paper and other critical materials as an aid to the war effort.
Vectors and Coordinate Systems
I.I. Vectors
Vector is a generic name for such quantities as velocities, forces, electric Intensities) etc. A vector can be represented graphically by a directed
q Ci
Fiq. 1.1. Equal vectors.
segment PQ (Fig. 1.1) whose length is proportional to the magnitude of the vector. Two parallel vectors PQ and P'Q' having the same magnitude and direction are considered equal.
d c
a b
Flo. 1.2. Addition of two vectors.
The method of adding vectors is what distinguishes them from other quantities. This method consists in obtaining the diagonal of the parallelogram constructed on two vectors as adjacent sides (Fig. 1.2); thus*
AB + AD = AC.
*We shall use no special marks to designate vectors if the meaning is clear from the context; otherwise we shall use a bar over the letters.
Any number nl wi„r:: may In- at Kin I liy using the end of one vector as the origin of the next; the vector drawn from the origin of the first to the end of the last is the sum (Fig. 1.3). Since by definition
AB + BA = 0, or BA = -AB,
Fig. 1.3. Addition of several vectors. Fic. 1.4. Subtraction of vectors.
subtraction of vectors is essentially the same as addition; thus (Fig. 1.4)
PQ - PR = PQ + RP = RQ.
Hence the difference of two vectors drawn from the same origin is the vector connecting the end of the second to the end of the first.
The scalar product of two vectors is defined as the product of their magnitudes and the cosine of the angle between them; thus
A ■ B = (A,B) = ab cos The scalar product of two unit vectors is the cosine of the angle between them. Two vectors are perpendicular if their scalar product is zero. Scalar multiplication obeys commutative and distributive laws
A- B = BA, (A + B) ■ C = A- C + B- C. The component of a vector in the direction defined by a given unit vector is the scalar product of these two vectors; that is, the projection of the given vector on the unit vector. The direction components of a vector drawn from point P{xi,y\fi\) to Q(x2,y2,z2), taken in the positive directions of the coordinate axes, are the differences x2 — #i, y2 — z2 — Z\. If / is the length of the vector and a, /8, y are the angles the vector makes with the coordinate axes, then
PQx = x2 — xi - I cos a, PQv = J2 - }'i = /cos /3, PQz = z2 — zx = / cos 7. The scalar product of any two vectors may be expressed as the sum of the
Fig. l.S. The vector product.
I.....Iiitls ill their direction components
A' ■ A" = A'XA'J + A'vA'y' + AW,'-
I Icikt the cosine of the angle i£ between the vectors is the sum of the products of their direction cosines
cos Tp = cos a'x cos a'J + cos av cos a'J + cos a£ cos a'J.
Tlic vector product A X B or [A,B] of A and />' i. a vector perpendicular to both, pointing in i lie direction in which a right-handed
I ii w would advance if turned from vector
/ lo vector B through the smaller angle i Til'.. 1.5); the magnitude of the vector prod-tn ( is the product of the magnitudes of A and // and of the sine of the angle between them, 11i.i i is, the area of the parallelogram con-Htt'iicted on A and B as adjacent sides. For vector products we have
AXB = -BXA, (A + B)XC = AXC+BXC.
The components of a vector product are expressed in terms of the direction BOmponents of the constituent vectors as follows
{A1 X A")x — AyA'J — A'zAy ,
{A' X A")v = A'ZA" - AWJ,
{A' X A"\ = A'xA'y ~ A'yA".
I .' Functions oj Position
A function of position or a point function is a function f(x,y,z) depending only on the position of points. Loci of equal values of a point function lire called level surfaces or contour surfaces; in the two dimensional case We have level lines or contour lines. Some level surfaces bear special names luch as equipotential or isothermal or isobaric surfaces. Figure 1.6 illustrates how a two-dimensional point function may be represented jritphically by drawing contour lines. The solid lines are the contour lines lov ;/ = log pi/p2, where p\ and o2 are the distances from two fixed points;
......I t he dotted lines are the contour lines for the angle # made by BP with
I'/t as shown in Fig. 1.6(a).
The rate of change of a point function depends not only on the position "I ;i point but also on the particular direction of travel. If AV is the i Kange in the value of a point function V{x$) as we pass from A(x,y) to B{x E Ax,y + Ay) an£l if A* is the distance AB (Fig. 1.7), the ratio AV/As
C'llAI'. I
is I In- aoeragt rate />/ change of F{x,y) in the direction AB. The limit of this ratio as li approaches A while remaining on the same straight line is the directional derivative of V{x,y) in the direction AB. This derivative is denoted by dF/ds. Partial derivatives dV/dx and dV/dy are simply the directional derivatives taken along coordinate axes.
p--t--- \p.
A =-rt \ J =-n
^ =+rr b 0 /////////////A ---Ci ^ > o
Fig. 1.6. Two families of contour lines.
The maximum rate of change is along the normal to the level line through A (Fig. 1.8). The gradient of V is defined as a vector along this normal
, „ dF _ grad jr = — «,
where » is the unit vector orthogonal to the level line. For an infinitesi-
ttnil mi vilincur triangle, we have
Am = (Aj) cos uV,
H lit I I lirrcforc
W dF — = —- cos yf>. ds dn
I. m i ihr directional derivative of a point junction is the component of its tt,idii ut in that particular direction.
Fiq. 1.7. Illustrating directional increments.
Fio. 1.8. Illustrating the gradient.
these equations are of course equally true for three-dimensional point functions. If a, 0, 7 are the angles made with the coordinate axes by the normal to the level surface at A, we have by (1)
dF dF dF dF a dF dF
dx dn By dn dz dn
Thus the partial derivatives are the direction components of the gradient, .iikI we have _
Anothei expression for the normal derivative can be obtained if the
equations in the .set (2) are multiplied by cos a, cos 0, cos 7 respectively and then added
— = — cos a + — cos p + — cos y.
Bn Bx By Bz
This relation can be written down directly if we consider that the gradient is the sum of the projections of its components upon itself.
A complex point function is a function whose real and imaginary parts are point functions
V{x,y,z) = Pifc&jfy + iF2(x,y,z).
We cannot speak of level surfaces of complex point functions since there is one family of level surfaces for the real part, another for the imaginary part, a third for the absolute value, etc. Loci of equal phase
* = tan iTi—k
Vy (x,y,z)
of a complex point function are called eqtiiphase surfaces; they are used in the classification into plane, cylindrical, spherical, etc., waves. The gradient of a complex point function is denned as the complex vector whose components are the partial derivatives of the function.
A vector point function is a vector whose direction components are ordinary point functions.
1.3. Divergence
The flux of a vector F(x,y,z) through a surface S is defined as the surface integral
where Fn is the component normal to the surface of integration. The outward flux of F through a simply connected closed surface S divided by the volume v enclosed by S is called the average divergence of F. The limit of the average divergence as S contracts to a point is the divergence of F at that point; thus
div F = \\
, as S -» 0.
Dividing the total volume v surrounded by the surface S into elementary cells, we observe that the total flux of F across the surface is the sum of the fluxes through the boundaries of the elementary cells, the fluxes through
,|.....mmmi partitions between the cells contributing nothing to the whole.
HImm 1 lit- Mux through the boundary of a typical cell is div Fdv, we have
I In turface divergence is defined similarly; thus
div' F m lim
, as s —> 0,
,,. s is the boundary of the elementary area S. The linear divergence is ......|y 1 lie ordinary derivative.
I 'I Line integral, Circulation, Curl
I he line integral of a vector F along a path AB (Fig. 1.9) is defined as
||u integral / Fs ds of the tangential component of the vector. IfFisa
UB) r. ' 1
I..... this integral represents the work done by F on a particle moving
Fio. 1.9. Hlustrating the line integral.
along AB. If the curve is closed, the line integral is called the circulation. Tlir circulation per unit area of an infinitely small loop so oriented that •the circulation is maximum is denoted by curl F; it is a vector perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The positive directions of this vector ,iii.| circulation are related as shown in Fig. 1.10.
Consider a surface 5 bounded by a simple closed curve. Dividing S mi0 elements, we observe that the circulation of F along the boundary of $ |S the sum of the circulations round the boundaries of the elements, since
i'.i.r.ctuomaonftjc wavks
I lie contributions due to the boundaries common to adjacent elements cancel out. Since the circulation round the boundary of each element is curl,t FdS we have
fp,ds = j fcurln FdS. (4-1)
1.5. Coordinate Systems
In practical applications the most frequently used coordinates are rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical; in these systems a typical point P is denoted by (x,y,z), (P,
Fig. 1.11. Cartesian, cylindrical, and spherical systems of coordinates.
coordinates is explained in Fig. 1.11; x, y, z are the distances from three mutually perpendicular planes; p is the distance from the z-axis; r is the
|i i.inir he nil the origin; the " polar an^lc " I) is the angle between the i j. I in, i .mi I I In- v.-axis; I lie " longitude '' tp is the angle between the xz-plane
hi. I I he plane determined by the a axis and the point P.
In a general system of coordinates, a point P(u,v,w) is specified as a point of intersection of three surfaces
/i (*,jy,z) = «> />(**?>*) = v, M*&&) = w-The lines of intersection of these coordinate surfaces are coordinate lines; ilnr. rt-lines are intersections of v- and w-surfaces.
Fig. 1.12. An elementary coordinate cell.
If the coordinates are orthogonal, the differential distances along coordinate lines are proportional to the differentials of the coordinates (Fig. 1.12); thus
dsu = ei du, dsv = 2 dv, _ dsw — e3 dw.
For a general element of length ds we have
ds2 = (dsu)2+ (dsv)2 + (dsw)2 = ej du2 + e\dv2 + eldw*.
In rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates we have
,/i,. = dx, dsy = dy, dsz = dz; ds2 — dx2 + dy2 + dz2;
ds,, = dp, ds,/, = p d
KI>lf\ \ If. systems
\\y definition, (he component curl,, /''of curl /-'in the ^-direction is the
Circulation ol Fper unit area iti the a-surface passing through P (Fig. 1.13).
II we picture F as a mechanical force, curl,, V is the work done by F per
...... area in the » surface. Consider an elementary area about P bounded
by v- and W-lines. The work clone by F along the w-line through P is /••„, ,/.,„„ its rate of change in the ^direction DV(FW dsw), and the total work
in i he counter-clockwise direction along the w-paths of the loop bounding I the elementary area is DV(FW dsw) dv. Similarly, the work done along the I remaining two sides of the loop is DW(FV dsv) dw in the clockwise direction. When the total work round the loop Dv(Fv,dsw) dv - Dw(Fvdsv)dw is divided by dSu, the area enclosed by the loop, we have curl„ F. The remaining components are obtained by the cyclic permutation of a, v, w. Substituting the corresponding expressions for the differential elements end differential areas in the various coordinate systems, we obtain
Fig. 1.13. Illustrating the derivation of the curl of a vector.
■ F = -^
curl, F = - — , curl„ F =
curlr F —
curie F =
dF dy
dF_x dz
dx 1
or i, oi x i m
curl, F = —1 — curl,F =
dz dF, dx dF* dy
1 dF, P dtp
m dp
r sin 0 1
r sin 6
[Do(s\n OF?) - DV(F0){, [DJFr) - sin 6 Dr{rFv)},
electromagnetic waves
curly fm flPrirFt) - D0{Fr)U
cur],, F = — [Dv(e3Fw) - D„,(e2Fv)],
curl„ F = — {Dw{eiFu) - Du{e5Fw)\,
curlw F = — [Du(e2F,) - DMFu)]-
Chap, i
1.7. Differential Invariants and Green's Theorems
The Laplacian or the second differential invariant is defined as the divergence of the gradient of a point function; symbolically
AF = div grad V. In the above considered coordinate systems, we obtain 0 = B\V + D\V + DlV,
1 . _ ... . 1
[DP(P D„V) + ~ (D%F) + P{Dini p p
= jrr-Q [^n 9 Dr(r2 DrV) + D9(sin 6 DeF) + ~ D%F\, r sin 6 • sin 0
= — \D. Duv) + Dv f& DA + Dw jfe*
The Laplacian of a vector F is the vector whose cartesian components are the Laplacians of the cartesian components of F.
The first differential invariant is defined as the scalar product of the gradient of two point functions; symbolically
MV,?) = (grad V, grad V) = DXUDXV + D»UDyV + DJJ DZV.
Green's theorems are, then, expressed by the following equations:
fffA(U,n dv = JfuS£dS - JJjUAVdv, (7-1)
Jj'f(UAF-FAV)dv n ff{u^-Fd£)dS, (7-2)
where the surface integration is extended over the boundary of the volume and the normal derivatives are taken along the outward normals. The
vectors and coordinate systems
.....,,| theorem la the consequence of the first: if Uand Tare interchanged
, (I) and the result is subtracted from the original equation, (2) will l,,||,,u Equation (1) is pro veil by integrating the left hand side by parts.
IK. Miscellaneous Equations
div curl F = 0, curl grad F = 0, (8-1)
curl curl F = grad div F - AF, (8-2)
div FF = V div F + F • grad F, (8-3)
curl FF = F curl F — FX grad F, (8-4)
div [F X G] = G ■ curl F — F ■ curl G, (8-5)
mathematics of oscillations and WAVES is
Mathematics of Oscillations and Waves
2.1. Complex Variables A complex number
z = x iy
is a combination of real numbers x and_)> and an " imaginary " unit * subject to the following condition:
■2 i I — —1.
The quantities x andjy are called the real and imaginary parts of z; thus we write
x — re(z), _y = im(z).
Complex numbers are represented graphically by points in a plane (Fig. 2.1) or by vectors drawn from the origin to these points. Complex
Fig. 2.1. Representation of a complex variable by points in a plane.
numbers obey the same arithmetical laws as real numbers. In the complex plane the addition and subtraction of complex numbers correspond to the addition and subtraction of vectors (Figs. 2.2 and 2.3). In polar coordinates we have (Fig. 2.1)
z — p(cos
ma<;nktk: waves
Ghai'. 2
In transmission theory wo shall use I lie following theorem: // ■/. describes a circle in the /.-plane {including straight lines as special cases), then w also describes a circle in the w-plaue. This theorem is proved by substituting for z in (1) and showing that the resulting equation in w is of the same form.
2.2. Exponential Functions
Consider two variables z and to, real or complex. The ratios Az/z and Aw/w are called the relative increments. Just as the limit of the ratio Aw/As of two absolute increments represents the rate of change of w with respect to 2, the limit of the ratio Aw/wAz of the relative increment in w to the absolute increment in z represents the relative rate of change of re> with respect to z. The former rate of change is the derivative of w with respect to z and the latter the relative derivative or the logarithmic derivative.
An exponential function is a function whose relative derivative is constant
1 dio , - — = k,
w dz
or -■- =a kw.
In particular the function whose relative derivative is unity and which becomes unity when the independent variable vanishes is designated as follows :*
thus by definition
is — exp z —
— exp z = exp z, exp 0= 1.
In terms of this function the general solution of (1) may be expressed as follows:
w = A exp kz — Aekz.
Since all the derivatives of exp z are equal to the function itself, we obtain from Taylor's series
z2 z3 zn e* - exp z = 1 + z + - + - + ...+- + ....
In particular we have
e - expT= 1 + 1 +'~+ |j + ■ ' = 2.71828
Either, from (1) or by multiplying the power series the following addition theorem may be obtained:
exp (2! + z2) = (exp zi)(exp z2). * The second notation anticipates some properties of exponential functions.
11 i-, evident from I he dcliiiilioii thai: nil derivatives of an exponential liiiuinm are proportional to lite function itself. Hence a general linear ilillcrcntial equation with constant coefficients
d"w . rf"_1TO
+ «o = aekl
(2-2) (2-3)
I* w 14 W
W + an~l ~dl^ + will possess a particular solution of the following form:
w — behr.
H.....nstanl b is obtained by substituting in (2); thus
A nolution of this form exists for any value of & which is not a zero of Z{k). i in I he other hand if
z(L) = o,
i In ii (2) possesses the following solution
w = bm^
when a = 0. The most general solution of (2) when a 0 is then
(2-5) (2-6)
w -
2,3. Exponential and Harmonic Oscillations
Let the position of a point P(z) in the complex plane be an exponential linn lion of time; thus
z = Aept,
Where A and^i are complex con-Bunts
I A = •
p = £ + iw; (3-2)
z = aeeteitu't+'pr,). (3-3)
I I ii r; the vector OP, drawn from i In origin 0 to the point z, re-polves about 0 with a constant lingular velocity w and its length j ji ics exponentially with time
Fig. 2.7. Uniform rotation and harmonic oscillations.
• i.KiTiumaonktic wavks
CiiAf. 2
If f ■■ 0, the length of the vector OP remains constant and the point P ItinvcN along the circle of radius a with a uniform speed (Fig. 2.7). When
0, ilie .....veinent is counterclockwise. The projection Q of the point
/' mi I lie real axis is .said to oscillate harmonically about 0. The distance il (' from the center of the oscillation is a sinusoidal function of time (Fig.
he quantity
.v = re(z) = a cos («/ -f tp0).
If) = (Sit + tpQ
| i idled the phase of the oscillation and a is the amplitude of the oscillation. flPJir constant is the initial phase.
Fig. 2.9. Constant relative increments in the complex plane.
Two phases which differ by an integral multiple of 2ir are regarded as the
..... I.e. .m.se the points P and Q occupy the same positions. The interval
riiel w. en two successive co-phase instants is called the period of revolution ■III /' iiiul the period of oscillation of Q; this period is
T =
The number of revolutions of P or oscillations of Q is the frequency f in flyclcs per second; thus
/ = J, > w = 2ir/.
he constant o> is the angular velocity or ihefrequency in radians per second. 11 i 9^ 0, we have from (3)
dp ~ p£ »fi dtp — w dt,
and, therefore,
dp = - p dip.
[■fente the angle ij/ between the radius and the trajectory (Fig. 2.9) is obtained from
« f tan ip — - , or cot ^ = — .
The trajectories of point P(z) are, thus, equiangular or logarithmic spirals; Fig. 2.10 shows several such spirals for different values of f/cu. In this case
Fig. 2.10. Logarithmic spirals illustrating exponential functions of time; z = = e{V*)v+i)¥>. The so-called "£>" associated with oscillations denned as the magnitude of cj/2,:.
may be
the distance OQ = x :? a sinusoidal function with an exponentially varying amplitude
x = re(z) = aeil cos (a>/ -f- ^0). (3-6)
The constant £ may be called the growth constant. The growth constant per cycle \jf is the logarithmic increment (or decrement).
Since there is one-to-one correspondence between points P(z) moving in accordance with equation (]) and their projections on the real axis, expo-
.....nal OSClllfttiona defined by equation (6) may be represented symboli-
cully liy complex exponentials of the form (I). The complex constant p r, > allal the oscillation constant. The constant A gives simultaneous infor-malion about the initial amplitude and phase.
2.4. Waves
\ wave function is a function of coordinates and time.
F(x,t) = mr*m%
VI here //, F, p are complex constants, is a wave function.
A = aei9\ p = £ + iu>, r = « + IP; i In- real part of V, given by
tc(F) = ae-"x+H cos (w/ - (3* + 450),
For instance the (4-1)
1 also a wave function. At any point x this function is a sinusoidal func-111'ii11 of time, with exponentially varying amplitude; at any instant /, rii(//) is a sinusoidal function of the coordinate x, also with exponentially varying amplitude. Physical phenomena expressed by wave functions .in called waves. As there is one-to-one correspondence between exponential functions of, the form (1) and sinusoidal functions of the form (3), we hiay use the former to represent the latter. The constant T is called the propagation constant; its real part a is the attenuation constant and its pi aginary part /3 the phase constant. Tin: quantity
* = oil - fix + di - P dx = 0;
v =
dx Tt
p = -■
* Except, of course, when w = 0,
electromagnetic WAVES
Chap. 2
From (5), (6), and (3-5) wc obtain
/X - v. (4-7) Consider now a general three-dimensional harmonic wave function V = A^y^e'^^™1
in which A and <& are two real functions. The surfaces of equal phase (at the same instant), given by
®(xi}'>z) = constant,
are called equiphase swfaces* The waves represented by V are called plane, cylindrical, spherical, etc., if the equiphase surfaces are plane, cylindrical, spherical, etc.
For any pair of infinitely close points in an equiphase surface, we have
■— dx + ■— dry H--= 0.
d,v dy dz
Replacing the differentials dx, dy, dz'm this equation by (X — x), (Y ~ y), (Z — z) where (x,y^) is a point in the equiphase surface and (X,Y,Z) is a typical point in space, we obtain the equation of the tangent plane
3* a$ t>#
— (X - x) + — (Y - y) + - (Z - z) = 0.
ox dy dz
The family of curves everywhere normal to the equiphase surfaces is given by the simultaneous differential equations
dx dy dz
ai> ~ a* = a*
dx dy dz
These curves are called wave normals. Equation (8) implies that any wave normal is tangential to grad y>. Consequently, wave nonnals are curves along which the phase changes most rapidly. At two points infinitely close in spaee-dme the phases are the same if
, a* _ a* a*
aat — -— dx---ay--— dz — 0.
dx dy dz
If dy = dz = 0, the instantaneous rate with which the phase changes along an jf-line is d$/dx. The " phase constants " along coordinate lines, which
* For purposes of this definition phases differing by an integral multiple of tt are regarded as equal.
MATHEMATICS UK OSCILLATIONS AND WAVES i......nllv arts nnt constants at all, arc
dy ;
52 '
Tin' |ili:i:ic constant along a wave normal is
|3C>W) = I Srad * j-
In i liter t|imansions the phase constant may be regarded as a vector whose dm , tiiiii components are di'/dx, d$/dy, d$/3zs The phase velocity is usually defined by
grad * |
I'hi'i is the instantaneous velocity along a wave normal. We may also |. il, ui the phase velocities along the coordinate axes
v. =
■If In evident, however, that vs, vy, vz are not the cartesian components of the pIlHMC velocity along the wave normal. On the other hand, the reciprocals nl these phase velocities, being proportional to the phase constants, behave ii'i \ rrt:or components should. Thus, we define phase slowness S
S — - grad $ .
2.5. Nepers, Bels, Decibels
The logarithmic measure has come into use because in certain measurements the logarithm of a ratio of two quantities is more significant than the I'd I in itself. When the ratio of two quantities of the same kind is expressed In nepers, the number of nepers is computed from
knmi this we have
N = log -j- nepers.
Ay = A2eN, A2 *> Axe
Originally the logarithmic unit was introduced for the evaluation of flower ratios and present laboratory units are the bel and the decibel. The number of bels and decibels (abbreviated db), expressing a power ratio tl'i/lVg, is computed from
X! = login „,- bels = 10 log,0 — decibels.
W 2 rr 2
Chap. 2
More recently I lie use "I logarithmic units has linn extended to " intensity ratios," that is, to voltage and current: ratios; then the number of bcls ami decibels has been defined as
E E N = 1 logi0 — bels = 20 log]0 — decibels.
-C.2 E2
It is unfortunate that the size of the " bel " or " decibel " is not uniform but depends upon the nature of the measured quantity. We shall keep the neper as a fixed unit defined by (1) regardless of the nature of A. Thus in translating from nepers into decibels, at least when dealing with electrical quantities, we must multiply by different conversion factors. For power ratios we have
1 neper = 10 log10 e ~ 4.343 db;
and for voltage ratios, current ratios, field intensity ratios, we have
1 neper = 20 logm e e=! 8.686 db.
In accordance with the above definitions the attenuation constant is measured in nepers per unit length or in decibels per unit length. The phase constant is measured in radians per unit length. Similarly the time growth constant is measured in nepers or decibels per unit time and the frequency oi in radians per unit time.
2.6. Stationary Waves
The waves discussed in section 4 are called progressive waves. The sum (or the difference) of two unattenuated progressive waves, of equal amplitude, moving in opposite directions is called a stationary wave because different points oscillate always either in phase or 180° out of phase. For instance, < a«u<-<3x) + ^mm*t = 2a cos px eiat.
2.7. Impedance Concept
The relationship between two quantities oscillating with the same frequency is given by the ratio Z of their complex representations; am(Z) gives the amplitude ratio and ph(Z) the phase difference. Consider, for example, a box containing a linear passive* electric network or an impedor and a pair of accessible terminals A, B (Fig. 2.11). Let the instantaneous values F,;, 7,: of the voltage applied across the terminals and the current flowing in response to this voltage be
Vi = re(//^() = Va cos (cot +
0 / \
ir to its time integral
Vi f Rli, V* = L
dlj. dt
the above coefficients of proportionality are called respectively the resistance, the inductance, the capacitance. In diagrams resistors, inductors,
Crap, 2
:mil capacitors are represented as shown in Eig. 2.14. For exponential and harmonic voltages and currents we have
V = 72/, V = iuZJy V =
R + i X
G + IB
Fic. 2.13. Diagrammatic representation of impedances and admittances. '.. h 1,
Ft<;. 2.14. Diagrammatic representation of resistances, inductances, and capacitances.
The impedance is a function of the frequency or more generally a function of the oscillation constant. To any exponential voltage Vept there corresponds a finite response in the impedor (Fig. 2.11), given by
Je*' =
provided p does not satisfy the following equation
Zip) = 0.
Similarly, since
. Vevt m Z(p)Jept,
(7-3) (7-A)
a definite exponential voltage exists across the terminals except when p is an infinity of the impedance function or a zero of the admittance function
Zip) = », Y{p) = 0.
When /j in a zero of the impedance function, then a finite exponential muh m may exist when /' 0, that is, when the terminals of the impedor Hi In irt circuited; the /.en >s ol '/,{[>) are the natural oscillation constants of flu* impedor, with the terminals short-circuited. Similarly, if p is a pole ill' /(/')> a finite voltage may exist if f tin terminals of the impedor are open; 0 * VV\AA/
I Ihm- poles determine the natural os-tillution constants of the impedor, with the terminals open. The corresponding frequencies are the natural frequencies of the impedor. As we ■ ,11 see, natural oscillations may be . . in il by an impulsive voltage.
citor, and an inductor connected series.
°-), (7-8)
then by (7)
Z(-m) = R(o>) - iX(o>). On the other hand, replacing w by -co in (8), we have Z(-m) = ic(-w) + zX(-to).
Comparing the last two equations, we find that the resistance function is an even function of the frequency and the reactance function is an odd function; thus
R(-w) = £(«), Xt-u) = -Xi \\ \ VI IS
'I'he impedanci- of a Unite combination of resistors, inductors, ami capaci 1111 is a rational fraction; the difference between the degrees of the numerator a in I t he t km mi mat m- is ei i her unity or zero or negative unity. The
...... and poles of a nondissipative impedor are simple; they lie on the
.....Iginary axis and they separate each other. The zeros and poles of a
passive dissipative impedor are always in the left half of the oscillation .....slant: plane; they are not necessarily simple but usually so.
.Mi. Average Power and Complex Power
The work performed by an applied voltage driving an electric current (through an impedor is
& = / Vili dt = VaIa j cos (úst + I'*
Y = -= —
II* 2* '
II* 2**
2.9. Step and Impulse Functions*
Three functions are particularly important in wave theory: the sinusoidal function, W more generally the exponential function; the step function (Fig. 2.16) and the impulse function (Fig. 2.17). In the last case it is frequently assumed that the , Mint t of the step is infinitely small and the step itself is infinitely large, while the ttrettgth of the impulse, represented by the area under the step is finite. The independent variable is usually either time or distance. A step function is called a unit
* Most of the contents of this and following sections are needed only in Chapter 10 and thus may be omitted on the first reading.
ia.i';n'uoMA(;Ni"i-k: waves-
step ill lie sudden rise itt from zero to unity. An impulse function is a unit impulse (or 11 unit source) if its strength is unir.y.
These functions are important in their own right; besides, by superposing either a finite or an infinite number of them one can obtain any function that may be met in practice. It is easy to see that this is so with impulse and step functions (Fig. 2.18);
t OR x
Fig. 2.16. A step function.
it requires some analysis to show that a function can be expanded either in a " Fourier series " or a " Fourier integral," representing addition of sinusoidal functions.
In order to obtain the response of a linear system to an almost arbitrary force we need only find its response to any one of the three above mentioned standard functions
t OR x
t or s
Fie. 2.17. An impulse function.
and integrate the result. Naturally, the principal requirement is that the integrals be convergent. For example, to find the electric current I(t) through the terminals of a given jmpedor due to an electromotive force V{i) applied across the terminals, we write
= r rOmJ)^,
where Fit,?) is the current at time/in response to a unit impulse of electromotive force at time t. In the present case we know a priori some properties of F{tJ). This function is identically zero for t < t since the electromotive force is not retroactive; for
mathematics oh1 OSCILLATIONS AND waves 33 I > 1 its value depends only on (/ - ?). Lot P(tfl) - Fit); then F{t,t) = Fit - 1)
v 1
f V(t)F{( - /) dl = / F{t)F(t - f) it. (9-2)
In potential theory, the function corresponding to F(ttt) is called Green's function; '.vi- may apply tills tunic to all responses to unit impulses.
)i'lO. 2.18. Representation of arbitrary functions by superposition of impulse functions . and step functions.
If A{t) is the current in the network in response to a unit voltage step at t = t\, then
= IKjIi - ti) + f V'(t)A(t - t) at.' (9-3)
I lere we have assumed that prior to.-i = ti the voltage is zero and that subsequently the voltage is a continuous function of time so that it changes in infinitely small steps, P"f$) dl, where W is the derivative. If there are finite discontinuities in V{t), these must be taken care of in the same manner as the sudden change from zero to V(ti). For instance, if the electromotive force ceases to act at t = tit then
I{t) - F{ti)AU - h) + P F'(t)A(t ~1)dt~ Vih)Ait - h). (9-4)
The upper limit of the integral can be h just as well as f since A it) vanishes for negative values of I. More generally, we can replace (3) and (4) by
/DC -q
Ait - i) dF(i),
ClMI'. 1
provided we interpret 1 liin inIcp.ful in I he Slicltjcs sense instead of the Kicmanii scii.se.
This interpretation consists In taking the EUemann integral and adding to it |C(r-|- 0) — F(t — 0)]/J(t — t) at each point t = r where V{t) is discontinuous. Jn this sense the dilferential dV is permitted to be finite as well as infinitesimal. In electric circuit theory A(t) is called the indhiat admittance of the network.
hi "
2m J(c)
Fie.. 2.19. The contour (C) involved in the representation of functions by contour integrals which can be interpreted as " sums of sinusoidal functions of infinitely small amplitudes."
We shall now express the unit step and the unit impulse functions as contour integrals. Consider the following integral
■ dp (9-6)
(O P
in the complex ^-plane (Fig. 2.19). The contour (C) is along the imaginary axis indented to the right at the origin, li t < t, we can add to this contour a semicircle (Ci) of infinite radius without changing the value of the integral. On this semicircle the real part of p is positive and e^^/p vanishes exponentially when —w/2 < ph(/>) < tt/2; hence the integral over (Ci) is zero except, perhaps, over the portions corresponding to the phase angles infinitely close to tt/2 or —ir/2. A closer study of the integral in these regions would show that their contributions vanish as the radius of the semicircle becomes infinite. The integrand is single-valued and has no poles within (C 4- Ci); hence the integral (6) is zero for t < i.
if / > /, then we can add to (C) an infinite semicircle (C2) in the left half of the plane, without changing the value of (6). Within this contour there is a simple pole at p = 0; since the residue is unity, the value of the integral is unity. Thus the integral (6) represents a unit step at / = /.
lly superposing two step functions, of magnitude I i and — !/r, the first beginning nt / — t/2 and the second at / = r/2, we find that the unit impulse function, centered at t " 0, is
e*ldp, as r^O. , (9-7)
In this expression it is not permissible to let t = 0 since the resulting integral is divergent in the usual sense. At times, however, the integrals derived from (7) converge for r = 0 and the substitution is permissible.
I f the unit impulse is spatial rather than temporal, we write (7) in the form
: dy, as s —0.
If in (7) and (8) we replace / by / — t and x by x impulse from the origin to a typical point
i, we shift the center of the
In the preceding equations p is pure imaginary on (C) except in the immediate vicinity of p = 0. Thus the unit step and the unit impulse have been represented by superimposing sinusoids of infinitely small amplitudes with frequencies ranging from —» to +°°. The above contour integrals can be turned into more conventional forms of "Fourier Integrals" depending only on positive frequencies; but t be present form is, on the whole, more useful. The values of the integrals will not be changed if (C) is deformed into any other contour provided this deformation takes place in the finite part of the plane and no poles are crossed in the process.
We shall now represent an arbitrary function/(/) which is equal to zero for t < 0, .in the form
I S{p)e^'dp,
2ttí J o
f(t)e-pt dt.
The function S(p) is called the complex spectrum or simply the spectrum* of/(/). The * In mathematical books S(p) is also called the Laplace transform of/(/).
Chap. 2
; unction/(/) can bs regarded u the lim'il of the sum of impulse; funciiiona of strength
/(}) A/, as A/ approaches /flu; thus
* /(/) A/ /(0 = hm D
/> At
1 = 0
p At
■ e^'-^dp, as A?->0,
p A?
= lim -i-. f
i f e^dp C mr^di,
and we have (10).
It should be noted that if/(/) is given by (10), then
in - ® = f dp.
The spectrum of this function is
If now the electromotive force V{f) impressed on an impedor is expressed as an exponential contour integral, the current through the terminals may be obtained by superposition of the responses to each elementary exponential electromotive force. Thus
V{t) = f S(p)e*dp, then /(/) = f (9-11)
In particular the responses to a unit voltage step beginning at t = 0 and to a unit impulse centered at / = 0, are respectively
1 C evl 1
m = / -^-Jp, bw-—.
2wi 1 PiZ(p)
(C) ?
e*dp. (9-12)
For circuits consisting of physical elements, the second integral converges as r —>0 and consequently
so) = — r -^-jp.
2 th J(C) Z(p)
However, in some applications it is necessary to deal with impulses of finite width rather than with idealized impulses of zero width.
Substituting for/(/) in (10) the functions A (f) and H(i) from (12), we have 1 /"° 1 ("*
wri B(,,<~"'*-
4(tyi dt,
p - plane
Since the response /(/) is zero prior to the application of the electromotive force, 'In contour (C) should be to the right of the poles of the integrand. If some poles are
on the imaginary axis, the contour is indented as shown in Fig. 2.20.
Consider now a special example. Take a resistor and an inductor in series (Fig. 2.21); the impedance function is Z{p) = R + pL. Hence the current B{l) flowing in response to an infinitely short unit voltage impulse is
1 C ept
2mJ[C)pL + R ~
- When / < 0, this integral is automatically zero because of our choice of (C). When / > 0, we may
) )
Fio. 2.21. A resistor and an inductor in series.
Km. 2.20. Infinitely small indentations in the contour (C) when
the poles of the integrand (the close (c) w;th an ;nfinite sermcjrc[e jn the left half of infinities of the admittance rune- . . . . ,
tion) pass from the left half of the Plalle- 1 here 13 °nl>' 0ne Pole * = ~R'L w,th"
Che plane to the imaginary axis, m this contour and therefore
This condition exists in non-dissipative (purely reactive) networks.
BQ) = - f-WlX. (9-14)
If the zeros of Z(p) are simple, we can obtain the current Bit) in response to a unit voltage impulse in a simple form. In the vicinity of a typical zero we have %{p) = (P — Pm)Z'{pm); hence the residue of the admittance is Z'{pm) and (13) hecomes
The summation is extended over all the zeros of Z(p).
Similarly, for an impulse of finite duration, we obtain from (12)
B(t) - %
„ . , pmT
2 sinh — ep»*
Chai>. J
for / > r/2, tlnil is, iti the interval after the impulse has censed. During the operation of the- impulse, we have — r/2 < / < r/2 anil {(.') in (12) cannot be closed with infinite semicircles since their con tri hu duns become infinite instead of infinitesimal. Substituting sinh^r/2 = - e-^l2) in (12), we obtain
Jf Mi-ítU)] "1 -*
Within our interval / + r/2 is positive and (C) in the first integral can be closed on the left; at the same time I — r/2 is negative and (C) in the second integral can be closed on the right. The second integral vanishes and we have
1 1 íí>Jh-W»I
assuming that Z(0) ^ 0. The first term arises from the pole at the origin. Evidently (17) represents the response to a voltage step of magnitude 1/r at I = —r/2. This is not surprising, since during the operation of the impulse the circuit does not know that the voltage will cease to operate.
The significance of the first term in (17) will be understood if we apply this equation to the circuit shown in Fig, 2,21. White the impulse is operating, we have
The response (14) to an impulse of infinite magnitude but of zero duration starts with a finite value. For a physical impulse of finite duration, the response (18) is zero at the instant the voltage begins to operate and builds up to the value
-Sr ti.
at the instant l — r/2, when the voltage is off. Subsequently the response decreases exponentially. If the interval r is so short that Rr/L is much less than unity, B{r/2) becomes approximately 1/L; this agrees with (14).
2.1.0. Natural and Forced Waves
Generally speaking, several wave functions are associated with a physical wave. When a wave is traveling along a string under tension, a typical point is not only displaced from the neutral position but it is also moving with some velocity and it is acted upon by some force. Thus we have a wave of displacement, a wave of velocity, and a wave of force. In electromagnetic waves we are confronted with interdependent waves of electric and magnetic intensities. The ratios of certain space-time wave functions play just as important a part in wave theory as the ratios of wave functions depending only on time play in the theory of oscillations. These generalized ratios are called wave impedances and are differentiated among themselves by qualifying adjectives and phrases.
For the present we shall confine ourselves to the simplest type of wave motion: waves in ;i i ran.....issioti line. Tin- equal n.......;overning these waves are
~-(&*<■+Lfj-Eti* A § + (10-
where: Vi and It are respectively the instantaneous transverse voltage across the line and the longitudinal electric current in it; Ei is the voltage per unit length, impressed along the line in " series " with it; R, L, G, C are constants representing the series
It Ei Fio. 2.22. A diagram explaining the convention regarding the positive directions of the transverse electromotive force V and the longitudinal electric current / in the lower wire (that is, the transverse magnetomotive force around the wire) of a transmission line consisting of two parallel wires.
resistance, the series inductance, the shunt conductance, the shunt capacitance — all per unit length of the line. A pair of parallel wires (Fig. 2.22) is a concrete example of a transmission line; the arrows in the figure explain the convention with regard to the positive directions of the variables Vit Ti, Ei. Let Ei, li, and Vi be harmonic functions; then
Ei{x,t) = ÉeíjŠ?""*). Vi = re(^tot), h = re(f«?tof).
As we have seen these complex exponentials will also satisfy equations (1). Substituting them in these equations and canceling the time factor ewts we obtain a set of ordinary differential equations
-(R + iosL)t + E(x), -jr-H -(G + icoC)P. ax
The expressions Z = R + Y = G + Í<úC, are known as the series impedance and the shunt admittance per unit length.
Let us now suppose that the applied force E is distributed exponentially along the line. To solve the equations we assume that the response P, I is also exponential and we write tentatively 1
E{x) = E?% P(x) = Vev\ l(x) =
electk< magnetic waves
mathematics OF oscillations AND waves
Substituting ill (3) and solving, we obtain
yV+ZT-E, YF+yl
v■ =
yt-ZY ' " ZF-72J
Thus we find that a response of type (4) is possible except when the propagation constant y satisfies the following equation '
72 - ZY = 0. (10-6)
This response is given by (5) and the corresponding voltage and current waves are called forced waves, by analogy with forced oscillations.
When 7 is a root of (6), that is, when 7 = ± there is no finite response of
type (4), unless the impressed force E vanishes. Exponential waves may exist in the transmission line without the operation of an applied force along the entire line. These waves arc called natural waves and the corresponding propagation constants are called natural propagation constants.
Fig. 2.23. A spatial impulse function representing a highly localized impressed electromotive force.
Just as natural oscillations can be produced by a temporal impulse of force, natural waves can be produced by a spatial impulse of force (Fig. 2.23). The magnitude of this impulse is the applied or impressed voltage
Xs/3 i(x)dx, (10-7) a/2
and it is represented by the area of the impulse. By (9-8) we have
*** dy,
where (C) is a contour in the 7-planc, shown in Fig. 2,24. Consequently from (4) and (5) wc obtain
1» f sinh¥ yy* I
' 1« J\oy*-ZY tirs J(o
yW- 72)
er*dy. (10-8)
Fig. 2.24. The contour (C) in the propagation constant plane. These integrals are convergent as s -»0; thus for a point generator we have
yi n
dy, I(x)
_ 2l C
ltd J(C
ho ZY-y*
Each integrand in (9) has two poles (Fig. 2.24) corresponding to the natural propagation constants; in the present case the origin isjiot a pole and thus contributes nothing to the value of the integral. Let V = V' ZY be that value of the square root which is located in the first quadrant of the 7-plane or on its boundaries* If x > 0, (C) can be closed with an infinite semicircle in the left halFof the 7-plane. Evaluating (9) we have
V{x) = lf*e-T*, I(x) - r^; x>0. (10-10) If a: < 0, (C) can be closed in the right half of the 7-plane; then we obtain from (9)
V{x) = /(*) = e^; x < 0.
: Since R, L, G, C are positive, VZY is either in the first quadrant or in the third.
C11a i
Thus If l 11.n■mi mic voltage l^e*"' is inserted at some point x = 0 of an infinitely long transmission line (Fig. 2.25) in scries with it, two waves are originated, one traveling to the right and the other to the left. The current through the generator is
vf*o) = i vl
Fig. 2.25. The conditions existing in a transmission line extending to infinity in both directions when an electric generator is inserted in series with the line.
continuous but the transverse voltage suffers a sudden jump F1 in passing across the generator. The input impedance seen by the generator is
2T Y
It will be remembered that in dealing with oscillations in electric circuits there was a question regarding the disposition of the contour (C). For dissipative circuits, tire correct result was obtained automatically by choosing (C) along the imaginary axis; and for nondissipative circuits, if regarded as limits of the dissipative circuits, it was natural to indent (C) as in Fig. 2.20. Nevertheless the only valid reason for making (C) pass on the right of the poles (natural oscillation constants) is to satisfy the physical condition, not included in the differential equation, to the effect that there should be no response to a force before it begins to operate. A similar situation exists in the present case; this time, however, we expect the waves to travel in both directions from the point source and hence we want (C) to separate the poles (the natural propagation constants). But these poles might be separated as shown in Fig. 2.26, in which case we should obtain
PM-ifV, Hx) = -—e^; *>0;
Vix) = -^-r» I(x) = -— e-r*; * < 0;
instead of (10) and (11). We can object to this result on two counts. In the first place, for dissipative lines the real part of T is positive and (12) states that the voltage and the current increase exponentially with the distance from the generator. This is contrary to our experience and would imply that infinite power could be dissipated in the line when finite power is supplied by the generator. In the second place, equations
M A I'll] m A riCS OF < >sc MXATIONS A NI > WAVES
ll,') imply that power im not supplied by i he generator to the line but that the line
.....mUiti-:; pnwer to the generator. Thus, by (12), the input impedances of dissipa-
m\ r mid nondissipative lines are respectively
7 _ * __2r -z._ _n f. '~I(0)~ Y' * "\C
y-p lane
Flo. 2.26. A " forbidden " form of the Fio. 2.27. Indentations in the contour of contour of integration. integration when the natural propagation
constants move to the imaginary axis as the dissipation in the transmission line approaches zero.
hence the current flows in opposition to the impressed force. Therefore, we come to I he conclusion that (C) must separate the natural propagation constants as shown in big. 2.24. For nondissipative lines this contour assumes the form shown in Fig. 2.27.
We have dismissed at the start the possibility that the wave could be started on one side of the generator and not on the other; for, when an alternating voltage is impressed at some point of the line, there is nothing to indicate on which side the wave should be if it is to be on one side only. In any case this possibility is contrary to experience.
The method just explained is particularly useful in more advanced chapters on wave theory. In the present case there is a simpler way of looking at this type of problem (see Chapter 7).
bessel and lf.oendre functions
3.1. Reduction of Partial Diffei'cntial Equations to Ordinary Differential Equations
Numerous problems of electromagnetic theory depend on solving the following equation
subject to certain boundary conditions. The usual method consists in seeking solutions of the form
V = X(x)Y(y)Z(z)> (1-2)
and forming the desired solutions by either adding or integrating functions of this type. Substituting from (2) in (1) and dividing by XYZ, we obtain
X dx2 Y dy2 Z dz2 ~ '
On the left-hand side we have three terms, each depending on one variable only; the sum of these terms is a constant. The only way we can satisfy this equation is to set each term equal to a constant; thus
d2X iv d2Y
■-- = 0~xXt -- :
dx2 dy2
The constants ax, p)Z{z\ substituting in (5), and dividing by R$Z, we have
i d ( dR\ , l d2® , imz
pR dp V dp
Z dz
(1-5) (1-6)
bessel \nd legendre functions
Since all the terms except the third are independent of , the third term must also be
independent of s; thus
1 d2Z
fffi or
Z dz2 ' d.
Substituting in (7) and multiplying by p2, we have
dR\ + _1 d2® . d2® dtp-
d ( dR\ ,
{o-2 -
— ?»2tf,
sin 8-
+ (£2sin2 0 - m2)Q = 0.
(1-13) (1-14)
This is the Associated Legendre Equation.
electromagnetic waves
ClIAl'. .1
BKSSBL AND I I .c.l ,NI>luihlnns ii r, real and livi|iiciil iy an integer. The eonslant k. may nisi) he complex hut often it: is real and of the form k" = h(h -|- 1), where it is an integer. When m is an integer, 'I' is a periodic function with period 2ir. When n is an integer, some of the solutions of (14) are finite for all values of 0; for all other values of n the solutions of (14) become infinite either for 6 = 0 or for d = it.
There is an equation related to (12), which is important in subsequent work. Rewriting (12) in the form
= (*» + °% are arbitrary. Various supplementary physical conditions will restrict these constants in one way or another. For instance, let us suppose that physical conditions require that V should vanish for * = 0 and x = a, that it should be independent of y, and that it should vanish at z = «>. As a function of x, V will vanish as required if ^(0) and X(a) vanish. Writing the general solution for X in the form
X{x) = A cosh o~xx + B sinh cxx, we find that X(0) vanishes only if A = 0; X(a) vanishes if
sinh ffxa = 0, ffxa = tntr, ax =-
where n is an integer. The constant B remains arbitrary.
I ivill be independent oi t il V Is a constant] then +2™' J~v{-%) = m?0 m\(-V + m)\2-'+2™t (3~2)
where the generalized factorial is defined in terms of the Gamma function
p\ = Y{p+\). (3-3)
The point z = 0 is seen to be a branch point. The most general solution of (1) is a linear combination of these two functions. If v is a positive integer », then
7_„(z) = (-)»/*(=), (3-4)
and we are left with only one solution, regular at z = 0. A second solution is defined as follows. For any nonintegral order v the function
/,(z) cos vir — J-,{z)
klectr< MAGNETIC waves"
Chap. .1
is a solution ill (In- Itrs.i I equation, lis limit us i' iippnincites an integer n
N„(■:,-) - lim N„(z) as v -* n (3-6)
continues to he a solution nf the Bessel equation. A series expansion for this function
i («- m - vm>rm 2 mm---£--r^t~— + - opb z + c - log 2/»(2
i' z™— 2m
ir^02n+2mm\(m + »)!
[*»(»») + ¥>(« + «)L
= - (log z + C - log 2)/«« + - £ 22m(w,)2 *<*), where the auxiliary function 0 in the expression for Np. For large values of z we have asymptotic expressions
J,{t) - - f - l), A'.fol - - f - 0.
These asymptotic expansions are valid only within certain phase limits: in the expres-imiis for /„ and N„, the phase of 2 must lie in the interval ( — 7T,tt), in the expression for H(l' the phase is in the interval ( —7r,2x),and in the expression for H1^ the phase is in the interval ( — 2x,x). These restrictions are needed because Bessel functions lire multiple-valued functions.
Complete asymptotic expansions of the various Bessel functions are
2 \ 1/2
2 \ 1/2
cxp f (z
ii-z + hir + lir) L
1 2V/T r i 1 ^ v
l~ J cos (z — a^lT — i7t) 2^
— Sill (2 — \VTT — £x) £ 1/1=0
m=o (2z;
(-)»^,2m + 1)
2\1'2 K{z) ~ ( —
sin (a — \vir — Jx) Jl
+ cos (z — \v-ti — jx) X!
(-)m(^,2w) (2z)Sm (-)'"(i',2m + 1)"
SO electromagni'.rit; WAVJiS Qu». 3
Tin; auxiliary fun, i'mn (iy«) is defined by
, . + w - j)I (4yg- la)(4^ - m ■ • ■ [4«» - (2w - l)sl
mil,-m-Dl" • <3"19)
When v = » -f then
jjg + 7»)!
The expansions (IS) are divergent; but if a finite number of terms is retained, then as z increases the sum of these terms will represent the corresponding function with increasing accuracy.
3.4. Modified Beuel Functions The modified Bessel equation is
tdhv dz*
-I- % ~~r - {zt + vi)w = 0 aZ
and its solutions are called modified Bessel functions. For nomntegral values of v a set of two linearly independent solutions is
=0m!(»' + ffl)!2'+i!»' * "V~J fflir,0m!(-f.-|-m}!2~'+:!m* Another important solution is a linear combination of these two functions
If f is a positive integer k, then
2 sin vir
V-,(?) ~ m% (4-3)
I-aiz) = $j§| (4-4)
and the equations (2) represent only one solution of the modified Bessel equation. A second solution is obtained from (3) by allowing v to approach n and passing to the limit
Kn(z) = lim Kr{z) as v—>nw
/a/-n _ a/A
\ 9« ö» / '
cos kit
From this definition the following series are obtained
= £ - mlgn-j'-+ (-)tt+1dog *+c - log mm
+ (-)» Z
'02n+im+lm\(.n + m)\
(m + m)\
-(log,+ C-log2)/0(a)+Si22m(M!)2
= - (log a + C - log 2),
provided re(v) > 0 in the expression for J^,. 11 Z is large, we have asymptotically
K^~{^) ni+^mt*—^zr—+
provided —3x/2 .'
II It TIM »\1.\t .Ml ■■|'lf WAVES'
Chap, .1
A',,,!/.(«). (S-l)
The £ and / functions arc solutions of the following differentia] equation, related to (1-16),
dho r «(» + 1)1 ■5?-L1 + —?—J1
The / and iV functions satisfy
From (4-10) and (1) we have
The analytic expressions for the functions defined in (1) are
fc„(z) = E
(« + m)\
o *»!(» - m)\(2z)m'
L m=om\(n - m)\{2z)m
i u\ ( ,nr ■ - ™ Yr"
/, z = ( cos — sin z — sin — cos z 1 >.
V 2 2 y mfo
(« + w)!
m=o'»!(« — «0 l(2z) '-)*(» + 2»)!
+ I cos — cos z + sin — sin z I >. -
\ 2 2 / £o P* + 1)!(» -
/ »* . Mr . V^" (-)m(»
«»(:) = —| cos — cos z 4- sin — sin z I >. -
\ 2 ^2 / „fr0 2m\{n - S
2ro!(» - 2OT)!(2z)2m (S-S) -)m(» + 2»? + 1)!
2m - 1)!(2z)2"<+1 + 2m)\
Kir . . »t \
+ cos — sin z — sin •— cos z >_
2 2 / ^0 (2m + 1)!(h - 2« - l)!(2z)2»+1
2w)!(2z)2"' (-)"(» + 2?» + 1)!
In particular we have
Aft) = r*, &KE EUNtTlONS
In. Spherical Harmonics and Legendre Functions
Solutions of (1-11) are called spherical harmonics. We have seen that it has I llutioni of the form
T(0,) + 2 £ 7n(±<7p) cos »«9
«5 50
e<-V»*>*-J0$p) + 2 £ Jin(ßp) cos 2n
/ -s/2 O -s/2
u/2 ■m/2
I (7-9)
1 /"''2 /,s''2 X íV
lf-3í 0
Jot J to t
r* i - cos/ 7o /
= C + log x — Ci Si os =
Gx = logx + C-^ + ^---?- + ■■■, C= 0.577-
Si x
Ci x
* cos* " (-)"(»! sin x " (-)"(2» + 1)1
2^ ..(a — 2_/
* «=o x-
X it=0
sin* ™ (-)"(»! cos* " (-)"(2» + 1)! x n=0 * x „=0 *2B+l
£*'( ±w) = Ci x ± / Si x Si (—#) = — Si x
1 — COS 4 Cxl- cos t
0 / Jo t
Jo /„(*) «& = 1
r Mkx) i
1 -ax = —, n = 1,2,3, • • •
Jo v »
Chap, 3
(7-13) (7-141 (7-15) (7-16) (7-17) (7-18) (7-19) (7-20) (7-21)
(7-24) (7-25)
(7-26) (7-27) (7-28)
Hi ssi I. AND legendre functions * 1 • 3 • 5 • • • (2 n- 3)Jn-i(x)
'0 * M i
I /•'./■ v)
J, #m
dx ~ —
/n+l(*) _ (m + » + l)/n+2(y)
(w + w-f l)(w4-» + 3)/^W
■<# = C(x) + iS(x)
/ cos — dt = C(x), \ sm — dt= S(x) J o 2 t/ o *
£7(0) - .5(0) = 0, C(oo) = S(«) = 0.5
CM = E
b2So(2«)!(4» + 1)
nf0 22«+H2» + 1)1(47/ + 3)
irA-" its;'' C(x) ~0.5 4- P(.v) cos — - Q(x) sin —
S{x) ~ 0.5 + P(«) sin — + 0(.v) cos —
J_ f (-)"+'! -3-5 ••■ (4*4-1) ^ (™2)2»+*
1 - (_)»+!! ■ 3 ■ s • ■ • (4w - 1)
(7-32) (7-33) (7-34)
Z J*+Wi>(iv**), S(x) = E hn-\-(m)(^x") (7-38)
Ti =0
n =0 *»cos/3(r + 2)
dz =
Ci/Sfrz + za) -Gpin + zi)
r = VP2 + z"2, n = Vp* 4- z2, r2 = Vp2 4- z\
rz" sin gQr + z) Jz, r
dz = Si P(ra + 22) - Si 0(n + 21)
Jf^cos S(r ■ ■-—--<&=Ci/3(r1-2i)-Ci/3(r!!-Z2)
P Mng(r~-i!? ^z = s; /s(n - Zi) - si jfa - 22)
i/a, r
* For n = 1 the numerical coefficient is unity. | The first term of Q(x) is —l/irx.
(7-40) (7-41)
i tiAv. :i
/Via (cos 0) = 1\ (cos 0) + 2A |VB (cos 0) log cos^ + 5«J Ph+A (- cos 9) = (-)"/J„(cos 0) + 2A |"(-)n/J„ (cos 0) log sin | + Jn'J = E —TIT-vi I , + —;-7 +----TT Jsin h
„ = i a!a;!(» — a)! \»
1 1
+ a » + a — 1
« + l)
_ Sill ?7,V 7T — „v
E - = —— , 0 < x < 2x
»=i n 2
-§ log 2(1 — cos .v) = — log
(7-46)* (7-47)
cos nx x- jr.v .v
n-l »
6"i + 4' 0^-<2-
1 — COS RJf 7TW *
» = 1 »
, - - , 0 '2£ * <2ir 2 4
6 ~T+12' °--V<27r
2 sin - J, 0 < * < 2ir (7-48)
(7-49) (7-50) (7-51)
E —5 ■= — # log
l/A3 J_M5 9\2/ +450\2/
»=1 ™J 288
+ ■ ■ •, 0 < x < 2w (7-52) (7-53)
CO X «
F{6,® # J" = ™S 9, /I = COS 9,
-Pr cos 0
2x (« + #;)'■■
2« + l (» - m)\ f2v C1 2w (n + m)\
(/») sin m*»* - - - E (2» + A03>-)/'. (cos o)
,tfr«« £ (2„ + l)i»)n(flr)P9 (cos 9)
59 (7-57) (7-58)
rxp - iVr2 + a2 - 2ar cos 0 1 ™ *
,, ,— = -pr- S (2»+ i)^n(r«)/n(rr)Pn (cos e), r < a
Vr + a2 - 2a;-cos 9 rar„=0
_ (7-59)
cxp [-<)3\'/H + a2-2arcos 9] _ Vr2 + a3 - 2ar cos 9
E (2» + l)[/„(j3a) - ifi.(fi*)]jMr)P» (cos 9), r < a (7-60)
Fundamental Electromagnetic Equations
4.1. Fundamental Equations in the MKS System of Units
It is assumed that the reader is familiar with fundamental electromagnetic concepts. An excellent description of a set of experiments underlying these concepts and the laws of electromagnetic induction may be found in the first four chapters of " Physical Principles of Electricity and Magnetism" by R. W. Pohl.* We shall use exclusively the meter-kilogram-second-coulomb system of units, commonly known as the Giorgi or the MKS system. In this system electromagnetic equations are particularly simple and correspond closely to physical ideas and measurements, com.-mon in engineering laboratories. Table I gives a list of quantities, symbols, names of units, and some dimensional equivalents of these units.
The definitions of common electromagnetic terms may be summarized as follows. The basic idea of electric charge has to be gained from experience. When two bodies are electrified certain forces between them are attributed to the " electric charges " in them and the force E per unit " positive " charge is called the electric intensity. Electricity appears to be atomic in structure and the smallest particle of negative charge is called the electron. In some substances, called conductors, there are many " free " electrons, easily detachable from atoms; in such substances the electric current density /, defined as the time rate of flow of electric charge per unit area normal to the lines of flow, is proportional to the electric intensity (Ohm's law); thus ,
J = lE,
where the coefficient of proportionality is the conductivity of the substance. By definition, the direction of the electric current coincides with the direction of moving positive charge and is opposite to the direction of moving negative charge.
The electromotive force V (or the " voltage ") acting along a path joining points P and Q is defined as the line integral of the electric intensity
: Blackie & Son Limited (1930).
E s ds.
Tahi.k I
Name of Quantity Sym-■ bol Name of Unit Dimensional Equivalent
1 .CMgtll — meter —
Mass — kilogram —
Time t second 1—
Energy — joule volt-coulomb, newton-
Power — watt joule per second
1 'i iree — newton joule per meter
Electric charge, electric dis- ? coulomb ampere-second
Displacement density D coulomb per meter2
Electric current I ampere coulomb per second
Current density J ampere per meter2
Electromotive force V volt joule per coulomb
Electric intensity E volt per meter newton per coulomb
Impedance (electric) Z,K oh in volt per ampere
Admittance (electric) Y,M mho ampere per volt
1 nductance L henry ohm-second
Permeability henry per meter
Capacitance C farad
Dielectric constant e farad per meter
Conductivity S mho per meter
Magnetomotive force U ampere
Magnetic intensity H ampere per meter
Magnetic flux é weber volt-second
Magnetic charge m weber volt-second
Magnetic flux density B weber per meter
Magnetic current K1 volt
Magnetic current density M1 volt per meter2
1 It will be clear from the context whether K stands for magnetic current or impedance.
2 It will be clear from the context whether M designates magnetic current density or admittance.
Thus the electromotive force represents the work done by £ on a unit positive charge moving along PQ and the work done on a charge q is Vq. The electromotive force is not a true force in the usual mechanical sense.* Consider now a homogeneous conducting rod of length / and let its cross-
*The electromotive force may be regarded as the generalized force and the electric charge as the generalized coordinate in Lagrange's sense.
kif.c'i K< )IV1.\< ;ni . i K waves
OtAI1. 4
gei iimi lir .v; I hen I In- in ri ii 11 / in the mil i:; S'J, llu- electromotive force
\r, //',', arid therefore
I=GF, G = ^f; V=RI, i? = ^.
The coefficients of proportionality R and G are called respectively the resistance and the conductance of the rod. The work done by V per second is Fq/tox Vl = GV2 watts; this work appears as heat. The electric power dissipated in heat per unit volume is evidently JE — gE2.
The magnitudes of the volt and the ampere have been chosen to suit the most common experience. Thus the voltages supplied to the homes for lighting and cooking purposes are between 110 and 120 volts; the current through a 100 watt electric bulb is about 0.9 ampere and the resistance of the bulb is about 122 ohms. For the mechanical units, similarly, the weight of 1 kilogram is about 9.8 newtons; the potential energy of a kilogram-mass 1 meter above ground is 9.8 joules; and the kinetic energy of 1 kilogram moving with a velocity equal to 1 meter per second is half a joule.
A perfect dielectric is a medium possessing no detachable electric particles; in such a medium g = 0. Vacuum is the only physical example of a perfect dielectric; in the first approximation, however, many other media may be treated as perfect dielectrics. Consider now the field produced by electric charges placed in a perfect dielectric. If a neutral conductor is introduced in the field, the free electrons will move under the influence of E until inside the conductor the electric intensity of the separated or ' induced " charges becomes equal to — E. At the surface of the conductor the total tangential component of the electric intensity must be zero or the electrons would still be moving; on the other hand, the normal component will be different from zero. In order to explore this " electrostatic induction " quantitatively we may take a conductor formed by two separable thin flat discs of small area and insert it at some point in the field. The discs are then separated, removed from the field, and the charges on them measured. It will be found that these charges are equal and opposite and that their magnitudes are proportional to the product of the electric intensity, the area of the discs, and the cosine of the angle formed by the normal to the discs with some fixed direction. The maximum charge per unit area is called the displacement density D at the point in question. Generally the components of D are linear functions of the components of E and the directions of D and E are different; but in isotropic media D and E are in the same direction and
D = eE.
The coefficient: of proportionality < is called the dielectric constant. In this book we are'concerned only with isotropic media.
For example, consider two parallel conducting plates with equal and opposite charges. If the distance between the plates is small compared with the dimensions of the plates, the electric field between the plates is nearly uniform except near the edges and electric lines (lines tangential
+ ++ + + + ++ +>++ + + -M4
Fig. 4.1. Electric lines of force between the plates of a capacitor.
In E) look like those in Fig. 4.1. Thus experience indicates that between two infinite uniformly charged plates the field would be uniform and the charges on the two conducting plates introduced in the field would separate as shown in Fig. 4.2. The displacement density is found to be equal to the electric charge per unit area on the positively charged plate.
+ + -i- + +
+ + + + + +■»+++ + ++ ++ + + + + +
Pig. 4.2. Electrostatic induction in the field between FlQ. 4.3. Concentric spheres, two equally and oppositely charged planes.
In his original experiments on electrostatic induction Faraday employed two metal spheres (Fig. 4.3). He placed a fixed charge q on one sphere and then enclosed it within the other. After connecting the outer sphere to ground, he measured the charge remaining on the sphere. He found that this charge is equal and opposite to the charge on the inner sphere regardless of the dimensions of the spheres and the medium between them. In the case of concentric spheres electric lines of force are radial and there-
ii i ( i k< >m.\i;ni-:i u WAVES
Chap. I
Imr the infill di'/>/,iccntciil through liny sphere concentric with the sphere containing y is
The voltage is found to be proportional to q; hence D is proportional to E. In the region between concentric spheres we have then
Dr =
Er =
where r is the distance from the center of the inner sphere. The voltage between the spheres is
J a Aire \a b)
The ratio q/V is called the capacitance; hence the capacitance of two concentric spheres is
itreab b — a
When the outer sphere is removed to infinity, then C = 4wea.
Let the outer sphere be infinite and the inner vamshingly small. Then any other " point charge " q will not affect the field of q and the force exerted by one charge on the other is
F -
This is Coulomb's law. In free space e is approximately equal to (l/36ir)10~9 farads per meter (8.854 X 10-12); thus small charges produce large electric intensities.
By direct integration it may be shown that for a point charge and therefore for any distribution of charge the displacement through a closed surface is equal to the enclosed charge so that (2) is true regardless of the shape of (S).
An electric current exerts a force on each end of a compass needle and thus is surrounded by a magiieticfield. In the case of two coaxial cylindrical sheets or two plane sheets, carrying equal and oppositely directed steady currents (Figs. 4.4^ and 4.4£), the field is confined to the region between the cylinders or the planes. In the first case magnetic lines (that is, lines tangential to the forces on the ends of the compass needle) are circles coaxial with the cylinders and in the second case they are straight lines parallel to the planes and perpendicular to the direction of current flow. The
hi rows in Fig. 4.4 indicate the direction of the force on the north-seeking hi I he " positive " end of the needle; -|-/ is supposed to be Rowing toward i he reader. Between two plane current sheets the magnetic intensity H miiloi'iu; it depends on the linear current density in the sheets but not mii i he distance between them. This linear current density is taken as the
Via. 4.4. The magnetic intensity between coaxial cylinders Eind parallel planes.
measure of H; hence the unit of H is the ampere per meter. Similarly I he magnetic field is uniform inside a closely wound cylindrical coil; the magnetic intensity is independent of the shape and si/.e of the cross-section of the cylinder, is parallel to the generators of the cylinder, and is equal to the circulating current per unit length of the coil. In this case Jrl is also equal to the number of " ampere-turns," that is, to the product of the current in the wire and the number of turns per unit length of the coil. FlG- 4-s- A wire W
It is an experimental fact, discovered by Faraday, that a voltage exists across the terminals of" a loop (Fig. 4.5) in a varying magnetic field. For a small loop this voltage is proportional to the cosine of the angle between H and the axis of the loop; the maximum voltage is proportional to the product of the area S of the loop and the time derivative of H; the coefficient of proportionality n depends on the medium and is called the permeability. The time integral of the voltage is called the magnetic flux or the magnetic displacement $ through the loop; thus for a small locp
$ = SB, B = pH, (1-4)
where B is called the magnetic flux density. The magnetic flux through any surface is defined as the surface integral of the normal component of B
Bn dS.
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES The following time derivutives
ot' at'
Chapi j
(I 61
are called respectively the magnetic current and the magnetic current density, The first law of electromagnetic induction (Faraday's law) may then In expressed as follows
V = -K, or f E,ds = - ff MH dS, (1-7)
where the line integral is taken round the closed curve forming the edge of a surface (). The negative sign indicates that the electromotive force round the curve appears to act counterclockwise to an observer looking in the direction of the magnetic current (Fig. 4.6).
The magnetomotive force U is defined as the line integral of H
IIs ds.
The second law of electromagnetic induction (Ampere's law, amended by Maxwell) may then be expressed as follows
U = I, or JH,ds= f f JndS;
Fig. 4.6. Relative directions between magnetic and electric currents and electromotive and magnetomotive forces induced by them.
that is, the magnetomotive force round a closed curve equals the electric current passing through any surface bounded by the curve. The magnetomotive force appears clockwise to an observer looking in the direction of the current (Fig. 4.6).
These two fundamental laws of induction form the basis of electromagnetic wave theory. They are abstractions from experiments performed
under restricted conditions and as such they arc postulates which may be
I onsidercd valid as long as theoretical conclusions derived front them agree with all available experimental evidence.
Inside a conductor the electric current density is gE; the magnetomotive Ion es may be calculated from this current density only if the surface (S) in equation (9) lies completely inside the conductor. Suppose now that we connect two dec-
ii u ally charged spheres with a conducting wire (Fig. 4.7). The magnetomotive force round a small loop encircling the wire is /; if equation (9) is to hold for any surface
o +q
6 -q
such as () in Fig. 4.7 through which no conduction cur- p1(5_ 47 The time 11 -111 is flowing we should include in / another term. If derivative of the
inward displacement through (S) is equal to the outward conduction current.
i he positive direction of / is chosen to be from the lower phere to the upper, then / = dq/dt and there exists a 1 inie rate of change of electric displacement through (S) which, when regarded as an " electric' current," is just sufficient to give the right value of the magnetomotive force. Thus we define the displacement current density
dD dE ]d-Tt~tTt
\ q
Displacement currents must be included if (9) is to be true irrespective of 1 he choice of (£); but, of course, there is no a priori physical reason requiring that (9) should be so general and only experiment can decide if it is. If
(9) is really general, we should expect magnetomotive forces to exist where there are no other currents but displacement currents; this happens to be the case. Consider for example a circular loop round which we measure the magnetomotive force U and an electric charge q moving on the axis of this loop (Fig. 4.8); the displacement through the plane of the loop increases until the charge reaches this plane. If q comes from a great
distance, the time integral J' Udl is ^q; as q passes on to a great distance
the time integral becomes* q.
For complete generality a third term should be included in the current density in (9). Imagine acloud of electric charge moving with a velocity v;
* The absolute value of Dn diminishes but its sign is negative.
10. 4.8. An electric charge moving on the axis of a circular loop.
if the volume ilinr.il y i if elect i ic charge is (j, llii: current density is
This is the convection current rind it differs from the conduction currcnl in that it exists outside conductors and its density is not proportional to I'., In particular we shall be interested in forced convection currents produi i i| by forces external to .the field (chemical, mechanical, etc.); such turn nl will be called impressed currents. In our equations such currents provide a link between an electromagnetic field and its external cause. Thus Wi shall write the total electric current density in the following form
The first term alone exists in conductors;* in perfect dielectrics we ordinarily have only the second term; in ordinary good dielectrics this term predominates but a small conduction current term will usually exist; and finally in " electric generators " we have /'. In electrolytic cells and vacuum tubes we have convection currents; in a dynamo the current is of conduction type but its density is not equal to gE, where E is the electric intensity of the electromagnetic field. In a dynamo the current density is g(E + £*), where El is the " motional electromotive force " which is an example of an impressed electromotive force. If the wires of the dynamo were " perfect conductors," g would be infinite and E + El would equal zero; /*, however, would be finite.
In wave theory we use /* for closing circuits and introducing hypothetical generators of simplified type. Suppose we wish to find what happens when a variable current is flowing through a wire loop (Fig. 4.5). We assume that the electric charge is being transferred back and forth between the terminals of the loop under the influence of some applied or impressed force. The current in the loop produces a magnetic flux
j E. ds - // (gEn + . charge in a magnetic field is assumed hi be Urn. The dimensions are col rect but a numerical factor might have been included. The torque on n magnetic doublet (two charges m, — »/ separated by distance /) of mmw.nl ml placed normally to the lines of force is then ilml. In Chapter G we shall find that with the above definitions in mind the field of a magnetic doublet is the same as that of an elementary electric current loop provided ml — p.SI, where / is the current and S is the area of the loop. The torque on the loop whose axis is normal to the magnetic lines would seem to be tiHSI-= BSI; this happens to be the case and we have a machinery for replacing in calculations circulating electric currents by equivalent magnetic doublets. Coulomb's law for the force between magnetic charges as above defined is evidently m^niil^-nyr1.
Maxwell's equations in the form in which we have expressed them possess considerable symmetry; E and //correspond to each other, the first being measured in volts per meter and the second in amperes per meter; D and li correspond to each other, the first being measured in ampere-seconds per square meter and the second in volt-seconds per square meter; electric and magnetic currents correspond to each other, the first being measured in amperes and the second in volts. In literature one finds arguments tc the effect that " physically " E and B (and D and H) are similar and that B is more " basic " than H. All such arguments seem sterile since electric and magnetic quantities are physically different; whatever similarity there is comes from the equations.
4.2. Impressed Forces
In equations (1-15) and (1—16) electric generators are represented by the current densities / and M whose values are supposed to be given. Of
course, in order to obtain given values of the generator currents we must have properly distributed impressed inte?isities which sustain these currents against the forces of the electromagnetic field. These impressed intensities are not included in E and H in equations (1-15) and (1-16); they are equal and opposite to the field intensities against which the charges in the generator have to be moved.
For example, in an electrolytic cell there exist contact forces tending to separate positive and negative charges. In Fig. 4.9 the lightly shaded region represents an electrolyte and the heavily shaded regions are greatly
Fig. 4.9. A diagram of an electrolytic cell.
lungnifiecl regions of contact between the electrolyte and I he metal plates
. /.....1 /), The contael forces nmvc I he negative charge to the metal plates
until the electromotive forces of the separated charges just balance the oniaet electromotive forces. Contact lours are different for different metals and when two plates A and D are submerged there may exist a net impressed electromotive force between A and D (Fig. 4.10) which is equal
l+ + ++'-f+-*--*-t--l--«- + + + -t--l--l-+ + ++ -»--4--H- +
I :.;.4.KI. The electromotive force between the metal plates of the cell due to the electric charges separated within it is the same for any path either inside or outside the cell. Inside the cell diere are also contact forces acting on the charges.
and opposite to the voltage Vaqd produced by the separated charges. The voltage Fj.pd = — Vaqd and the total electromotive force of the field round the closed path is zero, which is consistent with (1-15) since there is no magnetic current through the circuit. If A and D are connected by a conducting wire, the electric intensity of the field of separated charges will move the electrons in the wire and a
current will be produced. —-
As another example let us take a j fixed pair of wires AB and CD and a p/ sliding wire MN of length / equal to
the separation between AB and CD _\_
(Fig. 4.11). Let there be a uniform A V___-
magnetic field H perpendicular to pIGi 4 ii_ a conducting wire sliding alons the plane of the paper and directed a pair of parallel wires in a magnetic field, toward the reader. Let the velocity of
MTV be it. Consider a circuit MNPM of which MN is the only moving part. In time dt the magnetic flux through this circuit changes by Blv dt and the electromotive force in the circuit due to the motion of MN is
Vi = -Blv.
This force is independent of the fixed part of the circuit and hence resides in the moving wire MN; for this reason it is called the motional electromotive force. The relative directions of H, v and the motional E are shown in Fig. 4.12. More generally the force on a charge moving with velocity v
in a magnetic field is
F = go X B.
In subsequent work we shall assume as given either impressed or genei ator currents or impressed electromotive forces, according to circum stances. In a pair of parallel wires (Fig. 4.13) for instance, we'may star) with a given current P flowing from B to A, determine the charge ami
Fig. 4.12. The relative directions of the motional electric intensity, the magnetic intensity, and the velocity.
Fic. 4.13. A diagram illustrating the simplified conception of an electric generator in wave theory.
current distribution in the wires, the field due to these charges and currents and hence the electromotive force ^of this field acting from A to B. The impressed electromotive force needed to sustain P against V\s Vi = — V. Or we may start with a given V% and determine the corresponding I*.
4.3. Currents across a Closed Surface
The total electric and magnetic currents across a closed surface vanish. This theorem follows immediately from (1-15) when these equations are assumed to hold independently of the choice of (S). We simply draw a closed curve on a closed surface (S), and apply (1-15) to each part of the surface. Thus we have
where I and K are the impressed currents flowing out of the volume bounded by (S).
In perfect dielectrics g = 0. Substituting in (1) and integrating with respect to t, we have
J J eEndS = J j DndS= -f Idt=q, (3-2)
f j pi/,, dS = f j' Bn dS - - J Kdt - m, (3-2)
where q and m are the electric and magnetic charges inside (S) at time t. 1.1. Differentia! Equations of Electromagnetic Induction and Boundary Conditions
Applying the integral equations (1-15) to an infinitely small loop and using the definition of the curl of a vector, we obtain
curlE= -y.^--M, curltf = gE + *^+J. (4-1)
Similarly, equations (1-16) for harmonic fields become
curl E = -iapH - M, curl H = (g + icoe)E + J. (4-2)
At a boundary (S) between two media the above equations are not necessarily satisfied because E and H may be discontinuous. A connection between the fields on opposite sides of (S) is obtained from the integral
Fig. 4.14. A cross-section of a boundary between two media and a rectangle having two sides parallel to this boundary and the other two sides vanishingly small.
equations. Thus, assuming that all variables and constants in these equations are finite, and applying the equations to a typical rectangle with two sides, one in each medium, close to and parallel to (S), such as the rectangle A'B'B"A" in Fig. 4.14, we have
£,' = #', H't=H['. (4-3)
Hence the tangential components of E and H are continuous at the interface of two media.
Since the circulation of the tangential component of H per unit area is the normal component of /, the latter is continuous across S. The normal component of M is also continuous and we have
/i = 7*, Ml - Mil. (4-4) For harmonic fields in source-free regions, these equations become
(/ + i^')E'n = Or" + ft*")**. M = (4-5)
Chap, -l
For main lirlil:; ill pel In r i licit* 11 n :,, [lie- i cilltlilh ills air
c ■*■-■* If >
///,: = n»HU. (4-6)
In perfect conductors {g<= oo) the electric intensity is zero for finite currents and the condition at the boundary is
Et = 0, or Hn = 0. (4-7)
The conception of perfect conductors is valuable chiefly because it helps to simplify mathematical calculations and to provide approximations to solutions of problems involving good conductors. In the future we shall assume all perfect conductors to be infinitely thin sheets. For reasons that will become evident later we may describe perfectly conducting sheets as sheets of zero impedance.
A sheet of infinite impedance is defined by the boundary conditions complementary to (7)j that is by
Ht = 0, or = 0. (4-8)
Such a sheet can be pictured as having an infinite permeability and it is useful as an auxiliary concept for simplifying certain problems.
4.5. Conditions in the Vicinity of a Current Sheet
Another auxiliary concept is that of a current sheet, defined as an infinitely thin sheet carrying finite current per unit length normal to the lines of flow. Let us suppose that Fig. 4.14 shows a cross-section of an electric current sheet whose linear current density f is normal to the plane of the figure and is directed to the reader. Applying (1—15) to the rectangle
A' B'B" A'
The positive directions of the current density, the tangential component of H and the normal to the sheet are assumed to form a right-handed triad. Similarly for a magnetic current sheet of density M, we have
E[ - E[' = -M, H't = Hi'
The discontinuities in the tangential components of the field intensities imply discontinuities in the normal components of the field current densities. Imagining a pill box with its broad faces infinitely close and parallel to the electric current sheet on its opposite sides and then calculating the current into the pill box and out of it, we have
Ji! - J'n= -div' /, M'n = Mil. (5-3)
Similarly for the magnetic current sheet, we obtain
M'J -M'n= -div' M, Ji = Ji'. (5-4)
■Id. Conditions in tln} Vicinity of [,'tiicttr Current Vilumvuts
These conditions arc obtained directly from (1.-7) and (1-9). Thus in the immediate vicinity of an infinitely thin electric current filament /, and magnetic current filament K, we have
*V=-^, (6-1)
Fic. 4.15. A cross-section of the wave-front, that is, the boundary separating a field from field free space.
assuming that the filaments coincide with the z-axis.
'1.7. Moving Surface Discontinuities
We shall now consider the case in which the time derivatives of E and H .in infinite as, for example, at a wavefront defined as the boundary between a finite moving field and a field-free space. Without loss of generality we may ignore the impressed currents. I'iii- reasons of simplification our discussion is restricted to homogeneous perfect dielectrics. Since there is no surface charge on the wavefront (S) (Fig. 4.15), the normal components of the electric and magnetic displacement densities are continuous; in homogeneous media this means that the normal components of the electric and magnetic intensities are also continuous. Since the field is identically zero on one side of the wavefront, the normal components vanish and E and H are tangential to the wavefront.
Let us assume that the positive directions of E, H and the velocity v of the field (normal to S) form a right-handed triplet and consider a rec-i angle A'B'B"A" (Fig. 4.15) in which A'B' is normal to H. The magnetic displacement through the rectangle increases at a rate fiHvl, where / is the length of A'B'. This must be equal to the electromotive force El around the rectangle, where E is the electric intensity along A'B'; in view of our convention regarding the positive directions of E, H, v, we have E = jivH. Similarly, if we choose A'B' in the direction of H, we obtain H = evE. These equations connect H and the component of E normal to it. If there were a residual component of E, then, starting with this component and proceeding as above, we should have to acknowledge the existence of H normal to it which would be inconsistent with the original assumption that we have started with the total H. Multiplying and dividing the above equations we have
jltV =1, v = ±
± T)H, 7] =
emu 11«jmac;ni.'iit waves
Vhav, -i
The velocity of the wnvefront unci the ratio E/Hon it arc thus fixed by the properties of the medium; this velocity will be called the characteristic velocity and the ratio j> = E/H the intrinsic impedance. In free space m have approximately* v{] = 3 X 10s m/sec, rj0 = 120*-377 ohms; in pore water rv = \ X 3G8 m/sec, ?? ^ 42 ohms.
Since £ is positive when the product of // and tJ is positive, the field is moving in the direction in which a right-h anded screw would advance when turned from E toH through 90°. Depending upon the relative directions of E and H, the field is either moving into the field-free space or receding from it. Imagine for instance a uniform " field slice " (Fig. 4.16) in which E and 11 have constant values between two parallel planes. As we have shown,
Fig. 4.16. The cross-sec don of a " field slice. "
Fig. 4.17. An electric current sheet generating a field slice.
such a slice cannot remain stationary but must move with the characteristic velocity. That such a moving field could conceivably be generated may be seen as follows. Imagine an infinite plane sheet containing uniformly distributed equal and opposite charges and let a constant impressed intensity E? set these charges in motion at the instant t = 0, At this moment magnetic intensities must appear on each side of the current sheet (Fig. 4.17) and H+ = -H~ = where f is the current density in the sheet. For the electric intensities on the two sides we have = E~ = —E\ Considering the relative directions of E and H, we find that on both sides the field will be propagated away from the sheet. Between the two wavefronts the field remains uniform until Ei ceases to operate, at the instant / = T, let us say. Thereafter we shall have two field slices of thickness / = vT moving in opposite directions. The work per unit area performed by E{ in sustaining p during the interval (0,7*) is E\J{T and the energy contributed to the field is carried away by the field slices.
Similar but spherical field shells expanding outwards are created whenever an electric particle is accelerated or decelerated.
* The subscript zero is used to indicate specifically that the constants refer to free space.
4.8. Energy Theorems
Starting with the fundamental equations of electromagnetic induction (4-1), let us take the scalar product of the first equation and H and subtract from it the scalar product of the second equation and E
m _ be
H-curl E-E- curl H = —M-H — E - J — gE2 — p,H■
Integrating over a volume (r) bounded by a closed surface (S), using equa-(ions (1.8-5) and then (1.3-1), and rearranging the terms we obtain
-III E-Ii- fflMHJ* - SSL sE°* +s III »* *+1 //£>hH'dr*$L{EXH)-M
As usual the positive normal n to ($} 'is directed outwards. Integrating (1) with respect to / in the interval (- «V) and assuming that originally the space was field-free, we obtain
" f & f f f / + M-H)dr = f dt f f f gE2dr
+j J J &E2 + ^H2)dr + f dt J (EXH)ndS. (8-2)
The left side in (1) is the rate at which work is done by the impressed forces against the forces of the field in sustaining the impressed currents and the left side in (2) is the total work performed by the impressed forces up to the instant t. In accordance with the principle of conservation of energy we say that this work appears as electromagnetic energy and we explain the various terms as follows. The first term on the right of (1) is the rate at which electric energy is converted into heat and the first term in (2) is the total energy so converted.* The second term in (1) may be interpreted as the time rate of change of the electric energy within (S) and the third term as the time rate of change of magnetic energy; the corresponding terms in (2) represent the electric and magnetic energies within {S) at the instant t. The last term in (1), being a surface integral, is interpreted as the rime rate of energy flow across (S); similarly the last
* Since gE is the conduction current density gE dt is the electric charge moving in response to E; consequently gE2 dt is the work done by the field and must appear as some other form of energy. This form is heat and gE2 is the power conversion pe' unit volume.
CiiAť. 4
term in (2) is interpreted as the total How of energy across (.V) up ftt the instant /.
In this interpretation we assume that the electromagnetic energies arc distributed throughout the field just as the energy dissipated in heat is known to be distributed. In conformity with (2) the volume densities of electric and magnetic energies are assumed to be
Sc = hE2, % = l„/72. (8-3)
It is consistent with (1) and (2) to interpret the Poynting vector
P = E X // (8-4)
as a vector representing the time rate of energy flow per unit area. Certainly the surface integral of this vector over a closed surface represents
Fig. 4.18 The field of a magnetic doublet and an electric charge at the center of the doublet.
Fig. 4.19. The cross-section of a moving field slice and a " pill-box" with the flat faces parallel to the wave-front at vanishingly small distances from it.
the difference between the energy contributed to the field inside (S) and the energy accounted for within (S). On the other hand it is also true that the value of this integral remains the same if the curl of an arbitrary function is added to P. Furthermore, in the case of a magnet and an electric charge at its center (Fig. 4.18), P does not vanish; and yet in this case we are averse to assuming an actual flow of energy even though such an assumption is permissible.
In another instance, however, the interpretation of P as power flow per unit area is attractive. Consider a uniform field slice, moving in a perfect dielectric, and a pill box with its broad surfaces parallel to and on opposite sides of the wavefront (Fig. 4,19). In this case / = M = 0, g = 0, and (1) becomes
EHS = &E2 + %pH*)vS, (8-5)
M IN i >am i'.ntai, EI.ECTRl >ma< JNETIC EOJ lath >ns
where A' is the area of each of the lun.nl surfaces of the pill bqX. The v ret or /' is in the direct inn of the advancing wave and it seem/as if the in m \ associated with the wave were actually traveling with velocity v, whit h is reasonable since I he wave itself is advancing with this velocity.
II in the volume bounded by (o1) there are no sources of energy, the energy dissipated in heat should enter the volume ac/bss (S). Consider lor instance a direct current I in a cylindrical wire of/radius a. If E and H .ue the components tangential to the wire, then the energy flowing into a section of length / in time / is
(2iraH)(lE)t = Vít, (8-6)
where V is the voltage along the surface.of the wire. Since // is the charge which has passed through the wire in jíme /, Vit is indeed the work done by i In forces of the field.
We shall now derive another energy theorem, particularly suitable to harmonic fields. Multiplying scalarly the first equation of the set (4-2) 1. v //*, the conjugate of thysecond by E, and subtracting, we obtain
//* • curl E - E ■ cmyíl* = -M ■ U* - E ■ J* - gE ■ E*
+ ioěEE* - wpH< H*.
Integrating this over a volume (t) bounded by a closed surface (S), using (1.8-5) and (1.3-1), rearranging the terms and dividing by two, we have
-I f f f {E.J* + M'H*)dr = % f f f gEE*dr \m J J ■ H* dr - \iu Jff iB ■ £* dr
r\ f f {EXll*)ndS. (8-7)
The real part of the expression on the left of this equation is the average power spent by the impressed forces in sustaining the field. Some of this power is transformed into heat and the precise amount is given by the first term on the right; the rest flows out of the volume across (S) and the amount is represented by the real part of the last term. The second and third terms on the right are equal to the product of 2ío and the difference between the average magnetic and electric power stored inside (S).
The last term in (7) is called the complex power flow across (S) and is designated by Ý
*=$ jj {ExH*)«dS.
I'llAI', 4
The vector P «■ %E x H* t9 the complex Poynting uector\ its retil purl) It] the average power (low per unit area.
If (<$') is a perfect conductor, the tangential component of /',' vanishes hence there is no flow of energy across (A') and /' is parallel to the sin I'm < A closed perfectly conducting sheet separates space into two electronuiu, netically independent regions. Similar complete separation is afforded by n closed surface of infinite impedance (Ht = 0). In the physical world metals are in some respects good approximations to perfect conductor! but there are no good approximations to infinite impedance sheets exeepl at zero frequency (or nearly zero) when substances with extremely high permeability act as high impedance media.
Only the tangential components of E and H contribute to SI'. If u and u are orthogonal coordinates on (S) and if u, v, n form a right-handed triplet of directions, then
* = (EJf* - EvHt) dS.
Introducing the ratios
Eu y
we obtain
If now then
Zuv ~'
\ J J{ZvuHuHl + ZmHvll%) dS. hf fzn(HJI* +. HVH*) dS.
(8-11 (8-12) (8-131
In this case Zn is called the impedance normal to the surface (S).
Consider now a conducting surface of thickness t. The linear current density / is equal to //, where J is the surface current density. If g is the conductivity, then / = gE and consequently / = gtE. If / approache zero and g increases so that the product G = gl remains constant, we have
/ = G£, E = Rf, (8-14)
where G and R are called respectively the surface conductance and the surface resistance of the sheet. More generally we define the surface admittance Ys and the surface impedance Z, by equations similar to the above'
/ = YSE, E = Z J, where the constants of proportionality are complex.
Imagine now two infinitely close sheets, one with infinite surface imped-
.....■ and the other with finite impedance Z„. Since the component of H
tangential to an infinite impedance sheet is zero, the component of H tan-in r11i.il to thai side of the finite impedance sheet which is not adjacent io i lie infinite impedance sheet is equal to the linear current density /; I hus
Hu — J Vs Hv — J u
mid the impedance normal to the combination of the two sheets* is equal i11 i lie surface impedance. Equation (13) then becomes
* = */ fz'^»/i+ Aft)dS-
Secondary Electromagnetic Constants
The conductivity g, the dielectric constant e, and the permeability n .ni i he primary electromagnetic constants of the medium in the sense that iIm y appear directly in the formulation of the electromagnetic equations. In equations (4-2) the terms on the left are three dimensional derivatives
' responding to ordinary derivatives in one-dimensional problems. The transmission line equations (2.10-3) represent a special case of Maxwell's . i |n.itions and the terminology of the former may be extended to the latter. Thus we may call mil the distributed series impedance of the medium and (i; I tat) the distributed shunt admittance. The constants n, g, e are m ,|actively the distributed series inductance, shunt conductance, shunt i ap'icitance. In wave theory the important constants are not the primary iiinstants. Thus in transmission line theory two secondary constants an- introduced: the propagation constant V and the characteristic impedance K, the first being defined as the square root of the product of the series Impedance and the shunt admittance and the second as the square root of {heir ratio. Likewise, in three dimensional theory the important constants lire the intrinsic propagation constant e is negligible compared with g (except at optical frequencies) and both a and 17 are on the bisector.
In general a and rj are complex quantities
cr = a + iß,
The quantities a and are respectively the attenuation constant and the phase constant of the medium; £R. and ®C are the intrinsic resistance and reactance.
Bearing in mind the wave terminology introduced in section 2.4 we have the following expressions for perfect dielectrics
a = iß, ß — wV
1 2tt v = ->= , X = — :
Vpt ß
2tt X
1_ rjv
The phase velocity V as defined by these equations is called the characteristic velocity of the medium. For some electromagnetic waves the phase velocity is equal to this characteristic velocity; but in general the characteristic velocity is only one factor in determining the actual phase velocity of a wave. Similarly the wavelength as defined above is called the characteristic wavelength; it is one of the factors determining the actual wavelength.
For free space we have the following numerical values of various constants
376.7 es* 377 120t ohms,
v0 =
= 2.998 X 108 3 X 10s meters/second,
= 2.654 X 1(T3
I Po 1 20tt
* At optical frequencies e may be negative
H M ]$] #§ | = I - - tan-1 Q,
a = Vig (l - II + iQ* + ^ - Jgf - + ■■■),
fi - v£g (i + iff + i(?a - tVC?3 - i S g'G* + *W +
wV^M -f-
4 +
8S3 +
K_ I ft, + _3_____>
The last two series are appropriate for Q > 1 and the preceding pair for Q < 1. While there exist rapidly converging series expansions in the neighborhood of 0 = 1 it is more practicable in this range to compute directly from the first four equations.
The first terms of the last two series are first approximations for quasi -diclectrics (Q 1) and the first two terms in the preceding pair are first approximations for quasi-conductors (Q 1). The frequency and free-\pace wavelength for which Q — 1 are determined from (10) or still more conveniently from
1.8 X 10llV
— ■■ *-y- » r
The following table illustrates the extent to which media may differ from each other electromagnetically,
Mica, ^l.lX 10"14, 5.7 < er< 7, 2.8 X 10~52fie
in nondiaaipaclve media we have
vi 4- rj 4- n = -ß2 =
iL* X* '
Thus the laws of induction impose only one condition on the three propagation contains. Two of these constants are controlled by the distribution of sources producing the field. If this distribution is uniform in planes parallel to the .vy-plane, for example, we should expect the field to be similarly uniform and Tx = r„ = 0; then ilu propagation consrani in the ss-direction is equal to the intrinsic propagation eon-
■ I.ml.
Consider a typical plane through the origin
x cos A + y cos B -\- z cos C — 0,
where cos A, cos B and cos C are the direction cosines of a normal to the plane. The distance s from this plane along the normal passing through the origin may be expressed as
s = .v cos A + y cos B + z cos C.
I lence if the field is uniform in planes parallel to (5), we have
y _ «— trs g—a(x coh A 4- y cob B + z com C)
The propagation constants along the coordinate axes are
Tx = a cos A, Yy = cr cos B, T% = cr cos C, and for uniform plane waves in nondissipative media, we have
j3x = 8 cos A, j8j = j8 cos B, ft = jS cos C;
\x — X sec A, Xj, = X sec B} \e = X sec C;
vx = v sec A, Dy — v sec B, v3 = v sec C;
(10-6) (10-7)
x2 + x2 + xi x2'
m k »I v-
Thus in the case of uniform plane waves the phase velocities in various directions are never smaller than the characteristic phase velocity and the phase constants Bx, /3„, 8Z never greater than B.
If the propagation constants Tx, Tv, Tt are all imaginary, then
ffi + Pi + 0| = /32. (10-9)
None of the phase constants is greater than the characteristic phase constant and we can identify planes in which the field is uniform as those normal to the straight line whose direction cosines are
. ßx j, ßv r ft
cos A = — , cos B = — , cos 6 = — . ß ß ß
But if the phase constant in some direction is greater than 0, then there must be a real propagation constant in some perpendicular direction. Thus let j8s > fi; then
Chap, -i
r* + Tl = ft - ft" > 0. I'c.1- instance if (i, fiV 1 and therefore t; v/\fl, and if Tv = 0, then r,"j}» 2ir/X, l\X = 2ir. The attenuation in the .v-dircction per characteristic wavelength is about 6.28 nepers or 54.6 decibels; the field intensity is reduced to 0.00187 of its value if x is increased by X.
In the general case of complex propagation constants we have y = e-<."xx+"yv-i-'*ii!) e-HPzx+iiyy+0*)
From (4) we obtain (for nondissipative media)
05 + j| + M -al-al- «$ = /3s, agx + ay&y + a& = 0. (10-11) The second equation shows that the equiamplitude planes
axx + ctj,j + a„z = constant are perpendicular to the equiphase planes
fix* + fiy}' + PzZ = constant.
Thus in nondissipative media equiamplitude planes either coincide with or are normal to equiphase planes. In the former case the waves are uniform on equiphase planes in the sense that E and H each have constant values at all points of a given equiphase plane at a given instant; in the other case the amplitude varies exponentially, the fastest variation being in the direction given by the direction components
In dissipative media the second equation of the set (11) becomes
and equiamplitude planes are no longer perpendicular to equiphase planes.
The foregoing general conclusions concerning waves of exponential type (2) have a broader significance than appears at first sight. The constant Tx represents die relative rate of change of V in the ^-direction and we have
V dx2'
1 bV
V dx
The second equation is also satisfied by — Vx and in it V may be a sum of two exponential terms, one proportional to e~ Tx" and the other to er**. If the wave function is not exponential we may still define rx by the second of the above equations; Tv and I\. may be defined similarly. If these quantities vary slowly from point to point, the solutions of the wave equation will be approximately exponential, and the above properties of exponential waves will be applicable in sufficiently small regions.
Some broad conclusions may be drawn with regard to waves at an interface between two homogeneous media whose intrinsic propagation constants are of different orders of magnitude, as is the case for conductors and dielectrics. Consider a plane interface (the Jcy-plane) between air (substantially free space) above the plane and some conductor below the plane (Fig. 4.20). For an exponential wave of type (2) the propagation constants Tx> Ty in directions parallel to the boundary must be the same in both media in order that the boundary conditions may be satisfied at all points of the air-conductor interface. This is evidently so if V represents a component of
cidier /'.' or // parallel to the boundary; in this instance /' is continuous across the boundary and the continuity cannot be satisfied at all points unless l\, l\ are the mine on both sides of the boundary. The same argument applies to the normal com-
conductor * zn
Fig. 4.20. A plane boundary between two semi-infinite media, ponents of the current densities (g + i(x>t)E2 and ?w^/7j. Thus we have
r;+ F|+ %=
Subtracting the first from the second, we have
Tl = cr2 + $ + IS
We have seen that the propagation constant for a conductor is always much larger than that for free space. Tip is the propagation constant in free space in the direction normal to the interface; it may be comparable to p0 if the direction of the wave is nearly normal to the conductor, or much smaller than j3o if the wave direction is nearly parallel to the conductor. Hence in the conductor the propagation constant normal to the interface is substantially equal to the intrinsic propagation constant at all engineering frequencies.
Since the current density normal to the interface is continuous, we have
hence the normal component of E in the conductor is negligibly small compared with the normal component of E in the air.
Even at moderately high frequencies the attenuation constant in the conductor is large and the field becomes quite small at rather small distances from the interface. For frequencies of 103, 106, and 109 cycles per second the attenuation constant for copper is respectively 0.478,15.1,478 nepers per millimeter; or 4.15, 131,4150 decibels per millimeter. Each 20 decibels represents a 10 to 1 intensity ratio; thus at a million cycles the field intensity one millimeter from the surface of the conductor is less than one millionth of the intensity at the surface. Except at low frequencies the fields are confined largely to thin skins of conductors.
The current density at the surface of the conductor is gEt and elsewhere it isgEte~", where z is the normal distance from the surface. Then the total current per unit length normal to the lines of flow is
■■ďz = - Et m -£t.
On the other hand, Ht = j and therefore the impedance normal to the interface is equal to the intrinsic impedance of the conductor. The conductor may be replaced
I I IX I ly the conductor. The resistance normal to a sufficiently thick metal plate may be expressed as
11 *A
= -; (10-13)
a = ^ =
hence this resistance is equal to the d-c resistance of a plate of thickness /, defined by the reciprocal of the attenuation constant This thickness is called the " skin depth "5 but the term should not be interpreted as meaning that the rest of the conductor could be removed without changing its a-c resistance. The attenuation through the skin depth is only 1 neper and the field is reduced to only 0.368 of its value on the surface. If the entire current were compelled to flow in the " skin " of thickness t, given by the above equation, the a-c resistance would be 8.6 per cent higher than the actual resistance. The field is reduced to one tenth of its value when the distance from the surface is 2.3 times the skin depth.
It will follow from the equations of section 8.1 that the surface impedance of a conducting plate whose thickness / is small compared with the radius of curvature is jj coth at.
4.11. Polarization
In electromagnetic wave theory the differences between various media are expressed by three primary constants g, e, p. Inasmuch as material media are regions of free space in which are imbedded various material and electric particles, one can expect that in the final analysis there is only one medium, this being free space, with g = 0, e = eo, M = Mo- An electromagnetic field acts on the electric particles of the medium; their spatial distribution and velocities are changed; and they act as secondary sources of the field. The macroscopic effect of these secondary sources is described by g, e — eo, /i — gfg, In wave theory we are not interested in physical explanations of the electromagnetic differences between various media, the constants g, e, jji are supposed to be known, and we are not concerned whether their values have been obtained experimentally or somehow computed; but the principle of replacing one medium by another with compensating secondary sources is sometimes useful and can profitably be examined.
Before passing to generalities let us consider a few examples. Take a pair of concentric conducting spheres (Fig. 4.21). If the electric charge on the inner sphere is q, that on the outer (after being grounded) is —q, regardless of the dielectric between the spheres. By (1-3) the electric intensity is
while in free space it would be
The difference is
-gfj — eo) 4xeoer2
(11-2) (11-3)
Fig. 4.21. Polarization of dielectrics.
I In difference in intensities could be produced in free space by an electric charge
■ — (e«/e)| on the inner sphere and q[i — («u/e)] on the outer. If we postulate (Iii-mc- charges on (he surfaces of tin- dielectric adjacent In the spheres, we can account for the actual electric intensity on the assumption that the dielectric constant between the spheres is £o instead of e. In order to explain the postulated charges we may assume a reservoir of equal and opposite quantities of electricity in l lie dielectric so distributed as to render it neutral in ill, ib> hit nt' an electric force. Alter the inner .sphere has received an electric charge +q and the outer — q, an electric field (2) is established. Under the influence
■ if this field the electrified particles in the dielectric are displaced, negative particles toward the inner sphere and positive toward the outer. The total effect is to give rise to surface charges on the boundaries of the dielectric. These charges produce a field acting against the field (2), thus reducing die intensity to the value given by (1).
The displacement density between the spheres is
DT = *Er = e»ET + (e - ea)Er. (11-4)
It differs from the displacement density that would have been produced by the same intensity in free space. The difference is called the polarization of the dielectric
P = (e -€„)£. (11-5)
As another example let us take a pair of conducting planes with a stratified dielectric between them (Fig. 4.22). If on the lower plane we have charge q and on the upper plane —q then
D = q = tiEi m e2£2. (11-6)
We can now say that the dielectric constant is ei everywhere between the conducting planes but that in the shaded region (Fig. 4.22) the medium has become polarized relative to the surrounding medium. The relative polarization P is defined by
P = (ft - «i)£. (H-7)
In the polarized region we now have
D = ^E+P.
On the boundaries between the polarized and the unpolarized regions E and ei£ are discontinuous and since this discontinuity is no longer ascribed to a difference in dielectric constants, it must be explained by surface charges. At the upper boundary the discontinuity in eiE is ti(Ei — Ei); by (6) this is equal to (e2 — ei)£s and therefore to the polarization P. Thus the density of the surface charge on the upper boundary is P; similarly on the lower boundary the density is — P If e2 < ei, P is negative and the surface charges on the boundaries are of the same sign as those on the conductors nearest to them.
ku'.itkoma<;nktk: wavks
Ciiai'. 4
[f inatead of, stratified dielectric between the parallel plates we have ■ stratified
conductor through winch an electric current of density J « flowing, wc Sh,.....Z
exactly the results ok above with conductivities gl and Si in place of diel,,,, „
constants «a and e2 and with / in place of q.
+ ++ + + 4 + 4 + 4 +
+ ++ ♦+ + +■4 4++ + ++ + 44 + ++ ++ +4 +
Fig. 4.22. The medium may be regarded as electrically homogeneous if we assume the existence of compensating charges.
More generally let us consider a medium which is homogeneous except for an " island " (Fig. 4.23) and suppose that the island is source free. Widiin the island , , , we have
curl e = -mii'% curl H = (g" + iae")E, (11-9) and at the boundary
e', = e';, Hi = h"u ///: = m"<,
(&' + i™')e'a = Qr" + »W')£'„'. (11-10)
Since equations (9) can be written in the form ,
curl e = —io>p!h — m, curl//= (g' + ,W)£+ /,
Fig. 4.23. The cross-section of an " island " in an orhcr-wisehomogeneousmcdium.
/ = is" ~ s')E + MjP - <■')£, M = itafo" - fi*)H, (11-12) it is theoretically possible to assume that the electromagnetic constants of the island are the same as those of the surrounding medium and that the field external to the island has induced in the latter the electric and magnetic currents given by (12). The island is said to be polarized relative to the external medium and /, M are called polarization currents. The latter act as impressed currents in addition to tiiose producing the field-
I'l INI )AIY11'.NTAl, "l'K< (MM iN FLIC KQIIATN )H. (11-17) The surface charges (16) are seen to be equal to the normal components of polariza-
q* = Pen, m, = P™. (11-18)
If the island is not homogeneous then div / and div m represent the sources within I lie island. In nonconducting media we have volume distributions of charge given by
qv = -div P", m = -div Pm, (11-19)
as well as surface distributions (18).
The reader must have been impressed by the artificial character of the foregoing transformations and it should be admitted that from the point of view of wave theory alone the concept of polarization is highly artificial and for the most part useless. J and M, as given by (12), depend on dre a priori unknown field intensities and generally cannot be computed prior to the solution of the problem itself; after a solution has been found, / and m are only of academic interest. On the other hand, if the electromagnetic constants of the island are very different from those of the surrounding medium, it may be possible to obtain an approximate expression for the internal field without solving the complete problem and the action of this field on the surrounding medium may then be evaluated. An outstanding example of this is the antenna problem where the properties of the conducting wire serving as an antenna are very different from the properties of the surrounding space. Likewise, if the constants of the island and the external medium are nearly equal, the difference may be
Chap. 4
ignored in the fust approximation, the problem solved, and then the polarizntk currents computed and used us secondary sources to obtain the first correction.
Polarization currents are not true applied currents and contribute no energy to the field.
4.12. Special Forms of Maxwell's Equations in Source-Free Regions
The most useful sets of Maxwell's equations appropriate to source-free regions are those expressed in cartesian, cylindrical or spherical coordinates. The general equations and some of the more important special forms will be listed for convenient reference. In cartesian coordinates we have
dEz 8Ey .
3EX o£2 . dz dx
dE_x dy
— icopllz,
dHz dHv
dy dz
dffx dHz
dz dx
BHy dHx
dx dy
VI iy
~T~ = Or + icae)Ex
In cylindrical coordinates we have dE„ 8EP
BHt dHv /
dz -^ = -'W^ BE»
= (g + iox)Ev, (12-2)
d d&p a dH„
— (pEv) —~^ = -iafipHz, ^ (pHv) - — = (g + iue)pE„
In spherical coordinates we have
— (sin 6 E9)--~ = —iapr sin 0 Hr,
- (sin 0HV) -
dd v
dEo dip djh de)PEx; (12-6) dip dp dp dip
dll. . . . . _ 3H, , . . d , „ . dEp „
dip dp dp dip
II I he field is circularly symmetric, that is, if it is independent of the ip-coordinate, linn ilie general set of six equations again breaks into two independent sets. In < vlindiieal coordinates we have
= ip,pHz, —-2 - -r^ = + ^t)£v; (12-8) oz op dz op
*~ = -(g+io}e)E„ X (p// ) = Or + ioi€)pEz, -r!—--zTTs" iofiHv. dz dp dp dz
In spherical coordinates we have
d d —(sin 8 Ev) = — iwprsm 8 Hr, —-(rE9) = iccprHg, dd dr
I" (rHt) - —'■ = Or + M^E*; or
— (sin 8 Hv) = Or + >o°*)r sin & E" r (r^f) = _ (ir + io}e)rEg, dd dr
d . „ , 3£r . „ - (^a) - — = -tLcprHy. dr d8
1 f the field is independent of two coordinates, * and y let us say, then equations (1)
-(g+ive)Ex; (12-12)
dE, ■ rr dfI»
= icop.Hx
dll dz
(g + iue)£y;
(12-13) (12-14)
£. = 0,
We shall also have occasion to use the following sets, substantially the same as (4) and (5). If the field is independent of the x-coordinate, then
-- = -tosp.ily, - = iwpHz, —---— = (g+iax)tx; (12-13)
dz dy dy dz
dz &-
ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES . I. Impedors and Networks
An impedor is any combination of conductors and dielectrics, with two accessible terminals (Fig. 2.11). It may be as simple in structure as a laboratory resistor or as complicated as an antenna. In the latter case i he impedor includes the wires of the antenna proper and the surrounding medium, including the earth, the Heaviside layer, etc. The impedor is linear if in the steady state the harmonic electromotive force between the terminals is proportional to the current
V= ZI,
where the coefficient Z, called the impedance of the impedor, is a function of I he frequency and in general of the oscillation constant.
Strictly speaking, we should specify the path between the terminals A and B, along which we compute or measure the electromotive force. For any two paths the difference of the electromotive forces is equal to the magnetic current through a surface bounded by these two paths. If H is the average magnetic intensity over the surface whose area is S, then the difference between the two voltages is*
In the immediate vicinities of the wires the magnetic intensity is equal to the current divided by the length / of their circumference; hence Hm, is certainly less than I/I, in fact considerably less since the integral of H along the radius will vary as log /. But even with / in the denominator of (2), the voltage difference is small if the distance between the terminals is a small fraction of the wavelength. Thus at low frequencies it becomes unnecessary to specify the path, except in precision calculations. At high frequencies we shall assume that the path is a straight line connecting the terminals, unless otherwise specified.
In the unrestricted frequency range the impedance is a complicated
* Assuming that the paths are in free space.
Ciiai'. 5
function of the firequencyj but its expansion in the vicinity of w = 0 gen-
erally is*
Fig, 5.1. A wire loop as an electric circui t.
If C = co and R 7^ 0, then for sufficiently low frequencies the impedor is a resistor; if C = °o and R = 0, then the impedor is an inductor; and if R = L = 0 but C 7^ oo, it is a capacitor. In practice R and L may be very small but they never vanish.
Consider for example a conducting loop (Fig. 5.1). From Faraday's law (4.1-7) we have
/ E,ds+ i Esds^-iu®,
j{acb) j(ha)
the first integral being taken along the conducting wire and the second along the straight line joining the terminals. The impressed electromotive force V, needed to transfer the charge from B to A against the field produced by the charge and the current in the wire must be equal and opposite to the second integral
Substituting in (4), rearranging the terms, and dividing by the current flowing out of A, we have
The first term, representing the ratio of the electromotive force along the surface of the wire to the input current, is called the internal impedance or the surface impedance of the wire; the second term is the external impedance.
At a = 0 for a homogeneous wire of length / and of uniform cross-section S, we have
E,ds = -z = RI.
* Always, for actual physical structures; but for idealized physical structures the origin may sometimes be a branch point.
I he impedance of I lie loop is jusl its resistance. The magnetic flux '1> is proportional to 7. If L is the coefficient of proportionality atw = 0, then hi low frequencies the external impedance is approximately proportional to i he frequency. In the next chapter we shall obtain the next higher term in i he expansion for the impedance of the loop.
From (2) we find that except at rather high frequencies the impedance I ij a loop of practical dimensions is small. This impedance may be in-i n asetl by winding the wire into a coil (Fig. 5.2). Thus inside a long coil ihr magnetic intensity is approximately equal to the number of ampere-
-o o
Fig. 5.2. A solenoid as an inductor.
Fig. 5.3. An electric circuit containing a capacitor.
turns per unit length. The magnetic flux through the coil is then pSnl, where n is the number of turns per unit length. The electromotive force round each turn is —ioifiSnl, and per unit length it is — /'tow^w2/. The impressed electromotive force needed to drive the current through the coil against this electromotive force of " self-induction " is equal and opposite. Hence by increasing the number of turns, the impedance of the coil may be raised.
Consider now another structure consisting of a conducting wire and a pair of closely spaced conducting plates (Fig. 5.3). Applying the first induction law to the circuit ACDEFBA, we have
f E3ds+ fEsds+ f
sds — — iod$>, (1-7)
where the second integral is taken along ACD and EFB. The first term is equal and opposite to the impressed electromotive force V. The time derivative of the charge q on the lower plate is the current Ic flowing into the capacitor and
iwq = Ic, g-'= . (1-8)
When co = 0, the charge is proportional to the voltage across the capacitor and therefore
A iuC'
v (DE)
Es ds —
except for tin- iu KS
Consider a number of impedors connected in series (Fig. 5.6). Assuming ih.il their impedances are not too small, we may neglect the impedance of I he connecting wires and write
VUC + Vdk + tm + ?BA = 0, (1-12)
where the separate terms are the electromotive forces of the field which act between the various terminals in the order indicated. The last term is — V, where V is the impressed electromotive force between H and A. The above equation expresses the first Kirchhoff law. From (12) we then have
V - (Zi + Za 4- Za)7, Z = Zí + Z2 + Z3, (1-13)
where Z is the impedance of the entire circuit. The internal impedances of the connecting wires and the external impedance of the connecting loop < mtkl he added to (13). In the above equations we have assumed that the current through each impedor is equal to the input current of the entire
H o
Fig. 5.6. A series connection of impedors.
Fig. 5.7. A parallel connection of impedors.
circuit and thus disregarded the displacement currents between the connecting wires. Since the dielectric constant is small, it may be anticipated that these currents are negligible even at comparatively high frequencies. In order to obtain more precise information about their magnitudes and effect on the input impedance of the circuit we shall have to consider wave propagation on wires.
Consider now a number of impedors in parallel (Fig. 5.7). At a branch point the total current flowing in or out is zero; this is the second Kirchhoff law and it follows from Ampere's law of induction if we neglect the displacement current flowing from the branch point. Thus
i = 4 +1% + u
Applying Faraday's law to various circuits in Fig. 5.7 and to a circuit in which the parallel combination is replaced by an " equivalent " impedor Z,
wc liave Consequently
V - Zj/j = z2i2 - z3/3 = z/.
1 1 1 1
Z, Zj z2 z3
Let us now consider a more general network (Fig. 5.8). We could apply KirchhofF's laws to different circuits or meshes of the network and write a number of equations connecting the impressed voltages with the currents through various impedors or branches of the network. A simpler set of
Fig, 5.8. A network of impedors.
equations is obtained, however, in terms of mesh currents as shown in Fig. 5.8. Mesh currents satisfy automatically the conditions at a branch point. Applying the circuital law to the chosen fundamental set of meshes, and substituting the mesh currents for the branch currents, we obtain the following typical set of equations for an M-mesh electric network
Zn/j + W2 + Z13/3 + ■ ■ ■ "h Z\.llIri = $%
Z21/1 + Z22/2 + Z23/3 ■ + Z2ři/,j =
Z31/1 + Z32/2 + Z33Í3 ' + Z3nIri — r*, (1-16)
Zni/i + zn2i2 + zn%h + ■ "F ZnnIn — V r 71*
where the F's are the total applied voltages in the corresponding meshes. The coefficient Zmm is called the impedance of the mth mesh and the coefficients Zm!c are the mutual impedances between meshes m and k. If the electric current in the £th mesh is 1 ampere and the currents in the remaining meshes are equal to zero, then the voltage in the rath mesh is Zmk volts. In Fig. 5.8 we have: Z12 = -ZBF, Z,3 = 0, Z2S = -ZCF, etc.
If the matrix of the coefficients in (16) is nonsingular, we can solve the
1 ip .11 inns and obtain
/, = y,xVy + yviv2 + yun + ■■■ + YtnrH)
h = YnVi + y22V2 + Y»r* + ■■■ + ymk
where A is the determinant of the coefficients in (17) and Afcm is the co-factor of the element Ykm in A.
The impedance seen by the generator in the ?Hth mesh is the ratio Vm/Im when all the V's, except Vm, are equal to zero; hence this impedance is
Y /)
I* mm J-y?ttm
The impedance and admittance matrices are symmetric
^mk = ^kmj ^mh = ^/cm-
That is, the electromotive force in the mth mesh due to a unit current in the kth mesh is the same as the electromotive force in the kth mesh due to a unit current in the mth mesh, and also the current in the mth mesh due to a unit electromotive force in the kth mesh is the same as the current in the kth mesh due to a unit electromotive force in the mth mesh. This is the Reciprocity Theorem. Since it is possible to choose the fundamental meshes in such a way that any two given branches belong to two different meshes and to no others, the reciprocity theorem implies that an interchange of the positions of a generator and an ammeter does not change the ammeter reading.
To prove the theorem we shall first establish the following lemma: let F'u F2,- • • V'n be the electromotive forces in the various meshes of the electric network and l\, /», ■ • • /',' the corresponding currents, and let ll;■■»■ Jfa:j• ' In be the currents in response to another set of electromotive forces V'{, V'i, ■ ■ ■ V'l; then
E Ki'l = E VllL
On the left side of this equation we replace a typical voltage Vra by the sum of the branch voltages in that mesh and group the terms having common branch voltages. If any particular branch PQ is common to several meshes, the voltage FpQ multiplied by the respective mesh currents will occur in several terms, the sum of which will be FpQIpQ; therefore
E V'j-'L — E VpqIpq — E Zpnlpolj «=0 (PQ) U-Q)
where the last two summations are taken over all the branches. The last expression is symmetric in the primed and double primed 7s; hence (22) is true and our lemma is proved.
Since /], I2, ■ • ■ In and 11,11,' ■ • are two independent sets of quantities, we may set
- i, if
a = m:
= 0, if a m; Substituting in (22) we obtain
ß = 1, = 0,
M = v"
and Z
if ß = k; if ß^k.
Similarly choosing
K = 1, if a = m; V'j = 1, if ß = k; = 0, if a ^ m; = 0, if ß ^ k;
wc obtain
7« — JJ» and Ymic = Ykm. Thus the reciprocity theorem has been proved. 5.2. Transducers
A four-terminal transducer or simply a transducer is any combination of conductors and dielectrics with two pairs of accessible terminals (Fig. 5.9). The pairs of terminals may be those of a transformer,, or of a telephone transmission line between two cities, or of two antennas. In the last case the transducer includes the space between the antennas, the ground, etc.
II the transducers are linear we have d priori equations
V\ m Ziil i + Z12/2»
f% - Zai/i + Z2272;
in if uly the currents are linear func mis of the voltages
/, = YUVX + Y12F2,
h = ^1^1 + Y22V2.
Fie. 5.9.
A diagram for a four terminal transducer.
I I . . "■. .111.1 )"s an..- functions of the electrical properties of the transducer
.....I of the frequency but not of the F's and I's. The coefficient Zn is
(iidled 1 he impedance seen from the first pair of terminals and Z22 the im-Iwilimce seen from the second pair; Z12 and Z2i are the mutual impedances
' 1 he transfer impedances. Similarly Yn is called the admittance seen n I he lirst pair of terminals and Y22 the admittance seen from the second Bftii'i Yn and Y2i are the mutual admittances or the transfer admittances. If wc leave the second pair of terminals " open " so that I2 = 0, (1) be-
Vi = ZnIu V2 = Z2Ji. (2-3)
him if one ampere is passing through the first pair of terminals, Zn is the
II ill ,i|'.r across this pair and Z2i is the voltage across the second pair. Simi-lailv if the second pair of terminals is " short-circuited " so that V2 = 0, then (2) becomes
Ji - YnVi, h = Y2XVi. (2-4)
I Irncc if a unit voltage is impressed on the first pair of terminals, then Yn In the current through this pair and Y2i is the current through the second Ipinr.
Consider an w-mesh passive network of impedors with two pairs of acces-■ ullile terminals, one pair in the rath mesh and the other in the kth. Then It! (1-16) all the F's are zero except Fm and Vk. Eliminating all the 7's 1 1 1 j 11 /,„ and Tk, we obtain equations of the form (2) and hence the inined-[ flncc coefficients of the transducer. By the theory of determinants it may
III hown that the transfer impedances of a transducer consisting of a network with two pairs of accessible terminals are equal. For each type of transducer the corresponding reciprocity theorem should be proved separately as there is no d priori reason why the matrix of the impedance t'ticfricients should be symmetric. In connection with cylindrical waves wc shall encounter generalized transducers whose impedance matrices are not symmetric.
The admittancea can he expressed in terms of the Impedances and vice versa; thus solving (!) for the/'s ami comparing with (2), we have
ril = > * 12---Jj~ > *2i -
Zu D '
D — Z11Z22 —'Z12Z21 — Z11Z22 — Z12.
Similarly we obtain
Zu - A i % - - — , Z21 - - a
A '
A = YnYi2 - Y12Y2l = YnY22 - Fa|.
These equations show that if Z2i = Z12, then Y2i = Y12 and vice versa. If the expression for any of the Z's from (6) is substituted in the expression for the corresponding Y in (5), we obtain DA = 1.
Multiplying the first equation of set (1) by If, the second by 7|, and taking half the sum, we obtain an expression for the complex power
* = WJ$ + V2ID = WZ^IJX + Z12{hH + Ffh) + Z22I2H]. (2-7)
If /1 and I2 ate the amplitudes of I\ and I2 and if # is the phase angle between them, then (7) becomes
* = \{Zul\ + 2Z12lJa cos tf + Z2%1\).
The real part of * is the average power contributed by the impressed forces to the transducer.
Multiplying the first equation of the set (2) by Vf, the second by F* and taking half the sum, we have the corresponding expressions for the conjugate complex power
** = UYu^n + YX2RKS
ll in evident Otl physical grounds thai the input impedance of the chain ilia I the transfer ratio across each transducer are unique and we are laced with the pt'tihleni of choosing the proper sign for the square roots in (5) Mm I {(>). The product of the two values xi, X2 for the current transfer Hit n 1 is unity. Thus if the absolute value of Xi is less than unity, the ab-11< 111 value of x2 is greater than unity. In a dissipative chain the amplitude of the current must necessarily decrease and we must choose that sign ■ 1 iK. .pian- root in (6) which makes the absolute value of the current linieJei ratio less than unity. This choice determines uniquely the sign in 1 he expression for K. It is apparent from (6) that for small values of Z|.j the proper sign is positive.
We may represent the current transfer ratio as an exponential function
h h
_ _ —r.
Vt = Vie-™, Vt = K+Ii,
Hie constant Y is the propagation constant or the transfer constant of the chain. The real part of Y is positive and is called the attenuation constant; 1 In imaginary part of Y is called the phase constant.
Since one of the values of the current ratio in (6) is e~r and the other in us reciprocal ev, we have
eT + e~T Z„ + Z22 i coshŠ—— Sgf*. (3-7)
The current and voltage across the terminals An> Bn may now be ex-piessed in the form
It = He-™
R here the superscript " plus " is used specifically to indicate a wave traveling from the Niiurce toward the right in an infinite chain [Fig. 5.11) of which the semi-infinite chain forms a part. For a wave traveling to the left in an infinite chain, we should have
since in this case the amplitude should decrease as n decreases. Here the current ratio is represented by the second value in (6). For the voltage we have
where — K~~ is the value of K in (5) other than the one designated by K+. The impedance K~ is the impedance of the semi-infinite chain extending to
Fig. 5.11. Two sections of a chain extending to infinity in both directions.
ClIAl'. 5
In fact if K+ happens to (3-8)
tlic left, as seen from any pair of terminals, correspond to the upper sign in (5), so that
K+ = J(ZU - Z22) + Vl(Zn + Z22)a - Z?2;
then, in accordance with the above definition,
K~ = £(Za2 - Zxx) + V|(Zn + Z22)2 - Z22. (3-9)
If the elements of the chain are symmetric, then Ztl — Z22 and K+ = K~. Since iC1" and K~ are impedances of passive networks, their real parts cannot be negative. These two impedances are called the characteristic impedances of the chain of transducers.
The expressions for the current and voltage in a chain consisting of a finite number of transducers may now be written in the following form
/„ = Ae~rn + Bern, Fn = K+Ae~Vn - ITSe%
where A and B are constants obtainable in terms of the terminal conditions. For instance, let the total number of transducers in the chain be m and let an impedance Z be inserted across the m\\\ pair of terminals; then we have
K+Ae~Tm - KTBeTm
Z = — =
+ Be1
2 1
Fig. 5.12. A symmetric 2"-network.
From this equation we can express B in terms of A. The constant A can then be found in terms of the input voltage FQ or the input current I0.
Similarly A and B can be expressed in terms of Fq and In, or in terms of and Fm, or in terms of Iq and Im. In the last two cases we obtain equations representing the chain of transducers as a single transducer.
5.4. Chains of Symmetric T-Networks
A symmetric ^-network (Fig. 5.12) is a transducer whose impedances are
Zu = Z22 = |Zi + Z2, Z12 = —Z2. (4-1) Substituting in (3-7) and (3-8), we have
„ , _i Zj + 2Z2 _
r = cosh ——-- = cosh
K+ = K- = ^Zi(Zi +4Z2). These are the constants for the iterated network shown in Fig. 5.13.
E vidcnily any symmetric transducer may be represented by a symmetric 7' network; thus from (1) we have
Z, = 2(ZU +Z12), Z2 = -Z12. • (4-3) I Km, expressions (2) may be used for any chain of symmetric transducers.
Fig. 5.13. A chain of symmetric T-networks.
s.s. Chains of Symmetric U-Networks
Consider now a symmetric Il-network (Fig. 5.14). Starting with the following iiush equations
■2ZJ1 - 2Z-J + 0 = Vh -2ZJ1 + (Zi + 4Z2)7 - 2Z272 = 0, 0 - 2Z,7 + 2Z.J2 = V-i,
mil eliminating the current 7 in the intermediate im ill, we obtain
2Z2(Z, + 2Z2)
7i -
Zi + 4Z2 Zi + 4Z2
2Z2(Z, + 2Z2)
Z.4-4^ I lencc we have
72 = Vu 72 = V>
17) g] T) la)
Zu. = z22 —
Zi + 4Z2
2Z2(Zi + 2Z2)
Fig. 5.14. Asymmetric Il-network.
Zx + 4Z2
Zi2 — —
Zi + 4Z2
Fig. 5.15. A chain of symmetric H-networks.
K = VZU - Z\2 = V(Zu + Z12)(Zn-Z1;,) = 2Z2 ^ (5-1)
is the characteristic impedance of a chain of H-nctworks (Fig. 5.15).
11 !
i i r t t lie >MAl fNETTC WAVES
Our. 5
'I'lic propagation constant is evidently thi- silnic as in the disc of the chain «>f '/'-networks; A.' Iius a different value only because of terminal differences between tlu: two chains. In fact, we can obtain (I) from the characteristic impedance in (4 2), Designating the litter by K and the former by A!', we have
, = (K + |Zi)2Z« 4Z2* + 2Z1Z2 K + \Z\ + 2Z2 IK + Zi + lZ* It may be shown that K' is identical with A' in (1). 5.6. Continuous Transmission Lines
A continuous uniform transmission line may be regarded as a limiting case of a chain of transducers. If the distributed series impedance and shunt admittance per unit length of the line are respectively Z and Y, then
1 •
Zi = Z dx, Z2 =
where dx is an element of length. By (4—2) we have
K = ^M, cosh r. - 1 -4- £r* H----= 1 + \ZYdx2, r = ~ZYdx.
Thus the propagation constant per " section " is proportional to the length of the section and the propagation constant per unit length is Vzy. 5.7. Filters
If in the chain of transducers Z\ and Z2 are pure reactances, their ratio is real and therefore cosh T is also real. Let a and /3 be the attenuation constant and the phase constant, then
cosh T = cosh (a + 2/3) = cosh a cos /3 4- i sinh a sin /3. This expression is real if
sinh a sin j8 = 0;
that is, if
a = 0 or /3 = ± nr.
Thus there are three distinct ranges of values of cosh T to be considered, n amely
cosh T = cos ,8, — 1 < cosh r < 1, if a = 0,
cosh T = cosh a, 1 < cosh T < », if 0 = 0, (7-1)
cosh T = —cosh a, — oo < cosh T < — 1, if j3 = ir.
The value of cosh T depends on the frequency; at some frequencies there will be no attenuation while at others the attenuation may be very high. Hence our chain of transducers will act as a filter. The frequency
in nil of zero attenuation is called the pass-baud of the filter; the fre-
.....„ v Interval of nonzero attenuation is called the stop-band. By (4-2)
Hud ( I ) the pass band is determined by the following inequality
-4 < § < 0, or 0 < - I1 < 4.
h In end points of the pass-band are called the cut-off frequencies. The I|m bund may also be obtained from
-2 Z2 = iwL2, — =--T—7 ;
the pass-band is determined by
03 > Uc, 01c ~
ioůCi ' * ítoCa' Z2
2L,C2 + -^ (7-6-
Fig. 5.18. A band-pass filter.
0 < w2LtC2
co, <. W <- co,
This is a band-pass filter. If however £1, Ci, C2 are continuously distributed, we have
Z4 — Xj dx, Ci =
^, C2 = C2dx, (7-7)
where Zj, Ci and C2 refer to unit length. The upper cut-off frequency becomes infinite and the transmission line has the characteristic of a high-pass filter with a cut-off given by
We shall see that propagation of transverse magnetic waves is governed by equations of this type.
Fig. 5.19. A band-pass filter. For the structure shown in Fig. 5.19 we have
1 1 Z\
Zi = iuLu — = ioiC2 + —- , — = —w2LiC2 +
Zj2 t(j}L,2 &2
I lie. ■ lint line is also a band pass filter in which the lower and the upper 1 til oils are specified by
hrn such a structure becomes a continuous line, then
Li = L\ dx, C2 = Č2 dx, Z,2 = "T1 > 'Á
Mini the upper cut-off has receded to infinity. Propagation of transverse ^Htl'ic waves is governed by equations of this type.
'1 II Forced Oscillations in a Simple Series Circuit
< >ne of the simplest electric networks is a circuit consisting of a series ■rjinhination of a resistor, an inductor, and a capacitor (Fig. 5.20). The peihi nee of such a circuit is
Z = R + io>L + — = R + i iíoL
flu* reactance component vanishes when
to = to
I he frequency so defined is called the resonant jrc-
, . . . , e riG. 5.20. A simple series
iyt)icy of the circuit. At the resonant frequency circuit. (In* reactances of the inductor and capacitor are 1 111.11 except for sign; thus
i- ft
The quantity K is called the characteristic impedance of the circuit. The Impedance of the circuit at any frequency can now be expressed in the form
Z = R + i
\OI «/
At resonance the absolute value of the impedance is minimum and the I'll 11 ent is maximum. The sharpness of the resonance curve (current vs. In quency) is seen to depend on the ratio of the characteristic impedance of the circuit to the resistance, that is, the " 0 " of the circuit
R~ R ~~ uRC
CllAľ, ,1
This quantity can be defined in terms of the total energy S stored in the circuit :it resonance and the average power IV dissipated in A'. Startinp, with the definitions of the resistor, inductor, and capacitor (section 2.7) and obtaining the work done by the applied electromotive forces, we find that at any particular instant the power dissipated in the tesistor, the energy stored in the inductor, and the energy stored in the capacitor are respectively Rlf, \Ll\, \CV%,i, where Ii is the instantaneous current in the resistor or the inductor and Vc) is the slope of the input reactance plotted as a function of oi.
5.9. Natural Oscillations in a Simple Series Circuit
The natural oscillation constants pi and p2 are the zeros of the impedance function (2.7-6). The impedance and admittance functions can be factored and thus expressed in terms of these zeros:
= r(P ~ ~ fa)
p » ' L{p -pi)(p - fa)
Depending on the relative values of the circuit constants the natural oscillation constants may be either real or complex. Thus if
or R > 2K,
the constants are real and the " oscillations " degenerate into an exponen-
*The impedance of the capacitor is —//wC and the voltage is lagging behind the current by 90°.
I Jul decay. On the other hand if R < IK, the oscillation constants arc ■.....r.nr . omplex
+ *$>> fa = P* = I ~ 4 (9-2) where the amplitude constant £ and the natural frequency w are given by
e = -
R_ 2L
Em high Q circuits the natural frequency is nearly equal to the resonant | frequency u = w.
I 5.10. Forced Oscillations in a Simple Parallel Chxuit
The theory of a parallel combination of an inductor, a capacitor, and a re.-istor (Fig. 5.22) is very similar to the theory of the series circuit. The I Input admittance of the circuit is
Y = G + iuC + -r
1 .....paring this with the input impedance (8-1)
pi the series circuit, we observe that the equations of section (8) can be adapted to parallel Circuits if we interchange £ and C, Z and Y, and FlG- s-22- A s™Ple parallel replace R by G. We should also replace the
i huracteristic impedance K by the characteristic admittance M; but ftubsequently it may be more convenient to reintroduce K. Thus we have the following expression for the input impedance of the circuit
GZ =
where Q is defined by
* w
1 + iQ
G =
\(3 tti/
If the input current is fixed, the voltage across the circuit varies with the frequency exactly as does the current in the case of the series circuit (Fig. 5.21).
Another type of parallel circuit is that shown in Fig. 5.23. In general the frequency characteristics of this circuit are different from those of the
circuit in Fig. 5.22. If, however, both circuits have high Q values, then their behavior in the neighborhood of resonance is approximately the m;iiiic.
To prove this, consider a parallel combination of two impedances Zi and Z2 such that | Z2 | 3> | Z\ |. For i the input impedance Z of this combination we have (o)) I ci approximately'
Zi + Z2
Fic. 5.23. Another type If Zi is a pure reactance and Z2 a pure resistance of simple parallel cir- then the last term is positive real and a large resist!
ance Z2 in parallel with Zi may be replaced by a small resistance in series with Z, or vice versa. Hence the circuits in Figs. 5.22 and 5.23 are approximately equivalent in the neighborhood of resonance if
G =
R oři}
_R Kz
Substituting in (2) and (3), we have
Hence the maximum input impedance is
Zmax — — = KQ.
If a generator is connected as shown in Fig. 5.24, then the maximum input impedance is K\ a>2Ll
7 - 1
Assuming that Jfi is still large compared FlG" S'24" A. tepped para!lcl
. . circuit,
with R, the effect of shifting the terminals
of the circuit is to reduce the inductance to Li and to increase the effective capacity. The resonant frequency is evidently unchanged; but the maximum input impedance is reduced in the following ratio
%^«á, (10-8)
Of course, if L\ is so small that ZiLi is no longer large compared with R, the above formulae must be modified.
For the circuit shown in Fig. 5.22 and approximately for the one shown
in hip,. 5.23 we can obtain an equation similar l<> (8 14); thus
Sa - }/A2, (10-9)
where V is the maximum voltage amplitude across the circuit.
''II. Expansion of the Input Impedance Function
The input impedance (1 20) as seen from the terminals of a generator in a typical mi ';li of an electric network is a rational fraction when considered as a function of the M illation constant p. The numerator and the denominator are factorable and the Impedance may be represented as a ratio of two products
Zip) = A
tp _ p^(p - pt) (f ~ Pi)(p - Pi)
where is a constant. The zeros p\, pi, ■ ■ ■ of Zip) are infinities of Y(p); they represent the natural oscillation constants of the network when the voltage across the input terminals is zero and hence when the terminals are short-circuited. The Infinities pi, pi, • • ■ of Z(p) are the zeros of Y(p); they represent the natural oscilla-
......constants of the network when the current through the input terminals is zero and
hence when the network is open at these terminals.
A rational fraction can be expanded in partial fractions. If all the zeros of the admittance function are simple we may write Z{p) in the following form
a\ a*. Z(i) =--+
p — pi P — Pi
+ ■■■ +IÍP),
where/(j>) is a polynomial in p. Multiplying by (p - Pi) and letting p approach pU we have
= lim ip - Pi)Z(p) = lim as p ^ ph
consequendy wc have
where the summation is extended over all the zeros of Y(p).
Similarly the admittance function may be represented as follows
Y{p) = i:iP-pm)z'(pm)
+ s(p)-
In network theory it is shown that f(p) and g(p) are polynomials of degree less than 2. We have seen that the complex zeros and poles of Z(p) occur in conjugate pairs;
Ciiai1. 5
i hits for typical pairs of zeros and infinities we have
f>m = Jm + /Mm, J>„ = tm — tfft* pm = £m + MOm, pm = £m — /0>m.
The real parts £TO and £m arc never positive since positive values would mean that the amplitudes of the currents and voltages in the network were steadily increasing. Then infinite power would be dissipated in the resistors and infinite energy stored in the inductors and capacitors without a continuous operation of an impressed force, that is, without a continuous supply of energy to the network.
Let us now consider the values of Z(j>) and Y(p) on the imaginary axis Z(io>) =R(o>) + iX(u),
Y{$w) = G(w) + iB(u):
R{h>) and G(o>) are never negative; if they were negative for some value of oj, then at this frequency power would be contributed to the generator by the supposedly passive network. If the network is only slightly dissipative, R() and G(a) are small. In this case the zeros of Z(j>) and Y(p) are given approximately by
X(wm) = 0, />>,„) = 0.
In order to obtain the second approximation we note that
Z(i&m + Sm) = Z(mm) + tmZ'{i(bm) H----= 0,
Solving, we obtain
j Z(/oim) Y(ioim)
Om--. , 8m = —
Differentiating (7)
iZ'(Uom) = R'r&m) + iX'(wm),
iY'(icom) = G'(um) + iB'(a:m), and substituting in (10), we obtain
8m ™ —
X'(dm) — iR'{Cim) B'(com) - iG'(o)m) ''
X'{wm) ' [A"(im)]2 (fM _ ,G{wm)G'
Thus the approximate expressions for the real parts of the natural oscillation constants are
Since R tad G are positive and the £"s are ncgtitivc, wc have the following inequalities
X'(i>m) >0, B'iUm) >0. (U-14) Substituting the above approximations in the general equations (4) and (5), we
I.i v c •
Z(iw) = T.—2
Y(i*>) = £
(«2 — CD2 — 2iu£m)B' (ci)m)
(£2 - w2 - 2iw|m)A"(&„1)
+ #(/w).
Comparing the second of the above equations with (8-12), we find that a slightly dissipative network behaves like a parallel combination of simple series circuits whose inductances and Q's are given by
£.-**(«*), Qm- 2^ 2R^m)
Likewise we can regard the network as approximately equivalent to a series com-bination of parallel resonant circuits whose capacitances and Q's are
Cm = fJB (cdm), (?m —
In view of (8-14) and (10-9), equations(15) can be expressed in terms of the energies stored in die circuit at the various resonant frequencies. Thus we have
Z(m) = £
^J^-n +-Q-)
where 6m is the energy stored in the circuit at the /nth resonant frequency when the input terminals are open and when the voltage amplitude at these terminals is unity. Similarly we have
Y(m) = £ ■
where $m is the energy stored in the circuit at the mth resonant frequency when the input terminals are short-circuited and when the current amplitude at these terminals is unity.
So far we have tacitly assumed that none of the natural oscillation constants falls on the real axis. Let us now suppose that p = po is a real simple zero of Y(p).
* It should be recalled that X{o>) and B(w) are odd functions and therefore X'(w) and B'((i)) are even. We retain only the principal terms in the final approximations.
Then (lie corresponding term in (•!) is nor paired with any other; it is
If po is small, we have approximately
(p - po)Y'(p0)'
so that, for p = /to, equation (20) becomes
ZoO'co) =
ClIAl'. 5
G(0) + icoS'(O) ' (U 21)
G(0) is the direct current conductance of the network and B'(0) the direct current capacitance; thus
G(0) = C? = /F0, B'(0) = C = 2S„, (11-22)
ttrl'ie* resonant circuit (or in a special case nonresonant) and a succession of parallel 11 onant circuits or as a parallel combination of a parallel resonant circuit and a suc-ii i. hi nt' scries resonant circuits. In the first case the series circuit is obtained when
........I (he parallel resonant circuits degenerates into an inductance and another into
I i .ipacitance; the parallel circuit in the second case is obtained similarly. The ■ venerate circuits correspond to the zeros and pules of Z(p) at the origin and at Infinity. If the network is slighdy dissipative, then in the first approximation the qutvolent networks will differ from those in Fig. 5.25 only in that each series and parallel branch will contain a resistance element.
Fig 5.25. Two equivalent representations of a general reactive network.
where Wa is the power lost in the conductance and §o is the energy stored in the capacitance when a unit voltage is applied to the network. The term (21), which is to be added to (18), now becomes
^ G + iuC ///o+2ico§o ■ ( - )
Similarly if Z(p) has a simple zero on the real axis, we should add to (19) the following term
R (0) + mX' (0) R + ml fy0 + yog,'
where R and /. are respectively the d-c resistance and inductance of the network, JVq is the power lost in the resistance and S0 is the energy stored in the inductance when a unit current is passing through the input terminals.
The foregoing results may be summarized graphically as shown in Fig. 5.25. A purely reactive finite network may be represented either as a series combination of a
CHAPTER VI About Waves in General
6.0. Introduction
If the impressed currents are known throughout an infinite homogeneous medium, the field can be calculated fairly easily; we need only obtain the field of a current element and then use the principle of superposition. The solution of this problem is useful even though most practical problems are concerned with fields in media composed of homogeneous parts and not in completely homogeneous media. Thus if the medium is homogeneous except for isolated islands, it is sometimes possible to obtain approximate polarization currents which can be used as virtual sources in an otherwise homogeneous medium (section 2.11). The first few sections of this chapter are devoted to this problem.
The boundaries between media with different electromagnetic properties or the " discontinuities '•' may have a profound effect on wave propagation. In a homogeneous medium, for example, the energy from a given source will travel in all directions; but in the presence of parallel conducting wires at least a fraction of this energy will flow in the direction of the wires. The effects of such discontinuities will be studied in detail in subsequent chapters; but some general considerations are introduced in this chapter.
A brief discussion of electrostatics and magnetostatics is also included in this chapter. These topics are of interest in wave theory for the following two reasons: (1) they furnish approximations to slowly varying fields, (2) they furnish exact solutions of certain two-dimensional wave problems.
6.1. The Field Produced by a Given Distribution of Currents in an Infinite
Homogeneous Medium
Our problem is to solve the electromagnetic equations (4.4-2) for harmonic fields. This is the most important case in practice; besides, the solution of the most general case can then be expressed in the form of a contour integral in the oscillation constant plane. The usual procedure for solving a simultaneous system of equations is to eliminate all dependent variables except one. In the present case this procedure would be unnecessarily restrictive since we should have to differentiate / and M and hence assume that they are continuous and differentiable functions. In practical problems f and M are localized and for all practical purposes
i he regions occupied by them have sharp boundaries. Thus it is convenient to introduce a set of auxiliary functions, generally called potential functions. To begin with let us write
£ = £' + £", H = H' + H"> (1-1)
where (£',#') and (E",H") are solutions of
curl E' = -iuiiH', curl H' = J + (g + *'<*)£',
curl E" = —M - muH", curl H" = (g + iox)E".
The field (E',H') is produced by electric currents and (E,f,H") by magnetic currents. Their sum satisfies (4.4-2). Taking the divergence of each equation in the set (2), we have
div H' = 0,
div H" = -
div E' = -
g + io*
div M
- 3
div E" = 0.
The second and third of these equations require J and M to be continuous and differentiable; but one form of the solution of our problem is obtained without using these equations. In the other form of the solution which depends on them we may assume / and M differentiable to begin with and then extend the results to include discontinuous distributions. The first and last equations show that H' and E" can be represented as the curls of certain vector point functions
H' = curl A, E" = -curl F. (1-4)
Substituting from (4) into (2), we obtain
E' = -m4 - grad V, H" = + iw)F - grad U, (1-5)
where V and U are two new point functions which are introduced because the equality of the curls of two vectors does not imply that the vectors are identical.
From (4) and (5) and the two remaining equations in (2), we obtain curl curl A — J — a2A — (g + iut) grad V,
curl curl F = M — o^F — ivy, grad U. Using (1.8-2) we have
AA — grad div A — — / + a2A + (g + iwe) grad F,
AF — grad div F = — M + a2F + {&$ grad U.
Chap, h
Thus we have expressed F. ami // in lei ins of I wo vectors .7 and /'and two scalars and t/, the new functions being connected by two vector equations. So far the vectors are somewhat arbitrary since equations (4) are unchanged if we acid to A and F the gradients of arbitrary functions. The functions Vand £7are completely arbitrary. Hence we have an opportunity to impose further conditions on these functions to suit our convenience For instance we may set
w.-^4-,. BW-fltS. (1-8)
so that equations (7) become
AA = a2 A - /, AF = c2F - M. (1-9)
When specified in the above manner, the functions A, F, V and U are called wave potentials, the first two being vector potentials and the last two scalar potentials. More specifically A is called the magnetic vector potential, F the electric vector potential, V the electric scalar potential and U the magnetic scalar potential. Lorentz was the first to introduce these wave potentials in dealing with nondissipative media and he called them retarded potentials for reasons that will soon become obvious. In general the wave potentials are not only " retarded " but also " attenuated," and the more general designation " wave potentials " is more appropriate.
Thus we have the following expressions for the field produced by a given distribution of impressed currents
E — —iwfiA — grad V — curl F,
H = curl A — grad U - (g + ioit)F,
where V and V are defined by (8) and A and F are the solutions of (9).
If / and M are differentiable functions, Fand Usatisfy equations similar to (9). Thus taking the divergence of (9) and substituting from (8), we have
tJ?= qv, div M = —iwmv. (1-12)
AF = —frV--qv, AU = -p2U - - mv
I'Yoiii |lie physical point of view the vector potentials can be obtained inn. h more satisfactorily by the method explained in the next section than i \ solving equations (9) formally.
6.2. The Field of an Electric Current Element
i i insider a short current filament (Fig. 6.1) and assume that the current / In uniform and steady between the terminals A. and B so that the entire ■ in lent is forced to flow out of B into the external p medium and then back into A. If the medium is a peifeci dielectric this would mean a concentration of . 11 . i ric charge at B at the rate / amperes per second and an ever increasing electric field around the filament. The product II of the current and the length ol I he filament is called the moment of the electric i i incut element.
Let us suppose that the current element is centered ^IG- An electric , i ■ i^ ■ . ^1 current element,
at I lie origin along the z-axis. hrom a point source the
i urrent would flow outwards uniformly in all directions; the density would
ihen be
dr \ 4irr/
I letice for two point sources separated by distance / the current density, at distances large compared with /, is the gradient of the following function
II cos B
dz\ Arrf
H cos e
II sin e iirr3
The dotted lines in Fig. 6.2 are the flow lines.
The magnetic lines of force are circles coaxial with the element and in order to obtain the magnetic intensity we need only calculate the magnetomotive force round the circumference of a circle PP' coaxial with the element (Fig. 6.2). This magnetomotive force is equal to the electric current 1(6) passing through any surface bounded by PP', Choosing the surface as a sphere concentric with the origin, we have
1(6) =
~2ir „0
= / / Jr
r2 sin 6 dd dtp =
II sin2 0 2r
I 10
1.1 J X I U< >MA( jNI. I'H' WAVES
v 2irrsin0
7/ain 9 4rr2
Chap, 6
Equation (1-10) shows that H is expressible as the curl of a vector A. From (1-9) we conclude that each cartesian component of A depends only
Fig. 6.2. Electric lines of force in the vicinity of an electric current element.
on the corresponding component of the impressed current density. Thus in the present case A is parallel to the z-axis and we should have
dAz dp
Comparing with (3), we have
3At dr dr dp
Az ~ T '
dAz dr
sin 6.
Let us now suppose that the current is a harmonic function of time. As the frequency approaches zero the field must approach that given by the above equations where I, A, H are now complex amplitudes of the corresponding quantities and the time factor elat is omitted. From (1) we obtain the electric intensities
II cos e 2r(g + iue)r'
3 >
II sin 0 4ir(g 4- ioe)r3
Next we seek that solution of Maxwell's equations which approaches (6) as oj —> 0. At all points external to the current element the magnetic vector potential A must satisfy (1-9) with / = 0 and by (5) it must be independ-
ABOUT WAVES IN UENKUAL rut of 0 nnd v»; hence
I hid 18 equation (3.1-15) with k = 0 and its general solution is
Pe~CT Qe°'
/lz = 1--•
r r
III dissipative media the second term increases exponentially with the dis-
.....e from the element and hence cannot represent the field produced by
I lie element. The first term approaches (5) as w (and therefore cr) ap-I u ".idles zero if P — IJ/4r. Thus we have
Nondissipative media may be regarded as limiting cases of dissipative media and then
Az =
1 dAz
4irr \ cr/
lly (1-8) we have V= -
g + dz
The field intensities are now obtained from (1-10); thus
£r = 01 1 + - I e"" cos 0, Hv = -—11+-J^sinO, 27rr" V or/ 4:nT \ or/
iwr \ cr 0, these expressions approach (3) and (6).
Similarly the field of a magnetic current element of moment Kl is obtained from the following electric vector potential
i II. us I,
Any given ilisl rihulion ol applied currents may lie subdivided into ele merits, and the Held can be obtained by superposition of t lie fields of individ ual elements. Take an infinitesimal volume bounded by the lines of flow and two surfaces normal to them. The current in this element is / = J dS, where dS is the cross-section of the tube of flow; hence, the moment // i equal to / dv, where dv is the volume of the element. Thus we shall have
^ J SJ 4irr ^ J J J 4irr
where r is the distance between a typical element and a typical point in space. The scalar potentials are then computed from (1-8).
If, however, / and Mare differentiable functions, then Vand [/can also be computed from equations similar to the above. We note the similarity between equations (1-9), (1-11), and (1-12) and write
V =
--/// -ni
div fe~*r 4ir(g + iwt)r
■ dv,
dv, U
&vMe~"r 4-iriuftr
dv, (2-14)
These equations can be extended to include the case of nondifTerentiable J and M by adding appropriate surface integrals, and, more generally, by adding line integrals and discrete terms representing the potentials of point charges. Thus in the case of an electric current element in a nondissipative medium (Fig. 6.1) we have two point charges at the terminals
U =
and the scalar potential is then
which leads to (9) when / is very small compared with r.
For surface and line distributions of impressed currents, the expressions for A and F are similar to (13), the surface and line integrals appearing in place of the volume integrals. For any filament carrying current I(s) we have
where ds is a directed element of length.
We shall now define the terms " large distance ' as used in wave theory. A given distance r is
and " small distance " large if I or ] » 1 and
i ill d | <>r | I. In perlect dielectrics this means thai /'is large if .'/i/'/X is large compared with unity; r is small if fir is small compared Willi unity. For example, r - 2\ is fairly large since 2fi\ = 4x = 12.57; mi i In oilier hand r = X/80 is small to about the same degree since j3X/80 a 10 = 1/12.7. The length r = X/2ir = 0.16X may be taken as the li'leicmc length.
AI large distances from the element the field is particularly simple. I Im mi a nondissipative medium we have approximately
sin 8, Eo = Er
ft. 3. Radiation from an Electric Current Element
Ihe flow of power across an infinitely large sphere concentric with the dement is*
EgHlr2 sin 6 d6 dMA(iNKTlC WAVES
The work done by this force per second is seen to he equal to Win (1). ratio
re(f) 2m,/2
R =
is called the radiation resistance of the element.
The reactive forces in the vicinity of the element are very large. Assuming a finite radius for the element, we can compute these forces at the element itself; since, however, they depend on r, we should subdivide the element into smaller elements and then integrate the effects. In order to sustain a uniform current the impressed forces must be distributed along the entire element. It will be shown (section 6.8) that if the element is energized at the center (Fig. 6.3), the current distribution is approximately linear. Then the moment of the current distribution is
Flo. 6.3. A short wire energized at the center.
p = jI(s) ds = III,
where / is now the input current at the center. If the element is short the distant field and hence the radiated power will be determined by the moment. Thus from (1) we obtain
,„ 10x2/2/2
W <= -5-»
R = 207r3-^ = 197-5 \i \i
It is sometimes convenient to express the field of the current element in terms of the radiated power. From (1) we obtain
p - —-r~ = x\— - ~—7=; (3-6) bVti y 2xVio
hence for the distant field in free space we have
IIv I =
VŽFsin 6 érrVlÔr '
VÍOW sin d.
6.4. The Mutual Impedance between Two Current Elements and the Mutual Radiated Power
Consider two infinitesimal current elements of moments A ds\ and I2 ds2, and let ip be the angle between the positive direction of one element and the E-vector of the other (Fig. 6.4). Let E\ be the electric intensity
ihn in the first element and II. the intensity due ( tn I he second. The electromotive force of the I llelil ol the first element acting along the sec-iiihI element is Ex^{s2) ds2, where Eit,(s2) is the
......i.......m ol A', m the direction of tlf.y, hence
llic electromotive force which should be im-|n t'Mscil on the second element in order to counter-M i the force of this field is
Fio. 6.4. Two current elements.
-Ei,s(s2) ds2.
The ratio of this impressed force to the current in the first element is the mutual impedance between two current elements
Zi2 —
ExiS(s2) ds2
Ei{s2) cos ý ds2
E2,s(s\) dsx
E2(s{) cos ý dsx
The reciprocity implied by this equation follows immediately on writing explicit expressions for the forces involved. For example, the mutual impedance of two distant i2dz2 parallel elements, perpendicular to the line joining their centers (Fig. 6.5) is
ha. 6.5. Two parallel current elements.
d%i dz2.
If the reactive components of the self-impedances -Zn and Z22 are tuned out, then
V\ - RaJi + zl2i2,
V2 — Zi2/i + R22I2,
where V\ and V2 are the applied electromotive forces. If the elements are of equal length, then
% = R + R22 = /?■+■ R2s R = 80tt:
where R\ and R2 are the internal resistances of the elements and R is the radiation resistance. If V2 = 0, then
R + R2'
and the power dissipated in A'2 is
This is the power " received " by the " load " resistance R2.
If 7?2 = 0, the received power is zero; if R2 = °o, the received power is also zero. For some value of R2 the received power must be a maximum; this maximum value is obtained from
dfP öR2
Thus we find that for maximum reception the load resistance must " match" the radiation resistance
R2 = R = 8GY2
The received power is then
Substituting from (3) and (9), we obtain*
3t,|71/l2 45
SArr2 Sr2
In terms of the power radiated by the first clement, we have
|2 —
R 5
hence the received power is
Equation (12) gives the power received by the load resistance 7?2j the total power W received by the second element may be taken as
2(R + R2)
of which the following amount
2(22 + R2)
* The first expression holds for any dielectric and the second is for free space.
U " rcrndiated." When /?a ■ R, we have
JVr = W = \W, (4-15)
in.I i In- power absorbed by the load is equal to the reradiated power. If 0, the " received " power is completely reradiated and
The power radiated by the two elements is the real part of (5.2-8)
W = \(7?„7f + 2R12hh cos t? + 7v22/2), (4-17)
where T\ and /2 are the amplitudes of ij and 72 and & is the phase difFer-iii i . In this equation Ru and R22 are, of course, the radiation resistances
I (s 2)
lue. 6.6. Two current filaments.
of the elements and do not include the internal resistances of the generators driving the currents. We have seen that the R's are proportional to the products of the lengths of the elements
7?i2 = &i2 dsi ds2, Ru = ku ds\, R22 k22 ds\.
It is also evident that
*U = k22. (4-19)
The total power radiated by any two current filaments of arbitrary shape and length (Fig. 6.6) can be expressed in the form
l¥=Wu + 2^12 + W22, (4-20)
where W\\ is the work done by the impressed forces in sustaining the current in the first filament against the forces produced by this current, with IV22 defined similarly for the second filament; W\% is the work done in sustaining the current in the first filament against the forces produced by the current in the second filament. While W\i and W22 are inherently positive, W\2 may be either positive or negative. For the mutual power radiated by two arbitrary filaments we have
•2W12 = ff kuisi^Hsi)?^) cos 0 dsi ds2. (4-21)
I'l E< TR< >ma we
#12 -
#12 =
2ir(zi — 2a)
27r(Z! - z2)
[sin fl(Zl ~ Za) -,
i L 8(Zl - 22) - C°S - &f j ^1 %i
sin jfc7(z1
1 ^(21-
- z2) z2)
— cos j8(zx
WETJndin/; ' In'116 *StanCe Wee" the enters of the elements, expanding £12 in a power series we obtain
6.5. Impressed Currents Varying Arbitrarily with Time
■ da.
If the phase of / is at, the phase of the corresponding component of the vector potential is at — Br = a[t — (r/v)}, where v is the characteristic velocity of the medium. The time delay r/v is independent of the frequency; hence all frequency components of a general function J(x,y,z;t) are shifted equally on the time scale and A will depend on J[x,y,z;t — (r/v)]. Thus we have
^(W5') = J J J 4?rr dv. (5-2)
A similar equation is obtained for the scalar potential. Then the field is obtained from
~ " grad V> H= curl A.
ruling / by a contour integral of the form (2.9-10), the proof can be III kit l< - nunc lormal. In the dissipntive case no simple formula analogous in (2) exists.
I ,el us now consider an electric current filament of length / along the • nKin fit the origin and suppose that the current starts from zero at / = 0 llitil is .in arbitrary continuous function of time thereafter; thus
1(1) =0, / < 0; —is finite.
Tin- charge q(t) at the upper end is zero when / < 0 and
q(t) = ( I(t) dt when t > 0. (5-5)
At I he lower end the charge is —q(t).
1 imputing the field we find that it is composed of three parts. One of these parts (E',H') depends only on the time derivative of the current; Another (E",H") depends on the current alone; the remainder E'" de-peilds on the charges. Thus we write
E = E' 4- E" + E'", II = Hr + H" + H'", W" = 0,
li!i = vH'v,
E'r = 0,
H' =---— sm 9;
E'T' = 2E',' cot e, H'l =
sin 9,
E"T' —
<• - 0
sin 9;
cos 9.
To an observer moving radially with velocity v the first part (E',H') of the lotal field would appear varying inversely as the distance from the element, the second part (E",H") inversely as the square of the distance, and the third part inversely as the cube of the distance. At sufficiently great distances only (E',H') will be sensibly different from zero although this particular fraction of the field is very small unless the electric current is changing very rapidly. The entire field is zero outside the spherical surface of radius vt with its center at the element. This sphere is the wavefront of the wave emitted by the element and on it (E",H") and (E'",H"f) vanish. At the wavefront E and // are perpendicular to the radius.
ClIAl'. i
ahoi'jt wavks in uknkral
6.6. Potential Distribution on Perfectly Conducting Straight I Fires
Let the current I(z) on a perfectly conducting straight wire of rudius "a" (Fig. 6.8) be longitudinal and be distributed uniformly around the wire. This is substantially the case under any conditions if the wire is thin; if the " wire " is a cylindrical shell of large radius, circulating currents
h.wcr wire and the other half is in '.eric, with the upper wire and acts in the opposite direction. Under these conditions the currents in the two
Fig. 6.8. A cylindrical wire.
will exist on it unless the electric intensity is impressed uniformly around the shell. Under the postulated conditions the vector potential is parallel to the axis of the wire. Let its value on the surface of the wire be II(z); then the corresponding value of the scalar electric potential V is
iu>e dz
Since the electric intensity tangential to the surface of the wire is zero except in the region of impressed forces, we have
■ ioijil I
Thus we have obtained two equations connecting the values of V and II on the surface of the wire
dV dz
Eliminating either II or F, we find
= -ß2n;
hence V and II are sinusoidal functions of the distance along the wire and the velocity of propagation is equal to the characteristic velocity of the surrounding medium. The equations, however, do not show where the nodes and antinodes of V and II are located with respect to the ends of the wire. Since the radial component £p is determined solely by the gradient of F, F can be defined as the electromotive force acting along a radius from the surface of the wire to infinity; but V is not a quantity which can readily be measured.
Consider now two parallel wires (Fig. 6.9) energized in " push-pull." Of the total impressed electromotive force F\ one half is in series with the
Fig. 6.9. Two parallel wires energized in push-pull.
wires are equal and opposite. Let Fu IT be the values of the potential functions on the surface of the lower wire and F2, n2 the corresponding values on the upper wire; then we.have
dVx . _ dBt
—— - — icoull!, —s~ ' —fweFii
dz dz
dF2 . _ dJh ■ r/ dz dz
everywhere on the wires except where the impressed forces are acting. Subtracting we obtain dV
— —ZU nil,
dU .
— = -scoeF, dz
V=VX-F2 = 2FU n = Hi - n2 = 2Hi.
The potential difference F\s now the transverse electromotive force acting from the lower wire to the upper along any path between the wires, lying completely in the plane normal to them. When the distance between the wires is small, F is a measurable quantity.
If the impressed forces acting on the wires are equal and in phase, the currents will also be equal and, then, V and II in (4) refer to either wire.
If the generator is in series with one wire, we can replace it by two pairs of generators, one pair acting in push-pull and the other in phase
i:\.\xtk<).via(;ni-;tk: wavi-.s
Equations (3) apply'only to thus, pans of the wire which are free I......
.mpressed forces. If £'(z) is the impressed intensity, then
E{(z) = -£,(«)
— = -im-a. + E{(z).
6.7. Current and Charge Distribution on Infinitely Thin Perfectly Conducting Wires
We shall now prove that on a perfectly conducting wire of vanishingly small radius the current and charge are sinusoidal functions of the distant I along the wire except in the immediate vicinity of the nodal points of the current and charge and in the vicinity of sudden bends. If I(z) and q(jz) are the current and charge in the wire per unit length, then
4irr ' ' J 4xer
where the integration is extended over the length of the
r = Va2 + (z - z)2, (7-2) and a is the radius of the wire. As a approaches zero the major contribution to n and /xis made by the current and charge in the vicinity of the
point 2 = 2. Thus we shall have approximately
ii(Z)=/(2) r_^.=
where / is small and
Calculating k we have 1 r*+l
«(4 m~mf i-;,w, (7-3)
+ (z - 0 ~ 4x
= iloB^ + v/?T^)
= f loB^22±-'. I-/ 4tt
Va2 + P - / Assuming that a is small compared with /, we obtain
Vp + d
he quantity /' increases indefinitely as the radius of the wire approaches
/.....mil / is kept constant. The contributions to II and V from the rest of
1 lit* wire remain Hnite; heme equations (3) represent first approximations tu II and V, every where except in the neighborhoods of the nodes of / and q, when' 'he principal terms become small and contributions from more >li i .nit parts of the wire must be included in these first approximations. Substituting for II from (3) in (6-3), we have
= —io>fikI,
Mil i,uniting for V from (3), we have also
dq . dl — = - Ucfxel, — = dz dz
k '
Flo. 6.10. A bent wire.
The second equation in this set is really exact; it may be obtained directly limn the principle of conservation of charge.
Thus we have proved the theorem stated at the beginning of this section for the case of Ht might wires. If the wire is curved (Fig. 6,10), our arguments are still valid except in the immediate vicinity of " angular points " where the wire suddenly changes its direction. In this case the exact equation connecting the scalar potential with the sector potential becomes
dV ■ * — - —tconAs.
The same approximations can be made as for straight wires except in the vicinity of angular points. Our conclusions are still valid if the radius of the wire is varying so long as the rate of change is finite.
Let us now return to the case of two parallel wires energized in push-pull (Fig. 6.9). Here III, as defined in the preceding section, consists of two parts
Hi = u[ + n{',
each due to the current in one of the wires. If the distance d between the axes of the wires is small, the approximate expressions (3) «re particularly good since the contributions from distant portions of one wire are nearly canceled by contributions from similar portions of the other wire. For k we have
AvJ-lWd' + X2 Vd2 + X2J
1 d — log-» lie a
li.!''.(' i'l'< )MA(; nI /11 c' w.AV i ■:;
i'llAIS <\
as Icing as d and a arc hot li small compared with /. Thus k has become in dependent of the indefinite length /. liy (6-7) and (3) we now have
dV . r. dl . — — —tuiLI, — = —twCF, dz dz
H d L — - log - i tt a
C =
(7-9) (7-10)
log :
6.8. Radiation from a Wire Energized at the Center
Wre are now in a position to calculate the power radiated by an infinitely thin perfectly conducting wire energized at the center.* W'e have proved that the current distribution is sinusoidal; the ends of an infinitely thin
wire must be current nodes; and the current I(z) must be an even function of the distance z from the center (Fig. 6.11). Therefore
I(z) = I sin ß(l -z), z> 0;
F:g. 6.11. Current distribution on a wire of finite length energized at the center.
= / sin 3{l + z), z < 0;
where / is the maximum amplitude of the current.
If the length 21 of the wire is equal to a half wavelength, (1) becomes
I(z) = I cos ßz, (8-2)
where the maximum amplitude is now at the center. The radiated power can be calculated by (4-22). Using only the first three terms of the power series for k\2, we obtain (for free space)
W = \RP, R = 73.2 ohms.
More accurate calculation gives R = 73.129. In Chapter 11 we shall prove that the exact value of the input resistance depends on the radius of the wire, particularly for lengths greater than a half wavelength; there we shall obtain expressions for R as well as for the reactive component of the input impedance as functions of the radius of the antenna.
6.9. The Mutual Impedance between Two Current Loops; the Impedance of a Loop
Let us now consider two current loops carrying uniform currents Ii and J2 in phase with each other (Fig. 6.12). The component of the vector
* Or at any other point for that matter. The general formulae will be obtained in Chapter 9.
itential due to 7a> along the element dsu is
Li C e'^" cos Ý
j2 r ť-.p.i, cos^ 4tt ,/ r12
• here ip is 'he angle between the dements n r r sin ßr12
Riz = ~r~ j i -cos \p ds\ ds2,
Air J J J'i2
ufi r r cos ßrl2 . , , Ai2 = — J J —--cos ý dsi ds2.
/\'i2 represents the mutual radiation resistance.
The above expressions are exact if I\ and I2 are uniform as we have assumed; but uniform currents can be sustained only by properly distributed impressed forces. The usual method of energizing a loop is to impress an electromotive force between a pair of terminals (Fig. 5.1.) In section 7 it has been shown that the current distribution on an infinitely thin wire
Chap, o
is represented l>y a sinusoidal function o| the distance along the loop. Furthermore the current entering the loop trom the generator at ./ equals the current leaving the loop at B; hence the current is an even function of the distance s from the midpoint C of the loop. The even sinusoidal function of J" is cos fts, and this is nearly constant for small values of s. Thus the above equations should apply approximately to small loops energized by concentrated impressed forces.
Furthermore for loops which are not too far apart we have approximately
wju f f cos g 4?r J J ?*i2
neglecting ^j32r12 and smaller terms in the integrand. This is seen to be proportional to the frequency and the coefficient of proportionality
jj^ r r co ~ J J t
cos ý
dsi ds<2
is the mutual inductance between the two loops. For loops of small but finite radius the integration in these double integrals is performed along the axes of the wires, although for more accurate computation the wires must be divided into elementary filaments.
If the loops are coincident the mutual impedance becomes the self impedance of the loop. Except at rather low frequencies the current is distributed near the surface of the wire. The vector potential of such a current distribution, at points external to the wire, can be computed by assuming that the current is distributed along the axis; but the second integration should be performed where the current actually happens to be and the corresponding curve of integration in the above double integrals must be taken on the surface of the wire. In particular these remarks should be kept in mind in computing the self-reactance or self-inductance of a loop; when calculating its radiation resistance, no great error is made if both integrations are taken along the axis of the loop. The reason for this is that the error involved in shifting the second path of integration from the surface to the axis is greatest for small values of 7*12, and for these values the integrand in /?i2 is nearly independent of r\2. On the other hand the greatest contribution to X%2 comes from small values of r\2-
Even if the current is distributed throughout the cross-section of the wire, the " external " inductance of the loop is obtained from (6) by integrating once along the axis of the wire and once along a parallel curve on its surface. The " internal " inductance is computed separately.
The mutual impedance between two closed uniform current filaments
an also lie expressed as follows:
here *is is the magnetic flux through the first loop due to the current in the second. Equation (6) shows that $2i = $12. The radiation resist-
11.1 appears through the component of i>12 in quadrature with I2. For the power radiated by two loops carrying currents differing in phase l)J) <\ the mutual power term contains the factor cos d; this factor appears 111 the expression for 4' for any transducer as shown by equation (5.2-8). II two current elements or two filaments are in quadrature they radiate Independently of each other.
6.1.0. Radiation from a Small Plane Loop Carrying Uniform Current
11 the loop is small, we may obtain an approximate value for the radiation resistance by retaining only the first two terms of the power series for Htit firi2 in (9-4); thus we have
R=^ff^~ 4*W cos f dsx ds2
VP 4
~ J* ft™ 4> dsi dtg?-~ >~ jf J* r?2 cos if/ ds, ds%.
Let Al 1 1 le
1 1
.IB = 1, we have VjlB + Vuc + Vco + Vda =
If the internal or surface impedances of the wires per unit length are Z\ I
and Z->, then for the particular trans- Fig. 6.14. Two parallel wires.
mission mode in which the currents in
I he wires are equal and oppositely directed we have
VAg = ZJ, Van = Z2I.
I f V is the transverse voltage between the wires, then
VBC + Vda = Vbc - Vad = -r •
Finally, $ is proportional to /; consequently equation (1) becomes
— = - (Zi + Z2 + io>L)L az
Fig. 6.15. A closed path on the surface of a wire.
Applying Ampere's law to the circuit ABCDEFA on the surface of the lower wire (Fig. 6.15) we have
Uab + Ubcd + Ude + Uefa. — It,
Ubcd + Uefa — h-
The left side is the difference between the currents flowing in the wire at A and B; if AB = 1, then
Ubcd + Uefa — —y — If dz
< "ll.lľ. Ii
On the other hand the transverse current is proportional to the voltage
/, = (G + io>C)F, (H-6)
and consequently
— = -(G + iuC)r. (H-7)
The transmission equations (4) and (7) apply equally well to coaxial cylinders (Fig. 6.16); only the expressions for L, G, C are different. If-the radii of the wires or coaxial cylinders vary slowly with the distance z along
I / I I
J ' Si I
Fig. 6.16. Two coaxial cylinders.
Fig. 6.17. Illustrating a possible distribution of the longitudinal displacement current inside a metal tube.
Fiq, 6.18. Electric lines inside a metal tube.
the wires, then L, G, C are functions of z. Generally these transmission equations are approximate; but in Chapter 8 we shall find that under certain conditions they may be exact.
Let us now remove the inner conductor of the coaxial, pair and see if wave transmission is still possible. The return path for the current in the metal
tube is now the dielectric inside the
-^-j—-!y-^- tube. If the tube is perfectly conduct
v i ing, the longitudinal electric intensity
__________|a___„„bj___must vanish on the boundary and
~~i*~ the longitudinal displacement current
might be distributed as shown in "* Fig. 6.17. The lines of displacement
Fig. 6.19. A metal tube and a rectan- current flow would then look like gular path formed by two radii and the ^ y 6 ,g jf the fiejd ig
lines joining their ends. ■; . ,
symmetric, magnetic lines are circles coaxial with the tube. Let V be the transverse voltage from the axis of the tube to its periphery and / the total longitudinal displacement current (Fig. 6.19). Applying Faradayr's law to a rectangle ABCDA we obtain equation (1). The voltage FCd is given by (2); similarly, we have equation (3): but Fab is now equal to the longitudinal electric intensity on the axis
Fab = Eo. (11-8)
In the case of a coaxial pair this voltage is small, equal to zero, in fact, if the inner conductor is perfect; but with no inner conductor there is every reason to suppose that it will prove to be significant.
Assuming that the longitudinal electric intensity is maximum on the axis, we have
■Bt = Eaf(p), /(0) = 1. (11-9)
Since the total current is
/ = iuxEoJ* Jf(p)p dp dip,
£° = ii? > (if **)s>
wu have
where S is the area ofithe cross-section of the tube. The quantity in paren-llicses is the average value of/(p) over the cross-section of the tube. * is proportional to I but the coefficient of proportionality L is naturally different from that for coaxial pairs. Equation (1) now assumes the following I.....i
dV (
— m -tZa + iaL 4-^)1. (n_n)
rtoC /
This equation differs from the equations for coaxial pairs and parallel pairs in that it contains a term representing distributed series capacity C. This, of course, was to be expected.
The second transmission equation is simply the equation of conservation 01 electric charge
dl .
dz *
where q is the charge on the surface of the tube per unit length. This charge is proportional to the radial component Ep of the electric intensity and therefore to the transverse voltage V; taking into consideration our convention with regard to the positive direction of F, we have
Comparing (11) and (12) with (5.7-6) and (5.7-7) we find that the metal tube behaves as a high pass filter. The cutoff frequency is determined by
Chap, n
It is easy to make a rough estimate of this frequency. From the physical picture underlying the present transmission mode it is clear that the error will not be excessive if we assume a uniformly distributed longitudinal displacement current. Then f(p) = 1 and C = eS = tira'1. In this case the inductance per unit length is L ~ fi/itr. Substituting in (13), we have
= 2.
Thus the cutoff wavelength is equal roughly to the circumference of the wave guide divided by 2.* Longer waves are not transmitted. The exact cutoff is determined if we use 2.40 instead of 2. More powerful methods for obtaining the cutoff frequencies will be described in later chapters. The above estimate has been made in order to show that, starting from a physical picture of a given field and applying the electromagnetic laws in their integral form, it is possible to obtain qualitative and even fairly satisfactory quantitative results.
Fig. 6.20.
Cross-sections of metal tubes of rectangular and semi-circular cross-section and magnetic lines.
In tubes of noncircular cross-section magnetic lines will be deformed (Fig. 6.20), the numerical values of Z,, C, C will be altered, but the essential picture will remain the same. We can even make an estimate of the cutoff wavelength by expressing Xc for the circular guide in terms of the area of the cross-section instead of the radius.
The direction of the conduction current in the tube is related to the direction of the magnetic lines of force. If the magnetic lines are counterclockwise, the current Fig. 6.21. Illustrating 'm ule tlIue uows away from the observer. Consider a transmission mode now a circular tube with an infinitely thin perfectly with two sets of conducting axial partition (Fig. 6.21) and assume
closed magnetic lines. ,L r i ■ • r i 1
that waves of equal intensity or the type shown In Fig. 6.20 have been set up in such a way that at all times one set of magnetic lines is counterclockwise and the other clockwise. The total current in the axial partition is zero and the partition has no effect
* On the energy basis L = p/Btt and \c = luaflZ. Much better results are obtained by taking/(/>) = ].—p-/a° or cos Wp/la) so that/(rt<) = 0.
i,n the field inside the circular tube. This partition can, therefore, be
.......veil and we are I■ 11 with a new mode ol i rnnsmissi'm in a circular cube.
In I his mode the conduction current flows in opposite directions in opposite halves of the tube; longitudinal displacement currents also flow in opposite directions. The cutoff frequency for this mode is higher than that for the first mode; the ratio of these frequencies is equal to the ratio of the eu toff frequencies for the first mode in the circular tube and in a semicircular tube of half the area. Hence, the approximate ratio of the two cutoff frequencies is V2 or 1.4; the exact ratiois nearly 1.6. The magnetic lines " avoid " the corners in the semicircular tube and this tendency makes i In i ffective area of the. tube smaller than the actual area.
This synthetic method of construction of field configurations can be intended. The circular tube can be divided by radial planes into an even .....iiber of sectors. Assuming a wave in each sector, traveling in the first
(©) (©)
Fig. 6.22, A transmission mode with six sets of closed magnetic lines.
Fig. 6.23. A possihle mode of transmission in a tube of triangular cross-section.
mode, and assuming relative directions of magnetic lines so as to make radial planes current free and hence removable, we obtain a sectorial wave in the circular tube. Any rectangular tube can be divided into equal rectangular tubes of smaller cross-section (Fig. 6.22); assuming the first mode in each in such a way that the adjacent lines of magnetic force point in the same direction, we obtain a higher transmission mode in the original tube. All these field configurations can be constructed on the basis of symmetry. They furnish us with qualitative ideas when symmetry is no longer a guide. We feel certain, for example, that in the tube whose cross-section is shown in Fig. 6.23, there exists a mode with two sets of magnetic lines of force as shown in the figure; but without more complete analysis we do not know just how the available space is divided between these sets of lines. All we can say is that the area of the left sector will be larger than that of the right sector because the magnetic lines avoid corners, particularly sharp corners. The magnetic lines surround the longitudinal displacement current which is proportional to the longitudinal electric intensity; but the latter must vanish on the boundaries of the tube and it will approach zero more rapidly when two boundaries are close together. In
t ' 11 A 1-, (i
coaxial pairs similar waves can exist; thus in the circularly symmetric case tlie longitudinal displacement current may be distributed as shown in Fig. 6.24.
All waves of the above type are called transverse magnetic waves or TM-waves because the magnetic vector is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. If the electric vector is perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation, then the waves are called transverse electric waves or TE-waves. Finally, if both vectors are perpendicular to the direction of wave
Fig. 6.24. A possible distribution of the longitudinal displacement current between coaxial cylinders.
Fig. 6.25. A rectangular metal tube.
propagation, then the waves are transverse electromagnetic (TEM-waves). In general both field intensities have longitudinal and transverse components; such waves are called hybrid waves. There are no electromagnetic waves in which either the electric intensity or the magnetic intensity is totally longitudinal.
A general idea of transverse electric waves may be obtained as follows. Consider two parallel metal strips, whose width is large compared with the distance between them. Such strips form a transmission line similar to a pair of parallel wires. Between the strips the electric field is almost uniform, except near the edges; the magnetic lines surround each strip and between the strips they are nearly parallel to them. The wave is transverse electromagnetic. The longitudinal currents in the strips flow in opposite directions and the circuit is made complete with the aid of transverse displacement currents. Let us now connect the edges of the strips metallically and form a rectangular tube (Fig. 6.25). The electric intensity, which we assume to be parallel to thejy-axis, must vanish at the boundaries to which it is parallel. Let us assume that E is maximum in the middle plane ABCD and that it is distributed as shown in Fig. 6.26. Magnetic lines cannot cross the conducting boundaries and must form loops (Fig. 6.27) surrounding the transverse displacement current. The longi-
tudinal magnetic intensity is associated with the transverse conduction current in the tube.
Now let I be the total longitudinal current in the lower face of the tube and —/ the corresponding current in the upper face.' Let V be the voltage from the lower face to the upper along a typical " central " line AB. This * 'I i age is equal to the total longitudinal magnetic current flowing through
Fig. 6.27.
Magnetic lines in planes normal to the E-vec tor.
Kio. 6.26. A possible distribution of the transverse displacement current in a rectangular tube.
i he rectangle ABEF in the negative z-direction, or the total current through ABGH in the positive direction. Assuming that the tube is perfectly conducting and applying the first law of induction to the rectangle ABCD, we obtain the first transmission equation. Expressing the variation of I with 2 in terms of the shunt displacement and conduction currents we obtain the second transmission equation. Thus we have
dV_ dz
— iíúLI.
Thus in the case of transverse electric waves the tube also behaves as a high pass filter (Fig. 5.19). The constants can be calculated if more specific assumptions are made with regard to the distribution of the transverse displacement current. However, in Chapter 8 wc shall obtain the complete and exact solution of this problem. The purpose of the present discussion is to stimulate the development of physical ideas as we proceed with mathematical analysis.
In Chapter 10 we shall solve rigorously the problem of cylindrical wave guides and confirm the existence of an infinite number of transmission modes. Kach mode is characterized by a definite field pattern in a typical plane normal to the guide. This field pattern determines completely the constants in the transmission equations (11) and (12) or (15), depending upon whether the wave is of transverse magnetic or transverse electric type. The propagation constant and the velocity in the guide depend upon the frequency and the particular transmission mode. The cutoff frequencies for various transmission modes may be arranged in ascending order of magnitude. The lowest of these frequencies is called the absolute cutoff frequency for the guide and the corresponding mode is the principal or the
Chap. 6
dominant transmission mode. If the guide is energized tit some frequency lower than the absolute cutoff frequency, the propagation constants fat all modes are real (if there is no dissipation) and the field intensity ap. proaches zero with increasing distance from the generator. If, however, the frequency is above the absolute cutoff but below the next higher, then at a sufficient distance from the generator the wave will be traveling along the guide substantially in the dominant mode. AJ1 the other modes represent only the local field in the vicinity of the generator. As the frequency Increases and passes successive cutoff frequencies, the energy supplied by the generator will be transferred along the guide in an increasing number of transmission modes.
Transmission modes are analogous to oscillation modes in electric networks. A simple series circuit has only one natural frequency and one oscillation mode; an w-mesh network has n oscillation modes; and a section of a transmission line has an infinite number of oscillation modes. Actual physical circuits are always multiple circuits, possessing in fact an infinite number of oscillation modes. The lowest natural frequency of some circuits, however, is so much lower than all the others that in a limited frequency range they may be approximated by simple circuits possessing only one natural frequency. Similarly all physical wave guides admit of an infinite number of transmission modes; but some wave guides, such as coaxial pairs, admit of one mode for which the cutoff frequency is zero and of other modes with very high cutoff frequencies. In a restricted frequency range such wave guides may be treated as simple transmission lines, possessing only one transmission mode. The absolute cutoff of metal tubes is high and the cutoff frequencies of higher modes are close to it (on the ratio basis); in such cases the existence of other transmission modes cannot be forgotten even if the operating frequency is such that only the dominant mode takes part in energy transmission. However, at frequencies between the first and second cutoffs, the higher transmission modes "represent only local fields in the vicinity of discontinuities such as generators, receivers, sudden bends or changes in the transverse dimensions of the guide. Under these conditions the wave guide acts as a simple transmission line in which the local fields associated with the discontinuities are represented by reactors either in series or in shunt with the line.
6.12. Reflection
In sections 1 and 2 we have calculated the field produced by a given distribution of sources in an infinite homogeneous medium. Let us now suppose that the medium consists of two homogeneous regions separated by a surface (S). Without loss of generality we may assume that one of these regions is source-free. If the sources are distributed throughout both
If the two
Fig. 6.28. A surface enclosing the source of the field.
,, Ki(,iiH, we may regard flic hit il liehl as due in the superposition ol two lirhis, each produced by sources located in one region only.
Tims let the sources be in region (1) as shown in Fig. 6.28 legions had the same electromagnetic properties, the field of these sources would be found from the equa-.....IS of sections 1 and 2. But when the electromagnetic properties are different the field (E\IP) i bus obtained is not the actual field. In region (1) It represents the primary field of the sources and is culled the impressed field. The field (Er,Hr) which must be added to give the actual field in region (1) is l ailed the reflected field. We may think of the reflected field as produced by polarization currents in region (2); in so far as these virtual* sources are concerned region (1) is source-free and the reflected field should satisfy the homogeneous form of Maxwell's equations
curl m = -irf, curl UT = (ffi + i^i)F/. (12-1)
i ,et the actual field in region (2) be {E^H1); this field is called the trans-milted (or "refracted") field and it also satisfies the homogeneous equations
curl El = -i^2H\ curl W = % + Me2)El. (12-2)
At the interface (S) of the two media the tangential components of £ and // are continuous
Ei + El = 4 ^ + H< = ^ (12"3) This set of equations constitutes one formulation of the problem of determining the field of a given system of sources when the medium consists of two homogeneous regions. The method can be extended to any number of homogeneous regions.
If the boundary (S) is a perfectly conducting sheet, then the tangential component of E should vanish on (S)
Ej + Et - 0, or E\ = -E{. . (12-4)
A perfectly conducting sheet can support finite electric current and the tangential component of H is no longer continuous across (S). In fact, energy cannot flow across a perfect conductor and the field in region (2) due to the sources in region (1) is equal to zero. The component of H tangential to (S) in region (1) represents the current density / on (S). By the second law of induction J is normal to the tangential component of H; hence if n is a unit normal to (S), regarded as positive when pointing
* As distinct from true sources.
CttAfi 0
Into the source-free region (2), then
J = 0t + //<) X n. (12-5)
Since the vector product of n and the normal component of // is zero, wo can drop the subscript " tangential " and write
J = (H{ + Hr) X n. (12-6)
More generally if the impedance Z„ normal to the boundary is prescribed, then the relation between the tangential components in region (1) is
B^ZMlXn, or E\ + Ej - Z»(H} + HI) X n. (12-7)
Wave propagation in wave guides may be regarded as a case of reflection, We start with a certain system of sources inside a metal tube, for example; then the total field inside the tube is the sum of the impressed and reflected fields in the sense defined in this section.
6.13. The Induction Theorem Let us rewrite (12-3) as follows
E\ - Et - Ei, H[-H\ = Hi,
and concentrate our attention on the " induced " field (E,H) consisting of the reflected field (Er,Hr) in region (1) and the transmitted field (£',#<) in region (2). This field satisfies the homogeneous equations (12-1) and (12-2) everywhere except on (S) and it may be obtained from a distribution of sources on (S) as well as from the original sources.
It has been shown in section 4.5 that the discontinuities in E and H across (S) could be produced by current sheets on (S) of densities
M = (El - ES) X n = E\ X 7i,
J = n X (Ht - HI) = k X HI-
Since the vector product of n and a normal component of the field is zero, we have
M = EiXn, J = n X H\ (13-3)
Thus if we wish to determine the field whose only sources are the currents on (S) given by (3), we have to solve exactly the same equations as those used in the preceding section to obtain the induced field. In other words the induced field (E,H) could be produced by electric and magnetic current sheets of densities given by (3); this is the Induction Theorem.
6.14. The Equivalence Theorem
Let us now suppose that (S) is a surface in a homogeneous medium, separating a source-free region (2) from the rest. In this case the " reflected "
luld is evidently /.em and the transmit led field is the actual field in the
........(. (Vee region. Thus we obtain the following Equivalence Theorem:
lb,- lichl in a source-free region bounded by a surface (S) could be produced by R distribution of electric and magnetic currents on this surface and in i lir sense the actual source distribution can be replaced by an "equivalent" 11 11 ibution (13-3).
6.15. Stationary Fields
Stationary fields are fields independent of time and may be regarded as . iril cases of variable fields. For example from (1-10) and (2-14) we obtain the following expression for the electrostatic field produced by a Hi von distribution of electric charge in a perfect dielectric
dq Aiver
E = -grad V, V
where dq is a typical element of charge. The function V is now called the I lectrostatic potential. A similar expression may be obtained for the niiignetostatic field of a given distribution of magnetic charge
H= -grade/, U = f^, (15-2) i J iirnr
where dm is a typical element of magnetic charge. In this case the function /' is called the magnetostatic potential. These expressions are also the limits of the harmonic field when w approaches zero.
In an infinite homogeneous conductor we have from (2-13) and (1-8)
J Airr
- div A, t
where dp is the moment of a typical impressed current element. From (1-10) we have
E = -grad V, H= curl A. (154)
The field due to currents in conductors surrounded by a homogeneous dielectric medium can be obtained from
curl II = gE + f (15-5) if we use (1.8-6) and recall that in the absence of magnetic charges
div H = 0. Thus we have
H = curl
This formula can also be used, of course, for homogeneous media but it is more complicated than (3) and (4) which give H in terms of the impressed
i 11
currents alone. Tims die latter equations give immediately the licld of ail impressed current element (equations 2-3, 2-5, 2-6) while this could onl) be obtained from (6) by integrating over the entire infinite medium.
6.16. Conditions in the Vicinities of Simple and Double Layers of Charge
Consider a stationary distribution of electric charge on some surface ( ' | or a simple layer (Fig. 6.29). The normal component of E is discontinue mi across the layer; thus by (4,3-2) we have
j? IS
where qs is the charge on the layer per unit area and « is the dielectric constant of the surrounding medium. The tangential component of E is continuous. In terms of the electrostatic potential V these boundary conditions become
dV\ ds
ds '
dV\ dn
From the expression for the potential in terms of the charge distribution it is evident that the potential is continuous across the simple layer; this condition implies the continuity of the tangential components of V.
Fig. 6.29. A surface layer of charge.
Fig. 6.30. A double layer of charge.
Two close layers of equal and opposite charges constitute a double layer (Fig. 6.30). Such a layer may be subdivided into elementary doublets. If is the charge per unit area and / is the separation between the simple layers, then dp = qgl dS is the moment of an elementary doublet. The moment x per unit area is called the strength of the layer. For an ideal double layer / is vanishingly small and qs is infinitely large, while their product x is finite. We have seen that the potential of a doublet is
where ^ is the angle made with the axis of the doublet by the line joining
doublet with a typical point; /' (Fig. 6.31). The potential of the entire luycr is therefore
1 C C X cos 4> , „
My the definition of the double layer and by (4.3-2) the normal com-
l.....nt of the electric intensity is continuous; hence this is also true of the
n.....ial derivative of the potential of a double layer in a homogeneous
medium. On the other hand, the potential itself is discontinuous. Inside i he layer the electric intensity is — qs/t and the potential rise across the layer in the direction of the normal |l indicated in Fig. 6.30 is
781 (16-5) + +
Vn =
In terms of this potential discontinuity across the FlG_ 6 3L An eleraent layer, the potential outside the layer given by (4) be- of a double layer, comes
If a conical surface is generated by sliding the radius from a fixed point ah aig a closed curve, the space enclosed is called a solid angle. The measure [) of the solid angle is the area intercepted by the angle on a unit sphere with its center at the apex of the solid angle. The solid angle at P subtended by an element of the double layer of area dS (Fig. 6.31) is
dti = —s— dS,
11 eos ip is positive. We shall regard this equation as defining the solid angle subtended by a " directed element of area " by permitting cos ^ to a time negative values as well as positive. This will make the solid angle subtended by a closed surface zero for an external point and ±47r for an internal point. Substituting from (7) in (4) and (6), we have
I f the layer is uniform, then
V(P) = ^ = r FoQ> 4ire 4jt
where fi is the solid angle subtended at P by the layer (Fig. 6.30).
ClIAl', (J
Similarly the potential of a magnetostatic double layer in an infinite homogeneous medium is
where x is the strength of the magnetic layer, defined as the magnetic moment per unit area, and U0 is the sudden rise of the magnetic potential in passing across the layer. If the layer is uniform, then
•ZiTfi, 4ir
For an infinite homogeneous conductor the potential is given by (8) with g in place of e.
6.17. Equivalence of an Electric Current Loop and a Magnetic Double Layer Consider a, uniform magnetic double layer (Fig. 6.30) of strength x = pU0. The magnetomotive force along a path ABC leading from a point A on the positive side of the layer to an opposite point Con the negative side is Uq, since the total magnetomotive force round ABCA is zero. Imagine now an electric current loop along the edge of the double layer and let the current I in the loop be regarded as positive when it appears counterclockwise to an observer on the positive side of the layer. The magnetomotive force of the field produced by this current, round any contour such as ABC in Fig. 6.30 is I. Thus in so far as points external to the layer are concerned, the layer and the loop are equivalent if
1= U0. (17-1) Inside the layer the two fields are, of course, very different. Substituting from (1) in (16-11) we have the magnetic potential of an electric current loop
V{P) =
at all points outside some surface (S) bounded by the loop.
Let us now consider an infinitely small plane current loop of area S and the corresponding magnetic double layer. The total moment of this magnetic doublet is pIS. Assuming that / is variable, the magnetic doublet becomes a magnetic current element of moment
P = Kl=pS^, (17-3)
where K is the magnetic current and / is the length of the element.*
* In dealing with magnetic current elements we are concerned only with the moment A7, and apart from this product neither K nor / need have definite values.
For harmonic currents we have
p- Kl= iosfiSI.
This relationship between elementary current loops and magnetic cur-i. hi elements makes it very easy to obtain the field of the loop. We have already calculated the field of an electric current element of moment //. Wt: have also seen that the fields of magnetic currents are obtainable from an electric vector potential F which differs from the magnetic vector poten-n,il A only in that magnetic currents appear in the place of electric cur-tents. Thus for an electric current loop in a nondissipative medium we inive
F =
Em —
Kle~™ 4irr
10* SI 4-irr
lap Sle
4xr ^T sin 6,
far \ i§r 0*r2]
2xr2 V
cos 6.
At great distances from the loop the field is
fSIe^ sin | irWr* sin 9
H8 =
Ev = — ijflg, while near the loop it is
HT = 0,
He =
SI sin 0
Hr «
SI cos 0
iwpSI sin 9 far2
A large loop carrying current I, uniform over the loop
but varying with time, is also equivalent to a uniform
double layer over a surface {S) bounded by the loop. In
order to show this we need only imagine that (S) is
divided into a large number of elementary loops filling
the entire surface, each carrying current I in the same 6'32- Represcn-
, ,.„ , rv a-..s cation or a large
direction (big. 6.32). The electromagnetic effects of the loop ca|.ryi]lg ,]m_
currents in adjacent sections of the elementary loops form current by
cancel our, and the system of loops is equivalent to subdivision into
„ . . , . . , small loops, each
the large loop. But each elementary loop is equivalent cat,.^llg the same
to a magnetic doublet or to an element of the double current.
Chap, r>
layer, ami hem r I lie loop as a whole will he equivalent lo a uniform double layer over (S).
6.18. Induction and Equivalence Theorems for Stationary Fields
Next in simplicity to a homogeneous infinite medium is a medium which is homogeneous in each of two regions (1) and (2) separa.ed by a closed surface (S) (Fig. 6.28). Let us suppose that we have a distribution of electric charge in region (1) while region (2) is source-free. Let F{ be the potential of this distribution in an infinite medium with a dielectric constant «i, equal to the dielectric constant of region (1); we shall call this potential the impressed potential and the corresponding field the impressed field. Let the difference between the actual potential in region (1) and the impresse I potential be Fr; we shall call this the reflected potential and the corresponding field the reflected field. Finally let the actual field in region (2) be represented by the transmitted potential Fl. The reflected and the transmitted potentials satisfy Laplace's equation
Af = 0, AF' = 0. (18-1)
Assuming that there are no sources on the interface (S) between the two regions, we have the following conditions to be satisfied over (S):
yi + yr = yt
OF' dn
The first of these conditions states that there is no double layer of charge over (S) and the second that there is no simple layer. The above equations together with supplementary requirements of finiteness, continuity and proper behavior at infinity suffice for the calculation of Fr and F*.
Equations (2) may be rewritten as follows
yt _ yr
dF* dFr QF*
~— — «1 "~7 = é1 "
dn dn dn
Suppose now we have a double layer in region (1) at the boundary (S), with potential discontinuity F\ and a simple layer of density
qs = £\^~. • (18-4)
Furthermore let the rest of space be source-free. In order to obtain the field of these surface sources we have to satisfy equations (1) and (3) and supplementary requirements of finiteness, continuity, and proper behavior at infinity which are the same as in the previous problem. In other words the two problems are indistinguishable and the field consisting of the reflected field in region (1) and the transmitted field in region (2) may be produced by the postulated simple and double layers of electric charge. This is the electrostatic version of the Induction Theorem.
If the dielectric constant of region (2) is equal to that of region (1), then there is no reflected field and the transmitted field is identical with the impressed field given by F\ The induction theorem becomes now an equivalence theorem which states that the simple and double layers defined by (3) produce a field which is equal to zero
Í.33. A system conductors.
in region (1) and to the aeiual Held in region (2); that is, the field in the source-free region (2) produced by a system of sources distributed throughout region (1) may also be produced by a proper system of sources over the boundary (S) separating the two regions.
In the situation contemplated in the above equivalence theorem the entire space is homogeneous and the expression for the potential of the simple and double layers over (S) can be written at once. Dropping the superscript i, we have
í)F F cos Tp
^ 4xS \_r dn ^dn \r)_
{/{-P' ~ 4ir J Jm \rdn ' r2 }~" 4x.
The magnetostatic field can be treated similarly.
f>. 19. Potential and Capacitance Coefficients of a System of Conductors
Consider a system of n conductors Ki, Kz, ■ ■ ■, Kn (Fig. 6.33) with total charges respectively equal to q\, q2, • - ■ , qn- The potential F is a linear function of the total charges on the conductors
F{P) = fm +fm + • •' +/«?», C19-1)
where the coefficients fu/h "'■>/«■ are functions of position. The function/„, represents the potential due to a unit charge on the »3th conductor when the remaining conductors have zero charges. On a conductor electricity moves freely so that, when a steady state has been reached, the tangential component of the electric intensity vanishes and the surface of the conductor becomes an equipotential surface. Designating by Ft, F2,"-,Fn the potentials of the conductors, we have
Fx = jpnyi + pi2?2 + pisqi +----h pi«?n>
Fi = piiq\ + p2tq2 + pwqz 4- • ■ • + pinqn,
.................................... (19-2)
Fn = pniqi + pn-m + Pmq% + ■ ■ • + pnnqn,
where the p's are the corresponding values of the f's. These coefficients are called the potential coefficients. The setplm, p■ ■ ■ , pnm represents the potentials of the conductors when a unit charge is placed on the mth conductor while the other conductors remain uncharged.
Solving (2) for the q's we have
+ (z - h 4- Incf 4x« V7+ (a + A + 2«)5 *
where p is the distance from the line of charges.
The method of images can be used to satisfy other boundary conditions. Thus if the image source in Fig. 6.35 is of the same sign as the given source, the normal derivative of the potential will vanish at the plane. This is the boundary condition at a perfect " magnetic conductor " in the case of electrostatic fields, at a perfect electric conductor in the case of magnetostatic fields, and at a perfect insulator in the case of steady electric current flow. In each case either the normal component of displacement or the normal component of current density is required to vanish. Thus if instead of a point charge q in Fig. 6.35, we have a point source of electric current 2,
then the Potentin! in the semi-infinite homogeneous conductor bounded by a perfectly insulating plane is
V '.(' + wg\r
where g is the conductivity of the medium.
To summarize: the image of a simple source in an infinite plane is equal in strength In the source but of opposite sign if the potential or the tangential component of the Held intensity is required to vanish at the plane; the image is equal in strength to (lie source and has the same sign if the normal derivative of the potential or the normal component of the field intensity has to vanish at the plane.
+1 -ct»
■f m -m
!-m im •—»—•
+m Fig. 6.38.
The images of various doublets and current elements in a perfectly conducting plane.
This rule can be broadened to include doublets and current elements. Consider for example a perfectly conducting plane and a variety of doublets and current elements (Fig. 6.38). The images of the following sources have the same sign as the sources: the electric doublet and the electric current element normal to the plane; the magnetic doublet and the magnetic current element tangential to the plane. The remaining sources have images of opposite sign: the electric doublet and the electric current element parallel to the plane; the magnetic doublet and the magnetic current element normal to the plane.
It is easy to verify that the above ride applies to electric and magnetic current elements with variable moments. The rule for the images of electric loops is identic.d, of course, with the rule for magnetic current elements.
I 12
Chap, tj
Wo shall now extend tin- mci Inn I of imagi-s in anudier direction. I.cl the plane In .in interface between two homogeneous dielectrics (Fig. 6.39). Consider a point charge q at point A in the upper medium, As has been explained in suction IN we may regard the total field in this medium as the sum of the impressed lield, defined as the field ol the point charge on the assumption that = «i, and the reflected field. We already know that in at least two cases the reflected field is equal to the one produced by nil image charge at point B, which is the geometric image of point A. Thus if e2 = 0, thru the displacement density in the lower medium is identically 'zero and therefore the normal component of the displacement density in the upper medium should vanish at the boundary; in this case the image charge "producing" the reflected field id
qT = g. If ti = co, then the electric intensity in the lower medium must vanish, or else the displacement
_£i_ density would be infinite; in this case the tangential
C2 component of the electric intensity in the upper
medium should vanish at the boundary and the reflected field could be produced by qr = —q. Further. Fiq. 6.39. Illustrating the im- more if ^ = eLj tue reflected field should vanish, ^theory for two dielectric Witli this information in mind, we assume tentatively
that the reflected field in general could be produced by an image charge at B, having the following value
*1 - «3
€i + «2
The ratio qr/q defined in this manner reduces to 1, —1, and 0 in the three cases considered above; but naturally this does not mean that (9) is true in general. In fact, we do not even know that in the general case the reflected field could be produced by an isolated point charge; we merely start with (9) as a hypothesis which can be either proved or disproved.
The potential of the pair of charges is
where ?.\ and r2 are respectively the distances from A and B. The potential along the boundary is
P+Fr = this potential is equal to thai given by (11). Tims both boundary conditions are satisfied and we may finally say that the field of a point charge q, located at a point A in a semi-infinite homogeneous medium separated by a plane from another semi-infinite homogeneous medium, may be represented as follows; (1) on the same side of the boundary as point A, the field is the sum of the fields which Would be produced in an infinite medium by the original charge at A and by an image I barge qr at B, assuming that the dielectric constant of the medium is en (2) on the Other side of the boundary the field is the same as that which would be produced by a charge q', placed at A, in an infinite medium with the dielectric constant e2.
For magnetic fields we have a similar theorem. In the above formulae electric i'lmrges are replaced by magnetic charges and e's are replaced by jx's. The rules for di millets can be formulated very readily since doublets are pairs of point charges.
These theorems do not apply in general to variable fields. That this is the case in obvious when the intrinsic propagation constants of the two media are different; the fields of simple point sources cannot possibly be matched along the entire plane boundary. But it is conceivable that such fields could be matched when the propagation constants are the same; and this is actually found to be the case.
6.23. Two-Dimensional Stationary Fields
A two-dimensional field is defined as a field depending on two coordinates and, in particular, as a field depending on two cartesian coordinates. While such fields are special cases of three-dimensional fields, the simplifications resulting from the decrease in the number of effective coordinates are so great that two-dimensional fields are usually studied separately. Assuming that tiie field is independent of the z-coordinate, we obtain the following equations for source-free homogeneous regions under different conditions.
For an electrostatic field the potential satisfies the two-dimensional Laplace's equation
aty tf-y
.^_ + ^l = 0, . (23-1)
dx% 3ja
which in polar coordinates becomes
3 / g/A . bW dp \ dp / dip2 The electric intensity is equal to — grad V\ thus
Ev~ by''
E = E M „^_\
bp pdip
Exactly the same set of equations describes die steady current flow. For magneto-
static Ileitis the i'(|iiat.....ti an- similar, with the.....luetic potential U taking the |>la< <■
of the electric potential /' and // appearing in place of !>'..
Magnetic fields produced by electric currents ate derivable from the vector potential A. which, when the current is parallel to the z-axis, has only one component /-/,. Thus such fields depend essentially on one scalar function A, = U', usually called tin stream function. In terms of this function we have
"x - — ,
a* pdip
In source-free regions the stream function satisfies equations (1) and (2).
A two-dimensional electrostatic field is produced by a system of uniform filaments of electric charge parallel to the z-axis. These filaments may form either a discrete or a continuous set. A uniform line source is an elementary source of such a field in the same sense as a point source is an elementary source of a three-dimensional field. The potential of a line source is independent of the ^-coordinate. Hence from (2) we have
V = P log p + constant.
If q is the electric charge per unit length of the filament, then by taking the radial displacement over the surface of a cylinder concentric with the filament we obtain
litpcEf, = q, Substituting in (7), we have
and P = - —
y =--log - >
2tt£ a
where a is a constant length which remains arbitrary, itself we have
For the electric intensity (23-11)
The last two equations can be derived without using Laplace's equation. Thus (11) follows directly from symmetry considerations and from the divergence equation (4.3-2). Furthermore it is evident that E can be expressed as the gradient of a function depending only on p and that this function is given, by (10). Laplace's equation becomes of real value, however, when only a part of the complete distribution of electric charge is known and the information regarding the remaining charges is replaced by boundary conditions. Consider for example a conducting cylindrical tube and a known line charge parallel to the axis of this tube. Instead ot being given the distribution of electric charge on the cylinder we are required to find it, using the boundary condition that the component of E tangential to the tube vanishes. This time our
pinUoni is lo find ;t telle! led field :,aiiiifyiiii', ('.') and having si tangential component i ,|n d and opposite to the tangential component of the field which would be produced bj i h>' line charge in an infinite medium.
In the csisc of magnetic fields produced by a distribution of parallel currents the i Iciiicntary line source is a uniform infinitely thin current filament carrying current I. Hy (4.6-1) wc have
When the field is steady, there is no displacement current parallel to the filament and i I ') is valid at any distance from the element, not only in its immediate vicinity, i ', imputing (12) with (6), we find that H may be obtained from the following stream I u net ion
1 i P =--log - >
2ir "a
where a is an arbitrary constant.
The value of the stream function becomes evident when we attempt to find the held of several current filaments. Such a field may be I il ulated directly from (12) by adding vectortally the magnetic intensities of the individual current fila-n nuts. On the other hand the stream function is a scalar and the addition of stream functions is much simpler. For example in the case of two filaments (Fig. 6,40) one passing through point (1/2,0) carrying Current / and the other through (—1/2,0) with current —I, we have
y si
1 2 i z x
* = —
— log — . 2jt pi
Fig. 6.40. The cross-section of two infinitely long parallel wires carrying equal and opposite currents.
When pi and pt are large compared with 1/2, we have
P2 = P + - COS tp,
Pi = P - £ cos MAi INETIC WAVES
ChaPi d
oilier distribution, for which (lie total ciirrcnl is zero, may In- subdivided into pairs nl oppositely directed current (iliirnents. Thus we have the general theorem.
The method of images ran evidently he applied to two-dimensional fields. Tin rules for the magnitudes and the signs of the images of line sources are the same as l< h corresponding point sources.
6.24. The Inductance of a System of Parallel Currents
Generally, in the case of steady parallel currents, the stream function satisfies the two-dimensional Poisson's equation
where / is the total current density. The energy of the magnetic field produced by this current distribution may be expressed in terms of ty\ thus the energy per unit length in the z-dircction is
W ■
where the integration is extended over any plane normal to the z-axis.
To begin with let us consider the above integral extended over a finite area. Green's theorem we have
w = yf t J|U -yjff ds> (24~3)
where the line integral is taken over the periphery of the chosen area. Let this area increase indefinitely in both linear dimensions and assume that / is distributed over a finite area. If the total current in the z-direction is different from zero W will also increase indefinitely. On the other hand if the total current is zero, as is the case in practice, then varies ultimately as* 1/p and cM'/dw as 1/p2, consequently the line integral in (3) approaches zero. Substituting from (1) in (3), we thus obtain
Effectively, this integration is extended only over the areas occupied by the current.
Let us now consider a system of parallel wires and let the currents in these wires be uniformly distributed throughout their cross-sections. In this case / is constant for each wire and (4) becomes
where Si, Sz,-" are the cross-sections of the various wires. Introducing the average values of the stream function "ty over each cross-section
* ^ may contain a constant which does not affect the field and hence maybe taken as zero.
ml iiotiiiu thill the total current /„, in the will wire is /„, JmSm, we transform (5)
//-- - faZ**!*. (24-7) II there arc only two wires, carrying equal and opposite currents, then
h - /, J,- -I,
uiiI the energy of the field per unit length along the wires is
IF = - *»)/. (24-8)
Ii. t alues of and ^2 are proportional to I so that
W = \U\ • Ii ii 11n eoellicient L is seen to be the inductance per unit length of the wires and its
Value is
L = n
*l — *3
For two pairs of wires let
Ii = —Ii, Ii = —Iii
then equation (7) becomes
W = M*i - + |*(¥j - ¥«)/* (24-10)
I In average values of the stream functions are linear functions of I\ and Ii: thus
MOI'i - *3) = Lull + Li-J2)
M(*2 - *4) = £21/1 + Z.22/2.
Substituting in (10), we have
W = |LuU + |(Ca + L2l)hh + \Lnll.
These formulae may be extended to n pairs of wires.
Thus in order to compute the inductance coefficients of a system or parallel currents we have to compute first the stream function *te and then its average values over the
1 / I \ +I \
Fig. 6.41. The cross-section of two parallel cylinders.
cross-Sections of the different wires. Two examples will illustrate the procedure, let us take a pair of wires of circular cross-section (Fig. 6.41). We have already umed that the current distribution is uniform throughout the cross-section of each
( MM
wire. From symmetry ■ < •ir.i.lrr:iii< mis wr cmu'liidr dial (lie si mini I.....linn Im . n |,
w iiv, 111 I In' region external in il, is equal In I lie si ream function I ha I would lie oltluiiii i| il the entire current were concentrated along the axis of the wire. Thus for point! external to both wires the st ream function is given by (23-14). Inside the wire A till] magnetic intensity due to the current in the wire itself is
™ to the interval (0,2ir), we assume in effect that the sources of the field are located on the positive »z-plane. Since the potential rise across this plane is q/t, there must be a double layer on this plane of strength q (Fig. 6.43). The electric intensity is
Fio. 6.43. A half-plane double layer.
* The algebraic sign of potential and stream functbns is a matter of convention.
Since Ea, is continuous, there are no simple layers of charge. Tin- electric lines are
I Hi li s and ihr cquipotclltial lines are rtldli,
'.him the radial planes are equipntential, we ran assume any pair of them to be in i lis i i onductors insulated from each other along the line passing through the origin (I'lH. 6.44). The displacement density along one plane, passing through the x-axis, is
Fio. 6.45. Illustrating the conformal transformation of a region bounded by a closed curve into the upper half-plane.
Kin. 6.44. A wedge funned by two half-planes. ,
I he displacement density at the other plane is the negative of this. Since the poten-lial difference between the planes is qů/2ire, where ů is the angle between them, the ■ ipacitan.ee between the planes per unit area at distance p from their adjacent edges is
C = -L PŮ1
Let us now consider the general problem of a line charge in the presence of a perfectly conducting cylindrical boundary whose generators are parallel to the line charge. Let (C) be the contour of the conducting boundary (Fig. 6.45) and let the complex number Zo designate the position of the line charge. Suppose that we have found a function
w = u + h = /(z), (25-13)
such that the curve (C) goes point by point into the i/-axis and the interior of the region bounded by (C) goes into the upper half of the ic-plane. Let two be the point corresponding to zo and assume that a line charge of density q is passing through too-The complex potential of this charge is
Wi = - ~— log (if — Wo)-2?re
If a perfectly conducting plane is assumed to pass through the a-axis, then its effect on the field in the upper half-plane may be represented by the potential of the image charge of density -q, located at the image point wfo this image potential is
JVi m ^d°S (w - *»*)•
>M,\<;NI.Tk' WAVES
The total potential is therefore
w — wf
If now We substitute from (13) into (16), we obtain W =
» , m-im
— log
2« °/C0-/(#)'
(25 u
(25 17)1
which is the complex potential of the line charge passing through Zu in the presence of] the conducting boundary (C). The real part of (17) reduces to zero on (C) because til' our choice of/(z). In the neighborhood of z = Zo, we have
/(z) - /(zo) - (z-z0y'(z0); hence in this neighborhood (17) becomes
W- --*-log(Z 2ire
zo) - — log
2xe D/(so) -MY
(25 IH)
(25 I'M
The first term of this expression represents the potential of the line charge in tht infinite medium and the second term its modification due to the boundary. Tho second term is constant and does not affect the charge density on the source; h< m the real part of (17) satisfies all the requirements of our original problem. More generally (17) may be represented in the form
T„ q - q f(z) - /(2p)
W = _ (z _ 2o) _ log - - ,
2rre 2tt£ (z - z0)\f{z) -/(zo)
in which the effect of the boundary on the potential is given explicitly. The second term in (20) has no singularities in the region bounded by (C).
If instead of an infinitely thin filament, we assume a thin circular wire of radius a, the complex potential of the wire is given approximately by (19). In this approximation we ignore the redistribution of charge round the wire due to the fact that the reflected potential is not really constant but varies from point to point; actually the wire is in a transverse electric field which forces some positive charge from one side of the wire to the other. In fact, following this line of thought we may obtain a more accurate expression for the field of charge on a conducting wire of finite radius. However, if the radius is small compared with the shortest distance from the wire to the boundary, then (19) is a good approximation and in this case the capacitance of the wire per unit length is
r = ? =__|f«__,,r,|,
V logl/(z0)-/(zo*)|-log|/'(3l))|-loga' '
In the above problem the image source was the negative of the given source. If the boundary condition is such that the image source is of the same sign as the given source, then instead of (17) we have
W =
log im -/(zo)][/(z) -/&)].
With a few appropriate modifications all the above formulae can be used for the J^'ie field produced by an electric current filament in the presence of a perfectly | ».,„„ I.icting cylinder. The real part of the complex function
w= -Z-log (w- wo) (25_23)
.....w taken to represent the stream function. This stream function satisfies he
1,1a,,. condition as the electric potential. Hence our final result will be (17 \h replaced by /. The inductance per unit length of a th.n wtre of radtus * » I.......| in the same way as the capacitance; thus we have
L = — [log l/(zo) -M) I - l«g \?W I - l0§ a] ■ 2tt
We shall now consider a few special problems. Figure 6-16 shows the cross-section „f a wedge formed by two perfectly conducting planes. I,, a line charge be at point z„. The function
w = z» = p"e™v
|, positive real for ) • • • (z - «**-»*»), (25-30)1 where ů is the wedge angle. Similarly we can factorize the denominator of (27), This factorization leads to (2« — ]) image sources and V can be expressed in terms ■ .1 the logarithms of the distances from a typical point to the source and its images.
Fig. 6.47. A charged filament and a conducting half-plane.
When n is not an integer there is no system of image sources which could represent the effect of the wedge. For example, a half plane (Fig. 6.47) can be regarded as a wedge with d = 2x and n = \. In this case (27) and (28) become
and no factorization is possible.
V = - -L. Ing -P ~ 2VVo cos \{
P - 2VpPo cos %(v + Vo) + po
Fio. 6.48. Illustrating the transformation of a region enclosed by a polygon into the
upper half-plane.
A general function transforming a polygon (Fig. 6.48) in the z-planc into the real axis of the tt'-plane was discovered by Schwarz. Let us set up the following integral
/V) (w - Wi)*(a - - w3)n' ■•■dw (25-32)
and examine the changes in 2 as we follow the real axis in the ta-plane, indented at is\, w2, etc. The indentations may be taken as infinitely small semicircles in the upper half-plane and are needed to make the integrand an unambiguous function of w when the m's are fractions. As we follow the «-axis in the positive direction, the phase of the integrand remains unchanged so long as we are on the straight part of the path;
AHOIIT wavi'.s in (jkneuai.
In in e the increments of z are in phase and ■:. must follow a straight line. Let us suppose 1I1.11 we are Oil the left of w\. In the s-planc wc are on some straight line znzi and me moving toward the point corresponding to tt>i. As we go round the first infinitesi-111,il indentation, all the factors of the integrand except (w — Wi)"' are constant.
I be absolute value of (w — twi)"1 dw is p"* \ where r is the infinitesimal radius; hence if ii\ 4- I > 0, the magnitude of the increment in z is infinitely small during the
1.......hi round the semicircle. But while 2 remains unchanged, its new increments
beyond 101 will have a different phase. This is because the phase of m — w\ has decreased by x and therefore the phase of (w — W\)m has changed by i?i = — rt\ir.
I lie new increments make an angle d\ with the old ones and we now follow a straight Inn- :.[z'< making the angle t?i with ZnZi. The second bending of the path takes place at
v. Corresponding t0 w%> etc- The transformation (32) can now be expressed in the form
(if - wi)-i,/*(«e - w2)-d'!"{w - ■wsf**/m ■ ■ ■ dw, (25-33)
where d\, t>a, etc. are the external angles of the polygon.
If from the point at infinity on the positive «-axts we follow round an infinite semicircle in the upper half of the ai-plane, the path in the to-plane becomes closed. The total change in z around this path is zero since there are no singularities in the upper hall-plane. Thus we shall return to the original value of z. The region enclosed by the polygon is transformed into the upper half-plane. The term " enclosed " is defined as follows: that region is enclosed by a curve which is on the left ot an observer following the boundary counterclockwise.
As our first example let us take a wedge (Fig. 6.49). In order to transform the region (S) into the upper half-plane we follow its boundary in the counterclockwise direction and imagine that the contour is completed with an arc of an infinitely large circle. Choosing the vertex of the wedge to correspond to the point w seeing that the angle t?i is positive and equal to x — t?, we have
Fig. 6.49. A wedge of angle &.
where we have taken A = ■dfv. This agrees with (25).
If we wish, we can transform the complementary region (S ) into the upper half-plane; then we must follow the contour ■ round this region in the counterclockwise direction (Fig. 6.50). Fig. 6.50. The com- 1" this case t?i is negative and its absolute value is x — t>; plementary wedge, hence
it*-*) ^ dw »=
w(2ir-ií)/ir = w(2i—i»)/»_
Since 2x — t? is the angle of the wedge (S') in the same sense as & is the angle of (S) the two results agree.
Ghat, A~K> Y~~a-
The last equation defines the modulus k; then A may be calculated from either of the first two equations. The transformation becomes
w = sn-■; (25-49)
hence die complex potential of the line charge is
2Kz 2Kz0 sn- — sn-
sn ■
sn -
CHAPTER VII Transmission Theory
7.0. Introduction
In section 6.11 we have shown that in source free regions the approximate equations connecting the harmonic transverse electromotive force V between two parallel wires (Fig. 7.1) and the longitudinal current / in the lower wire (or the magnetomotive force round the wire) are
dV dx
where the distributed series impedance Z and shunt admittance Y per unit length are complex constants
Z = R + iosL, Y = G + mC,
__g and * is the distance along the line. The
(I) f v
Fic. 7.1.
positive direction for V has been chosen from (2-> the lower wire to the upper and that for I
-_0 in the direction of increasing ^-coordinate.
- c If one of these positive directions is reversed, A diagram representing a the negative signs in equations (1) become
of a transmission line. ■ . T,. , .. , v '
positive. It the distance between the wires is variable, Z and Y are functions of X and the equations are general linear differential equations of the first order.
Equations (1) are not restricted to transmission lines alone but play an important role in the general theory of wave propagation. In the case of waves in three dimensions the field intensities E and H usually appear in place of V and 1. This difference is superficial since E is the electromotive force and H the magnetomotive force per unit length and V and / are the integrated values of E and H. It happens that at low frequencies it is easier to measure V and i", while at very high frequencies E and H are more readily measured. In the case of waves in three dimensions the field intensities are generally functions of three coordinates; nevertheless under certain conditions wave propagation along, let us say, all tf-lines is the same, and the remaining coordinates may be ignored in so far as wave transmission in the tf-direction is concerned. Moreover the more general types of waves may frequently be decomposed into simpler types traveling in
accordance with equations (1). For expository convenience however we shall discuss these equations as applied to a pair of parallel wires.
7.1. Impressed Forces and Currents
Sources of energy may be of two types: (1) electric generators of zero impedance in series with the line, and (2) electric generators of infinite impedance in shunt with the line. The first type is represented by an impressed electromotive force E(x) per unit length of the line and the second by an impressed transverse current J(x), also per unit length of the line. The assumption that the internal impedances of the generators are respectively zero and infinite will not restrict the generality of our results since the actual internal impedances may be included in Z and Y. The transmission equations in regions with given source distributions may be obtained by the method used in section 6.11 for deriving (0-1). Let us assume that the impressed electromotive force E(x) per unit length is acting in series with the lower wire* and p c
let the positive directions of E(x) and J(x) be as shown in Fig. 7.2. By taking the electromotive force round a rectangle . iBCDA in which AB = 1, we obtain equation (6.11-1) in which the electromotive force of the field along AB is now given by Vab = ZJ-E(x) and not by (6.11-2). Similarly the expression for the total transverse current per unit length is J, = (G + mC)V -\- ]{x) and not the one given by (6.11-6). transmission equations become
Fin. 7.2. The convention regarding the positive directions of the impressed scries e.m.f. per nni t length E(x) and the shunt current per unit length J(x).
Thus the
= ~ZI+ BM,
-YV - /(*).
dx ' v" dx
7.2. Point Sources
In practice the impressed sources are sometimes distributed over long sections of a transmission line and are sometimes highly concentrated in " the vicinity of a point. An example of one type of distribution is furnished by a radio wave impinging on an open wire telephone line and an example of the other type is an ordinary generator connected to the line. In theory
* Strictly speaking the series impressed forces should be applied to both wires in a balanced " push-pull " manner, that is %E(x) in series with the lower wire and — %E(x) in series with the upper wire. Otherwise the longitudinal currents in the wires will not be equal and opposite (see section 6.6). Our assumption does not affect the results in. so far as the balanced mode of propagation is concerned. The unbalanced mode will be considered in Chapter 8 in connection with waves on a single wire.
I'* I
it' is amvcnlent to idealize enneent rated distrihiiti(ins and regard tliein us point sources.
Let E(x) be distributed in the interval $ — s/2 < x < £ + s/2 and let J(x) = 0. Integrating (1-1) in this interval, we have
Assume that as s approaches zero, the applied electromotive force approaches a finite limit
Jft+a/2 E{x)dx =!>(£) as s->0. (2-2) i-s/a
If Z, Y, F, I are finite, the remaining integrals in (1) vanish in the limit and we obtain
v{& + 0) - r« - 0) = %
7(1 + 0) - 7(| - 0) = 0.
Thus the current is continuous at x = £ while the transverse voltage rises by an amount A. Everywhere else V and 7 satisfy the homogeneous equations (0 1). These are the conditions for a point generator of zero impedance in series with the transmission line.
Similarly if E(x) = 0 and J(x) is concentrated at x = £, we have
j{x)d*=m (2-4)
and the conditions for a point generator of infinite impedance in shunt with the line at x = £ become
F(% 4-0) - m - 0) = 0,
(2-5) .
/(I + 0) - 7| - 0) =
In this case the voltage is continuous;and the longitudinal current drops by an amount /. Everywhere else F and 7 satisfy the homogeneous equations (0-1).
In the above equations V and 1 may be regarded as general discontinuities in the transverse voltage and longitudinal current and not merely as applied voltage and current. Thus if an impedance Ž is inserted at x = £ in series with the line, the voltage drop across the impedance is ZI and the
discontinuity f' in the transverse voltage across the line is /' -ZI. Similarly if an admittance >' is inserted in shunt with the line, the transverse voltage is continuous and the discontinuity in the longitudinal current is /- YF.
If the solutions of the transmission equations, subject to whatever supplementary conditions may be necessary, are known for point sources, then the general solutions of (1-1), subject to the same supplementary conditions, may be found by integration. We need only superpose the waves of elementary sources E dx and / dx.
7.3. The Energy Theorem
The method of obtaining the energy equations for transmission lines is the same as in the general case of three dimensional electromagnetic fields. Starting with the fundamental equations (1-1), multiplying the first by 7* and the conjugate of the second by V, and adding, we obtain
dV dl*
I*—+F—= -ZII* - Y*FV* + EI* - FJ*. dx dx
The left side is the derivative of FT*; hence multiplying each side by \dx, integrating from X\ to x%, and rearranging the terms, we have
| J* (EI* - FJ*) dx = \ (ZII* + Y*FF*) dx
+ IV(X2)I*(X2) - lF(x,)I*(x,). (3-1)
The left-hand side represents the complex work done by the impressed forces and hence the power introduced into the transmission line; thus ^EI* dx is the complex work done by an elementary applied electromotive force in driving the current 7 while —\VJ* dx is the work done by an elementary shunt generator which introduces the current / dx against the transverse voltage V of the line. If we designate this total complex power by and replace Z and Y by their values from (0-2), we have
I i?77* dx + f / GVV* dx + m j (|777* - \CFF*) dx + \n^)I*(x2) - 1^)7*^1). (3-2)
The real part of # is the average power contributed to the line. The first two terms on the right represent the average power dissipated in the section (x\,x2). The difference between the power contributed to the section and that dissipated in it is represented by the real part of the last two terms. The power may be either entering or leaving the section at its ends; hence we may interpret the real part of ^F(x)T*(x) as the average power passing across the point x of the transmission line in the direction of
increasing .v-coordinate. The imaginary term represents the fluctuating power.
If the sources of power are located at points x < #1, then $ = 0 and (2) becomes
}#$%P*f&) = I / RII* + GVV* dx
+ m C &LII* - \CVV*) dx + ptm**m. (3-3)
In this case the complex power * = §F(xt )T* ) is entering the line at x = xi and it is accounted for by the various terms on the right.
In the above interpretation of (1) we have implicitly assumed that the impressed intensity E acts on the total longitudinal current and that the impressed current J is acted upon by the total transverse voltage. This is necessarily true when the longitudinal current is localized as in conventional two conductor transmission lines. But if the longitudinal current is distributed, as in hollow metal tubes, for instance, then the left side of (1) will no longer represent the complex power contributed by the sources and the interpretation of other terms in the equation must be correspondingly modified. In these more general situations it is better to rely on the three-dimensional energy theorem (4.8-7) of which the present theorem, is a special case, than to try to obtain appropriate modifications of the foregoing equations. The various energy terms will usually differ from those in this section by a constant factor.
7.4. Fundamental Sets of Wave Functions for Uniform Lines
Consider now a source-free section of a uniform transmission line. If either V or I is eliminated from (0-1), we obtain a second order linear differential equation with constant coefficients; thus
d2I „r d2F
- — V2I - = V2V
dx2 A dx2 1 %
where the propagation constant T is defined by
T = VlY = V(R + iuL)(G + iuC). (4-2)
The general solutions for F and I may therefore be expressed either as exponential or as hyperbolic functions.
Expressing / in terms of exponential functions, we have
I(x) = I+e-r* + I~eTx, (4-3) where 7+ and I~~ are arbitrary constants. By (0-1) V is completely deter-
i uansmissk )n THEORY
mined by /; thus
i dl
F(x) * - ~ ~ Kr^-rx - KTVr*, 1 dx
where the characteristic impedance K is defined by
R + mL
R + iuL
G + iu>C
G + io>C
By definition I is a complex constant which lies in the first quadrant of the propagation constant plane or on its boundaries* and the equations
i+(x) = i+e"Vx = j^y**-*** = Fr-r&tt = ki+(x)
represent a progressive wave moving in the positive ^-direction, with an amplitude which is attenuated at the rate of a nepers per meter. Likewise the equations
r(x) = reVx = rv**<* v~{x) = -i
7.7. Transmission Lines as Transducers
A section of a uniform line is a symmetric transducer. By (5.2-3) its se'f-itnpcdances are equal to the open-circuit impedance of the line and the transfer impedance may be found from (6-12); thus
Zu m Z22 = K coth IV, Zi2 = -TCcsch 17.
If the transmission line is represented by a T-network (see Fig. 5.12), then by (5-4-1) the impedances of the shunt arm and of each series arm are respectively
Z2 = K csch Tl, |Zj = K tanh — .
Regardless of the length / of the section we have
Z\\Z22 — Zf2 = K .
7.8. Waves Produced by Point Sources
Let a section of the line of length / be terminated in impedances Zi and Z2 (Fig. 7.4). Let V\(x£) and h(x£) be the voltage and the current at point x = x when a unit electromotive force is impressed at x = £ in series with the l;ne.* To the left and to the right of the generator we have respectively
It(x£) = Pi cosh Fx 4- Qi sinh Fx,
Vi(x£) = —K[Pi sinh Fx + Qx cosh IV], x < £;
7, (x£) - P2 cosh F(l-x) + Q2 sinh F(l - x),
ViixJi) = K[P2 sinh T(/ - x) + Q2 cosh T(l - x)], X > |.
At x - 0, the voltage-current ratio is — Z1 and therefore Pi = PK, Qi = PZi, where P is a disposable constant. Similarly at x = I the voltage-current ratio is Z2 and therefore P2 = QK, Q2 = QZ2. At x = £ we have
/i(í + 0,ř) -7i({- 0,0 =0,
Vx(& +.0,S) - ^(1-0,0 = 1. Making the necessary substitutions we obtain
Q[K cosh F{1 - S)+ Z2 sinh T(/ - £>] = P[J? cosh + ZX sinh r& 0[X sinh rc7-£)+Za cosh T(/ - £)] + P[A sinh T£ + Zj cosh T£] = —
The first of these equations is satisfied if we let
DQ = TCcosh r| 4- Zi sinh r|, £»P = A cosh T(/ - £) + Z2 sinh T(/ - f). *The coordinate x is the distance from Zj.
Sulisliluling iti the second, we have
D = K[K cosh Vi + X, sinh l'i.[[A' sinh F(/ - J) + Z2 cosh - ?)] + sinh r£ + Zi cosh l'£j[K cosh r(/ - £) + Z8 sinh F(Z - $)].
Multiplying and collecting terms, we have
D = K[(K2 + ZiZaj sinh Tl + A(Za + Zi) cosh 17]. Thus all disposable constants are determined and we have
= cosh Tx + % sinh Tx] X
[A cosh r(/ - o + Z2 sinh T(/ - £)], # < £
= [X cosh T£ + Zt sinh rtf x
[K cosh r(/ - *) + sinh r(/ - *)], x > %
ZW*,£) = -TO sinh Ftf + Z, cosh Tx] X
[A' cosh r (/ - I) + Z2 sinh r(/ - £)], * < $, = ATA cosh r£ + Zi sinh 1^] X
[A sinh r(/ - *) + Z2 cosh r(/ - jc)], x > i
It is easy to see that /j ) is symmetric
-řv>--1 '-r-J-
Fig. 7.4. A section of a line energized by Fig. 7.5. A section of a line energized by a series generator of zero impedance. a shunt generator of infinite impedance.
This proves the reciprocity theorem under the conditions stated at the beginning of the section. The arrows in Fig. 7.4 show that the current at the generator flows in the direction of the impressed electromotive force on both sides while the transverse voltages are in opposite directions on the two sides.
If a unit current is impressed at x = % in shunt with the line (Fig. 7.5), then the voltage and current waves V2{x,%) and I2 (#,£) satisfy the following conditions at x — £
řift + o,o - v2(i - o,o = o,
- /ad - o,j) = -i.
In this case we obtain the following solutions
Dh(x£) = K[K cosh Tx + Zi sinh l'.vl X
I a sinh r(/ - 0 + cosh r(/ - m, * < %
■ m - K[K sinh T£ + Zt cosh rtf X
[A' cosh r(/ - *) + Z2 sinh r(/ - *)], * > &
DVa(x£) t= - A2[A' sinh Yx + ZY cosh Tx] X
[K sinh r (1-0+ z2 cosh r(/ - £)], x < & N -K2[K sinh I"| + Zx cosh F£] X
[A sinh T(/ - .v) + Z2 cosh r(/ - *)1 * > fc
Fig. 7.6. A series voltage and a shunt current applied at the same point of the line.
The voltage wave function is now symmetric
Vm F2(£,*)•
The arrows in Fig. 7.5 show that at the generator the voltage is in the same direction on both sides while the currents are in opposite directions. In the special case when Zi = Z2 = K, we have
mx,o = -K^, Jito) = 2Ke~r(^x)' x < ^
_ l.-r(z-c)
— 2e >
x > I
for a unit electromotive force impressed in series with the line. Similarly for a unit current impressed in shunt with the line, we obtain
K 2
_ _l„-r{z-f)
— 2ť 3
x > &
If a current —/is impressed in shunt with the line and a voltage V = KI in series at the same point X = f (Fig. 7.6) then from (5) and (6) we find that the wave to the left of * = £ vanishes and that to the right becomes
V(x,0 = KIe~T <-T~i\ /(*,£) = /.-r(^.
I-11,c i u<>ma<;nktic waves
Chap, 7
'This conclusion could easily lie reached from considerations of symmetry and of the relative directions of the voltages unci currents at the general ■ a as illustrated by the arrows in Figs. 7.4 and 7.5. Once we have come to the conclusion that, for given values of applied current and voltage, there is no wave to the left of x = £, it becomes evident that the impedance A' ai the left end of the line could be replaced by any other impedance and the left section could be completely removed.
In practice these conditions can be realized only approximately since they demand generators of zero impedance (or " constant voltage generators ") and generators of infinite impedance (" constant current generators ").
7.9. Waves Produced by Arbitrary Distributions of Sources
Knowing the wave functions corresponding to point sources we can immediately construct the wave functions corresponding to any given distribution of sources by proper superposition. Thus if a series electromotive force E{x) per unit length and a shunt current J{x) per unit length are distributed in the interval (xux2) then we have the solutions of (1-1) in the following form
V(x) - CE^F^x,® dZ + P f{i)F,(x,^)d^
Emh(x£)a$+ / /(i)/2(*,£) 4-*1 . "XL
That these functions satisfy (1-1) can be proved by direct substitution. It should be recalled, however, that F\(x£) and h{x£) are discontinuous and hence nondifferentiable functions of #:at x *=» |; For this reason we break up the integrands as follows
(x& d% + / E®Fi(*,{) di + / ]{t)V2{xJi) dk,
If*) = )E{i)It (x,0 dk f f J®h{x£) di 4- P fmUxj) d$.
Each integral is now a differentiable function. In taking the derivatives of V(x) and l'(x) we use
d*~f £f(x& ±fM>
Jxj /(*,£) 4 - j jJix&dZ-f^x),
Thus we have
dV dx
fx' E^)
+ E(x)^ (x,x - 0) - E{x)F1(x,x + 0) + JT /(I) £ F$®M 4k
Since F\ and V2 are solutions of (0-1) we may substitute — ZI\ and — ZI2 for the derivatives under the integral signs; by (2) the sum of the integrals is then equal to* — ZI(x). The remaining two terms are equal to E(x) in virtue of (8-1). Thus we have proved that the first equation in the set (1-1) is satisfied. Similarly we can show that the second equation is satisfied. Finally it can be verified that the boundary conditions are fulfilled.
7.10. Nonuniform Transmission Lines
Let us now assume that Z and Y are functions of x. Eliminating first / and then V, we find that in source-free regions both variables satisfy general homogeneous linear differential equations of the second order
d2F Z' dF
d2I Y' dl
yzv = q ^- _ - e _ YZI = 0. (10-1)
dx2 Z dx ' dx2 Y dx
A second order differential equation of this type possesses two linearly independent solutions and its general solution is a linear function of these solutions. Thus we havie
I(x) - AI+(x) + BI-(x),
where A and B are two disposable constants. The corresponding solution for F is then
F(x) = AF"V (x) + BF-(x),
where F+ and V are obtained from
F+(x) = -
I dl+(x)
Y(x) dx
F~(x) = -
\_dl~{x) \x)
Alternatively a pair of fundamental voltage wave functions might be selected and the corresponding current wave functions then defined as follows
1 dF+(x) , 1 dV(x)
I+(x) =
Z(x) dx
* This is true even if Z :s a function of x
I~(x) =
Z(x) dx
Ciiai'. 7
A w:ivc impedance may be associated with each fundamental pair of wave functions; thus
K+(x) =
1 d i r+ Zr'
* M = -Too = Yf-dV - y7>7 = 7^
In the strict sense of the term there are no progressive waves in nonuniform transmission lines since any local nonuniformity in an otherwise uniform line will generate a reflected wave. However, in some instances wave functions may exist which bear considerable resemblance to the exponential wave functions and hence may be said to represent " progressive " waves in nonuniform lines. This is apt to happen when Z and Y are slowly varying functions of x. Even then it may be more convenient to select other sets of wave functions for the fundamental set. Thus in general we should look upon K+(x) and K~(x) as factors to be used in passing from a given current wave to the corresponding voltage wave and vice versa.
Other ratios are useful in the general theory. Thus the voltage transfer ratios are defined by
Similarly the current transfer ratios are defined by
r>01 ""' v"r" r-(*0
Consider now a section of a nonuniform line extending from x = x± to x — x2. If the output impedance at x = x2 is Z(«2), then it is easy to show that the input impedance is
V+{Xl) F+(x2)
Z(xi) =
r(xx) i-(x2)
Z(x2) -
i-(xi) ry
In order to obtain the impedance of the section at x = x2 when an impedance Z{xi) is across the line at x — %, we merely interchange *i and x2 in
(8) and reverse the signs ofZ{X\) and Z(*a). The reversal of the sign corresponds to l lie change in the direction of I he impedance.
7.11. Calculation of Nonuniform Wave Functions by Successive Approximations
Consider a section of a nonuniform line of length / and let
Z = Zu-f-Z, Y=Y0 + t, (ll-l)
where Zu and Yo are constants. These constants may be taken to represent the average values of Z and Yin the interval (0,/)
Z0 = \ f' Z(x) dx, Y0 = 7 jT Y(x) dx. (11-2) I Jo t Jo
Assuming that there are no sources in the chosen interval, the transmission equations are
~= -ZoI-ŽI, f - ~YoV
dx dx
We now seek that solution of these equations for which the initial values of the voltage and current are given
F(0) = F0, 1(0) = /„. For this purpose we first find the solution of
dZ.= M |s ^YoF, dx ' dx
which has the following discontinuities in V and I at x = £
m + 0) = ?U - 0) - % J(| + 0) = Z(| - 0) - J.
In the interval (0,£) we evidently have (see equation 4-10)
F(x) = F0(x) = F0 cosh V0x — K0Io sinh r0*,
I(x) = /()(•*) = — — sinh To^f 4-'7o cosh V0x}
r0 = VZoFo, 7C0 = ^.
At * = £, F and 7 are decreased by ^and 1 and in order to obtain the solution in the interval (£,/) we need only add to equations (7) analogous expres-
I'llAI'. 7
sions in which the initial values are — V and —/; thus
V(x) - Vn{x) - ^cosh V0(x - £) + A'u/Sinh r0(* - J),
I(x) = I0(x) + — sinh T0(x -£)-// cosh T0(x - £).
(ii 9)
We now consider a " continuous distribution of discontinuities "
f = Z(0I(Z) dt, 1 = Y1£)V% ii (11-10)
and construct the following solution of (3)
V(x) = FB(x) - f Z$ )/(f) cosh T0(x-ft f f{£)V{£) sinh T0(x -J) /(.*) = /<,(*) 4--^- f 2(f)/(E)frinhr0(*f ?«)^(?)coshr0(*-J)4.
We have not really solved the original differential equations since the unknown functions appear under the integral signs; but we have converted the differential equations into integral equations.
That these integral equations define functions satisfying the differential equations (3) and the initial conditions can be proved directly. At x = 0 the integrals vanish and V(0), 7(0) evidently reduce to I0. Differentiating V{x) we have
~ " r° S'z<£)m sinh r°(*ZMI{X) + z0 Ffimm cosh r0(* - 0 %
The right-hand side of this equation is identical with the right-hand side of (3) if we take into account the expression (11) for I(x) and the following equation
Similarly it can be shown that the second equation of the set (3) is satisfied.
From the integral equations (11) F(x) and I(x) can be calculated by successive approximations. Thus we set
f(x) = r0(x) + rx{x) + v2(x) + ■■■
Kx) = I0(x) + +/«(*) + •••,
Vn+iix) = - rz%In§) cosh r0(* - £) i\ Jo
+ K0 rV(f)^„tt) sinh r0(* - f) Jo
7n+i(-v) = t fXz(i;)in(0 sinh r0(^ - I) d\ Jo
Evidently the differential equations (3) can be transformed into other integral equations in which Z0 and Y0 are not constants provided we can obtain solutions of the corresponding equations (4) and (5). Just as equations (11) are most useful when the transmission line is only slightly nonuniform, other integral equations may be particularly useful when a given nonuniform line deviates slighdy from another nonuniform line with known wave functions.
It should, be noted that the solutions (12) are valid even if Z(x) and Y(x) are discontinuous functions.
7.12. Slightly Nonuniform Transmission Lines
When Z and Y are nearly equal to their average values Z0 and Y0, so that.the relative deviations z/ZQ and Y/Yq are small, only the first corrections P~i(x) and Ii(x), or at most the second corrections F2 and 72, need be considered. When the deviations are large in a given section of the line, the section may be subdivided into smaller sections. Taking n = 0 in (11-13), substituting from (11-7), and rearranging the terms, we obtain the first corrections
¥0) = Vq[B(x) cosh V0x - a(x) sinh T0x + C(x) sinh r0*]
— k0Io[a(x) cosh T0x — B(x) sinh TQx + C{x) cosh T0x],
IiHx) = - tt [B(x) sinh r0* - a(x) cosh T0x + C(x) cosh r0*]
+ h[A{x) sinh T0x - B(x) cosh T0x + C(x) sinh Tax],
AW = iJo S ~ K°*) C°Sh 2r°^ ^ °{X) = ^X* {To + Kot) Six) = | ~ K°Y) sinh 2T*t&
ClIAl', 7
In sonic nonuniform transmission linos the product zy is constant) then we choose
p0 — V!ZY, Zn — zivi, Yq — —^ .
We now have as the first approximation
(12 3)
(12 h
Consequently C(x) = 0 and
K0A(x) = r Ž(Ě) cosh 2r„ž {, K0B(x) = f * Z(£) sinh 2r0{ ft: (12-5 t/0 i/o
7.13. Reflection in Uniform Lines
Consider a semi-infinite uniform transmission line terminated in an impedance Z and let a progressive wave arrive from infinity. If Z = K, the voltage associated with this incident wave is exactly equal to the voltage across the terminal impedance if the entire incident current should flow through this impedance. The terminal im~
L pedance " absorbs " the incident wave completely
_< and causes no disturbance in the line.
--° On the other hand if Z ^ K, the absorption can-
Fig. 7.7. Reflection in a not be complete and a reflected wave is initiated at
transmission line st a the terminals. Let F*. 7s be the incident voltage
point ot disconunuitv. , , , , ,
and current at the terminals of Z; let the reflected voltage and current be VT,F; and the total or " transmitted " values be V1, I*. Since the voltage and current must be continuous at Z, we have
V1 + r = F 4- F
The reflected wave travels back to infinity and hence is also a progressive wave. Thus we have the following conditions
Vi = KP, Vr =- KF, V1 = ZF.
Substituting from (2) in (1) and solving we obtain the following expressions for the reflection coefficients
F _ K- Z 1 - k
r ~ K + Z 1 + *'
Z-K k - 1
yi °° Z+ K * + l5
k -
Z K'
tuansmissk >n II 111 ()kv
and the corresponding expressions for the transmission coefficients
Pi = Ť5
F 2K
pv =
F K + Z I + k
ri~ K + z~ i + k
- 1 + qi,
= 1 + qv-
Thus the reflection and transmission coefficients depend on the ratio of the terminal impedance to the characteristic impedance. If this ratio is unity, the impedances are said to be " matched," and there is no reflection. If /' equals either zero or infinity, the reflection is complete; in the former case the current at the terminals is doubled and the voltage is annihilated while in the latter the current is annihilated and the voltage doubled. For all impedance ratios the voltage reflection coefficient is the negative of the current reflection coefficient.
The voltage reflection and transmission coefficients have exactly the same form as the corresponding current coefficients if expressed in terms of admittances; thus
m-y qv = m+~y'
2M m + y
The expressions for the incident and reflected waves may then be written In the following form
V*(x) = FV-r* F(x) = Fe~Tx; ťr(x) = qy-Jre?", F(x) = qiPeJ
assuming that Z is located at the origin. If Z is a semi-infinite transmission line whose characteristic impedance and propagation constant are Ki, Tj, then for the transmitted wave we have
Vl{x) = pvF'e-^, F(x) = pxPe-f*. (13-7)
7 ,
* 1
The reflection coefficient depends on the ratio k = Ki/K of the characteristic impedances and is independent of the propagation constants of the
two lines.__
Let us consider a special case of reflection A caused by an impedance Zi inserted in series with FlG- 7-s; An impedance in the line (Fig. 7.8). The impedance Z seen to the
right from the terminals A, B is Z = Zi + K. Substituting in (3) and
(4), we have
■Ii =
2K + Zi'
Pi =
2K + Zi
(1.1 R)
Taking the reciprocals, we obtain
2K Zi
1 = -
Fig. 7.9. An admittance in T)ms the ratj0 z >K can be expressed quite simply shunt with a tine. . „ , ' ~ . . \J
in terms or the reflection and transmission coefficients which in certain circumstances can be measured more readily than the ratio itself.
If an admittance Y\ is inserted in parallel with the line (Fig. 7.9) we have
Yi 2M
Y = Yi + M, qi - -qv
IM + Yi '
2M + Fi'
2M 1 _ J_
Yi qi qv
' 2M pv
Let us now consider reflection and transmission of power. The transmitted power Wl is
W1 = |re(W*) = ^{pvpfV'P*).
For an incident progressive wave in a nondissipative line V1 is in phase with P; and therefore for the incident power we have
W1 = |re(F'7,:*) = JF*/**.
The power transmission and reflection coefficients are then
'W , *, 4re(£)
\-Pw = \qi\% = W\
7.14. Reflection Coefficients as Functions oj the Impedance Ratio
The impedance ratio k and the voltage reflection coefficient qv are complex quantities
k = R + iX = Aew, qv = aeia,
where the amplitudes A and a are essentially positive. The phase of k lies in the interval (—ir/2,7r/2) while the phase of qv is in (-7r,7r). The reflection coefficient is the ratio of two complex quantities represented by the lines AP and BP (Fig. 7.10)
i'( I ) in I'ik). Tin- phase (V of i/y and the phase #/ of q( an' the angles formed by ihese lines as indicated in big. 7.10; the amplitude a is the ratio of the lengths AP and BP.
Fig. 7.10. The complex plane for representing the impedance ratio.
Taking the square of the amplitude of the reflection coefficient, we obtain (R-l)2 + X2 , fn 1_+
(R + iy + x*
+ x2 =
This equation represents a family of circles surrounding A and B as illustrated in Fig. 1.6. If X = 0, then
1 -
R-s =
1 + a 1 - a
1 + a"
are the real values of the impedance ratio for which the reflection coefficient is spa.
The unit circle represents points for which the absolute value of the impedance ratio is unity. On this circle the phase of the reflection coefficient is ±90°. The points of intersection of this circle and (1) are
1 - a2 v la
- , X = a--.
1 + a2'
R =
1 -|- a2
The loci of points for which the phase of the reflection coefficient is constant are circles passing through A and B. The equation of this family of circles is
X , X
R — i
— tan"
R + 1
= Ů, or R2 + (X - cot ß)2
In making a chart (Fig, 7.11) showing the dependence of the reflection coefficient on the impedance ratio we could limit ourselves to one quadrant inside the unit circle. The absolute values of the reflection coefficient are equal for k, l/k, k* and \/k*. The phase of q for the impedance ratio l/k is different from that for k by f80° and the phase for k* is the negative of that for k.
The amplitude of the reflection coefficient as a function of A and ip is
1A cos q = qm> (19-6)
i hen the series is
T = pe~v* + pqe-™ + pq2e-™ + pfr™ + ■■■
= p{\ - qe-2''°J)-1e-r*1,
which agrees with (2).
The values of the factors p and q depend on the type of wave we are Minsidering. It is also necessary to remember that while pi is the transmission coefficient for a wave passing from region (A) to region (B), qi is the reflection coefficient for a wave traveling in (B) toward (A). Thus we have (see section 13)
Ki + K2' K2 — Ki
A2 + Ki
Pl,2 ~
qi ,2
K2 + Z>
K2-Z K2 + Z'
Pv.i =
qv.i =
Ki + K2'
Af — K2 Ki 4- A*2'
PV,2 =
qv.2 =
K2 + Z' (19-8) Z — K2 Z + K2
Hence for the voltage wave we have
(K1 + K2){K2 + Z)> qv~qi>
and, using this value of p in (7), we obtain Ty. The apparent lack of symmetry in equations (2) is caused by the use of pi in Loth equations.
As a reminder of the directions for which the partial reflection and transmission coefficients should be employed we may write (6) in the following form
P = pipt, q = qlqt. (19-9)
cwai', 7
T i -
The above calculations can In: extended to any number of sections lie tween the given line and X; thus for two sections, we have, instead of equation (1),
I_r _ IrIqIp
li ~ Iqlpli '
where R marks the end of the second section.
Noting how (2) and (3) have been formed from the equations which precede them, it is easy to write a general formula for any number of inserted sections. Let there be n sections; let the constants of a typical section be Km, Vm, lm; let the impedance looking to the right at the begin ning of each section be Zm; let K be the characteristic impedance of the line in which the sections have been inserted; then the transmission coefficient is
Ti - pňO - ?/,i*-2riíI)(l - qi.ze-™) • ■ • (1 - qi,ne-2l'»l»)]-i X
Pi =
2K - 2Kj ■ 2ÄV • ■ 2Kn
(K + Ki)(Ki + K2)(K2 + XV) • • • (Kn + Zn+1)'
_ (/(", - K)(KX-Z2) (Km - Km^)(Km -
I1* ~ 71? i 17771? , r, s > 91,m =
(Ki + K) (JSTi 4- Z2)' - - {Km + km_0 (Km + 2^4) '
where Zn+i is the terminal impedance. If the attenuation in each section is high, then Zm is approximately equal to Km; in this case the expression for Ti becomes simply
Ti = pie
The voltage transmission coefficient is obtained if we multiply 7j by Zn+i/K.
7.20. Reflection in Nonuniform Lines
The equations at an impedance discontinuity are the same for uniform and nonuniform lines (13-1). Equations (13-2) are replaced, however, by the following more general equations
V* = K+I\ V> = ~jfp, V* = ZIl. (20-1)
The impedances K+, K~~ associated with the incident and reflected waves need no longer be equal. Solving (13-1), subject to the above conditions, we have
K+ - Z K- + Z'
M+-Y M~+ Y'
K- + K+
K- + Z '
M~ + M+ M~+Y'
where the admittances A/1, M , Tare lbe reciprocals of the corresponding unpedanccs.
The transmission coefficient across a section (.vi,.v2) of another line id between the given line and an impedance Z may be obtained at Once ni the form of an infinite series analogous to (19-7). The principal difference consists in replacing the exponential factors r(*2>*l), (20-3)
and replace (19-7) by
T = p(\ + qx + *V + • • • )x+(*i,*2) = x+(*i,*2). (20-4)
l — qx
7.21. Formation of fVave Functions with the Aid of Reflection Coefficients
In section 10 we have seen that the most general wave functions are linear combinations of pairs of the " fundamental " wave functions. If we wish to form wave functions F{x), I(x), whose ratio is prescribed at x = x2 by terminating the line in a given impedance, then we may proceed as follows. We choose one fundamental set / 1 (.v), I+(x) as a wave which is " incident " on the given impedance and the second . i as a reflected wave; then we write
F~(x) F+(x2) F(x) = r+{x) + F+(x2)qy{x2) = F+(x) + gv(x2) —— F~(x). (21-1)
Similarly we obtain
/(*) = i+{x) + rxfcú Sil
1 {x2)
The impedance at point x = x\ may then be expressed as follows Vjxx) _ 1 + qv(x2)xt{xitxi)xv(xi,xi)
I(xi) ~ ( 1 + íí(*i)xí (X1,X2)XI(X2^1.) '
For example, in the case of uniform lines we may choose the following fundamental wave functions
/+(*) = he~v*, I~(x) m Iie**, F0 = KIa, F+(x) = *V-ri, V-(x) = Fierx, Fi = -Kh, Then (1), (2) and (3) become (if x2 - Xi = /)
F(x) = F0e-Vl + Fme-^le^, I(x) = he'** + hq lC-™ev*,
1 4- qve 1 + qie'
ll is important in observe thai there are mi restrictions on the choice of fundamental pairs of wave functions V*, 7+ and V~, l~ beyond the requirement of linear independence. In dealing with uniform lines the choice of progressive wave functions is, perhaps, more generally useful; in the case of nonuniform lines other choices are frequently preferable. Even in the case of uniform lines we may find it desirable in some problems to choose a different fundamental set.
For example, let us choose the following set as the fundamental set
r+(x) = Foe'**, /+(*) = 7V
V~(x) = Vi cosh Tx, I~(x) = Ii sinh Tx, Vx = -KIh
where V , I represent a stationary wave with the current equal to zero at x = 0. Substituting these expressions in (1) and (2), we have
V{x) = *V-r*+ ?v(/)/V-
cosh Vx ' cosh VI '
lilii) = hc~r* + qjWI^'^-T— .
, sinh IV
The above choice of V~, I" is such that " reflection " does not affect the original current at x = 0 and is particularly suited to problems in which the original wave is generated by a fixed current generator at x = 0. Under these circumstances the choice of a progressive wave to represent reflection would necessitate a consideration of multiple reflections since the wave reflected from an impedance Z at x — I would be reflected again at the generator. The choice (6) takes care of these multiple reflections in one operation.
The input impedance is now expressed as follows
Z(0) = K + qvU)
sh Vi
The first term represents the input impedance of a wave which does not see the discontinuity at x = /; the second term may be called the induced impedance or the impedance coupled to the generator in consequence of reflection from the far end of the line. The induced impedance represents the effect of the environment as changed by the terminal impedance and it may be called the " mutual " impedance.
Even though the line is uniform, the reflection coefficients should now be calculated from the general formulae (20-2) since K~{1) is no longer equal to K+(l) = K. Thus
K coth VI,
qr =
(Z - K) cosh VI K cosh 17+ Z sinh Yl'
The impedance is then
Z(0) = K +
(Z - K)e-Vl
K cosh 17+ Z sinh Yl Naturally this expression gives the same total value for Z(0) as (6-2).
Another choice ol fundament al lintel ions is | >.i......larly suitable in the case when
the line is energized by I fixed voltage generator (zero internal impedance); here we have
f-(x) = JT sinh Tx, /-(*) = /, cosh Vx, Fi- - Kh,
_ „, sinh r#
V{x)= Foe-^ + qy(l)rae-r'-
I(x) = loe-^+qiiDhe
sinh Yl'
cosh r* cosh Yl'
In this case the voltage at the generator remains unaffected and the effect of the impedance at the far end of the line is represented by the " reflected current." The input admittance is
T(0) = M+gi(l)
cosh Yl '
and the effect of reflection is represented by an induced admittance. In this case
(Y - M) cosh Yl
M~(l) = M coth Yl, qi(l) Y(0) = M +
M cosh 17 + Y sinh Yl' (Y-M)e-Fl
M cosh Yl + Y sinh Yl
7.22. Natural Oscillations in Uniform Transmission Lines
In equations (0-2) for the distributed series impedance Z and shunt admittance Y we have explicitly assumed that the transverse voltage and the longitudinal current are harmonic; but throughout the greater part of the succeeding sections no use has been made of this assumption and the results obtained apply equally well to the general case in which the oscillation constant p is complex, that is,
Z = R + pL, Y=G + pC. (22-1)
In the circuit shown in Fig. 7.25, where Zi and Z2 are the impedances seen from the terminals A, B to the left and to the right, the current is
z, + z2
An exceptional case arises when the oscillation constant is a root of the following equation
Zi + Z2 = 0. (22-3)
In Chapter 2 these roots have been named " natural oscillation constants." When p is a root of (3),
Fic. 7.25. Illustrating the condition for natural oscillations.
Chap, 7
an electric current In1" niiiy flow in I lie cireuil without a continuous up-plied voltage /V. Such nalural oscillations may he started by an impul
sive lorce and they may be calculated hy the methods outlined in section 2.9, when the roots of (3) are known.
Let us now consider a uniform transmit sion line of length /, short-circuited at both ends (Fig. 7.26). Here Zx and Z2 are the impedances seen from any pair of terminals A, B and in particular, from terminals C, D at one of the short-circuited ends. In the latter case Zx = 0 and Z2 is given by (6-3); thus
Fig. 7.26. A section of a line short-circuited at both ends.
tanh T/ = 0, or sinh 17 = 0, YJ = rnri, n = 0, ±1, ±2, • ■ •
)±JT*7RG + (
7 \ LC r V
r = V(* + PL)(G+pC)
From (5) we obtain p
1 \2L 2Cf M LC
If R and G are small, we have approximately
(R G\ 1
p = -\Yl + Tc)±
Substituting from (4), we obtain
R 27
— , (22-7)
where v is the wave velocity in the line. The phase constant and wavelength (in the line) corresponding to the natural frequency wn are /3n =m/J, Xn = 21/n. The lowest natural frequency corresponds to a wavelength twice as great as the length of the section. The above solution for p is based on the assumption that R and G are independent of p while in practice they are functions of p. However if R and G are small, their effect on p is small and equation (6) is approximately true if R and G are computed for p = /'&>„.
From (7) and (5.11-16) we have an expression for Q
® 2£ Co«7 unc)
transmission THKORl
SultKl-ititling for w„ from (7), we express (J in terms of the characteristic impedance and the attenuation constant
0 =»^ + GA"l = ^=^=^l. (22-8) L" I \K J 2at 2a a\n
Exactly the same results are obtained for a line which is open at both i 1But if one end is open and the other short-circuited, then the equation for the natural oscillation constants is coth Tl — 0, or cosh 17 = 0, iml its roots are Ynl = i(n + |)x, n = 0, ±1, ±2, • • •. In this case X. 4//(2b + 1), and the lowest natural frequency corresponds to a wavelength (in the line) four times as great as the length of the section.
More generally if the line is terminated into an impedance Z\ at one end and an impedance Z2 at the other, the equation for natural oscillation constants is
Z2cosh 17+K sinh Yl Zi = Q K cosh Tl + Zi sinh Yl K
Frequently this equation can be solved by successive approximations. Suppose for example that Z\ and Z2 are pure resistances, small compared with K. Then as a first approximation we assume them equal to zero, and, if the line itself is nondissipative, we have plVpC = nivi. Then we write jf/VZc = niri + A , where A is a small quantity, substitute in (9), and retain only first order terms in A to obtain
KA , K, K + RzA K
0, A
Thus the effect of small terminal resistances on the natural frequencies is at least i if the second order; the first order effect consists of damping.
As another example let us take Z\ = 0, Z2 = R'i + pLi, and assume that the line itself is nondissipative. Equation (9) becomes
(R« + Lip) coshyvTr + K sinh ph/Tc= 0.
i— iu plv LC = iu, p
substituting in (10), we have
—tR* cos u + -—u cos u + K sin u = 0.
I f ^2 is small, the first approximation is a root of
tan u _ l2
C'nAi'. 7
Letting ;/ ft I A, substituting in (I I), anil neglecting powers of A nbove the first, wc have
A =
/<•> cos * It
+ 57T'
Roots of (12) may be obtained either graphically or numerically. If, however, the right-hand side is small compared with unity, then we have approximately it = nir + 5, where 5 is a small quantity. Hence S = — nwLz/lL, as long as n is not too large, and therefore tt = nw[\ — (Lv/IL)}.
7.23. Conditions for Impedance Matching and Natural Oscillations in Terms of the Reflection Coefficient Let one of the impedances in Fig. 7.25 be the characteristic impedance of a transmission line (Fig. 7.27). We assume that an incident wave is
originated at infinity and that the reflected
-o wave goes back to infinity without further
reflection. The reflection coefficient (for the current for example) is
7j\ — Z2
Zx + Z2
Fig. 7.27. Illustrating the condi-
tions for impedance matching Tf th impedances are equal q vanishes
Zx - Z2 = 0, q = 0,
and there is no reflected wave. On the other hand if
Zx +Z2 - 0, q = oo, (23-3)
then a reflected wave may exist without an incident wave. This is the condition for natural oscillations.
In circuit theory the reflection coefficient is used as a measure of impedance mismatch for any pair of impedances (Fig. 7.25). If the impedances are equal the reflection coefficient is zero and the power is evenly distributed between them; if the sum of the impedances is zero, the reflection coefficient is infinite and oscillations may exist without a continuously applied electromotive force.
7.24. Expansions in Partial Fractions
The input impedance and admittance can be expanded in partial fractions in terms of the natural oscillation constants. II the line is slightly dissipativc, such expansions can be obtained by computing the energies associated with different oscillation modes and using equations (5.11-18) and (5.11-19). In the present case this is unnecessary since the impedances have already been calculated and it is easy to obtain the expan-
mom. directly. For example, for short circuited and open-circuited lines wc use the well known expansions
tanh .v
Hence for a line of length /, short-circuited at the output end, we have
r/ i 2 * Tl
/(()) = 8K Z
gpr.I)y»Hr *r' KTl+Kn^nV+TV Since KT = Z and T/K = Y, we have
Z(0) -Zit,
1 °° 2
These expressions show how the low frequency impedance Zl of the line is modified at high frequencies. The second equation, in particular, gives the effect as an impedance in parallel with the low frequency impedance.
Substituting r = a + »j3, neglecting a1 in the denominator and a in the numerator
we have
~3fa [(2„ _ 1)V _ 4/3V1 + S/«p72'
If 1 l V m 1
The approximate naturaljrequencies can be found from the above equations by inspection (since 0 = *VlC). Thus if the input terminals are short-aretnted, the natural frequencies are
and if the input terminals are open, then
(In - 1)tt
COn~ nVlc ■
In terms of the natural frequencies and corresponding Q's, wchave
(24-5) (24-6)
col - +
, Y(0) =
2 ,
(R + iuL)lr „„ 2 , fob
Wn — tů "t-
Similarly for a line of length /, open at the output end, we obtain
1 2 *
> t >*»
&l - co2 4-
y(o) = f,z
„ are given by (5) and (6).
Let us now consider a section of length /, short-circuited at both ends, with the input terminals nt distnncc x - d from one of the ends (Fig, 7.28). It is particularly easy to obtain the expansion lor (he input admittance Y(d) using the „,ethod explained in section 5.11. The infinities of Y(d) are the natural frequencies when (he input terminals are short-circuited and hence are given by (5). The current in the line (if
the line is only slightly dissipative) is substantially proportional to cos 3nX, where x is the distance from one of the ends; hence, for a unit amplitude at the input terminals we have Fio. 7.28. A section of a line cos
short-circuited at both ends. In(x) = -.
cos pnd'
For the nth oscillation mode the energy stored in the line is
\L f ih{x))~dx =
lb = Ml
Substituting in (5.11-19) and including the term corresponding to (5.11-24) we have
t) cos2 3nd
1 2 M
{R+iu>L)l LlK = 1
ú)„ — wz-|-'
Similarly it is easy to find the expansion for the input impedance in the case shown in Fig. 7.29 because, if the terminals are open, the natural frequencies are the same as in the preceding case. The voltage in the line is proportional to sin dnX and, adjusting it for a unit amplitude at ,y = d, we have
sin ar.a
Fic. 7.29. A section of a line short-circuited at both ends.
The energy of a typical oscillation mode is then
Substituting in (5.11-18), we have
z{d) = - £ ■
/to sin2 {ind
to2 +
In order to obtain the input impedance in the case shown in Fig. 7.28 we have to determine the natural frequencies when the terminals are open and then calculate the energies of the corresponding oscillations. In this case the two sections of the line are in series and the input impedance is the sum of two expansions similar to the expansion for Z(0) in (7). In the case shown in Fig. 7.29 the two sections of the line are in parallel and the input admittance is the sum of two expansions similar to the expansion for Y(0) in (7).
7.25. Multiple Transmission Lines
Kipiations (0 1 ) are said to describe a simple transmission line or a line admitting of only one transmission mode. In general transmission equations are of the following form
—~ = — £ ZmlJks ~T~ = —■ E Yrnk^k. dx k I "X
For example, if two transmission lines rim parallel to each other waves in one may Influence waves in the other, since alternating longitudinal currents in one line induce .....-Minima! voltages in the other, and alternating transverse voltages induce transverse currents. Thus for a pair of interacting transmission lines we have
dx dx
éEl = _ ZtlIi - Z22/2, ^r= - Y^V, - YnV%. dx dx
Zlí is the distributed mutual impedance per unit length and Y12 is the distributed mutual admittance per unit length.
Equations (1) are linear differential equations with constant coefficients and hence possess solutions of exponential form
Vm(x) = rme~r*, /„(*) = Ime~T*. (25-3)
Substituting in (1), we obtain
vvn = E 2™A nm = E YnkVk-
Thus we have In linear homogeneous equations connecting 2n variables Vm, Im. These equations will possess solutions, not vanishing identically, only if the determinant of their coefficients is zero. This determinant is an equation of the »th degree in l'a and its solutions represent the natural propagation constants of the multiple transmission line. For each value of T we can determine the ratios of Vm, Im to some one variable. Thus there are In arbitrary constants at our disposal and these may be determined to satisfy assigned boundary or initial conditions. The line is said to possess n transmission modes. Each transmission mode is characterized by its pair ±Pm of propagation constants and by a relative distribution of voltages and currents peculiar to it.
In practical applications the mutual coefficients are frequently very small. Then equations (1) may be solved by successive approximations, the first being the solution of n independent pairs of equations
dVm _ * dim
dx ax
■Y P.
í nun' m
in which the interaction between the individual transmission lines has been neglected. The values of the voltages and currents obtained from (5) are now substituted in all
Chat. 7
11n small If i.......I ( I ); thus w e obtain
f'mmim XI '/'inkJky
dl,„ dx
-Ymmrm - Z'y^k, (25-6)
where the primes indicate the omission in the summation of terms for which k = m. These equations are the equations of simple transmission lines with given distributions of applied voltages and currents. Solving these equations we obtain corrections to the previous solutions. The process can be repeated as often as may be necessary; but usually the first corrections are sufficient-
In communication engineering the interference between neighboring lines is called crosstalk. The interference due to the mutual impedances Zm;. is called the impedance crosstalk; similarly the interference due to the mutual admittances Y,nk is called the admittance crosstalk.
7.26. Iterative Structures
If a pair of sections (Fig. 7.30) of uniform transmission lines is repeated an indefinite number of times, an iterative structure is obtained which may have properties radically different from the properties of the original lines. Thus if the original lines were capable of transmitting all frequencies, the iterative structure might suppress some frequency bands.
Fiq 7.30 A transducer formed by two line Fig. 7.31. A chain of transducers, sections in tandem.
The equations for the present iterative structure may be obtained from the general equations of section 5.3 as soon as the constants of the transducer shown in Fig. 7.30 are calculated. This transducer consists of two transducers in tandem (Fig. 7.31). Using single primes for the constants of the first transducer and double primes for those of the second, we have
Zuh + zUj = vx, z'Ai + zhh = v2,
ziJi + (z'22 + z'A)i + ziiit = o.
Solving the last equation for / and substituting in the remaining equations, we obtain the constants of the combined transducer
Z ii = Zu —
Z22 = Z22
Zh ,71i 12^.21
Z22 + Z'l'l
Z12 = —
z2i = —
ZÍ2Z12 Z22 + Z'{i'
Z22 + Zi'i
In the case of uniform transmission lines the transfer impedances of the constituent 11..inducers are equal and consequently Zu m Z21. „],•■■. t
From (1) and from equations of section 7, wc obtain the following expressions for 1 be transducer shown in Fig. 7.30
Kx + KiKz coth Tih coth ^2
Zu =
Ki coth Tih + Kt coth Tilt
K\ + KiKz coth T1I1 coth T2h Ki coth Tih + K2 coth IV2 '
K1K1 csch Tih cschTj^
12 Ki coth T1/1 + Kt coth IV2 By (5.3-7) the propagation constant V per section of the iterative structure is K\ + K\
cosh r
Uinh Tih sinh T2lt + cosh IVi cosh T2l2
= - [cosh (Tih + r«/s) - ?2 cosh (r,/i - T2h)], P
where g is the reflection coefficient and? the product of the transmission coefficients
4KiK2 2_(Ki- K2)*
Let us suppose that the transmission lines are nondissipative; then l\ - «V*i. 1'2 = iu/v2, and we have
cosh r = - (cos toT — g2 cos wt), t
Vl »2
h It
T = —--•
»1 Vt
For some values of o>, cosh T will be in the interval (—1,+1) and T will be imaginary; for other values T will be either real or complex. Hence the structure will transmit some frequencies and suppress the remaining. Pass and stop bands may be determined by plotting cosh T as a function of coTor tor.
7.27. Resonance in Slightly Nonuniform Transmission Lines
Consider a section of a slightly nonuniform nondissipative transmission line of length / and let this section be open at x = 0 and short-circuited at x = I. In the first approximation the longest resonant wavelength is
X = 4/, / =
The first correction may be obtained from the equations of sections 11 and 12 The current 70 at * = 0 and voltage V(l) « V0(l) + FAD at * = /
ClUP. v
vanish; thus tin- equation for resonance is approximately
U + Hi)) COS fit - i/t{!) sin 81 + iC(/) sin # = 0. (27-2) Assuming that 4 5 and C are small compared with unity, we let
X = 47(l-5),
where S is small compared with unity. Substituting in (2) and ignoring small quantities of the second order, we obtain
5 2 *
-~- tMt) + iC® = 0, 8 = - [C(/> - <*(/)]. (27-4)
The values of and C(I) are computed* from (12-2)
M - I /J - «0^ cos y£ rf§ C(/) = | jT" + Kot) d$.
If the line is short-circuited at x = 0 and open at x — I, so that Vc, = 0 and /(/) = 0 then the first approximation to the principal resonant wavelength is (1) and the correction 5 is
5 = - W(f) + C{1)\.
In many practical cases the product ZY is constant and (see 12-3)
Z0 i^o
An is the average characteristic impedance which may be defined by
Ko = ) fo K(x) dx, Ki*) = yj^y (27-8)
and iX is the deviation of the " nominal " characteristic impedance K(x) from this average impedance fc(x) = K(x) — K0. In this case C(l) = 0 and
Cl K{x) ttx , 7T r'f, K(x)~\ ttx Hence if the line is open at x = 0 and shorted at «• = /, then
b = \ cl \*zp _, 1 cos« A = i r' xw cos ™ ^ (27_10)
* In the integrand of A([) wc replace X by its first approximation 4/.
11 i he line is sliorur
a I x 0 and open at ,v /, then
J = | fTl - S£]»tB A = - 1 f' A'Wcos^, (27-11) /«/.o L A0 J / iK0J0 I
The integrand in the last terms of the above equations is positive near x — 0 and negative near x = 1. If the capacitance per unit length varies more or less uniformly and if it is larger near the open end than near the shorted end, then the principal resonant wavelength is somewhat shorter than 4/. If the capacitance is larger near the shorted end, then the resonant wavelength is longer than 4/.
If the line is shorted at both ends x = 0 and x = I, then the principal resonance occurs approximately when X = 11, I = X/2. It is left to the reader to show that the more accurate expressions are
X = 2/(1 + x), / = - (1 - x),
where x = (l/^)[A(l) + C(l)] and
A(l) = \^ (Jr - KQTJ cos ?f dx, C{1) = fj£ (M 4- Ko?) dx.
If ZY is constant, then we have
cos-"*Jx. (27-14)
If both ends are open, then the correction term is — x-
The above approximate expressions give the two principal terms, one independent of and the other varying inversely as the average characteristic impedance. By continuing the process of successive approximations in the solution of nonuniform transmission lines more accurate expressions for the resonant lengths of such lines can be obtained; but usually the above formulae are satisfactory for practical purposes. The method applies also when the line is terminated in some reactance at either or both ends, as in this case we may start with the prescribed value of y(0)/I(0) and plot the ratio V(l)/I{l) as a function of / until we obtain the prescribed value of this ratio.
In the simple cases when the ends of the line are either open or shorted, another method of treatment yields the above results and some similar approximations. Under these terminal conditions the energy equation (3-3) for nondissipative lines becomes
f CVV*dx =■ (*LII*dx. (27-15)
r.u:ctkomaoni'tic waves
Chap, 7
This equation simply reiterates the fact that at resonance the maximum electric and magnetic energies are equal. In the important special case in which LC = v = constant, the transmission equations may be expressed in the following form
io dx ' u dx
Substituting in (15), we obtain
032 4r2 X 1
\dl I dx
X dx
C\ V\2dx
If now the line is open at x = 0 and short-circuited at x = /, we assume the current and voltage distributions that would exist in a uniform line
/(*) = /sin ~, nx) = rcos^,
and substitute in (16). Thus we obtain
1+5 1 - $
16/2 X2
JL cos — dx
1-8 i+l?
Cl r ** I L cos —
^0 /
Z, i/.v
C dx
The above value of 5 is the same as that given by equation (10). If the line is shorted at x = 0 and open at x = /, then
IS/2 _ 1 - 5 = 1 4- £ X2" " 1 + 5 ~ 1 - $ '
If the line is shorted at both ends, we assume
1TX ... . xv
and find
/(*)=/ COSy, F(*) = rsiny,
4Z2 .. 1 - x 1+i
1 + x 1-x*
i\ l-elc
2t.v cos -j- dx
C cos -j
C)F, dz dz
T _ tib ga ta
The characteristic impedance and propagation constant are
b I loin
a a \
I— } p = a = V iap.(g + *'we).
/ g + iux
* Assuming I positive in the positive .-direction which is away from the reader in Fig. 8.2.
QWií^tóv ES
t ii,IP,
If the guard plates nre removed, thtftfm "Idj A S near the edges of our parallel strips will bulge out as shown jw/f'^t >ywW the magnetic lines will bend round to enclose one conduct(j,'^/:BVH V Subsequent analysis will show that a wave of this modili&j •f;t) \ ^vtxist at all frequencies ______ and that the shape jj'/('f t(i ion of the electric and
magnetic lines are inc/>j'| if the frequency. For
such a wave the edgi,'/ ^'.l^ V tail if b is small compared to a since th,(r/V./d|', distributed largely between the plates. .
If b is small con^|'|w ^#he strips can be bent into cylinders to f^Whe \\^inductors with nearly Fig. 8.3. Coaxial equal radii (Fig. lines will run along
^afradif near'y radii and inaSnet',c V^/rtJl^axial circles between eqU' ra the conductors. Thy/, / _. ^Wk8 slight " curvature
effect" instead of the edge effect. ThM'{r\^ V^ect is comparatively small; thus if the radii of the conduct^If ^ \1 VI b {b > a), then by the parallel plane formula (using the av(f / v, mference for the approximate length of the magnetic line&)JWjm\
it/'.' wa.Hi
^ = y(b - a) _ |J
(b + a)
'Iff ~. l.v /»
y \ *dius are added while . V lines, the character-
If* = 2a, this gives A = 40 ohms; the^$'.e^'
Since the voltages along various partsjff£ the magnetomotive force is the same forinductors might be subdivided. Thus if b — a is divided int„ . »i ^rts, the exact value of K may be expressed in the following f<^ | ,
r i I &w \
A = lim 120(J-_) --rr—7 + J=s0 /'fl %
L(2w -1)«+* (2»-' ^'f1
as «
J', h
choosing » - 2tlifjjrtyJ\ X = 41.1; this value te by about 1 p^'J^M^ \^ Let us now return to waves in an at&W ffipu With transverse dimensions fading out of the picture, we/ '"' lA Av—^-
Taking again b = 2a and differs from the exact value
intensities E and#, ^^^^f| W^lfdf* the ratio E/H as the mt* impedance in tfff \ \V« d a^
A uniform plane wave can be generated U? \VnTI! ProP^on.
\ ent sheet of uniform
: generated by/,r
* When a numerical value is ascribed to the intj assumed.
1 ent sheet of uniform ^e, free space is usually
density. Consider such a sheet in the xy-plane and let its density be /«. 'in. i the elect ric intensity is continuous at the sheet while the magnetic intensity is discontinuous, we have
£,(+0) = £,(-0), Hv(+0) - Hv(-0) = -/*
The current sheet acts as a shunt generator and sends out plane waves in both directions
E$(z) = -hJ* 0,
£r(sO = -hJ*e", H-(z) = \jxe°°, z < 0.
The complex power (per unit area) contributed to the field by the impressed forces is
* = -\EMJt = bJ.Ji>
II the medium is nondissipati ve, then the power carried by each wave per unit area in an equiphase plane is
_<+ = %Et(z)[Hi(z)\* = Uj,Jt> V = -hE~(z)[H-(z)}* - hJ*Jt-
The sum is equal to the power contributed to the field.
The total power carried by a uniform plane wave in an unlimited medium is infinite and the wave cannot possibly be started by an ordinary generator. The principal reason for considering such waves at all is their simplicity, combined with the fact that at great distances from any antenna and in a sufficiently limited region the wave is nearly plane.
If the medium is nondissipative it is possible to send all the energy in one direction only. Consider two parallel equal current sheets (1) and (2), a quarter wavelength apart, and let the currents be in quadrature. If the current in the left-hand sheet (2) is 90 degrees ahead, then the right-hand wave generated by it will be in phase with the right-hand wave generated by the sheet (1); the two waves will reinforce each other. The left-hand wave from (1) will be 180 degrees out-of-pbase with the left-hand wave from (2); the two waves will destroy each other to the left of the plane (2). The electric intensity of the wave produced by the sheet (1) will directly oppose the electric intensity of the second sheet and reduce the total intensity at that sheet to zero; hence the second sheet contributes no power and may be taken to be a perfect conductor. The electric intensities of the two waves reinforce each other at the sheet (1). Assuming that this sheet is in the plane z = 0, we have therefore
E$(z) = -nJS*\ H+{z) = -Jxe-**, z > 0.
The power emitted by the sheet is twice that which would be emitted by an isolated sheet.
Let \is look al (lie situation in another way aiul assume at the start that the plane (2) is a perfect conductor. Hy (7.6-3) the impedance a;, seen from plane (1) leftward is Z~z = r\ tanh ifil = irj tan /3/, where / is the distance between the planes. If / = X/4, this impedance is infinite and no power will flow to the left of plane (1).
(2) (i)
Fig. 8.4. Passing of waves through and reflection from resistance sheets.
Fig. 8.5. Transmission diagram representing the case in Fig. 8.4.
The wave to the right of sheet (1) can be completely absorbed by a thin conducting sheet (3), with surface resistance equal to ij, if the sheet has a perfectly conducting sheet (4) a quarter wavelength behind (Fig. 8.4). To facilitate the use of the transmission theory of the preceding chapter we construct a transmission line diagram (Fig. 8.5) in which the current sheet (1) is shown as a shunt generator, the resistance sheet (3) as a shunt resistance and the perfect conductors (2) and (4) as zero resistances at the ends of the line. Without the reflector (4) the impedance of the sheet (3) would be in parallel with the intrinsic impedance of the medium behind it, the impedance presented to the incoming wave would be only |r?, and some of the wave would be reflected. It should be noted that the absorber (3) will function just as well even if the medium between the resistance sheet and the reflector is different from that between the resistance sheet and the generator.
The impedance normal to a plate of thickness / (Fig. 8.6) is in general
Fic. 8.6. A cross-section of an infinite metal plate.
Zž(0) = C°Sh ~*~ V S'"k ^
v cosh al 4- Zt(l) sinh al'
where Zz(l) is the impedance looking to the right of the plane z = /. If the latter plane is a perfect conductor, then ZZ{1) = 0 and we have 2S(0) = i) tanh al. If 2 = / is a sheet of infinite impedance, then
Z»(0) m v coth al. (1-4)
As we have already pointed out, in practice an infinite impedance sheet at Z — 1 can be provided by placing a zero impedance sheet at z = / + X/4.
II the plate is a good conductor its intrinsic impedance jj is very small i veil al very hi^h frequencies. II the medium to the right of z — I is free I ice, then Z,(l) = 377. This impedance is so large compared with r\ ih.il equation (4) represents an excellent approximation to the impedance imnual to a plate ol high conductivity provided / is not too small. If j; ■'i much smaller than Zs(l), then, regardless of the thickness of the plate, wc can ignore the second term in the numerator of (3) and obtain the following approximation
ri coth al Zz(l)
Thus the input admittance is represented as equivalent to two admittances in parallel, the admittance of the plate on the assumption that ZZ(T) = oo and the admittance Yt(l) itself.
When / is very small the " open-circuit " impedance (4) for any quasi-i onductor becomes approximately
_,(J. + iW+...)_i-I.
1/377*. A
This impedance is equal to the free-space impedance if / sheet of this thickness with a reflector behind it to provide an open-circuit condition will completely absorb a plane wave incident normally to the plate. It should be noted however that for very thin films the value of g is different from that for the substance in bulk.
The formulae for the reflection of uniform plane waves from a plane interface between two homogeneous media (Fig. 8.7), when the incidence is normal to the interface, fol low immediately from (7.13-3) and (7.13^1); thus we have
2tj2 2vi Pe = -;-, Ph =
Fig. 8.7. Reflection at normal incidence.
V2 — 'it
m + n
v\ — 172 I?l + 12
IJl + 1)2 '
i?i + m
At a metal surface the reflection is almost complete, E practically vanishes and H is doubled; almost pure standing waves are formed with nodal planes for E parallel to the metal surface at distances 0, X/2, X, ■ « ■ from it and nodal planes for H at distances X/4, 3X/4, 5X/4, ■ • The planes of maximum H coincide with the nodal planes for E and the planes for maximum E are the nodal planes for H.
The shielding effectiveness of metals is great; it can be judged by using (7.6-10) to obtain the ratio of magnetic intensities at the two surfaces of
Chap, h
ii plate in hr.c space
//(/) //«))
V cosh al4- 377 sinh al' Even for quite thin plates sinh tf/}8 approximately equal to \cal and
(I r,)
2rj_ 377
where £R is the intrinsic resistance of the plate. As the frequency dimin ishes, tj and 8. Elliptic polarization. (Fig. 8.8) whose semi axes are E\ and
/?•>■ The wave is said to be elliptically polarized; it is circularly polarized if Ei = E2.
If = 7r/2, the ellipse of polarization is exactly the same but the vector rotates clockwise instead of counterclockwise. This polarization is said to be left-handed as distinct from the right-handed polarization in the preceding example. If in the right-handed polarization the electric vector is represented by the handle of a corkscrew, then as the vector rotates the screw advances in the direction of wave propagation. For values of 1? other than ±90°, the wave is still elliptically polarized but the axes of the ellipse do not coincide with the coordinate axes.
So far we have considered the electric vector in the plane 2 = 0. For % > 0 the amplitudes of both components of E are multiplied by e~0,1 and the ellipse becomes smaller; the phases of both components are retarded by @z but this simultaneous retardation does not affect the orientation of the ellipse.
The magnetic vector describes another ellipse. In nondissipative media // is evidently perpendicular to E at all times; but in dissipative media this is not the case. When t) = 0 or n, the E-eliipse and the //-ellipse degenerate into straight lines and the wave becomes linearly polarized.
8.3. Wave Impedances at a Point
In an orthogonal system of coordinates the components of the complex Poynting vector are
Pu = §(£,//* - EwHf), P, = ^(EWH* - EUHZ), Pw = %(EUH* - EM*).
FJ.jjctto 'Magnetic waves
Chap. 8
The real pail ol each component rep resents the average power per unit area flowing parallel to the corresponding axis. The following ratios are defined as the wave impedances at a typical point looking in the directions of increasing coordinates
Jtl y ±1 uj 11 ,L
7+ _ Ev_ 11 u
*Cúz —
7+ = —
The waveImpedances looking in the directions of decreasing coordinates are denned by a similar set of equations
— — 7~ = _ ^1 v- -Eju
"tt jfÍM
The ^-component of the Poynting vector becomes
Pu — ziZ^HyH* -pZ^/f^/f*) = Tj,(AimHvH* -f- Zm,HwH*);
the remaining components are obtained by cyclic permutations of «, y, ot. The algebraic signs in the definitions of the wave impedances have been so chosen that, if the real part of any given impedance is positive, the corresponding average power flow is in the direction of the impedance.
We have seen that the impedance concept plays an important part in transmission theory, but the general formulae of the preceding chapter have been obtained for simple transmission lines having only one impedance in a given»direction. At a junction between two simple transmission lines two variables V and I must be continuous and the reflection coefficients depend on their ratio. Transmission theory of this type can be extended to a transmission line with two transmission modes, when there are four variables V\, Ii and V2,12 which must satisfy continuity requirements at a junction. The resulting formulae are so complicated that it is doubtful if they would actually save labor in solving problems. At any rate, until a sufficiently large number of problems involving such two-mode transmission lines arises, it is preferable to treat each individual problem by itself, particularly since in many practical problems double mode lines can be approximated by two nearly independent single mode lines. In considering waves in three dimensions the situation is in general vastly more complex. For a general wave the wave impedances are point functions and no advantage is derived from their introduction; one might just as well
waves, wavI1'. GUIDES and RESONATORS
deal with the n hkiI field intensities. Hut lei us suppose that two impedances Z„„ and Z„u, for example, associated with a given wave, are independent of the // and v coordinates; then in effect we have a double mode transmission line. If at any surface w = Wq the properties of the medium are suddenly altered, the four tangential components have to satisfy continuity conditions at one point only — the continuity conditions elsewhere are automatically satisfied as soon as they are satisfied at this point. The amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted waves will depend on the associated wave impedances. If, furthermore, the two wave impedances in the same direction are equal
zt =
7+ _ =
_j_ _ Eu _ _Ev
with the corresponding set for the impedances looking in the opposite directions, then the transmission theory of the preceding chapter can be applied in full. E„, Hv, Z,t and E„, — Hu, Zt form right-handed triplets. It is not necessary that all the wave impedances should satisfy these equations. If we are concerned with reflection of waves at the surface w = w0, only Z,| and Z„ need exist and be independent of the « and v coordinates. Likewise, we are concerned only with Z„ and ZZ when considering reflection at the surface it = «o-
8.4. Reflection of Uniform Plane Waves at Oblique Incidence
In considering reflection of uniform plane waves falling at an arbitrary angle on a plane interface between two homogeneous media (Fig. 8.9) it becomes necessary to distinguish i 2
between two orientations of the field vectors: (1) the case in which H is parallel to the interface, (2) the case in which E is parallel to the interface. The impedances normal to the inter- 0) face are different in the two cases.*
If neither E nor H is parallel to the FiQ- 8.9. Reflection of uniform plane waves
interface, the wave is resolved into !ncidcn.[ «bIi1uel>'at a/«" boundary; H
, . - is parallel to the boundary.
two waves, one having the first or
the above properties and the other the second. This resolution is always possible since the E-vector for example can be resolved into two components, one parallel to the interface and the other in the plane of incidence, that is in the plane determined by the wave normal and the normal to the interface. The second component is along the line of intersection of the equiphase plane and the plane of incidence. The component of H associ-* For a general orientation the impedance normal to the interface does not exist.
) i,' >
Chap. 8
ated with this componenl of E is perpendicular to it ami to the wave normal; therefore this // is parallel to the interface.
First we shall assume that // is perpendicular to the plane of incidence and hence parallel to the boundary between the two media; in Fig. 8.9 the positive direction of H is in the positive .v-direction (toward the reader). The angle # between the wave normal and the normal to the boundary is called the angle of incidence. In radio engineering its complement \-w — t? is frequently used. The equations for the incident wave are
E = Eoe-", H = Hoe-", E0 * VH
where E0, Ho are the field intensities at 0 and s is the distance from 0 along the wave normal. In cartesian coordinates we have s = y sin § — z cos »!>, and
Hx = ttoT", Ev = E0 cos <-ff'\ Ez = E0 sin AT";
thus the equations for the incident wave may be written in the following form
Hx = /v^v'+'v, Ey = E0 cos ^tV^**,
Ez = En sin ^e~Tvv+r^- Yy = a sjn & )% = a cos &.
These equations may be interpreted as the equations of propagation of a phase-amplitude pattern, given by e~vyv, in the negative z-direction, with the propagation constant T-. The impedance in the direction normal to the interface is
£„ E0 cos #
Let the impedance looking into the second medium be Z. If z is equal to tj cos &, the boundary conditions are satisfied by the incident wave and no reflection takes place; otherwise a reflected wave originates at the interface. If z is constant throughout the interface, the phase amplitude pattern of the reflected wave, in a plane parallel to the interface, must be the same as that of the incident wave or else the resultant wave cannot satisfy the boundary conditions over the entire plane. Thus for the reflected wave we have*
1 r)Hr
m = H'e-ryv-1'**, Ery = ■ . = E^v^'
■ g 4- tut dz
El=--l— — = E&-T*r***
g + im dy
*See equations (4.12-16) which connect Hx, Ev and Ez.
where the tangential E£ and the normal e„ are
k = .lit--= cosd)ir, e: =
g 4- iue
g 4- im
= (r, sin &)Hr. (4-2)
That the propagation constant is the same (except for sign) in the positive
,md negative z-directions follows from equation (4.10-3). The impedance
looking in the positive z-direction is
ET * Zt = - jp = v cos t? = Z~;
hence by (7.13-3) and (7.13-4) the reflection and transmission coefficients for the tangential components are
Hr y cos t? - Z Ert Z - r, cos &
qu ~ H0 ~ 7j cos 4- Z ' qF"~ E0 cos d ~ Z + v cos &' H1 27/cos^ FJ 2Z
PBt =
Hq v cos ■» 4- z ' rrJt E0cos& z + v cos t? * For the normal components we have from (1) and (2)
17 sin dHr
Eo sin t? ?? sin dHo
The reflected wave is evidently a uniform plane wave moving in the direction making an angle with the z-axis which is equal to the angle of incidence. This angle is called the angle of reflection.
If the XV-plane is a perfect conductor, z = 0 and the magnetic intensity is doubled at the plane. The normal component of E is also doubled but the tangential component is reduced to zero. Except for its direction the total electric vector of the reflected wave is equal to the incident electric vector.
If the medium is nondissipative and if z is real and less than tj, there exists an angle of incidence #0 f°r which the impedances are matched
z = r] cos 60,
and there is no reflection. This angle is called the Brewster angle. If the absolute value of Z is less than that of y, we can find an angle «?u for which
Z =
COS l?o or cos ^0 =
For this angle the absolute values of the impedances are matched, the amplitude of the reflection coefficient is a minimum, and the phase of the re-
KLECtroma(;ni:tk- waves
Chap. S
flection coefficient is -L-90". This angle is called (lie " pseuilo " Brewster angle; however, we do not find it necessary t<> distinguish between the two cases and shall refer to either angle as the Brewster angle.
If the medium is nondissipative and if the .vy-plane is a perfect conductor, the total magnetic intensity is
Hx = 9in 9 cos' + jfi» cos *) = 2/Yo cos Ote cos )*-**,in' .
The equiphase planes are normal to the .vy-plane and they travel parallel to it with the phase velocity vv = p/sin «?. The components of £ are obtained cither by adding the incident and the reflected components or directly from (4.12-16); thus
Eu = 2/7,//0 cos d sin (j33 cos v)e~ii3v*in*, Ez = 2r,Ha sin # cos (8z cos d)c~Vv si" * . The wave impedances associated with the total wave are
Zj = 77 sin d, Z% = — i-q cos § tan (Bz cos 1?). The impedance looking in the z-direction is imaginary and on the average there is no flow of power in this direction.
O Y Fig. 8.10. Oblique incidence, E is parallel to the boundary.
If the electric vector is parallel to the .vy-plane and the magnetic vector is in the plane of incidence (Fig. 8 10). then for the incident wave we have
Ex = Eoe-1^", H„= - — cos 0 e~r**T", Hz=--- sin & f-r^+''^j Z- = j? sec «?.
The impedance associated with the reflected wave is also 77 sec 1?. Thus we obtain the following reflection and transmission coefficients for the tangential components of E and H
Pe =
Z — 77 sec ??
■ 77 SI
qE =-2^r£_- v sec t? - Z
Z+7,secV q,l> ^JZf^>
Z + 77 sec 1?
2tj sec #
17 sec t? -f- Z'
waves, wave (.hides and resonators i 2SS
for the normal component of // we have Jjy„ - //„ = />;,;. It is now evident that the reflection coefficient depends on the state of polarization. Tlie impedance Z,z is never greater than 77 when H is parallel to tin- .yv plane and it is never smaller than 77 when E is parallel to the xy-plane. When the angle of incidence d is nearly 90 degrees, the component of /'.' parallel to the ,ry-pJane is very small for the polarization in Fig. 8.9 and hence the impedance is also very small. No matter how small Z may he, for angles sufficiently near 90 degrees the impedance associated with the incident wave will he much smaller than Z so that the total H and the lota! normal component of E will nearly vanish at the .vy-plane, while for most values of»? these quantities are nearly doubled. On the other hand for the state of polarization shown in Fig. 8.10, it is the component of H which is small when # is near 90 degrees; the wave impedance is then very large. If Z is smaller than 17, then Z is smaller than Zz for all angles of incidence; and as the angle of incidence increases, reflection only becomes more nearly complete.
The preceding equations apply either to the special case in which the medium below the plane is homogeneous or to the more general case in which the medium below consists of homogeneous layers with their boundaries parallel to the .ry-plane. Let us now consider the special case in detail. For the wave below the .ry-plane the propagation constant y„ in the direction parallel to the j'-axis must be equal to the corresponding propagation constant in the upper medium or else the tangential E and H cannot possibly be continuous everywhere; thus
yy = Ty = a sin «3.
Since jx = Tx = 0 and since yx + 7j + 7z = °"2> where a is the propagation constant characteristic of the lower medium, we have
Vi3 — cr2 sin2 ■&.
If both media are nondissipative, equation (3) may have another interpretation besides the obvious one that the velocities along the ■y-axis of the wave above the Ary-plane and of that below it are the same. Let us assume that the transmitted wave (or the refracted wave in the terminology of optics) is a uniform plane wave and that the angle of refraction is 1? (F'ig. 8.11); then just as in the case of the incident wave we have
Fig. 8.11. Angles of incidence, reflection, and refraction.
iß sin 7« = iß cos i?,
and equation (.1) becomes
I . - sin I) 0 6 V/Jii ... J
p sin t)» = B sin 0, or-- ».»■.*■ —i== : (4-6)
sin i? 0 v V^e
that is, the sines of the angles of incidence and of refraction are proportional to the characteristic phase velocities of the media.
When a wave passes from a medium with higher characteristic velocity into a medium with lower velocity, the equiphase planes tend to become
Fig. 8.12. Refraction of waves passing from a medium with high characteristic velocity into a medium with low velocity.
Fig. 8.13. Conditions existing when the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of total internal reflection.
more nearly parallel to the interface (Fig. 8.12); in passing the other way, they tend to become more nearly perpendicular to the interface. This means that if v < v or "\//i7 > V/i£, there will exist an angle of incidence 0 for which the angle of refraction is equal to 90 degrees and the equiphase planes in the lower medium are normal to the interface (Fig. 8.13). This critical angle of incidence is called the angle of total internal reflection be-i cause, as we shall presently see, the wave is completely reflected. Setting $ <= 90° in (6), we obtain
. I :' *9 $M sin y = - = - = - .
For this angle the propagation constant yz in the lower medium vanishes since in the present nondissipative case we have
"fz ~ ip cos 0,
sin3 0.
For 0 < 3, yz is imaginary and the angle of refraction is real; but for 0 > 0, y? becomes real and the eauiphase planes become normal to the
miniate. The field in the lower medium is I hen attenuated exponentially with the distance from the interface, which indicates that the average How of power across the interface is zero. Since the free space wave velocity is higher that) the wave velocity in any other dielectric, the phenomenon of total internal reflection can always occur at a boundary between free space and a dielectric when the incident wave is in the dielectric. In the case of water and free space p = 9$ and 0 - 6° 23'. When 0 is sufficiently greater than y-. is given approximately by
It sin 0
7z = P sin 0 =--, yz\ = 2* sin 0.
For short waves the attenuation becomes substantial.
We have seen that if the incident wave is uniform, the reflected wave is also uniform; on the other hand, the transmitted wave is not necessarily uniform even in the special case of nondissipative media.
The foregoing properties of transmitted waves are independent of the state of polarization. This state has to be specified if the values of the transmission and reflection coefficients are sought. Let us start with the case in which H is parallel to the boundary. Inasmuch as the wave is generally nonuniform we shall write our equations in terms of the propagation constants yy and yt and use the " angle " of refraction 0 only for the sake of attaining formal symmetry in the results. We simply define the complex angle 0 by the following equations
yy = «
These expressions are of the same form as for uniform waves except that 0 is no longer real. We now let Z = Z7 and obtain 1j cos 0 — ij cos 0
qn ij cos 0 + y cos 0
2r) cos 0 PH ~ 17 cos & + v cos $ 2r] COS $ .
77 cos 0 + >) cos 0
1 - k
l + k' m, = —la,
l + k' ps>
W,,elC * ia t,,B fi'««'win« impedance ratio
r* . V cos "
brom (3) we have
Chap. «
cr sin t> = J- s-m $t Z_ m sjW sin $
u sin if
If both media are nonmagnetic (or, more generally, if they have the same permeabilities), then
ij k is well inside the unit circle and H as well as the normal component of E may be almost doubled; but for low angle waves (d 2> 0>o), k is well outside the unit circle and these components are nearly annihilated. In the latter case the tangential component of E is nearly doubled; but this component is small to begin with. Thus near grazing incidence the entire field at the ground is nearly annihilated by the reflected wave. 8.5. Uniform Cylindrical Waves
A wave is cylindrical if its equiphase surfaces form a family of coaxial cylinders; it is uniform if the amplitude is the same at all points of a given equiphase surface. Choosing the axis of such waves as the z-axis, and assuming d/Bip = 0, d/dz = 0 in the general equations, we have Ep = 0, Hp = 0, and
— (pffv) = (g -f io>e)pEz;
|- (pE^) = -iwfipHt, ~ = ~(g+ icM)Ev.
Thus uniform cylindrical waves are transverse electromagnetic and they may be of two types: (1) waves with the £-vector parallel to the axis, (2) waves with the //-vector parallel to the axis. If Hv is eliminated from (1), we obtain
dzEz ^dEz 2
P ~JY * 1--) represents an outward bound wave, hoi large values of p it is very similar tp a plane wave except that the amplitude is steadily decreasing, as indicated by the factor p~1/2. While the hrst solution is infinite at p — 0, the second is finite for all finite values ol />; hence it is appropriate for source-free regions for which p < a.
The //-wave functions corresponding to (3) are obtained immediately from (1); thus
:(p) = - - lUiap), H-(P) = -Map).
II j
From (3) and (4) we obtain the radial impedances
7+ -
zz -
/'n(trp) (5-5) z
o p
Equations (1) apply either to cylindrical waves in an unlimited medium Or to waves between two perfectly eon ducting planes perpendicular to the E-vector. Let one of these planes be z — 0 and the other z = h. If V is the transverse voltage from the lower plane to the upper (Fig. 8.14) at a distance p from the cylindrical axis and if I is the total radial current in the lower plane, then V — hEz, I = —lirpH^. The second equation can he derived in several ways. Thus the outward radial current I(p) is equal to the downward transverse current inside the cylinder of radius p; since this transverse current is equal to the magnetomotive force, we have the desired equation. Substituting in (1), we have
FlO. 8.14. Two parallel conducting planes supporting uniform cylindrical waves whose axis is OZ.
dV . ,7 dl
—■ = —iwL.1, ~r~ dp dp
where the distributed constants per unit length of the " disc transmission line " are
ph 2vgp
L = 27P' °- h
C ==
Since the electric lines are straight lines normal to the two planes, we could have obtained G and C directly by considering the conductance and the capacitance between annular rings of width dp, one in each plane, and dividing the result bv dp. The inductance per unit length along a radius
could be similarly obtained from the inai-nelic flux passing through the rectangle A BCD shown in lug. 8.15 and lolling III -■■ ,{p.
For the wave impedances of the " disc transmission line '* we have
= — 7+ K- - A 7-
The complex power carried by a progressive wave traveling outward is then = ^K+II*. The wave £j, H# is not progressive; it is strictly stationary when the medium is nondissipative. If the medium is homogeneous within the cylinder of radius p, the radial current in the planes must vanish at p — 0; hence the disc line must behave" as electrically open at p = 0 and the energy will be completely reflected. Some energy will travel
Fig. 8.15. Illustrating elementary derivation of transmission equations for uniform cylindrical waves.
Fio. 8.16. A section of an infinitely long wire.
inward only if the medium is dissipative or at least if a dissipative wire connects the two planes along the axis. The wave functions (3), each corresponding to a homogeneous region seem to be more suitable for practical purposes than other possible sets. If the region is homogeneous and source-free only between two cylindrical surfaces p = a and p — H>, then the field is expressed in terms of both wave functions. The complex power flow in the stationary wave is ■ff" = ^K~II*. These expressions for the complex power represent the total power flow across a cylindrical surface between two parallel planes. The radial flow per unit area depends on the radial impedances (5); thus
There is another aspect to K+ and K~. Consider an infinitely long wire and let an electric intensity E'{ be applied uniformly round the surface of the wire (Fig. 8.16). Let / be the-current in the wire in response to If Fr(p) and E+ip) are respectively the field intensities in the wire and outside it, then
Ei = E~(a) - E+(a). The intensity driving the return current, external to the wire, acts of course
in the direction opposite to the intensity driving the current in the wire. Dividing by /, we have
where Z,- and Z„ are respectively the internal and the external impedances of the wire per unit length; they are equal respectively to K~fk and K+/h.
We shall now consider the numerical magnitudes of the impedances under various conditions. If the frequency is so low that | aa \ t)a
+ \itůiia, K —
(g + 2£jje)irtf2 Sir
[ft = 0 or if o>e can be neglected in comparison with g, then
R + i«4 R =
Thus we have the low frequency resistance and internal inductance of a wire of radius a and of length h. If on the other hand g = 0, then
K - — + iwL, C- — ,
and we have an expression for the low frequency capacitance of a capacitor formed by two parallel circular discs of radius a separated by distance Inasmuch as these expressions have been obtained on the assumption that the electric lines are normal to the metal discs, in practical applications of (7) we must assume that h is small compared with «; then the formula furnishes an approximate value for the " internal capacitance " of the two discs. The external capacitance between the outer surfaces of the discs is more difficult to calculate; but it is, of course, considerably smaller than the internal capacitance.
When | a-a | -C 1, the outward looking impedances (in a nondissipative medium) become
Z% = imixa (log ^ + 0.116) + ^ ,
2A 2» V B 2m»
The external inductance depends on the frequency and becomes infinite at / = 0; but the external impedance vanishes at/ = 0.
Chap, h
At high frequencies in good conductors we obtain from the asymptotic expanses of the modified BesseJ functions the following expressions
2wa égra
2 '
2ra 4g-n
Since in this case v = 9.(1 + the high frequency resistances of a wire of radius a and of length h and of a metallic conductor extending to infinity in the radial direction are respectively
2wa igira
2-wa Awga2
The inductive reactances are equal in magnitude to the first terms in these formulae.
The exact expression for the internal impedance per unit length of a conducting wire is
7 _Zrp T}I0(va)
2wa 2iral\ (aa)
The phase of a is 45° and, in order to separate the real and imaginary parts, the following auxiliary functions are introduced
/o(aV*) = ber a + i bei a.
The power series for these functions can be readily obtained from the power series for the /-functions; thus
ber a = Y, ,„ : aj, bei a = 23
,l=o24"+2[(2« + l)!]2'
Hence if we let a = ds/ujxg in equation (8) and separate the real and imaginary parts, we obtain
Zi(f) a[ber u bei' a — bei u ber' a] . «[ber a ber' a + bei a bei' a] Zt(Q) = 2[(ber' a)2 + (bei' a)2] ' 2[(ber' uf + (bei' a)2] ' where 2,(0) is the d-c resistance of the wire. The ratio of a-c to d-c resistance is represented by the solid curve in Fig. 8.17; the dotted curve represents the ratio of a-c reactance to d-c resistance.
Let us consider the field external to an electric current filament of radius a. For the magnetic intensity at distance p we have
H*(p)=2.aK1() =
t + 2* (log*- 0.222)
where £0 i-s the intensity of the incident wave. This is the field scattered by a narrow perfectly conducting strip. In optics this field is called the field diffracted by the strip. If the strip is not perfectly conducting we should add its internal impedance to Ze and then compute the induced current.
* Remembering that this means 8s is small compared with unity.
H.6 Cylindrical Cavity Resonators
Consider a perfectly conducting cylindrical box of radius a (Fig. 8.18) and assume that the medium inside is nondissipative. An electric disturbance, once started inside this box, will continue indefinitely since no energy can escape through the conducting walls. Thus there may exist free oscillations similar to those in a simple circuit containing an inductor and a capacitor or to those in a transmission line short-circuited at both ends. Even in the latter case there are infinitely many oscillation modes and corresponding natural frequencies; the box, having three dimensions, may be expected to have a triple infinity of oscillation modes. In this section we shall confine our attention to the particular oscillation modes in which the £-vector is parallel to the axis of the box and is independent of the ).
Since Ez must vanish on the boundary p = a, Ba must be a zero of fo(x) and
pa =-= 2.40, 5.52, 8.65, 11.79,
The consecutive values differ approximately by jr. For the mode corresponding to the lowest natural frequency we have
d = la = - -X = 0.764X, X = 1.3Id,
where X is the wavelength characteristic of the medium. The corresponding frequency/ is then v/\ = l/XV^e.
On the axis the electric intensity has the greatest amplitude and the magnetic intensity is zero at all times. In general Ez and Hp are in quadrature. The charge density on the bottom face of the cavity is qs = zEfo(Pp), and the total charge is
q = lirtE CpMPp) dp = ^±)
**(i+! <1-|)
In dealing with uniform cylindrical waves in nondissipative media bounded by two cylinders p = a and p = b, where b > a, it is more convenient to employ the following wave functions
E7(p) = Jo(0p), Et(p) = /VoOJp); t,//-(p) = ijitfp), vHtif>) = /Ari(/3p). The /C-function which is more suitable for waves traveling to infinity is now replaced by the A/'-function which represents a stationary wave with a singularity at p = 0. The radial impedance looking from p = a to p = b may be obtained from (7.10-8); thus for a perfect conductor at p = b we have
htfaWoim - N0(fia)Mfib) *W ■ 7,(fia)NoW) ~ N^Joifib) r This impedance either vanishes or becomes infinite, according as aw = /#) Jitfa) = hi&)
The first case corresponds to the natural oscillations when there is another perfectly conducting cylinder at p = a (Fig. 8.19) so that we liave a toroidal cavity. The second case corresponds to a screen of infinite impedance at p = a; it approximates a cavity with a small hole through the center of each of its flat faces (Fig. 8.20),
When a and b are large, the roots of the above equations are easy to calculate since the disc line becomes nearly uniform and in the first approximation b — a = X/2 (for the gravest mode, of course) in the case of the two conducting cylinders and b — a = A/4 in the
Fig. 8.19. A toroidal cavity bounded by two coaxial cylinders and two parallel planes.
Chap, h
case of the one perforated cylinder. In this case only the small deviations from these values need to he calculated. For this purpose the Bessel functions are replaced by their asymptotic expansions Approximate formulae for the roots of (1) are available in books on Bessel functions.
When a and b are fairly small which is the case for the principal oscillation mode, it is more expedient to compute the roots graphically. The ratio Jo(x)/No(x) is plotted as a function of x. This graph consists of an infinite number of branches and it cuts the .v-axis when x is a zero of J0 and goes off to infinity when xis a zero of Nq. Then we pick pairs (x1}x2) corresponding to the same ordinates, and thus obtain pairs of values of fia and fib which satisfy the equation. Starting with fia = 0 and selecting the smallest corresponding value of fib, we plot the latter against fia. Such a curve makes it possible to compute the dimensions of the resonator or the resonant wavelength, as may be seen from Fig. 8.21. In this figure
Fig, 8.20. A per-forarcd cylindrical cavity.
a =
k =
X A a
and the curve is the locus of
W) = h{a)NQ{l) - N0(a)JQ(b) = 0.
Similarly the curve in Fig. 8.22 is the locus of
U{a,b) - N,{á)JoCb) - JMN*$) = 0.
From this curve we can obtain data on the approximate resonant frequencies of the cylindrical cavity shown in Fig. 8.20. Thus the small holes do not affect appreciably the principal resonant frequency; on the other hand a perfectly conducting cylinder, even if quite thin, changes the resonant frequency by a substantial percentage. However an infinitely thin wire does not affect the resonance conditions.
The radial impedance Z„{a) is positive imaginary if b is sufficiently small. Assuming a capacitance sheet over p = a (Fig. 8.23), whose radial capacitance is Cfi, we shall have resonance when the sum of the two impedances vanishes
ZM + t^t = 0-
This condition may also be expressed as follows
Yp(a) + iosCp = 0, or iYp(a) = uCp. Plotting iYp(a) for different values of k = b/a, we obtain the family of
E 2
01 0.2
Imo. 8.21. Curves pertaining to resonance in the cavity shown in Fig. 8.19 when the walls of the cavity are of zero impedance.
/ /
T /
/ / u (a ,b)
H = 20/ As 10/
1 /
Fig. 8.22. Curves pertaining to resonance in the cavity shown in Fig. 8.19 when the inner cylinder is of infinite impedance and the remaining walls are of zero impedance.
curves shown in \:iy,. K.'.M and limn these the dimensions of the resonant cavity can be determined for various values <>l Cp.
The radial capacitance of the sheet may lie expressed in terms ol the total internal capacitance Ct as follows
r 'M " ~ 2ra '
since the capacitances of unit areas round the cylinder admit more current for the same voltage and hence are in parallel while the capacitances of unit areas stacked longitudinally along the cylinder are in series.
After all types of cylindrical waves have been examined it will be obvious that, if h < X/2, the cavity shown in Fig. 8.23 represents correctly a cylindrical cavity with a coaxial plunger (Fig. 8.25). The value of Ci is determined by the capacitance between the base of the plunger and the base of the cavity, including the " fringing capacitance." The latter may comprise a substantial fraction of the total capacitance C,-.
Fig. 8.23. A cylindrical cavity in which the inner cylinder is a capacitance sheet and the remaining walls are of zero impedance.
Fig. 8.24. The radial admittance seen from the capacitance sheet of the cavity she
Fig. 8.23.
II Solenoids anil II'edge Transmission Lines
We shall now turn our attention to the converse type of uniform cylindrical waves in which the magnetic lines are parallel to a given axis while the electric lines are i miliar. For this type the transmission equations are (5 2); these equations are similar to (5-1) and their ■iiiliition can he obtained by analogy. Thus for the field intensities we have
//+(p) = AKnbtp), Hj(p) = BhQrp),
E%(p) = AvKi&p), Ej'p) = -Brih(o-P), mid for the radial impedances
27 (P) =
ylijap) hiflp)
Fig. 8.25. A cross-section of a cylindrical cavity with a coaxial plunger.
Comparing these expressions with (5-5), we find that the products of the corresponding radial impedances for the two types of waves arc equal to the square of the intrinsic impedance; the radial admittances of the present waves are obtained if we divide the impedances of the other type by ij2.
In nondissipative media, for small values of p = a, we have approximately
Z~{a) = i iospa, Y\(a) = iuta (log — + 0.116) + — .
For large values of p the outward looking impedance approaches r, while the inward looking impedance fluctuates between — and + °o if the medium is nondissipative and approaches tj otherwise.
Consider now a circulating current sheet of density Jv = / per unit length on a cylinder of radius a; that is, a " coil " with one turn per unit length. The electric intensity is continuous across the sheet but the magnetic intensity increases by an amount /; thus « E+(a) = Ej{a) = -E, IIj(a) - H+{a) = /,
where E is the driving electric intensity. Dividing the second equation by the corresponding terms of the first, we have
Thus the internal and external media are in parallel. For small values of a, Y~ is very much larger than Y+ and we have substantially E = Z~ J = \icopa J.
For a solenoid wound on a cylinder of radius a, with closely spaced turns of fine wire, n Uirns per unit length, we have / = nl. If V is the voltage applied to a portion of the solenoid of length /, then the voltage E per unit length of the wire is V/litanl; hence V = itoLI, L = pirahi1!. Thus we have the inductance of a solenoid of length / when it is a part of an infinitely long solenoid, or when the end effects are eliminated by bending the solenoid into a toroidal coil. In the latter case there exists
El i1 11\< >ma«;ni-:ti(' waves
Chap. «
some curvature effrri, of <.....sr.; but one may expect il in lie small il the radius nl
ilie cross-section of (lie coil is small compa nil with the mean radius of the torus itself, The equations of this section may he used in the. solution of problems which have no apparent connection with solenoids. One such problem is that of the diffraction of plane waves by a narrow slit in an infinite perfectly conducting plane (Fig. K.2o). We shall approach this problem by considering first a " wedge transmission line " formed by two half planes issuing from the same axis or nearly so (Fig. 8.27). Let /
Fig, 8.26. A'uniform plane wave incident on a perfectly conducting plane with an infinitely long, narrow slit.
Fig. 8.27. A cross-section of a wedge by a plane normal to the axis of the wedge.
be the voltage impressed on this line and let / be the input radial current in the planes (per untt length along the axis). If the half planes terminate at distance p = a then the input voltage is given by v = where ^ is the wedge angle. Hence
the approximate input admittance per unit length is
In Fig. 8.26 tbe input admittance of each wedge line, one looking to the left and the other to the right is given by the above expression with \p = it. The two lines are in parallel and the total input admittance is y = {2io}€/ir)Ka{ifia). This expres-, sion becomes more accurate as a becomes smaller. For a finite slit of width s a better approximation to the input admittance is obtained by assuming a = \x — x \ and averaging the admittance over the slit just as we have done in the case of a metal strip.* Comparing the above expression with (5-11), and using (5-12), we obtain the following average value
y = ioe +
-(log-- 0.222) = - + -(Io^_ 0.222)
Consider now a uniform plane wave incident on a screen with a narrow slit through it and let E be perpendicular to the slit. If there were no slit, the wave would be completely reflected and //would be doubled; electric current of density 2H would flow upward in the plane (Fig. 8.26). With the slit present we should still have complete reflection except in the region surrounding the slit. The electric current between the edges of the slit is reduced to zero and the voltage necessary to reduce the
*See equation (5-10).
■unv.iil dctisily 111 to /.em is
TV + 2/(fog ^- 0.222)
This is the counter-electromotive force produced by charge concentrations on the edges of the slit.
Expressions (1) for E£, h\ to the right of the screen may be found in terms of the voltage v applied over half the circumference near p = 0; for in this neighborhood £i(pi) — — f/vpi. Hence at all distances
^(p) ~ xpi KidM .
hup) = y+{p)eup) = - ~ mm®.
Substituting from (4), we have
Ht(p) =
i ^log 1 _ 0.222) * + 2i (log I - 0.222)
as p-
8.8. Wave Propagation along Coaxial Cylinders
Consider a pair of perfectly conducting coaxial cylinders. If we apply a transverse voltage between these conductors we expect that longitudinal currents will be generated. If the voltage is so applied that circular symmetry is preserved, we expect that the resultant field will be independent of the ^-coordinate. One such field is described by equations (4.12-8) and the other by (4.12-9). The first of these has no radial electric intensity; hence we need consider only equations (4.12-9). In section 6.11 we have found that if Ez vanishes on the surfaces of the cylinders but not between them, waves will travel along the coaxial pair only if the wavelength is comparable to the transverse dimensions. In Chapter 10 we shall deal with such waves in detail; but at present we are concerned with a tyqDe of wave propagation which is possible at low frequencies as well as at high frequencies. This leads us to assume that the wave is transverse electromagnetic (Ez = 0). Our equations now become
~* = - k + S = T WW = 0- (3-1)
The last equation implies that the magnetomotive force round any circle coaxial with the cylinders is independent of the distance from the axis. This is natural since in the absence of longitudinal displacement currents this magnetomotive force must equal the conduction current I{z) in the
inner cylinder
2*pff9 - /(a), ffpm
/(,) 2wp
Substituting fi-om (2) in (1), integrating from , = * to , . b and intro
y = Mg + me) ju/l £
h > Z = Jog -
log - 2,r #
Except at very high frequencies it is easier to measure voltages and currents than field intensities, and equations (3) are preferable to the original equations (1).
The propagation constant V and the characteristic impedance K are
r = ř is
iw/j, dz
Except for a coefficient depending on z the Stream function »1» has the same hum as the potential V. Substituting from (5) in the last two equations of the set (2) and comparing with (4), we obtain
rs-tX-f. (9-7) g 4- loie dz
This and the preceding equation form the familiar set of transmission equations.
Potential and stream functions are also solutions of the two dimensional Laplace's equation and to any solution of this equation there corresponds a transverse electromagnetic wave.
8.10. Transverse Electromagnetic Waves on Parallel Wires
Equation (6.23-14) represents the stream function of two parallel current filaments carrying steady currents. In accordance with the preceding section it is also the stream function associated with transverse electromagnetic waves along the wires. Thus substituting from (6.23-14) in (9-6) and (9-7) we have
dV tup, pi- ft. _Pa dl
dz 2tt P2 27r(£ 4- Me) dz
where pi and p2 are the distances from the filaments carrying currents / and —I respectively. The cylinders u = log P2/P1 — constant are equipo-tential surfaces. In cartesian coordinates their equation is
(x — c coth u)2 + y2 = c2 csch2 a. (10-2)
Let two perfectly conducting cylinders be introduced along two of these surfaces, u = «1 and it — it2. We can remove the original filaments without disturbing the wave between the cylinders and will be left with a transverse electromagnetic wave along a pair of cylinders, either external to each other or one inside the other. Equations (1) apply to any line parallel to the cylinders. Let V\ and ¥% be the potentials on the cylinders; then the difference V — V\ — P% will satisfy the transmission equations in which
L = — («1 - u2), C ~-Itt
G =
III — "2
Ml — «2
Let the distance between the axes of the cylindrical conductors be / and let a and b be their radii. Then from (2) we have
a2 = c2 csch2 «1, b2 = c2 csch2 u2,
/2 = c2 (coth U\ — coth «2)2-
Chat, h
Expanding tl)c last equation and substituting coth2 « = csch2 « + 1, wc obtain
I2 = c2 csch2 «1 + c2 csch2 «2 + 2c2 (1 - coth U\ coth a2)
= c2 csch2 «i+ c2 csch2 «2 — 2c2 csch U\ csch «2 cosh — k2).
In substituting the radii a and * from (4) into this equation we should bear in mind that U\ and u2 rnay be either positive or negative whiJe the radii are essentially positive; thus we have
I2 = a2+ b2± lab cosh (k, - u2).
The upper sign corresponds to the case in which U\ and u2 have opposite signs and the cylinders are external to each other (see Fig. 1.6); the lower sign corresponds to the case in which U\ and #2 have like signs and one cylinder is inside the other.
Thus, depending upon whether the cylinders are external to each other or one inside the other, we have
«i — u2 = cosh 1
ř- a2- b2 lab
or cosh
a* + b2 - I2
Substituting in (3) we obtain L, C, G.
The foregoing formulae have been obtained on the assumption of perfectly conducting cylinders and if the conductivity is finite the above results have to be modified. At very low frequencies, for example, for the case of two solid cylindrical wires, the magnetic flux penetrates the wires and the inductance is
L = - log —== + — . 7r V ab 4ir
This inductance is larger than that given by (3); the capacity on the other hand remains the same. Hence the wave velocity on the wires is smaller at low frequencies than at high frequencies. Furthermore we should include the resistance of the wires in series with the inductance.
At very high frequencies the flux is largely forced out of the conductors
and the resistance per unit length is given by R = £R. j'HSH% ds, where
//„ is the component of H tangential to the wires and the integration is taken round both wires. The field H is that produced by a unit current in each wire. If the radii of the conductors are changed by an infinitesimal amount Sn in such a way as to increase the inductance, then the increment
in the inductance is SL = pZn J'HsHt ds. Hence we obtain the following
ft hn'
where hLjhn is the variational derivative of the inductance. For two wires external to each other we have therefore
_ 9_/_ dJL _ d£\ H \ da db /
Calculating the derivatives, we obtain
2(a + b) + (^ + ^(l2~a2-b2)
i la2'
fb = a.
Similarly when one wire is inside a cylindrical shell, then (for b > a)
+ T7 ;
R =
mí m
* = da^ db)
g V[(7+ bf ^i2m - *)2 - ^
The high frequency resistance of parallel wires increases as the wires approach each other. This phenomenon is called the " proximity effect." If a wire is inside a cylindrical shell, the resistance is minimum when they are coaxial; in this case the proximity effect is sometimes called the " eccentricity effect."
8.11. Transvirse Electromagnetic Spherical Waves (TEM-waves)
For transverse electromagnetic spherical waves we have Er = Hr = 0. The
theory of these waves is similar to the theory of transverse electromagnetic plane
waves. We have two divergence equations
£ (sin dEo) + ~Ev = 0, |- (sin 0tf,)+ — 0, (11-1)
* Harold A. Wheeler, " Formulas for the Skin Effect," I/R.E. Proc., 30, pp. 412-
424, Sept. 1942.
Cnai-. h
WAVES, WAVE GUIDES AND bth;s< )nat< )1 —
dV dd '
r sir. 0H$
r sin f? £p = - — ,
If is regarded as a radial vector, then H = curl a. Our choice of auxiliary functions satisfies the second equation of the set (1) and the first equation of the set (2). Substituting from (4) in the remaining equations of these two sets, we find that v and a satisfy equation (3.6-14).
Equations (3) show that r£s and r//p vary as Ex and Hy in a uniform plane wave; rEv and rat behave as Ev and Hx. Thus the propagation constant of all transverse electromagnetic spherical waves is equal to the intrinsic propagation constant of the medium and the wave impedance is equal to the intrinsic impedance. Substituting from (4) in (3) and integrating with respect to 6 and (! + esc ý)
The (5 is maximum when ^ = 24°. 1 and then
„ 104
The input impedance at resonance is
VV* K2!2
Zi =
Hence we obtain
7200tt ft
2(#i + #2) 2(#t + ^2) " [log (cot I tan I)]
log (cot ^ tan ^0 + 2>(csc 0i + esc 02)
For two equal and oppositely directed cones we have
/ A2 I log cot -1
log cot — ~\~ p esc
TJiis impedance is ma\iimim when \p 9°.2 and then
- 3.74 X 10* . Zi =-^-ohms.
For a cone in a hemispherical cavity we have
Zt =
I cot 0
log cot - + p(\ + CSC Tp)
This is maximum when \f/ = 7°.5 and then
1.70 X 104
Zi =
When conical conductors such as those shown in Fig. 8.29 are terminated at some distance / from the apex, the transmission problem is complicated by a sudden change in the physical character of the transmitting medium. Transverse electromagnetic waves require longitudinal conductors and when these are absent such waves are no longer possible. Thus the discontinuity at the " boundary sphere r = / is more than just a discontinuity in the characteristic impedance of the radial transmission line; the set of transmission modes for r > / is different from the set for r < /. The theory of wave transmission on such terminated cones and on wires of other shapes will be considered in Chapter 11.
8.13. Transverse Electromagnetic Waves on a Cylindrical Wire
The theory of cone transmission lines can be extended to cylindrical wires (Fig. 8.31) of sufficiently small radius a since such wires will support nearly spherical waves. In this case the inductance and capacitance vary
8 a
Fig. 8.31. A cylindrical wire energized between points A arid B.
with the distance r from the origin and by (12-6) may be expressed approximately as follows
L = - log
C =
When L and C are varying slowly with r, we have approximately
K(r) « Jk - log - = 120 log - . (13-2) V C x a a
Hltu-c Z(r)Y(r) is constant, we can use (7.12-5) for obtaining the functions ,lvrd m the second approximation to the voltage and current in the
i.i. ..hi transmission line; thus
1 2/ K0 = - f K(r) dr = 120 log - - 120, /Jo a
Mr) - $■ fW) - 7C0] cos 23rdr, B(r) =-!• f [Ko - K(r)] sin 26rdr.
Kor further convenience we introduce the following functions M(r) = K0B(r), N(r) = iK0J(r).
Then we have
X20T sin .v log * dx
= 60 (1 - cos 28r) (log l- - l) + 60(log 2Br - Ci 28r + C), A/(r) = 60 (log 281 - 1) sin 28r - 60J cos x log x dx = 60 (log -r - 1J sin 28r + 60 Si 23r;
M(l) = 60 (log 281 - Ci 281 + C - 1 + cos 281), NO) = 60 (Si 281 - sin 281). The voltage-current equations become
r M(r) „ N(r) . 1
ytr) = F(0) cos Br + cos 0r - — sin /3r j
F M(r) . „ iV» 1
-iK0I(0) sin jSr - sin Br - cos 0rj ,
/(0)f •
M(r) JV(r) jSr + -|p sin 0r + -^r- cos
T M(r) , N(r) . 1
+7(0) cos Br - cos Br + — sin (5f J .
We shall now calculate the approximate input impedance of an infinitely long wire. Taking I = X/2 we obtain from (2) the impedance looking
1 1 •' 1 i R< (MAGNETIC WAVES
Chap. B
outward from r - l\ tlnis Z{\/2) - K(X/2) - 120 log \/a. On the other hand from (4) we obtain approximated
= 120 flog ~ + Ci 2x - C - / Si 2*-^ .
For a spherical or a hemispherical resonator with a cylinder running from the center to the periphery (Fig. 8.32) we can find the resonant length by setting 1(0) and V(l) equal to zero. Thus at resonance we have
Fig. 8.32. A hemispherical cavity with a conducting cylinder inside.
cot ßl
From this we obtain approximately 1.85
Kq + M(l)
2 1og^ la
1 4
2 log — - 0.352
In practice there is usually some capacitance C0 at the center and the resonance conditions become
m = o,
--iwC0 = —ißvCo,
where v is the characteristic velocity. Substituting these values in (4) we obtain equations from which l/\ can be determined. 8.14. Waves on Inclined Wires
The results of the preceding sections can be generalized to cover the case of wires diverging from a common point and making an angle less than 180 degrees with each other. We start with two diverging conical conductors (Fig. 8.33). Using (12-1) and (3.6-15), we construct the following stream function for two infinitely thin wires along arbitrary radii 9 = 9U ip = ipi and 6 = 62, tp = 2
- 2 cot - cot — cos ( - m_
2 {fira2 - 1) sin fia + fia cos fia
()n the axis of the antenna near its center, we have
E7(r) = ^ (1 " 0.13V).
I lence the mutual impedance between the antenna and the sphere is approximately
Er(0)/_ vfi2lP
Adding this mutual impedance to the self-impedance of the antenna, we obtain the total input impedance of the antenna inside a perfectly conducting metal sphere. The input impedance must be a pure reactance since under the assumed conditions no power is either dissipated or radiated. The radiation resistance of the antenna in free space must be canceled by an equal but negative resistance component of Zm- Separating the real and the imaginary parts of P, we obtain
(fi2a2 - 1) cos fia — fia sin fia
p = hni
(fi2a2 - 1) sin fia + fia cos fia
+ hll.
Hence the real component of ZM is RM = - W™$WH as we have already anticipated.
The self-reactance X0 of the antenna is largely capacitive and it may be
obtained from (13-3); thus*
where b is the radius of the antenna. Hence the total input impedance of the antenna is
Z =
iUfiPřfia sm fia - (fi2a2 - 1) cos fi
6ir fia cos fia + (p2a2 - 1) sin fia This input impedance becomes infinite when
Ki-K-1)- (15-3)
tan fia f=
1 - era
.2 „2
cot fia —---fia.
*Thc distributed impedance and admittance per unit length of the line are ial = ifiK and iaC = ifi/K.
This equation determines the frequencies for resonance and also for natural oscillations inside a hollow metal sphere; at these frequencies a field of type (1) can exist without a continuous impressed force. The smallest root of (4) and the corresponding natural wavelength are
ßa = 2.744, X = 2.290«.
The larger roots of (4) are nearly equal to mr and hence are approximately given by
ßa = rnr--2~ä-T >
»V - 1
2a n
- = M--5—Ö---
X »V - 1
The Q of the spherical cavity might be calculated by the method we have used so often in preceding sections. However, there exists another method which we shall now illustrate. If there is no antenna in the cavity the field must be of the form (1). At the surface of the sphere the sum of the inward looking radial impedance and the surface impedance of the sphere must vanish; thus Z~(a) -f- ij =0, where the surface impedance of the sphere has been assumed equal to the intrinsic impedance 77 = ik(l + i). In view of (1) this condition becomes
(ß2a2 - 1) sin ßa + ßa cos ßa ßa(sm ßa — ßa cos ßa)
When 77 = 0, the principal solution of dris equation is given by (5) and in general by (6). Since 17/77 is very small, an excellent approximation to any solution of (7) can be obtained by assuming
&a = k + A, (15-8)
where k is the corresponding solution of (4) and A is a small quantity. Retaining only the first powers of A, we reduce (7) to
AN\k) _ _ij P{k) " V '
where N'(k) is the derivative of the numerator and D(k) is the denominator; thus
A ~ ~ vN'(k) ™ i,N'(k) 1 vN'(k) *
The natural frequency is no longer real and it is better to introduce the natural oscillation constant p = m in (8); thus we have
ik + iA
On the other hand the oscillation constant may be expressed in terms of Q mil the new real natural frequency co
h torn the above equations we observe that the natural frequency is slightly ii I breed by the imperfect conductivity of the sphere. For Q we obtain
1 9lD(k) _ hN'{k)
3 M
2Q kvN'(k)
Since N'(k) = k sin k + k2 cos k, we have in view of (4)
N'(k) _ sin k + k cos k _ 2 - k2 D(k) ~~ sin k - k cos k k2
hoi- the principal resonance we have
7) 77 , . . „ 380
0 = 1.0076^^, and in air 0 = -^
At resonance the electric intensity is maximum at the center of the sphere. The voltage Valong the diameter can be expressed in terms of this intensity /''n; thus
I'Vir the principal resonance we have V — 0.686£nX. At the boundary of the sphere the field intensities are
EM) =
Hv(a) = i
cos (?,
■5£, Tjk
sin Ö.
For the principal resonance we obtain ET(a) = 0.423£0 cos 9.
Returning to the impedance function (3), we shall now calculate its zeros. Since the second term (the self-impedance of the antenna) is rather large and the mutual impedance is rather small except near resonant points of the spherical resonator, Z should vanish at frequencies not very different from resonant frequencies of the sphere. The equation which we have to solve is
(ßaflßa sin ßa - (ß2a2 - 1) cos ßa] ßa cos ßa + (ß2a2 - 1) sin ßa
< ■ i i i ■ . a
Writing fia <=> k 4- S, where k is a solution of (4), substituting in the above equation, and retaining only the first powers of S, we obtain
5 = -
H&* - *2-i-1 )ř
6(k2-2y(\ogj- l)
This approximation is not good when k becomes so large that 5 is no longer small. The large zeros of Z would seem to be nearer to the zeros of the numerator than to those of the denominator. The smallest zero of Z is somewhat smaller than the smallest infinity (except for that at the origin). This was to be expected because the zeros and infinities of a reactance function separate each other. The fractional deviation of the first zero from the nearest infinity is S/k. If / = 0.1« and b = 0.1/, the fractional deviation is 0.0007576 or 0.076 per cent.
8.16. Circular Electric Waves Inside a Hollow Sphere
Circular electric waves are waves with circular electric lines of force. Such waves can be generated by a uniform circular current filament. The current distribution in a small electric current loop is approximately uniform even if the loop is energized at one point only; thus small loops can be used to generate circular electric waves. In free space the field of a loop of area S carrying current I is given by equa-\ / tions (6.17-5).
Nsk^__^/ Consider now a loop concentric with a sphere of radius a
Fio. 8.38. A sphcri- (F't>r- 8-38)- If wechoose the plane of the loop as the equa-cal cavity with a torial plane of our system of coordinates, the field reflected loop inside it. from the sphere can be obtained from the following electric
vector potential: Fg = sin fir/r. Thus we have
TT P ( . „ cos fir sin fir\
IIJ - ~ ^\sm Pr + -pT~ ~w)5111 e>
(sin fir \
cos fir I cos 8, Ez,
iP( Yr\c0Sfir-
sin fir fir
sin 6.
If the sphere is a perfect conductor, then the total tangential electric intensity vanishes at the surface and
P = hfiSIe^"
1 4- ifia
fia cos fia — sin fia
i n ct $a sin @a + cos fia pa cos fia — sin fia
Near the center the electric inlcnsily ill the plane of the loop is
I I. in i the mutual impedance between the loop and the sphere is
2w&Ey(l>) _ ifiWP Zm= ~ J ~ 31 '
m lure h is the radius of the loop. The resistance component of Zm is the negative (jf the radiation resistance of the loop. Thus the input impedance of the loop is a pure reactance
in „ fia sin fia.+ cos fia . b
Z = ~r- J3'1.?2 -— . + tr,fib log - ,
Sit fia cos fia — sin fia c
where the second term represents the reactance of the loop in free space (c is the radius nf the wire).
The input impedance becomes infinite when
t*nfia = fia, fiasco. (16-3)
When the frequency is zero, Z is zero and not infinite; hence the exception. The lowest root of this equation is fia = 4.493 ■ ■ and X = 1.398a, a = 0.715X. The lii st zero of the input impedance is at/ = 0. The remaining zeros are obtained from the following equation
fi*a3(fiasm fia + cos fia) _ _ 6a3 b fia cos fia — sin fia c
For small loops the right side of the equation is large and the zeros of Z are near its infinities. It is not surprising that the zeros and infinities of Z should be close to each other; the former are the natural frequencies of the spherical cavity with a small perfectly conducting ring at the center while the latter are the natural frequencies oi the cavity when the ring is open. If the ring is small it should make little difference whether it is open or shorted.
We leave it to the reader to show that the approximate solution of (4) is
7r(*24- I)*3"
i + --r
fia = k
6as log
where k is a solution of (3). It is also left to the reader to show that the equation for natural oscillations inside an imperfectly conducting sphere and the Q of the cavity
fia [fia cos fia — sin fia)
03 V - 1) sin fia + fia cos fia
8.17. Two-Dimensional Fields
In this section we shall obtain basic wave functions independent of the z-coordinate. Such functions are solutions of (4.12-6) and (4.12-7). The first set represents trans-
FXKctuomagnktk: waves
Chap, h
verse electric cylindrical waves with i lie /'.'-vector parallel and the //vector normal to the axis of the waves; the second set represents transverse magnetic cylindrical waves with the //-vector parallel and the /'.'-vector normal to the axis. Instead of solving
the equations directly, we may obtain the complete set of wave functions from the wave functions considered in sections 5 and 7.
Let us start with a uniform infinitely thin electric current filament parallel to the z-axis and passing _x through the point J(p0, Evidently E, is a periodic function of p and
we should be able to represent it as a Fourier series in p0. « = 1
Each term of the first expansion represents a cylindrical wave of the stationary type and the second expansion is composed of progressive waves traveling outward. The magnetic intensity in terms of die new coordinates may be obtained from
Thus let
" tbiup dip tap. dp
Ez(po, po-
n=0 KnVfpa)
waves, wave (.-UII )F.s an I > l< F.St )nat( )us - I 301 lioni (3) and ((>) we now obtain the radial component of the magnetic intensity
2 ^ nE»„nr Un \ sm "W ~ Po), P < PO, Vn-l apl,x(crp{))
1 " Kn(